Sample logo design daycareproiecte
Se cauta voce feminina pentru urmatorul text: "Purtați masca de protecție acoperind nasul si gura, pe tot parcursul vizitei, cu excepția perioadelor de antrenament intens. Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinf...Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinfectati echipamentele inainte si dupa utilizare și bucurati-va de un antrenament sigur. Evitati sa va atingeti fata in timpul antrenamentelor. Spalati-va frecvent pe maini sau folositi dezinfectantul pus la dispozitie. " Va rugam sa trimiteti un sample cu una dintre propozitiile de mai sus. Va...
Caut un colaborator pt inceput sa finalizeze cateva taskuri la un proiect care exista de mult timp ca si platforma de stocare informatii. Anumite functii trebuiesc usor modificate, adaugate informatii, corectate. Nu caut pe cineva fara experienta, caut pe cineva disponibil imediat pt 1-2 zile si apoi cateva ore pe zii. Atasez un sample de taskuri care sunt de efectuat pe acest proiect. Ma intereseaza intai sa vad ce experienta ai pana sa mergem mai departe. Am ales sa lucrez cu programator din Romania pt ca eu sunt in Las Vegas si am 10 ore diferenta, ceea ce inseamna ca ne putem completa usor. Ce am atasat ca si taskuri dureaza maxim o zi... astept sa discutam daca ai disponibila aceasta zi si cat costa ... apoi vedem cum mergem mai departe pe ora sau pe proiect. Bafta.
Doresc transformarea textelor in audio intr-o maniera profesionala. Va rog sa furnizati odata cu oferta si un scurt sample audio din textele atasate
Dorim realizare a mai multor bannere, aproximativ 30 buc, in diverse dimensiuni. Bannerele vor fi folosite atat pe website-uri, advertoriale cat si pe Facebook in reclame sponsorizate. 851x315 (10buc) 600x460 (2 buc) 1080x1080 (10 buc) 1260x360 (3 buc) 1800x496 (3 buc) 640x220 (2 buc) Dupa ce primim cateva sample-uri, va dam tematica exacta. In atasament gasiti un exemplu de banner. DOAR freelanceri din Romania!
Salutare am nevoie de o traducere Germana - Romana 1. Sunt 20 de pagini bugetul meu e de 2 $ pe pagina 2. Am nevoie sa fie gata in 5 zile 3. Va voi cere un sample pentru a verifica calitatea
...mai multe pe design, un flux de 2-3 logouri pe zi, un varf de 4-6. Pe langa asta avem proiecte care implica design de brosuri, pliante si alte materiale promotionale. Cautam pe cineva (chiar si 2 persoane) care sa fie dispuse sa se alature echipei noastre - lucrati de acasa, remote si faceti parte din echipa cu experienta. Nu ma deranjeaza sa ai portofoliu mic, daca ai ochi la design, daca ai viteza si claritate in exprimare - avem cum sa fim rabdatori sa ajungi la alt nivel, ne trebuie doar sa fii serios(serioasa) si sa iti vezi de treaba. Programul este flexibil si il stabilim de comun acord. Primul proiect implica un logo pt o pizzerie numita Brother's Pizza Astept : 1. portofoliu 2. intrebari clarificatoare (sa vad ca ai inteles p...
Proiectul este relativ simplu si distractiv. Avem nevoie de un freelancer care sa stie, in primul rand, sa scrie corect si, daca se poate, cu o tenta personala. Articolele sunt din domeniul adult, deci job-ul nu este recomandat celor care se inrosesc usor. Fiecare material va avea aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligat...aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligatoriu de imagini reprezentative. Proiectul se desfasoara timp de minim o luna sau mai mult, daca va fi o colaborare productiva. Avem nevoie de 20 de articole in fiecare saptamana si oferim 7 RON pe articol, ceea ce inseamna 560 RON pe luna, pentru un numar de 80 de materiale. Pretul nu este negociabil. Va rog sa atasati ofertei si doua sample-uri scrise de voi, din orice domeniu. Hap...
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Acesta este unul dintre multele articole, scrise ce imi apartin in totalitate
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am prins un proiect pe termen nedeterminat de la un client roman. E vorba de scris articole foarte lungi. Sunt studenta, vine sesiunea si nu ma mai pot ocupa de articole, dar nu vreau nici sa pierd clientul. De aceea mi-ar placea sa te angajez pe tine. Deocamdata am doua intrebari: 1. Poti scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi? 2. Ai un sample, ceva, scris in ton serios, profesional? Asta ar fi tonul articolelor. Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns :)
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you
Buna, ti-am facut un sample dar calitatea logo-ului e foarte scazuta. Daca doresti as putea sa il refac intr-o rezolutie mai mare si dupa aia sa il vectorizez! ramane la aprecierea ta!
Full Website design for a daycare.
Format .avi .mpeg .wmw Minimum Resolution 1080 Recommended Resolution 1998x1080 ; (1:1.85 Flat) Format 1:1.85 FPS 25 Bitrate 25.000 Audio Stereo Sample rate 48Hz Sample bit depth 16 bit Peak Level -9dbfs Or DCP usual Cinema content format
Detin designul ( fisiere .PSD ) la un site de anunturi gen mercador[punct]ro. Doresc sa gasesc un programator care sa implementeze designul pe care eu il am deja, si sa scrie scriptul bazat pe Symphony framework. Foarte important este ca toti cei interesati, sa pregatesca si un sample de cod. Doresc o calitate a codului superioara ( va fi verificata de un cunoscator ). Scriptul trebuie sa fie scalabil si optimizat foarte bine pentru a consuma cat mai putine resurse (CPU, RAM) indiferent de trafic. Scriptul trebuie sa respecte urmatoarele regului : - calitatea codului superioara (cod curat); - sa fie gandit modular, doresc pe parcurs sa pot din administrare sa instalez teme/templateuri, pluginuri - trebuie sa poata fi instalat foarte usor : se urca scriptul pe un server ce re...
Email parser maven project. Sample data: Salut Alex, Avem o problema la ZP-ROHRER 06 cu calculatia SAP nr 15794. Calculatia asta nu poate fi inchisa, presupun ca din cauza ca una dintre comenzi are deja status-ul “Inchisa”, spre deosebire de celelalte care au statusul “Acceptata” (vezi export detalii atasat) Poti sa ne ajuti sa putem inchide calculatia asta si implicit comenzile aferente? (noi nu putem schimba status-ul comenzii marcate cu galben, din “Inchisa” in “acceptatata”)? Cu stima, Kind regards, Silviu Mangeac E&P – MTN&LOG System & SAP OMV Petrom S.A. PETROM CITY Str. Coralilor,
...immigration assistance for prospective employees, and nonprofit organizations seeking guidance in immigration matters. Website Content Language: Our content must be impeccably written in English to ensure clarity and accessibility for our diverse clientele. Ideal Skills and Experience for Freelancers: Must have experience in creating content for immigration law websites. Must have work product sample for immigration law websites. Proficiency in crafting engaging, high-quality content tailored to immigration law. Background in legal content writing, particularly in immigration law. Ability to simplify complex legal terms into reader-friendly content. Capability to conduct comprehensive research and stay updated with immigration laws. This project goes beyond content creation; i...
I'm in ...These are different wall types and will be shared with architects across Australia. Non scaled PDF for visual will be supplied as well as the basic dimensions of the components. Key Requirements: - Develop architectural CAD diagrams from non scaled PDF/JPG and supplied material dimensions. - Create individual diagrams of wall types for architects. - Approx, 80 diagrams to be developed. - A sample will be required prior to proceeding. The CAD diagrams should: - Include materials and layers in the wall type diagrams and basic dimensions in own layers. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in creating architectural CAD diagrams. - A keen eye for detail to ensure all materials and layers are accurately represented. Example PDF di...
I'm looking for a creative illustrator to design a professional and visually appealing logo for my brand. The logo should be illustrative in style and incorporate both a symbol and text. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Illustrator - Logo Design Please share your portfolio with relevant examples. i have a sample and i need logo for my clothing brand who read this write CLOTHING so i can see u read and u can do it
Hello, I'm re-posting a project because I wasn't clear. I like this video.... I'm hopeful someone has something similar already done that can be customized. We need to add our services to each ball. Please message me any sample video that are close if possible.
I'm in need of a talented video editor who specializes in short, animated content for social media platforms such as Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. The videos will be light-hearted and humorous, aimed at the general public. What I Offer: - €25 per video - Minimum of 3 videos per week - Opportunity for long-term collaboration What I'm Look...- €25 per video - Minimum of 3 videos per week - Opportunity for long-term collaboration What I'm Looking For: - Proficient in motion graphics animation - Prior experience with social media content - Ability to deliver consistently and punctually - Basic understanding of Dutch for text and context - Creativity and strong storytelling skills If you're interested, please send your portfolio or sample videos. L...
...sales skills Ability to explain and discuss real estate and mortgage loan options effectively Knowledge of the local real estate market and basic mortgage loan products Previous success in converting cold calls into qualified leads Ability to pivot between real estate and mortgage topics seamlessly during calls How to Apply: For serious inquiries, please direct message me with an audio recording sample of your previous cold calling work (ideally including both real estate and mortgage-related conversations). This will help us evaluate your approach and skills before moving forward. If you’re passionate about real estate and mortgage loans, have a knack for sales, and enjoy engaging with potential clients, we’d love to hear from you!...
...Create urgency with deadlines or milestones. Step 3: Tone and Style • Engaging and Accessible: Balance professionalism with an inspirational tone that resonates with a broad audience. • Story-Driven: Weave a narrative that connects emotionally while outlining key business details. • Inclusive: Appeal to potential investors, food enthusiasts, and supporters who want to be part of your journey. Sample Opening Visuals: A busy family struggling to find healthy, affordable meals. Voiceover: “Imagine a world where your favorite meal arrives at your door, freshly prepared, in record time—and every delivery supports local businesses and reduces food waste.” Switch to Founder: “Hi, I’m [Your Name], and I’m on a mission to revolutio...
I would like program that uses eBPF to capture traffic stats in Linux. I would like to track data usage by IP and by process. Sample output in JSON: { "timestamp": "2025-01-28T18:52:14Z", "traffic_stats": { "processes": { "firefox": { "": { "upload": 1024, "download": 2048 }, "": { "upload": 512, "download": 1024 } }, "chrome": { "": { "upload": 2048, "download": 4096 } }, "ssh": { "": { "upload": 256, "download": 512 ...
...4-page portfolio that details the car, the pit display, team identity, and some aerodynamic features used in the car. A sample will be shared for reference. - One 11-12 page engineering portfolio that describes all elements and features of the car. Other Requirements: - A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of one F1 car. STL files will be provided. Using Ansys discovery and this link: - A 3D modelled pit display that is highly detailed and includes interactive elements, similar to an F1 standard. - The pit display should incorporate interactive models, lighting effects, and an enterprise-like sample jersey design and cap. Some new features also need to be added. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in FEA and CFD analysis, particularly in the
...Budget” cells in the Master Sheet tab will sum the spend of each area of marketing. The minimum spend for a Grand Open is $5,000, the total budget should require the minimum or at least notify the user if the spend is too low. Post-Mortem Meeting Notification: Each store will meet with the marketing team after their opening to conduct a post-mortem analysis. The marketing team should be Here is a sample document
I'm seeking a seasoned developer with a full OEM license of ARMCharts. The primary purpose of this project is for the update of demo version of armchart and generate pdf file for data view with chart. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with ARMCharts - Strong background in data visualization - Expertise in interactive chart development - Familiarity with precise...precise PDF data creation. Key Requirements: - Must possess a full OEM license of ARMCharts for version available for redistribution to 3rd party websites - Ability to create compelling, interactive visualizations - Deliver high-quality, user-friendly charts Please note, Must possess a full OEM license of ARMCharts for version available for redistribution to 3rd party websites. please provide sample pictures you&... details (e.g., token name, amount, price) for user transparency. Technical Requirements Database: Use a robust database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB) to store and manage coin data, blacklists, and analysis results. Configuration File: Store filters, blacklist rules, trading thresholds, and API credentials in a user-editable configuration file (e.g., JSON or YAML format). Trading Algorithms: Design algorithms that incorporate data-driven insights and dynamically adjust trading strategies based on evolving patterns. Programming Language: Python (recommended) for its rich ecosystem of libraries for trading automation, data scraping, and API integrations. Libraries/Tools: Scraping: BeautifulSoup, Selenium (if scraping is necessary). APIs: Requests or HTTPX for API communicat... the NSF SBIR guidelines. • Timeline with identified second and third choice SBIR programs if NSF proposal is not funded. • Collaboration with our internal team to incorporate technical details and strategic objectives. • Timely submission of all required documentation to meet program deadlines. To Apply: Please submit the following: • Your current CV, highlighting relevant experience. • A sample of your grant writing, preferably an SBIR-related document or similar technical writing in the biomedical field. Preferred Qualifications: • Knowledge of innovative wearable health technologies, or wellness products. • Familiar with signal processing of autonomic variables especially extracting ‘neural’ components embedded in heart rat...
I'm seeking a skilled electrical drafter proficient in AutoCAD to create approximately 15 wiring diagrams for industrial installations. Key Requirements: - The wiring diagrams will primarily focus on power distribution and control systems. - A deep understanding of industrial wiring standards and safety regulations is crucial. - Experience in creating clear, precise, and easy-to-foll...power distribution and control systems. - A deep understanding of industrial wiring standards and safety regulations is crucial. - Experience in creating clear, precise, and easy-to-follow diagrams is essential. Desired Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is a must. - Prior experience in electrical drafting for industrial applications. - Excellent attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. S...
I need a professional 3D modeling design for a car stand in a mall. The design will be sent to a printing house for construction of a stand with a booth to place the car. I'm seeking two options: one for a single car and another for two cars. Key Aspects: - Design Style: The stand should embody a modern and sleek aesthetic. - Material: While I haven't specified materials, a blend of visually appealing and sturdy materials would be ideal. - Design Innovations: I welcome your ideas and suggestions for enhancements over the provided design sample. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling and design - A solid portfolio of sleek, modern designs - Knowledge of materials suitable for large-scale prints - Exce...
Netflow project milestone first for the following project completed (1) Add dynamic and adaptive modes (2) Add covert communication channel through flow warden between covert sender ,covert receiver. (3) Repeat point 2 for packet warden and NEL phase env covert sender and receiver. (4) Take sample measurements to validate your modifications (5) Create a detailed documentation of work done so far relating to flow warden until now. First milestone payment is 650€ and second milestone payment is 600€ making a grand total of 1250€
I'm looking for a skilled 3D artist who can convert a 2D AI-generated character image into a high-detail, 3D realistic character model for video production. The model needs to be suitable for close-up shots and should be delivered in Blender/Unreal format, as well as in Ai/PSD format for additional editing. Key Requireme...Key Requirements: - Conversion of 2D AI image into a 3D model. - High-detail modeling suitable for close-up video shots. - Incorporation of realistic skin and clothing textures. - Delivery in Blender/Unreal and AI/PSD formats. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Blender and Unreal Engine. - Strong background in 3D modeling and character design. - Experience with video production-related 3D modeling. - Ability to create and apply realistic textures. **See the ...
I'm looking for a freelancer to transcribe a PDF file containing text only into a plain text file. This transcription should include the preservation of headings as they appear in the original document. A sample page is attached - the whole job is 28 pages like this one Ideal skills for this job include: - Attention to detail to ensure accurate transcription - Ability to recognize and replicate headings from the original document - Proficiency in creating and formatting plain text files
I have a podcast with 10 episodes, each about 3 hours long, that requires professional audio editing. Key Requirements: - Fix distorted sound - Fix any echo - Make it sound like a podcast - Enhance voice clarity - Balance audio levels Currently, the audio is recorded on separate tracks for each speaker. Ideal skills for this job include audio enginee...Fix distorted sound - Fix any echo - Make it sound like a podcast - Enhance voice clarity - Balance audio levels Currently, the audio is recorded on separate tracks for each speaker. Ideal skills for this job include audio engineering and sound editing, with experience in podcast production preferred. Please only bid if you can improve the listening experience for my audience and can take the sample below and prove that you ...
I'm seeking a talented create a 2D animation that will promote our services on LinkedIn and Facebook. The animation's primary focus will be service explanation, so it's crucial that you can convey our offerings clearly and engagingly. I have a script prepared, but you'll need to develop the storyboard. Duration: 20 - 25 seconds Sample: (pls see attached for sample) Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expertise in 2D animation - Strong understanding of creating animations for social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn and Facebook - Ability to create a compelling storyboard from a provided script - Excellent communication skills
Hello, I need 10 templates for Consent Management Popups for integration in my consent management app which is like Cookiebot. The tem...complyfi_mainbutton ... The templates should be in the following Moods - Electronics - Bluesky - Petshop - Fitness - Coaching - Red & Green - Black & Easy - Gray - Steel - Paper The sizes can be 1. 800 x 600 2. 400 x 600 3 80 x 1000 4 150 x 1100 There are going to be 3 pages in each template 1. ConsentManagement 2. Categories 3. DPO So use these 4 sizes randomly in your creations. I am attaching a sample consent popup image. If you do this work well, I will give you more templates to make. --- Examples -- I am attaching some simple image examples. You can see them to understand the text content.. I don't want images thoug...
Map the GCC(Global Capability Centers) leaders in India/ abroad. Do a linkedin or google search to find GCC leaders - Map them basis on Name, Designation, Gender, Company, City, Designation, Years of experience, Area of expertise. I can share some sample names (if you are interested in the project). Consider people with 20+ years of experince working in a Global capability center.
...anecdotes can be included, but the primary emphasis should be on the artist's career achievements. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience with Wikipedia page creation and understanding of its guidelines. - Exceptional writing and storytelling skills to present the artist's biography engagingly. - A background in arts or music is a plus, but not mandatory. ---------------------------------- The sample page for what the artist wants his page to look like is: ---------------------------------- The artist's web page where a lot of the information will come from is: ---------------------------------- The Wikipedia page of Cem Basarir (Cem Başarır) should include most of the pages within his web site. The dynamic pages like
I am starting a new project on the economics of early childhood development, and early care and education (ie daycare), and want to take an interdisciplinary and multi-method perspective to get the work started. I need you to listen to my stream of consciousness and turn it into an organized memo. Independently outline a project prospectus and conduct preliminary research and literature review to see what avenues are worth pursuing. Literature will be press articles and blogs, academic papers, interview transcripts, podcasts, or other sources you identify. If your work output is strong there is opportunity to continue the work further.
### **Contest Title:** "Website Design Contest for a Toy E-commerce Store (WooCommerce Platform)" ### **Description:** We are a toy seller and need a professional web design for our e-commerce store based on WooCommerce. The design should be **similar to **, but customized to suit our brand and products. **Requirements:** 1. **Platform:** WooCommerce. 2. **Design Style:** - Clean, modern, and playful aesthetic, similar to ****. - Easy navigation and user-friendly experience for parents buying toys. - Product-centric layout with clear categories. 3. **Key Features:** - Mobile and desktop responsiveness. - Clean, minimalist homepage with featured products and offers. - Categories for different types of toys (e.g., ...
Project Title: Professional Video Editor Needed for Social Media Content Creation Project Description: I am looking for a skilled and creative video editor to help trends and audience preferences. Ability to deliver high-quality videos on time. Deliverables: Edited videos (length to be discussed, depending on platform requirements). Final files in appropriate formats and resolutions for social media platforms. Option for up to 2 rounds of revisions (if necessary). Additional Notes: If you’ve worked on similar projects, please share your portfolio or sample work. I may have recurring projects if the output meets expectations. Budget: Please provide your best quote along with the expected delivery timeline. Let’s collaborate to create impactful and stunn...
I'm in search o...modern style. The ideal candidate will have: - Significant experience in product design, specifically in home accessories, giveaways, corporate gifts, and hospitality items. - A knack for innovative packaging design that complements the product's concept. - A meticulous eye for detail, capable of reviewing and revising samples to ensure top-notch quality. - The decisiveness to approve final designs for production. It will take 3-4 weeks to finalize the concepts and designs, and the contract will remain active until the items go into manufacturing. Additionally, the designer will review the product sample and packaging quality. If you share my passion for breathing life into our Arabic heritage through modern design, I would be thr...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to generate a CSV file containing 500 leads of companies dealing with school appeals. Budget is $20 - dont bother to bid if not happy with the budget The CSV file should include: - Compa...budget The CSV file should include: - Company Name - Contact Number - Email - LinkedIn The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with school appeals companies - Proficiency in creating and managing CSV files - Understanding of data privacy and ethical sourcing Please note, the leads should strictly pertain to school appeals sample sites are:
Hi there, Dutch is required. I'm looking for someone to help me collect email addresses from a list of 100 Dutch events or businesses. Project Details: Find websites and/or their Facebook pages/event pages. Gather email addresses from these sources. Accuracy is essential. Budget: 5 NZD Time: 2 days To Apply: Please start your bid with "5 NZD" and provide a few sample entries. Thank you,