Sound engineering jobs in australiaproiecte
...Transport ,Jobs,imobiliare. La transport transportatorii sa aiba locatia activata in timp real sa-i vad unde sunt,sa-si poata seta plecare-sosire si raza de km pe care vrea sa vada cererile calatorilor in timp real . - Calatorii sa caute ce anume au de transportat,si locatiile de la-pana la,cod postal,adrese exacte din Maps,iar dupa comletare sa-i apara transportatorii care fac acee curse,sa ii contacteze pe transportatori. -Un chat in care calatorul sa poate scrie manual ce are nevoie iar transportatorii sa ii raspunda cu ofertele lor,apoi calatorul alege si contacteaza transportatorul cel mai convenabil. -Curse expres la urgenta -Sistem de plati garantie intre transportator si calator,prin intermediul platformei,iar care dintre cei doi nu-si indeplineste...
Pasionat de digital? Alătură-te echipei noastre din Iasi ca Social Media Manager! Dacă ești o persoană creativă, tehnologică și ai 2 ani experiență în gestionarea platformelor (FB, IG, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube), vrem să te cunoaștem. Mod de lucru hibrid, proiecte interesante. Hai să creăm împreună
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
Salutare! Detin un website de anunturi lansat in 2008, care este perfect functional (si chiar lider de piata pe segmentul lui) insa este invechit din toate punctele de vedere. In tot acest timp nu s-a intervenit prea mult asupra codului, functionalitatii, design-ului, etc. Prin urmare inca arata si functioneaza ca un site de acum 15 ani. Caut un programator istet si OBLIGATORIU experimentat, care sa-l refaca de la zero, nefolosind nimic din vechiul cod. Va fi asadar un site complet nou, care la finalul proiectului il va inlocui pe cel vechi. Toate functiile site-ului actual se vor pastra, la ele adaugandu-se altele noi. Baza de date actuala va fi evident pastrata (utilizatori, anunturi, imagini, etc). Cerinte: 1. Experienta in proiecte similare (website-uri de anun...
...Digital Marketing cu AI - inteligenta artificiala cauta Influenceri pentru promovarea in randul firmelor de nivel mediu si mare a unui serviciu premium cu AI. Despre Influenceri: - laptop si conexiune la internet; - activitate de search, copy-paste-send de maxim 30 de minute pe zi; - search de firme de nivel mediu si mare din Romania, vestul Europei, SUA, Canada, Dubai, Australia; - cautati online pe Google, Facebook si LinkedIn firme sau persoane (pe LinkedIn, CEO sau Manageri de firme) care au venit/profit de peste 100.000 Euro/an (folositi pt Romania ca sa verificati firma) sau care au audienta mare cu zeci de mii ori sute de mii de followers pe pagina de Facebook/LinkedIn; - in pagina de Contact de pe site-ul firmei gasite de dvs. completati formularul de con...
Companie ce activeaza in Consultanta HR, liciteaza pentru un proiect de volum recrutare pentru o companie din industria de automotive. Fiind un proiect de volum, studiem piata pentru a gasi suport pe partea de recrutare. clientii si procesarea comenzilor. Vei avea si taskuri de backend, de operare modificari produse, reguli de promotii, modificari preturi, adugare de produse, etc. Jobul este part time cu posibilitate de full time daca te descurci si ai timp. Despre tine Cautam o persoana cu bune abilitati de comunicare si care poate sa faca si vanzare, onesta, flexibila, cu o voce calda, cu deschidere in a explica clientilor despre produse si modalitatea de comanda si livrare, atitudine proactiva si care sa se adapteze diferitelor situatii gasind solutii care sa functioneze. Taskurile presupun si luare de decizii nu este totul standardizat. Ai o minima aplecare spre folosirea de tehnologii noi. Vorbesti corect dpdv gramatical limba romana. Esti familiarizata cu operarea pc,...
Buna Marilena, Suntem in cautare de un specialist pe platforma Magento 1.9 / 2.x cu care dorim sa avem o colaborare cat mai continua si cu plata per interventie. Daca sunteti interesata va rog sa ne trimiteti un email la jobs@ impreuna cu un nr de telefon unde va putem contacta pentru a discuta despre urmatorul task. Va multumesc
Buna Paul, Ma numesc bacris Steluta si sunt Recruiter Specialist in cadrul comapniei Ness. Mi- a atras teantia ca ai mentionat ca lucrezi cu iOS/Android, tehnologii de viitor. Momentan dorim sa ne extindem echipa si cautam un coleg care sa ocupe rolul de Mobile Developer (for iOS or Android). In cazul in care esti interesat, te rog sa-mi trimiti un Cv actualizat si datele tale de contact pentru a stabili un prim interviu de cunoastere. Tin sa mentionez ca sediul nostru este in Timisoara si in cazul in care stabilim sa incepem o colaborare, este necesar sa ai disponobilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floo...
Buna Ana Maria, Ma numesc Bacris Steluta, sunt Recruiter Specialist in compania Ness. Am remarcat cu interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa ocupe pozitia de iOS Developer. In cazul in care esti interesata, te rog sa-mi trimiti datele tale de contact si un Cv actualizat. Tin sa mentionez ca acest job presupune disponibilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +40 372 805 922
Buna. As dori sa discut cu tine posibiltatea de a dezvolta un web-site pt o firma start-up de consultanta in inginerie civila in Australia. Trimite-mi un mesaj pe adresa de e-mail In ceea ce priveste partea financiara, las la latitudinea ta sa-mi dai o idee. Ignora te rog bugetul si pretul fix indicat automat de Freelancer web-site. Multumesc, Doru
Buna. As dori sa discut cu tine posibiltatea de a dezvolta un web-site pt o firma start-up de consultanta in inginerie civila in Australia. Trimite-mi un mesaj pe adresa de e-mail In ceea ce priveste partea financiara, las la latitudinea ta sa-mi dai o idee. Ignora te rog bugetul si pretul fix indicat automat de Freelancer web-site. Multumesc, Doru
...Am nevoie de un script pentru a sorta constant (deci probabil cron job) toate tabele in functie de anumite configurari per tabela. Pentru config se poate face ori front-end ori back-end, nu ma intereseaza asta momentan. Ce vreau sa faca mai exact : - la fiecare rulare vreau sa stearga toate intrarile mai vechi de X zile - daca intrarea din orice tablea are valoarea [AAAA] (se ia din config) in coloana l_type: OK, daca nu, ignore - daca intrarea din orice tablea este mai veche de X timp (valoarea va fi luata din config): ignore - daca intrarea din tablea se afla in intervalu de timp stablit, si nr_hit1 sau nr_hit2 sau nr_hit3 se afla intr-un interval stabilit in config atunci vreau sa o trimit intr-un rss-feed + ...
Articles and article rewriting in chemical engineering, biochemistry, toxicology
Caut call center pentru vanzare produs IT/ Google in SUA, Canada si Australia - limba engleza Turcia- limba turca, Rusia -limba rusa si tari nordice, in functie de expertiza fiecarui partener.
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Salut sti sa faci sunet pentru jocuri? Am un project la care lucrez este vorba despre un joc 3d cu tancuri furturistice. Cautamsound artist. Deocamdat ar fi vorba despre free work. Dar dupa ce pornim se va plati munca depusa. daca te intereseaza contact me: tankforge@
Salut sti sa faci sunet pentru jocuri? Am un project la care lucrez este vorba despre un joc 3d cu tancuri furturistice. Cautamsound artist. Deocamdat ar fi vorba despre free work. Dar dupa ce pornim se va plati munca depusa. daca te intereseaza contact me: tankforge@
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
dcs plus este in cautare de tineri entuziasti, pasionati de programare si dornici sa lucreze si sa se dezvolte intr-o companie dinamica, alaturi de o echipa de tineri profesionisti. *Ce ne dorim noi de la tine: • sa ai cunostinte de nivel mediu: PHP, MySQL, HTML, JS, Zend Framework • sa ai experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea unor aplicatii web (pot fi si proiecte personale – prezentarea unui portofoliu de lucrari constituie un avantaj); • sa cunosti conceptele OOP *Esti candidatul ideal daca: • esti student sau absolvent Automatica, Matematica-Informatica, Cibernetica; • esti sigur(a) pe tine si increzator(oare) in calitatea serviciilor livrate si a codului programat; • ai cunostinte legate de design-patterns; •...
este un site nou creat pentru asistarea constructorilor si arhitectilor din Australia, in special pentru Western Australia. Site-ul a fost construit cu ajutorul , un template modificat. Este necesara otimizarea site-ului astfel incat sa se regaseasca in top 10 cautari in Australia, Western Australia, Perth. 6-12 cuvinte cheie, link building, inscriere pe cat mai multe servere etc. Multumesc
Salut! Am nevoie de niste sunete+muzica pentru un joc pentru mobile. da-mi un te le fon pe zero sapte cinci cinci sapte sase patru sapte opt opt .
Companie ce dezvolta jocuri pentru casinouri online recruteaza: - 1 grafic designer - 1 sound engineer Se ofera posibilitatea de lucru per proiect, sau full time - 8 ore pe zi. (cu contract) Cerinte: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Fruity Loops, Adobe Sound Studio. Pentru relatii suplimentare, rog sa ma contactati prin intermediul site-ului
... Caut o persoana serioasa, de incredere pe care sa ma pot baza in timp, o persoana care respecta termene limita. Va trebui sa discutam si despre preturi - nu pot promite sume uriase dar nici nu vreau sa lucrez cu oameni numultumiti de felul in care este remunerata munca lor. Stiu sa apreciez munca bine facuta si incerc tot timpul, pe cat posibil, ca toate persoanele implicate intr-un proiect sa fie multumite. Avand in vedere ca nu am inca toate detaliile despre prima aplicatie (deocamdata vreau sa gasesc pe cineva care poate face aplicatii si apoi voi discuta cu clientii despre proiectele in sine) as prefera ca licitatiile sa fie facute cu pretul pe ora in dolari australieni (majoritatea clientilor mei fiind din Australia). Mai multe ...
cv30 este un concept de orientare in cariera sub forma unei aplicatii online care ii ajuta pe tineri sa isi defineasca un orizont clar de asteptari sub forma unui cv scris ca si cand ar trai cariera de vis. Platforma completeaza cv-ul cu optiuni prin care ei pot sa ajunga la cariera visata. Bazat pe o baza de date compelxa interconectata cu majoritatea companiilor si institutiilor mari din domeniul educatiei si al carierei, ei pot sa vizualizeze intr-un mod foarte pragmatic si atractiv care este scopul lor in cariera, si ce optiuni au la dispozitie pentru a ajunge acolo (programe de licenta, master, doctorat; burse; cursuri online si offline; activitati extracurriculare; internships; jobs) Cautam un freelancer pe partea de PR (sau part timp employee) care sa intele...
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite f...
Caut pe cineva care sa imi promoveze site-ul cat mai bine in romania in special pentru fete interesate sa lucreze in strainatate Im looking someone to promote my website everywhere on the internet special in romania and england
i need 1000 sound cloud followers from the following countries Italy UK Germany i will provide the page URL to the winner
...across various sectors such as Retail, Hospitality, Tech Startups, Construction, E-Commerce, Service Sector, Rental Property, and Agriculture in Australia. We need a dedicated cold caller who can help us expand our client base. Your responsibilities will include: - Cold calling potential clients on our behalf - Helping us onboard new clients - Arranging your own leads We offer a commission of 20% of the fee for every onboarded client for the first three months, provided the client stays with us for at least three months. For one-time clients, the fee would be 15% of the client billable amount. You will be reimbursed for lead costs upon production of bills in our name. A non-disclosure agreement will need to be signed. When you write your proposal, I need you to a...
...Generated Content (UGC) for my quad bike tourism brand, Quad Bike King. Your mission will be to showcase the exhilarating experience of quad biking to the Hindi-speaking community in Australia, both tourists and residents. These videos would feature you, or an actor, promoting our product. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and energetic content using our extensive 'creative library' which includes raw footage, FPV mobile phone footage, and photography. - Produce videos and text overlays in Hindi, and with spoken Hindi, promoting the thrill of our quad bike experiences. - This video will be in a reel format to be used in our marketing campaign. - You can create either testimonial and educational styles, whilst maintaining an energeti...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to enhance a live-action corporate video designed for promotional purposes. The video should be polished and engaging to effectively reach our target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with corporate and promotional video editing - Strong understanding of pacing, sound design, and visual storytelling - Ability to work with provided footage and deliver high-quality edits on time.
I'm looking for a film editor to help polish my action drama short film into a smooth and cinematic piece. - The film has an action drama theme, so you should be able to handle and enhance sequences with te...piece. - The film has an action drama theme, so you should be able to handle and enhance sequences with tension and excitement. - The editing style should be smooth and cinematic, so experience with pacing, transitions, and sound design is crucial. - Your editing will help convey the film's narrative and emotional beats effectively. An ideal candidate would have prior experience editing short films, particularly in the action or drama genres. A portfolio demonstrating a smooth and cinematic editing style will be highly regarded. Please include examples of ...
...Automate AI-Driven Company Lookup & Outreach Emails in Flowise + FluentCRM Description: I have an existing Flowise workflow that generates outreach emails using OpenAI. Now, I want to fully automate the process by: Fetching company data (milestones, benchmarks, achievements) to personalize emails dynamically. Integrating FluentCRM to automate email sending and tracking. Project Scope: 1. Automate Company Research & Data Extraction Use APIs (Google Custom Search, LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Clearbit, etc.) to pull relevant company insights. Extract key milestones, funding rounds, partnerships, product launches, and notable achievements. Format extracted data cleanly (JSON or text) to inject into AI-generated emails. 2. Enhance AI Email Generation in Flowise Ensure compan...
...This project involves creating a unique review/remix video that combines clips from various mukbang channels, adding humorous commentary, memes, stickers, sound effects, and other engaging elements. The goal is to create a light-hearted, comedic video that pokes fun at the mukbang genre in a playful way. Think of it as a "best of" or "funniest moments" compilation, but with a humorous twist. We're looking for someone who can creatively edit together clips from different mukbang channels, adding their own brand of humor and wit to the final product. _Key Elements:_ - Humorous tone and witty commentary - Incorporation of memes, stickers, sound effects, and other engaging elements - Remixing of clips from various mukbang channels - Final vide...
I'm looking for someone based in Sydney, Australia, to purchase a postcard. Please write a provided Valentine message on it. The postcard should then be mailed to North Carolina, USA.
...a highway outline in the background to create a travel vibe without overcrowding. Light grey or metallic gradient to keep the focus on the product. Top Section (Headline): Bold, attention-grabbing text: "Tow with Confidence ?⚡" Font: Strong, bold sans-serif (e.g., Montserrat, Oswald) for maximum readability. Main Visual (Center): Product Images: Showcase high-quality images of the Vehicle & Trailer Safety Chain Hook Kit in both Black ⚫ and Orange ?. Display the products diagonally or side-by-side to highlight both color options. Add a badge or label: "Now Available in Black & Orange" for emphasis. Supporting Visual (Bottom or Side): Australian Caravans: Include a high-resolution image of an Australian caravan being towed on an open ro...
...Pipeline Supervision) Position Overview: We are developing an advanced AI chatbot that leverages authoritative texts and research papers to provide accurate, source-backed responses. We are seeking an experienced consultant to supervise and engineer a pipeline that processes PDFs (text + images), reduces redundancy, and structures data for fine-tuning large language models. This role requires expertise in NLP, computer vision, and workflow automation, with a focus on ensuring data accuracy and compliance. Key Responsibilities: PDF & Image Processing: Extract text and images from PDFs using tools like PyMuPDF, pdfplumber, and OCR solutions (e.g., Tesseract, Google Vision). Convert diagrams and tables into text via captioning (using models such as GPT-4V, LLaVA) and structu...
...time gig than this could be definitely turn into a full time hire. I will handle the initial editing steps, like trimming the raw footage into a Final Cut, adding background music & cleaning up the audio. The only thing I would need is enhancing the video and bringing it to life, adding B-roll footage, applying video effects like text overlays, pop up animations, or visual emphasis/effects, & sound effects. The style of editing I’m looking for I’ll link below and for b roll footage I would like a mix of memes, tv shows, movies and wrestling clips kinda like the linked channel below. Links: @TommyNFG/videos The only requirements I have is for this job is to have at least a year of video editing experience and communicate
I'm looking for a cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile app developer to create an app that plays mp3 and mp4 sounds in a loop. The primary purpose of this app is for it to be used as a tool to attract fish while fishing. Key Features: - Users should be able to upload their own sounds directly from their device. - The app should come with a few pre-loaded sounds. The sounds will then be Bluetooth to underwater device. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Sound file integration and management - User-friendly interface design The goal is to create an intuitive and functional app that enhances the fishing experience. Please only bid if you have relevant experience and can deliver high-quality work.
I'm seeking a talented videographer to help me shoot a docu-series. The style of the docu-series will be observational along with interviews so the ideal candidate should have experience in capturing real-life events and interactions in a seamless, unobtrusive manner. Key Responsibilities: - Film various scenes and subjects in an observational style - Work with me to capture the necessary footage for the documentary - Ensure high quality video and sound Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a videographer, particularly in shooting documentaries - Excellent understanding of observational filming techniques
I'm looking for savvy marketers to scour Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for home maintenance job listings. The types of jobs include plumbing, electrical work, landscaping, cleaning, painting, and gardening. Your role will involve: - Directly engaging with users on social media to collect job information. - Posting these jobs to my Job Portal. Ideal skills for this job would include: - Proficiency in navigating and using various social media platforms. - Excellent communication skills to engage with users. - Previous experience in job sourcing or marketing is a plus. Your efforts will help populate my Job Portal with real-time, relevant home maintenance jobs.
I need an engineering cut sheet for c channel that we manufacture. The sizes are 4, 6, 8, 10. This will need to be stamped for Montana Code. Project is urgent. Thank You
...e-commerce brand passionate about creating innovative health products that resonate with our customers. Our mission is to deliver engaging, high-converting content that stands out in a competitive digital landscape. We’re looking for a talented Short-Form Video Editor to join our Media Team and help us create exceptional video content that drives viral results and conversions. About the Role: As a Short-Form Video Editor, you’ll be at the heart of our creative efforts, crafting engaging and visually appealing video content for platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Facebook Ads. Your role will be crucial in helping us connect with our audience, tell our story, and drive conversions. This is a remote position offering flexibility and the opp...
...festival. The main focus of this project is to provide comprehensive live sound reinforcement for a full band and DJ setup, complemented by lighting and a video wall. Key Responsibilities: - Set up and manage live sound equipment for a full band and DJ, including all necessary audio and visual components. - Coordinate the use of microphones and stands, a mixing console and speakers, and stage monitors and in-ear monitors. - Operate a video wall on a truss, a DJ controller, and a light controller. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in live sound reinforcement. - Proficient in setting up and managing AV equipment. - Familiar with working in a festival setting. Requirements: - Ability to deliver high-quality sound a...