Oracle financials treeproiecte
Penny Hand Money Tree Indiferent de domeniul în care este aplicat, designul tinde să urmărească principii precum estetica plăcută, funcționalitatea, accesibilitatea, durabilitatea și inovația. De asemenea, el poate să reflecte identitatea și valorile brandului sau creatorului său.
...cateva pagini. Una dintre pagini va fi cu acces restrictionat pentru cativa prieteni. In aceasta pagina doresc sa afisez continutul unui director sau al mai multor directoare de pe server, in format TREE. Aceste directoare ( Foldere ), vor contine fisiere de genul audio, video, text, poze, etc. Pentru o exemplificare mai exacta a ceea ce doresc sa realizez in aceasta pagina am pus un link mai jos. Am mai gasit o alta posibilitate care ar fi aproape perfecta, dar care nu include posibilitatea desfasurarii subdirectoarelor in format TREE. Practic este un script in PHP care trebuie modificat si inserat intr-o pagina din Wordpress, care ar trebui sa afiseze continutul directorului in vederea descarcarii fisierelor. Este vorba de raspunsul
Am nevoie de un programator pentru un proiect gen: Avem un fisier xls/xlsx/csv se preiau datele in baza de date, se afiseaza in tabel apoi se export in XML pentru SAGA, SmartBill. Proiectul e pe termen mediu/lung. Proiectul poate fi realizat PHP/MySQL sau JAVA/Oracle la alegerea proigramatorului. Va fi o interfata web cu formular de inregistrare/login, recuperare parola. Dupa intrare in dashboard vor fi afisate modulele prezente in platforma. Clientul va selecta modulul/modulele dorite care vor avea statusul pending, pana la achitarea lor si activarea de catre admin. Dupa activare modulul/ele vor aparea active si vor putea intra in ele. Aici clientul poate crea firma/e si sa urce fisierele xls/csv dupa caz. Dupa upload datele din fisier vor fi vizibile intr-un tabel. Datele sunt fac...
Am nevoie de o implementare a unei baze de date in Oracle (PLSQL) in niste formulare de input realizate in Visual Studio (Windows Forms). La momentul de fata formularele nu fac nimic, si as dori ca dupa completarea campurilor din formular si apasarea butonului de introducere a datelor, acestea sa fie introduse in database in table-ul respectiv.
-Se va emula o retea de tip SDN formata din comutatoare de retea (switch) cu ajutorul utilitarului Mininet -Se va implementa o aplicatie pentru controlerul SDN care va construi topologia retelei prin colectarea datelor de pe dispozitivele de retea. -Se va implementa a aplicatie care va emula functionarea protocolului STP pentru eliminarea buclelor din retea. Se va construi arborele de tip spanning tree, iar pe baza acestuia se vor configura starea porturilor comutatoarelor (blocat, root port, designated port). -Se vor construi scenarii pentru validarea functionalitatilor implementate(cu mesaje de tip ping intre switch-uri si sa vedem cum fara aplicatie se vor forma bucle in retea si cu aplicatia activa pe controller nu vor mai exista bucle si porturile se inchid corespuzator).
Cunostinte tehnice - SQL – mediu/avansat - Plsql – mediu/avansat - Forms/Reports - mediu - Creare tabele/indexi/type-uri Ce ar trebui sa faca: - Sa colaboreze cu analistul pentru intelegerea cerintei si realizarea dezvoltarilor necesare. - Sa realizeze scripturi pentru exporturi bulk - daca este cazul - Sa rezolve defectele ridicate de testare FAT/UAT. - Suport pentru creare contexte cerute de business - daca este cazul - Sa lucreze cu Jira/Confluence
Caut 5 programatori seniori in PL/SQL pentru un proiect de dezvoltare a unui DWH in Elvetia. Proiectul este in desfasurare si dureaza pina la sfirsitul anului 2020 cu posibilitate de reinoire a contractului. Dupa o perioada de acomodare la client ar fi posibil sa se poata lucra si remote (homeoffice). Aptitudini obligatorii: PL/SQL > 5 ani ORACLE DB > 5 ani DWH (data ware house) > 2 ani Limba germana sau engleza cursiv
As dori mai multe articole (aproximativ 450-500 cuvinte fiecare) in limba engleza pe subiectul: ceasuri din lemn, corpuri de iluminat din lemn, lampi din lemn, ochelari de soare din lemn, sau tot ce tine de design interior din lemn. Acest articol este destinat optimizarii SEO a site-ului . Posibile titluri: Tipuri de lemn folosite in producerea ceasurilor din lemn/ Corkwood Tree / Cele mai valoroase ceasuri din lemn/ Modele de ochelari de soare din lemn produse de mari case de moda/ astept si alte propuneri de titluri.
As dori un articol (aproximativ 2000 caractere) in limba engleza pe subiectul: ceasuri din lemn sau ochelari de soare din lemn. Acest articol este destinat optimizarii SEO a site-ului . Posibile titluri: Tipuri de lemn folosite in producerea ceasurilor din lemn/ Corkwood Tree / Cele mai valoroase ceasuri din lemn/ Modele de ochelari de soare din lemn produse de mari case de moda/ astept si alte propuneri de titluri. ecommerce dezvoltat in prestashop. Responsabilitati cheie: - bune abilitati de front-end (CSS / JavaScript / HTML) și familiarizarea cu cadre comune , cum ar fi jQuery. - experiența cu AngularJS, Bootstrap (sau alte cadre JavaScript). - background puternic în HTTP. - knowledge of usability, accessibility and cross-browser issues and solutions. - baze de date SQL (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL). Rog sa aplice doar freelaceri care au un portofoliu format si o experienta de minimum 2 ani. ...
vreau ca proiectul sa fie despre un centru de reciclare, in oracle, am nevoie pentru clasa a XII.
Caut un programator java care a mai lucrat sau are experienta in lucrul cu Framework-ul Spring MVC. Si cunostinte minimale de baze de date Oracle. Pot furniza un proiect demo, care contine toate configurarile necesare si trebuie doar modificat.
...mai mari nume din sectorul bancar, cautam specialisti in dezvoltare pe solutii Oracle - PL/SQL, Oracle Forms, Reports pentru detasare la sediul clientului. Dezvoltatorul Oracle este parte a departamentului Core Banking si realizeaza modificarile necesare pe sistemul central. Fundamental se utilizeaza tehnologii Oracle iar volumul de date/informatii este considerabil, astfel ca viitorii colegi/e sunt bineveniti a dispune de nivele elevate de asimilare informatii noi, autonomie si autostructurare - satisfactia taskurilor indeplinite este pe masura. Must Have: • cunostinte avansate in Oracle RDBMS • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle PL/SQL • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle Forms si Reports • oracle...
Avem o baza de date Oracle , si o aplicatie PHP ce face diferite rapoarte de vanzari . Datele sunt trase de pe casele de marcat si colectate in Oracle. Am nevoie de un freelancer care sa ma ajute sa schimb serverul pe care este hostata aplicatia si DB-ul Oracle. De asemenea, este nevoie de adaugarea in graficele de vanzari a unor locatii nou deschise
Some expert ASP.NET WCF Restful Oracle 11g
ENGLISH: (I need it by May 27th, end of day GMT) I would need a tablespace wit...about 4 different pages. ROMANIAN: (Am nevoie de el pana cel tarziu Miercuri, 27 May) Criterii minime: A. Descrierea problemei şi prezentarea schemei conceptuale a tabelelor. B. Interacţiunea cu serverul Oracle prin intermediul comenzilor SQL (LDD şi LMD) C. Structuri alternative şi repetitive. D. Tratarea excepţiilor. (minim 2 implicite, 2 explicite) E. Gestionarea cursorilor: impliciţi şi expliciţi (cu şi fără parametri) F. Funcţii, proceduri, includerea acestora în pachete. (minim 3 funcţii, 2 proceduri şi un pachet) G. Declanşatori. (minim 2) H. O aplicatie in Oracle Apex, care sa contina minim 4 pagini cu realizari diferite (formulare, rapoarte, grafice, master-detail e...
Salut, Avem nevoie de un design 3D pentru amenajarea intr-un centru comercial a unei case in copac, gen basm cu flori, iarba si ciuperci, stup de albine, unele supradimensionate si restul normale, toate elemente de primavara, o zona plina de flori, o atmosfera feerica. Toata zona trebuie sa fie de 8* 8 m cu marginile neregulare imprejmuite de un gard. Casa trebuie sa aiba zone de urcat pe o scara, un tobogan, si alte elemente de joaca. Targhetul sunt copii intre 4-12 ani. Toate elementele trebuie sa se autosustina deoarece nu putem sa gaurim podeaua, trebuie sa fie sigure pentru copii, sa aibe rezistenta. As dori sa stiu un pret pentru aceasta ce include si materialele si cotele ce trebuiesc pentru productie. Putem vb pe mail: pascaru @ purple-bp . com sau tel: 0733 966 339 Cu stima, Li...
Salut, Avem nevoie de un design 3D pentru amenajarea intr-un centru comercial a unei case in copac, gen basm cu flori, iarba si ciuperci, stup de albine, unele supradimensionate si restul normale, toate elemente de primavara, o zona plina de flori, o atmosfera feerica. Toata zona trebuie sa fie de 8* 8 m cu marginile neregulare imprejmuite de un gard. Casa trebuie sa aiba zone de urcat pe o scara, un tobogan, si alte elemente de joaca. Targhetul sunt copii intre 4-12 ani. Toate elementele trebuie sa se autosustina deoarece nu putem sa gaurim podeaua, trebuie sa fie sigure pentru copii, sa aibe rezistenta. As dori sa stiu un pret pentru aceasta ce include si materialele si cotele ce trebuiesc pentru productie. Putem vb pe mail: pascaru @ purple-bp . com sau tel: 0733 966 339 Cu stima, Li...
Salut, Avem nevoie de un design 3D pentru amenajarea intr-un centru comercial a unei case in copac, gen basm cu flori, iarba si ciuperci, stup de albine, unele supradimensionate si restul normale, toate elemente de primavara, o zona plina de flori, o atmosfera feerica. Toata zona trebuie sa fie de 8* 8 m cu marginile neregulare imprejmuite de un gard. Casa trebuie sa aiba zone de urcat pe o scara, un tobogan, si alte elemente de joaca. Targhetul sunt copii intre 4-12 ani. Toate elementele trebuie sa se autosustina deoarece nu putem sa gaurim podeaua, trebuie sa fie sigure pentru copii, sa aibe rezistenta. As dori sa stiu un pret pentru aceasta ce include si materialele si cotele ce trebuiesc pentru productie. Putem vb pe mail: pascaru @ purple-bp . com sau tel: 0733 966 339 Cu stima, Li...
I am in need of a professional to create a 3D model of a large, existing live oak tree from 2D images. The primary purpose of this model is for architectural visualization. Key Requirements: - Level of Detail: The model should be of medium detail with basic textures. This will suffice for the purposes of architectural visualization, without needing to be overly intricate. - Output Format: The final 3D model needs to be compatible with SketchUp. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software, with a strong portfolio of similar work. - Prior experience with architectural visualization. - Able to deliver a model of medium detail with basic textures. - Familiarity with SketchUp for model output. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed, ...
Hi there, I'm seeking assistance in locating information concerning the descendants of a person born in the 1920s in Vietnam. I have some verbal information and names of known relatives, but need help piecing together the family tree, as well as tracking down contact details and current locations of descendants. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in genealogical research - Ability to track down contact information - Experience in piecing together family trees - Fluency in Vietnamese is preferred - Excellent communication skills to interpret and relay verbal information Tôi cần giúp đỡ để tìm kiếm thông tin về con cháu của một người sinh năm 192x tại Việt Nam, sau này có thể đã chuyển đến sinh sống tại Pháp.
...provide the original video to get a better resolution or moment if needed. The second picture is a 3d printed version of my immediate family photo. I have multiple takes with the full background. I would like to put the facial expressions out of two of the takes and combine them into one perfect picture. I would like us to be moved in closer together as well. The picture was taken in front of a tree so there is a large gap when the background is removed. My aim is to have us together so I can 3d print our family picture (which will be in color the next time I print it) Ideal candidates should have a strong background in photo editing and be able to deliver high-quality, seamless results. Experience with adding people to photos is a plus. Please include samples of your previo...
...provide the original video to get a better resolution or moment if needed. The second picture is a 3d printed version of my immediate family photo. I have multiple takes with the full background. I would like to put the facial expressions out of two of the takes and combine them into one perfect picture. I would like us to be moved in closer together as well. The picture was taken in front of a tree so there is a large gap when the background is removed. My aim is to have us together so I can 3d print our family picture (which will be in color the next time I print it) Ideal candidates should have a strong background in photo editing and be able to deliver high-quality, seamless results. Experience with adding people to photos is a plus. Please include samples of your previo...
...first?”). Multiple possible outcomes, each with a “Yes” or “No” betting option. A small fee (e.g., 1 cent) is added to each bet and collected by the admin. On-Chain Logic (Plutus/Haskell) The MarketDatum stores outcomes, an end time, and market status (OPEN, CANCELED, SETTLED). Redeemer actions include PlaceBet, Settle, CancelMarket, and ClaimWinnings. Once the market is settled by the admin or an oracle, winners claim their funds via ClaimWinnings. Off-Chain Architecture & Database A backend (Node.js/TypeScript) tracks on-chain events (e.g., via Blockfrost or a Cardano node) and updates a local SQL database: markets (basic info: question, status, start/end times), market_outcomes (all possible answers, each with “Yes/No”), bets (tr...
I'm seeking a seasoned Java developer with extensive experience in Kafka and EMP, to facilitate a migration from our fully operational and stable EMP setup to Kafka. This proj...isn't just about the migration; I'm interested in building new features with Java and Springboot during the process. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate our current EMP to Kafka with a focus on improving performance, enhancing security and scalability. - Develop new features alongside the migration using Java and Springboot. - Optimize our Oracle Database as needed. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency with Java, Springboot, Spring-JPA, and Oracle Database. - Deep understanding and experience with both EMP and Kafka. - Proven track record in enhancing performance, security, an...
I'm in need of a proficient Oracle Database Administrator primarily, with concurrent responsibilities for a PeopleSoft Administrator. This project involves extensive interaction with an AWS Expert, so understanding of AWS environment will be a plus. Key Responsibilities: - Oracle Database Management: Overseeing, maintaining and optimizing the Oracle DB. - PeopleSoft Administration: Managing and configuring PeopleSoft environments. - User Support: Providing troubleshooting assistance. - Upgrades and Patches: Deploying necessary upgrades and patches. Ideal Skills: - Oracle Database Management: Extensive experience required. - PeopleSoft Administration: Proven track record essential. - AWS Understanding: Familiarity with AWS tools highly beneficial. - User S...
I'm looking for a photo editor who can remove trees and poles from my building photos. The trees are obstructing views of the windows and I need these areas to be cleaned up with moderate detail. Key Requirements: - Remove trees from building photos - Focus specifically on areas obstructing windows - Clean up with moderate detail - Preserve architectural details of the windows Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Attention to detail - Experience with architectural photography editing
I'm looking for a logo that embodies a craftsman or mission style, featuring an evergreen tree. The color scheme should be a blend of green and brown, capturing the essence of nature. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern design software - Strong understanding of craftsman/mission design elements - Excellent color theory knowledge - Experience in designing nature-themed logos
...from a wood-fired oven. ### **Design Guidelines:** 1. **Style:** The logo should blend traditional, rustic elements with a modern, minimalist approach. We want it to be timeless and appealing to a broad audience. 2. **Symbolism:** - A simple, stylized symbol of pizza, such as a pizza slice or a wood-fired oven. - Possible integration of traditional Italian elements like a Vespa symbol, olive tree, grapevines, or even Mount Vesuvius as a subtle reference to Naples. - Optionally, a classic Italian-style script. 3. **Colors:** - **Primary Colors:** Red (for pizza and passion), green and white (to reflect the Italian flag). - **Secondary Colors:** Warm earthy tones like brown (for the wood oven) or grey/stone colors that reflect the rustic aspect of Neapolitan traditi...
Create a mobile browser extension that places a control on Readers' Comments page on a mobile newspaper website to activate, upon user’s request (and without requiring a new login), the following sequence of steps: Step 1. Delete the (pre-configurable) text, highlighted in blue on Picture 3 and everything above it Step 2. Expand the comments tree by clicking one or more times on the controls, like those highlighted in green on Pictures 1 and 2 (their labels should be pre-configurable), until those controls don't appear anymore. Step 3. Delete the text pieces matching the pre--configurable patterns, like those highlighted in red on Pictures 1, 2 and 3. Step 4. Read the resulting text aloud (US English) by piping to a 3rd-party extension (selectable by user). Pre-con...
I'm seeking a Chief Financial Officer with a strong background in financial planning and anal...planning and analysis, specifically to assist with initial fundraising efforts. This role will primarily focus on: - Fundraising: Developing strategies to secure necessary funds. - Financial Planning and Analysis: Assessing financial forecasts and crafting plans accordingly. The ideal candidate should be well-versed with various financial systems and tools. A deep familiarity with SAP, Oracle Financials, and Microsoft Dynamics is crucial. This is a pivotal role in our company's journey, and your expertise could make a significant difference. We are looking for person whom giving their efforts to to stand company n making investment from investors without any hassle its...
...warm colors: shades of red, orange, and yellow flood the screen, evoking either a sunrise or sunset. At the center, a majestic and ancient baobab tree stands tall in a valley or plain. Its glowing roots extend underground like a luminous network, pulsating with life and connection, symbolizing the interconnectedness of humanity, nature, and history. Animation Flow: 1. Opening on Vastness: The camera starts with a wide shot, revealing the horizon where the sky seems to embrace the earth. A soft breeze carries golden glowing particles, swirling and guiding the viewer toward the baobab tree. 2. Focus on the Baobab: The camera slowly approaches the tree, which appears to breathe with life. Its bark is richly textured and detailed, engraved with symbols representing A...
...candidates that fit our working culture. Note 2: Some of the people are misunderstanding that we are asking for free service. We are not asking for free services. Budget for this project is 2-3 Million USD Build an application with MERN, Graphql, Typescrpt, aws lambda, aws appsync: Existing code base frontend Existing code base backend (the aws credentials on github are fake) I have deployed the frontend and backend code on our aws for you to you can see. Here you have the link to test it. This is proof that we know how to deploy our code and we are seeking your help to deploy the code. To filter out the those that re not serious and do
I'm in need of a dedicated professional to handle my business bookkeeping. This will primarily involve managing invoicing and billing as well as tracking all business-related expenses. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in bookkeeping and accounting - Proficiency in software like QuickBooks, Xero or similar - Strong organizational skills - Excellent attention to detail - Good communication ...dedicated professional to handle my business bookkeeping. This will primarily involve managing invoicing and billing as well as tracking all business-related expenses. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in bookkeeping and accounting - Proficiency in software like QuickBooks, Xero or similar - Strong organizational skills - Excellent attention to detail - Good communication skills - Understanding of business ...
I'm seeking a digital artist who can create a realistic depiction of my three dogs in a holiday-themed scene for a card. The image should be set in a cozy, festive backdrop that includes: - A Christmas tree - Decorative lights Your artistry should encapsulate the joy and warmth of the holiday season, making the card a delightful surprise for my family and friends. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in creating realistic digital images - Previous experience with holiday-themed artwork - Ability to capture the personality of my dogs in the image - Strong understanding of composition, color, and detail in a festive context. Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal. One of my dogs requires a halo and angel wings - she should be on to...
I'm looking for a professional car...a professional cartographer and designer who can create a family heritage map for me. Key Requirements: - The map needs to be suitable for both digital and printed formats. -Must be high resolution and able to be blown up - It should include various family locations with brief descriptions of their significance. - The design style should be Vintage/Retro. Made to look 1800's or western style -Tree must be included Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating interactive digital maps and printable maps. - Exceptional cartography and design skills, with a strong portfolio in Vintage/Retro design. -Familiarity with the area is a plus - Strong attention to detail and ability to handle sensitive family information with ...
...board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit owners on 29th august , as soon as president came to know that we called a meeting , president called a meeting on 23rd august to remove me ( ex treasurer) ...
...board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit owners on 29th august , as soon as president came to know that we called a meeting , president called a meeting on 23rd august to remove me ( ex treasurer) ...
Hi I'm using Oracle 19c database. I created a new user/schema called MM_UAT and given the required grants. I want the MM_UAT user only to see the DB_OBJECTS of other schemas or specific schema. My required DB_OBJECTS like tables, views, functions and procedures seems OK. but there's a problem. If I right click and open a package like PRODN.PKG_REPORTS and i click "view spec & body", i cannot see the body i see only the specs. I have given extra permissions as well to check if they work: GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO MM_UAT; GRANT DEBUG CONNECT SESSION TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ON DBA_SOURCE TO MM_UAT; GRANT EXECUTE ON PRODN.PKG_REPORTS TO MM_UAT; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SYS.PRODN_P...
I need a seasoned React Native developer to fix an RTL issue in my app. The issue is that when switching from English to Arabic, both the text and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to...when switching from English to Arabic, both the text and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to-Left) layouts - Previous experience troubleshooting similar issues - Ability to work with both iOS and Android platforms The app's source code can be found here: Please check the code first and test your solution, if you can solve it.
...audience. We need: - Consistent and charming illustrations of the two characters in natural environments (trees, walls, sunlight, etc.). - Expressive characters to convey emotions like excitement, frustration, and joy. - A detailed guide outlining how the comic is created, step by step, from concept to completion. Below is the script: One evening, Tom the green lizard was crawling on a tree branch. Suddenly, he noticed Pen the gecko climbing the wall of a house. Tom thought to himself, “Oh, a new friend!” Tom greeted warmly: “Hi there! I’m Tom, the green lizard. I enjoy finding food during the day.” “Hello! I’m Pen, the gecko. I prefer searching for food at night,” replied Pen. Both of them found each other's li...
...landscaping. Additionally, I'd like the use of specific plants in the design. These include: - Hedges: To create a sense of privacy and structure - Roses: For their classic beauty and fragrance - Palms: To add a touch of tropical flair - Hydrangeas: For their lushness and ability to fill space - Gardenias: For their lovely scent and glossy leaves Lilly pilles and magnolias Feature plant or bush or tree Lots of garden lighting with up lighting to highlight garden The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio in residential landscaping, particularly in the Hamptons style. Excellent knowledge and experience with the specified plants is a must. Creativity, attention to detail, and a strong understanding of landscape design principles will be key to...
I'm seeking an experienced Excel professional to create a comprehensive balance sheet for tracking my business financials. The Excel sheet should include the following financial statements: - Income statement - Cash flow statement - Statement of changes in equity While there are no specific financial metrics or ratios required at this moment, the ability to easily incorporate them in the future would be a significant advantage. Please ensure the design is user-friendly and intuitive. Excel VBA skills could be beneficial for automating some parts of the sheet.
...interface for a trading platform based on a provided API. The application will serve as a UI for end-users and will come with some added features. Key features of the UI include: - Real-time data display: The UI must be able to showcase data from API in real time - User Transaction Management: Users should be able to transaction i.e. Deposit, Withdraw, Transfer on UI using already provided API's. - Tree View: Users should be able to see which users are under their management in the company. This data is not readily available but need to use logic from two different API's In addition to these primary features, the UI will also need: - Customizable dashboards: Users should have the ability to tailor their dashboards according to their preferences. The UI needs to be c...
I am looking for an experienced developer or a team of developers to help me in migrating from Oracle SOA to Java Spring Boot. The migration will primarily involve: -Need to migrate existing Oracle SOA webservices to Springboot microservices. -If you have done it in the past only then apply it . No experiments please . -Should be able to understand the existing Oracle soa services and convert them to springboot services. - Business Processes: All the existing business processes in the Oracle SOA system need to be replicated in the Java Spring Boot environment. - Data Services: The data services are also key components that need to be migrated. It's important to note that this project does not require the addition of any new functionalities. The goal is...
Do a short notebook to run the attached models end to end, Save the predictions in a data frame. the GitHub link is as follows:
...login is necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS/JavaScript AND Microsoft Excel. - Experience in developing web applications with complex calculations. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces for generating reports and comparing options. Existing stage site URL: GitHub Repo: Original Excel file attached. Note the tabs in the stage site and their analogues in the xlsx file. Requirements: Migrate all features and functionality of fields in the workbook tabs that have been recreated in the web app. Translate all cell references within and across sheets as well as formulas to calculations. -Map input and calculation cells in the 5 worksheets
I'm seeking an experienced Excel professional to create a comprehensive balance sheet for tracking my business financials. The Excel sheet should include the following financial statements: - Income statement - Cash flow statement - Statement of changes in equity While there are no specific financial metrics or ratios required at this moment, the ability to easily incorporate them in the future would be a significant advantage. Please ensure the design is user-friendly and intuitive. Excel VBA skills could be beneficial for automating some parts of the sheet.
I'm seeking a talented illustrator to create a series of 44 (possibly 55) tarot cards. The artwork should embody a fantasy style with elements of mystical creatures and dark and moody themes, particularly featuring dogs. K...and moody themes, particularly featuring dogs. Key Requirements: - Design should be in a pastel color scheme and each card with be unique to the specific dog featured. - Incorporation of 'dog' motifs in a fantasy context. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive portfolio in fantasy-themed artwork. - Previous experience in oracle or tarot card design. - Strong skills of animal portraits. The selected freelancer will be able to deliver captivating and unique oracle card designs that cater to my vision. (The attached images are AI gene...
I'm in need of a comprehensive Payroll and HR ERP Solution developed in Oracle Apex. The solution should include the following core functionalities: - Employee Management - Payroll Processing - Leave and Attendance Management The system should be capable of integrating with an existing finance system. Therefore, expertise in system integration is a must. The solution should also provide advanced user access control with customizable roles and specific permissions. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in Oracle Apex development. - Proven track record in developing Payroll and HR ERP solutions. - Strong skills in system integration. - Proficiency in implementing advanced user access controls. Please note, I require the source code of t...