Security analysis reportproiecte
...PCISV app was initially developed using Ionic, a popular open-source mobile app development framework based on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This framework enables developers to create cross-platform apps that function seamlessly on both Android and iOS. However, with the introduction of Android 14, several changes have been made to the Android system, including updated APIs, security features, and performance enhancements, which have rendered the app incompatible with the latest OS version. The key technical areas where updates are needed include: API Level Updates: Android 14 introduces new API levels, and any app targeting earlier versions must be updated to comply with these changes. This includes updating targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to Andr...
Stellenangebot: Media Designer Marketing Spezialist (inkl. SEO) bei iClean Gebaeudereinigung als Minijob 1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) SERVICE: This service consists in promoting the website on Google with certain specific word families and is ve...Analytics / Facebook) B. Administration of the Facebook page, includes: elaboration / implementation of communication strategy and editorial plan (with variable number of weekly posts) creating an optimized strategy for posts (identifying and publishing posts in the days/times when their impact is maximum) creating quality content, in the most attractive and personalized way periodic reporting and analysis Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung oder Telefonisch besprech! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Florin TOTAN Inhaber iClea...
As dori sa creez un material didactic, care sa poata fi pus la dispozitia angajatilor via platforma LMS interna, cu sfaturi despre cum se poate naviga in siguranta in mediul online.
Am un site pentru care am nevoie de ajutor PROFESIONIST: 1. Sa se foloseasca tema AVADA pentru cu elemente UI, UX si viteza de incarcare. 5. Daca e necesar penru viteza, se va folosi doar LiteSpeed Web Server pentru care am varianta platita pe un server dedicat foarte puternic. 6. Design bussines. 7. Sa fie gata in maxim 10 zile lucratoare 8. Pentru coockies voi folosi , pentru care am varianta configurat de dvs. 9. Pentru securitate voi folosi iThemes Security pentru care am PRO. Trebuie sa fie optimizat de dvs. 10. Continutul este asigurat de noi si partea legala. Veti pozitiona texte gen ”ddjsfja dgfsjf fsdfsd dgk” in site pentru a face partea de design.. 11. Site va avea max 10 pagini 12. Asta e realizarea mea 13. 600 EURO
Majoritatea fermierilor se luptă pentru obținerea prețurilor pe care le merită pentru culturile lor ecologice. Most organic processors really want to achieve food security and get the best organic quality. Suntem brokeri în agricultură ecologică și conectăm fermierii direct cu procesatori pentru a le obține fermierilor cele mai bune prețuri and ensure processors a sustainable safe source of organic raw-materials. Fermierii nostri sunt liberi să se bucure de pasiunea pentru pământ știind că la recoltă vor fi răsplătiți. Our processors are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income and light up their passion for organic. Eu sunt fondatorul companiei si ma gandesc de mult la un VA, dar nu stiu ce si cum as putea sa deleg acestuia fa...
called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozitiv/negativ si apoi s...
Am o preoblema in premiere pro daca ma ajuti sa o rezolv te pot plati. Cand dau import unui file de tipul xml (cu niste subtitrari, si vreau sa am cut la fiecare paragraph din subtitrare), primesc o eroare "FCP Translation Report" iar cand fisierul respectiv isi da import nu contine toate paragrafele. Vreau sa fac ce face tipa asta La min 1:42 pana la 2:10 Sa am cut la fiecare cuvant din subtitrare (vreau sa am cut ca sa pot automatiza procesul). Dar la mine cand import xml-ul imi taie din cuvinte si am cut la fiecare secunda. Atasez mai jos fisierul xml.
Buna Bogdan, sper ca esti bine? Nu vorbesc atat de bine romuneste dar sper ca inteles ce vrei. Prima la mana sunt fericit ca te am gasit. In moment eu fac un training in germania pentru system integratie. Am invatat cu cisco dar as vrea sa fac pentru diplomul meu un project pe care as vrea sa integrezi un Security-Monitoring intre Proxmox. Putem sa vorbim poate 30 de minute pe telefon sau skype orce plattform? Salut Alex
I want to create a personal website for my personal branding where I can post articles about the two major areas of interest and expertise for me, CSR and mental health. I want it to be a user friendly site on both laptop and mobile, to be safe in terms of security, cookies, etc., and from the design point of view of the site is has to be simple and airy, fresh, to give readers a state of well-being, of inspiration that they are in contact with nature, with themselves and that motivates them to read and discover how they can be better and gentler with themselves and the environment. Total budget - 60 E.
Am nevoie de cineva care sa ne ajute cu o solutie pentru a preveni atacurile prin SQL injection deoarece suntem atacati iar serverul nostru este down plus si celelalte solutii pentru prevenirea de atacuri DDoS, XSS and SSL attacks.
I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as an example!
Cautam un Java Developer pasionat, cu experienta in Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, CSS, Git, Maven, Angular, pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logisticii. Noul nostru coleg ne dorim sa fie deschis si catre atributii de coordonare a echipei, dar daca acest lucru nu face parte din planurile tale de cariera pentru moment, nu este un impediment pentru a continua discutiile. Proiectul este in dezvoltare de 12 ani, clientul opereaza la nivel global si acopera monitorizarea aspectelor ce tin de logistica in cadrul unei companii, de la bugetare, la planificare si pana la livrare.
Looking for romanian guys that can copy in Microsoft Word what I will deliver in a PDF. That text contains math symbols and formulas. Caut romani care pot copia in Microsoft Word ceea ce eu voi trimite in PDF. Textul contine simboluri si formule matematice. Nu se pot folosi programe ORC(gen Nitro), textul chiar trebuie scris de la tastatura si formulele sa fie curate. Platesc 5 lei/pag
Turnul Eiffel a fost proiectat pentru a fi marea atractie a Expozittiei Universale de la Paris, din 1889, organizata cu ocazia sarbatoririi centenarului Revolutiei franceze. El a fost inaugurat pe 31 martie 1889 si deschis publicului pe 6 mai 1889.
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
Cautam programatori, ROMANI, cu o engleza buna, experienta solida (preferabil senior), care sa lucreze de acasa sau la sediul nostru daca sunt dispusi sa se relocheze in Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, pentru un proiect ce ar putea sa dureze intre 6 luni...fiecare cate 1 Lead Developer, 1 Scrum Master, 3 Senior Java developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spring MVC (to use web services for AngularJS, not the full MVC) • -Spring Security • -Spring Session • -Spring Data JPA • -Java 1.8 • -Testin...
Buna tuturor, Detin o mica afacere de START-UP cu o cifra de afaceri de 220.000 lei in anul 2015 in domeniul intermedierii vanzarilor de asigurari. Intentionez penetrarea pietei online care momentan este destul de scazuta in Romania comparativ cu tar...that selling RCA is supported by relevant legislation obligatitvitatea ??? Las below some figures from studies INS! In Romania there are around 6,000,000 cars and 66% are provided by brokers as we are! just as they are divided between online and offline! In Romania, only 5% of the population, RCA buy online! In Hungary, 66% of the population, RCA buy online! You can imagine about what business we report? ... Without taking into account other types of insurance! P.S. The quickness is an advantage, but dedication is something more...
Proiectul presupune traducerea a 42 de pagini eng. - ro pana luni.
Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @
Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @
Salutare, Sunt in cautare de un developer (sau mai multi) pentru o aplicatie iOS. Nu este ceva complex, structura este simpla si basic, iar o parte din flow se repeta. Tema aplicatie este money/finance management. Design-ul este deja facut. In cadrul aplicatiei totul se face m...e foarte relevant acum, dar este bine de stiut pe viitor. Va trimit acest mesaj cu propunerea de a lucra pe acest proiect. Am atasat cateva screenshot-uri, doua ale unei aplicatii mai vechi, iar una cu flow-ul aplicatiei in discutie. V-as ruga daca puteti sa imi dati un estimat in ore, strict pe ceea ce exista in diagrama de flow, din atasament (fara cloud, fara setarile de care vorbeam sau security). Am un buget si sunt in cautare de mai multe oferte. Multumesc frumos, astept un raspuns :-) O zi fai...
DO NOT BID AT THIS PROJECT. I WILL REPORT YOU AS SPAM. Stii detaliile - astept bidul tau.
Salut. Caut pe cineva care sa fi facut site-uri utilizand Parallax. Alte detalii va pot da pe privat. Multumesc. (only romanians - DO NOT BID if you are not romanian - I will report you as spam)
...4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate their net earning after our fees (Please see Uship). * 15. Message screening to avoid customers and providers exchanging any contact information. 16. Need a digital counter to show amount raised for charity. It will update immediately after the deposit has been received. Should be able to automatically subtract amount if a refund has b...
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite fisiere ...
Buna, Am nevoie de un report in Engleza de vreo 30 pag. pe un topic in nisa break-ups / relationships advice. Am un outline detaliat + surse de referinta sa iti fie munca mai usoara. Poti sa-mi dai te rog un pret si timp de livrare ? Nu trebuie formatat, doar raw text. Mersi, Costin
I'm seeking a proficient sales person specializing in promoting our remote technical support services. It is about network and network security includes firewalls configuration, data centre setup etc. Ideal Skills: - Proven sales experience in IT services, particularly in technical support. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Responsibilities: - Promoting our remote technical support services. - Targeting and securing deals within the healthcare, finance, and education industries. - Meeting sales targets and contributing to the growth of our IT services.
I'm looking for a pr...cryptocurrency and trading strategy development. The strategy needs to be primarily based on fundamental analysis. So the strategy I had in mind revolves around predicting price movement and initiating a trade at the point of bonding. Here are a couple of connected wallets from the same user that represent the strategy im looking to replicate ESGyyP9YK7rqmeSVvUiRvEsCVXi7AzQ6xfkFmxchrt6g 81BKxZxMZsPngysa1GeFtQKyp9RfnZbPoEsP5Tr9nRDH FpYG7Sb5kTa9Co7otinBCdU9tPhy4vyyWUaveD2YUvCD I'm looking for assistance in finding the variables needed to execute a bot like this, such as - buy order execution - liquidity pool size range - sell order execution - slippage control - price tracking strategy - Volume analysis let me know if that's something...
...positions who can grasp the Business Sentiment of their Companies) Ideal Candidate: - Must be based in Laos. - Previous experience conducting surveys or similar activities will be valuable. - Ability to identify and verify respondents' seniority within their respective companies. Payment Details: - Milestone payment will be released the Monday following job completion to allow us time to organize the report and reach out if further clarification is needed....
...checksum for the modified DLL. This leads to installation errors on the customer end. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Visual Studio and Obfuscar. - Be able to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to DLL checksums. - Understand and implement industry-standard security measures for code obfuscation. Please note, there's no need for assistance with creating or modifying the Obfuscar config file. However, adherence to industry-standard security for the obfuscation is a must. For objective 2: You can use any example cpp code, and demonstrate this. Two outcome are expected from the project 1) C# based obfuscation on windows platform with Confuser + Visual studio., finally project publish and installation at customer end....
My WordPress website is currently non-functional and I need an experienced WordPress professional to diagnose and resolve the issue. The specific problem is not clear to me as it occu...non-functional and I need an experienced WordPress professional to diagnose and resolve the issue. The specific problem is not clear to me as it occurred suddenly without any noticeable changes or specific error messages. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in WordPress troubleshooting - Knowledge in PHP and MySQL - Expertise in web hosting and server management - Experience with WordPress security and malware removal - Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines I am looking for a freelancer who can provide a thorough assessment of my website and implement necessary fixes...
I need a skilled stock trader who can make three day trades for me daily. The primary focus of these trades should be on long-term growth. Key Responsibilities: - Execute three stock trades daily - Prioritize long-term growth in every trade Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in stock trading - Strong understanding of long-term growth strategies - Excellent market analysis skills - Ability to make quick but informed decisions
I'm seeking an experienced data collector to help with gathering market research data through surveys. The target demographic for these surveys is based on geographic location. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement surveys aimed at collecting market research data. - Focus demographic for these surveys is based on geographic location. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement surveys aimed at collecting market research data. - Focus the surveys on specific geographic locations as per project requirements. - Collect and compile the data for analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in market research and data collection. - Excellent survey design skills. - Ability to target specific geographic locations. - Proficiency in data compilatio...
...Required Skills & Experience: 3+ years of React Native development experience Proven track record of publishing apps to both Apple App Store and Google Play Store Experience using AI coding tools (GitHub Copilot, Claude, ChatGPT, etc.) Strong understanding of mobile UI/UX principles Proficiency in JavaScript/TypeScript Experience with state management (Redux, Context API) Knowledge of mobile app security best practices Experience with local data storage and cloud synchronization Familiarity with push notifications and background processes Technical Requirements: React Native Native iOS and Android development understanding REST APIs Git version control Mobile app testing frameworks CI/CD for mobile applications Cross-platform development Mobile app performance optimization...
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I am facing a 403 error issue on my WordPress site. The problem arises when trying to access the /blog/ directory, which needs to be retained for old image paths. While the old ima...include: - Diagnosing the cause of the 403 errors - Implementing the necessary fixes to enable access without errors - Ensuring that the fix does not interfere with the functionality of the old image paths I have not made any recent changes to the .htaccess file or the server configuration. However, I am not certain about the specific permissions set for the non-WordPress directory. There are no security plugins or firewalls in use on the site. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency with WordPress - Experience with server configuration and .htaccess - Ability to diagnose and fix permiss...
...who can grasp the Business Sentiment of their Companies) Ideal Candidate: - Must be based in Thailand. - Previous experience conducting surveys or similar activities will be valuable. - Ability to identify and verify respondents' seniority within their respective companies. Payment Details: - Milestone payment will be released the Monday following job completion to allow us time to organize the report and reach out if further clarification is needed....
I am looking for a skilled developer to create an automation scr...process. 3. Error Handling and Notifications: • If there is an error or issue while sending a message (e.g., a blocked request, failed submission, or an unexpected popup), the robot should provide a notification or log the error for review. 4. Implementation in a Virtual Environment: • The solution should be set up and tested to run on a VPN and a Virtual Machine (VM) to ensure reliability and security. 5. Documentation and Support: • Provide clear instructions for installation, setup, and use. • Ongoing support for initial testing and troubleshooting, if needed. Please include details of your experience with automation projects, any tools or technologies you plan to use, and suggestions t...
I'm seeking a professional with a strong grasp of the 'Play to Win' methodology to lead a strategy alignment and business planning session/ workshop to operationalise our new 2030 strategy. Key elements of the project: - Focus on understanding and navigating our current market landscape - Utilis...operationalising our 2030 strategy over a number of time horizons. - Engaging and insightful facilitation for our internal team - Managing a group of 10 to 20 participants to get real tangiable outcomes. Ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience in strategic business planning - Understanding of Professional Services and preferably Engineering Consultancy - Deep understanding of market analysis - Exceptional facilitation skills - Familiarity with the ...
I'm seeking a cybersecurity expert for a skills assessment challenge hosted on the Cyber Skyline platform. The purpose of this challenge is to evaluate proficiency in various areas of cybersecurity while having some fun. Key aspects of the challenge include: - Assessing your skills in network security, analytical abilities and practical skills essential for incident response and security operations. - Testing your problem-solving skills in cybersecurity contexts, particularly in theoretical scenarios. The ideal candidate should be proficient with Kali Linux and have a strong background in cybersecurity. You should also possess excellent problem-solving skills, particularly in theoretical scenarios, and be able to utilise your analytical abilities in a practical contex...
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I'm seeking a freelancer to apply to 100 entry-level data science roles on LinkedIn on my behalf. The cover letters will follow a general template, but the applications will highlight my skills and experiences in programming languages, data analysis and visualization, and machine learning projects. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in LinkedIn job application process. - Familiarity with data science roles. - Ability to highlight specific skills in cover letters. - Excellent understanding of programming languages, data analysis and visualization, and machine learning projects. - Experience in crafting and using general cover letter templates.
I'm in need of a seasoned IT professional with extensive expertise in AWS, as per project requirements. - Optimization and Scaling: Expert advice and implementation strategies on how to optimize our cloud resources and scale them efficiently as our needs grow. - Troubleshooting and Maintenance: Proactive and reactive support to ensure smooth operation of our cloud infrastructure, addressing any issues that arise in a timely manner. - Security Architecture: Guidance and implementation of robust security measures to protect our cloud resources. Ideal candidates would possess a comprehensive understanding of AWS and have prior experience in a similar role. Excellent problem-solving skills and a proactive mindset are essential. Please only apply if you meet...
...combining quantitative and qualitative data. Participants: First-year paramedics at NSW Ambulance training facility. Intervention: Training integrating insights from family and friends who received end-of-life communication. Comparison: Standard training. Data Collection: Surveys before, immediately after, and at 3 and 6 months post-training; in-depth interviews. Analysis: Descriptive statistics, McNemar’s test, thematic analysis. Expected Outcomes Hypothesis: Training incorporating personal experiences will increase paramedic confidence in end-of-life communication. Potential Impact: Improved paramedic curricula, reduced burnout, enhanced patient care. Results (Placeholder) Quantitative Findings: Summary of survey results. Qualitative Insights: Key themes from inter...
...Pinas, Philippines • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give us time to organize the report and contact you if we need additional clarification....
I'm seeking a skilled patent writer with expertise in the mechanical engineering field to help me draft a utility patent. The ideal candidate should be well-versed in patent writing and have a strong understanding of mechanical concepts. Key Responsibilities: - Draft a comprehensive utility patent based on my invention - Conduct thorough analysis and interpretation of prior art I have - Ensure the patent is written in a clear, precise and legally acceptable manner Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in utility patent writing - Background in mechanical engineering - Excellent research and analytical skills - Ability to understand and interpret prior art - Strong attention to detail and precision