Simple nice websites exampleproiecte
Salut! Am nevoie de cineva care sa stie sa lucreze in Android Studio cu Java, pentru a face cateva proiecte simple si de baza in acesta.
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozitiv/negativ si apoi s...
Hi, I created a website where people review adult websites and I would like to kickstart it by having some reviews. So I need someone to write reviews for adult websites. There are a few websites already doing this so there is content for you if you want to see already made reviews on adult websites or you can just do the review yourself. It might be just a job of putting together ideas from 2, 3 reviews. It needs of course funky dirty language - the reviews need to be like made by users.. hope it is not an issue. The reviews need to be SEO aware. So you need to use the website name where you can - dont over do it but use it at least in the title and at least once in the review. And of course the reviews need to be unique for google. I need for the beginnin...
Am nevoie de un website de prezentare pentru site-ul acesta Cerinte: sa arate modern si sa poata fi modificabil ulterior de un neprofesioist ( texte, adaugat poze, etc)
Completarea unui chestionar (test de personalitate). Durata estimata - aproximativ 10 min. Rezultatul trebuie trimis pe adresa mea de email.
Am nevoie de un programator cu experienta, care sa fie familiarizat cu platforma Magento eCommerce. de asemenea, trebuie să aibă cunoștințe avansate în PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS / LESS.
Am un site creat pe CMS Made Simple in care trebuie sa cream campuri pentru inserarea de meta descrition la unele pagini unde inca nu exista aceasta facilitate in CMS. Astept cunoscatori PHP interesati.
...viitorii colegi/e sunt bineveniti a dispune de nivele elevate de asimilare informatii noi, autonomie si autostructurare - satisfactia taskurilor indeplinite este pe masura. Must Have: • cunostinte avansate in Oracle RDBMS • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle PL/SQL • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle Forms si Reports • oracle Application Server • metodologii standard de dezvoltare Nice to have: • cunoastere a terminologiei specifice sectorului bancar • experienta anterioara in dezvoltari pe produse/servicii bancare • cunostintele asociate ADF reprezinta un avantaj Sarcini si responsabilitati: • Proiecteaza solutii tehnice in vederea dezvoltarii aplicatiilor si sistemelor • Creaza/modifica modelul de date sp...
Hi, we are seeking to hire a person for a long term cooperation that is native Romanian and could help us to set up a business in Romania. You would translate the content, write articles, do translations from English to Romanian. Our clients are mostly online casinos. You should know something or be a fan of internet marketing, startups etc. - have a nice knowledge of romanian internet screne is a must - having an experience in gaming/casino/betting/affiliates is a strong plus /// Bună, căutăm să angajeze o persoană pentru o colaborare pe termen lung, care este nativ limba română și ne-ar putea ajuta să înființeze o afacere în România. Tu s-ar traduce conținutul, scrie articole, face traduceri din engleză în română. Clientii n...
I need your help with my helium scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a expert less than 30 minutes. THIS IS URGENT. No time wasters you waste my time you get bad feedback. Type I know helium in your proposal so I know you have read all this.
Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project Simple project
având o capacitate f mare de producție și o experiență indelungată ( de 2 ori locul întâi la Premiile Display- germania pt un display Gillete și cutia de coniac Brâncoveanu) însă f afectați de o decizie de insolvență care s-a dovedit ulterior o gravă eroare judiciară, suntem în punctul de a începe să redevenim ce am fost și mai mult decît atât. Vreau deci să reconstruiesc o echipă de client service și vânzări pt cele două categorii mari de produse:; ambalaje și materiale publicitare( POSM-uri) precum și oferirea de servicii tipografice speciale pt tipografii mai mici sau agenții de producție( lac uv, lac uv selectiv, plastifieri, cașerări, ștanțări) Cele 2 categorii mari de produse pot fi vizionate și înțelese pe siteul
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl...
Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26) Create a nice SE Website (October 24, 2014 04:45:26)
PLEASE ignore this Project if you are not: -ROMANIAN -HIGHLY EXPERIENCED -NICE PORTFOLIO OWNER I. PLATFORMA pentru EVENIMENTE Organizatori, useri, evenimente, taxe, plati online (integrare cu un procesator), dashboard, status, notificari prin e-mail, etc. De integrat cu diverse site-uri si evenimente. Poate fi o thema de wordpress adaptata, insa cerintele sunt destul de specifice. Brief complet disponibil DOAR pentru persoanele selectate. II. Creare 2-3 site-uri pentru companie/serviciu/eveniment = Wordpress Based Domeniile exista deja, exista brief, trebuie doar gasita o thema de Wordpress, responsive si optimizata pentru nevoile noastre. III. Mentenanta - pentru platforma si site-uri (cele de mai sus, de la punctul I si II)
Am nevoie de o aplicatie Hadoop care sa foloseasca un fisier csv dat de mine si care sa realizeze cateva operatii simple Map/Reduce, cum ar fi ordonarea dupa un anumit camp, gasirea tuturor inregistrarilor cu o anumita valoare. Rezultatele vor fi aratate intr-o interfata web.
Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website Create a nice Affiliates SE Website
Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07) Create a nice SE Website (June 24, 2014 03:49:07)
Plecând de la şi se va realiza o componentă de interfaţă grafică în HTML5, JavaScript pentru a permite vizualizarea într-un panel a ordinelor plasate de investitor în ASETS, împreună cu posibilitatea de face Update şi Cancel pe un ordin selectat din listă. Funcţionalitate încapsulată într-un Java servlet care să funizeze lista de ordine plasate de investitor.
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
...radical ci doar sa-i aduc cateva imbunatatiri minore pentru a-l putea utiliza. in functie de oferta decid ce functionalitati comand. Obligatorii (faza 1): - introducerea unei metode ca in cadrul procesului de comandare produs, utilizatorul sa poata sa introduca text liber in care sa indice coduri de culoare si eventual alte detalii ale comenzii. De preferat inainte de apasarea butonului COMANDA Nice to have (sau faza 2): - multiplicarea metodelor de plata posibile: ramburs, ridicare personala, plati electronice altele decat cele existente - optiunea de a afisa pretul transportului - modificari minore de layout (micsorarea partii de antet - banner si titlu pentru a se putea vizualiza mai multe produse). Micsorarea fonturilor cu categoriile pentru a putea avea mai multe ca...
...radical ci doar sa-i aduc cateva imbunatatiri minore pentru a-l putea utiliza. in functie de oferta decid ce functionalitati comand. Obligatorii (faza 1): - introducerea unei metode ca in cadrul procesului de comandare produs, utilizatorul sa poata sa introduca text liber in care sa indice coduri de culoare si eventual alte detalii ale comenzii. De preferat inainte de apasarea butonului COMANDA Nice to have (sau faza 2): - multiplicarea metodelor de plata posibile: ramburs, ridicare personala, plati electronice altele decat cele existente - optiunea de a afisa pretul transportului - modificari minore de layout (micsorarea partii de antet - banner si titlu pentru a se putea vizualiza mai multe produse). Micsorarea fonturilor cu categoriile pentru a putea avea mai multe ca...
Salut Radu, Am 2 websites cumparate de la compania LifeGuard Insurance si vreau sa le fac rebranding (scot tot ce este de la LifeGuard si inlocuit cu altceva) Am nevoie de un programator wordpress si bun designer care sa fie capabil sa creeze imagini etc pentru un numar determinat de ore lunar si/sau per proiect. Spune-mi daca esti interesat: bucurdan@
We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.
...picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin 4) Must be able to integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app lat...
The tasks are very simple, i will provide instructions/links to websites where you will work for. Don’t worry before you will start your simple tasks you will be trained on how to get the tasks done and after that training you can continue working on your tasks.
I am seeking a modern and clean UI/UX designer for my news website. The homepage needs to feature: - Top stories - Latest news - Trending topics I also want to incorporate the following additional features: - A search bar - A Newsletter sign-up - Links to our social media platforms Ideal candidates The homepage needs to feature: - Top stories - Latest news - Trending topics I also want to incorporate the following additional features: - A search bar - A Newsletter sign-up - Links to our social media platforms Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio showcasing their skills in creating clean, modern and user-friendly interfaces, particularly for news or content-heavy websites. Experience with UI/UX design tools and understanding of responsive design ...
I'm seeking a professional to conduct a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on a simple structure. The structure is a steel plate, which will be subjected to static loads. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in FEA software - Experience with static load analysis - Knowledge in steel structure analysis - Ability to interpret and present FEA results
I need a website developed to schedule Hypnosis Past Life Regression Sessions appointments. The website should be capable of managing staff availability, sending client reminders, and integrating onl...reminders, and integrating online payments. Additionally, it should allow the admin to create and manage a comprehensive services menu. Key Features: - Appointment scheduling for specific service - Staff availability management - Client reminders - Online payment integration - Creation and management of a services menu Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing scheduling websites - Familiarity with payment integration systems - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces - Experience in implementing reminder systems - Knowledge of managing service menus in web ap...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can create a modern and clean business website using Angular. The site will showcase our company overview and mission, the services we offer, as well as our team members and contact details. Key Requirements: - Develop a simple, yet effective, information display website - Ensure the site is SEO ready - Host the website on a domain I already own Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Angular - Experience in developing SEO-ready websites - Proven track record of creating modern and clean design styles.
I need tech support for my websites and devices. This includes planning maintenance, and integrating AI-driven support to manage frequent queries. Specific Areas: - Websites: I require assistance in planning scheduled maintenance and integrating AI for support. - Computers and Devices: (No specific needs at the moment, but potential for troubleshooting and upgrades in the future.) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in website maintenance - Experienced in computer and device troubleshooting - Proficient in AI integration for tech support - Ability to plan and execute scheduled upgrades
We are looking for an expert to complete our website in all aspects, and make it live and operational for our clients. The freelancer shall have experience on Arabic Websites. A lot of work has already been completed but you have to analyse and complete all whatever is pending for a problem-free website to be live and 100% operational without any pending work. You may not say that something is out of project scope because I did not inform you. Include everything whatever is needed to make the website live/operational for the clients including but not limited to the points I have mentioned below: 1. All Category and Product listing and their dynamic pricing as for the digital products in We don’t need to add the offset printing categories or products. There
...also be deleted. I am looking for someone who READS THIS REQUEST - UNDERSTANDS IT - AND CAN DO IT WITHOUT FUSS AND WITHOUT CHARGING $100's. This is a relatively simple task. I have a website on a URL that I am not permitted to disclose here; however, once you bid, I can allow you to look at it. I cannot access the DATABASE and that is why I want someone to COPY IT - so I can give it to my new host to make it live on their platform. So, I will need the website with database files. I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to rebuild my personal website. My old site needs to be copied because I cannot get the DATA file - SIMPLE TASK. Key Responsibilities: - Recreate my personal website using WordPress - Use the old website as a reference point for content...
I am in need of a privacy-first job-matching platform named ...for a tailored job search experience, enhancing the likelihood of successful placements. - User Authentication: The platform will utilize email verification as the primary user authentication method. This will help to ensure the authenticity of its users and maintain the integrity of the platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Strong expertise in building secure, user-friendly websites. - Algorithm Development: Experience in creating sophisticated job matching algorithms. - Cybersecurity: Knowledge of best practices for ensuring online privacy and security. The website should prioritize user experience, featuring intuitive navigation, secure profile creation, and a professional aesthetic aligned with ...
I'm experiencing intermittent loading problems on my Shopify store, specifically on the homepage and product pages. This issue is affecting the overall customer experience and needs urgent resolution. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in troubleshooting Shopify websites - Knowledge in website performance optimization - Proficiency in identifying and resolving intermittent loading issues - Familiarity with Shopify's platform and its intricacies - Ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines Urgent: Msg me if you can solve this problem. Attached video of the problem.
I'm in need of a designer to create business cards, fliers, and door hangers for me. The design should be simple and easy to understand. join our team. We specialize in talent mobility solutions, offering unmatched petitioner services for global professionals. We need a dedicated specialist to help us expand our reach and streamline our operations. | Key Responsibilities: Content Creation and Management: Design and edit graphics for social media, advertisements, and websites. Publish and update content on Squarespace and other web platforms. Social Media Management: Develop and execute social media campaigns across LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch. Engage with audiences through direct messaging and comments. Marketing Automation: Set up and manage marketing funnels using tools like HubSpot, Flodesk, and Lido. Track and analyze the effectiveness of paid ads an engaging and unique way. • Research Skills: Ability to stay up-to-date with finance trends and present complex topics in a simplified, fun, and informative manner. • Communication Skills: Ability to collaborate and communicate ideas effectively. • Proficiency in Video and Photo Editing Software: Familiarity with content creation tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Suite, Final Cut, or similar). Nice to Have: • Familiarity with social media algorithms and audience-building strategies. • Interest in personal finance topics like budgeting, investing, and passive income. • Prior experience growing an audience in a niche space. Benefits: • Opportunity to grow with the brand as we transition into selling digital courses and doing brand deals. &b...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer experienced with Framer to create an informational website for me. Key Requirements: - Design and implement key sections: About Us, Services, and Contact Us - Integrate a Blog section - Develop an FAQ section Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Framer - Web development and design expertise - Experience with creating informational websites - Ability to integrate interactive sections like a Blog and FAQ
I'm looking to establish a robust e-commerce platform for selling physical goods. The site should be equipped with essential features such as a shopping cart, product reviews, and custome...engagement and trust. - Customer Accounts: A secure and user-friendly space for customers to manage their purchases, track orders, etc. Payment Integration: The e-commerce site should support diverse payment methods to cater to different customer preferences. These include: - Credit/Debit Card - PayPal - Bank Transfer Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce websites. - Proficiency in integrating secure payment gateways. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces with engaging features. - Understanding of security measures necessary for handling sensitive...
...Tecnologias Plugins sugeridos: Otimização de imagens: Smush, Imagify ou EWWW Image Optimizer. Cache e velocidade: WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, ou equivalente. Acessibilidade: Testes com Lighthouse, WAVE ou axe. Plataforma de Blog: WordPress (se aplicável). Gerenciador de arquivos e imagens: Ferramentas nativas ou plugins do CMS. 5. Requisitos do Freelancer Experiência comprovada em otimização de blogs e websites. Conhecimento em SEO e ferramentas como Google Analytics e Search Console. Familiaridade com migração de domínio e redirecionamento 301. Habilidade em personalização de temas e melhoria de acessibilidade. 6. Prazo e Comunicação Prazo de entrega: 30 dias após o início d...
I'm in need of a classic and elegant portfolio website for my car rental company. The site must be professional, easy to navigate, and should reflect the quality of our servi...the quality of our services. Core Features: - A reliable and user-friendly booking system - Secure and efficient payment gateway integration - A dedicated section for customer reviews, showcasing our satisfied clients - A direct calling feature for instant communication Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating portfolio-type websites - Extensive experience with integrating booking systems and payment gateways - Understanding of customer review integration and direct calling features - Strong design sense for creating a classic and ele...
I'm looking for an SEO specialist to optimize my website, The goal is to improve search engine rankings in South Africa, boost organic traffic, and enhance visibility for my key services. Key Services for SEO Optimization: - Fencing Installers - Generator Maintenance - ...traffic, and enhance visibility for my key services. Key Services for SEO Optimization: - Fencing Installers - Generator Maintenance - CCTV In particular, I would like to focus on: - On-page optimization Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly on-page optimization - Familiarity with South African market and search trends - Experience working with service-oriented websites - Ability to deliver measurable results in terms of increased traffic and improv...
I'm looking for a website that will interact with users by asking career-related questions a...benchmarks. Key Features: - User Interaction: The website should be able to ask users a series of career-related questions. - Data Analysis: After collecting the responses, the site will analyze the data against public industry reports. - Insights Generation: The analysis should include insights on industry trends and benchmarks. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Strong skills in creating interactive websites. - Data Analysis: Experience in interpreting and analyzing data. - Industry Knowledge: Understanding of public industry reports and trends. This project requires a freelancer who is capable of creating an engaging, user-friendly website that can conduct comprehensive career-re...
I'm seeking a talented web designer to create a multi-page wedding and elopement photography site for me. The design should incorporate earthy tones, nature landscape designs, and rustic fonts. Key P...tones, nature landscape designs, and rustic fonts. Key Pages: - Home - Portfolio - Contact - Investment - About Me Desired Functionalities: - An engaging image gallery - A user-friendly booking form - A blog section to share updates and insights The ideal candidate for this job should have a strong portfolio in web design, particularly in creating visually appealing and functional photography websites. Experience with rustic and nature-inspired designs will be a significant advantage. A good understanding of user-friendly design principles and SEO best practices for blogs is ...