Proof reading jobs in south africaproiecte
...Transport ,Jobs,imobiliare. La transport transportatorii sa aiba locatia activata in timp real sa-i vad unde sunt,sa-si poata seta plecare-sosire si raza de km pe care vrea sa vada cererile calatorilor in timp real . - Calatorii sa caute ce anume au de transportat,si locatiile de la-pana la,cod postal,adrese exacte din Maps,iar dupa comletare sa-i apara transportatorii care fac acee curse,sa ii contacteze pe transportatori. -Un chat in care calatorul sa poate scrie manual ce are nevoie iar transportatorii sa ii raspunda cu ofertele lor,apoi calatorul alege si contacteaza transportatorul cel mai convenabil. -Curse expres la urgenta -Sistem de plati garantie intre transportator si calator,prin intermediul platformei,iar care dintre cei doi nu-si indeplineste...
...latest OS version. The key technical areas where updates are needed include: API Level Updates: Android 14 introduces new API levels, and any app targeting earlier versions must be updated to comply with these changes. This includes updating targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to Android 14 (API Level 34). Permission Changes: Android 14 introduces new permission requirements, including changes in how apps access user data such as location, background activity, and notifications. The app's permission system will need to be reviewed and updated accordingly to comply with the new privacy standards. UI/UX Compatibility: Android 14 introduces design changes that may affect the app's user interface and user experience. The app's layout, themes, and responsiveness wi...
Angajam automatist sau echipa d...echipa de 2-3 automatisti pentru proiecte de automatizare care controleaza sisteme de conveioare. SCHNEIDER in principal sau SIEMENS. Oferim intre 1000 Euro si 20000 Euro in functie de complexitatea si dimensiunea proiectului, precum si de tipurile de sarcini indeplinite: : PROIECTARE: solutie (layout electric), proiectare scheme monofilar, scheme electrice, tablouri electrice, EXECUTIE: tablouri, cablare pe solutia mecanica si legaturi in vederea testarii PROGRAMARE: software PLC, HMI, SCADA etc MANUALE DE OPERARE TESTARE de tip FAT: running and testing la fabrica producator COMMISSIONING si PIF la sediul clientului (Romania, Spania, Franta, Grecia, Anglia, tari din Middle East, Africa, India, America de Sud). Pentru mai multe...
Join Libertex! Try our risk-free demo account REGISTER or start live trading now Yen keeps on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable t...
Pasionat de digital? Alătură-te echipei noastre din Iasi ca Social Media Manager! Dacă ești o persoană creativă, tehnologică și ai 2 ani experiență în gestionarea platformelor (FB, IG, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube), vrem să te cunoaștem. Mod de lucru hibrid, proiecte interesante. Hai să creăm împreună
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
Salutare! Detin un website de anunturi lansat in 2008, care este perfect functional (si chiar lider de piata pe segmentul lui) insa este invechit din toate punctele de vedere. In tot acest timp nu s-a intervenit prea mult asupra codului, functionalitatii, design-ului, etc. Prin urmare inca arata si functioneaza ca un site de acum 15 ani. Caut un programator istet si OBLIGATORIU experimentat, care sa-l refaca de la zero, nefolosind nimic din vechiul cod. Va fi asadar un site complet nou, care la finalul proiectului il va inlocui pe cel vechi. Toate functiile site-ului actual se vor pastra, la ele adaugandu-se altele noi. Baza de date actuala va fi evident pastrata (utilizatori, anunturi, imagini, etc). Cerinte: 1. Experienta in proiecte similare (website-uri de anun...
Am o autobiografie de 80,000 de cuvinte, scrisă în Engleză si tradusă în Româneste. Am nevoie de un 'proof reader' Român să corecteze greselile.
I want someone who knows a love story and from that story to write a book for me
Caut un programator ROMAN sau o echipa care sa dezvolte un configurator 3D asemanator cu acesta (). Configuratorul va fi integrat intr-un website. Persoana sau echipa selectata va colabora cu un designer de produs, arhitect, web designer, web developer si UX specialist. Va rog sa nu aplicati fara sa cititi. ______________________________________________...________________________________________________________________ I'm looking for a ROMAN programmer or a team to develop a 3D configurator like this (). The configurator will be integrated into a website. The selected person or team will work with a product designer, architect, web designer, web developer and specialist UX. Please do not apply without reading. clientii si procesarea comenzilor. Vei avea si taskuri de backend, de operare modificari produse, reguli de promotii, modificari preturi, adugare de produse, etc. Jobul este part time cu posibilitate de full time daca te descurci si ai timp. Despre tine Cautam o persoana cu bune abilitati de comunicare si care poate sa faca si vanzare, onesta, flexibila, cu o voce calda, cu deschidere in a explica clientilor despre produse si modalitatea de comanda si livrare, atitudine proactiva si care sa se adapteze diferitelor situatii gasind solutii care sa functioneze. Taskurile presupun si luare de decizii nu este totul standardizat. Ai o minima aplecare spre folosirea de tehnologii noi. Vorbesti corect dpdv gramatical limba romana. Esti familiarizata cu operarea pc,...
Pozitia se adreseaza celor care doresc sa dezvolte un proiect antreprenorial in zona de IT. Obiectivul proiectului este creerea unei echipe de programatori si graficieni care vor dezolva proiecte pe piata africana. Pana in prezent, am reusit sa creez un parteneriat cu un antreprenor african care va furniza proiectele. Antreprenorul african este deja parte a proiectului, fiind actionar in firma romaneasca. Intre liniile de business se va afla si dezvoltarea unei platforme financiare pentru care exista deja clienti interesati pe piata din Africa.
Buna Marilena, Suntem in cautare de un specialist pe platforma Magento 1.9 / 2.x cu care dorim sa avem o colaborare cat mai continua si cu plata per interventie. Daca sunteti interesata va rog sa ne trimiteti un email la jobs@ impreuna cu un nr de telefon unde va putem contacta pentru a discuta despre urmatorul task. Va multumesc
...Am nevoie de un script pentru a sorta constant (deci probabil cron job) toate tabele in functie de anumite configurari per tabela. Pentru config se poate face ori front-end ori back-end, nu ma intereseaza asta momentan. Ce vreau sa faca mai exact : - la fiecare rulare vreau sa stearga toate intrarile mai vechi de X zile - daca intrarea din orice tablea are valoarea [AAAA] (se ia din config) in coloana l_type: OK, daca nu, ignore - daca intrarea din orice tablea este mai veche de X timp (valoarea va fi luata din config): ignore - daca intrarea din tablea se afla in intervalu de timp stablit, si nr_hit1 sau nr_hit2 sau nr_hit3 se afla intr-un interval stabilit in config atunci vreau sa o trimit intr-un rss-feed + ...
...who aren`t interested in MLM! - We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people. - Our product is a virtual package consisting of several highly spectacular personal development books and a novel which has a unique worldwide subject, a subject which you have never seen in any other novel or movie. - This is the only MLM business that promotes online a novel written with the special purpose of being screened at Hollywood! - We have no competition! - The start investment is very low. - Take advantage you too now, while we still are at the start! - You can win millions of dollars in a market of tens of millions of readers who are passionate about ...
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
dcs plus este in cautare de tineri entuziasti, pasionati de programare si dornici sa lucreze si sa se dezvolte intr-o companie dinamica, alaturi de o echipa de tineri profesionisti. *Ce ne dorim noi de la tine: • sa ai cunostinte de nivel mediu: PHP, MySQL, HTML, JS, Zend Framework • sa ai experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea unor aplicatii web (pot fi si proiecte personale – prezentarea unui portofoliu de lucrari constituie un avantaj); • sa cunosti conceptele OOP *Esti candidatul ideal daca: • esti student sau absolvent Automatica, Matematica-Informatica, Cibernetica; • esti sigur(a) pe tine si increzator(oare) in calitatea serviciilor livrate si a codului programat; • ai cunostinte legate de design-patterns; •...
cv30 este un concept de orientare in cariera sub forma unei aplicatii online care ii ajuta pe tineri sa isi defineasca un orizont clar de asteptari sub forma unui cv scris ca si cand ar trai cariera de vis. Platforma completeaza cv-ul cu optiuni prin care ei pot sa ajunga la cariera visata. Bazat pe o baza de date compelxa interconectata cu majoritatea companiilor si institutiilor mari din domeniul educatiei si al carierei, ei pot sa vizualizeze intr-un mod foarte pragmatic si atractiv care este scopul lor in cariera, si ce optiuni au la dispozitie pentru a ajunge acolo (programe de licenta, master, doctorat; burse; cursuri online si offline; activitati extracurriculare; internships; jobs) Cautam un freelancer pe partea de PR (sau part timp employee) care sa intele...
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite f...
La importul de template-uri de pe un API in magento am urmatoarea eroare: [Mon Feb 10 20:10:59 2014] [warn] [client ] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server, referer: [Mon Feb 10 20:10:59 2014] [error] [client ] Premature end of script headers: , referer: LA inceput, dupa instalarea magazinului am putut importa template-uri.
Caut pe cineva care sa imi promoveze site-ul cat mai bine in romania in special pentru fete interesate sa lucreze in strainatate Im looking someone to promote my website everywhere on the internet special in romania and england
Hello thanks for reading my project. To keep it short: I need someone for my Minecraft Server who develops me a few plugins. First I will need a plugin called Surf (see the description added file). Please only apply for this job If you are already informed about Minecraft Bukkit. And If you know how to programm plugins in it (it's based on Java). Contact me here or in skype (REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN to discuss about your price. I'm not only looking for only one plugin I will need more plugins, so I'm also looking for a longtime partnership. Informations about the plugins are in the added file please take a look at it (and tell me your price only If you are able to programm this).
We are looking to hire phone reps as our company grows! Currently we have spots in your area open, all you have to do is put ads up like the one you are reading, take calls,and get paid 60 to $120 per call!! Have to have: computer internet acess ID phone [The Administrator removed this message due to posting of contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions.]
I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a modern style logo for a youth ministry. The ideal freelancer should have strong expertise in graphic design, particularly in logo creation, with a portfolio that showcases modern designs. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in graphic design and logo creation - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to translate brand identity into a visual concept for the following areas: Hallway, Classrooms (Nursery, Primary, & Junior), Check- In Room/Station and overhead signage for classes, check-in, storage room and supply room. --- Below are design guidance for ReConnect Worship Assembly Youth Ministry Areas: General Vision Theme: Vibrant, welcoming, and purpose-driven de...
I'm looking for someone to help me enter text data from a spreadsheet into Microsoft Excel. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in data entry - Ability to handle text data specifically - Timing is crucial so experience in data entry jobs preferred., and periodic background synchronization with the server. App Features: 1. Login Screen (Refer to Attached Design): Users will input a verification code to log in. On login, the app sends a request to the Login API Endpoint and receives an authentication token. 2. Fetch and Manage Subscriptions: After successful login, the app will: Fetch the list of subscriptions from the Stream API Endpoint. Download all associated files (photos, videos, etc.) to the device's local storage. Save metadata for each subscription (e.g., duration, file type, order). 3. Content Display and Playback: Display the content (photos, videos) in a predefined order based on the subscription data. Ensure smooth transitions between content: No delays or blank screens when switching cont...
Job Opportunity: Digital Marketer for Boat Detailing Business Based Out of South Florida Are you a savvy digital marketer with a passion for helping businesses thrive? We’re seeking a dedicated individual to promote our boat detailing services primarily through local marketing on Google Maps, as well as Google Ads and Facebook. About Us: We specialize in providing top-notch boat detailing services to boat owners in our community. Our mission is to ensure every boat shines and is well-maintained, enhancing our clients' boating experience. Your Role: - Develop and implement local marketing strategies on Google Maps and other platforms. - Create and manage Google Ads campaigns to increase visibility and drive traffic. - Utilize Facebook to engage with local ...
I'm looking to create a straightforward mobile application for both iOS and Android. The app will feature reading and listening content, along with multiple choice interactive quizzes. Key Features: - Content: The app will primarily contain text and audio files. - Interactivity: Users will engage with the content through multiple choice quizzes. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience with audio and text content integration - Knowledge of creating interactive quizzes in apps Please bid if you have a strong portfolio in mobile app development, specifically with cross-platform apps.
I'm looking for an expert in Make automation who can help me automate the process of extracting data from my one-page guest satisfaction surveys. These surveys are available both as scanned pictures and PDFs. Key Requirements: - Reading and extracting data from both picture and PDF formats - Parsing different types of data fields which include text fields, number ratings, multiple choice options, and handwritten entries - Uploading the extracted data to a Google Sheet Experience with Make automation and data extraction is a must. The ideal freelancer for this job should have a keen eye for detail to ensure all data is accurately captured and transferred.
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming emp...skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verifica...
We are seeking a reliable individual to conduct pre-employment verification tasks on behalf of our client. This role involves visiting various businesses, organizations, or institutions to gather and verify information regarding potential employees. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming emp...skills and be detail-oriented. Responsibilities include confirming employment history, qualifications, and conducting reference checks. If you are trustworthy and possess the ability to maintain confidentiality, we would love to hear from you! **Relevant Skills:** - Excellent communication skills - Attention to detail - Ability to conduct interviews - Organizational skills - Experience in verifica...
I'm in need of a skilled VB.NET developer to help me create a program that can read and extract both personal details and biometric data from a Malaysia identity card using Dermalog. The program will also need to verify a thumbprint in real-time. Key Requirements: - VB.NET programming skills - Experience with reading data from identity cards - Familiarity with Dermalog tools - Ability to implement real-time thumbprint verification Please note that I do not have the necessary Dermalog SDK or tools, so the freelancer will need to provide these. If you have previously worked on a similar project, please include a link to a sample of your work.
Hi, I am a successful writer of erotic fiction who wants to experiment with animation. I have tried AI voice generators, and the result has been amazing. I think that a skilled animator could complete the simulated experience. I have written a series concerning a South Asian woman who narrates her experiences as a prudish young married woman who gradually gets involved in a variety of, um, explicit activities. My animator might choose to portray the entire narrative, with all speaking parts included, or just roll punchy edits, or even stills, of what the protagonist is describing. Maybe the whole thing should be a succession of stills. The tone is not pornographic. It is lighthearted, funny, upbeat and ironic, although the action is very sexually explicit (but no child...
I am seeking a skilled iOS application deve...skilled iOS application developer to design and develop an innovative application capable of the following: Screen Input Reading: The app should run in the background and continuously read the device display as input (screen capture or similar). AI-Powered Object Detection: The app should integrate an AI model to perform real-time object detection on the display content. Interactive Overlay: The application should overlay bounding boxes or visual indicators on detected objects on the screen in real-time. The overlay must be non-intrusive, allowing the display to remain interactive for user touch and interaction. Background Operation: The app should function seamlessly in the background without disrupting the user ex...
Dear Candidates, We are an expanding development team specializing in the MERN stack, PHP, Vue.js,,,Javascript,HTML,CSS and Java. We are seeking a motivated and results-oriented Business Development Manager to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate should have experience in sourcing and acquiring genuine projects from platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, LinkedIn, and more. Your responsibilities will include actively identifying opportunities, negotiating terms, and closing deals with clients to drive consistent business growth. Compensation: This role offers a project-based salary, with remuneration aligned to the scale and success of each are looking to fill this position as soon as possible. If you are interested and believe you have the skills
I have a 113-page first draft manuscript in the fiction genre that needs a critical eye. I'm looking for someone to read it, provide feedback on plot development, character arcs, and writing style, and suggest any new ideas that could improve the story. The tone of the manuscript is bittersweet, so the ideal freelancer would be someone who can appreciate and understand this tone. Key Skills and Experience: - Experienced in reading and critiquing fiction - Strong understanding of plot development and character arcs - Ability to provide constructive criticism and new ideas - Familiarity with a bittersweet tone in writing - Strong communication skills for clear feedback
I'm seeking a developer to create an interactive mobile ad extension for my articles. This extension will display a large ad box filled with various static images on a Share of Voice basis. The ad will be positioned in a way that mobile readers must scroll through it to continue reading. Key Requirements: - The extension must be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, as these are the primary systems my readers use. - The ad box will contain only static images, so experience with image handling and optimization is necessary. Ideal Skills: - Skilled in image handling and optimization - Understanding of user interface design principles for mobile I look forward to receiving your bids. Please include examples of the same or similar projects you've com...
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I'm looking to set up a GTA RP server on FiveM tailored for India. The server will focus on delivering a realistic role-play experience, with several key features integrated for immersive ...realistic role-play experience, with several key features integrated for immersive gameplay. Key Features to Implement: - A comprehensive Economy System - A detailed Law Enforcement System - A range of Custom Jobs Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in FiveM server scripting and management - Experience with creating immersive, realistic role-play environments - Knowledge in implementing intricate game systems such as economies and law enforcement If you have a passion for gaming and possess the required technical skills, let's collaborate to create an engaging and fun server ...
...Work: Payment Solution for CFD Platform in Africa We are seeking quotes from payment specialists to design, build, and implement a seamless payment solution for a CFD trading platform targeting the following African countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Cameroon, and Zambia. The system should enable real-time deposits and withdrawals for clients, routing funds to and from international bank accounts. Scope of Work 1. Payment Gateway Integration: • Integrate localized payment methods (cards, bank transfers, and mobile money) for each target country using PSPs • Ensure real-time processing of deposits and withdrawals. 2. Currency Conversion & Settlement: • Implement a currency conversion mechanism to support deposits in local currencies and sett...
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Arbitrage Trading Requirements Experience in this field required. Using DEX’s, uniswap, kyber, 0x, bancor, balancer, sushiswap etc. Preferably Python but not mandatory. Preferably VS Code. Some of #1 have been done in Python and but requires serious testing. Stage 1 (Proof of concept): Obtain batch pricing of DEX coins from , thegraph or etc. Create a GUI frontend for identifying, highlighting opportunities. Textbox for minimum % profit, excluding all others. Implement profitably of trade with total cost of trade, including gas fees. Possibly implement triangular trade analysis for obscure trading opportunities. Stage 2 (Implementation of trades): Wallet code for trading. Implement buying and selling of identified pairs within/acros...
I'm looking to hire 16+ students for part-time, online data entry jobs. The primary task will involve filling out spreadsheets.