Varnish cache apacheproiecte
Buna ziua ! In urma unui update situl meu nu mai functioneaza . observ ca este o problema cu APACHE WEB SERVER .mentionez ca setarile se fac prin CWP7PRO . Am atasat cateva print screanuri cu problema .
Buna, Ciprian, as avea nevoie de ajutor la implementarea unui sistem de biblioteca online KOHA care necesita cunostinte Linux si Apache. Dar si MySQL. Putem vorbi mai aplicat? îi vor fi atribuite, după ce a avut în vedere documentul de specificații funcționale și briefing-ul CTO. Pentru a fi confortabil în acest proiect, va fi necesar să aveți următoarele abilități: - Stăpânirea limbajului PHP și programarea orientată pe obiecte - Stăpânirea conceptelor generale ale Drupal (entitate, taxonomie etc.) - Stăpânire tehnică a API-urilor Drupal (entitate, formular, cache etc.) - Cunoașterea cadrului Bootstrap CSS - Stăpânirea limbajului JavaScript - Cunoașterea framework-ului Vue JS - Utilizarea soluției Git (GitLab) - Autonomie - Comunicare cu echipele (schimburi cu CTO și alți dezvoltatori) - Stare de spirit bună (Linkweb este o companie de dimensiune umană, foarte atașată de calitatea relațiilor di...
Am un website cu plugin smartbill instalat. Din pacate, conform Smartbill sincronizarea stocurilor nu merge cu apache. Serverul ruleaza nginx. --- de pe Configurarea serverului magazinului online Sincronizarea de stocuri va functiona doar daca: magazinul online utilizeaza Apache; serverul este configurat astfel: SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1. Pentru configurare, iti recomandam sa iei legatura cu furnizorul de hosting. ---- Ma puteti ajuta cu configurarea sincronizarii pe Nginx?
Salutare. Am vazut ca ai licitat pentru un proiect de magento 2 cu o eroare "cannot save shippment. Problema e ca imi apare aceasta eroare dar daca activeaza pe server nginx / varnish / php_fpm Ma poti ajuta cu o oferta? Numarul meu e 0721266713
Bună, Cosmin P.. Ți-am remarcat profilul. Am lansat in live de curand un site pe magento si dupa trecere m-am ales cu ceva erori de functionare. Eroare cand dau empty la cache, eroare cand adaugi produsele in cos si cand te duci spre finalizare comanda dispar produsele din cos, ceva errori pe pagina de produs. Setarile custom ale temei nu se aplica in front end, etc. Ideea este ca sunt interesat de o curatare si mentenanta completa a website-ului. Astept un raspuns in acest sens. Site:
...framework-urile PHP OOP cunoscute (Zend Framework, Laravel, Symfony, Yii etc.); - Drupal 7 si GIT; - Analiza proiect si estimare dezvoltare software; - Modificare cod sursa in PHP / MySQL; - Integrare cu alte aplicatii (API intern si extern); - Depanare cod sursa. * Constituie avantaj experienta in dezvoltarea in mediul Linux/Vagrant; experienta cu linia de comanda Linux; experienta in configurare servere: Apache, MySql, Git. * Cunostinte bune de PHP, MySQL, JavaScript. * Cunostinte OOP, NodeJS, AngularJS si ale unui framework de tip MVC (Laravel, etc.) * Experienta in SVN sau alt sistem de versionare * Eficienta in munca de echipa. * Abilitati de organizare si planificare a timpului. * Atentie la detalii si capacitate de a lucra cu termene limita. * Cunostinte de limba engleza ...
*Eliminați resursele JavaScript și CSS care blochează redarea conținutului din partea superioară a paginii *Acordați prioritate conținutului vizibil *Profitați de memoria cache a browserului *Minimizați dimensiunile fișierului CSS
Salut octaviand, ți-am remarcat profilul și aș dori să îți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată. vineri am un test si o sa fie de configurat basic cateva servere(ftp,email,apache si inca unul), pt cineva care stie am inteles ca dureaza 30min, iar eu am la dispozitie 2 ore sa rezolv testul multumesc
Website mutat de pe apache pe nginx. Adaptare in ceea ce priveste rewrite si tot ceea ce tine de optimizare ca site-ul sa functioneze corespunzator pe nginx.
Salut, Intampin anumite probleme in procesul de functionare al serverului apache. De ex., un subdomeniu creat pe un cont de cpanel vrea sa incarce continutul altui cont de cpanel. Problema trebuie rezolvata via team viewer, nu se ofera acces la server.
In pagina HOME din backoffice la verificare configuratie imi apar urmatoarele erori pe care as vrea sa le rezolv: X Cache & optimizare browser X Optimizare Smarty ! Combinare, Comprimare & Cache Pe langa cele de mai sus as mai dori sa configurez siteul (prestashop v1.5.3.1) asa incat sa apara bine si in internet explorer (acolo nu apar setarile css, imaginile si se incarca foarte greu in internet explorer 7, 8, 9)
...meniu cms 2 din admin adaugat - meniu: sa pot adauga si categorii daca doresc, si buton cms. - in stanga sa apara categoriile frumos ca in demo de sus - categorii: cand se va trece cu mousel peste o categorie principala , o sa se deschida in dreapta subcategoriile, iar in dreapta jos, poza aleasa atunci cand se creaza categoria din admin, sa apara aici ex: - in dreapta categoriilor sa existe un slider imagini cu text peste imagini si un buton cu link (tot din admin adaugate) - sub slider o casuta de cautare +categorii-subcategorii+producator si butonul cauta .. frumos aranjate cat tine acest slider - sub acestea ca in demo unde scrie best seller, vreau carusel cu ultimele produse adaugate - sub acestea
- Instalarea si configurarea unui server Linux / Apache / Mail / PHP / MySQL - Intretinerea functionarii acestuia
Salut, Avem o problema cu afisarea informatiei pe front end, problema este generata de sistemul de cache de la Magento. Cand se activeaza cache-ul anumite elemente care sunt page specific incep si se incarca pe alte pagini unde nu ar trebui. Magazinul nu este inca live. Daca te intereseaza assignment-ul si mai ai nevoie de alte informatii let me know. Toate cele bune, Victor Ivanus
Intr-un proiect VHDL sa se realizeze un simulator de memorie CACHE (cu mai multe politici de scriere si citire) care sa poata fi testat pe FPGA. Pretul si durata proiectului sunt orientative.
Se utilizează sistemul de dezvoltare cu FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3 produs de firma Altium și mediul de programare Visual C++ 2010 (pentru aplicația pe PC). Se dorește implementarea unui sistem complet care realizează emularea unui calculator cu memorie CACHE prezentă (interfață între procesor și memoria principală). Analiza propusă se va face pentru memoria cache total asociativă (fully associative) atât la preluarea instrucțiunilor cât și a datelor. Emularea sistemului se va face hardware, pe placa cu FPGA iar preluarea rezultatelor se va face prin intermediul portului serial RS232 care comunică cu calculatorul. Pe calculator va rula o aplicație de asemenea proiectată care va prezenta rezultatele. Pretul si durata de realizare sunt orientative!
Intr-un proiect VHDL sa se realizeze un simulator de memorie CACHE (cu mai multe politici de scriere si citire) care sa poata fi testat pe FPGA. Pretul si durata proiectului sunt orientative.
Cand bag in casuta Search anumite produse, imi apare eroarea asta: Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. Apache/2.2.25 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.25 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_qos/10.10 mod_fcgid/2.3.6 Server at Port 80 Cand selectez o categorie si imi apar mai multe produse pe pagina, bifez cate produse sa imi apara, dau urmator si imi apare aceasta eroare(oricum ar fi, apare eroarea): ACEASTA PAGINA ESTE INDISPONIBILA Ne pare rau, dar adresa web pe care ati introdus-o nu mai este disponibila Pentru a gasi un produs, va rugam sa tastati denumirea in campul de mai jos Cauta in catalogul de produse:
... dar acest model de dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fo...
I am experiencing issues with my Bicrypto crypto exchange platform after at..., "Service Unavailable"). Ensure the Bicrypto platform is fully functional and secure post-repair. Verify proper SSL implementation for the domain and all subdomains, if applicable. Requirements: Proven experience with Bicrypto or similar crypto exchange platforms. Strong knowledge of SSL certificate installation and server configuration. Familiarity with web server environments (e.g., Nginx, Apache). Ability to work quickly and efficiently to minimize downtime. Budget: Open to bids. Note: Please only bid if you have prior experience with Bicrypto or crypto exchange platforms. Be prepared to provide references or examples of previous work in this domain. Timeline: Urgent – I need this fi...
My Wordpress site is experiencing loading problems on the homepage. I have taken some preliminary steps to troubleshoot the issue, including clearing the cache and disabling plugins, but the problem persists. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient knowledge of Wordpress - Strong troubleshooting skills - Familiarity with frontend development Please only bid if you are able to diagnose and fix this issue promptly. Thank you.
Project: Compile the DropTaxi Script app for iOS and Android. Requirements: Experience with Apache Cordova. Knowledge of setting up build environments for iOS (IPA) and Android (APK). Must deliver within 3 hours. Deliverables: Fully compiled APK and IPA files. Payment: Negotiable based on urgency. If you're interested and available to start immediately, please apply with your portfolio or relevant experience.
...switch to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-Three. Check if the Elementor editor works correctly. If it does, your theme may be causing the issue. Increase PHP Memory Limit: Edit the file to add: php Copy code define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); Check File Permissions: Ensure proper file permissions for your WordPress files: 755 for directories. 644 for files. Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache and any WordPress caching plugin. 5. Test and Verify Everything Steps: Test Forms: Check that all fields (including checkboxes and reCAPTCHA) work as expected. Confirm submission notifications are sent correctly. Test Double Opt-In: Verify the confirmation email is sent and works as intended. Verify Elementor: Ensure the editor loads properly without Sa...
...campaigns (public/private) created by the sponsor. This export is meant to download the campaign details (description, start_date, end_date, budget, visibility (public, private), goals etc. Have a dashboard from where the sponsor can trigger the export This should trigger a batch job, send an alert once done 8. Performance and Caching Add caching where required to increase the performance Add cache expiry API Performance Recommended Functionalities Well designed PDF reports for Monthly activity report (Students can choose between HTML and PDF reports) External APIs/libraries for creating charts, e.g. ChartJS Single Responsive UI for both Mobile and Desktop Unified UI that works across devices Add to desktop feature Implementing frontend validation on all the form fields usi...
...reports for 80 companies for 12 years Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and software - Experience in gathering financial data - Ability to compile data into a clear and usable format - Attention to detail and strong analytical skills Pull the reports and save them as is in three formats HTML Excel Pdf For example Apache company for 2012 10Q I will give the list of companies and the freelancer can get the reports back and mark them on a spread sheet. Please
...frontend, Node.js, , and for the backend, and MongoDB as the database, hosted on an Apache server with SSL enabled (Let’s Encrypt). The project is based on the burakorkmez/fullstack-chat-app repository. Tasks include fixing API route errors, ensuring backend-to-frontend communication, configuring CORS, resolving frontend build and deployment issues, setting up Apache virtual hosts for the frontend and backend, ensuring HTTPS works seamlessly, and testing registration/login functionality. Detailed documentation of the steps performed is required. The application is hosted on an Ubuntu server with a correctly pointed domain. If you have expertise in React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Apache configuration, and can provide examples of similar work, please apply with yo...
Estou buscando procurando um profissional para desenvolver / configurar uma plataforma completa de venda de cursos EAD automatizada. Minha situação atual. Já registrei um dominio. Estou usando uma hospedagem que suporta WordPress e Moodle. Hostgator no plano compartilhado. Já tenho um tema instalado, chamado Gutenify Construction Versão do Apache 2.4.62 Versão do MySQL 5.7.23-23 Versão do PHP 8.2 (ea-php82) Está instalada uma versão do Moodle 4.1. Ela ainda não está integrada com o Wordpress. A plataforma deve incluir: Wordpress: Já tenho um sistema Wordpress instalado. A nova plataforma deverá rodar e ser totalmente integrada com o Moodle. Moodle: Customizar o Moodle a ponto de rodar perf...
I’m looking for a developer to assist with the following tasks: 1. Apache Configuration • Configure Apache to block connections made directly through the server’s IP address (including when IP:port is entered in the browser). • Ensure that all traffic and connections pass exclusively through the domain name and cannot be accessed via the IP address. 2. SMTP Setup • Update the SMTP settings to use a different IP address for email functionality. 3. Fix IP Exposure • Identify and resolve the issue where the server’s IP is exposed, making it vulnerable. • Investigate the code (written in Node.js/Express.js) to locate and address any IP leakage. Looking for a skilled JavaScript developer with experience in Node.js, , and server c...
Title of this project tells you what you will have to do. OS is : AlmaLinux 9
Title of this project tells you what you will have to do. OS is : AlmaLinux 9 My budget is strictly $5. Do not bid if you need more money.
Title of this project tells you what you will have to do. OS is : AlmaLinux 9 My budget is strictly $5. Do not bid if you need more money.
...which is currently running on CentOS 7. The specific components that need upgrading include Linux, Apache, and MySQL/PHP. - Upgrade Components: Linux, Apache, MySQL/PHP - Current OS: CentOS 7 - Versioning: Upgrades need to be to specific versions I have specific versions in mind for the upgrades, so I will provide these to the selected freelancer. Please note that this project requires expertise in working with CentOS and the LAMP stack, as well as the ability to implement specific version upgrades. If you have the necessary skills and experience, I look forward to receiving your bid. The server is hosted on Linode (Akamai). I would consider moving to another Linux distribution. The Apache server is currently running a few Wordpress websites. Minimizing the down...
I need a skilled professional to migrate my e-commerce website from a CentOS 7 server running PHP 5 and MySQL 5 to an Alma8 server with stable Apache/MySQL. The current server is outdated and poses security risks for my business. The migration needs to be seamless with minimal downtime. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with CentOS and Alma8 - Proficiency in PHP and MySQL - Previous experience with migrating e-commerce websites Important Considerations: - The current website has custom scripts that manage user authentication. - The new server needs to be configured to support these scripts and ensure they function correctly post-migration. - Ensuring the security of user data during this transition is paramount. I am looking for a freelancer who can handle this project ...
...Encryption of user data and API keys. - GDPR compliance for user data privacy. #### **6.3 Secure Payments** - PCI DSS compliance for payment processing. --- ### **7. Performance Optimization** #### **7.1 Optimized for Raspberry Pi** - Utilize hardware-accelerated video decoding for the video avatar API rendering. - Lightweight backend and frontend to reduce CPU/GPU load. #### **7.2 Offline Mode** - Cache the avatar’s response for limited offline usage (if the internet drops temporarily). --- ### **8. Maintenance and Scalability** #### **8.1 Updates** - OTA (Over-the-Air) updates for software. - Push notifications for feature updates and maintenance schedules. #### **8.2 Logs and Monitoring** - Admin access to error logs and API health metrics. - Auto-notifications ... • Add the fetchpriority="high" attribute to LCP images to prioritize loading. 6. Render-Blocking CSS Fixes: • Identify and address render-blocking CSS files, optimizing them for faster page rendering. • Inline or defer non-critical stylesheets. • Examples of blocking CSS files: • /wp-content/cache/min/1/wp-content/themes/vanillafair-themes/ • /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/ 7. Pagination Fixes (WPML Specific): • Correct rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes in pagination for both default and translated pages to ensure a proper sequence. • Ensure pagination compatibility across all languages. Examples of affected pages: • /blog/page/2/ • /fr/blog/page/2/ 8, and hair condition; offers luxury and care experience. 16. Existing or New Packaging? New packaging; no existing examples. 17. Key Design Task: Create a premium, minimalist, and elegant design emphasizing product quality without medical connotations while inspiring trust. 18. Style: Premium, minimalist, and sophisticated with high-value elements (e.g., holography, embossing, selective varnish). 19. Base Colors: Light, clean shades (e.g., white, pastel blue, mint green) with metallic accents (gold, silver). 20. Required Elements: Logo (to be provided), product name, QR code, warnings, and instructions (to be provided later). 21. QR Codes: Each product will feature a unique QR code under a scratch-off layer. Suggested texts (e.g., “Scan for product info” or ...
- fixing and improving (add Ajax pagination) the reviews section - add extra fees to PayPal reviews under 10€ - load assets locally instead of CDN - create a Job to clear the Laravel cache automatically - add and configure the package nickdekruijk/minify to minify assets - maintenance work (mostly experimenting with caching tools) - WordPress work on and
Description: I have configured Nginx as a reverse proxy and disabled the Apache server. However, after a few days, Nginx is automatically disabled, and Apache is re-enabled. I am looking for a skilled freelancer to investigate and resolve this issue, ensuring that Nginx remains enabled by default and does not get disabled unexpectedly. Requirements: • Extensive experience with Nginx and Apache configurations • Proficiency in Linux server environments • Strong troubleshooting and debugging skills to resolve server conflicts Deliverables: • Identify and fix the root cause of the issue • Ensure that Nginx remains active and functional by default • Provide clear documentation of the steps taken to resolve the problem
Description: I have configured Nginx as a reverse proxy and disabled the Apache server. However, after a few days, Nginx gets automatically disabled, and Apache is re-enabled. I am looking for a freelancer who can investigate and resolve this issue to ensure that Nginx remains enabled by default and does not get disabled. Requirements: • Strong experience with Nginx and Apache server configurations • Knowledge of Linux server environments • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve configuration conflicts Deliverables: • Identify the cause of the issue • Ensure Nginx remains enabled and functional • Provide clear documentation of the fix
Disable cache of page using elementor. Similar to below link:
Disable cache of page using elementor. Similar to below link:
Showing apache2 debian default page instead of wordpress site. Please bid if you can start working immediately
Fishing Club Website: Objective: To develop a Fishing Club Website using WordPress, providing fishing enthusiasts with a platform to join the club, explore fishing locations, request mentorship, book charter fishing services, participate in events, and purchase fishing products. Key Features: User Registration & Profile Management: Users can register, log in, and manage their profiles. WordP...themes as needed for the Fishing Club branding. Plugins: MemberPress for membership management. ACF for custom fields on fishing locations. Bookly for mentor/charter bookings. WooCommerce for setting up the e-commerce shop. The Events Calendar for event management. Security & Performance: Implement essential security plugins like Wordfence and optimize performance with WP Rocket or LiteS...
...functionality. - Ensure dynamic product listings for each page. - Fix any design bugs. 2. Plugin Setup: - Install and configure these plugins: - Login options (Facebook, Google, Apple, OTP for phone and email) - Automatic Currency Conversion - Google Address Verification at Checkout - SEO Module (e.g., Yoast SEO) - Facebook Pixel - Caching Plugin (e.g., LiteSpeed Cache) - Anti-image and content scraping (e.g., Jetpack) - Client tracking app for user activity...
My live Flutter webapp has a significant problem. Whenever changes are made from the development side, particularly backend updates, they do not reflect for the end user until the cache is cleared. This issue is compounded by daily content updates which can lead to a frustrating user experience. Key Issues: - Backend changes not reflecting - Daily content updates causing cache issues - Need for speed optimization I need an expert who can troubleshoot this caching problem and implement a solution. Ideally, you should have experience with Flutter webapps and knowledge in optimizing webapp speed. Please note that as of now, I manually update the content daily. If there are any recommendations for a Content Management System (CMS) or automated scripts to ease this process, I wo...
I'm seeking an expert in C++ who can assist with data loading and download...proficient in working with Database I have a C++ codebase that handles loading and downloading from a database and requires refactoring. The tasks include: The tasks include refactoring: Add a new function in the CDownloadSegment class called LoadLocalCache to handle local cache loading. Remove the local cache loading logic from the DownloadSegment::DownloadCache function. Assign containers/segments for local cache loading based on m_nCacheLoadInstances. (LoadLocalCache method ) Assign containers/segments for cache downloading based on m_nDownloadThreadCount (as currently implemented). (DownloadSegment::DownloadCache ) FYI, You cannot run this project on your system as it is ...
...list management with dynamic filters and searches. 7. Data Flow and Processes • Reservation Process: User input → Availability check → Validation → Auto-generated contract → Database update. • Payment Process: Automatic linkage to client/reservation → Update of paid/outstanding amounts → Receipt generation. 8. Performance Requirements • Response time under 2 seconds for standard requests. • Cache system (Redis) to reduce server load. 9. Deliverables • Fully documented source code. • Functional web application with user interface. • Test reports and maintenance plan. • API documentation for the backend. 10. Focus on Best Practices 1. Data Security: TLS/SSL encryption, secure authentication, sensitiv...
...development of the platform. 3. Phase 3: Testing and launch. 4. Phase 4: Marketing and promotion of the platform. For Inquiries: Please contact us exclusively through the platform. Required Technologies: - Programming Languages: Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Go - Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, NoSQL - Frameworks: Django, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Laravel, React, Angular - Servers: Apache, Nginx - Cloud: AWS, GCP, Azure - Other: Docker, Kubernetes, APIs, CMS (e.g., WordPress, Drupal), DevOps Deliverables: 1. Design Documentation: - Comprehensive design plan describing the platform's infrastructure, data flow, and integration of various systems, accompanied by an explanatory video. - Accurate and clear user interface (UI) designs for all pl...