Project talent showproiecte
Se dorește un nou website care sa includa urmatoarele: -Landing page -e-Store (woocomerce) pentru produse digitale si software -News&podcast -Talent hub (ljob-uri) -Coworking (inchiriere spatiu coworking) -Facturare- Integrare cu Smartbill Integrare plati- Stripe -Contact
Caut o persoana din Romania cu talent la scris care sa ofere un catalog de prezentare firma. Acesta trebuie sa contina urmatoarele: Despre Compania Noastra, Serviciile noastre, Echipa Noastra, Proiectele Noastre, Istoria Companiei, Plan de Viitor, etc Obligatoriu din Romania!
Avem nevoie de o persoana cu imaginatie si talent pentru realizarea de materiale grafice dupa cum urmeaza: - oferte sisteme securitate pentru postarea acestora pe facebook si alte retele sociale - flayere si materiale de marketing.
As dori sa mi se realizeze un weebsite cu tot cu continut pentru cabinetul dentar. Nu am timp pentru a scrie continutul si nici talent.
...primul rand instrumente disponibile in tema, Elementor, pluginuri, Wordpress. E posibil sa fie necesare si minime cunostinte de programare pentru anumite personalizari indisponibile cu alte metode. Dar in general preferam sa convingem clientul sa se razgandeasca asupra unei cerinte sau functionalitati dificile, decat sa introducem custom code. Ne vom coordona folosind instrumentele uzuale de project/task management, asa ca o minima familiarizare cu instrumentele de lucru remote e un avantaj, dar nu o conditie obligatorie, fiindca oricum vom face un training cu colaboratorul. Un alt avantaj major este daca colaboratorul are SRL sau PFA si poate emite factura. Ca sa putem discuta mai in detaliu colaborarea, avem nevoie sa aflam: - un eventual portofoliu grafic (websituri sau alt...
Suntem în căutarea unor content writer-i, cu talent în a scrie texte laconice în limba română și pasionați de cărți, care vor lucra asupra creării a unor book summary (rezumat scurt si cuprinzător) pentru anumite cărți de non-fiction. Ce este un book summary ? Un book summary reprezintă un text concis care rezumă ideile cheie din conținutul unei cărți. Ideia este de a selecta doar informația cea mai importantă si utilă, pe care autorul carții se străduie să o transmită cititorului, sub forma unui rezumat cu o anumita structură, în 1000-3000 de cuvinte (în funcție de carte), în limba română, care poate fi citit în 10-15 minute, în timp ce bei o cafea. Cititorul în urma lecturii unui astfel de summary, a unei cărți c...
Suntem în căutarea unor content writer-i, cu talent în a scrie texte laconice în limba română și pasionați de cărți, care vor lucra asupra creării a unor book summary (rezumat scurt si cuprinzător) pentru anumite cărți de non-fiction. Ce este un book summary ? Un book summary reprezintă un text concis care rezumă ideile cheie din conținutul unei cărți. Ideia este de a selecta doar informația cea mai importantă si utilă, pe care autorul carții se străduie să o transmită cititorului, sub forma unui rezumat cu o anumita structură, în 1000-3000 de cuvinte (în funcție de carte), în limba română, care poate fi citit în 10-15 minute, în timp ce bei o cafea. Cititorul în urma lecturii unui astfel de summary, a unei cărți c...
Esti roman si ai talent la scris? Noi avem nevoie de tine! Site-ul nostru are nevoie de ajutor. Daca esti SEO copywriter te asteptam sa ne ajuti. Obiligatoriu din Romania!
Esti roman si ai talent la scris? Noi avem nevoie de tine! Site-ul nostru are nevoie de ajutor. Daca esti SEO copywriter te asteptam sa ne ajuti. Obiligatoriu din Romania!
Daca ai talent la scris, practici preturi decente si iti place sa scrii pe nisa: fotografia de nunta, sedinte foto copii, maternitate, botez, articole pentru femei atunci imi poti trimite oferta pentru un articol de 4-500 cuvinte pe adresa
...diverse: profile, layout-uri pentru diverse site-uri, editări foto, ajustări și modificări, logo-uri profesionale. Toată cariera mea a început doar de la crearea unor layout-uri pentru canale de YouTube (sau cu le mai spun: bannere), thumbnails, poze de avatar și asa mai departe. As dori foarte mult ca să lucrez pentru platforma dumneavoastră deoarece as avea un potențial de a evolua în micul meu talent și de a fi răsplătit de pe urma lui, vreau sa ajung cât se poate de departe. Ca și punct forte, lucrez foarte repede și calitativ, îmi place sa colaborez cu persoane și ador munca în echipa, în special cu oameni experimentați. Ca un mic bonus, eu fac și texturi pentru jocul Re-volt lansat în anul 1999. Practic, pentru jocul acela fac mașin...
Caut designer cu talent deosebit pentru realizarea unui site de anunturi in varianta desktop/tableta/ mobile. Ma intereseaza doar design-ul, fiindca partea de html si programare se va ocupa o firma separat. Caut colaboratori in special din Bucuresti.
Sunt interesat sa scriu niste e-book-uri avand diferite teme. Eu am ideea (ideile) si doresc ca cel care scrie e-book-ul sa consulte bibliografia respectiva potrivita tematicii si sa redacteze cuprinsul acestuia. Un astfel de e-book urmeaza o anumita cronologie, introducere, cuprins, incheiere,cateva capitole unde este cazul, un eseu la inceputul ...cronologie, introducere, cuprins, incheiere,cateva capitole unde este cazul, un eseu la inceputul fiecarui e-book. Va fi un fel de mini carte, care ulterior va fi oferita publicului on-line sub format pdf. Nu vor fi lucrari de specialitate, greoaie, vor fi mai mult de analiza pe un anumit segment si dezvoltate in consecinta. Mie nu imi permite timpul, de aceea rog cine are experienta in redactare, talent, inspiratie sa ma contacteze. ...
Am talent in reclame publicitare gen:Telefoane,masini si diverse multumesc mult!
Se cauta talent vocal pentru un proiect test de 30 sec - 1 min. Se doreste doar voce, fara editare sunete/muzica, Clientii nostri sunt supermarket-uri/hypermarket-uri recunoscute si magazine mici/branduri de renume. Bugetul este de 35 EUR/anunt. Persoana aleasa va continua colaborarea pentru proiectele noastre unde se solicita acel tip de voce. Chiar daca nu veti fi alesi, vom mentine o baza de date cu portofoliul dvs. pentru viitoarele proiecte/cerinte din partea clientilor nostri. Daca detineti studio si puteti edita/introduce sunete/melodii, se poate extinde pe viitor colaborarea si pentru aceste servicii. Va rugam sa ne prezentati un portofoliu de lucrari similare.
Cautam voce in limba romana pentru un filmulet de 2 min si 20 secunde. Noi vom furniza textul complet. Format dorit: wav, mp3. Va rog sa lasati impreuna cu oferta cateva variante de proiecte similare (link sau mp3).
Doresc sa scriu articole am talent si vointa de a lucra
Candidatul ideal: Nationalitate Romana Nisa : Adult (sex shop). Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Link Building, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la statisticilor din Google Analytics Propunerea şi implementarea de noi strategii de marketing online Crearea/intretinerea prezentei pe toate platformele sociale Oferim: Salariu fix + % din vanzari Va rog frumos sa cititi anuntul inainte sa aplicati. Sa nu ne pierdem timp.
Cititi cu atentie: Candidatul ideal: Nationalitate Romana Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Link Building, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la statisticilor din Google Analytics Propunerea şi implementarea de noi strategii de marketing online Crearea/intretinerea prezentei pe toate platformele sociale Nisa : Adult (sex shop). Oferim: Salariu fix + 10% din vanzari Va rugam sa nu aplicati la acest job daca suneti incepator si nu corespundeti cerintelor!
...distractivă (). Publicăm știri și informații halucinante, uluitoare, bizare și ciudate, însă nu o facem oricum. De ce avem nevoie de redactori deștepți? Pentru că modul cum scrii o știre sau cum propagi o informație este esențial. Iar pentru asta e nevoie de oameni deștepți, care să facă din tânțar armăsar sau, de ce nu, doar să învețe meserie. Avem nevoie de fete și băieți cu talent pentru scris, dar care sunt dispuși și dispuse să reziste în voluntariat o perioadă, până când vom putea genera suficient trafic, încât să se poată implementa soluții de advertising. Vrem să formăm și să consolidăm o echipă, cu care să stăpânim segmentul de știri bizare, dar decente, pe România. Căutăm oameni frumoși, cu umor, care sun...
Domeniu Adult Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la detalii.
Proiectul nostru este un portal online pentru copii şi prin el ne propunem să creăm un loc de joacă virtual, unde copii se pot distra şi în acelaşi timp învăţa cum să lucreze pe computer şi cum să se poarte responsabil pe Internet. Căutăm un Web Editor pasionat care să ne ajute cu redactarea articolelor şi altor texte în limbile română şi spaniolă, pe o pe...desene animate, imagini de colorat, lucru manual etc. - în română şi spaniolă - textele scrise trebuie să fie originale, în niciun caz copiate din alte surse (alte site-uri, reviste etc.) Cerinţe: - stăpânirea regulilor de gramatică, ortografie şi punctuaţie ale limbii române - limba spaniolă - fluent - limba engleză la nivel conversaţional constituie un avantaj - creativ...
Proiectul nostru este un portal online pentru copii şi prin el ne propunem să creăm un loc de joacă virtual, unde copii se pot distra şi în acelaşi timp învăţa cum să lucreze pe computer şi cum să se poarte responsabil pe Internet. Căutăm un Web Editor pasionat care să ne ajute cu redactarea articolelor şi altor texte în limbile română şi spaniolă, pe o pe...desene animate, imagini de colorat, lucru manual etc. - în română şi spaniolă - textele scrise trebuie să fie originale, în niciun caz copiate din alte surse (alte site-uri, reviste etc.) Cerinţe: - stăpânirea regulilor de gramatică, ortografie şi punctuaţie ale limbii române - limba spaniolă - fluent - limba engleză la nivel conversaţional constituie un avantaj - creativ...
E un proiect ce a fost realizat in 3 zile, necesita sacrificiu si talent.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru scriere articole in lb romana si studenta in anul 3 la drept,am cunostiinte gramaticale bune si talent poezii si romane in timpul liber
I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a modern show sheet template for an apartment sale. That is easy to modify. The template should be suitable for printing and providing to prospective buyers. Key Requirements: - The show sheet should include: - Property details - Amenities list - Contact information - Realty info - Realty logo - Floor plan - Apartment pictures - A modern design style. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Print Design - Familiarity with Real Estate materials Experience: - Previous work on real estate show sheets or similar materials is highly preferred. - A portfolio demonstrating modern design capabilities is essential.
...need a professional-grade promotional video to showcase our unique travel experiences, achievements, and services. This video will serve as a marketing tool aimed at attracting potential customers. Therefore, it is crucial that the video is engaging, clear and effectively communicates our brand's reliability and professionalism. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in video production and editing. - Talent for crafting compelling, customer-centered narratives. - Previous experience with travel industry promotional content is a plus. - Insight into the preferences of potential travel customers. Skills: - Advanced video production and editing - Strong storytelling abilities - In-depth knowledge of the travel industry - Expertise in creating customer-focused content The video sh...
Seeking Business Account Manager for Recruitment Agency Responsibilities: - Drive business growth - Manage client relationships - Identify new business opportunities Requirements 3-5 years of business development experience in a recruitment agency/staffing firm. Proven track record in Client Acquisition and winning new business. Proven track record of growth - Manage client relationships - Identify new business opportunities Requirements 3-5 years of business development experience in a recruitment agency/staffing firm. Proven track record in Client Acquisition and winning new business. Proven track record of increasing revenue through the generation of leads and placements. Lead and oversee the organization's recruitment and talent acquisition stra...
...possess the talent and potential to excel. We follow a strictly skill-based hiring process, where candidates' skills and talents are prioritized over their formal experience. This requires a more in-depth evaluation of each candidate's abilities but ensures a fair and effective hiring process. If you're up to the task, the rewards are incredible. About the Role: You will undergo our intense 2-year residency program focused on programming while receiving compensation. Upon completing the residency program and becoming a seasoned developer, you will collaborate with our Senior Developers to build apps for our customers. Here's What Awaits You: 1. Skill-Based Selection: We prioritize your potential over experience. Our challenging recruitment process focuses o...
...Future Starr. The platform is designed to integrate e-commerce, social media, live streaming, music distribution, and job board functionalities. This is an enterprise-level project requiring advanced coding skills and expertise in building scalable, high-performance systems capable of generating massive revenue. Key Responsibilities: Complete outstanding features for the website and mobile apps (iOS/Android). Fix bugs and optimize performance for scalability to handle high traffic and revenue generation. Implement advanced integrations, including: Live streaming (WebRTC, Agora, or Mux). Map API for location-based talent services. Music distribution system with per-view revenue tracking. Set up in-app purchases for Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Build and customiz...
More details: I need to open a platform that attracts employers and freelancers to check work remotely and to be paid hourly for businesses, similar to Upwork: Key Features: Find Projects: Browse job listings tailored to your hours for hourly contracts using the time tracker. Update work diaries and submit completed tasks. Notifications: Receive real-time alerts for new messages, invitations, or updates on proposals. Payments: Track earnings and withdraw funds directly from the app. User-Friendly Interface: Designed for smooth navigation and quick actions. If you’re a freelancer or considering using Upwork, the Talent app is a handy tool for managing your projects and client communications on the go. Let me know if you’d like help setting it up or tips on usi...
I'm looking for a voice talent who can deliver an energetic commercial voice over aimed at adults. The voice over will be used for a radio commercial. Key Requirements: - Prior experience in commercial voice overs is a must. - The tone needs to be lively and engaging, yet professional to appeal to an adult audience. - A home studio setup with high-quality recording equipment is necessary to ensure clear, crisp audio.
I'm seeking a skilled talent scout to assist in hiring entry-level HR Generalists with a focus on recruitment and staffing. Key responsibilities: - Identify and source potential candidates - Conduct preliminary screenings - Shortlist candidates for final interviews The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in talent scouting or recruitment - Strong understanding of Human Resources and recruitment processes - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to identify and assess suitable candidates
HIRING TO CONTINUE INTO EARLY 2025 Project Overview: freelancer Managed Services is seeking native or fluent speakers of German for a conversational recording project involving two-person scripts. This project requires that you bring a recording partner who meets all of the requirements listed below. The recordings will be used for Text-to-Speech (TTS) research and development purposes and will not be broadcast or used in any public or paid media. Recording can be done in person or virtually. You can use your own recording software or our client’s recording platform. Scripts will be provided on a Google sheet with multiple tabs, with each tab including a separate script. Each Google sheet file will take approximately 10 hours to read with one recording file s...
...**social media platforms** - Drive traffic using their affiliate code - The contestant with the **most clicks and sales** each quarter will win a **huge prize** ### Submission Deadline - **Competition starts**: January 15, 2025 - **Submission approximate deadline**: February 22, 2025; however, the competition will get bigger and better based on the outcome of this pilot project. **Ready to showcase your talent and start earning?** Join the competition now on and submit your entry for a chance to win big!...
Someone who can complete tasks daily on a demand basis. I am an independent worker myself so the pay is 12 USD per month for a new freelancer. I will provide an absolute great review in return and this contract ends on January 31st. You must know how to use Office tools like Excel - Charts, Tables, Filters, and Data collection, and formatting, creating and organizing word to do. Must also know PPT editing, creation of documents in it and organizing different sets of files as needed. If you have read this far, you should use my name Ansaf to start cover letter right? And also you should write a personalized cover letter so I know how your language skill level is. yes, I know people use chatgpt to write cover letters and I will prioritize people with skills and talent...
More details: For starting a new enterprises How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
...professionalism and ability to collaborate with our photographers. 3. Final Decision: We will notify candidates of our decision within 2–3 weeks. Selected candidates will begin a 6-month trial period to assess performance and mutual fit before signing a longer-term agreement. Why Join Us? • Be the model for a supportive, female-owned business that values positivity and growth. • Showcase your talent in projects that reach a global audience. Serious Applicants Only: We’re looking for dedicated individuals who are serious about their craft and committed to being a reliable part of our team. If you’re not ready to bring your A-game and grow with us, this isn’t the role for you. How to Apply: Share your portfolio, rates, and a brief introduction by...
...Corrects typos and interprets synonyms for accurate results. Filters: Search by location, role, specialties, keywords, and availability. Dynamic Sorting: Results prioritize relevance, activity, and membership level. AI Suggestions: Offers related results based on incomplete or vague queries. 3. AI-Powered Features Team Generation Tool: Users provide input such as required roles, location, and project type. AI generates a list of recommended service providers based on reviews, availability, and skills. Document Automation Tool: Preloaded templates for contracts, schedules, and reports. AI fills out these templates dynamically based on user inputs, generating a final PDF. 4. Push Notification System Notifications for job offers, messages, event RSVPs, and marketplace activity. ...
Hi, I need help turning a tradeshow kiosk design into a usable file. I have the requirements attached and the idea also attached but don't have the right program to get it done (nor the talent, to be honest). I need the artwork for the show changed into a usable file per the show requirements and the AI or eps logo for the company created. (Sorry, the owner used an online logo maker which didn't provide these files.) LOGO: Please create a dark version and a light version, both eps, transparent. (I don't know what I'm talking about so feel free to correct me.) If you could also make a hi-res usable version for me, I would greatly appreciate it. The logo colors are: Dark Blue 0d2a42 Red: e54748 Cream: ece9da KIOSK GRAPHIC: Please see the require...
Seeking a creative comic artist and storyteller for an innovative health food brand project. The ideal candidate will combine artistic talent with storytelling ability to create engaging content that educates about nutrition through superhero-style storytelling. Must be proficient in digital illustration and able to create both detailed long-form comics and simple 4-6 panel social media content. The role involves character design, story development, and creating visually appealing content that maintains brand guidelines while effectively communicating health benefits. Experience with educational content and sequential art is essential. The project requires creating 2-3 short comics per week and one long-form chapter weekly, with an initial 3-month contract. Understandi...
Already have existing products in the list, add few new products only.
...looking for a freelance professional to assist in promoting my multi-million-dollar event space, Detroit Circle Center (DCC), and managing the hiring process for a new venue manager. This role will involve crafting and posting ads across platforms, as well as reviewing applications and shortlisting candidates. Responsibilities: • Create and post job ads across relevant platforms to attract top talent. • Promote DCC to potential customers and businesses to increase visibility. • Organize and manage incoming applications, assisting with shortlisting candidates. • Provide recommendations on where to post ads for maximum impa...
I'm developing a comedic, 2D animated cartoon targeted towards adults. This project requires expertise in 2D animation, understanding of adult humor, and experience in comedy genre animation. You should be capable of creating engaging, high-quality animations that appeal to this specific audience. A cartoon show about a dysfunctional family targeted mother and father relationship and history of their life coming from New York to Florida.
Hello! I’m looking to build a dedicated team or community of video editors and clippers to help expand my AI-focused, female-centric Sophie Rain/FV niche content. The goal is...Clippers/Editors - Paying High Commissions". Share links to videos you’ve edited or posted for other clients that have gone viral. Provide a brief description of your experience and how you can contribute to this project. List any tools or software you use or recommend to achieve viral growth. Explain why you’re the best candidate for this role. Important: Applications without answers to all five questions will not be considered. If your answers meet the criteria, I’ll schedule a Zoom video call to discuss further. Instagram Profile: Looking forward to working with the best ...
...professional with expertise in talent acquisition and recruitment, organizational culture development, and HR strategy consulting. The primary focus will be on onboarding and training new employees. Key Responsibilities: - Talent Acquisition: Help in sourcing and selecting the right candidates who fit our startup's vision and culture. - Organizational Culture Development: Assist in creating a positive, inclusive and productive workplace culture. - HR Strategy Consulting: Provide strategic HR advice to align our HR practices with business objectives. - Onboarding and Training: Design and implement an effective onboarding and training program for new hires. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in HR, particularly in a startup environment. - Strong knowledge and skills...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me re-create my promotional video with a mixed media approach. The purpose of this video is brand awareness, so it needs to be engaging and professional. This is what we have We have a new script, and will supply the voice talent Key elements to include: - Voiceover narration: The video will need a compelling voiceover that can capture and hold the audience's attention. - Text overlays: Important messages and brand tags will be delivered through text overlays, so they need to be well-timed and visually appealing. - Background music: The music should be appropriate for a brand awareness video, enhancing the overall tone without overshadowing the voiceover. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in video
I'm seeking a professional to finalize a large-format print banner (38.125” x 84”) for an upcoming trade show. I already have a base design with content and need someone to enhance it. The primary purpose of this freestanding panel is for an event. Your main tasks will involve: - Enhancing the original design. - Creating an AI/EPS vector file of 38.125” x 84”, avoiding setting type in Photoshop but instead using a vector-based program such as Adobe Illustrator. - Potentially implementing colour correction, text addition or modification, and graphic element adjustments. - Final art at 100ppi at 100% scale. Ideal candidates should have experience with large-format print design, trade show graphics, and vector file manipulation. A keen eye for deta...
This job is only for someone who has a graphic talent .. don’t send me AI logos .. I have a logo but it does not look very good .. i like the general idea .. but i feel like a pro must optimize it so that it looks good everywhere pls read the pdf. before you bid
We are on the hunt for a dynamic Business Development Manager to spearhead client acquisition for an exciting new BPO project. If you have a strong background in business development, exceptional networking skills, and the talent to identify and engage potential clients, this is the opportunity for you! Our team members will be based primarily in Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan, while our clients are mainly located in the United States. You'll enjoy the flexibility of working remotely, with weekly payments and an attractive commission structure that rewards your success. Be a part of this groundbreaking project and help us make a significant impact in the BPO sector. If you have a proven track record of acquiring new clients and can craft effective strategies to...