Visual basic simple editor exampleproiecte
Este vorba de o aplicatie in visual basic cu baza de date microsoft sql, softul a fost dezvoltat pentru mine de o firma IT care si-a incetat activitatea, softul este functional dar nu am codul sursa. Doresc continuarea dezvoltarii softului. La cerere pot furniza kitul aplicatiei.
Hi, freelancers! Am nevoie de o aplicatie Android & iOS (momentan; este in plan si Windows Phone app) pentru ascultarea unui post de radio pe internet. Basic features: * streaming * posibilitatea de a rula in background *arhiva (posibilitatea de a accesa/asculta emisiuni mai vechi) Extra features: * blog/stiri * online chat/integrare FB * push notifications Vreau o aplicatie care sa arate bine si sa fie super user friendly! Daca ai experienta in crearea unor astfel de aplicatii si imi poti da cateva detalii/exemple, astept oferta ta! De asemenea, daca ai sugestii/intrebari pentru anumite functionalitati, nu exita sa le notezi in oferta. Multumesc!
Salut, Sunt student in anul 4 la Facultatea de Electronica si Telecomunicatii din cadrul Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Am experienta in proiectarea PCB utilizand Orcad PCB Designer 16.6 si CadSoft Eagle 6.5. Deasemenea, am obtinut locul 12 pe tara la o competitie de PCB Design si un certificat de competenta. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, mi-ar face placere sa colaboram. Eu nu am sincer mi-ar fi mult mai usor sa lucrez cu cineva care are deja o reputatie. Mai am cunostinte de LabView, Matlab, Excel, PDF, WebSearch dar si in domeniul testarii automate. Ma descurc binisor si cu programarea, chiar daca nu am mai programat de ceva vreme. Cu bine, Daniel P.S. Am atasat o imagine cu un PCB proiectat de mine respectand cerintele impuse de client , folosind Orcad PCB Editor...
Salut, Sunt student in anul 4 la Facultatea de Electronica si Telecomunicatii din cadrul Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Am experienta in proiectarea PCB utilizand Orcad PCB Designer 16.6 si CadSoft Eagle 6.5. Deasemenea, am obtinut locul 12 pe tara la o competitie de PCB Design si un certificat de competenta. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, mi-ar face placere sa colaboram. Eu nu am sincer mi-ar fi mult mai usor sa lucrez cu cineva care are deja o reputatie. Mai am cunostinte de LabView, Matlab, Excel, PDF, WebSearch dar si in domeniul testarii automate. Ma descurc binisor si cu programarea, chiar daca nu am mai programat de ceva vreme. Cu bine, Daniel P.S. Am atasat o imagine cu un PCB proiectat de mine respectand cerintele impuse de client , folosind Orcad PCB Editor...
Salut, Vreau un soft (nu conteaza limbajul, preferabil in Visual Studio) care sa autodescarce in hidden mode si sa porneasca tot in hidden mode alte softuri / instalari. Doresc sa faca click sau sa simuleze intr-un fel userul. Este vorba despre acele softuri de PPI. Vreau sa stiu daca esti interesat si un pret.
As dori un scanner , facut de preferinta in visual basic 6, as vrea sa fie cat mai simplu facut, fara sa necesite .NET sau DLL dori sa mearga pe absolut toate tipurile de windows de la 2000 pana la windows 7, as dori ca acest scanner sa scaneze continuu RAM, si anume, sa scaneze toate taskurile pornite de pe un calculator, si sa caute in ele anumite regexuri, si cand le gaseste sa le salveze intr un fisier.>Stiu ca visaul basic 6 nu are library pt regex cum are c++ acum, recent , insa poti sa ii faci o functie cu if-uri etc. care valideaza regex-urile sau daca vrei tu ii faci tu library dar cred ca dureaza mai un cvant as vrea sa comunice direct cu windowsul sa nu depinda de nimic gen .NET DLL etc , sa mearga continuu si sa nu consume mai mult de 50 mb ram.
As dori un scanner , facut de preferinta in visual basic 6, as vrea sa fie cat mai simplu facut, fara sa necesite .NET sau DLL dori sa mearga pe absolut toate tipurile de windows de la 2000 pana la windows 7, as dori ca acest scanner sa scaneze continuu RAM, si anume, sa scaneze toate taskurile pornite de pe un calculator, si sa caute in ele anumite regexuri, si cand le gaseste sa le salveze intr un fisier.>Stiu ca visaul basic 6 nu are library pt regex cum are c++ acum, recent , insa poti sa ii faci o functie cu if-uri etc. care valideaza regex-urile sau daca vrei tu ii faci tu library dar cred ca dureaza mai un cvant as vrea sa comunice direct cu windowsul sa nu depinda de nimic gen .NET DLL etc , sa mearga continuu si sa nu consume mai mult de 50 mb ram.
Se utilizează sistemul de dezvoltare cu FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3 produs de firma Altium și mediul de programare Visual C++ 2010 (pentru aplicația pe PC). Se dorește implementarea unui sistem complet care realizează emularea unui calculator cu memorie CACHE prezentă (interfață între procesor și memoria principală). Analiza propusă se va face pentru memoria cache total asociativă (fully associative) atât la preluarea instrucțiunilor cât și a datelor. Emularea sistemului se va face hardware, pe placa cu FPGA iar preluarea rezultatelor se va face prin intermediul portului serial RS232 care comunică cu calculatorul. Pe calculator va rula o aplicație de asemenea proiectată care va prezenta rezultatele. Pretul si durata de realizare sunt orientative!
hello, am o lucrare de licenta de la o amica, lucrare de licenta are si o aplicatie, dar nu o pot porni. Amica mea e plecata din tara si nu ma poate ajuta, iar eu am nevoie de aceasta aplicatie pe saptamana viitoare. Aplicatia e facuta in C# (Microsoft Visual Studio). Aplicatia e foarte simpluta, e o fereastra cu cateva butoane ce apeleazea niste fisere M (MatLab). . Am codul sursa, documentatie, am tot ce a avut amica mea pe vremea cand si-a facut licenta. Aplicatia nu e neaprat sa ramana in C#, o poti rescrie in altceva daca doresti. Deci, daca ma poti ajuta, pls raspunde-mi la mesaj si eu am sa trimit toate fisierele ce le am sa vezi ce se poate face. Apoi, daca esti de acord ne intelegem si la un pret. Mersi. Florin Pop.
hello, am o lucrare de licenta de la o amica, lucrare de licenta are si o aplicatie, dar nu o pot porni. Amica mea e plecata din tara si nu ma poate ajuta, iar eu am nevoie de aceasta aplicatie pe saptamana viitoare. Aplicatia e facuta in C# (Microsoft Visual Studio). Aplicatia e foarte simpluta, e o fereastra cu cateva butoane ce apeleazea niste fisere M (MatLab). . Am codul sursa, documentatie, am tot ce a avut amica mea pe vremea cand si-a facut licenta. Aplicatia nu e neaprat sa ramana in C#, o poti rescrie in altceva daca doresti. Deci, daca ma poti ajuta, pls raspunde-mi la mesaj si eu am sa trimit toate fisierele ce le am sa vezi ce se poate face. Apoi, daca esti de acord ne intelegem si la un pret. Mersi. Florin Pop.
Buna Marian, Am gasit profilul tau aici si am nevoie de un pic de ajutor ce implica skillurile tale. Am nevoie de ajutor cu un joc basic in AS2. Te rog da-mi un email la @ daca esti disponibil. Astept vesti de la tine, O seara frumoasa Adriana
Buna Marian, Am gasit profilul tau aici si am nevoie de un pic de ajutor ce implica skillurile tale. Am nevoie de ajutor cu un joc basic in AS2. Te rog da-mi un email la @ daca esti disponibil. Astept vesti de la tine, O seara frumoasa Adriana
Buna! Am un proiect video salvat in versiunea free a software-ului Movavi video editor. Proiectul e salvat, editat complet in movavi. Am nevoie sa fie salvat ca video, intr-un format cunoscut: avi, mpg, mp4 sau wmv. Ma poti ajuta?
Buna! Am un proiect video salvat in versiunea free a software-ului Movavi video editor. Proiectul e salvat, editat complet in movavi. Am nevoie sa fie salvat ca video, intr-un format cunoscut: avi, mpg, mp4 sau wmv. Ma poti ajuta?
Te pricepi la facebook ? Cautam o persoana cu experienta in social media. Caracteristicile sunt: 1. management zilnic pagina facebook 2. creere de concursuri basic 3. editare basic photo pentru ceea ce se posteaza pe pagina
Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.
Pentru clientul nostru, companie multinationala americana din jud. Maramures, cautam candidati avand: - Studii superioare in domeniul IT - Obligatoriu cunostinte de programare: Visual Basic, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Crystal Reports - Experienta in domeniul programarii in Visual Basic min. 1 an (specificati in CV programele realizate) - Responsabilitate, flexibilitate si deschidere la asimilare de informatii noi Care va raspunde de : - Intreţinerea/modificarea programelor existente in companie - Crearea de programe noi in limbajele amintite - Helpdesk şi documentare programe - Incadrarea in termen a proiectelor de dezvoltare Multumim!
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza realizare unei aplicatii mobile in IOS, si android, in Windows azure clouds, visual studiao 2013 pentru service mobil dispecerat etc.
In cadrul acestui proiect as dori sa impartasesc tot ce stiu sa editez in cadrul seriilor de FIFA. Stiu sa editez atat seriile mai vechi de FIFA (incepand cu FIFA 2006, 2007) pana la seriile noi (FIFA 2013). Sunt editor oficial din anul 2009, ocupatia mea de baza fiind creerea de chipuri reale ale unor jucatori in joc. Sunt capabil sa fac chipuri reale si pentru FIFA 2013 cat si tricouri ale unor echipe. Pot sa creez si chestii mai complete, cum ar fi anumite echipe sau anumite ligi in FIFA 2013. Totul consta in ceea ce doreste fiecare. Am avut anul acesta si experienta de a crea chipurile reale in jocul FIFA 2013, mai multor prieteni dar si necunoscuti pe un site pe care m-am promovat singur. Chipurile mele au fost promovate si pe diferite forumuri, unde am avut un real succes, mu...
...picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must be able to integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app lat...
Salut. Am nevoie de un "" care la un simplu dubluclik sa schimbe seria la partitia c: . Acest utilitar trebuie sa contina un fisier extern text de genul "" - in acest fisier trebuie sa fie scrisa seria care va fii schimbata la partitia c: . Utilitarul nu trebuie sa fie instalat doar dubluclik si sa schimbe seria; la un restart de sistem sa am noua serie. Foarte important este ca faptul ca acest utilitar trebuie sa ruleze pe cont limitat de windows deci nu trebuie sa fiu neeaparat administrator sa ruleze pot sa fiu si user limitat si acesta trebuie sa mearga. La executia acestui utilitar nu trebuie sa apara NOTIFICARE UAC . Multumesc.
I'm seeking a skilled animator for a captivating 3D animated scene. You'll be working with a set of provided 3D models to construct and animate a dense, magical forest. Key Tasks: - Utilize & arrange the provided 3D models to create an immersive mythical forest. - Harmoniously animate the scene's components. - (OPTIONAL) Enhance the enchanted atmosphere with subtle effects,...transitions should be looped. - No specific mystical creatures will be needed, just the provided models. - Only floating particles are to be included among the mystical effects. (optional) Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in 3D animation software. - Previous experience with creating and animating complex scenes. - A keen eye for detail and ability to create a captiva...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a church logo for our Men's Ministry named 'Brother’s in Christ'. The ministry's theme is 'Men taking shape', so the logo should reflect this in a bold and impactful way. Key Elements: - Design Style: The logo should be bold and impactful, without excessive ornamentation but with a strong visual presence. - Color Scheme: The design should be in black and white with a transparent background to ensure versatility in its usage. - Graphic Elements: The logo should incorporate the element of 'Hands' to symbolize unity and brotherhood. - Text: The ministry's name 'Brother in Christ' should be included in the design. Ideal Skills: - Logo design experience, particularly with chur... center documentation. You will be creating new help center pages following our established template and structure. PROJECT DETAILS Create help center documentation pages in NextJS Each page includes feature instructions and accompanying images You will be provided with one complete page as a reference/template Payment is $2 per completed page REQUIREMENTS Experience with technical writing Basic understanding of NextJS/React Ability to maintain consistent documentation style Strong English writing skills Attention to detail DELIVERABLES PER PAGE Complete page following provided template structure Clear instructions for feature usage Properly formatted content Integration of relevant images Consistent styling with existing pages YOUR PROPOSAL SHOULD INCLUDE Your techni...
I'm looking for a CAD professional who can draw details from PDF examples into AutoCAD. The drawings should be at a basic outline level, with good linework.
...Adjust or create deal pipelines to align with the operational processes of the business, ensuring smooth tracking of workflows. Dashboard Personalization: Set up personalized dashboards and reports for visualizing key metrics and monitoring imported contact data effectively. Automation Suggestions: Recommend automation options within the free version of HubSpot, such as task notifications or basic workflows, to improve productivity. Documentation and Training: Provide a brief guide or training session to help the team understand how to navigate and use the customized CRM efficiently. Deliverables: Fully customized and operational HubSpot CRM tailored to the data provided. Clean and segmented contact lists with appropriate filters. A detailed document or video tutorial explain...
I want to upgrade that logo for Real Estate Media. Plus some graphic for pricing like 8 packages. Packages -Basic Package -Pro Package -Premium Package Photo only -15 Photos -25 Photos -40 Photos -60 Photos Add-on -Drone Pictures I'm in need of a modern, minimalist, combination logo (text and symbol) that resonates with neutral and earthy tones. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator or similar. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Experience in creating combination logos. - Ability to work with neutral and earthy color palettes. - Excellent communication skills to understand and incorporate feedback.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me edit my social media content specifically tailored for YouTube. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into engaging, high-quality videos suitable for YouTube. - Incorporate necessary graphics, sound, and effects to enhance video content. - Ensure the final product is optimized for social media standards. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro). - Strong understanding of YouTube content, trends, and audience engagement strategies. - Creative mindset with a good sense for pacing, visuals, and sound. - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently.
I'm looking for a top-notch Salesforce LWC trainer who can provide live training sessions covering basic component creation, advanced component development, and integration techniques. The trainees are all at an advanced level, so the training will need to be challenging and engaging to keep them stimulated. - Training Content: The course should cover all aspects of LWC, from basic component creation to advanced component development, as well as various integration techniques. - Trainee Experience: All participants are advanced users. Therefore, the training sessions should not only cover theoretical aspects, but also involve practical, hands-on components to reinforce learning. - Application of Skills: Post-training, the skills acquired will mainly be used for client ...
I'm in the process of creating a Minecraft minigames server. I need assistance in setting up PvP, survival and puzzle games, along with implementing basic server management functionalities. Key Requirements: - Setup of PvP, survival and puzzle minigames - Basic configuration with standard game rules - Implement player statistics tracking within server management - feature to add friends and make parties - shop and sell feature Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Minecraft server setup and management - Experience with creating and configuring minigames - Knowledgeable in player statistics tracking systems
I'm looking for a video editor to take clips from my livestreams and recorded content and edit them into YouTube Shorts and full-length YouTube videos. Content Overview: - The source material includes game development content, gameplay, and discussions. - The primary aim is to produce a high volume of YouTube shorts. Editing Focus: - I would like the edited content to include highlight reels, funny moments, and 'tip and tricks' segments. - As well as gameplay highlights, in-depth game discussions and game development insights. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in video editing, particularly for YouTube and YouTube Shorts. - Familiarity with gaming content and culture. - Ability to identify and compile engaging content. - Creativity in editing to maintain viewer interes...
I'm seeking an entry-level Facebook ad expert to manage campaigns for my digital product e-commerce brand. Key Objectives: - The primary goal is to increase sales through effective ad strategies. - The most crucial metric for our success is the conversion rate. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Basic knowledge and understanding of Facebook ads. - Experience in e-commerce and digital products is a plus. - Strong analytical skills to monitor and optimize based on conversion rates.
...background verification system. The Workflow Builder should closely resemble JotForm's Workflow Builder in functionality and design, with some additional features specific to our use case. The system is built using Laravel 11, , and Vue 3 Composition API, and the Workflow Builder must seamlessly integrate into our existing application. Key Requirements: Workflow Elements with Settings: Basic Elements: Form: Create forms with settings to link another form, assign to email addresses, admins, or teams. Payment Form: Integrate payment forms with actions for employees or teams. Email: Add email templates, send notifications, and configure recipients. Task: Create tasks with: Title and description. Multiple outcomes (e.g., complete, pending, etc.). Assignment to teams or admins...
I'm looking for a talented image editor to merge a photo of my kid's face with a clothing and posture of racecar driver and with a racetrack setting. The image should be realistic and include elements such as racecars in the background. Key Requirements: - Expertise in image manipulation and photo editing. - Experience in creating realistic images. - Ability to creatively incorporate specified elements into the background. Please submit your previous work samples that align with this project.
I'm seeking a designer to create a minimalist artwork for our product packaging. The design will be printed in black on cardboard boxes of five different sizes. There are 5 different size of the packaging, which is mentioned below in CM Length*Width*Height Design Specifications: - The artwork must fit all sizes: - Package 1: 12.50*12.50*11.00 - Packag...include all the mentioned information, using the sample images. we are planning to use only black colour in the artwork and it will be printed on the cardboard box. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Experience in packaging design - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to create adaptable designs that maintain visual consistency across d...
I have a floor plan for a house and I need it converted into a 3D video. The level of detail should be medium, with detailed textures and basic furniture. The interior design theme is traditional. - Video Creation: Convert the provided floor plan into a 3D video. - Editing: Afterwards, the video will need to be edited according to customer requirements. - Design: The 3D video should include detailed textures and basic furniture, in line with a traditional interior design theme. - Skills Needed: Proficiency in 3D modelling software, video editing skills, and a good understanding of traditional design aesthetics. Please note, the specifics of the areas to be included in the 3D video have not been finalised yet.
I'm looking to create a comprehensive PDF Software solution. The project entails building a web application akin to along with a desktop version compatible with Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Primary Functionalities: - Sign PDF both digital signature and drawn signature. - Merging PDF files - Splitting PDF files - Editing PDF content - Convert PDF to Word and vice versa Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development with a focus on PDF tools - Proficiency in cross-platform application development - Strong skills in creating user-friendly interfaces A solid understanding of implementing PDF functionalities and creating seamless desktop and web applications is crucial. While the web application's user authentication methods are not ye...
I'm looking for someone to complete an excel spreadsheet with financial data sourced from various company websites. This project will primarily involve researching and collecting data related to property purchase price...excel spreadsheet with financial data sourced from various company websites. This project will primarily involve researching and collecting data related to property purchase prices, monthly rent amounts, lease start dates, and lease lengths. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have experience with data collection and Excel - Be detail-oriented and able to work independently - Have a basic understanding of financial metrics and real estate - Be able to source reliable data from company websites Please provide examples of similar projects you have do...
...and Vite. The game is 99% complete with a working user login/register system, but requires critical enhancements to be production-ready. The application is currently deployed on Google Cloud Run and uses MongoDB Atlas for data storage. Current Project State: - React frontend with Vite - Express backend (serving both API and frontend) - Deployed on Google Cloud Run - MongoDB Atlas for database - Basic user authentication system - TON blockchain integration (working on PC, needs mobile optimization) Key Tasks: 1. Telegram Integration: 1. Implement full Telegram Bot API integration 2. Ensure seamless user experience within Telegram 3. Implement Telegram login and account linking 2. TON Blockchain Purchases: 1. Debug and fix TON purchases for mobile devices 2. Ensure consis...
...SEO-optimized landing page titled "Top 10 Big Chicken Coops for Your Backyard in [Year]" featuring: Product comparisons Clear calls-to-action for affiliate links Engaging and user-friendly layout Additional Pages: About Us, Contact, and Privacy Policy pages. Blog section with at least 3 SEO-optimized posts (e.g., "How to Choose the Perfect Big Chicken Coop", "Big Chicken Coop Maintenance Tips"). 3. Visual Content High-quality product images and graphics showcasing different coops. Custom infographics or comparison tables highlighting features such as size, materials, and pricing. 4. Affiliate Integration Seamless integration of affiliate links with platforms like Amazon, Tractor Supply Co., or Wayfair. Tools for link tracking and cloaking (e.g., Pr...
Estou à procura de um editor de vídeo para criar um vídeo romântico usando texto, fotos e música que eu vou fornecer. O vídeo deve incluir transições suaves e sobreposições de texto em determinados pontos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Edição de vídeo - Criação de efeitos visuais - Experiência com vídeos românticos - Atenção aos detalhes
Project and construction management firm providing engineering, claims management, and inspection services. Also provides residential engineering designs for ADUs, add-ons, and new construction. Company Name: Oasis Consulting Team I am looking for a simple logo. One that could be added to letterheads and business cards and still be legible. Please no basic icons from Microsoft or Canva. I do not do the construction, i just help manage it and protect the owner.
I'm looking for an experienced VFX designer who has knowledge in crypto-related graphics. The project scope isn't defined yet. Ideal skills and experience includes: - Proficiency in VFX software - Knowledge in crypto and its visual representation - Experience in creating engaging motion graphics, particle effects and 3D animations
I need assistance with finding product codes (SKU and size in either US or EUR and link for a proof) for 4100 EANs. The data should be sourced from Google or 1 another website , VERY easy because 2 /3 brand only Key Requirements: - Data processing and research skills - Experience with Excel/CSV - Ability to...4100 EANs. The data should be sourced from Google or 1 another website , VERY easy because 2 /3 brand only Key Requirements: - Data processing and research skills - Experience with Excel/CSV - Ability to follow a specific format for data input I will provide the EANs in a spreadsheet (Excel/CSV) and I already have a format for the SKU and size. This is a straightforward project that requires basic data input and online research. Please be prepared to work meticulously and ef...
I need a professional rendering of a storefront with a fold up window, designed in a modern style. The rendering is primarily for architectural approval, so it needs to be a detailed design, not just a basic outline. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in architectural design software. - Experience with creating detailed design renderings. - Understanding of modern design principles. - Previous work that has been used for architectural approval. Please provide examples of your previous work that demonstrate these skills.
I'm Chandan Sahni, seeking a talented graphic designer for two primary tasks: creating a unique logo and designing eye-catching social media posts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design. - Expertise in creating engaging social media graphics. - Strong understanding of brand consistency and visual identity. - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing feedback. in full before starting. Style This is an action comic/story, so we’re looking for a family friendly action comic style like Marvel, or DC. Open to any styles that serve this story. Scope of Work 1. Outline & Panel Layout (First Week) o Provide rough thumbnails or layouts for all 16 story pages + cover layouts. o We will give feedback and request revisions if necessary to ensure the visual flow serves the story. 2. Final Artwork (Second and Third Week) o Complete line art, inking, coloring, and lettering. o Integrate any final revisions. o Deliver high-resolution files suitable for digital online publication 3. Milestones & Payment o 10% deposit upon project start. o 20% upon delivery of line drawing drafts and layout. o 70% upon final delivery of fully ...
I need a professional to set up individual projects in Zoho Page Sense for my websites: and An existing project is already set up for The main tasks include: - Conducting heat map analysis on most or all pages and landing pages of the above sites, including - Im...monitor: - Button clicks - Form submissions - Page scroll depth - Any other significant events The ultimate goal is to understand: - User navigation patterns The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Zoho Page Sense and web analytics. Strong skills in data interpretation and website development suggestions would be highly beneficial. This is and entry project, very basic setting with the potential for more work.
I have around 6-10 event photos that need some retouching. Specifically, I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to swap heads in these images. Your expertise in subtle editing will ensure a seamless final product. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Experience with event photo retouching - Attention to detail for head swapping Please submit your bid if you have the relevant experience.
I'm looking for a basic website for my restaurant with an online food ordering system. The primary purpose is to allow customers to order food online with ease. Key Functionalities: - An online menu with pricing: The menu should be easy to navigate and include all our food items with their respective prices. - Cash on delivery: The website should have an option for customers to pay in cash upon delivery. - Cart: A simple cart system for customers to add their desired items before checkout. Additional Features: - Customer reviews: A section for customers to leave their feedback and reviews. - Information: A space on the website for general information about the restaurant. Ideal skills for this project include web development, e-commerce integration and UI/UX design. E...