Trading indicator esignalproiecte
Căutăm un content writer talentat pentru a crea conținut de calitate pentru un site de prezentare (landing page) al firmei noastre de distribuție și dealer trading de combustibil. Dorim ca textele să fie informative, captivante și să reflecte valorile și profesionalismul companiei noastre. Obiectivele Proiectului: Crearea unui conținut atrăgător și bine structurat pentru site-ul nostru de prezentare. Utilizarea informațiilor furnizate de firmă pentru a asigura acuratețea și relevanța textelor. Optimizarea conținutului pentru SEO, pentru a îmbunătăți vizibilitatea site-ului nostru în motoarele de căutare. Structura Site-ului landing page: 1. Acasă: - Introducere captivantă care să atragă vizitatorii și să le ofere o imagine de ansamblu asupra ac...
Join Libertex! Try our risk-free demo account REGISTER or start live trading now Yen keeps on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable t...
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa ma ajute cu teste manuale si automate (scrise in PLAYWRIGHT) pentru un proiect web personal . Siteul acum cuprinde 7 pagini (3 de autentificare si 4 pagini ale proiectul...dau linkul de la proiectul meu. Dupa ce il vrei primii ma astept sa imi furnizezi un plan de testare in care sa imi scrii simplu ce testezi. Pe baza planului de testare o sa aleg persoana cu care lucrez si practic o sa reprezinte "contractul" nostru, adica ce furnizezi in schimbul sumei de bani. Daca ai citit cu atentie liciteaza 23 usd la proiect, pretul final nu este 23 usd si este doar un indicator ca ai citit cu atentie . Va multumesc. Dearece proiectul este in romana o sa colaborez doar cu in vorbitor de limba romana, ceilalti participanti vor fi de-a dreptul igno...
...comunicare, feedback, entropie, redundanță). (10) Utilizând concepte precum: mix-ul de marketing, politica de marketing, funcțiile distribuției, canale de distribuție, publicitate, vânzări, stabiliți ce ar trebui să realizeze departamentul de marketing, distribuție și vânzări într-o situație pe care o alegeți. (11) Prezentați pe scurt un sistem de evaluare al performanței și includeți minim un indicator cantitativ și unul calitativ. (12) Pentru că schimbarea este o constantă în dezvoltarea firmei prezentați o schimbare posibilă la nivelul organizației pe care o conduceți utilizând următorii termeni: rezistență la schimbare, diagrama câmpului de forțe (Lewin) și schimbarea în 3 etape (Nadler – Tushman). Concluzi...
Am nevoie de un design bun pentru un tricou personalizat. (Tema - Trading)
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Jobul presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa asta, oferim si cursuri pentru dezvoltare personala, motivational si psihologie, precum si cursuri despre Binary trading, Forex si Crypto. Daca esti o persoana comunicativa si intreprinzatoare te asteptam cu bratele deschise.
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De cateva luni am descoperit o noua oportunitate de business online ce poate produce un venit pasiv lunar. In general nu dedic mai mult de o ora pe zi dar nu pot scala singura, am nevoie de o echipa. Asadar, daca esti dispus(a) sa oferi o ora pe zi, esti serios(a), determinat(a) si crezi in ideea de business online lasa un mesaj si te voi contacta pt mai multe detalii. Daca ai auzit de trading si te intereseaza sa inveti mai mult, cu siguranta acest tip de business iti va parea atragator. ROiMarketsLive Community
Compania Vuv Trading Ltd, firma ce comercializeaza produse de incaltaminte pentru dama, cu sediul in Manchester cauta o persoana care sa preia activitatea de SEO si Google Adwords. Jobul consta in realizarea campaniilor de Google Adwords cu un buget prestabilit. Analizarea si testarea procesului pentru rezultate pozitive. Responsabilitati principale: - Dezvoltarea si cresterea vanzarilor pe website - Desfasurarea de Campanii Google Adwords si de gestionare corecta a bugetului - Aplicare SEO on site si off site - Activitatea va fi concentrata doar pe piata si clientii din Marea Britanie
Sergiu salut! Am nevoie de un trading bot care va lucra cu tradingview script signal si va crea ordere in Binance putea sa faci asa ceva?Un exemplu cum as vrea sa fie e tradingview auto trader bot,poti sal cauti in google si o sa vezi cum
Salut! In acest moment fac trading pe eToro insa sunt nemultumit de rezultate, motiv pt. care doresc sa migrez catre MetaTrader. Din partea ta as avea nevoie de 1-2 ore de consultanta (Skype, Webex etc). Multumesc, Razvan va face legatura cu baza de date din Sql, adica se va introduce baza de date in Visual Studio, aceasta va contine o forma windows, cu mai multe butoane, care prin apasarea acestora ne va arata ce a calculat fiecare indicator in cadrul bazei de date. Fiecare buton, dar bineinteles si forma Windows va avea un cod de program, acesta va voi arata eu ce am facut la ore cu profesorii, ca sa nu fie vreo mare diferenta intre codul studiat si cel realizat de dvs, sitot in Visual vor fi si grafice, referitoare la calculul indicatorilor, acestea vor arata despre fiecare indicator, cum s-a 'comportat'. Si nu in ultimul rand va mai fi un Excel care va calcula toti acesti indicatori, dar si altii aflati de dvs., si aici vor fi tabele cu calcule, si bineinteles cu formul...
Salut. Am nevoie de continutul unui Splash Page pe nisa Forext Trading/Optiuni Binare. Mai multe detalii in privat. Bugetul este pur orientativ. Pretul final se discuta ulterior.
Salut! Vreau sa fac si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Se poate sa discutam pe skype ?
Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma
Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma
Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma
Salut. As dori si eu un site de trading de bitcoin. Putem discuta mai multe pe skype ? Da-mi add te rog pe id adrianhuma
Salut. Vreau sa fac un site de trading de bitcoin. Te rog contacteaza-ma pe skyp e id adrianhuma . Discutam mai multe acolo. Multumesc
Salutare! Doresc un indicator simplu pentru MetaTrader 4. Obisnuiesc sa fac scalping si e destul de dificil sa stau la calculator tot timpul, astfel ca m-ar interesa acest indicator care sa imi dea notificari pe platforma cu alerta sunet si / sau email, sa ma anunte de fiecare data cand apare pe chart un candlestick cu spike de minim 5 pip. Va multumesc!
Un sport reprezintă o activitate de natură fizică și poate implica și compe...Sportul, prin însuși natura sa, încurajează diversitatea într-o lume culturală. Pe măsură ce țările și națiunile se apropie tot mai mult unele de altele, dar totuși își păstrează identitatea culturală, sportul este un domeniu în care se învață că diferențele culturale, nu numai că trebuie acceptate, dar reprezintă o bogăție ce trebuie cultivată și prețuită. Conceptul sportiv poate deveni un "indicator de schimbare" a societății globale, de anticipare, evoluții și schimbări prin deschiderea simbolică a relațiilor interstatale. Sportul devine și trebuie considerat, astfel, ca o oglindă a culturii și a societății, căci el reprezintă speranțele și perspectivele vii...
Caut webmaster pentru a-mi finaliza un trading website. Site-ul este gata in proportie de 80 - 90%, doar mici detalii mai trebuie ajustate.
...Developer for MyAi (Equity-Based) ? Position: AI-Powered Trading Bot Developer (Python) ? Compensation: Equity-Based (5-15% based on contribution & milestones) ? Location: Remote (Flexible) ? Commitment: Part-Time / Full-Time ? About MyAi MyAi is an AI-driven, next-gen trading system designed to outperform hedge funds & protect retail traders from market manipulation. Our goal is to build a highly intelligent AI trading bot that integrates quantum AI, deep learning, and reinforcement learning for ultra-accurate market predictions. We are looking for a highly skilled Python developer with experience in AI trading models, machine learning, and market analysis to help develop MyAi's AI engine. ? Key Responsibilities ✅ Build & optimize AI ...
I'm seeking an experienced trader and programmer to devise and fully automate a positional trading strategy on Tradetron using my Zerodha API. The strategy will focus on trading Futures and MCX Futures. This is the strategy. ? Finalized GoldM & SilverM Positional Trading Strategy for Tradetron . ? Strategy Overview Market: MCX (GoldM & SilverM Futures) Trading Type: Positional Trading ? Entry Conditions (Multi-Entry Strategy) ✅ BUY GoldM & SilverM Current Month Contracts when: 5-min Close crosses above Supertrend(7,3) First Entry: Always enter the first trade when conditions are met. Additional BUY Entries: Add a new BUY position only if the overall BUY position is in profit. Skip additional BUY entries if the overall BUY ...
My C++ trading code is experiencing an authentication failure while trying to connect to the Deribit API. This is hindering my ability to manage my trading accounts. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix authentication issues with Deribit API - Experience with C++ and Deribit API is a plus - Proficient in troubleshooting in Windows environment This project calls for a professional who can efficiently resolve the problem, allowing me to resume trading activities.
I'm searching for an expert who can help me effectively reach retail investors to promote my highly lucrative trading algorithm. If you bring 30k capital, you receive 1.5k in the first year, 3k in the second, 6k in the third, 12k in the fourth without further action necessary! Algo 1: Low-Risk Algo 2: High-Risk Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and utilizing effective platforms, including but not limited to social media and financial forums, to reach potential investors. - Crafting compelling messages to raise interest and drive investment. - Direct Marketing - What every method works to bring people to copy Please note, I already have a presence on Facebook
I'm looking for a skilled Python developer to help me automate my intraday options selling strategy. The automation will need to cover: - Identifying Entry and Exit Points - Implementing Risk Management - Handling Order Execution An ideal freelancer for this project should have substantial experience with Python, intraday trading, and specifically options selling. Knowledge of risk management techniques and order execution protocols is crucial.
I have a peak script ready and need an expert to help me deploy automation on TradingView using Python for my algorithmic trading strategies. Key Requirements: - Integrate with Alice Blue for live trading - Expertise in Python and TradingView - Experience with algorithmic trading automation - Ability to ensure seamless execution in live trading scenarios Ideal Skills: Python, TradingView, Algorithmic Trading, Live Trading Integration, Alice Blue.
Let me put it simple: we hav...private transactions flow on Solana with up to $1B daily turnover. Read on only if you understand what this means. We are looking for people who can help us to extract the most value of of this access. You are to develop and test your own trading strategies, be it sniping, arbitratge or anything else. Obviously, you must have experience with this, preferably already functioning bots. Even suboptimal bots, resulting in slight loss may become very profitable with the private access. Along with the application, demonstrate your exerience in Solana trading bots development. Applications without this will NOT be reviewed. Links to "portfolio" will NOT be reviewed. Please be specific. Thanks Please, include examples of similar projects yo...
Specifications Chart Pattern Detection • Patterns: Triangles, head-and-shoulders (normal and inverse), double bottom, double 500 rebound or break through or ichimuku rebound and break through confirme with rebound or break through of ema • Timeframes: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, 4 h, 1 day. • Confirmation: Breakouts/rebounds confirmed by 1candle • To be found in all assets of xtb france Trading Level Calculations • Stop-Loss: Place above first shoulder for head-and-shoulders or above the horizontal line from the triangle's angle. • Target: 5% less than the distance from the head to the neckline, projected from the breakout point. • Stop-Loss Adjustment: Move stop-loss slightly past entry point (5 %)when 25% of target distance is covered. &bu...
I'm looking to develop a stock trading mobile app compatible with both iOS and Android. The app should incorporate the following key features: - Real-time market data: Users need to access up-to-the-minute information to make informed trading decisions. - Portfolio management: The app should allow users to track and manage their investments over time. - Trade execution: A seamless, quick, and reliable trade execution functionality is essential. Ideal candidates will have prior experience in mobile app development, specifically in the finance or trading sector. Proficiency in both iOS and Android app development is crucial. A strong understanding of real-time data integration and trade execution systems will be highly advantageous. Please include examples of sim...
...graphic designer to create a logo for my Pokémon card store, Crazy Card Club. The design should be vibrant, nostalgic and eye-catching, aligning with the Pokémon aesthetic. Logo Requirements: - Font Style: The logo should adopt the same font style as the official Pokémon logo to evoke recognition and nostalgia. - Theme & Elements: The logo should incorporate visual elements such as a Pokéball, trading cards, and Pokémon characters in a classic 2D style. - Colors: The primary color scheme is red and white, but I’m open to creative suggestions that embody a bold, fun, and energetic vibe. The final design should be delivered in high-resolution vector files (AI, SVG, PNG, JPG, etc.) for versatility in branding. Ideal skills and experie...
WEB BASED PLATFORM REQUIRED. Algorithmic trading platform that seamlessly integrates with Indian brokers' Demat accounts via an API bridge. Platform Components & Features: 1. Super Admin Panel ● Full control over the platform ● Ability to create, assign, and manage multiple Admin accounts ● Can allocate different domains to Admins ● System monitoring & reporting ● API key management for broker integration ● Access to platform-wide settings and configurations ● Performance analytics & reports 2. Admin Panel ● Can manage and control user accounts under their domain ● Assign trading permissions and strategies to users ● Monitor trading activity and generate reports ● Set risk management parameters ● Restricted access to some Super Admin functionalitie...
I'm looking for a developer to create a web-based trading bridge. This bridge will facilitate sending trades from TradingView and executing them in my trading account. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in developing web-based trading systems - Experience with TradingView and its trade sending capabilities - Knowledge of integrating with various trading platforms Skills: - Web Development - Trading System Development - TradingView Familiarity - API/Webhook Integration I have not specified a trading platform, type of trades or method of sending trades from TradingView yet, so the system should be flexible enough to accommodate various options. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid.
I'm looking to create a dynamic Discord serve...looking to create a dynamic Discord server aimed at fostering business connections within the cryptocurrency trading sphere. The server should provide a platform for networking, sharing insights, and exploring trading opportunities together. Key features to include: - Channels for different discussion topics (trading strategies, market news, etc.) - Voice channels for live discussions - A bot for job postings and career advice - A section for hosting virtual workshops and seminars Ideal skills for this project: - Extensive knowledge of Discord's features and capabilities - Experience in setting up and managing a business-focused Discord server - Understanding of cryptocurrency trading - Ability to creat...
I'm looking for a professional to help post our promotional videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. The videos will be posted according to a pre-approved content schedule. Key Responsibilities: - Posting our promotional videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts - Adhering to a pre-approved content schedule - Utilizing a provided list of specific hashtags The videos are ready for posting, so no editing is required. The ideal candidate will have experience with social media content posting, particularly on these platforms, and should have a good understanding of how to maximize engagement and reach.
Hi, Please read the attchment below and let me know if you can do this project, what is the cost and what is the time lines. Its very urgent and asap. I am looking for person who can start immediately.
...proficient freelancer to create a high-performance Forex and Crypto Trading AI Bot. This bot needs to support both scalping and day trading strategies, while ensuring high-speed trade execution and real-time market data integration. Key Features: - Seamless API connectivity with major exchanges such as Binance and Kraken - Automated, high-speed trade execution - Integration of live market feeds and analytics - A user-friendly dashboard for monitoring trades The ideal candidate should possess: - Backend proficiency in Python, particularly for algo trading and automation - Frontend experience with React.js or Vue.js for UI/UX design - Competence in using Node.js as a backend framework for real-time processing Experience with trading bots and a solid underst...
I'm in need of a savvy developer with a strong background in financial analysis, specifically within the Forex market, to create a custom technical indicator. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a unique technical indicator tailored for the Forex market. - Ensure the indicator is effective for in-depth financial analysis. Ideal Skills: - Comprehensive understanding of Forex market trends and behaviors. - Proven experience in developing custom financial indicators, particularly technical ones. - Strong skills in data analysis and financial forecasting. Please provide examples of previous indicators you have developed, specifically for the Forex market.
I'm looking for a Pine Script expert to refine my existing trend-following strategy. The code is already prepared, but it needs optimization for better performance and integration for automatic trading with Fyers. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in Pine Script - Experience with Fyers API - Strong understanding of trend-following strategies - Ability to optimize trading algorithms Please note, the objective is to enhance the performance of the strategy and make it ready for automatic trading.
create normal user and admin dashboard interface and use database sqlite we can change it easily also like Mysql later on
The winner of this contest would need Adobe animation who I work with. Here is part of the script. For this contest, you’ll need to provide 5 images, visually ‘depicting’ the following dialog: 1. “Let’s say you have a coded strategy in Python” 2. “You’ll need some way to retrieve trading data from providers” 3. “You’ll then need a way to execute trades on exchanges” 4. “Next you’ll need a way to manage your funds” 5. “Finally you’ll want to test and improve your strategy” The final animation (which would be done as part of a separate project I hire the winner for), would be used for a modern trading platform with black background, so use colours and ...
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I have access to a private tradingview indicator that I want to replicate and create my own indicator with.
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