Sample of a feasibility study of a businessproiecte
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Optimise Opencart For Better Loading Of Pages'
salut. a-si dori o carte de vizi, cu un aspect modert, pentru activitatea de fotograf. nu am ideei cum vreau sa arate asa ca te las pe tine sa decizi. Pot sa zic ca detin logo care va fi introdus pe cartea de vizita. ce zici?
Am cumparat acest template: si doresc sa-l fac functional pe platforma Business Catalyst. De creat cateva template-uri
Programarea unui anumit număr de formulare web (webforms) în ASP.NET - C# pentru a susține anumite procese de business. Integrare cu google maps. Aproximativ 60 de ore de lucru.
SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123
Am nevoie de ajutor pentru partea statistica a lucrarii mele de licenta (medicina). E nevoie de T-test, corelatii Spearman si cateva tabele de facut, si nu am foarte mult timp la dispozitie (1-2 saptamani maxim). Am toate datele in excel (12 pacienti - 3 chestionare aplicate inainte si dupa cercetare). Daca este cineva care are experienta in domeniu, putin timp liber si doreste sa ma ajute, va rog sa trimiteti un proposal impreuna cu suma dorita. Multumesc anticipat!
Dezvoltator planuri de afaceri, idei profitabile, proiecte bine concepute, caut finantatori pentru implementarea lor.
Write a book as an Ghostwriter. Please read the content of the book in the attachment file and ONLY bid for this project after you have read the contact of the book. I expect this job to be done in no more then 6 weeks. Please, bidders keep in mind for bidding for writing around 36 000-45 000 words for this book.
Consultanta pe legiile din romania. Mai multe se vor discuta in privat. Caut pe cineva care are experienta in domeniu firmelor, legilor si juridicelor din romania!
...freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of imm...
Salutare! M-ar interesa pentru agentia mea AMG Discovery Travel urmatoarele servicii: - creare logo - creare website - optimizare SEO (tinta - sper una realista - fiind de a aparea pe prima pagina de rezultate Google dupa 3 luni la cautarea sintagmelor "tabere internationale", "tabere anglia", "tabere de vara", "tabere 2015" etc.) Logo: Nu sunt sigur daca vreau sa apara si "AMG" in logo, depinde de cum arata mai bine. Nu vreau sa fie rotund (gen stampila) si in principiu as vrea sa se foloseasca dintre culorile: alb/argintiu, auriu/galben, albastru/bleu marin, negru. Aceleasi culori si la design-ul site-ului, pentru a avea o unitate. In niciun caz nu rosu sau verde. Important este sa fie vizual atractiv si nu complic...
Acesta este unul dintre multele articole, scrise ce imi apartin in totalitate
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu...discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu...discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu...discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu...discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa...
Buna, Am prins un proiect pe termen nedeterminat de la un client roman. E vorba de scris articole foarte lungi. Sunt studenta, vine sesiunea si nu ma mai pot ocupa de articole, dar nu vreau nici sa pierd clientul. De aceea mi-ar placea sa te angajez pe tine. Deocamdata am doua intrebari: 1. Poti scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi? 2. Ai un sample, ceva, scris in ton serios, profesional? Asta ar fi tonul articolelor. Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns :)
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu...discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa...
O s...copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. ...
Buna, ti-am facut un sample dar calitatea logo-ului e foarte scazuta. Daca doresti as putea sa il refac intr-o rezolutie mai mare si dupa aia sa il vectorizez! ramane la aprecierea ta!
Detin o casa la sat cu aproape un hectar de teren cu dorii sa investim ampreuba pt.a face o pensiune sau o tabara cu detin fonduri un sponsor ,am anteles ca sunt accesibile si fonduri idei si sfaturi.
Creeare unui proiect despre mediul de afacere romanesc in Limba engleza
Creeare unui proiect despre mediul de afacere romanesc in Limba engleza
Buna, Caut pe cineva sa imi faca pentru un park de business local o o harta care va fi partea din sistemul de wayfinding. Ea va fi afisata la cele 4 intrari in park. Imi trebuie pricepe in illustrator, idei si stil. Ti-am atasat un exemplu de pe net catre ce vreau sa ma intrept. Zi-mi te rog daca te intereseaza si daca mai ai nevoie de alte info pentru a discuta un pret.
Format .avi .mpeg .wmw Minimum Resolution 1080 Recommended Resolution 1998x1080 ; (1:1.85 Flat) Format 1:1.85 FPS 25 Bitrate 25.000 Audio Stereo Sample rate 48Hz Sample bit depth 16 bit Peak Level -9dbfs Or DCP usual Cinema content format
Cand se pot discuta detalii despre acest proiect / concurs? Trimite-mi un mesaj can ai timp, sau cell mai bine un email la @
Salut, cum se poate sa discutam detalile proiectului. Sunt now la Freelancer, si sunt interesat sa aud mai mult despre experienta ta. Merci, Johnny (Ionut)
...scriptul bazat pe Symphony framework. Foarte important este ca toti cei interesati, sa pregatesca si un sample de cod. Doresc o calitate a codului superioara ( va fi verificata de un cunoscator ). Scriptul trebuie sa fie scalabil si optimizat foarte bine pentru a consuma cat mai putine resurse (CPU, RAM) indiferent de trafic. Scriptul trebuie sa respecte urmatoarele regului : - calitatea codului superioara (cod curat); - sa fie gandit modular, doresc pe parcurs sa pot din administrare sa instalez teme/templateuri, pluginuri - trebuie sa poata fi instalat foarte usor : se urca scriptul pe un server ce respecta cerintele si apoi se acceseaza in browser pagina si sa fie 3 pasi a. completare datelor despre site - titlu, descriere, user de admin, par...
Email parser maven project. Sample data: Salut Alex, Avem o problema la ZP-ROHRER 06 cu calculatia SAP nr 15794. Calculatia asta nu poate fi inchisa, presupun ca din cauza ca una dintre comenzi are deja status-ul “Inchisa”, spre deosebire de celelalte care au statusul “Acceptata” (vezi export detalii atasat) Poti sa ne ajuti sa putem inchide calculatia asta si implicit comenzile aferente? (noi nu putem schimba status-ul comenzii marcate cu galben, din “Inchisa” in “acceptatata”)? Cu stima, Kind regards, Silviu Mangeac E&P – MTN&LOG System & SAP OMV Petrom S.A. PETROM CITY Str. Coralilor,
Business Plan - Analiza financiara Proiectie pe 3-5 ani Continuare analiza de marketing si plan de dezvoltare pentru o firma software.
Business Plan - Analiza financiara Proiectie pe 3-5 ani Continuare analiza de marketing si plan de dezvoltare pentru o firma software.
Plan de marketing si promovare pentru solutie software (business plan) • Clientii (clientii tai potentiali / segmentare piata si impartire din punct de vedere geografic / volumul pietei potentiale / Plan de actiune pentru castigarea clientilor) • Concurenta (cati angajati au / ce forta de vanzare/ ce cote de piata au / ce avantaje competitive au comparativ cu tine / ce strategii de pret are concurenta / ce strategii de comunicare / reclama au) • Piata o Estimare evolutie vanzari o Prognoza cererii • Politici de marketing o Strategia de produs. Politica de pret si de conditii de plata. Stabilirea strategiei de promovare si a preturilor practicate si modalitatile de punere in practica a acesteia. o Politica de imagine, de comunicare cu p...
Salut, Am nevoie de traduceri din romana in franceza pentru site-uri personale care sunt in domeniul software de business. Subiecte abordate: - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - software de business - software de facturare - software de management al unei companii etc Am nevoie de un colaborator (aproape) permanent pe limba franceza care sa poata sa ma ajute constant pe partea aceasta. In aplicatie te rog sa incluzi pretul per pagina, disponibilitatea de lucru (ore/saptamana) si daca detii vreo certificare pe limba franceza. Astept cu interes propunerile voastre.
Salut, Am nevoie de cineva care scrie foarte bine si are gandire strategica pentru realizarea unui plan de business pentru un software (software pentru recrutare). Experienta anterioara este necesara si este de dorit sa fie realizat in limba romana.
pot sa fac orice fel de model de carte de vizita deci astept oferte si dumneavostra aveti siguranta unei lucrari bine facuta
Looking to develop a dynamic educational website similar to , focused on providing practice tests for students. The website should allow kids to choose answers for multiple-choice questions and automatically display results similar to the functionality observed at Must be user-friendly, mobile-compatible, and equipped with a robust content management system to easily update and manage question sets. Key Features Needed: - User registration/login - Multiple choice question interface - Instant score display after test completion - Admin panel for managing questions and users - SEO optimized structure Required Skills: Web Development, PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, SEO
...looking for a graphic designer with experience in creating informative and engaging flyers. I need 5 distinct flyers for my 3PL business, aimed specifically at potential clients. Each flyer will need to convey specific information about our company and services, with a focus on: - Our Services Offered: We need to clearly communicate the range and quality of our logistics and supply chain services. - Our Company History: It's crucial that potential clients understand our journey, growth and commitment to the industry. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in graphic design and marketing, with a proven track record of creating compelling promotional materials for the logistics sector. Understanding of third-part...
I am seeking a dynamic and persuasive business development professional to help me reach out to potential clients in the advertising and marketing sector. The objective is to convince these clients to outsource their graphic design needs to our company. Key Responsibilities: - Contact potential clients via phone and email - Convince clients to outsource their graphic work - Utilize existing leads to maximize efficiency Target Clients: - Primarily businesses in the Advertising and Marketing industry Graphic Work Types: - Logo design - Product Mockup - Embroidery Digitizing - Image Editing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Experience in business development, particularly in the advertising and marketing sector - Familiarit...
Looking to develop a dynamic educational website similar to , focused on providing practice tests for students. The website should allow kids to choose answers for multiple-choice questions and automatically display results similar to the functionality observed at Must be user-friendly, mobile-compatible, and equipped with a robust content management system to easily update and manage question sets. Key Features Needed: - User registration/login - Multiple choice question interface - Instant score display after test completion - Admin panel for managing questions and users - SEO optimized structure Required Skills: Web Development, PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, SEO
I'm seeking a professional to manage my Facebook and Instagram accounts, create promotional materials, and organize contacts to help my small business attract more clients and save time. I need someone who can start ASAP. Please include relevant experience in your application.
Please create a sample so we can both see if you are the right fit for this book. If so, I will pay a better rate! I'll send the description through the messaging since Freelancer limits what I can write here.
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Neenah, Wisconsin 54956, United States • Has a camera or phone/tablet of qu...
Would like to customise the software for houseboat business 1. Lead Management Lead capture from various sources (website, social media, email, phone calls). Lead categorization (e.g., hot, warm, cold). Automated follow-up reminders and tracking. Integration with email/WhatsApp for communication. Analytics on lead conversion rates. 2. Housekeeping Management Task assignment and tracking for housekeeping staff. Real-time status updates (clean/occupied). Inventory of housekeeping supplies. Maintenance request escalation for damages or issues. 3. Maintenance Management Scheduled maintenance tracker for boats and equipment. Maintenance request logging and resolution tracking. Maintenance expense recording. Alerts for periodic inspections or regulatory checks. 4. Food & Bevera...
I'm in need of a professional who can refine two packs of my PowerPoint slides. The slides should be worked on a simple, white background, incorporating minimalist icons, images, and graphics. The goal is to maintain a simple and professional aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Refining icons and graphics - Text formatting for clarity and consistency - Maintaining the same colour scheme throughout The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Experience with creating minimalist designs - Ability to work under tight deadlines Please note, the deadline for this project is 1 day.
Peace, First of all, please don't come this project bidding with copypaste words. I search for coworkers whom I am willing to pay. I would like to share what I think via telegram, please write your adress on message. All I need is experience on php/node.js/django and ofcourse another person for front end so I need 2 coworkers. I need young people. So don't hesitate if you are not experienced. Edit:If you are better in french we can communicate in french too.
I need a legal brief focusing on the municipality's business activities and their implications on liability. This brief will be crucial in challenging the municipality's immunity in light of a breach of duty of care. Specific Tasks: - Analyze the city's engagement in a foreclosure business and its impact on their responsibility and liability. - Compare and contrast this situation with that of a private entity. - Use provided supporting materials (official documents, witness testimonies, photographic evidence) to substantiate the arguments. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in municipal law and liability cases. - Excellent legal writing skills. - Ability to interpret and present complex data from officia...
I'm looking for a professional email marketer to help boost the sign-up rate for my app, primarily targeting the business sector. Key Responsibilities: - Generate confirmed leads who are interested in signing up to the app. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in email marketing, particularly targeting businesses. - Experience in lead generation and conversion. Please provide examples of previous email marketing campaigns you've executed, specifically those targeting the business sector. Payment is weekly basis
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) CHAO'S COMMERCIAL BUILDING, BONHAM STRAND, SHEUNG WAN, HONG KONG • Has a cam...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me create a Facebook business page aimed at boosting my brand awareness. The primary focus of the page will be sharing content related to loans, including product/service information. Key Responsibilities: - Create a professional and formal Facebook business page for my brand. - Regularly share loan-related content on the page. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - Proven experience in social media marketing and Facebook business page creation. - Ability to create content that is professional and formal in tone. - Understanding of the loan industry would be a plus.