Tata consultancy services careersproiecte
...layout, themes, and responsiveness will need to be tested to ensure compatibility with Android 14's design guidelines. Performance Optimization: Android 14 includes performance optimizations that improve battery life, app startup times, and memory usage. To take full advantage of these improvements, the app's code may need to be optimized. Background Services and Battery Management: Android 14 introduces stricter controls on background services and app activity to enhance battery life. Any background processes within the app will need to be reviewed and optimized to ensure compliance with the new battery management policies. Security Enhancements: Android 14 includes enhanced security measures, such as stronger encryption, improved authentication methods, and str...
...LIMITED, a company registered in the Republic of Mauritius (Registration No. 158250 C1/GBL and Licence № С118023400 issued by the Financial Services Commission, Mauritius, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity The Cyberati Lounge, C/o Credentia International Management Ltd, Ground Floor, The Catalyst 72201 Ebene MAURITIUS). The entity, which accepts payments from clients and transfers credit card payments back to clients, is Holcomb Finance Limited, a company registered in Cyprus (Kennedy, 12, KENNEDY BUSINESS CENTRE, Floor 2, 1087, Nicosia, Cyprus, Registration No. HE 183254) The affiliate programme is not permitted in Spain for the commercialisation of investment services and client acquisitions by unauthorised third parties. The Company does not accept any customers from and do...
...you also start promotion actions in social media (Facebook/Instagram and other networks if you wish), for which I present some details: 3. SMM (Social Media Marketing) SERVICE: Social Media services are based on the creation and personalization of Facebook pages (and optionally Instagram), the development of a content strategy and the creation of an editorial plan to achieve commercial and visibility objectives. It is extremely important that there is constant activity on the Facebook page in order to keep the company's brand visible, but also to increase the visibility of actions / promotions / services already carried out on other promotion channels (google, website, etc.) A. Creation / Customization / Audit of the Facebook page (optional), includes: I already have...
Proiect de virtual office & virtual assistance. Colaboratori pentru VAPBiz. Servicii online pentru : Programăriîntâlniri, efectuare apeluri telefonice, realizam aranjamente de călătorie și gestionare conturile de e-mail, de asemenea,postari pe rețelele sociale și cercetare. Virtual office & virtual assistance project. Contributors to VAPBiz. Online services for: Scheduling meetings, making phone calls, making travel arrangements and managing e-mail accounts, also posting on social networks and research.
Cautam un copywriter pentru o afacere de ingrijire varstinici la domiciliu. Avem nevoie de text atractiv pentru materialele de marketing, si anume: website, web ads (Google/web banners), print ads (printed poster, banner), flyere (1-2 pagini), radio ads. Vom lucra ulterior cu un graphic designer ca sa puna in practica textul pus la dispozitie de copywriter. Target group: fie varstinicii fie familia varstinicilor, care isi doresc o ingrijire profesionala, curata, calitate buna, infirmiere fiabile, care vin la timp, respect, experienta, etc. Serviciile includ: igienă corporală, îmbrăcare şi dezbrăcare, igiena eliminărilor, hrănire şi hidratare, transfer şi mobilizare, Hidratarea corespunzatoare Activitati casnice deplasarea în interior Pregatirea Mancarii Serviciu de nisa:...
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: albaweb.ro. The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
Buna, Cautam un creative writer pentru a scrie sau retusa textele de pe un website. Website-ul apartine unei entitati non-guvernamentale, non-profit. Textele necesare sunt cele obisnuite: acasa, despre noi, despre cazurile noastre, texte pentru pagina de donatii, despre voluntariat. For those offering other services, please do not, this post is about a Romanian content writing. I don’t need anything else :). Thank you for taking the time to read through. Multumim, Adela Rusu
Bună, Orchid Web Services. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Salut, Am o aplicatie android scrisa in Java si de ceva timp (de acum 4-5 update-uri) nu mai functioneaza location services. Aplicatia are doua coordonate si ar trebui sa afiseze timpul si distanta dintre ele. Este totul integrat, doar ca in urma unui update acest feature nu mai functioneaza. De altfel, aplicatia are si niste call-uri API la un server, si as vrea implementata o functie noua, dar momentan vreau doar partea de location. Pentru un expert ar trebui sa fie o munca de maxim 30 minute. Doar persoane din Romania. Nu bidati daca nu sunteti vorbitor de limba romana.
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva cu experienta in wordpress pentru a aranja/structura continutul GATA FACUT pentru un site. Siteul este un template cumparat si customizat. Pagina de exemplu continut structurat/aranjat actual: Pagini de servicii de exemplu cum dorim ...aranja/structura continutul GATA FACUT pentru un site. Siteul este un template cumparat si customizat. Pagina de exemplu continut structurat/aranjat actual: Pagini de servicii de exemplu cum dorim sa arate continutul la final: (oricare dintre layouturile de la fiecare serviciu din templatul original) 11 pagini de servicii 6 pagini de tehnologii Doresc rapid si profesional. Sorin.
Digital Business Lounge LTD cauta colaborator - developer backendd - PHP, MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Roundbout. Contact la careers at Digital Business Lounge LTD cauta colaborator - developer Flutter pentru dezvoltatea undei aplicatii de mobil. Contract initial fix cu oportunitatea de prelungire nedeterminata a contractului pentru persoana potrivita. Contact la careers at Digital Business Lounge LTD cauta colaborator - developer frontend - VUE.js, CSS, HTML Contact la careers at
Cautam un .net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in AWS, pentru proiectele pe care le dezvoltam in cadrul RIA Solutions Group, alaturi de clientii nostri din SUA. Se poate lucra remote, intrucat ne dorim in special sa lucram in regim de colaborare pe aceste proiecte. The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.
Doresc un logo pentru identitatea vizuala a firmei pentru serviciile pe care le oferim clientilor nostri. mcb-services
Am un uxpin pt un proiect la care sunt de realizat: 1. implementare landing page 2. navigare de forma: Home About Resources Careers Form pt Tip Cont 1 si Form pt Tip Cont 2 (in Homepage) Contact Us Page 3. toate aceste 5 pagini sunt sub forma de uxpin si deci style, pozitie , continut este gata Tema trebuie sa fie responsive, valida CSS si HTML Astept oferte pentru incepere imediata. Plata la livrare dar cu Milestone asigurat aici in freelancer.com NU E NEVOIE DE DESIGN - este NEVOIE DOAR DE IMPLEMENTARE NU MA ASTEPT LA UN COST MAI MARE DE 100$ , SUNT DISPUS LA PHASE 2 MAI CONSISTENT UNDE CONSTRUIM UN MARKETPLACE Alte proiecte disponibile imediat dupa livrarea acestuia. Multumesc.
Caut persoana dinamica, directa, cinstita care doreste sa faca bani muncind de acasa. Am in spate o echipa de development web, de design 2d si 3d si recunosc nu am timp sa folosesc conturile pe care le a... Pakistan si alte tari exotice, nu e nimic personal dar nu ne-am intelege. Ma ocup personal de training, de resurse dar nu vreau sa pierd vremea! Astept CV si scrisoare de intentie in care sa inteleg de ce te consideri potrivit, daca ai mai facut asa ceva si ce te motiveaza mai mult. Oferte COPY/PASTE ... nu sunt necesare. Multumesc. Please don't translate this post and offer your services to me, I don't need anyone outside Romania and this is not personal, this is just because it will be easier for me to train and integrate someone from Romania. Don'...
...sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their database in their account on our site, and also they can request us to make a website for them as well. customer/business client registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory and only shown if business client) - lan line number (compulsory if business client) - mobile number (compulsory) - ID number of the registrar (compulsory) ...
Cautam programatori, ROMANI, cu o engleza buna, experienta solida (preferabil senior), care sa lucreze de acasa sau la sediul nostru daca sunt dispusi sa se relocheze in Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, ...avand acelasi Delivery Manager si Architect si apoi fiecare cate 1 Lead Developer, 1 Scrum Master, 3 Senior Java developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spring MVC (to use web services for AngularJS, not the full MVC) • -Spring Security • -Spring Session • -Spring Data JPA • -Java 1.8 • -Testin...
Bună, am nevoie de un logo nou sugestiv pentru o firma care are ca domeniu principal de activitate amenajarea și întreținerea spațiilor verzi private și publice (peisagistică) și implementarea sistemelor profesionale de irigații automatizate. - Denumire firma: În grădina lu' Ion (cu apostrof lu' ) - Slogan: Verde și parfum în grădina ta - Obiecte/semne reprezentative: gazon, copac, apă, frunză/frunze, pasăre (multă lume când ne pronunță numele firmei ne asociază cu cântecul tradițional românesc "În grădina lui Ion toate păsările dorm..." :D ), mascotă grădinar, etc. - (alte idei las la imaginația voastră). - Culori reprezentative: verde, albastru, maro, portocaliu, galben sau similare acestora. Logo-ul îl dores...
un logo sugestiv pentru o firma de curierat express care pe langa logo-ul sugestiv, sa contina urmatoarele: 3B - express courier sau 3B express courier services , iar liniuta din stanga B daca s-ar putea sa fie rosie
We care your Mobile Repair&ِAِccessories
...sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their database in their account on our site, and also they can request us to make a website for them as well. customer/business client registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory and only shown if business client) - lan line number (compulsory if business client) - mobile number (compulsory) - ID number of the registrar (compulsory) ...
... Descrierea companiei We are an European software and IT consulting company. As a service provider for IT projects (nearshore) and personnel recruiting (IT sourcing), we support companies to find and establish flexible sourcing decisions, to overcome a temporary gap of personnel and to decrease costs. The efficiency of a company will be increased by making advantage of the international IT services of our company. Especially for well educated, experienced and multilingual IT experts there are always good chances for limited and interesting onsite stays. Very often these stays are the start and also the pre conditions for long lasting nearshore / remote projects. BRUSCH makes advantage of the long lasting experience of the founders and its partners to leverage best practices t...
Doresc implementare tema wordpress si finalizare site.
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Se considera cunoscute urmatoarele informatii din arhiva seviciului de stare civila a primariei unei localitati: despre nasteri: nume si prenume mama; nume si prenume tata; nume si prenume copil; data nasterii; despre casatorii: nume si prenume sot; nume si prenume sotie; data casatoriei; despre divorturi: nume si prenume sot; nume si prenume sotie; data divortului. Se presupune ca în cazul casatoriilor si al divorturilor, sotii nu îsi modifica numele avute înainte, iar in cazul nasterilor, copii vor primi numele tatalui. Sa se scrie un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari: starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anum...
Oficiul starii civile Se considera cunoscute urmatoarele informatii din arhiva seviciului de stare civila a primariei unei localitati: *despre nasteri: -nume si prenume mama; -nume si prenume tata; -nume si prenume copil; -data nasterii; *despre casatorii: -nume si prenume sot; -nume si prenume sotie; -data casatoriei; -despre divorturi: -nume si prenume sot; -nume si prenume sotie; -data divortului. Se presupune ca în cazul casatoriilor si al divorturilor, sotii nu îsi modifica numele avute înainte, iar in cazul nasterilor, copii vor primi numele tatalui. Sa se scrie un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari: -starea civi...
Doresc sa ofer o perspectiva plina de incredere tinerilor,sa infrumusetez ideile si conceptiile sa punctez pe idei bine puse la punct,pline de farmec,lasand tuturor loc de este pasiunea mea ce doresc sa o impartasesc c...multumind pentru soarta ce le-a dat sa se in semn de multumire pentru anii tineretii ce i-au trait cu pasiune si inflacarare,lasand aceste randuri dovada pentru ca au renuntat la noptile nebune doar pentru ei in favoarea unei responsabilitati ce le-a schimbat cursul samanta vie cu sangele lor curgandu-mi prin vene,cu trasaturi profunde de la tata si feminitatea cu un suflet curat invatat sa iubeasca...de aceea va iubesc. Acesta este doar un concept din tot ceea ce pot oferi.
I'm looking for a talented appointment setter to help schedule consultations in the education sector. The main responsibility will be setting these appointments over the phone. You will be responsible for calling our inbound leads and encouraging them to book a discovery call with our sales team, we will give you access to our calling system and database and you will be expected to be callin...particularly in the education sector - Proficiency in telemarketing - Must speak perfect english as our clients are english speaking Experience: - Prior roles in consultation scheduling or similar fields - Proven track record in sales or customer service Your task will be crucial in facilitating meaningful consultations and ultimately contributing to the growth and reach of our educational ...
...mobile app launching soon. Responsibilities: - Research and identify potential vendors for various services, including: - Logistics and Shipping - Shipping carriers - Freight brokers - Trucking companies - Warehouse and fulfillment centers - Payment and Financial - Payment gateways - Merchant banks - Accounting and bookkeeping services - Technology and Development - Web development companies - Software as a Service (SaaS) providers - Cybersecurity services - Marketing and Advertising - Digital marketing agencies - Influencer marketing platforms - Email marketing services - Insurance and Risk Management - Transit insurance provi...
Project Title: Design a Professional Flyer for Emergency Housing Project Description: I’m seeking a talented graphic designer to create a professional, eye-catching flyer that communicates the services of 1st Choice Home Stays to fire departments. This flyer will serve as an informative tool to introduce our emergency housing program, designed for families displaced by fires or other disasters. The flyer should include key points from below: We know how critical your role is when responding to fires and ensuring families are safe. Once the immediate danger has passed, the next challenge often becomes finding a safe and secure place for these families to stay—especially when they have nowhere else to turn. That’s where we can step in to help. We’ve recent...
I need a sleek, modern website for IT services company. The site should encapsulate the following pages: - About Us and Our Team - Services - Careers - Events - Get in Touch (with a contact form) The website should be designed using our specific brand colors. Hence, prior experience in brand-based color application is a plus. The design should also incorporate a clean, minimalistic aesthetic that aligns with a corporate, professional tone. SEO and cookies tracking implementation is essential. I am looking for a web designer/developer with a strong background in SEO and web analytics. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in modern web design - Strong understanding of SEO and cookies tracking - Experience in designing brand-specific websites - Abil...
I need a PowerBI dashboard to monitor project performance. The dashboard should track progress against milestones and budget vs actual costs. The data sources include Excel spreadsheets and various Cloud services. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in PowerBI - Experience in project performance tracking - Skills in connecting PowerBI to Excel and Cloud services - Expert in data visualization and interpretation -Understanding of budgeting terms - developing a dashboard that can be updated by end user
...XPS 13 laptops. The objective is to set up a secure, reliable system to route all laptop activities through a server located in a specific geographic area while maintaining operational efficiency and compliance with geolocation requirements. Responsibilities: 1. Server Setup and Configuration: - Install and configure an Ubuntu Server (22.04) or Debian-based operating system. - Set up VPN services (e.g., WireGuard or OpenVPN) with Maryland-based IPs. - Configure load balancing using NGINX or HAProxy. - Implement monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana) and logging tools (Fail2Ban, UFW). 2. Networking and Security: - Set up a secure local network with a router supporting VPN functionality. - Configure a 24-port Gigabit switch for device connectivity. - Develop...
I am looking for a dedicated team to enhance user engagement on profile on , specifically targeting my videos. Key Responsibilities: - Daily scrolling through specified vid...shop, specifically targeting my videos. Key Responsibilities: - Daily scrolling through specified videos - Viewing and interacting with the content The goal of this project is to boost the visibility of my videos and increase user interaction, which will ultimately help to enhance the overall engagement on my account. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with click farm services or similar engagement boosting strategies - Familiarity with social media platforms - Ability to commit to daily tasks and maintain consistency - Strong understanding of user engagement metrics and strategies
I am seeking a creative professional to design a promotional flyer for my Customs Brokerage and Logistics business. Key details: - The main purpose of the flyer is to promote our services to potential clients. - It is crucial that the flyer effectively communicates our range of services in an appealing and concise manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: Ability to create visually appealing designs that align with our logo and brand identity. - Marketing: Understanding of how to craft a message that will attract potential clients. - Print Design: Experience designing for print, ensuring all elements are optimized for a physical flyer.
...fixes. - Reporting: Provide clear and regular updates on issues, solutions, and overall progress. Requirements - Experience: Strong QA experience with mobile apps, including social media or entertainment platforms, is preferred. - Technical Knowledge: - Backend:** Proficiency in NodeJS and **PostgreSQL. - Frontend: Familiarity with Flutter. - Cloud: Experience with **AWS services**. - API Testing: Demonstrated ability to review and test APIs. - Communication: Fluent in English for effective collaboration. - Variety of Projects: Experience working on projects of varying complexity. - Mobile Principles: Solid understanding of mobile app development, UI/UX, and platform-specific behaviors. - NDA Compliance: Willingness to work under a non-disclosure ...
...highly valued. ??logo : Distinctive and professional logo ⭐ SCRIPT FEATURES – Supreme Smm Panel Script ? Multi services: (Default, Auto Like, Custom comments, Comment Likes, Mentions with Hashtags, Mentions User Followers, Mentions Media Likers, Subscriptions, Package .canva . IPTV. netflix … etc) ? Google Login – Simplify access for your users. ? Superb User Panel – Provide an easy-to-use interface for thousands of orders. ⚡ Efficient Order Processing – Connect multiple APIs for automated order processing. ? Powerful Admin Panel – Manage your business with advanced features. ? Subscriptions – Automate likes, views, retweets, and more. ? Bulk Services Editor – Update all services with a single click. ⏱️ Average T...
As a company specializing in rapid prototyping, we need a talented content/copy writer to enhance our online presence. The content will primarily target industry professionals, showcasing our capabilities and prioritizing our 3D printing services. Key Responsibilities: - Propose relevant topics and write engaging articles for LinkedIn and our website. - Highlight our comprehensive services: industrial design, simulation and modeling, PCB Manufacturing, 3D printing, Product Testing & CNC/Laser machining. - Maintain a conversational and engaging tone or technical professional throughout the articles, appealing to our target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in technical content writing, particularly in the manufacturing or prototyping industry. - Exceptional cop...
I HAVE CODE IN TEXT FILE - BUT ALSO HAVE GITHUB. So this is testing and troubleshooting I'm developing a Flutter app that will use native I...responsive. 7. **Handling Network Latency** - **Asynchronous Upload**: Use the AWS SDK for Swift to upload each file from the buffer to S3. Implement retry logic to handle transient network errors. - **Network Buffer**: The upload buffer helps smooth out any network latency issues by maintaining a steady upload rate. 8. **Sending to Server** - **AWS S3 or Media Services**: Consider using AWS S3 for storage or AWS Media Services for streaming. Use the AWS SDK for Swift to handle the upload. - **Error Handling and Retries**: Implement error handling and retry logic to ensure files are uploaded successfully, even if there are tem...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to build an app delivering professional services (task management/organisation). This app should be available on both iOS and Android, and must be optimized for desktop or website functionality. The website will essentially ask users to create lists, and then prioritise the various items in those lists (per a monetary/other value); that information will then need to be collated and presented to other users. Key Features: - Task management capabilities - User-friendly interface - Notifications - Capacity to involve multiple users - Users will input preferences and information will be provided/priorities will be amended based on those preferences - On the 'backend', I want it to create something like an excel spreadsheet...
...seeking a professional with extensive experience deploying Kubernetes services on Azure. The project involves several key steps: - Setting Up: Acquire a new domain name and Azure cloud service. - Dockerizing Services: Dockerize specified services, and deploy them to DockerHub. - Database Management: Create and deploy a database management service, Adminer. - Kubernetes Services: Create Kubernetes services and balance the network with Traefik. - Monitoring: Use Portainer to monitor the Kubernetes environment. - Domain Configuration: Assign the main service to a personal domain and subdomains for Portainer, Adminer, and the Traefik dashboard. A good candidate for this project should have: - Proficiency in Azure cloud services. - Strong skills in...
Looking for a software solution that can manage high volume transactional emails effectively. We are a small business with a database of around 20k contacts. We've used basic email-hosting so far but aren't able to send out enough emails at a time. We have an automating system to actually send out the emails but our servers are constantly out of capacity and dont allow us to send out in ... We're also looking for an effective alternative for Mailchimp. Open to solutions. Key Requirements: - The software should be capable of managing our email capacity for high volume transactions. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing or sourcing bulk email software. - Understanding of transactional email requirements. - Expertise in integrating software with third-pa...
I'm seeking a financial planner with expertise in superannuation. The primary focus of this project will be providing tailored superannuation advice to individuals. Ideal Skills: - In-depth knowledge of superannuation - Experience in financial planning for individuals - Excellent communication skills - Ability to provide personalized advice - Understanding of current superannuation legislation and trends
I need a skilled professional to assist me in moving my business website from WordPress to Wix. The website is Key Requirements: - Migration of content and features from WordPress to Wix - Ensuring the new site is user-friendly...moving my business website from WordPress to Wix. The website is Key Requirements: - Migration of content and features from WordPress to Wix - Ensuring the new site is user-friendly and visually appealing - No custom code. When it's done, I need to be able to make changes myself Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and Wix - Web design skills I am not hiring for any ongoing services. Just the migration of our site from Wordpress to Wix Please let me know a cost and how long it will take. Please be realistic about the time :)
I'm looking for a talented designer who can create a modern and trendy logo for my business, "The Fund Club". This company specializes in helping business owners secure funding and providing free credit repair services. Key Requirements: - The logo should be a combination of both graphical symbols and typography. - It should convey a sleek, professional image without being too over the top. - The color scheme should be neutral and understated, avoiding any bold or vibrant hues. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creative logo design. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern and trendy designs. - Excellent understanding of combining graphical symbols with typography. - Ability to create a professional and sleek design within a neutral color palette. ...
I'm looking for a talented developer who can create a photo sharing Android app and a web app for organizing jobsite photos. The app should have approximately 20 screens an...app should have approximately 20 screens and use the current location to tag and sort photos. Key Features: - Tagging photos with location - Grouping photos by client - A drawing tool for annotating photos before upload - Generating secure links for sharing with clients The ideal candidate should have experience in: - Android app development - Web app development - Working with location-based services - Implementing secure sharing functionalities The primary goal of this project is to facilitate the organization of jobsite photos, making it easier to keep track of progress and share updates with manage...
...Detailing Services We are seeking an experienced freelancer with a strong background in CAD Drafting and Steel Detailing Services to join our team. The ideal candidate will have expertise in creating accurate, high-quality technical drawings and models for the steel fabrication and construction industries, using cutting-edge software. Key Services Required: • Erection Drawings • Shop Drawings • Rebar Detailing & Scheduling • Working Drawings • Structural Steel Drafting • Fabrication Shop Drawings • General CAD Drafting Services Preferred Software Proficiency: • Tekla • Prosteel • AutoCAD • 3D BIM Modelling What We Offer: With a team of dedicated local staff, we collaborate closely with archi...