Provide fresh years payday loan leadspayday leadsproiecte


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2,000 provide fresh years payday loan leadspayday leads proiecte găsite

Salutare! Pune ROMANIA primul cuvant in aplicatie ca sa ignoram direct botii. Caut o persoana cu experienta pentru a ma ajuta sa optimizez si sa creez campanii de google ads pentru compania mea. E nevo...targeting specific demographic groups. - Exceptional analytical skills to assess campaign performance and make necessary adjustments. - Ability to create compelling ad content that drives sales. The budget for this campaign is between $1,000 and $5,000. The focus will be on creating engaging image/display ads. The primary objective of this campaign is to increase sales. The campaign will run for years. Focusing on users with specific interests and behaviors relevant to the products. The campaign will focus on auto products. The primary goal of this Google Ads campaign is to bo...

$296 Average bid
$296 Oferta medie
24 oferte

...above 140, this would be a boon for the country's economic output. Too soft or just right? It's no secret that the Bank of Japan has had some of the most consistently dovish policy of any central bank and has maintained such a stance for much longer than many of their counterparts around the world. In fact, Japanese interest rates have been steady at around 0% for 25 years now, even entering into negative territory in 2016. Indeed, the BoJ's base rate still sits at -0.1% at a time when most of the rest of the world is at around 5% or above, which means Japanese consumers actually lose money on any cash they save. Ironically, however, inflation in the Asian economy is far lower than in Europe. Even though the BoJ is upgrading its in...

$2 - $8 / hr
$2 - $8 / hr
0 oferte

Este necesara scrierea unui articol de tip review pentru produsul " Fond de Ten Rezistent la Transfer - L'Oreal Paris Infaillible 24H Fresh Wear ".

$10 Average bid
$10 Oferta medie
7 oferte
Promovare magazin online
S-a încheiat left

Creșterea vânzărilor unui magazin online prestashop cu profil vanzare mobilier. Cautam pe cineva cu experienta de minim 3 ani în promovare online și SEO . Oferim 10 euro/ora. Proiect cu derulare pe perioada îndelungată. Minim 10 ore pe săptămână. Increase sales of a prestashop online store with furniture sales profile. We are looking for someone with at least 3 years of experience in online promotion and SEO. We offer 10 euros / hour. Long-term project. Minimum 10 hours a week.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta medie
38 oferte

Suntem o platformă de ecommerce în căutare de un designer serios, fresh și inovativ cu care să începem o colaborare pe termen lung. Avem nevoie de aproximativ 6-12 bannere pe săptămână + alte materiale promoționale ce se vor discuta în funcție de necesitate. Pe partea de video suntem interesați de crearea unor animații periodice în scopul promovării lor pe YT, FB,IG.

$435 Average bid
$435 Oferta medie
15 oferte
Site personal
S-a încheiat left

I want to create a personal website for my personal branding where I can post articles about the two major areas of interest and expertise for me, CSR and mental health. I want it to be a user friendly site on both laptop and mobile, to be safe in terms of security, cookies, etc., and from the design point of view of the site is has to be simple and airy, fresh, to give readers a state of well-being, of inspiration that they are in contact with nature, with themselves and that motivates them to read and discover how they can be better and gentler with themselves and the environment. Total budget - 60 E.

$178 Average bid
$178 Oferta medie
10 oferte
Creează un Logo
S-a încheiat left will encourage you as you progress in your virtual run or in the virtual races that will bring you wonderful medals; - you will form new connections and make friends within the community; - you will develop the spirit of competition within the community, where you will always have new challenges and objects to achieve. 3. The target audience of the brand: who are we addressing? B2C: 20-50 years / men and women / secondary-higher education / medium to high, high and very high incomes / active people, with a competitive spirit, desire for recognition / hunters and / or collectors of medals and diplomas / interests: healthy lifestyle, travel, exercise, running, cycling, swimming, nature walks, hiking, gadgets B2B: medium and large companies interested in implementing heal...

$54 Average bid
$54 Oferta medie
31 oferte

Pagina de afiliere forex, am nevoie de trafic si leads ITALIA

$40 Average bid
$40 Oferta medie
6 oferte

Agent, promotor, vânzător, online leads generator pentru produse cosmetice. Avem 2 produse pentru a vinde în România Oferim 10 € pentru fiecare produs vândut. Scrieți cum veți obține vânzări sau potențiali clienți.

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta medie
6 oferte
Landing page
S-a încheiat left

Need landing pages focused in leads

$77 Average bid
$77 Oferta medie
18 oferte

Cautam un .Net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in WPF/ Win Forms, cunostinte in .NET Framework (C#), OOP si Design Patterns pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care se ocupa cu monitorizarea flotei de transport, dezvoltand aplicatii care monitorizeaza intreaga activitate a tirurilor. Level of Experince: + 4 years The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
23 oferte

Buna Am nevoie sa imi creez 4 conturi business pe site-urile de socializare. Cele 4 conturi vor fi : facebook, google plus, tweeter si linkedin. Pe langa aceste conturi vreau s...nevoie sa imi creez 4 conturi business pe site-urile de socializare. Cele 4 conturi vor fi : facebook, google plus, tweeter si linkedin. Pe langa aceste conturi vreau sa schimb si sa adaug pozele de pe site-ul pentru tot site-ul/toate rubricile de servicii. Dupa crearea conturilor si schimbarea pozelor vreau sa adaug pe site-urile de socializare si pe blog 10 postari cu continut fresh si imagini free. Aceste postari vor fi redactate de cel care creaza si conturile. Va rog sa imi trimiteti un mesaj cu exemple de conturi create de voi si continut redactat pentru blog-uri sau site-uri de socializare.

$91 Average bid
$91 Oferta medie
10 oferte

Pantostar este un proiect fresh ce doreste sa revolutioneze experienta de shopping online

$67 Average bid
$67 Oferta medie
28 oferte

Doresc un text pentru categoria "Despre noi" a unui magazin online de haine de dama. Rog sa existe impecabilitate in gramatica si punctuatie. Totodata, este necesara o abordare prietenoasa, fresh si foarte targetata catre client. Ca si sursa de inspiratie, te poti folosi de acest "about us" sau de orice alta rubrica similara al altor site-uri care se ocupa cu acelasi domeniu de activitate. De retinut la acest magazin online pentru care vei scrie, este ca detine un atelier propriu in care se creeaza hainutele, avand colectii care se innoiesc foarte frecvent, o data la 3-4 saptamani. Imi este urgent necesar pana maine, 3 Februarie, ora 11:00. Minimul de cuvinte necesar: 350

$13 Average bid
$13 Oferta medie
8 oferte

Doresc un text pentru categoria "Despre noi" a unui magazin online de haine de dama. Rog sa existe impecabilitate in gramatica si punctuatie. Totodata, este necesara o abordare prietenoasa, fresh si foarte targetata catre client. Ca si sursa de inspiratie, te poti folosi de acest "about us" sau de orice alta rubrica similara al altor site-uri care se ocupa cu acelasi domeniu de activitate. De retinut la acest magazin online pentru care vei scrie, este ca detine un atelier propriu in care se creeaza hainutele, avand colectii care se innoiesc foarte frecvent, o data la 3-4 saptamani. Imi este urgent necesar pana maine, 3 Februarie, ora 11:00. Minimul de cuvinte necesar: 350

$12 Average bid
$12 Oferta medie
2 oferte

Salutare , suntem o comunitate de sport electronic si avem nevoie de un website complet pe care se ne desfasuram activitatea ; articole, stiri , forum , ranking / clasament , scoruri de la diferite meciuri si evenimente , live streams , trades , guides . Ca exemplu ar fi cu un design fresh .

$727 Average bid
$727 Oferta medie
19 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Desired Qualifications: • Minimum of 5 years of experience with PHP, Zen Framework, MySQL, HMTL5, JavaScript (JQuery), Linux • Strong experience in developing, building, and deploying XML and SOAP; ability to think in OOP • Excellent organizational, problem solving and communicative skills • Ability to pay high attention to detail while juggling multiple projects at a time • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team • BS degree in Computer Science, or equivalent or in related field, preferred • Fluency in Russian, required

$54119 Average bid
$54119 Oferta medie
9 oferte

...personnel and authorized sales. 4. responsive help desk team. - 3 persons employed full-time. 5. Office for offline sales. 7. Experience in field sales 7 years in insurance. 8. Experience 13 years in the management of small and medium organizations (10-25 people) and google + facebook page 6. For proper development of the project defining condition is that all team members be interested in increasing co-gradual but sure of this business. Why? Because all team members will earn a percentage of the turnover of the business deal in the next 20 years! - Yes! you understand well, will be a partnership that will reap rewards in the next 20 years! Therefore I propose to analyze taking this project through 3 questions! 1. Do you consider that you have eno...

$16507 Average bid
$16507 Oferta medie
5 oferte

Buna. Ma numesc Gavril si am inceput de curand un proiect de magazin online. Prin intermediul Fresh Store Builder care e oferit de Amazon. Am nevoie de persoane care se pricep la scriere de articole.- -Sa stie sa aranjeze in pagina textele si Seo. -Dezvoltarea de design pe site. -Aptitudine in blogging pe diferite platforme. ( A crea pagini, categori, optimizare ) Persoana care aplica pentru acest job sa fie dispusa sa invete si sa ma invete si pe mine. Deschisa la comunicare si intelegatoare. Pretul de inceput e fix. Suma creste indata ce apar rezultate. Enjoy!

$166 Average bid
$166 Oferta medie
7 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta medie
1 oferte
leads RCS UPC
S-a încheiat left

Lista abonati RCS si UPC Romania rezidential , nume prenume adresa telefon

$143 Average bid
$143 Oferta medie
5 oferte

Hi there, I am looking for a professional freelancer to translate a presentation from English to Romanian. The right candidate must be a native translator with a minimum of 5 years experience in translations. Priority will be given to price and quality. Graham

$85 Average bid
$85 Oferta medie
6 oferte

Salut. Asa cum am discutat voi face un milestone pentru un articol, respectiv 3$. Daca sunt multumit continuam, bineinteles daca si tu accepti. Primul articol ma intereseaza sa aiba keyword "loan" si "loans" si sa trateze--- ce trebuie sa ia in calcul cineva care ia un imprumut---

$30 - $30
$30 - $30
0 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Cautam un publisher project based pentru editarea unui produs sub forma unei reviste educationale. Caracteristici 100-140 pagini + coperte Selectarea content-ului dintr-o baza de date existenta (preponderent vorbim de listare de continut 90% din revista) Scriere intro general si intro sectiuni Interviu 2-3 persoane cu capital de imagine Creatie coperta Sugestie tipograf...produs sub forma unei reviste educationale. Caracteristici 100-140 pagini + coperte Selectarea content-ului dintr-o baza de date existenta (preponderent vorbim de listare de continut 90% din revista) Scriere intro general si intro sectiuni Interviu 2-3 persoane cu capital de imagine Creatie coperta Sugestie tipografii Termen livrare: 10 Decembrie Ne intereseaza o abordare fresh...

$140 Average bid
$140 Oferta medie
13 oferte
introducing date
S-a încheiat left

I ' can write very fast on keyboard :) , i have an experience , not so big , but 2 years i work with this domain in Bucharest . I think it s very easy for me to work with many windows and responsible!

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
0 oferte
Looking Tele Sales Executive
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

Key Qualities to Look For : Sales Experience: Proven track record in closing sales, preferably in the education or digital marketing industry. Experience in consultative selling and handling objections. Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written commun...independently and meet sales targets. Comfortable with outbound sales (cold calling, email outreach, etc.). Customer-Centric Mindset: Focus on understanding the customer’s needs and providing solutions. Ability to handle rejections and maintain a positive attitude. Job Responsibilities: Proactively reach out to leads via phone call. Conduct product demos or consultations to showcase the value of the courses. Close sales and achieve monthly/quarterly revenue targets. Follow up with leads and nurture them thr...

$344 Average bid
$344 Oferta medie
1 oferte

- Our App is currentky in development Position Overview We seek an experienced React Native developer to transform Figma designs into a polished, production-ready mobile application. This long-term role (5-10 years) combines design implementation with occasional backend collaboration, offering stability and growth within our team. Key Responsibilities - Transform Figma designs into high-quality, reusable React Native components with pixel-perfect precision. - Develop core app functionalities using React Native CLI, adhering to best practices. - Integrate modern SVG icons and maintain visual consistency across platforms. - Collaborate on design refinement within Figma when needed. - Propose creative technical solutions to enhance user experience. - Utilize GitHub for version contr...

$310 Average bid
$310 Oferta medie
79 oferte

...measuring data, given by a double domain per site i.e.  up to the cart, from checkout onwards We need pixels/APIs on the Linkedin, META, TikTok, Pinterest, GA4, Google Ads platforms, as well as events. We would like to give priority to META. Which models and conversion windows are best suited to our brand? The events we would like to track are: Leads from contact forms (we have 3), newsletters, calls, emails, setmore (app to make an appointment in a boutique), wishlist, purchases, add to cart, outgoing clicks on retailers' info in store locators, engagement (time spent on site, % of scroll). We would like to schedule a call with the technical team to get your proposal for additional traceable actions/relevant events. Let us know what level of

$445 Average bid
$445 Oferta medie
9 oferte

1. We have a _well-built_ existing data processing app built by an experienced professional. 2. The code is well-abstracted (DRY, using adapter pattern to plug in data sources), uses version control (git) and unit tests, and is overall pretty simple and robust. 3. It's been in production for about 2 years and the output of the app is used by 2-3 clients. 4. There have been no significant issues and the app runs without issue. # What the app is for: The app is built for clients in the recruitment industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates job...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Oferta medie
16 oferte

...designer to redesign and migrate my existing website to a fresh WordPress installation on a new server. ? What needs to be done: ✔ Transfer all content 1:1, including text, images, page names, and structure – nothing should be changed ✔ Maintain all existing keywords, page URLs, meta tags, and SEO structure ✔ A new WordPress theme/template can be used (if it improves the design), but the content must remain exactly the same ✔ Ensure a fully responsive design with proper formatting ✔ Optimize and configure WordPress settings to avoid errors ✔ Ensure SEO best practices are maintained (redirects if needed, alt attributes, structured data, etc.) ✔ Set up the new WordPress installation properly on the provided server ? What I will provide: Access to the new server wher...

$148 Average bid
$148 Oferta medie
129 oferte

I'm looking for a talented AI Developer with 3-4 years experience in the development of AI tools, automations, and preferably, voice-based AI. The main aim of this project is to develop AI Agents. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and optimize voice-based AI models for speech recognition, NLP, and conversational AI. - Implement ML algorithms to enhance voice interaction accuracy and user experience. - Integrate AI solutions with existing systems and ensure real-time processing efficiency. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to refine AI-driven voice applications. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in voice-based AI development. - Strong understanding of speech recognition and NLP. - Proficiency in implementing ML algorithms. - Excellent collaboration skills ...

$1384 Average bid
$1384 Oferta medie
6 oferte

I'm seeking a fresh writer to help me craft a compelling chapter on the implications of AI in personalized medicine. The chapter's focus isn't set yet, so you will have the freedom to explore various facets such as drug development, patient diagnosis, and treatment planning. Key Responsibilities: - Research and analyze different aspects of AI in personalized medicine. - Craft an engaging and informative book chapter. No of Words : 6500 (Excluding Abstract, Conclusion and References) Refernces : Min 15 ( 50 % from 2025/2024/2023 and 80% from Scopus / SCI/ WoS indexed) Plagarisum : Max 10 % AI Content: Less than 20% No of picture :Min 3 (don't copy directly from Internet) No of Table : Min 1 Freshers Welcome... Please note that the specific topic within higher...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
47 oferte

want to create logo for my business which is for investment , loan and insurance

$14 Average bid
$14 Oferta medie
10 oferte

I’m looking for someone who can build an online platform and accompanying app exclusively for a certain type of content (which I can reveal if we...proof of concept is completed, he will take it to some close friends of his in Ireland who are actively looking to invest in tech startups. He said, although not guaranteed, they would be able to fund the full-scale platform for us. This guy also said it’s the sort of thing that if we got it correct, he could see one of the big 4 tech companies buying us out for silly money within the first two years. I’m clever enough to know that isn’t by any chance easy, but you must be in it to win it and dream big. If you are keen to take a chance to possibly become part of something that will be Top Tech 4 big, get in touch...

$672 Average bid
$672 Oferta medie
66 oferte

Somos uma empresa especializada em Criação de Websites, Aplicações Móveis e Marketing Digital e estamos à procura de um Comercial Freelancer para expandir a nossa carteira...vende, mais ganha. ✅ Flexibilidade total – pode trabalhar remotamente, em horário livre. ✅ Serviços digitais de alta qualidade e com grande procura no mercado. ✅ Material de apoio (informações sobre serviços, preços e diferenciais). ? O que procuramos? ? Profissionais com experiência em vendas B2B ou de serviços digitais. ? Facilidade em comunicar e negociar com clientes. ? Motivação para gerar leads e fechar negócios. ? Rede de contactos empresariais é um diferencial. Se tem talen...

$32 - $270
$32 - $270
0 oferte

I'm looking for a Google Ads expert based ...Australia, to help my accounting firm generate leads specifically targeting small business owners. This project is for a duration of one month. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Google Ads with proven track record - Familiarity with the Australian market - Ability to generate leads that convert into appointment bookings Auto-bidding will be avoided in this campaign. The main objective is to increase appointment bookings via our Google Ads campaign. Therefore, experience in lead generation and conversion is crucial. Skills and Experience Necessary: - Proficient in Google Ads - Experienced in working with small business-oriented campaigns - Strong understanding of the accounting industry - Excellent track record in generatin...

$102 Average bid
$102 Oferta medie
21 oferte

I'm looking for a proficient digital marketer to create a single Meta ad and Google ad for me. The main goal is to generate leads for my call campaigns. Target Audience: - The ads are aimed primarily at consumers, not businesses or professionals. Demographic Targeting: - I want to target specific age groups. - Geographical location is also a key aspect of the targeting. - Lastly, interests and behaviors should be taken into consideration for optimal ad performance. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Meta and Google ads is a must. - A strong understanding of consumer demographics and lead generation strategies. - Expertise in ad optimization and perfect targeting. - Ability to create engaging and effective ads. If you have a track record of successful lead gen...

$117 Average bid
$117 Oferta medie
16 oferte partners in our company. The task involves a detailed calculation of their respective shares, taking into account a complex loan scenario. Key tasks: - Calculate share distribution between partners. - Analyze the impact of a $20,000 loan (with $2,900 in interest, fully covered by Partner B) on share division. - Review partial payments made towards the loan and their influence on the final share division. Requirements: - Must have TeamViewer for discussions and screen sharing. - Proficiency in reviewing . - Experience in calculating partner shares in business ventures. - Ability to work with detailed financial records. All necessary records of loan payments are available and complete. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in accounting ...

$12 Average bid
$12 Oferta medie
24 oferte
Facebook Business Page Creation
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for an expert to set up a new Facebook business page for my company. The main objective of this page will be to generate leads or sales. Key requirements: - Create a professional and engaging business page. - Post product updates and promotions regularly. - Optimize the page for sales conversion. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in social media marketing. - Experience in creating Facebook business pages. - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies on social media. - Ability to create engaging content focused on product promotion.

$132 Average bid
$132 Oferta medie
47 oferte

...freelancer to manage and optimize our freelancing and social media platforms. The ideal candidate will be responsible for: -Bidding on relevant projects across freelancing platforms - Cold emailing and cold calling to generate leads - Managing customer inquiries and providing top-notch customer service - Handling lead generation and client acquisition strategies - Optimizing our social media presence for better engagement and visibility - Updating and optimizing our freelancer profiles and bios across all platforms Requirements: - Minimum of 2 years of experience in freelancing platform management, lead generation, and client acquisition - Strong communication and negotiation skills - Proven track record in successful bidding and closing deals - Experi...

$298 Average bid
$298 Oferta medie
23 oferte

We are looking for an experienced Social Media Marketing Specialist to manage and grow our presence on Facebook & Instagram for the Dubai market. The freelancer will be responsible for setting up and optimizing our Meta Business Suite, handling daily operations, posting engaging content, driving organic outreach, and later managing Facebook Ads to generate leads and brand awareness. The company is in automobile industry and deals with spare parts for cars in Dubai. We need : - Meta Business Suite Setup & Management - Set up and optimize Facebook Business Manager , Whatsapp Business & Meta Business Suite. - Fix any account verification or access issues related to the business account. - Ensure smooth integration between Instagram , Whatsapp and Facebook Business. - Cre...

$225 Average bid
$225 Oferta medie
18 oferte
SEO Optimization for B2B NextJS Site
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for an SEO expert to help improve the visibility of my NextJS site, The primary goal is to generate more leads or sales through increased organic traffic and improved search engine ranking. Key Focus: - Primarily targeting the homepage of the site. Target Audience: - The site is aimed at B2B clients, so SEO efforts should be tailored to appeal to this demographic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO, particularly for B2B sites. - Familiarity with NextJS is a plus. - Ability to create SEO strategies that drive lead generation and sales. Keywords: Voxle Talent Talent Assurance Talent Assessment AI-Powered Recruitment Technical Pre-screening DEI Platform Unbiased Hiring 'AI talent assessment', 'intel...

$481 Average bid
$481 Oferta medie
98 oferte

I'm in need of a lead generation expert who can specifically target tech startups in North America and book appointments with potential business partners or clients through LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and connect with relevant contacts in tech startups across North America - Schedule appointments with potential leads - Maintain a professional and engaging online presence Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in lead generation, specifically within the tech industry - Proficiency in using LinkedIn for business development - Excellent communication and networking skills - Familiarity with tech startups and understanding of their business models

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Oferta medie
7 oferte

...say you can). You will provide title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. I will update listing link so we can both watch and follow. If it ranks then we can begin and I will send you batches of listings to optimize on an ongoing basis -Will determine if you know what you are doing with Merch on demand for Amazon tshirts (not products which are different) The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the Amazon A10 algorithm and can demonstrate their ability to rank T-shirts through a 1st free test listing. If successful, I have hundreds of designs that require ongoing ranking services. Please note: Many individuals design T-shirts, but few provide ranking services. If you can demonstrate your skills, we can have a fruitful collaboration for years...

$29 Average bid
$29 Oferta medie
3 oferte
Children Education Website Revamp
6 zile left
Cont confirmat revamp my website. We have draft copywriting and need SEO keywords incorporated to attract leads. The project includes designing a WordPress site with a total of 17 pages (Homepage + 16 content pages), 6 sliding images, and a page for lead inquiries. Key Requirements: 1) Design should be modern and minimalistic, utilizing bright colours and fonts. 2) Use of images to communicate messages rather than relying on text. 3) Refinement of existing copywriting to suit the design and purpose of the site. 4) Implementation of SEO keywords throughout the site. The sliding images should showcase our products and the enquiry page should be designed for users to fill out a contact form. Please provide samples of website concepts that you propose. Ideal candidates will have: - E...

$123 Average bid
$123 Oferta medie
138 oferte

...Identify a new, complementary typeface that aligns with our brand’s premium positioning. The font should be used across the website, brochures, and all marketing materials. Brochure Design Requirements To support our new lead-generation-driven website, we require two high-end, professionally designed brochures that will be used to communicate our brand story, showcase our products, and help convert leads into customers. These brochures should be visually compelling, easy to digest, and optimised for digital sharing. Key Deliverables: 1. Brand Deck • About Us • Our Unique Selling Points (USPs) • Company History • Testimonials from Professional Drivers • High-quality imagery & gallery 2. Product Deck • Simulator Product Information...

$2249 Average bid
$2249 Oferta medie
37 oferte

I'm seeking a freelancer skilled in running targeted LinkedIn marketing campaigns from our account. The primary goal is to generate leads, specifically targeting enterprise clients within the Forging & Auto Component Manufacturers industry. The campaigns should be cost-effective, maximizing returns on minimal budgets. Key Responsibilities: 1. Advising on the ideal frequency of campaigns & running them from our linkedin account 2. Suggesting complementary LinkedIn posts and their frequency 3. Identifying the potential benefits of email campaigns 4. Providing strategies to maximize LinkedIn spend Additional Skills: - Proficiency in Sales Navigator would be a significant advantage. Please bid if you can help us reach our goals efficiently and effectively.

$88 Average bid
$88 Oferta medie
13 oferte

I'm seeking a dedicated sales professional for my Mumbai-based wedding photography business. Your primary role would be to connect with potential clients, understand their wedding photography needs, and follow up until a booking is secured. Key Responsibilities: - Make calls to leads and understand their wedding photography requirements - Gather specific details such as event date and venue, type of photography services needed, and the budget for these services - Maintain persistent follow-ups to convert leads into bookings Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Proficiency in Hindi, Marathi, and English - Persistent follow-up ability

$10 Average bid
$10 Oferta medie
4 oferte

is the website. There are a few static pages to which a database of ~17800 articles of news (17600 in the main language Romanian and 200 in a translation language English done with the plugin of WPML). For 5 years i have been using XML Sitemap Generator for Google as i had indexing issues. From time to time i get indexing emails from Google saying that there are huge problems, i ignored them but a few days ago i decided to look into it and i found : - there are 98k not-indexed links and 27.6k indexed links (how is this possible if i only have the above mentioned number of articles and a few campaigns generating some more pages for each campaing i am sending using Mailster plugin) The largest number of problems are from: Crawled - currently not indexed 59900 Alternate page with pro...

$125 Average bid
$125 Oferta medie
46 oferte

...migrate and redesign my existing website () which showcases conferences and webinars from the past 8 years. Key tasks include: - Copying content from around 60 pages of the existing site to the new one. This includes text, images, attachments like PPT-files, and links to YouTube videos. - Transitioning from a 2015 WordPress template to a new 2025 one-page design. - Implementing a fully responsive design for mobile and tablet viewing. I work on a staging site, where I can see changes before I move to new website. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and web development. - Prior experience with website migration and redesign. - Ability to create a fresh, modern visual layout, as I'm looking to completely redesign the current site. P...

$226 Average bid
$226 Oferta medie
127 oferte