Oscommerce fedex invoice tracking numberproiecte
Am nevoie de cineva care ma poate ajuta sa implementez curieri si ofertele lor pe o platforma de tip marketplace. Cum vrem sa functioneze: un utilizator cumpara un produs -> la checkout acesta poate sa aleaga metoda de transport pe care si-o doreste -> plateste -> awb-ul ajunge la vanzator -> acesta trimite coletul -> atat vanzatorul c...ajuta sa implementez curieri si ofertele lor pe o platforma de tip marketplace. Cum vrem sa functioneze: un utilizator cumpara un produs -> la checkout acesta poate sa aleaga metoda de transport pe care si-o doreste -> plateste -> awb-ul ajunge la vanzator -> acesta trimite coletul -> atat vanzatorul cat si cumparatorul pot urmari comanda prin tracking -> platforma de anuntata cand tranzactia s-a terminat (cand com...
We have a new client that has a custom made website and we need someone to help us with GTM Tracking and checking the analytics goals setup + pixel checkup Our budget is 300E I need someone who speaks Romanian
Să ai o experiență de minimum 1 an în Facebook Ads & Google Ads (recomandat minimum 2) Să poți implementa fără probleme cap-coadă campanii în Facebook Ads și Google Ads Să ai cunoștințe de bază despre codurile de tracking (Pixel, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager) Să știi să optimizezi campaniile în funcție de breakdown, bugete și obiective
...installing it you have to use: composer require mrbig00/oblio-php-client The developer made an arror on the documentation on github What i receive: Step by step instruction on how to: - install my self the GitHub wrapped on my Laravel 8 - Make migrations for clients invoices - make migrations for clients foreach invoice there is a payment (card, bank, cash) - Make controller to do all these - Make button for each client "New invoice" - page for invoices foreach client with payments foreach invoice. I don't what other files, i don't need anything else. After i receive files from you, i need to be able to do it myself. I know little Laravel. I managed to install the Wrapper on Laravel 8. I made controller, on dd i have data, but i don't k...
Proiectul va avea o prezentare scrisă, care va include enunțul și obiectivele pe care și le propune aplicația și modul de rezolvare, cu indicarea organizării datelor în foi de calcul, a funcțiilor și formulelor utilizate și altor informații relevante în acest sens (se vor capta ecrane sugestive). Nu se fac ...funcțiilor IF și VLOOKUP (sau HLOOKUP) - Utilizarea funcțiilor SUMIF, AVERAGEIF sau COUNTIF - Utilizarea formatării condiționale (in 3 feluri, cu cel putin o formula) - Construirea a minim 2 grafice diferite (pot fi mai multe ) cu semnificație și explicațiile necesare (nu simple valori puse intr-o diagramă) - Explorarea datelor dintr-un tabel prin sortare și filtrare (se filtrează cu opțiuni de la Text/Number Filters) - Realizarea a minim un tabel cu subtotaluri sa...
Buna ziua, Avem un site pe Magento 1 si in ultima perioada am inregistrat mai multe mailuri cu acest context "Payment transaction failed. Reason Please check billing address information. Please enter the first name. Please enter the last name. Please enter the street. Please enter the telephone number. " nu vede la checkout ca sunt completate datele ( nume, nr. telefon ). Credeti ca ne-ati putea ajuta? Multumesc! Zoltan
Salut, detin un site dezvoltat pe platforma osCommerce 2.3.4 standard si am nevoie de anumite modificari (mai multe detalii in fisierul atasat). As prefera sa lucrez cu cineva care are experienta pe aceasta platforma, mentionez ca site-ul meu in acest moment are doar modificari minore fata de versiunea standard. Puteti oferi un pret si pentru o parte din dezvoltari, nu neaparat pentru toate.
Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile.
I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as an example!
...lucru proactiv, colectiv tanar, beneficii salariale competitive, birou in zona centala cu acces facil la metrou, si toate premisele sa te autodepasesti. RESPONSABILITIES Dezvoltarea si inovarea de aplicatii web bazate pe cerintele brief-ului Asigura un nivel de calitate a codului scris prin respectarea setului de bune practici, se asigura ca acesta este usor de citit si utilizat in alte sisteme-tracking campanii de marketing Creatie de machete de site/ interfete de utilizator cu ajutorul standard html/css Integrarea datelor din diverse baze de date (back-end) si din platforme diferite Participa la fazele de proiectare si design Se implica cu idei in imbunatatirea aplicatiilor, proceselor, procedurilor de lucru din agentie conform expertizei sale Gaseste solutii pragmatice la pro...
Sunt interesat de implementarea api urgent cargus pentru oscommerce doar pentru partea de administrare - din comenzi sa se poata genera awb pentru urgent cargus + functii de urmarire
Caut programator care sa personalizeze invoice-ul generat de Magento 1.9.2, conform imaginii atasate. Numarul invoice-ul trebuie sa plece de la o valoare prestabilita care se va incrementa. Detin fisier PSD.
Salutare! Avem o aplicatie web si vrem sa folosim pentru a urmari activitatile clientilor nostri. Site-ul rulea...urmari in intercom atunci cand unul dintre clientii nostri adauga o persoana in lista sa de clienti. Pana acum avem doar optiunile default precum, de cate ori s-a logat in platforma, cate sesiuni a avut si asa mai departe. Pentru a intelege mult mai bine aceasta optiune, intercom pune la dispozitie aceste doua ghiduri: De asemenea mai exista si acest site:
Buna, as avea nevoie de realizarea unei aplicaţii care să genereze coduri de bare conform standardului EAN13 (European Article Number 13).
Salut, as avea nevoie de un proiect: realizarea unei aplicaţii care să genereze coduri de bare conform standardului EAN13 (European Article Number 13).
realizarea unei aplicaţii care să genereze coduri de bare conform standardului EAN13 (European Article Number 13).
HELP AGRO Project I need a project like this : with some additional reports and integrated with mobile android aplication. (for measuring land) and with an GPS tracking on the map. Thank You Thank you
Setare cont google analytics Am nevoie de urmatoarele: contului google analytics cu google adwords si facebook ads . tracking code in site facebook pixel in analytics a unor rapoarte specifice.
Salut, Lucrez la un proiect in Simulink/Matlab si anume a Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm (P&O method) with a Boost Converter for a Solar PV . Am facut simularea dar rezultatele nu sunt conform cu ce ar trebuii sa dea. Astept un raspuns sa vorbim mai multe despre pret, timp si exact despre ce este proiectul. Multumesc, Dragos
Am nevoie de cineva priceput pe Virtuemart pentru a modifica urmatoarele: - adaugarea de cod unic pentru custom fields nevizibil in front-end - modificarea Invoice cu adaugarea automata de serie si numar plus cateva modificari mici - modificarea din invoice in factura atunci cand comanda are status shipped - adaugarea automata la pretul final a custom fields selectionate by default + mici modificari.
...site-ului in momentul in care se accepta oferta (BID) Se creaza automat factura simultan pentru Transportator cat si pt. proprietarul site-ului in acelasi timp. Notificari / instiintari pe mail si/sau sms, push notification: confiramre cont, BID nou, etc. Confirmarea BID-ului in maxim 30 minute. Chat intre transportator si client (privat in cont propriu) cu filttru de cuvinte (mail, contact number, adrese - sa nu fie comunicate intre ei pe chat privat) OFFER : la offer clientul care cere transportatorului da pretul (ofera pretul). BID: Transportatorul ofera pretu. Ofertele sa dureze 3 ora maxim. Near Buy Shippments: Agenti ale transportatorului care sa apara unde se afla pe harta! Username-ul sa NU fie numele firmei sau sa duca cu gandul la vreo firma etc. Level Useri -...
Avem un magazin online mai vechi, construit pe osCommerce 2.2-MS2. Serverul unde este gazduit a fost upgradat la PHP 5.4. Din acel moment, magazinul online nu mai functioneaza corect. Una dintre erorile cele mai frecvente este: Unable to determine the page link! Function used: tep_href_link('', '', 'NONSSL') Avem nevoie de o solutie pentru a repune in functiune site-ul. Revenirea la PHP 5.3 este exclusa deoarece site-ul este gazduit pe un shared hosting.
Salut, Avem nevoie de o platforma de tracking GPS (exista cateva scripturi Open Source, putem folosi unul ca punct de pornire), prin care sa putem monitoriza cateva device-uri GPS.
Salutare cine ma poate ajuta cu constructia unui magazin online care vinde produsul pe bucati si selectia se face cu un generator de cifre id number
Am un site de cashback pe afiliere dupa modelul asta: http://www.cashbackengine.ne. Site-ul meu este http://http://cashbackshopping.ro. Am nevoie de integrarea unui script care inregistreaza conversiile din retelele de afiliere, date ce se iau din API. In attach este un exemplu de CSV format. Retelele de afiliere pentru Romania sunt 2parale si profitshare. Daca ma puteti ajuta, contactati-ma! Multumesc!
Am un site de cashback pe afiliere dupa modelul asta: http://www.cashbackengine.ne. Site-ul meu este http://http://cashbackshopping.ro. Am nevoie de integrarea unui script care inregistreaza conversiile din retelele de afiliere, date ce se iau din API. In attach este un exemplu de CSV format. Retelele de afiliere pentru Romania sunt 2parale si profitshare. Daca ma puteti ajuta, contactati-ma! Thanks!
Dorim o estimare de pret si daca este posibila o migrare din oscommerce v2.3.1 in prestashop 1.5.x. Site-urile sunt (os commerce) si (prestashop) Ne intereseaza in primul rand produsele cu prezentarea completa si eventual clientii. Cu respect,
antecontract de vanzare-cumparare contract de vânzare-cumpărare contract de închiriere a locuintei contract de garantie imobiliara (ipoteca) contract de gaj fara deposedare contract de cautiune contract de garantie contract de cesiune contract de leasing contract de comodat contract de prestări servicii contract de antrepiză contract de arendare contract de donatie contract de întretinere (contract de vanzare cumparare cu clauza de intretinere) contract de mandat (procură) contract de tranzactie contract de asigurare contract de rentă viageră contract de consignatie contract de comision contract de înfiintare a unei societăti comerciale contract de transport rutier contract de transport...
Prezint mai jos noul nostru proiect pe care vrem sa-l facem impreun...un status nou Processing (in procesare) si notificarea sa se trimita atunci cand trecem comanda in acest status - 3update_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii jaonezi ea va fi de shipped se va trimite atunci cand comanda se pune manual in shipped. Notificarea este 4shipped_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este La pasul 4 apare tracking number-ul - o informatie pe care trebuie sa o introducem noi manual. Aici te rog sa ne spui tu unde sau sub ce forma sa o completam. Am putea sa o introducem ca si comentariu suplimentar atunci cand trecem comanda in shipped si sa o iei de acolo? Subiectul pentru fiecare email este trecut in fisierul Multumim,
i have one wordpress site,need to fix some bugs: 1. search function in homepage(need make it work as the header search) 2. product sub-category listing page, the pagination do not work properly,and product pagination is not working find(page 9-13 no product,but still display the page number on the bottom),need to fix it. 3. product details page, do not display some descriptions which i have input from the admin it display in the place of product details page 4. product listing page, need one line title + one line description down of the product image
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c: aceasta este adresa mea de email : softhard71 @ yahoo .com sau yahoo messenger id : softhard71
Salut. Am nevoie de un "" care la un simplu dubluclik sa schimbe seria la partitia c: . Acest utilitar trebuie sa contina un fisier extern text de genul "" - in acest fisier trebuie sa fie scrisa seria care va fii schimbata la partitia c: . Utilitarul nu trebuie sa fie instalat doar dubluclik si sa schimbe seria; la un restart de sistem sa am noua serie. Foarte important este ca faptul ca acest utilitar trebuie sa ruleze pe cont limitat de windows deci nu trebuie sa fiu neeaparat administrator sa ruleze pot sa fiu si user limitat si acesta trebuie sa mearga. La executia acestui utilitar nu trebuie sa apara NOTIFICARE UAC . Multumesc.
...cart functionality. Secure and streamlined checkout process with multiple payment options (credit/debit cards, UPI, PayPal, etc.). Option for users to save their cart and return later. User Accounts: Allow customers to create accounts to save their details and view order history. Guest checkout option for convenience. Shipping and Delivery: Integration with reliable shipping partners. Real-time tracking updates for customers. Customer Support: Live chat or chatbot feature for quick customer queries. FAQ section and contact form. Additional Features SEO-friendly design to ensure better visibility in search engines. Blog section for sharing cultural stories, styling tips, and brand updates. Social media integration for easy sharing and promotion. Admin Features Easy-to-use conte...
I'm in need of a Windows-based desktop application that can serve as a comprehensive meal plan tracker. This application should be able to assist in tracking macro nutrients, planning meals via a calendar, and suggesting recipes. Core features should include: - Macro nutrients tracking - Meal planning calendar - Recipe suggestions - Grocery list - Recipe creator - Swap options - Macro and calorie subtotals Ideal candidates for this project should have strong skills in desktop application development, particularly for Windows. Experience with nutrition or meal planning software will be a significant plus. Please include relevant experience with your bid.
I'm looking to enhance my WooCommerce product listing's layout. The modifications include: - Increasing the number of items per row to 7-9 - Changing the text alignment for better visual appeal The ideal freelancer for this project would have significant experience with WooCommerce, CSS, and potentially PHP for more complex adjustments.
...Management: The app should allow users to create and manage their accounts, view their purchase history, and save their preferred items. - Product Search and Filtering: The app needs to have a robust search and filtering system to help users find products easily. - Secure Payment Gateway Integration: A vital part of the app is a reliable and secure payment system. Order Tracking: - I'm currently unsure if order tracking is necessary in the app. However, if you have suggestions to implement this feature in a user-friendly way, I'm open to it. Products: - The app will primarily be selling physical goods. Experience in creating e-commerce apps for physical goods will be an advantage. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in mobile app development...
Since I am abroad, I need someone to visit my house in Bremen, Germany, to ascertain how many people currently reside there. This task is crucial due to legal and compliance reasons. Key Responsibilities: - A site visit to my Bremen property. - Note and info about the number and names of occupants. - Note the duration of their stay (since when to when, how found the room). - Document your findings with photographic evidence. - Compose a written report detailing your observations. Ideal Candidate: - Must be located in or have access to Bremen, Germany. - Must keep project details confidential to tenants and guests. Pay is $ 30,- and 50,- if all needed informations eg photo for evidence are fully documented. Speak to you soon, Alex
I'm in need of a skilled programmer to develop a cross-platform (Android and iOS) business application focused on customer management. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly interface for managing customer data. - Integration of features for tracking customer interactions, sales, and support requests. - Ensuring the app is compatible and performs optimally on both Android and iOS platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing cross-platform applications, particularly business-oriented ones. - Strong skills in customer management systems development. - Proficiency in Android and iOS programming languages. - Knowledge of UI/UX design principles for business applications.
...multiple VOIP and MVNO service packages. - Dynamic pricing based on selected services. - Option to add or customize features such as eSIM, number portability, etc. #### 3. Payment Integration - Integration with multiple payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal,crypto). - Secure handling of transactions and invoicing. #### 4. Automated Service Delivery - Automatic activation of services (eSIM, VOIP number, etc.) upon payment. - Integration with API for provisioning eSIM, VOIP numbers, and other services. - Handling number portability requests as part of the process. #### 5. Client Billing and Usage Monitoring - Real-time tracking of user usage (minutes, data, etc.). - Automated monthly billing and notifications. - Support for p...
Project Title AI-Powered Business Automation App with Voice Commands and Accounting Integration Project Overview We are looking to hire a skilled developer to build an AI-powered app that can automate our business processes, including accounting, inventory management, and production tracking. The app should function like a smart assistant, capable of understanding voice commands and performing tasks automatically. This project aims to simplify data entry, improve efficiency, and reduce human errors. Key Features 1. Voice Command Support The app should understand and process voice commands. Example commands: "Log today's sales of ₹50,000 in Tally." "Update stock after manufacturing 900 units of Product XYZ." 2. Accounting Integration Automate entri...
I'm in urgent need of virtual numbers from the US, UK, and Australia. The primary use will be for business communication. I need google voice number and other option Key Features: - Call forwarding: Essential for seamlessly handling calls from different time zones. - Voicemail: I need a reliable voicemail service for those times when I can't answer. - SMS capabilities: This is crucial for receiving text messages pertinent to my business. I'm looking for the best options available, whether they are free or paid services. Timeliness is of the essence; I require these numbers as soon as possible. If you have experience with setting up virtual numbers and can provide a quick solution, please get in touch.
...displaying) - Description - Tags (comma-separated for searching) - Categories (comma-separated for organization) - Featured flag (to identify handpicked photos) Offline Support - All photos and JSON data will be fully accessible offline after the initial download. - Search functionality will work locally based on stored descriptions and tags. Premium Content - Users can initially access a limited number of free photos. - One-Time Purchase: Unlocks access to premium photos. - Integration with Apple Pay and Google Pay for seamless transactions. - After payment, the app fetches the list of premium photos via an API and adds them to the appropriate categories. Photo Management - Users can save photos directly to their device gallery. - Favorites functionality allows easy organi...
Finish the implementation of sessionWatcher and DefaultWorkItemProvider. SessionWatcher will be responsible for tracking user inactivity in the app for a given period of time. If there was no user action received during the given session time then onTimeExceeded completion should be called from SessionWatcher instance. Creation of a DispatchWorkItem will take place in DefaultWorkItemProvider. The created work item will be used in the SessionWatcher Class. Requirements Provide an implementation for the following methods and classes: DefaultWorkItemProvider func workItem(actionBlock: @escaping () -> ()) -> DispatchWorkItem? This method should return DispatchWorkItem with the given actionBlock to execute SessionWatcher start() o The start method will be called when the sess...
...order notification and payment gateway integration Note 99.9% website has to be managed through Dashboard, like editing pricing, bulk import,export,bulk move with-in pages, bulk edit, bulk delete, Hide category, in page pages or multiple pages, Edit in one page or multiple pages, though coded the website has to act plug and play Ecommerce Website USP - We give return gifts to customers based on Invoice size- hence the designs is detailed accordingly You need to first ensure that Gift cards with 16 digit or 12 digit secure login with pin code (as an example shown in myntra), • Coupons creation in admin panel with expiry date and with a condition which will be discussed later • Gift page which works on multiple conditions but basically works based on cart value • ...
Project Brief: Automated Entry Submission Bot with Telegram Integration Objective: The goal of this project is to develop an automated entry submission system that integrates with a Telegram bot to post entries to a designated website. The system is designed to mimic human-like behavior by randomizing the entries, distributing the rates across multiple user accounts, and varying the number of submissions at any given time. The bot will generate permutations for entries (e.g., 0001r) and apply fixed values for other entries (e.g., 0002 3-6), ensuring the total rate for each entry type remains within the specified range (e.g., 3-6). This process requires complex mathematical algorithms to handle the permutations, rate calculations, and dynamic adjustments to meet the desired parame...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create...dedicated to showcasing doctor profiles and hospital information - An intuitive patient registration form - An efficient appointment scheduling interface - A system for tracking patient medical history The patient registration form needs to be comprehensive, collecting: - Personal information (name, address, contact details) - Medical history and current medications - Insurance information Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development with a focus on user-friendly interfaces - Experience in creating healthcare-related websites - Knowledge of patient data privacy regulations - Able to implement secure and efficient data tracking systems If you have the relevant experience and can deliver a high-quality, secure website...
I'm seeking a professional to develop a comprehensive branding kit for my business. The kit should include a variety of elements. We already have the logo and just need the branding kit. Key components of the branding kit: - Business cards - Letterheads - Invoice templates - Email Signature - Social media kit - T-shirt Mockup (Black Shirt) The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Prior experience in creating branding kits - A strong portfolio of designs - Excellent communication skills to ensure the vision aligns Project must be delivered in editable source files.
Online WhatsApp Sales Representative Https:// We are looking for a motivated Sales Representative to work in the USA timezone (5 PM to 1 AM). Your main goal will be to provide excellent customer service and convert leads into sales. What We Offer: - **Dail...the previous day. - Aim for 1-2 sales per day. - Conduct weekly bulk marketing and promote special offers. - Record sales and customer information in Excel. - Submit daily sales reports. Compensation: - **Base Salary**: $250/month. - **Commission**: 5% on all sales. Schedule: - 6 days a week, 10 hours a day. Requirements: - Strong sales and customer service skills. - Proficient in Excel for tracking and reporting. - Excellent communication skills. If you're ready to help us grow and succeed, we want to hear from you!