Owning rights illustrations childrens bookproiecte
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Minimalist Luxury Illustrations in Black, Gold, White'
Am facut un e-book si am nevoie de textul din PDF ca sa il postez in postarile de pe Facebook. De ce nu fac asta singur: pentru ca este spatiu intre fiecare litera din cuvintele din PDF si cand il copiez textul in Word, apare spatiu intre fiecare litera. Ce trebuie sa faci: sa scrii manual tot textul... In cat timp: acum Cate pagini: 18, dar nu sunt scrise decat jumate din ele si scrisul e putin...
*Only for Romanians* Am nevoie de o persoana care sa imi facă prezentări PowerPoint după un manual de informatica. Prezentarile vor reprezenta cate un capitol din carte. Ideile se vor sublinia de catre mine (nu se va adauga tot). Se vor adauga propozitii sau cuvinte cheie in prezentare. Proiectul consta in adaugare si formatarea textului in pagina (exista un template custom care se va folosi pentru prezentari). Este vorba de un proiect pe termen mediu spre lung (mai am 2 carti care urmeaza sa fie convertite in prezentari). Va rog sa includeti pretul/slide in descrierea dumneavoastra (inca nu se cunoaste numarul exact de slide-uri, dar este vorba de o carte de 230 de pagini)
I want someone who knows a love story and from that story to write a book for me
Am un laptop Mac book Pro cu Windows 10 instalat pe partiția de BootCamp, Windows 10 pe care vreau să-l import și în aplicația Parallels care este instalată pe Mac, pentru a-l putea folosi atât din Parallels cat și din BootCamp. Nu am reușit importul pentru că partiția de BootCamp nu apare disponibilă in MAC OS si astfel Parallels nu o vede...
Landing page pentru promovare/vanzare Ebook si carte tiparita, e vorba de o trilogie hard scifi.
Suntem în căutarea unor content writer-i, cu talent în a scrie texte laconice în limba română și pasionați de cărți, care vor lucra asupra creării a unor book summary (rezumat scurt si cuprinzător) pentru anumite cărți de non-fiction. Ce este un book summary ? Un book summary reprezintă un text concis care rezumă ideile cheie din conținutul unei cărți. Ideia este de a selecta doar informația cea mai importantă si utilă, pe care autorul carții se străduie să o transmită cititorului, sub forma unui rezumat cu o anumita structură, în 1000-3000 de cuvinte (în funcție de carte), în limba română, care poate fi citit în 10-15 minute, în timp ce bei o cafea. Cititorul în urma lecturii unui astfel de summary, ...
Suntem în căutarea unor content writer-i, cu talent în a scrie texte laconice în limba română și pasionați de cărți, care vor lucra asupra creării a unor book summary (rezumat scurt si cuprinzător) pentru anumite cărți de non-fiction. Ce este un book summary ? Un book summary reprezintă un text concis care rezumă ideile cheie din conținutul unei cărți. Ideia este de a selecta doar informația cea mai importantă si utilă, pe care autorul carții se străduie să o transmită cititorului, sub forma unui rezumat cu o anumita structură, în 1000-3000 de cuvinte (în funcție de carte), în limba română, care poate fi citit în 10-15 minute, în timp ce bei o cafea. Cititorul în urma lecturii unui astfel de summary, ...
English version will not follow, any more AM ATASAT UN TEXT SCRIS AUTOMAT DUPA DICTAREA MEA. Ii rog pe participantii care doresc sa se implice in acest proiect sa-l editeze si sa-l prelucreze conform priceperii si intuitiei fiecaruia. Apoi va rog urcati-l aici sub forma de depunere de proiect asa cum ati facut si cu textele de proba. Multumesc tuturor, anticipat! TEXTUL ANTERIOR Vreau sa scriu o carte, adica s-o vorbesc, iar cineva sa primeasca documentele redactate automat dupa fisierele audio si sa o editeze in word, in romana, cu diacritice si tot ce inseamna editare impecabila. Imi puteti trimite detalii la adresele catalin@ si
Doresc sa inregistrez un Audio Book “Istoria Romanilor”in limba romana
E-book sau mini - carte cu tematica axata pe numerologie, filozofie, astrologie. O abordare unica a numerelor personale prin prisma realitatii. In momentul de fata am reusit sa stabilesc cuprinsul lucrarii si am mai multe idei de constructie a continutului. Caut persoane din Romania de preferinta Bucuresti, cu inclinatie catre aceste domenii. Prima discutie prefer sa o avem face to face , moment in care se primesc si celelalte detalii. Multumesc si astept cu interes persoanele dispuse sa colaboreze.
Sunt interesat sa scriu niste e-book-uri avand diferite teme. Eu am ideea (ideile) si doresc ca cel care scrie e-book-ul sa consulte bibliografia respectiva potrivita tematicii si sa redacteze cuprinsul acestuia. Un astfel de e-book urmeaza o anumita cronologie, introducere, cuprins, incheiere,cateva capitole unde este cazul, un eseu la inceputul fiecarui e-book. Va fi un fel de mini carte, care ulterior va fi oferita publicului on-line sub format pdf. Nu vor fi lucrari de specialitate, greoaie, vor fi mai mult de analiza pe un anumit segment si dezvoltate in consecinta. Mie nu imi permite timpul, de aceea rog cine are experienta in redactare, talent, inspiratie sa ma contacteze. Multumesc
Buna ziua, am de introdus 4500 ebooks de pe un site, pe altul. Trebuie copiate informatiile si o poza pentru fiecare. Ebook-urile se descarca sub format zip in calculator, dupa care se incarca pe noul site. Data pana la care se poate realiza proiectul este 2 Februarie 2016. Trebuie incarcate in medie 100-150 ebook-uri pe zi. Este usor, dar mult de munca. Buget 70-100 de euro.
Am nevoie de cineva sa imi termine cartea! Este vorba despre o poveste frumoasa....ingeri/oameni/demoni/.... Eu am scris cateva zeci de pagini dar din nefericire nu mai am timp sa ma ocup de acest proiect! Ideile de carte le am....dar nu am timpul necesar sa scriu! Tin sa precizez ca in carte vor fi scrise si cateva povesti de dragoste traite de personajul principal.....de la intalnire pana la prima despartire...... Cine crede ca ma poate ajuta in acest proiect? Nu vreau sa fie foarte mare cartea.....Eu am in jur de 30 de pagini......Cat de mare va fi...depinde de imaginatia voastra..... Astept scriitori talentati....
Buna Razvan...lucrez pentru o companie unde am dori sa migram din ZOHO si sa avem aplicatia noastra pe care sa o folosim ca sa book appointments pentru home principiu aplicatia trebuie sa fie capabila sa book appointments ( sa creeze pacienti in databasa) si sa creeze appointmentul pebtru ziua respectiva sau alta aceea doctorii se duc si fac vizita .Doctorii trebuie sa aiba si ei acces la pacientii lor (pe care ii impartim noi la fiecare dintre ei) prin telefon si trebuie sa fie cpabili sa upload eze imagini cu cardul de sanatate lab fiecare pacient si sa intre alte informatiicare trebuiesc pentru a inchide caeea seara se inchide ziua si se extrage un excell care arata ce sa intamplat in acea zi si ce billing avem..Cam atat...daca esti interesat contacteaza-ma
Tipul cartii: Carte cu continut academic. Titlu: "Management penitenciar: Concept, trasaturi, perspective" Numar pagini: 80 + tabele, grafice, anexe.
Este o carte despre iubire, scriu poezii. Si n-am un buget.
Write a book as an Ghostwriter. Please read the content of the book in the attachment file and ONLY bid for this project after you have read the contact of the book. I expect this job to be done in no more then 6 weeks. Please, bidders keep in mind for bidding for writing around 36 000-45 000 words for this book.
...experimented freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can...
A. Denumire proiect: EVS e-Book B. Descrierea proiectului 1. Compatibilitate - pentru dispozitive cu sistem de operare iOS (iPhone și iPad); - pentru dispozitive cu sistem de operare Android (smartphone si tableta); - pentru dispozitive cu sistem de operare Windows mobile (smartphone și tableta). 2. Proiectul include: - programare; - grafică (poate exista si varianta colaborării cu graficianul nostru); - implementare până la faza de funcționare normală. 3. Prin intermediul aplicației, utilizatorul trebuie să poată cumpăra și citi cartea; 4. La finalizarea proiectului, programatorul va oferi beneficiarului pachetul complet: aplicația compilata, codul sursa și documentația. 5. Proiectul aplicației nu va putea fi folosit pentru terte persoane decât cu acordul be...
Este un proiect usor care l-am dorit finalizat de mult acest site doresc sa ma imbunatatesc cat mai mult,la fel si munca pe care o place sa scriu si vreau sa fac din aceasta placere niste banuti.
Full Website design for a daycare.
Doresc sa angajez pe cineva care sa-mi traduca un e-book de 80 de pagini din engleza in romana.
...afaceri pentru un startup - Productia de mobilier pentru bebe (microbusiness). Planul va fi scris in format word si va avea anexa un fisier in format excel cu proiectia contului de profit si pierdere, si respectiv proiectia de cashflow pentru primii 4 ani. Acest plan de afaceri va fi proprietatea intelectuala a mea si trebuie sa fie scris intr-un stil personal si dinamic pentru a fi vandut ca e-book prin canale de distribuire online si va contine toate elementele necesare pentru a porni aceastat afacere. Clientul tinta ar fi tineri intre 20-35 ani cu studii minim liceu din Romania. Ulterior, ar putea fi vorba de o colectie de planuri pentru idei de afaceri. Ma intereseaza in oferta voastra: -timpul de realizare si pretul propus pentru scrierea acestui plan de afaceri -un re...
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita oferta p...
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Hi guys please create electrician info and contact website with elegant design to book -Logo -Elegant Design -put prices -book electrician throgh website and get email with booking -quality of raw materials used Salut baieti vă rugăm să creeze informații electrician și site-ul contactul cu design elegant pentru rezervari Logo- Proiectare-Elegant -prețurile -rezervare electricianprin site-ul și a obține e-mail cu rezervare -calitatea materiilor utilizate
I'm looking for a freelancer to create 10 sets of PowerPoint biology slides based on Singapore's JC and IB Biology curriculum. Key Requirements: - Each set of slides will cover a specific topic, which I will provide. - The slides should be designed in an 'educational with visuals' style. This means the use of diagrams, illustrations, and other visual elements to enhance understanding and engagement. - The inclusion of relevant images throughout the slides. These should be high quality, appropriate for the topic, and used to support the content of the slides. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in biology, particularly Singapore's JC and IB syllabus. - Excellent PowerPoint skills, with experience in creating visually engaging educational content. - Ability t...
I'm seeking a seasoned editor and publishing consultant for my saga book, "A Warrior Returns Home," which is divided into three parts. - **Copy Editing**: The manuscript has undergone editing twice already, but I require a third round of copy editing to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to standard English conventions. - **Publishing Strategy Consultation**: Given my extensive experience with intellectual property protection and previous consultations with legal experts, I now need a professional to help navigate the intricacies of the publishing world. - **Traditional Publishing Queries**: Assistance with traditional publishing inquiries is crucial. The ideal freelancer would have extensive editing experience, particularly with saga or series-type lite...
Please create a sample so we can both see if you are the right fit for this book. If so, I will pay a better rate! I'll send the description through the messaging since Freelancer limits what I can write here.
I need a skilled professional to take my PowerPoint presentation and convert it into interactive e-learning modules, membership site content, and text documents. The content needs to be reformatted with clear learning objectives and outcomes. Ideal...content development - Educational curriculum design - PowerPoint to e-learning conversion - Text document formatting - Understanding of knowledge-based, skill-based, and behavioral goals Key Task: - Convert PowerPoint content into new formats with clear learning objectives and outcomes. If the initial work is completed successfully, there will be additional opportunities to: - Convert content into book text - Script for podcasts - Potential graphics creation. Please show me your previous GoHighLevel projects that demonstrate yo...
I'm seeking a talented designer to rework my 10-slide PowerPoint presentation into a fun, zoo-inspired design. The style should be cartoonish and playful, using earthy and natural tones. Key Requirements: - Transform the attached PowerPoint into a more visually appealing presentation. - Use of land animal illustrations (like lions and elephants) and zoo landscape images is a must. - Creating a clean, cohesive design with a playful twist. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PowerPoint and graphic design software. - Experience with creating cartoonish and playful designs. - Strong understanding of using earthy and natural tones in design.
I'm seeking a skilled vector illustrator with a passion for apparel design, specifically for hats. The ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience in creating detailed and stylish vector illustrations. - A strong understanding of hat design and the requirements for illustrations to be used in this context. - A portfolio demonstrating successful hat designs and other apparel. Please include relevant samples of your work in your proposal. Looking for an ongoing working partnership.
...the screening, and any special offers or discounts. The design should be visually appealing, easy to read, and suitable for digital and print formats. Key Requirements: -Design the Poster: Include relevant information about the health screening package, such as pricing, services covered (e.g., blood tests, consultations), and any promotional offers. -Clear Call to Action: Encourage customers to book the package or contact for more details. -Branding: Incorporate company branding (logo, colors, fonts) into the design to maintain consistency. -Format: Provide the final poster in high-quality formats suitable for both print and digital (PDF, JPEG, PNG). -Creative and Professional Layout: Make the poster engaging yet professional, with clear headings, bullet points, and relevant im...
I need a skilled designer to enhance my 10-slide PowerPoint presentation with a fun, zoo-inspired theme. The design should be cartoonish and playful, using earthy and natural tones for the color scheme. Key Requirements: - Transform the attached PowerPoint into a more visually appealing presentation. - Use of animal illustrations and zoo landscape images is a must. - A knack for creating a clean, cohesive design with a playful twist. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PowerPoint and graphic design software. - Experience with creating cartoonish and playful designs. - Strong understanding of using earthy and natural tones in design.
I'm in need of skilled illustrators who specialize in cartoon-style art for children's books aimed at 4 to 7-year-olds. Key Requirements: - Ability to create engaging, age-appropriate illustrations - Cartoon-style expertise - Open-mindedness to explore creative ideas without specific themes or characters Ideal Candidates: - Have a portfolio of similar work - Can deliver high-quality, original illustrations in a timely manner - Passionate about children's literature and illustration
I'm looking for a skilled t-shirt designer to transform my movie-inspired, pop culture ideas into eye-catching, casual wear. The ...movie-inspired, pop culture ideas into eye-catching, casual wear. The designs should predominantly draw from the Mythology/Science Fiction/Fantasy genre, presented in a dynamic style. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating comic book style illustrative designs - Comprehensive understanding and passion for Mythology/Science Fiction - Ability to translate movie elements into engaging t-shirt designs - Prior experience in designing casual, adult t-shirts - Excellent communication skills for effective collaboration Please provide a portfolio showcasing your creative, comic book style designs. I'm excited to collaborate with you to cre...
I'm looking for a freelancer to help me write a digital "diary-book" dedicated to both of my parents. This project aims to reflect on their past, present, and future, capturing their memories, regrets, feelings, and thoughts in a casual and conversational tone. - Tone: The diary-book should be written in a casual and conversational style, making it relatable and easy to read. - Content: The book should cover a variety of topics, including their life achievements and milestones, challenges and regrets, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future. - Structure: The freelancer will need to write the chapters and formulate questions that will guide the narrative and encourage introspection. The final product should be a coherent and engaging narrative...
Seeking a creative to design a 15 pages kids' colouring and activity book. The activities should cater to children under 10, incorporating our mascots and a cottage theme. The activities include connect the dots, 'find the match' games, and various colouring pages. I have provided an example of the cottage style for reference. The same graphic assets can be used to assemble different pages so long as its spaced out in such that to not make it appear too cookie cutter to save you time. All artwork must look consistant in nature and drawn using the same style. I need the file files to be set up in a program such as indesign so we provide the ads to you for insertion to generate a print ready PDF for the printer. Key Details: - Use the mascots and cottage themes for th...
Dear Freelancers I need to design an E-BOOK 1. I will give you the content 2. You need to add designs + the cover 3. You need to create the EBOOK Format Thats all :) Interested please PM ME Thanks Tom
I'm looking for a skilled TypeScript developer to create a feature for my React-based web application. This feature will take an uploaded image and transform it into a Pixar-styled avatar using generative AI. Following this, the same avatar should be used to generate some book images. Key requirements: - Create code for avatar transformation from uploaded images - Implement generative AI for creating Pixar-styled avatars - Use the same avatar to generate book images The image upload functionality is already in place, allowing users to upload via a file selection or drag-and-drop interface. The focus of this project will be on the avatar creation and image generation aspects. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in TypeScript - Experience in working with React/N...
2D Illustrations of 3 projects, with a total payment of 4000INR. The 1st Project is already completed.
...firms to create "Bookit," a comprehensive tennis booking and challenge platform for tennis enthusiasts and clubs worldwide. To optimize costs and streamline development, this RFQ focuses solely on building a single, responsive website that meets all user needs. ________________________________________ 2. Project Overview The "Bookit" platform aims to: 1. Simplify Tennis Court Booking: Allow users to book courts at various clubs globally through a single, responsive website. 2. Facilitate Player Challenges: Enable users to create and accept tennis challenges with optional wagers. 3. Empower Clubs: Provide clubs with an interface to manage bookings, schedules, and facilities. 4. Monetize User Engagement: Offer users the opportunity to earn through accepted chall...
I'm seeking a talented illustrator for my book project. The job includes creating 3 illustrations of character introductions, as well as an illustrated video serving as a book trailer. Key Responsibilities: - Illustrate 3 images depicting key action scenes, character introductions and emotional moments. - Create an animated sequence for the book trailer. Requirements: - Proven experience in realistic character illustrations. - Ability to maintain consistency of characters across images and video. - Strong skills in creating engaging animated sequences. Ideal candidates should have a portfolio demonstrating their capacity to deliver high-quality, realistic illustrations and animated sequences. Understanding of storytelling through imagery an...
...elements that are typical of the person's field of activity, as well as illustrating play, fun, sport and dance. Nevertheless, the logo should be as simple as possible. It must not be too complex. It must also function as a miniature logo. As source material, I can provide his photo collection, which is repeatedly shown on the person. Your proposal should include samples of previous character illustrations you've done, particularly those with a realistic style....
...mobile apps for both Play Store and Apple Store. This web app's primary focus is to facilitate booking appointments, with a secondary emphasis on displaying a product gallery. Key Requirements: - The web will serve only to display the product gallery, book appointments, provide information about us, and offer contact details. - The app should be designed to encourage conversions, whether that be through booking an appointment or re-ordering while viewing the gallery. - There is no need for an eCommerce component. The web app will allow users to book appointments directly via a chatbot. This chatbot should have the following features: - Automated responses to common inquiries - Live chat support for more complex queries - Appointment reminders to ensure users don...
I'm seeking a realistic image of a tree to encapsulate and visually represent our co...growth forces: they are the roots of the tree Note: We already have a couple of references that we are using at the moment. We want to make it better. The specific representation of these concepts on the tree is open to your creative interpretation. The image needs to be a bit realistic of a realistic style. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in creating realistic illustrations - Experience in visualizing abstract concepts - Understanding of company culture representation - Strong creative and artistic skills This project is an opportunity to create a powerful visual representation of our company culture, and we look forward to seeing your unique interpretatio...