Simple wine label designsproiecte
Bună, ITYPE Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Bună, ITYPE Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Bună, ITYPE Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Salut! Am nevoie de cineva care sa stie sa lucreze in Android Studio cu Java, pentru a face cateva proiecte simple si de baza in acesta.
Am un restaurant-wine bar cu bucatraia Italiana și vinuri italiene și romanești. Cartea electronica de maxim 10.000 cuvinte prin cartea targetezi oamenii care 1)Știu de restaurantul meu (este și wine bar) dar inca nu au fost 2)Au vazut restaurant pe facebook sau you tube De asemenea Folosesc cartea ca sa obțin contactele oamenilor (descarca cartea in schimb de datele lui). Cartea spune ca trebuie in primul rand sa știi ce vrei ca sa ai experiența perfecta. Vreau sa imi selectezi clientela prin cartea respectiva și ma orientez la oamenii din clasa medio-alta spre alta, adica clientela afluenta. Structura cartei aproximativa: De ce se duc oamenii intr un restaurant Ce probleme intalnesc? Care este soluția? De ce sa vina la mine ca sa aiba soluția pe care o cauta? De ce sa nu vi...
Bună, ITYPE Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat.
Bună, ITYPE Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Bună, ITYPE Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozitiv/negativ si apoi s...
Am nevoie de un website de prezentare pentru site-ul acesta Cerinte: sa arate modern si sa poata fi modificabil ulterior de un neprofesioist ( texte, adaugat poze, etc)
Completarea unui chestionar (test de personalitate). Durata estimata - aproximativ 10 min. Rezultatul trebuie trimis pe adresa mea de email.
Hi Mihai-Dragos N., redo moonrock designs.
Selectarea caracteristicilor cu algoritmi genetici plus clasificarea cu NN . Baza de date wine Program matlab Cod Matlab
Bună, Unzag Designs. Ți-am remarcat profilul şi vreau să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
We need a simple 148x105 mm commercial flyer design. Designer should be native Romanian speaker with good English level, have an advanced experience in commercial designs and can provide an eye catching graphics.
Prestam servicii de dezvoltarea website si aplicații mobile. Pentru unul dintre clienții noștri romani din domeniul de HoReCa, căutam un copywriter sa ne ajute pe partea de content Este vorba de 22 pagini: • Despre noi o Istoric o Tehnologie o Calitate o Evenimente o Presa o Carier...produse) • Servicii o Consultanta o Logistica o Centre de distribuție • Clienți o Retail o HoReCa o Patiserie • Distribuție • Contact si 1000 de fise produs cu: • Descriere scurta • Descriere lunga • ingrediente • indicații preparare • informații despre alergeni • informații nutritive • aditivi • modalitate de depozitare si păstrare o gramaj si ambalaj Puteți sa îmi dați un buget estimativ in White Label? Care este procedura dvs...
Prestam servicii de dezvoltarea website si aplicații mobile. Pentru unul dintre clienții noștri romani din domeniul de HoReCa, căutam un copywriter sa ne ajute pe partea de content Este vorba de 22 pagini: • Despre noi o Istoric o Tehnologie o Calitate o Evenimente o Presa o Carier...produse) • Servicii o Consultanta o Logistica o Centre de distribuție • Clienți o Retail o HoReCa o Patiserie • Distribuție • Contact si 1000 de fise produs cu: • Descriere scurta • Descriere lunga • ingrediente • indicații preparare • informații despre alergeni • informații nutritive • aditivi • modalitate de depozitare si păstrare o gramaj si ambalaj Puteți sa îmi dați un buget estimativ in White Label? Care este procedura dvs...
Prestam servicii de dezvoltarea website si aplicații mobile. Pentru unul dintre clienții noștri romani din domeniul de HoReCa, căutam un copywriter sa ne ajute pe partea de content Este vorba de 22 pagini: • Despre noi o Istoric o Tehnologie o Calitate o Evenimente o Presa o Carier...produse) • Servicii o Consultanta o Logistica o Centre de distribuție • Clienți o Retail o HoReCa o Patiserie • Distribuție • Contact si 1000 de fise produs cu: • Descriere scurta • Descriere lunga • ingrediente • indicații preparare • informații despre alergeni • informații nutritive • aditivi • modalitate de depozitare si păstrare o gramaj si ambalaj Puteți sa îmi dați un buget estimativ in White Label? Care este procedura dvs...
Buna ziua, Prestam servicii de dezvoltarea website si aplicații mobile. Pentru unul dintre clienții noștri romani din domeniul de HoReCa, căutam un copywriter sa ne ajute pe partea de content (pentru 90% din munca, junior ar trebuie sa fie suficient) Este vorba de 22 pagini: • Des...produse) • Servicii o Consultanta o Logistica o Centre de distribuție • Clienți o Retail o HoReCa o Patiserie • Distribuție • Contact si 1000 de fise produs cu: • Descriere scurta • Descriere lunga • ingrediente • indicații preparare • informații despre alergeni • informații nutritive • aditivi • modalitate de depozitare si păstrare o gramaj si ambalaj Puteți sa îmi dați un buget estimativ in White Label? Care este procedura dvs...
Am un site creat pe CMS Made Simple in care trebuie sa cream campuri pentru inserarea de meta descrition la unele pagini unde inca nu exista aceasta facilitate in CMS. Astept cunoscatori PHP interesati.
salut, Cautam un programator pentru modificarea themei Noisa: Prima Pagina - Cover ultimul release Labels Lista label-uri Pagina Label Logo, text descriere label + lista release-uri (link player) Releases Lista release-uri in ordine cronologica, cel mai nou pe prima pozitie sus. Pagina Release - Nume Release, Artist - Artwork - Descriere - Piese, optiuni Side A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H Artists Categorie, pagina generala cu toti artistii. Asezare random Pagina Artist: Cover Principal Meniu Secundar Biography + link-uri (Social Fb, RA, Discogs Soundcloud + site-uri anexe label) Releases (Release-uri OO + feed discogs ), Poze Booking Request Booking Form, inregistrare direct in gigwell...
Buna. Avem nevoie de un design pentru un label de ketchup.
Am nevoie de un logo care sa aiba aceleasi efecte ca in urmatorul link vreau 6 logouri cu efectul de mobila , lumini, mobilier bucatarie, baie, ceasuri, electrocasnice
Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project
Salut, Am traiti in Moldova acuma sunt In America. Aici am o companie si am ceva nevoie de ajutor cu niste graphics designs. Daca esti interesat sa ma ajuti. Adaugama pe skype: SergeTahij
Salut, Am traiti in Moldova acuma sunt In America. Aici am o companie si am ceva nevoie de ajutor cu niste graphics designs. Daca esti interesat sa ma ajuti. Adaugama pe skype: SergeTahij
având o capacitate f mare de producție și o experiență indelungată ( de 2 ori locul întâi la Premiile Display- germania pt un display Gillete și cutia de coniac Brâncoveanu) însă f afectați de o decizie de insolvență care s-a dovedit ulterior o gravă eroare judiciară, suntem în punctul de a începe să redevenim ce am fost și mai mult decît atât. Vreau deci să reconstruiesc o echipă de client service și vânzări pt cele două categorii mari de produse:; ambalaje și materiale publicitare( POSM-uri) precum și oferirea de servicii tipografice speciale pt tipografii mai mici sau agenții de producție( lac uv, lac uv selectiv, plastifieri, cașerări, ștanțări) Cele 2 categorii mari de produse pot fi vizionate și înțelese pe siteul
Vom lansa in curand un magazin online prin intermediul caruia vom comercializa preponderent vinuri premium si supra-premium. O sa existe de asemenea si accesorii pentru pastrarea si servirea vinului, produse gourmet si carti/reviste de lifestyle. Cautam pe cineva care sa creeze un logo (identitate vizuala) pentru acest magazin online de vinuri. Logo trebuie sa sugereze ideea de vin...servirea vinului, produse gourmet si carti/reviste de lifestyle. Cautam pe cineva care sa creeze un logo (identitate vizuala) pentru acest magazin online de vinuri. Logo trebuie sa sugereze ideea de vin premium, baut in compania unei carti bune sau intr-o biblioteca. Ti-am atasat si un link pentru a-ti face o idee despre cum va arata site-ul.
Am nevoie de o aplicatie Hadoop care sa foloseasca un fisier csv dat de mine si care sa realizeze cateva operatii simple Map/Reduce, cum ar fi ordonarea dupa un anumit camp, gasirea tuturor inregistrarilor cu o anumita valoare. Rezultatele vor fi aratate intr-o interfata web.
Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.
I need a Word press Responsive Html. Serious Designer Can bid.. Please download the attached PSD file.. Need within an hour. Must have previous experience with responsive Designs. Budget: ~ 500 INR
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a captivating label for my perfume. Key Requirements: - Design should adhere to the specifications provided, with an emphasis on elegance and sophistication. - Understanding of design principles that work well on plastic. - Ability to create a design that stands out in the competitive perfume market. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Product Label Design - Proficiency in design software Prior experience in designing for the cosmetics or fragrance industry would be highly advantageous. Please provide examples of similar work in your bid.
I'm looking for an experienced Figma designer to create a user-friendly interface ...looking for an experienced Figma designer to create a user-friendly interface for my hotel booking website. The project entails designing the Home page, Booking page, and Contact page. I have a specific color scheme and branding guidelines that need to be adhered to. Key Aspects: - Prioritize creating a highly intuitive and user-friendly interface - Implement designs that will integrate high-quality images seamlessly - Ensure designs are responsive and adaptable to various devices Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in designing for e-commerce or booking websites - Ability to work with provided branding guidelines - Understanding of respons...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create minimalistic designs for my Instagram and Facebook posts, along with other related graphics. Your role will also extend beyond social media to include: - Designing website banners - Creating flyers and brochures - Logo design You should have a strong understanding of minimalistic design principles and be able to apply these consistently across a variety of platforms and formats. Previous experience with social media design and corporate branding is a major plus. Please provide a portfolio that showcases your relevant work.
I am in need of a web designer to create a modern and sleek web page for a mutual fund investment site. The primary goal of the page is to attract new investors. It should have a professional yet contempo...making it easy for visitors to understand the site and the investment plans. - The site should have a 'Dashboard' page, which is designed to provide a clear overview of investments and potential returns. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design, with a strong portfolio of modern, sleek designs. - Experience in designing investment or finance-related websites is a plus. - Strong understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles. - Ability to create visually appealing, engaging designs that attract and retain viewers. Please get in...
I'm in need of a skilled and innovative 3D Product Designer to create a visually appealing and manufacturable 3D model of a dishwasher pod. Key Responsibilities: - D...manufacturable. - Incorporate compartments for different detergents into the design. - Ensure the final design fits in a standard dishwasher compartment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in 3D product design, particularly in creating household product designs. - Exceptional creative ability to design aesthetically pleasing products. - Technical expertise to ensure designs are manufacturable and practical. - Experience with designing for standard size constraints is a plus. Please provide examples of previous product designs you've worked on, particularly if they relate to hou...
I'm in need of a modern, clean, text-based logo. The design should be monochromatic, focusing on simplicity and clarity. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc.) - Strong understanding of typography and modern design principles - Experience in creating monochromatic designs Please share relevant portfolio examples with your proposal.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create an elegant and sophisticated logo for my event venue, "The Grove" at Willow Run. This unique venue is set on a 14-acre land parcel featuring a beautiful pecan grove, and is perfect for weddings and corporate parties. Key Elements: - The logo should primarily emphasize elegance and blush and light blue. These colors should align with the venue's serene and picturesque natural setting. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in upscale logo design, preferably for event venues or similar businesses. - Excellent skills in working with handwritten script typography. - Experience in creating designs using soft pastel colors. - A knack for incorporating elegance and soph...
I'm in need of a top-tier web design agency or developer, who can create a stunning website for me. The site will primarily be content-based, so it needs to be built with clean, informative layouts in mind. Key requirements include: - Development of a use Form: This form w...trends. This includes the use of sleek, modern elements that enhance user experience and engagement. Please note, backend development is outside the scope of this project. In the second phase, we will be integrating AI capabilities and developing a chatbot. So, experience with AI and chatbot development will be a plus. When submitting your proposal, please include a portfolio of similar website designs you've completed. Also, a mockup of the proposed design will be highly appreciated. I look forwar...
...conveys a "sweet aroma", representing both high-quality ingredients and an unforgettable sensory experience. Design Preferences: Symbolism: The logo should subtly reflect faith, essence, and aroma. Potential elements include: Elegant, flowing forms (to represent essence and aroma) Minimalist sacred or symbolic touches (subtle nod to Christian faith without religious overtones) Abstract organic designs (to signify purity and natural quality) Style: Modern, premium, and timeless. The logo should be clean and adaptable for a variety of food products. Typography: Elegant yet bold, conveying trust and sophistication. Colors: Open to suggestions, but earthy, warm, or deep premium tones (like deep golds, rich browns, muted greens, or soft reds) to reflect warmth, rich...
I'm looking for a...designer to create a modern and minimalist shrink sleeve label for my 10L and 20L water bottles. The design should be clean, uncluttered, and stylish, reflecting a contemporary aesthetic. Key Requirements: - The label must prominently feature my brand name and logo, as well as the product description and usage. - An additional challenge will be to incorporate the concentration of various Periodic Table elements into the design without it feeling overcrowded or chaotic. I will provide all necessary brand colors, so a good understanding of minimalist design principles will be crucial to this project. Your role will be to bring these elements together into a cohesive and appealing label that stands out on the shelf. Experience in product l...
I'm in need of two human cartoon characters designed for animation. The characters should represent one kid and one adult. This project is urgent, and I require the designs within the next 2 days. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong portfolio in cartoon character design - Experience with designing for animation - Ability to meet tight deadlines Please note, the characters should only be designed with parts, as I have further animations planned.
I'm in need of a creative freelancer who can design an engaging Valentine's Day sale banner and ...this project is to enhance our online presence and boost our online sales during this promotional period. Key elements to include: - Visually appealing product images - Clear and enticing 'Discount offer' text - Fun and festive Valentine's Day graphics The target audience for this sale is primarily couples who are looking for adventurous outdoor activities to enjoy together. Therefore, the designs should resonate with this demographic. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Previous experience in creating promotional material - Understanding of the outdoor sports sector - Ability to design for a specific target audience -...
I'm looking for a skilled and creative logo designer to help me create a modern, visually striking logo for my restaurant, Biryani World. The logo should be based on the letters 'BW', and should not incorporate any other elements or symbol...striking logo for my restaurant, Biryani World. The logo should be based on the letters 'BW', and should not incorporate any other elements or symbols. Key Requirements: - The logo should be designed in a bold and vibrant color scheme. - The style of the logo should be modern, with a minimalist approach to the use of the 'BW' letters. - The designer should have a strong portfolio of modern logo designs, ideally with experience in working with bold and vibrant color schemes. I'm looking forward to see...
I'm in search of a skilled professional who can help me with two key areas: crafting engaging, SEO-optimized blogs aimed at increasing website traffic, and designing a captivating logo for my brand. Key requirements: - Blog Writing: The tone of the blogs should be conversational. This means the writer must be able to write in a way that's relatable and easy t...effectively within blog content. - Graphic Design: Alongside writing, I also need a professional logo design. The designer should have a keen sense of creativity and a strong portfolio of previous work in graphic design. This project is perfect for someone who is not only a talented writer but also a skilled graphic designer. If you're able to deliver high-quality, engaging content and stunning designs, I wou...
I'm seeking a modern logo for a lacrosse sports apparel line. The design should incorporate a lacrosse stick and a pigeon. Please limit the color scheme to one or two colors max, favoring a minimalist aesthetic. A logo that looks good with and without ...lacrosse sports apparel line. The design should incorporate a lacrosse stick and a pigeon. Please limit the color scheme to one or two colors max, favoring a minimalist aesthetic. A logo that looks good with and without the company name "PigeonX". Something simple and nothing that looks childish/cartoonish please. This will be used on lacrosse balls (engraved) as well as on apparel so something thats not too detailed. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic design - Brand identity development - Experience wi...
Five different style pattern designs for your sock business
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a label for my food product. The label should embody a rustic and traditional style. Key Responsibilities: - Design a visually appealing label that fits the rustic and traditional aesthetic. - Ensure the label includes the necessary information: ingredients list, nutritional information, and brand story. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Prior experience in designing food product labels. - Strong understanding of rustic and traditional design elements. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure all necessary information is accurately incorporated.