Oscilloscope scheme project usbproiecte


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    2,000 oscilloscope scheme project usb proiecte găsite

    Caut persoane care mă pot ajuta cu adisuri Fiscale, Scheme Carusel, cum se înființează Firme in paradisuri fiscale, ocolirea plătirii taxelor în Europa pentru un proiect

    $291 Average bid
    $291 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Angajam automatist sau echipa de 2-3 automatisti pentru proiecte de automatizare care controleaza sisteme de conveioare. SCHNEIDER in principal sau SIEMENS. Oferim intre 1000 Euro si 20000 Euro in functie de complexitatea si dimensiunea proiectului, precum si de tipurile de sarcini indeplinite: : PROIECTARE: solutie (layout electric), proiectare scheme monofilar, scheme electrice, tablouri electrice, EXECUTIE: tablouri, cablare pe solutia mecanica si legaturi in vederea testarii PROGRAMARE: software PLC, HMI, SCADA etc MANUALE DE OPERARE TESTARE de tip FAT: running and testing la fabrica producator COMMISSIONING si PIF la sediul clientului (Romania, Spania, Franta, Grecia, Anglia, tari din Middle East, Africa, India, America de Sud). Pentru mai multe detalii va stam la dispo...

    $9094 Average bid
    $9094 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Să se proiecteze un sistem de măsurare a temperaturii și umidității ambiante portabil, cu afișare pe calculator (laptop), folosind senzorul de umiditate capacitiv HS1100, senzorul de temperatură integrat LM35 și placa de achiziție NI USB-6008. Programul trebuie facut in LabVIEW

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Project for Stefan P.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Stefan! As avea nevoie de tine pentru niste setarii CSS pentru niste elemente deja create + niste scheme ce trebuie puse in HTML CSS + niste tooltips-uri.

    $20 - $20
    $20 - $20
    0 oferte

    ...Audio pentru cel putin urmatoarele iesiri selectabile din optiuni: - analog jack 3.5mm - HDMI - Bluetooth - rebroadcasting (compatibil Sonos) – compatibilitate programe DarkIce si Icecast2; d) Modificarea softului existent pentru a citi din fisierul de configurare descris la punctul (b) care este mediul de stocare utilizat pentru stocarea datelor sub forma cuvintelor cheie QberryStorage= (USB, SD) d) actualizarea configuratiei software prin download fisier de configurare mentionat la pct (b) utilizand conexiuni securizate FTPS cu verificare perioadica necesitate actualizare si fara interventia remote pe dispozitivul Raspberry Pi pentru act...

    $735 Average bid
    $735 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    USB XCMR Germania
    S-a încheiat left

    Nevoie de listing si pe Germania pentru stick. Cu tot cu grafica, A+ si tot ce tine de asta.

    $600 Average bid
    $600 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Ciprian, vreau sa montez un produs de pe europa, pe USA. Ma ajuti ?

    $450 Average bid
    $450 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Sunt mai multe programe (20) scrise in Delphi 2010 interconectate cu o baza de date. Programele preiau date nu de la tastatura ci de la accesorii prin intermediul unei interfete ARDUIONO UNO pe port USB.

    $2407 Average bid
    $2407 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    I am doing a biometric lock in Arduino. I already have the necessay components: fingerprint reader, USB to TTL RS232 module, servomotor, ESP32 module and a power source of 12V. I need to do this physically so I need someone who is from Romania, preferably from Bucharest or Constanta. Thank you!

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Mintzberg). Analizați funcțiile managementului la nivelul organizației dumneavoastră pornind de la specificul acesteia și faceți o analiza critică a rolurilor pe care le jucați/nu jucați ca manager la nivelul organizației. (5) Pentru a materializa relația cu piața sunt necesare parteneriate cu furnizorii. Prezentați modul în care utilizați resursele și care sunt acestea. Proiectați (sub forma unei scheme) un lanț de aprovizionare. Explicați cum vă alegeți furnizorii și cum monitorizați relația cu aceștia. (6) Prezentați un flux informațional sumar pornind de la următoarele componente: input (furnizori, procese organizaționale), output (relația cu piața, cunoaștere, învățare, document) în cadrul organizației Dvs.. (7) Stabiliți care este raportul dintre ...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    1. Gestionați inv...Creați și gestionați documente de stand. Creați și gestionați categoria documente. Alte caracteristici Aspecte de proiectare a materialelor. Autentificare / Înregistrare / Modificare parolă și Modificare e-mail acceptate. Pagina Detalii magazin. Suport multi utilizatori și suport multi standuri. Reclame Google. Logare personal. Imprimați din Bluetooth și din software-ul de imprimare terță parte (USB, WIFI și Bluetooth) Si multe altele. Ce puteți face cu această aplicație Puteți crea mai multe conturi pentru multi-tarabe Creați inventar Creați personal Creați clienți Creați furnizori Faceți o achiziție Faceți o vânzare Lista produse Consultați rapoartele angajaților, furnizorilor și clienților Produse de reaprovizionare *** limba ROMANA

    $454 Average bid
    $454 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...piese auto pentru modelele Volvo prin identificare seriei de sasiu. Pentru identificare pot sa folosesc un API de la Pentru filtrere piese trebuie integrat TecDoc. Cerinte principale: 1. Am nevoie de identificare in baza seriei de sasiu, inclusiv pentru modelele 2019-2020. 2. In urma identificarii prin seria de sasiu sa am doua variante. a) cautare componente prin catalog grafic (scheme desfasurate ca cele de pe ), care iti identifica codurile de original si care sa solicite pretul actualizat de la funizorul meu (am contracte cu mai multi furnizori dar doar de la unul singur doresc asta). Daca nu se poate face sincronizarea cu baza de dat a furnizorului, fac eu o baza de date cu cat mai multe dintre codurile existente iar pt cele care nu sunt acoperite, sa se trimita

    $856 Average bid
    $856 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Proiect API
    S-a încheiat left

    I. Descrierea serviciilor prestate de consultant Capitolul 1 1. preluare date din feed pentru pinnacle , betfair ,1xbet 2 a) login cont b) aplicare filtre pe fiecare cont 3. sa lucureze mai multe scheme simultan pe acelasi cont independente una de celalata ex .. dam prima schema sa zicem pe meciurile selectate unde aplicam filtu de cota .1.5 pana in 3 .. .. apoi in alta schema nou deschisa sa aplicam filtru 3 -5 la cota 4. sa lucreze mai multe conturi simultan de pe ip dferite cu scheme diferite de pariere 5. pariu efectiv a) fereastra cum intra meciurile in feed din care noi sa selectam evenimente ( apasam pe eveniment si cota care o vrem pariata si el o duce in camera 2 posibilitate selectii all game sau all sport b) fereastra unde vedem (camera 2) meciurile selec...

    $2277 Average bid
    $2277 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Software pentru Scanner
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut! Am nevoie de un program care sa ruleze in Windows (si sau macOS) si care sa uneasca pe aceeasi pagina doua imagini provenite de la doua scannere portabile cu alimentare doar prin port usb si o imagine provenita de la o camera web. In atasament vedeti un exemplu de cum ar trebui sa arate aplicatia.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 oferte
    Project for Sandu A. -- 2
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Folosesc Arduino IDE si recent inceput sa folosesc STM32. As dori sa trec de la Arduino IDE la VSCode platformio cu arduino plugin. Ai fi interesat sa ma ajuti cu 1-2h suport ca sa imi arati : - configurarea unui proiect - adaugarea/management librarii - debuging cu USB si STLink. STLink nu am reusit sa-l fac sa mearga. - alte tips/tricks Am incercat sa migrez singur dar am consumat mult timp pe tutoriale dar nu sunt multumit. Mersi

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Sandu A.
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, Sunt untilizator Arduino IDE si doresc sa migrez la STM32Cube IDE pentru a utiliza STM32F1xxx. Am incercat sa inteleg noul IDE dar este foarte dificil datorita timpului limitat. As avea nevoie de cateva sesiuni de training ca sa pot: - Sa inteleg cum se gestioneaza librariile (.h, .cpp) . Adaugare de librarii noi in proiect - Configurare Cube IDE - Configurare ST Link V2 si USB bootloader - Utilizare mediu CubeIDE si debugger - Tip & Tricks Cube IDE Nu sunt incepator in utilizarea MCU si Arduino. Sesiunile pot fi pe Chrome Remote sau alte applicatii similare Am cateva placi STM32F103C8T6 + ST Link V2. Cube MX si Cube IDE sunt instalate si functioneaza. Sper sa va intereseze Mersi

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Caut o persoana care sa cunoasca linux pentru configurarea unui server freepbx cu dongle usb

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Ofertă Comercială
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut! Am nevoie de un copywriter cu aptitudini de designer pentru a realiza o ofertă comercială în baza unui flyer de două pagini, una cuprinzând o descriere succintă a proiectului în trei puncte: Misiune, Valori și Viziune și a doua pagină fiind o reprezentare grafică (sub formă de scheme) a informației despre sistemul OfferTime.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...Cerințe și Funcționalitate: 1. Aplicația web trebuie să funcționeze pe SO: Windows (de la v.7 în sus!) și Android (de la v.4.2 în sus!) cu posibilitate de extindere și pe sistemele iOS. 2. Aplicația web se va deschide într-o pagină de browser (preferate Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox, în această ordine!), atât online cât și offline (intranet sau pe dispozitive externe: CD/DVD, HDD portabil sau Stick usb). 3. Tipul paginii web să fie de preferat php (care să includă coduri html5, xhtml, aspx, CSS, java, flash, etc – în funcție de scrierea codului sursă). 4. Structura paginii va fi tip frameset, div,etc (sau, altfel spus, împărțită pe zone!), cu 5 zone de lucru, top, topdown, middle, bottom și other, (Zone nr. 1 – nr. 5)...

    $761 Average bid
    $761 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...Cerințe și Funcționalitate: 1. Aplicația web trebuie să funcționeze pe SO: Windows (de la v.7 în sus!) și Android (de la v.4.2 în sus!) cu posibilitate de extindere și pe sistemele iOS. 2. Aplicația web se va deschide într-o pagină de browser (preferate Google Chrome și Mozilla Firefox, în această ordine!), atât online cât și offline (intranet sau pe dispozitive externe: CD/DVD, HDD portabil sau Stick usb). 3. Tipul paginii web să fie de preferat php (care să includă coduri html5, xhtml, aspx, CSS, java, flash, etc – în funcție de scrierea codului sursă). 4. Structura paginii va fi tip frameset, div,etc (sau, altfel spus, împărțită pe zone!), cu 5 zone de lucru, top, topdown, middle, bottom și other, (Zone nr. 1 – nr. 5)...

    $3000 Average bid
    $3000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    1. Add Logo 2. Change Color Scheme

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    Reprezint o firma de ingrijire medicala la nevoie de un program gen Teamviewer prin care sa pot accesa de la domiciliul pacientului printr-un mini-laptop,desktop-ul de la sediul nostru in care introduc serviciile prestate intr-o aplicatie numita SIUI....partea mai grea este ca am nevoie ca atunci cand introduc in usb-ul laptop-ului (la pacient acasa) un cititor de carduri de sanatate , vreau sa fie detectat pe desktop-ul de la sediu ca si cum ar fi introdus in usb-ul lui. URGENTA SI SERIOZITATE MAXIMA! multumesc

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Achizitie date fizice
    S-a încheiat left

    Dorim scrierea unui program in Labwiev pentru achizitia de semnale electrice in functie de timp pe 4 canale simultan utilizand un modul de achizitie extern USB Advantech fi prevazute filtre reglabile pentru semnale si butoane pe FP pentru reglarea sa fie accesibile ca fisiere pentru a putea fi transferate in Origin.

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Salut, eu sun un fotograf, si as dori ca pentru clientii mei sa le inscriu pe disc sau pe usb drive fotografiile in forma de un meniu. Unde clientul sa poate usor si placut sa vizioneze pozele. Nu doresc ceva sofisticat, doar sa fie citeva categorii de fotografii, buton dreapta / stinga si posibil pe viitor auto slideshow. Mai pe scurt eu am desenat in exemplu mai de jos cum asa dori sa arate produsul final.

    $98 - $98
    $98 - $98
    0 oferte
    Ajută-mă cu marketingul
    S-a încheiat left

    Sunt student in Danemarca, este vorba despre Proiectul Final de la AP DEGREE in domeniul Commerce Management. Inceputul proiectului este gata, el va contine in jur de 50 de pagini despre implicatiile mele in companie si gasirea unei solutii pentru a rezolva problemele companiei prin mai multe teorii si scheme deja selectate de mine. Cine e familiarizat cu asa ceva va rog contactati-ma.

    $145 Average bid
    $145 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Arduino control
    S-a încheiat left

    Hy there :)  I need to send data to an Arduino integrated plate from Delphi. The board connects via USB and comes with drivers and its own software, editable, limited, in C or C++ ... Pretty please, I need someone who knows how to communicate with peripherals, especially Arduino, from Delphi.   Thanks :) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Salutari :) As avea nevoie sa trimit date catre o placuta de integrate Arduino, din Delphi. Placa se conecteaza prin USB, si vine cu drivere si program propriu de operare, limitat, in C. Va rog frumos, am nevoie de cineva care sa ...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Pot realiza diferite cablaje electronice , de la simple montaje pana la montaje mai complexe. Toate montajele se realizeeaza numai cu materia prima a clientului.

    $29 - $245
    $29 - $245
    0 oferte

    I am seeking a talented graphic d...aesthetic is minimalist. Clean lines, open spaces, and an overall uncluttered look. - Color Scheme: The logo should primarily incorporate white. The designer's creativity in utilizing shades, tones, and contrasts of white to create depth and interest is encouraged. - Application: The logo's primary use will be on business cards. The design should be suited for this medium, taking into account size, readability, and visual impact. Ideal candidates will have experience in logo design, specifically for print media, and a solid understanding of minimalist aesthetics. A portfolio showcasing similar work will be highly beneficial. Prompt communication and the ability to incorporate feedback are essential for this project. I look forwar...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    35 oferte
    Playful & Vibrant Wordmark Logo Design
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a logo for an insights platform that combines a playful and creative style with a bold and vibrant color scheme. The logo will be primarily text-based (a wordmark), so typography and text design will be key, but I am open to icons based logo as well. Following are the few examples

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Oferta medie
    58 oferte
    Trophy icon Package Design: "Elissio".
    6 zile left

    Dear Designer, I would like to request the following modifications to the packaging design: 1. Logo Placement: • Please add my logo either in the top-right corner or centered on the packaging. 2. Text Translation: • Translate all existing text on the packaging into Dutch, ensuring the message remains clear and child-friendly. 3. Color Scheme: • Incorporate vibrant and attractive colors that appeal to children, while maintaining a balanced and uncluttered appearance. • Research indicates that bright colors and playful characters enhance the appeal of children’s packaging. • Consider using a palette that includes primary colors like red, blue, and yellow, as these are particularly engaging for children. 4. Overall Layout: • Redesign the curr...

    $83 Average bid

    ...narratives ("katha" means story in some languages): Logo Concept: Typography: Use a sleek, modern font for "Cyber" to represent technology and innovation, paired with a more artistic or handwritten style for "Katha" to evoke storytelling and tradition. Symbol: Incorporate a symbol such as a stylized book, a digital circuit, or a glowing orb to represent the fusion of storytelling and technology. Color Scheme: Blend futuristic colors like electric blue, silver, or neon purple with earthy tones like gold or beige to represent the balance between tech and tradition. Design Style: Keep the logo minimalistic yet striking, emphasizing clarity and uniqueness....

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    81 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented logo designer who can create a minimalist-style logo for my brand. The primary usage of this logo will be on social media, so it needs to be visually appealing and easily recognizable at smaller sizes. Key requirements: - Experience in creating minimalist designs. - Strong un...talented logo designer who can create a minimalist-style logo for my brand. The primary usage of this logo will be on social media, so it needs to be visually appealing and easily recognizable at smaller sizes. Key requirements: - Experience in creating minimalist designs. - Strong understanding of social media design requirements. - Portfolio of previous logo designs. Please note, the color scheme has not been decided yet, so I would appreciate your input and suggestions ...

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Oferta medie
    123 oferte

    I'm seeking a color scheme expert to decide the colour scheme of my modern home's facade. The project involves creating a few combinations of the color of the walls, window frames, and the door. The primary mood I want to convey is a calm, serene aesthetic. Ideal skills and experience include: - Expertise in modern design principles - Proven track record in color consultation - Ability to create a cohesive, tranquil color scheme - Prior experience with residential properties The goal is to enhance the visual appeal of my home while maintaining a peaceful, understated elegance. Your creativity and attention to detail will be key in achieving this. Attached is the 3D rendering from the architect of my home, and a real home with the sort of colour...

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Oferta medie
    75 oferte

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a modern, bright and vibrant logo for my retail business. The logo should: - Reflect the dynamic nature of the retail industry - Adhere to a modern design aesthetic - Utilize a bright and vibrant color scheme The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio of modern, vibrant designs, with specific experience in retail branding.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta medie
    69 oferte

    ...app, named 6AMMART, comes with three Flutter applications (user, rider, and store). Your task will involve: - Implementing UI/UX changes, including a complete redesign of the layout, an update of the color scheme, and enhancements to the navigation. - Fixing bugs throughout the application to ensure smooth operation. - Developing and integrating new features such as advanced search capabilities, push notifications, payment gateway integration, maps pinning, and taxation. Please note that a detailed list of modifications will be provided. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Laravel and Flutter. - A strong background in UI/UX design. - Proven skills in bug fixing and problem solving. - Experience integrating payment ga...

    $2288 Average bid
    $2288 Oferta medie
    52 oferte

    I'm in need of a classic-style logo for my digital newspaper. The ideal candidate is a seasoned graphic designer with a strong portfolio of logo creation. - Quick Turnaround: I need the initial concepts within 2 days. - Examples: You'l...seasoned graphic designer with a strong portfolio of logo creation. - Quick Turnaround: I need the initial concepts within 2 days. - Examples: You'll have 3 existing logos from other sources to inspire your designs. - Classic Style: The logo should embody a classic aesthetic. - No Color Scheme Provided: While a color scheme hasn't been defined, your ability to create a logo that works in a range of schemes will be key. Skills in graphic design and experience with logo creation are crucial for this project. Ple...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    102 oferte

    I’m looking to develop a multi-platform video analysis app designed ...use freeze frames, add tags, record voiceovers, and export customized clips. It should be user-friendly, with a minimalist design, and perform smoothly across both web and mobile (iOS/Android). The color scheme will focus on a blue-based palette, aiming for a professional, clean, and functional interface. I’m seeking a developer with experience in creating multi-platform apps, ideally with expertise in video editing tools. Familiarity with no-code/low-code platforms like is a plus, as I would like to be able to make revisions on my end (as I’m not a software expert). If this project aligns with your expertise, I’d love to discuss it further and hear your thoughts on feasibility an...

    $705 Average bid
    $705 Oferta medie
    100 oferte

    I'm looking for a modern-style business card design. The card should include: - My name and title - Contact details - Company logo - A list of services on the back with the website address on the bottom As I don't have a specific color scheme, I need a designer who can help choose appealing and professional colors. Ideally, the freelancer for this project should have experience in modern design and brand development. A portfolio demonstrating previous work with minimalist, modern, and classic styles will be highly regarded. I have attached the logo. We will need 3 names etc for this business card design.

    $6 Average bid

    ...the world of cue sports, snooker, and 8-ball. Key elements: - The eagle should be the primary focus of the logo, showcasing its strength and precision in a way that resonates with cue sports. - The design must be modern and clean, reflecting a minimalist aesthetic without compromising on the detail and intricacy of the eagle. Color scheme: - The logo should utilize bold and vibrant colors, standing out and capturing attention. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly with a focus on modern aesthetics. - A strong portfolio showcasing the ability to create intricate, detailed designs. - Excellent understanding of color theory, particularly with regards to creating bold and vibrant designs. Basically i want somethin...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    100 oferte

    I'm looking to give my website a complete visual upgrade to a more classic and elegant style. The primary focus is on updating the following elements: - Logo and Branding: I need a fresh, refined approach to my website's overall identity. - Color Scheme and Typography: I'm aiming for a sophisticated palette and typography that aligns with a classic and elegant aesthetic. - Layout and Imagery: This includes a rethought, user-friendly layout and high-quality imagery that complements the new design. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in visual design with a focus on classic and elegant styles. Experience in branding and a keen eye for typography and layout is essential. A portfolio showcasing similar projects will be highly rega...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    166 oferte

    I'm in need of a creative and eye-catching logo and business card for my mortgage loans company. The design should be modern, sleek yet bold enough to stand out. Key Requirements: - Design a logo that incorporates both an icon and text. - Create a business card that complements the logo. - Use a bright and bold color scheme to enhance visibility and impact. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in graphic design, specifically in logo and business card design. - A strong portfolio showcasing previous creative and eye-catching designs. - Excellent understanding of color schemes and design principles.

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Oferta medie
    130 oferte
    Product Packaging photo with Models
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for product packaging cover photo separately for male and female model displaying the packet. Key Requirements: - Use of a branded background - Inclusion of specific brand elements (Logo, Color scheme, Product tagline) in the background - High-quality, professional-grade photographs Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in product packaging work - Experience with creating and using branded backgrounds - Excellent understanding of brand consistency in visual content

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta medie
    46 oferte

    I'm seeking a proficient Squarespace developer to create a website for me that mirrors The primary aim of this site is to showcase services, similar to the reference site. Key requirements: - Exact replication of the layout, color scheme and font styles of the original site. - The ability to create a visually appealing and functional website on Squarespace. - Experience in service-oriented website development is a plus.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta medie
    162 oferte

    ...modules. This project requires interior and exterior designs that align with the client's branding and exceed expectations in creativity and practicality. We must create five (5) modules serving various applications and requirements. However, the general guidelines and concepts are mostly similar for all modules. Key Requirements: - Design of Workstations: The office container should have well-planned and efficient workstations. - Meeting Room: A designated and functional meeting room is a requirement. - Break Area: A comfortable and relaxing break area is also necessary. Create 2D layout and detailed floor plans based on provided dimensions. Develop 3D renderings for the container's interior and exterior. Ensure the design reflects customer branding (red and white co...

    $750 - $1500
    Recomandat Sigilat
    $750 - $1500
    16 oferte

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my bankruptcy-focused law firm located in South Florida. Name of the law firm: SANTIAGO LAW SOLUTIONS Key Requirements: -...bankruptcy-focused law firm located in South Florida. Name of the law firm: SANTIAGO LAW SOLUTIONS Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate the "Scales of Justice, flame or shield" as a central element. - A color scheme of black and grey. - The overall design should be contemporary, clean, and polished. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design and familiar with creating legal-themed logos. - Strong portfolio of modern and sleek design interpretations. - Excellent understanding of color theory and ability to create visually appealing designs within ...

    $15 Average bid
    629 intrări

    I'm in need of a unique, eye-catching logo for my fencing company Key Details: - The style of t...fencing company Key Details: - The style of the logo should be 'bold and classic'. It should be timeless, easily recognizable, and convey strength and reliability. - The logo needs to incorporate a man welding a fence, elements of welding, fencing tools/ fence, tools, and my company name; Rightway Fencing. This will help to clearly communicate the scope of services we offer. - In terms of color scheme, I would like to use bright colors such a red, blue, and white encompassing an American Flag Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, branding, and a good understanding of color theory. A portfolio demonstrating previous work in creating bold, classic logos w...

    $50 Average bid
    616 intrări

    I'm looking for a skilled product engineer with expertise in bag design. The project involves creating a range of bags, including backpacks and handbags, as well as travel bags. Backpacks: - Must be made from waterproof material - Feature multiple compartments - Equipped with a built-in USB charging port Handbags: - Should have adjustable straps - Include multiple pockets - Incorporate a secure lock mechanism The specifics for the handbags will be communicated once the freelancer is hired. Ideal skills for this project include product design engineering, materials science, and experience in designing multifunctional bags. A keen understanding of market trends in bag features is also a plus. Please provide examples of relevant past work with your bid.

    $597 Average bid
    $597 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    ...be engaging and visually appealing, matching the color scheme of my new logo. Key Requirements: - Collect email sign-ups: The primary goal of the page is to grow our email list ahead of the launch. A prominent, user-friendly email sign-up form is essential. - Social Media Links: The page should include links to our social media platforms. These should be easily accessible and encourage visitors to connect with us online. - Slogan: A space for our company slogan is needed. This should be integrated in a way that is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall design of the page. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Understanding of impactful web design - Ability to match color schemes and design elements This project is perfect for a freelancer who can...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Oferta medie
    114 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented artist to create an abstract piece for product packaging. The artwork should subtly incorporate elements from the Jack Daniels 10pk box, particularly its color scheme and an abstract design reminiscent of the Jack Daniels design or colors (Black, Red, White). Key Requirements: - The artwork needs to be designed for a specific size: 350x135mm. - A strong understanding of color, design, and abstract art is crucial. - Prior experience with product packaging design would be a significant advantage. The ideal freelancer for this project will be able to creatively and effectively merge the specified design elements into a unique piece of artwork that is visually appealing and suitable for product packaging.

    $31 Average bid
    Recomandat Garantat
    133 intrări