Skyrim creation kit add item to merchantproiecte
As vrea sa fac un add-on pentru un site de cashback. De asemenea, schimbat design-ul la site si adaugare pop-up in site. Toti cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita ofertele. Multumesc!
Am cumparat acest template: si doresc sa-l fac functional pe platforma Business Catalyst. De creat cateva template-uri
Proiectul consta in creearea unui "Lobby Room" pentru o aplicatie Visual Basic 6. Este vorba despre o platforma online, un joc de carti de strategie, numit Duel Masters. Jocul a fost creat prin 2003-2004 de un canadian. Eu am primit codul sursa in luna martie anul acesta de la un contribuitor important al jocului. Platforma a avut multe erori pe care am reusit singur sa le fixez in cod, desi sunt inca incepator in programare si m-am apucat sa invat VB 6 doar pentru a lucra in acest cod sursa. Problema este ca modul de conectare intre cei 2 jucatori se realizeaza foarte greu prin ip. Un jucator da listen, si altul conect, dar trebuie sa fie o sincronizare buna pentru functionarea conexiunii. Si din pacate, daca ambii jucatori au IP dinamic, este nevoie de un program aditional, Ham...
...genereze rapoarte, cam vreo 20 Baza de date sa aibă multe tabele preferabil spre 10-20 sau cate se pot face Creation/creating an online shop (electronic website) without using Cms(content management system) or already made e-commerce. The online shop should contain electronic orders for any product, for example portable PCs, PC components and systems,tvs, monitors, printers, cameras, software, gaming, electronics (3 products per category with photos, details and price) Clients should have a client account in which they can manage their history order The admin should be able to : Add/modify/delete photos Manage orders through changing the status order from "in process" to "delivered" Manage stocks Generate reports (aproximativel...
Doresc sa incarc o tema de wordpress cumparata pe un domeniu .ro si sa ajustez tema la nevoile afacerii pe care o incep si anume Confectionarea Costumelor pentru Barbati La Comanda. Tema contine cam tot ce avem nevoie chiar daca nu este o tema pentru fashion ci una pentru sa stiu...optimizare la cautare in google. Si alte servicii necesare functionarii acestui tip de site cum ar fi modificari in tema daca este posibil.? Mai jos este adresa temei
I want an experimented freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you...
Am de facut niste modificari mai mari la un site de e-learning, care se va dezvolta pe o tema WP si plugin-ul WPLMS (). Modificarile care trebuiesc facute la nivel de cod sunt: - Toate tranzactiile facute de utilizatori se vor inregistra in fisiere speciale - Raportari periodice a detaliilor privind accesul in sistem a utilizatorilor - Modificarea permisiunilor pentru anumite grupuri de utilizatori, modificari ce nu se pot face din interfata de administrare - Raportari cu filtre multicriteriale : nume tutor, categorie curs, nume curs. Setul de interogare trebuie sa poata fi salvat, impreuna cu rezultatele returnate, pentru o folosire ulterioara. Salvarea va avea un nume si o descriere si va fi afisata in josul paginii
...colours Boxer Briefs - 9 colours LADIES G-String - 5 colours Boyleg - 5 colours bikini brief - 5 colours full brief - 5 colours EACH PRODUCT ABOVE COMES IN PACK, AND WE WILL LIST A SEPARATE PAGE FOR EACH PACK - SO WE ALSO NEED DESCRIPTIONS DONE FOR THE PACKS - LIKE BELOW WE ARE THINKING A DIFFERENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR EACH PACK AND ITEM - MOST WILL HAVE THE SAME PRODUCT POINTS, THEN THE DESCRIPTIONS TO BE ALTERED TO HELP WITH GOOGLE KEYWORDS Boxer Shorts a. single $14.50 b. single black $15.50 c. 5 black pack $70.50 - $14.10ea d. 5 pack other 7 colours ex black $67.50 - $13.50ea e. 8 black pack $95 - $11.875ea f. 8 pack multi (1 of each colour) $89 - $11.125ea Boxer Briefs a. single $14.50 b. single black $15.50 c. 5 blac...
...colours Boxer Briefs - 9 colours LADIES G-String - 5 colours Boyleg - 5 colours bikini brief - 5 colours full brief - 5 colours EACH PRODUCT ABOVE COMES IN PACK, AND WE WILL LIST A SEPARATE PAGE FOR EACH PACK - SO WE ALSO NEED DESCRIPTIONS DONE FOR THE PACKS - LIKE BELOW WE ARE THINKING A DIFFERENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION BELOW FOR EACH PACK AND ITEM - MOST WILL HAVE THE SAME PRODUCT POINTS, THEN THE DESCRIPTIONS TO BE ALTERED TO HELP WITH GOOGLE KEYWORDS Boxer Shorts a. single $14.50 b. single black $15.50 c. 5 black pack $70.50 - $14.10ea d. 5 pack other 7 colours ex black $67.50 - $13.50ea e. 8 black pack $95 - $11.875ea f. 8 pack multi (1 of each colour) $89 - $11.125ea Boxer Briefs a. single $14.50 b. single black $15.50 c. 5 blac... fara background adica decupate dansul mirilor, cursuri dans adulti , cursuri dans copii, cursuri balet, dansatori evenimente(aici s ar putea sa schimb poza), cursuri dans particulare , cursuri streetdance, dans popular, aici link urile plugin ce le am gasit eu cand se da scroll in in jos sa fi cum este la freelancer bara de navigare sus si cand se da scrool sus sa dispara si sa revina la normal bara de navigare, mai jos este print screen cu exemplu numai ca fiecare
Am un script care atunci cand faci hover peste un element il face mai luminos / brightness increased si cand nu mai este hover / mouse out revine la culoarea initiala . Ca sa il fac mai smooth am adaugat web-kit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out, iar daca cursorul este miscat rapid peste elemente care sunt una langa alta acestea ajung sa se lumineze 100% fiind astfel "pierdute".
Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation Online Web site creation
Am nevoie de o pagina de prezentare in wordpress pe tema de mai jos sau asemanator: Cerinte: - adaptarea temei la cerintele vizuale (modificare culori, logo, tipuri de font etc) - posibilitate de accesare a paginii in 3 limbi diferite - implementare - asistenta la incarcare continut - asistenta pentru updates si defectiuni - asistenta pentru adaptari ulterioare
Programul trebuie sa opereze un drive head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i Trilogi si poate sa urmeze instructiunile exact cum sunt trecute acolo. Pot sa ofer si kit-ul de instalare pentru i-Tr... ul rotativ sa nu fie flash ci javascript si css) : cel de mai jos mi se pare ca se poate personaliza mai mult -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU COPII - DANSATORI PROFESIONISTI - -DANSUL MIRILOR - -BALET -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU ADULTI -CURSURI DE STREET DANCE -Cursuri de dans popular 1,1 IMPLEMENTAREA IN BARA DE NAVIGARE: o vizibilitate mai buna urmaresc a navigarii in site 2 ISTORIA DANSULUI:
Am nevoie de un site de genul este template-ul care trebuie modificat am domeniu si hosting
...PAGE : PLUG IN UL ROTATIV SA SUPORTE inca 5-6 imagini : cel de mai jos mi se pare ca se poate personaliza mai mult -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU COPII - DANSATORI PROFESIONISTI - -DANSUL MIRILOR - -BALET -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU ADULTI -CURSURI DE STREET DANCE -Cursuri de dans popular 1,1 IMPLEMENTAREA IN BARA DE NAVIGARE: o vizibilitate mai buna urmaresc a navigarii in site 2 ISTORIA DANSULUI:
Buna, caut pe inceva care s ama ajute sa contruiesc un website pt shoppying online..ati putea sa ma am ideea si cum as vrea s aarate dar nu stiu sa contrueisc am nevoei de ajutor si de cineva foarte bun in acest domeniu. Va multumesc, Corina
...PAGE : PLUG IN UL ROTATIV SA SUPORTE inca 3-6 imagini : cel de mai jos mi se pare ca se poate personaliza mai mult -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU COPII - DANSATORI PROFESIONISTI - -DANSUL MIRILOR - -BALET -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU ADULTI -CURSURI DE STREET DANCE -Cursuri de dans popular 1,1 IMPLEMENTAREA IN BARA DE NAVIGARE: o vizibilitate mai buna urmaresc a navigarii in site 2 ISTORIA DANSULUI:
Aplicatia de care am nevoie este un Softphone si trebuie sa ruleze pe windows. Iata specificatiile, in mare: Sa fie protejat de parola, iar daca o sa fie instalabil si kit-ul sa fie de asemenea, protejat de parola. (Ideal e sa fie portabil, insa aici decizi tu in functie de cum iti este mai usor) Fereastra in care se introduce parola are, sub campul de text, buton OK si Cancel, ambele fara functii atribuite. Adevaratul OK va fi localizat, invizibil, altundeva. Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, le trec...
...exemplu: Se apeleaza de forma cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81","result_id":"47591&quo...
...Magazinul va vinde produse cosmetice. Va exista aceiasi baza de date cu produse dar, fiecare Webstore va avea preturile lui, promotiile lui, banner-ele lui. Vor exista categorii & produse comune celor doua Webstore-uri dar dar si unele care le vad doar utilizatorii B2B. Necesitati: 1. Instalare curata Magento cu 2 Webstore-uri (B2C-domeniu si B2B-sub-domeniu) pe tema ULTIMO () + Meniu flotant 2. Configurare: taxe, transport, interfata in limba Romana, ... 3. Aterizarea se face in Webstore-ul B2C. Accesul in Webstore-ul B2B se face doar cu login (dupa accesarea unui link specific de pe pagina B2C), dupa ce in prealabil cererea de acces a fost aprobata de Admin
Salut , cautam un wordpress developer pentru o colaborare pe termen lung . Acest prim proiect va fi unul scurt si relativ simplu . Avem sablonul HTML : din care trebuie sa facem o tema wordpress cat mai customizabila. Dupa ce vei primi proiectul , vei primi si tema de mai jos ca referinta/ajutor in developmentul temei noastre
Salut , te contactez pentru o colaborare pe termen lung. Deocamdata incepem cu ceva mai simplu daca esti disponibil: Acesta este sablonul Html pe care il am si il vreau ca tema Wordpress. In final ar trebui sa aiba aproximativ aceesi functionalitate ca : SCRN este o tema deja existenta pe care o putem folosi drept exemplu . Iti pot trimite codul sursa al temei pentru a-ti fi mai usor in dezvoltarea temei noastre ( ARKOS ) . Daca crezi ca poti face toate astea si esti dispus sa incepem o colaborare pe termen lung te rog sa-mi lasi un semn si putem discuta mai in detaliu
Salut , te contactez pentru o colaborare pe termen lung. Deocamdata incepem cu ceva mai simplu daca esti disponibil: Acesta este sablonul Html pe care il am si il vreau ca tema Wordpress. In final ar trebui sa aiba aproximativ aceesi functionalitate ca : SCRN este o tema deja existenta pe care o putem folosi drept exemplu . Iti pot trimite codul sursa al temei pentru a-ti fi mai usor in dezvoltarea temei noastre ( ARKOS ) . Daca crezi ca poti face toate astea si esti dispus sa incepem o colaborare pe termen lung te rog sa-mi lasi un semn si putem discuta mai in detaliu
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...
...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...
Avem nevoie de un soft in care sa introducem un item number de ebay (sau direct link-ul), sa recunoasca pretul, iar cand apar schimbari la pret, interfata sa dea un mesaj ca pretus s-a schimbat in sus sau in jos. de principiu cam asta e. Mai multe detalii dupa contact
I have a black and white driver facing dashcam snapshot that needs to be transformed into a 10-second video. I need the face changed in the video to a generated, realistic fictional one. Skills & Experience Required: - Proficiency in AI video - Experience in face replacement technology - Creativity in generating realistic fictional faces - Video editing skills to create a seamless 10-second clip from a still image.
I am looking to build a dedicated social media management team to handle Instagram operations for my business, which is focused on the sports betting industry. I need a team that understands this space, can engage with clients effectively, and drive conversions through strategic content and messaging. Responsibilities The team will oversee all aspects of Instagram operations, with a strong focus on content creation, engagement, direct message management, upselling, and lead conversion. Key responsibilities include: - Instagram Story Posting – Posting client success slips, recap stats, and promotional content. - Feed Posting – Publishing engaging sports betting content. - Direct Message (DM) Management – Engaging with followers, answering questions, ...
I'm looking for a creative professional to help me craft an engaging video for my social media. The primary aim of this project is to increase viewer interaction on my channel. - Content Type: The post will be a video, so experience in video production and editing is crucial. - Engagement Strategies: Understanding of social media algorithms and engagement strategies will be a plus. - Creativity: Looking for someone with a creative mindset who can come up with innovative ideas to capture audience attention.
...tutorial will be targeted towards seasoned users of the software, focusing on advanced editing effects. The end goal is to have a high-quality tutorial that I can resell under my own brand. Key Aspects: - Target Audience: The tutorial is aimed at advanced users of Adobe Premiere Pro. - Content: It should delve into advanced editing effects, demonstrating their application in a clear and engaging manner. - Format: The tutorial must be structured as a video series with chapters, allowing for easy navigation and understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro - Experience in video editing and tutorial creation - Understanding of advanced editing effects - Ability to create engaging and informative content Please provide examples of similar projects...
I'm seeking a freelancer to create an engaging, confident, and fluent school introductory video aimed at prospective students. The video should highlight our academic programs, showcasing the unique opportunities and resources available at our school. Key Requirements: - Experience in video production and editing - Ability to create engaging content targeting young audiences - Fluent and confident presentation skills - Previous work with educational content is a plus.
Link to channel I'm looking for a seasoned YouTube marketer who can help me increase my subscriber base. My target audience primarily consists of professionals and industry experts. Link to channel Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with relevant influencers to boost my channel's visibility and reach. - Strategize and run advertisements effectively to attract new subscribers. - Create engaging content that resonates with my target audience and encourages them to subscribe. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in YouTube marketing. - Strong connections with influencers in the professional and industry expert space. - Excellent content creation skills. - Proficiency in strategizing and running
Humble Futures Funded Firm Social Media & Community Marketing Team Budget: $1,200 for 6 months of work, willing to negotiate and change depending on the type of work you can do! About Us: We are a growing funded futures firm looking for a dedicated and creative marketing team to expand our brand presence across social media platforms and manage our online community effectively. What We Need: We’re searching for a marketing team especially in U.S. with good response time and can: - Post 3-4 engaging videos per week on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels - Develop eye-catching promotional flyers for Instagram, X (Twitter), and other platforms - Create custom flyers and marketing materials on demand - Be familiar with Discord and manage our co... expert to set up and optimize my Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts to help drive sales. My knowledge of online marketing is very limited, so I'm looking for someone who can not only set up these platforms but also provide guidance on how to use them effectively. Key Responsibilities: - Create and optimize business profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. - Develop a strategy focused on driving sales through social media. - Suggest and help implement best practices for online marketing. Content to be shared: - Primarily product photos, showcasing my personalized items. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing and eCommerce. - Knowledge of Etsy and how to leverage social media to drive traffic t...
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I'm planning to launch an interactive, transactional online platform for pet services, similar to This platform will connect service providers with pet owners, offering a myriad of services including pet sitting, grooming, dog walking, nail cutting, animal hygiene, installation of cat claw guards, among others. Key Requirements and Features: - Comprehensive range of pet services - User-friendly interface for service providers and pet owners - Robust messaging system for communication - Reliable appointment scheduling system - Fair and transparent service reviews - Secure Credit/Debit card payment processing - Profile creation for both service providers and customers - Timely appointment reminders Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in de...
I'm looking to create a series of Facebook Reels to showcase my digital products. The primary focus will be on delivering information about the products in a clear and engaging manner, so an informative tone is key. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in video editing and content creation - Understanding of Facebook's algorithms and audience engagement techniques - Ability to convey complex information simply and effectively - Experience with digital product promotion Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I need a talented graphic designer experienced in social media content creation to design a series of soothing and comforting illustrations for a mental health awareness campaign. The campaign will be primarily focused on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and will include: - A series of informative infographics, as these will be prioritized for the campaign - A selection of quote graphics - A few interactive stories to engage viewers All graphics should make use of a calming color palette and a realistic illustration style. It's crucial that each piece includes a clear call to action for support. If you have a background in mental health advocacy or awareness, that would be a plus.
I'm looking for a creat...designed specifically for teaching basic photography skills. The template should be visually engaging and consistent with the principles of good design, helping to illustrate and reinforce the learning objectives. Key requirements: - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in creating a 'creative and artistic' style - Experience with PowerPoint and creating custom templates - Ability to work with a specified color scheme of teals, blues, and blacks, with the optional inclusion of warm tones for contrast. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong portfolio in both graphic design and PowerPoint template creation, with a particular focus on creative and artistic styles. An understanding of basic photography con...
I'm looking for a modern, professional logo for my eco-friendly trash bin cleaning and junk removal business, "EcoClean and Haul". Key Elements: - The logo should incorporate a trash bin cleaning with junk removal truck and a recycling symbol, reflecting our core services a...logo for my eco-friendly trash bin cleaning and junk removal business, "EcoClean and Haul". Key Elements: - The logo should incorporate a trash bin cleaning with junk removal truck and a recycling symbol, reflecting our core services and eco-conscious mission. - The color scheme is white, blue, and green. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in logo creation - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics - Experience with eco-friendly or...
I'm looking for an experienced Instagram and Facebook manager who can help me boost engagement on my accounts. Content Creation: - Posting a mix of photos, images, videos and reels - Crafting engaging captions - Appropriately crediting content Account Management: - Scheduling posts - Responding to comments and direct messages in a timely manner - Analyzing performance metrics and adjusting strategy accordingly Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of increasing social media engagement - Excellent content creation and copywriting skills - Strong understanding of social media metrics and analytics - Experience in timely and professional customer service on social media
I'm looking for a playful and vibrant logo for an upcoming food event hosted by the Rotary Club of Lahaina...The logo should embody a bright and bold color scheme and include the following elements: - Food or utensils: These should be incorporated in a fun and engaging way, appealing to a wide audience. - Rotary symbol: This should be integrated subtly, representing the rotary's involvement without overshadowing the other elements. - Event name: The logo should effectively incorporate the event's name "Bite of Lahaina" in a way that is clear and easy to read. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in playful design and experience in logo creation for events or non-profits and someone who can adhere to brand el...
I'm seeking a talented content editor with experience in creating and editing captivating social media content and YouTube videos including shorts. Your primary role will focus on: - Crafting engaging content for all major platforms: Instagram, Facebook, and Twit...for all major platforms: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. - Creating and editing diverse content types: images, videos, and text posts. The ultimate aim of our content is threefold: boosting brand awareness, fostering engagement, and driving sales/conversions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Strong understanding of social media trends - Creative mindset for content creation Experience: - Prior work in social media content editing preferred - Proven record of driving engagement and sales ...
...incorporating a variety of transitions and effects to maintain viewer interest and convey our company’s message effectively. Key elements to include: - Company history: This should be a concise yet impactful journey of our company, highlighting key milestones and achievements. - Product or service descriptions: Clear and engaging explanations of our offerings, demonstrating their unique value propositions. Ideal freelancers for this project will have: - Proven experience in creating business PowerPoint presentations, particularly for company overviews. - Strong skills in PowerPoint, including the ability to use transitions and effects effectively. - A creative and innovative approach to presentation design. - Excellent understanding of how to ...
I'm seeking a professional who can enhance the visibility of my Facebook group in search results. Currently, I am focusing on organic growth through quality content, but I'm not seeing the reach I need. Key Responsibilities: - Improve the group's SEO to boost its visibility in search results - Maintain the organic growth strategy, leveraging quality content Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Facebook SEO - Strong understanding of organic growth strategies - Excellent skills in content creation and curation
I'm in need of an expert who can create a high-quality, professional launch video for my product. This video will be targeted towards consumers and should effectively highlight the key features and benefits of the product in an engaging way. Ideal Skills: - Video production and editing - Scriptwriting - Sound design - Animation (if needed) Experience: - Prior experience in creating product launch videos is highly preferred. - A portfolio showcasing previous work of similar caliber will be beneficial.
I'm seeking a talented video editor with a knack for showcasing top gameplay moments. The project entails: - Editing and compiling gameplay highlights specifically focusing on top kills and eliminations in Free Fire. - Creating engaging and dynamic content suitable for a gaming YouTube channel. The ideal freelancer for this project would have experience with gaming content editing, an understanding of Free Fire, and a keen eye for captivating gameplay moments. The timeline for project completion is within a month.