Technical specification simple website exampleproiecte
...Our mobile application, PCISV, is an integral part of our digital ecosystem, serving a specific purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version...
...service consists in promoting the website on Google with certain specific word families and is very important in the medium and long term because it will become the main traffic provider and implicitly generator of conversions. 2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) SERVICE: This service consists in creating paid campaigns (sponsored ads) through Google tools, we will be able to do different campaigns (performance/branding/awareness, promoting promotions/products, shopping) through which various ads will be displayed in the search engine and partners. With this type of service, there are 3 types of "stages" and implicitly 3 types of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (Technical...
Salut! Am nevoie de cineva care sa stie sa lucreze in Android Studio cu Java, pentru a face cateva proiecte simple si de baza in acesta.
Avem o aplicație în curs de dezvoltare la care avem technical debt. Cea mai mare problema este aceea că obiectul de user este construit pe măsură ce ecranele înaintează, dar noi vrem sa transformăm obiectul user într-un context comun tuturor ecranelor, pe lânga această problemă mai sunt mici bug-uri sau îmbunătățiri ce trebuiesc făcute. Menționăm că: Proiectul este facut în React Native cu TypeScript pe frontend, iar, pe backend, este făcut in NodeJS cu TypeScript, cu o baza de date relațională de tip SQL, mai exact MySQL.
Buna ziua, Cautam 2 persoane pentru o colaborare de lunga durata pentru content writing pe blogul nostru de home & deco. Colaborarea se va face exclusiv in limba romana. Aceasta persoana ar trebui sa aibe cunostinte de SEO (factori de ranking, competitors discovery, SERP, etc), readability, technical seo. Ne-am gandit sa lucram in felul urmator: 1. Va vom facilita planul editorial pentru luna curenta (vi se vor da topicuri unele generice altele specifice) 2. Se vor solicita 5-6 articole lunare, care sa fie bine documentate, tehnice, bine structurate, cu minim 1500 de cuvinte pana la 2000 de cuvinte sau unde este cazul sa fei peste competitors 3. Daca exista capacitate evident puteti solicita mai multe articole la scris. 4. Se vor accepta atat de multe revizii cat este nevoie ...
called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozitiv/negativ si apoi s...
++++ In baza unor desene tehnice existente, e nevoie de: - transfer in 2D Autocad - 3D rendering pentru interiorul barcii - intentia e de a folosi rezultatul ca un "safety briefing" pentru pasageri ++++ Based on existing technical drawings, the project includes: - transfer of the technical drawings to Cad dwng - 3D rendering of yacht's exterior and interior for the purpose of having a video to be used as "safety briefing" for passengers on board. Further details are available upon request. Time is not of essence - quality of final product prevails. +++
Am nevoie de un website de prezentare pentru site-ul acesta Cerinte: sa arate modern si sa poata fi modificabil ulterior de un neprofesioist ( texte, adaugat poze, etc)
Completarea unui chestionar (test de personalitate). Durata estimata - aproximativ 10 min. Rezultatul trebuie trimis pe adresa mea de email.
Salut, RO only (no offence but is easy for me to explain technical terms) Am un site in prestashop Trebuie testat/implementat cateva functionalitati precum: inserat lista feed, comanda produse. Integrare API. De preferat firma. Ma intereseaza o colaborare pe termen lung pentru ca am mai multe de facut in perioada care urmeaza, cum ar fi: inserare plata cu cardul, optimizare seo (activat/dezactivat si modificat module) si altele .. Mihai
Small text in English about a device, to be translated into Romanian. The text contains technical words, so please bid only if you have previous experience with technical translations. Este vorba de un text de mai puțin de 400 de cuvine despre un dispozitiv mecanic, de tradus din engleză în română. Numai cineva care a mai tradus texte tehnice. Mulțumesc.
Buna Paul, Ma numesc bacris Steluta si sunt Recruiter Specialist in cadrul comapniei Ness. Mi- a atras teantia ca ai mentionat ca lucrezi cu iOS/Android, ...rolul de Mobile Developer (for iOS or Android). In cazul in care esti interesat, te rog sa-mi trimiti un Cv actualizat si datele tale de contact pentru a stabili un prim interviu de cunoastere. Tin sa mentionez ca sediul nostru este in Timisoara si in cazul in care stabilim sa incepem o colaborare, este necesar sa ai disponobilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +40 372 805 922 @ | | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook
Buna Ana Maria, Ma numesc Bacris Steluta, sunt Recruiter Specialist in compania Ness. Am remarcat cu interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa ocupe pozitia de iOS Developer. In cazul in care esti interesata, te rog sa-mi trimiti datele tale de contact si un Cv actualizat. Tin sa mentionez ca acest job presupune disponibilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +4...
Am un site creat pe CMS Made Simple in care trebuie sa cream campuri pentru inserarea de meta descrition la unele pagini unde inca nu exista aceasta facilitate in CMS. Astept cunoscatori PHP interesati.
Looking for romanian guys that can copy in Microsoft Word what I will deliver in a PDF. That text contains math symbols and formulas. Caut romani care pot copia in Microsoft Word ceea ce eu voi trimite in PDF. Textul contine simboluri si formule matematice. Nu se pot folosi programe ORC(gen Nitro), textul chiar trebuie scris de la tastatura si formulele sa fie curate. Platesc 5 lei/pag
Hello, I need a web page on my admin web application, that will be similar with the picture from attachment. ( my admin web page is build with Metronic Admin Template). This page should have 3 select (Site, Date and Employee), and a table with freeze panes like in excel. This table will help me to allot employees on job on properties in a speci...I have more work to give to the awarded freelancer so we can collaborate for others project. A very small idea about this table you can see here : (i try here to simulate something...just click on table cells). If you do not understand something...just ask! Picture design is not the final one...the final design should be much better. More details/specification will be provided to awarded freelancer.
Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project
având o capacitate f mare de producție și o experiență indelungată ( de 2 ori locul întâi la Premiile Display- germania pt un display Gillete și cutia de coniac Brâncoveanu) însă f afectați de o decizie de insolvență care s-a dovedit ulterior o gravă eroare judiciară, suntem în punctul de a începe să redevenim ce am fost și mai mult decît atât. Vreau deci să reconstruiesc o echipă de client service și vânzări pt cele două categorii mari de produse:; ambalaje și materiale publicitare( POSM-uri) precum și oferirea de servicii tipografice speciale pt tipografii mai mici sau agenții de producție( lac uv, lac uv selectiv, plastifieri, cașerări, ștanțări) Cele 2 categorii mari de produse pot fi vizionate și înțelese pe siteul
Am nevoie de o aplicatie Hadoop care sa foloseasca un fisier csv dat de mine si care sa realizeze cateva operatii simple Map/Reduce, cum ar fi ordonarea dupa un anumit camp, gasirea tuturor inregistrarilor cu o anumita valoare. Rezultatele vor fi aratate intr-o interfata web.
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pan...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.
...picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must be able to integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app lat...
I'm seeking a professional who already have a profitable play-to-earn blockchain game on the Solana platform and wants to resell the formula. Key Responsibilities: - Concept Creation: Help refine our initial game concept into a compelling and engaging play-to-earn game. - Technical Development: Oversee the technical development of the game and its native cryptocurrency. - Marketing Strategy: Devise an effective marketing strategy to promote the game pre-launch and throughout its lifecycle. - Deposit, withdraw and rankings features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in game development, particularly in the play-to-earn sector. - Deep understanding of the Solana blockchain and its capabilities. - Strong background in cryptocurrency development. - Excellent...
I'm looking for an expert to help me with my Steam app on Ubuntu. My hard drive is formatted as EXT4 and I'm new to Linux. I have manually mounted the drive, but I'm unable to add it as a Steam library location. Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge of Ubuntu and Steam - Experience with EXT4 file systems - Strong troubleshooting skills - Ability to explain technical concepts in simple terms
Scope of Work: Full Website Redevelopment for We are seeking an experienced web developer to fully redevelop our website with the following specifications: Core Requirements: Listings Features: Sales Properties: Display Sales Price, Net Operating Income (NOI), and CAP Rate (calculated as NOI ÷ Sales Price). Lease Properties: Include NNN, NN, or N status, monthly lease payment, and lease term (in years). Option to hide sensitive details if requested by the seller/landlord, displaying "Inquire" instead. Excluded Pages: Omit Business listings, the News, Books for Sale, and Directory pages from the new website. Keyword Matching Algorithms: Develop algorithms for matching users with properties based on specific keywords like location, property type, ...
I'm experiencing an issue with my Raspberry Pi, running Raspbian with the default OS. The Menu Editor is missing. This project requires a freelancer who can: - Diagnose the issue with the missing Menu Editor. - Provide a solution to restore or replace the Menu Editor. - Ensure the Raspberry Pi is fully functional post-fix. Ideal candidates should have: - Ex... The Menu Editor is missing. This project requires a freelancer who can: - Diagnose the issue with the missing Menu Editor. - Provide a solution to restore or replace the Menu Editor. - Ensure the Raspberry Pi is fully functional post-fix. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Raspberry Pi and Raspbian. - Strong problem-solving skills. - Ability to communicate technical issues in a simple, ...
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I'm seeking a talented game developer to create a complete framework for an open-world aviation adventure game. This game is inspired by iconic titles like Zelda and Skyrim, and it will be developed for PC and Console using Unreal Engine. Key requirements: - Comprehensive understanding of game mechanics, particularly in exploration, c...Designing intricate and engaging game mechanics, similar to those found in Zelda and Skyrim. -developed for and all consoles This is just a frame work no polishing needed just the bones Ideal candidates will have a portfolio showcasing their experience in designing open-world games and a deep understanding of the elements that make games like Zelda and Skyrim successful. Your creativity and technical skills will be key in turning this visio...
Android iOS both development Phone Zio sensor specific movement detection or volume button or power button Automatic push notification to designated members when pressed Members who receive push notifications must take action App payment Promotional reward function Visit path number of visits SNS sharing login Condições de elegibilidade para participação no desenvolvimento 1 Mais de 5 anos de experiência em desenvolvimento / Deve ser uma equipe com ampla experiência em desenvolvimento 2 Somente equipes capazes de projetar e desenvolver telas e UIUX como equipe de desenvolvimento 3 O cliente não fala inglês, portanto é utilizado tradutor apenas para desenvolvedores que não tenham problemas de comunicação. 4 ...
...passes. The app will be simple, user-friendly, and enable operators to effectively track, plan, and execute their tasks with minimal complexity. 2. Scope of Work Key Features: 1. GPS Path Tracking: o Track the movement of a tractor and plot its path on a digital map. 2. Turn Guidance: o Provide real-time guidance to tractor operators, notifying them when to make the next turn. o Example: 55' passes and 25' offset from the fence line. 3. Field Memory: o Enable the app to save and recall field-specific details for future operations. 4. Path Optimization: o Follow or track the first line and generate recommendations for subsequent passes. 5. Cross-Platform Compatibility: o Develop the app for both iOS and Android platforms. 6. User Interface: o Ensure the app is ...
I'm in need of a skilled frontend developer with a strong background in React. The project will involve not just standard frontend tasks, but also a considerable amount of creative programming. Key Responsibilities: - Developing forms, navigation menus, and interactive charts using React - Implementing creative programming techni...project Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, and React - Experience with Redux and SQLite - Strong understanding of creative programming - Ability to create and implement engaging animations and interactive visuals - Experience with designing and integrating custom graphics This is an exciting opportunity for a developer with a creative edge. If you're able to blend technical expertise with innovative design, I'...
...document online, to be able to fix the code. What I provide: - Code sharing on Github Technical Knowledge: - Good knowledge of WPF, especially sizing and calculation of the elements - Good knowledge of C# - Good knowledge of Json Functional Knowledge: - Good communication - Functional knowledge of Invoice, Bill, - Functional knowledge of Documents Header, Footer, Details Requirements Environment: - C#, WPF, Windows 10, Node JS, Visual Studio 2022 - Account with GitHub for sharing Important, I don’t answer to such proposals: - Asking where are the requirements (no more annoying to get a question on the chat asking where are the requirements) - Sending ready made proposal like “I know PHP”, “I do website”, " I have 20 years experie...
I'm looking for a professional to assist with the initial setup of my HIKVISION IP Camera. The purpose of this setup is to broadcast live performances via VIMEO. Therefore, expertise in configuring the camera for event broadcasting is essential. Key responsibilities: - Initial setup of HIKVISION IP Camera - Configuration for live eve...Therefore, expertise in configuring the camera for event broadcasting is essential. Key responsibilities: - Initial setup of HIKVISION IP Camera - Configuration for live event broadcasting on VIMEO Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with HIKVISION IP Cameras - Proficiency in Vimeo's live streaming platform - Background in configuring cameras for broadcasting live performances - Technical troubleshooting skills - Excellent ...
I am in the process of renovating a natural stone chalet in the stunning central Alps of Northern Italy, and I'm seeking a motivated and skilled technical building architect/engineer. The chalet is partially renovated and requires your expertise to complete the transformation into a modern, functional, eco-friendly home. Key Responsibilities: * Designing functional and aesthetically pleasing living areas * Calculating the thermal envelope and providing a detailed thermal insulation plan to ensure the chalet is warm and cozy during the cold Alpine winters. * Designing an energy-efficient, eco-friendly heating system that aligns with sustainability principles. * Prep-work for the installation of a wooden garden house. * Coordinating and overseeing contract work when feasible. ...
I am looking for a professional with solid experience in backend functionality, specifically in database management. The project involves not just implementing a new feature but also providing ongoing support. We are looking to implement the OS to support a key system implementation. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement new backend features - Manage and optimize database ...implementation. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement new backend features - Manage and optimize database systems - Provide support post-implementation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong expertise in backend functionality - Proven experience in database management - Excellent problem-solving skills for support tasks - Good communication skills for providing updates and explaining technical...
...create a simple, secure website for my team of 5 to 20 people. The site should have a clean, user-friendly design and include the following key features: Login System Each team member will receive a unique login code to access the site. The website should track the IP address of each login for security purposes. Features 1. Coachings Page A dedicated page listing available coaching sessions. Each coaching session will have its own entry. When clicked, it should open an embedded Vimeo video of the session. A section under the videos to display upcoming coaching sessions or events. 2. Calendar Page A calendar view displaying the month's planned coaching releases and team events. 3. Tools Page A page for team members to download relevant tools or files. Require...
I'm in need of a seasoned Shopify expert to assist me with store setup and design, as well as app integration. Your creative input will be invaluable as I'm open to suggestions for the store's design. In addition to technical setup, I will need assistance with product listings and descriptions. Your copywriting skills will be a major asset in crafting compelling product descriptions that will engage potential buyers. Ideal skills for this project: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Proficient in store setup and design - Skilled in app integration - Experience with product listings and descriptions - Strong copywriting skills - Creative design suggestions - Ability to understand and meet client needs.
Task Title: Website Evaluation and Assistance for Mediavine Approval Description: I am seeking an experienced website professional to assist with getting my site approved for Mediavine. My website currently has over 50,000 sessions (as verified by Google Analytics), meeting Mediavine’s traffic requirement. I need a freelancer to: 1. Evaluate my website for Mediavine’s approval requirements. 2. Identify any areas for improvement, including content, layout, or technical aspects. 3. Guide me through the application process and provide actionable recommendations to ensure approval. Key Responsibilities: Review and analyze my website against Mediavine’s standards. Confirm traffic metrics through Google Analytics. Provide a ...
I'm seeking an experienced instructor to create advanced-level video tutorials on Embedded Systems. Your content should cover key topics such as Real-time operating systems (RTOS), advanced microcontroller programming, and embedded system security. The Educational Engineering Academy (EEA) is seeking experienced instructors to create high-quality video tutorials across a range of technical topics. We are hiring for multiple courses, covering Embedded Systems, Data Analytics, ARM Programming, IoT, Automotive Technologies, and Linux Administration. Overview: Payment is based on the number of final video hours delivered. Applicants must submit a sample video (Google Drive link or file upload) explaining a mid-to-advanced embedded systems topic to demonstrate teaching and recor...
I'm in need of a call center that can provide tier 1 technical support over the phone. The call center should be able to handle basic troubleshooting calls. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Prior experience in technical support call centers - Excellent communication skills - Ability to handle high call volumes - Proficient in basic troubleshooting techniques - Customer-oriented attitude
I am looking for an experienced Android developer to build a simple One-Page Kotlin-based app that displays multiple cards in a list. Each card will have specific details. Key Features: Page 1: Display multiple cards, each containing: User Name User Expertise Status (Running/Stopped) Start and Stop buttons for each card. Each Start button will be associated with a unique API URL. When the Start button is clicked: The corresponding API will be called every 5 seconds. The app should continue calling the API every 5 seconds, even if the app is in the background, until the Stop button is clicked. Stop button: Stops the API calls. Multiple APIs can run simultaneously. Technical Requirements: Kotlin for Android development. RecyclerView to display the list of cards. Coroutines t...