Read lines txt fileproiecte
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real sp...
Scop principal: - Citirea / extragerea unor datelor specifice din fisiere PDF (fisierele PDF au aceasi structura -versiune PDF 1.4), afisarea datelor si oferirea posibilitatii de modificare a lor - Ecran (form) selectare optiuni (yes / No) - Tiparire raport bazat pe datele extrase Functionalitati aditionale: - Creare conturi / profil. - Planuri tarifare (bazat pe numar de documente procesate per / luna) - Per fiecare utilizator – stocare ultimul document procesat - Stocare la nivel de utilizator numar de documente procesate / nr de pagii / data - Emitere automata factura conform plan tarifar ales (conectare cu smart bill)
I want to create a personal website for my personal branding where I can post articles about the two major areas of interest and expertise for me, CSR and mental health. I want it to be a user friendly site on both laptop and mobile, to be safe in terms of security, cookies, etc., and from ...major areas of interest and expertise for me, CSR and mental health. I want it to be a user friendly site on both laptop and mobile, to be safe in terms of security, cookies, etc., and from the design point of view of the site is has to be simple and airy, fresh, to give readers a state of well-being, of inspiration that they are in contact with nature, with themselves and that motivates them to read and discover how they can be better and gentler with themselves and the environment. Total budg...
...destul de slaba - E normal sa fie asa sau trebuie sa gasim solutii? 11. Optimizarea pentru mobile trebuie facuta- h 12. Sitemap - Acesta ar trebui sa fie generat de site si nu de un tool extern. Acesta ar trebui sa fie impartit pe produse, categorii, branduri, etc. Nu este corect sa se trimita la indexare bulk toate tipurile de informatii. Trebuie impartite pe categorii 13. Fisierul robots . txt este prost configurat - Disallow se pune atunci cand un link nu se doreste sa fie indexat. 14. Dupa ce se alege o masina apare un buton de cautare dupa categorie: vezi fisierul capture 2. Acest cauta dupa categorie sa se transforme la fel cum e la Autonet in cauta produs si sa-i gaseasca clientului produse. 15. In meniul alege masina Apoi alege marca intre modele si poze sa-mi arate an...
It is a short and easy Read and Record task. Takes 20-30 minutes. I will provide further details.
Vreau sa creez o funcție (VBA) care sa convertească un fișier txt în Excel la apasarea unui buton. (function)In acelasi timp sa se poata Introduce manual calea de unde se ia fisierul txt respectiv, unde va pune fisierul excel, anumite informatii adaugate manual. Am anexat mai jos cum arata fisierele text (2 tipuri de format) si de asemenea cum trebuie sa arate pentru fiecare (example 1 si 2).
RO only ! Vreau sa fac o pagina de crowdfunding care sa aiba doua modalitati de plata. • Prima: donatii in care se plateste in cont (bifata by default) • A doua: imprumut (ca sa evit unele chestii) sub care sa apara in plus, dupa selectare, cateva casute in care sa bage datele pentru restituirea imprumutului. (iban, telefon, etc.) Fiecare donatie/imprumut trebuie salvat cumva (excel, txt, etc) probabil vor fii cateva mii de donatii. Vor fi cateva butoane cu valori fixe gen 50 lei, 100 lei, 250 lei, cat vrei tu .. (cu limita 250 – 1.000.000) In afara de contul de card nu stiu daca de ar mai trebui ceva.. eventual posibilitate de a lucra offline si notificare pe mail la fiecare donatie. Nu este graba cu proiectul. Nu am un buget fix si sunt deschis la propune...
As avea nevoie de o traducere a fisierului alaturat din limba romana in limba maghiara. Toate tagurile HTML trebuie sa ramana asa cum sunt. Traducerea trebuie efectuata in fisierul original, fiecare coloana sa fie urmata de traducerea efectiva. Ca sa discut cu cineva legat de acest proiect, rog o traducere test a primelor 3 randuri.
Proiectarea, dezvoltarea unor proiecte customizate Arduino ce presupun senzori si actiuni. Exemple: - reed senzor declanseaza laser, laser in senzor lumina deschide solenoid si declanseaza sunet - tastatura cu cod setabil pentru declansare solenoid - read senzor declanseaza o secventa de lumina - posibila interdependenta intre actiuni - posibilitatea de setare si resetare a sistemelor
Un program de procesare, organizare si structurare a fisierelor text (doar extensia ".txt") . Programul are la baza conceptul de "minerit in text" si incearca sa combine atat partea de inteligenta artificiala cu cea de retele neuronale . In fond totul se rezuma la o cautare inteligenta a informatiei de tip text provenita din mai multe surse care prin substitutii si diverse strategii universale de organizare ofera ca rezultat un raspuns obtim complex care acopera intreaga baza de cunostinte . Proiectul este inca in cercetare .
Realizarea unui feed de remarking pentru campania de promovare prin Adwords. Acesta va permite ca remarketingul sa se actualizeze zilnic, automat. Mentiuni: - Scopul acestui feed este setarea campaniei de Remarketing in contul Adwords. - Fisierul trebuie sa fie .txt in format CSV sau TSV (Tab Separated Values) si sa fie afisat pe pagina (deci sa nu se faca download) - Fisierul trebuie sa fie codat in formatul UTF-8. - spatiile din url-uri trebuie inlocuite cu *** 20. - Ordinea coloanelor si denumirile trebuie sa fie identice cu acestea. - 'item category' este subcategoria de produs, cea mai apropiata de produs. De exemplu la al doilea produs nu este 'Accesorii' ci 'Casti Bluetooth' - 'item title' este nu...
- Take advantage of the start! - We are looking urgently for MLM leaders who want to develop a newly appeared MLM business! - You know too that those who start early have the greatest benefits! - This MLM business is unique all over the planet and has a reward plan which pleases even the ones who aren`t interested in MLM! - We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people. - Our product is a virtual package consisting of several highly spectacular personal development books and a novel which has a unique worldwide subject, a subject which you have never seen in any other novel or movie. - This is the only MLM business that promotes online a novel written with t...
Cerinte minime proiect Medii de programe: 1. Sa aiba o baza de date cu cel putin 2 tabele cu relatii intre ele. 2. Prin aplicatie sa se execute operatii: CRUD(create,read,update,execute) asupra tuturor tabelelor conform relatiilor dintre ele. 3. Ca mod de lucru cu baza de date: Modul de lucru deconectat sau LINQ sau Entity Framework
Buna Razvan...lucrez pentru o companie unde am dori sa migram din ZOHO si sa avem aplicatia noastra pe care sa o folosim ca sa book appointments pentru home principiu aplicatia trebuie sa fie capabila sa book appointments ( sa creeze pacienti in databasa) si sa creeze ii impartim noi la fiecare dintre ei) prin telefon si trebuie sa fie cpabili sa upload eze imagini cu cardul de sanatate lab fiecare pacient si sa intre alte informatiicare trebuiesc pentru a inchide caeea seara se inchide ziua si se extrage un excell care arata ce sa intamplat in acea zi si ce billing avem..Cam atat...daca esti interesat contacteaza-ma pe aflorea@ sau txt la 19054315202..proiectul este destul de urgent ( am pus 30 de zile) ..dar putem discuta Mersi mult Adrian Florea
I need your help with my helium scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a exp...know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a expert less than 30 minutes. THIS IS URGENT. No time wasters you waste my time you get bad feedback. Type I know helium in your proposal so I know you have read all this.
Write a book as an Ghostwriter. Please read the content of the book in the attachment file and ONLY bid for this project after you have read the contact of the book. I expect this job to be done in no more then 6 weeks. Please, bidders keep in mind for bidding for writing around 36 000-45 000 words for this book.
...25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you read this book. The book has been kept secret for a while but now I want it to be released to the public. The book is an essay and the reader confronts with areas of: quantum physics, psychology, dreams, relativity, philosophy, mathematics, poetry, esoteric field etc. Now the translation into Romanian: Caut un freelancer experimentat pentru a vinde o carte pentru mine....
...fost parcurse, in medie, de catre cursanti. Sa se vada si perioada de expirare a cursurilor, cate teste au fost efectuate din acel curs, precum si care este gradul de parcurgere a cursului. - Istoric student, care sa arate toate activitatile de invatare efectuate de student, statusul lor si rezultatele obtinute la activitatile finalizate - Rapoartele sa poata fi exportate cel putin in formatele : txt, csv, xls si pdf Proiectul este supus unei licitatii, deci cei interesati sunt rugati sa aplice doar daca indeplinesc urmatoarele conditii: - studii superioare (preferabil Facultatea de Informatica sau AC) - experienta minim 3 ani ca web developer, dovedita cu copii dupa contractele de munca, fisa de post, contract colaborare, etc, deci aici nu se incadreaza experienta de free...
...operating system iOS devices (iPhone and iPad); - For devices with Android operating system (smartphones and tablets); - For devices with Windows Mobile (smartphone and tablet). 2. The project includes: - Programming; - Graphics (maybe is even possible collaboration with our graphic); - The implementation by the normal operation phase. 3. Using the application, the user should be able to buy and read the book; 4. On completion of the project, the developer will provide the complete package beneficiary: the compiler, the source code and documentation. 5. The project application will not be used for any third party without the consent of the recipient. 6. Ensure maintenance for 12 months after completion of the project. C. Financial Conditions & Terms of payment: ...
... servicii vor trebui sa se poata adauga intr-o lista care apoi sa fie adaugate si sa se calculeze ulterior si sa fie adaugate la final in lista de plata a pacientului si totodata sa se poata asimila Doctorului care a efectuat Serviciul respectiv un total de incasat pe acea zi. Dupa aceea sa se poata vedea totalul de plata al pacientului si sa exporte si sa se printeze intr-un fisier txt pentru a fi printat pe casa de marcat si adaugat la un total care se va contoriza in fiecare zi si in fiecare luna. Toate datele se vor centraliza pe zile ,saptamani ,luni si pe intervale ce se vor customizabile variabile pe 2 calendare ...calendar de intrare 01.01.2014 si calendar de iesire 14.12.2014 pentru a se vedea incasarile Totale pe un Medic,Incasarile pe zile,Incasarile in timp real pe
Am nevoie de cineva care sa stie Javascript, urmand sa modifice un script care citeste QR Code, scriptul de la care doresc sa pornim este cumparat de pe codecanyon: Functii: 1. Scanare QR Code 2. Verificare 3. Afisare rezultat (a...Code 2. Verificare 3. Afisare rezultat (aceste trei functii deja sunt indeplinite de scriptul cumparat) 4. Interpretarea rezultatului, si afisarea unui mesaj personalizat in cazul in care rezultatul scanarii este unul stabilit anterior. 5. Daca este gasit rezultat, pagina asteapta o perioada de timp dupa care face o alta scanare automat. 5. Inregistrarea tuturor scanarilor intr-un document txt Nu doresc ca aceasta pagina sa fie securizata sau sa o complicam intr-un fel sau altul, ma intereseaza doar sa functioneze, Mai multe detalii ...
Varianta in limba romana a cerintei noastre 1. Scop: Parsarea de domenii sau documente si salvarea informatiei dupa prelucrare si verificare in destinatia finala 2. Scurta descriere: Pe baza unor parametrii initiali ca tip sursa ( Web, Documente ), Parametrii in vederea importului automat, moneda, Limba, in care se do...intalnite la produsul respectiv. Castigatorul sa ne prezinte cum se gandeste sa implenenteze aplicatia pentru fiecare punct, workflow-ul informatiei . Cum se fac intrarile , care sunt campurile , si cum arata front endul O descriere a aplicatiei pe baza cerintelor noastre . Nu se va efectua plata daca nu suntem 100 % multumiti. Bugetul este fix 350 dolari The english version : Please read the attachment The buget is fix for ...
...baze de date). - sa foloseasca doua baza de date diferite (cel putin 3 tabele) si sa se foloseasca tranzactii distribuite. (nu este obligatoriu sa fie 2 servere distincte de baze de date) - sa aiba cel putin 6-8 operatii/cazuri de utilizare. - Foarte important: Sa implementeze o tranzactie distribuita la nivel aplicatie. Adica veti considera ca o tranzactie nu consta din operatii de read() si write() de pagini de memorie, ci veti considera o tranzactie ca fiind formata din operatii SQL simple (minim 3 instructiuni SQL - insert, delete, update, select) desigur, aceste operatii SQL vor opera pe tabele diferite. Trebuie sa asigurati, la nivel aplicatie, proprietatile ACID ale acestei tranzactii. Cu alte cuvinte sa se implementeze urmatoarele: - un algoritm de planif...
Salut, am mai discutat acum ceva zile. Crezi ca ai putea sa creezi un dll de la 0, care sa descarce cateva fisiere de pe adresa web si sa le atribuie Read Only? Daca ca, anuntama pe messenger la id bytza_nasty
Inainte de a aplica pentru acest proiect,va rog cititi cu atentie specificatiile si cerintele mele ! Limba romana este obligatorie pentru ofertanti ! Before applying for this project, please read the specs and my requirements ! Romanian language is mandatory for bidders ! -acesta este website-ul la care se va lucra! Avem nevoie de un programator care sa faca mai multe modificari in cadrul site-ului,sa aduca cateva elemente noi, si care sa se ocupe si de administarea acestuia pe durata proiectului! Proiectul are o durata medie de executie de cca 2 luni.(maxim) Noi oferim un contract de colaborare pe o perioada de 6 luni. Alaturat gasiti contractul oferit cat si task-urile care sunt puse in cum este mentionat,70 % din acestea sunt deja pe site
O aplicatie JSP -Pagina dedicata administratorului -logare+ 2 tabele( care preiau date din baza de date) pentru care se pot face read,update,delete
...both large and small sizes, and look equally strong in full color or black and white. Creative Twist: While we do not want a direct depiction of the hoopoe bird, the logo should still subtly reflect the bird’s symbolic meanings, such as direction, wisdom, or leadership, using abstract forms or minimalist shapes. Logo Inspiration & Symbolism: Upward Movement & Growth: Consider abstract shapes, lines, or geometric elements that represent upward growth, direction, or stability—important themes in real estate. Geometric Shapes: Clean and bold geometric elements such as triangles, squares, or circles could represent strength, balance, and structure, which tie into the real estate theme. Subtle Symbolism of the Hoopoe Bird: While not literal, the bird’s cre...
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I have some automation-related Python code that was generated by an AI. Unfortunately, there are some syntax and logical errors that need to be resolved. I am looking for an experienced Python developer with a strong grasp on automation coding to verify and fix this code. Please provide your relevant experience with Python and automation in your bid. The code to be reviewed is less than 100 lines.
We are looking for a logo and suitable fonts that best describes and identifies our gold mining company. We are a gold mining company called "Maverkade Mining: This is the design that we came up with that we quite like the concept of. We are looking for finer touches or sim...suit the website that we are currently building. We will need versions that have the company name text next to the logo and versions where the text is under the logo (see examples). We will also need versions that show our website address as shown in the pictures Use dark black, white, and Gold as the primary colors to suit the website backgrounds. The Text font needs to be bold and easy to read. Please look at the PowerPoint attached to see examples. Thank You in advance for your time, its m...
I have approximately 3000 rows of data spread across three Excel 365 sheets. I need someone to extract, link, and manage this data for me. The final deliverable will be a detailed report in Excel. This report should include: - Data summaries - Trends and patterns - Comparative analysis PEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED EXCEL FILES WHICH WILL BE USED THE SCOPE FOR THE BID IS IN THE WORD...Trends and patterns - Comparative analysis PEASE REFER TO THE ATTACHED EXCEL FILES WHICH WILL BE USED THE SCOPE FOR THE BID IS IN THE WORD DOCUMENT There's no need for complex formulas, but the ability to identify and highlight these aspects of the data will be crucial. Your expertise in data management and proficiency in Excel will be key to the success of this project. THANK YOU FOR THE TIME TO R...
...Imagery & Photography Style Defined image styles for websites, social media & print Guidelines on color scheme, composition, and lighting Use of mockups or sample images 8. Icons & Graphic Elements Consistent icons for web, print & labeling Color combinations and size guidelines Pictogram style to complement corporate design 9. Patterns & Textures If my branding includes patterns or textures (e.g., lines, geometric shapes, backgrounds) Application recommendations across different media 10. Web & App Design Guidelines Guidelines for buttons, UI elements, forms, menus Layout recommendations for website structure Mobile-first & responsive design principles 11. Social Media Branding Templates for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Post designs, story ...
I have 35 pages of handwritten documents that need to be typed in xl. The specific requirements, such as document format and font style, can be budget is $10 if you think this is good for you then you are welcome. Otherwise please do not be on this project.
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks...
...key events and character histories to accurately portray their reactions. I also value experience in role-playing games. The second point. Often, TikToks or videos that the characters will react to will be very monotonous. You will still need to come up with lines for the characters and adjust their emotions even for such TikToks, which is quite challenging. I must say right away, the job is VERY specific. If you think the job will consist of simply randomly assigning emotions to characters for videos and writing default lines "just to write something" - you will be out in the first week of the probation period. We make reactions in English. Knowledge of English is not mandatory if you can use translators through ChatGPT. The third point, before appl...
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...Represents trust, professionalism, and healthcare * Teal (#00A8CC) – Symbolizes innovation and scientific progress * Accent Colors (Optional): * Silver or Gray (#B0BEC5) – Adds a tech-inspired, futuristic look * White (#FFFFFF) – Ensures a clean, clinical appearance 3. Typography: * Modern, sans-serif font (professional, clear, and futuristic) * Avoid overly decorative fonts (must be easy to read at any size) * Suggested fonts: Montserrat, Lato, or Poppins 4. Iconography (Optional but Preferred): * Subtle DNA helix element (abstract, not overly detailed) * Molecular structure or genetic code representation (minimalist look) * Scientific wave, cell, or network theme (conveys biotech focus) Avoid: * Cartoonish DNA strands * Overcomplicated or crowded g..., professionalism, and healthcare * Teal (#00A8CC) – Symbolizes innovation and scientific progress * Accent Colors (Optional): * Silver or Gray (#B0BEC5) – Adds a tech-inspired, futuristic look * White (#FFFFFF) – Ensures a clean, clinical appearance 3. Typography: * Modern, sans-serif font (professional, clear, and futuristic) * Avoid overly decorative fonts (must be easy to read at any size) * Suggested fonts: Montserrat, Lato, or Poppins 4. Iconography (Optional but Preferred): * Subtle DNA helix element (abstract, not overly detailed) * Molecular structure or genetic code representation (minimalist look) * Scientific wave, cell, or network theme (conveys biotech focus) Avoid: * Cartoonish DNA strands * Overcomplicated or crowded graphics ...
...garbage—you’re in the WRONG place. Because here’s the truth: Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything. And most inventors fail—not because their idea sucks, but because they have ZERO clue how to actually get it MADE, SOLD, and MAKING MONEY. That’s where this book comes in. ________________________________________ THE BATTLE PLAN FOR TURNING YOUR IDEA INTO A PRODUCT THAT SELLS What you’re about to read isn’t some theory dreamed up by a professor who’s never sold a thing in his life. This is a straight-up, in-the-trenches battle plan for taking your idea, turning it into a real product, and putting money in your pocket—without going broke, getting ripped off, or wasting years of your life. Inside, you’ll discover: HO...
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I need a talented photo editor to enhance 6 photos for Instagram. The goal is a clean, cohesive look with natural but polished edits. You should: - Apply consistent color tones (slightly warm/cinematic). - Adjust brightness & contrast for clarity wh... - Sharpen key details to make the subject stand out. - Remove distractions (people, objects, clutter) where needed. - Lightly retouch (if a person is in the photo, light skin smoothing without overdoing it). Each photo has small adjustments, like enhancing city lights, cleaning up reflections, or making the sky pop. Full details will be provided to the successful candidate. To confirm you’ve read this brief, include the phrase "NYC UNDERSTOOD" at the beginning of your application. Any bids without this phrase w...
I require translation services for personal documents related to my family history and genealogy. These documents are currently typed, so they are easy to read. - Content Type: Family history and genealogy documents - Document Format: Typed I am looking for a translator who is not only skilled in the relevant languages but also has a deep understanding of cultural nuances. This will ensure that the translations are accurate, sensitive to cultural contexts, and resonate with the target audience. Timeliness is also key, as I would like to receive the translations within a reasonable timeframe.
*******IMPORTANT PLEASE READ************ IT MUST BE BUILT IN CANVA SO YOU CAN SHARE IT WITH ME AND I CAN MAKE EDITS MYSELF, AND USE THE NEW LOGOS AND THE CONTENT ATTACHED. DO NOT USE TEXT FROM THE OLD DECK BUT YOU CAN USE IMAGES ON ICONS I need a professional pitch deck that will attract investors to my growth stage business. The deck should comprehensively cover everything attached. I attached the old one for inspiration. our website is The ideal freelancer will have experience in creating pitch decks for funding, with a strong understanding of how to present a business's potential to investors. Please provide samples of pitch decks you've created in the past.
I'm seeking a Zapier expert to help automate a process involving email tracking and website verification. I receive emails with car VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers) and need to check their status on our website. Key Tasks: - Read incoming emails on Gmail to extract VINs from plain text - Navigate our custom HTML/CSS website to find the corresponding VIN page - Use Zapier to return the link to the VIN page and its availability status (available or sold) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Zapier - Experience with Gmail - Familiarity with navigating custom HTML/CSS websites - Strong problem-solving skills This project will streamline a crucial part of my workflow, so I appreciate your expertise in making this as efficient as possible.
PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION, I DO NOT AND WILL NOT ACCEPT PLACE HOLDER BIDS, ONLY ACCURATE ESTIMATES OF PROJECT COSTS. I have a roofing company in Perth Western Australia i am wanting someone to set up a full ai assistant. I need to be provided with the best ai on the market (I will pay for) i would like for the right candidate to set it all up using information from myself and from my website. Our prices can change so I need it to keep up to date with current pricing etc easily. It must integrate with my crm software for appointment scheduling and data entry. I require it to be the complete ai package. • Customer Service and Lead Generation: • functionality: Answer basic customer questions about services, pricing, and warranties 24/7 on the we...
...sourced from Google Maps and include labels for county names and major cities. Key Requirements: - The map should be compatible with my current setup on MapSVG. - Each county on the map needs to be clickable, with the functionality to direct to links that I can add. - Additional interaction: Counties either change color on hover, or enlarge. - County boundaries should be represented with solid lines. - Ensure the map is fully responsive and functional on mobile devices. - Make major cities clickable with the ability to add specific links to them as well. - Include a zoom feature to allow users to get a closer view of specific counties. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with SVG and interactive map creation. - Familiarity with MapSVG. - Strong attention to detail for accurat...
I need an expert in Siemens Technoma...spatially realistic scenario - Conduct and describe test runs to assess system performance Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Siemens Technomatics software - Strong understanding of system simulation and performance evaluation - Excellent problem-solving skills to identify potential model errors - Experience in creating material and information flow diagrams - Ability to connect machines and production lines realistically Please note the primary goal of this simulation project is to improve system performance, with a specific focus on efficiency. The data for automated processing will be provided in Technomatics format. The timeline for project completion is 10 days. A moderately detailed swimlane diagram capturing major processes and flows is s...