Oil and gas process flow diagramproiecte
...resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update process...
...capabilities to facilitate strategic decision-making. - Integrated Communication Tools: The CRM must have built-in channels for communication, primarily focusing on Email and SMS. - Customizable Sales Processes: I want the ability to tailor our sales processes to more accurately reflect our unique workflows. Primary Focus: The main emphasis of this CRM will be on optimizing our sales processes, making them more efficient and streamlined. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in CRM development - Excellent understanding of sales process optimization - Experience integrating communication tools within software - Fluent in Romanian, both spoken and written. Similar functions to the CRM attached below. ============================================================...
...collection and newsletter sending. I want to: Provide a link to a form (containing fields for phone and email through various marketing campaigns), Prospects will fill out this form, Email addresses will be automatically collected and sent to the Brevo platform, Brevo will then automatically send an email. Technically, the project includes the following requirements: Email Collection Form: Create an online form (Google Forms, Typeform, or a similar platform) for collecting email addresses from visitors. I also need instructions on how to create future forms. The form should be simple, asking only for the email address and possibly other essential details. Integration with Brevo: Integrate the form with Brevo, the platform we use for sending newsletters. A...
...on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese curre...
Este vorba de o aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicati...aplicatie care permite clientilor inregistrati sa participe la un Turneu cu premii. Turneul este format din doua runde. Turneul are cateva reguli care trebuie implementate. Aplicatie are nevoie de un Dashbord Panel pentru Admin. Adminul creeaza partidele cu valoarea fiecarui meci. Aplicatie este formata din 3 Pagini Interface Ux Ui. Proiectul este in 85% detaliat (Ex: culori folosite, modul de plata, diagram userului sa.). Sunt deschis pentru imbunatatiri sau alte modalitai sau n...
Salutare! Caut un scriitor talentat, cu experienta, si dornic de invata technologi moderne pentru crearea de continut a unei pagini care prezinta un serviciu local. Vom urma un process format din mai multi pasi si estimez ca timpul de lucru va fi mai lung decat de obicei, astfel prefer sa setam pretul pe ora, nu pe proiect. De asemenea, apreciez transparenta si prefer sa lucram cu un tracker care va face screenshot’uri. Ma astept ca articolul sa fie in jur de 1500-2000 cuvinte. Beneficiez de si vom folosi scule ca Surfer SEO pentru optimizare si pentru asistenta in crearea de content. Experienta cu aceste platforme nu este obligatorie, insa contentul se va crea in interfata programului Surfer SEO, acesta va trebui invatat. Jarvis poate ajuta mult, dar se poate lucra si fara. ...
Am atasat un pdf cu informatii despre cum ar trebuii sa arate, locatia este aceasi doar imi trebuie alte cladiri ca si design, textura etc. Totul este stabilit si include in esenta pentru aceasta faza doar 5 cladiri (diagrama atasata). Insasi cladirea 5 din diagram o am ca si referinta atasata (nu, nu am modelul dar daca se poate recrea exact asta nu avem de ce sa pierdem vremea pe explicatii si research). Cladirea 1 se doreste ca si texturi precum cladirea 5 dar evident este mai mare si in loc de garaj o sa fie cladire de apartamente. Daca esti disponibil(a) si poti sa imi trimiti un portofoliu care sa arate ca poti sa faci asa ceva destul de usor, atunci discutam. Multumesc
Modelarea și Simularea proceselor din cadrul unui departament de urgente din cadrul unui spital , utilizand Business Process Modelling
Bună, Arpit A.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat. 1 50 5 days complete design of admin and agent panel 2 300 7 days admintagentlogin, product/supplier/employee add/edit/delete/stock/, agents will see prod PO, Chat, order form, order confirmation, sales process, sms gateway 4 100 5 days I nvoice, barcode generation,adding and remove the products by scanning barcodes, convert to Romania language 5 150 2 days Testing and live Total 600 28 days
Crearea brandului pentru o companie care activeaza in domeniul morarit-panificatie-benzinarie si crearea a 3 steaguri pentru fiecare domeniu : morarit (mill) , panificatie ( bakery), benzinarie (oil).
Am baza de date in SPSS. Am nevoie de indicii Cronbach, corelatiile Pearson, si 2 moderari cu Process. si aranjarea lor in tabele. Le poate face cineva? Datele sunt ok.
Buna, am nevoie de cineva sa se uite pe scorarea unor scale, indicii Cronbach sunt negativi si nu-mi dau seama unde sunt greselile si am nevoie de ghidare in moderare cu Process.
Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile.
Salut, As avea nevoie de o animatie 3d gen building process, pentru un sistem structural modular. Intre 30 de sec si 1 min lungime. Pot sa iti ofer niste imagini si un GIF ca sa iti faci o idee despre ce e vorba. Let me know if you're interested.
Salut, As avea nevoie de ajutorul tau pentru o animatie 3d gen building process pentru un system structural (constructii). Crezi ca ai putea sa ma ajuti?
Numele meu este Simona Patru, reprezint un grup de firme care activeaza in principal in domeniul Horeca. Avem in-house un contabil care se ocupa de contabilitatea primara, insa ne dorim o persoana care sa ne ajute pe partea de verificare, raportare, depunere declaratii lunare, balante, bilanturi, cash flow, etc. Credeti ca ne-ati putea ajuta in regim de colaborare? Descrierea responsabilitatilor • Coordoneaza, verifica si raspunde de activitatea financiar-contabila a companiei; • Verifica, monitorizeaza si corecteaza documentele introduse in programul de contabilitate (facturi furnizori interni si externi, deconturi, etc.) de catre contabilul primar; • Intocmeste diverse rapoarte solicitate de conducerea societatii si pregateste diverse situatii contabile; • Imb...
Am nevoie de o aplicatie pentru android (joc) in genul "Flow Free" de pe Google Play. Nu trebuie ceva foarte complicat deoarece am un buget destul de limitat. Nu am o preferinta legata de platforma in care va fi construit. Multumesc! :)
Caut o persoana care stie sa foloseasca tehnologia Robot Process Automation (RPA). In cazul in care exista un specialist in domeniul RPA o sa ofer toate detaliile necesare.
...Determinați, pentru fiecare variantă de proiect, Costul Mediu Ponderat al caitalului, punând în evidență sursele de finanțare la care apelați. 7. Folosind Costul Mediu Ponderat al capitalului drept rată de actualizare, calculați indicatorii de eficiență economică a investițiior care sunt considerați criteriu de decizie în investiții. 8. Calculați venitul net total actualizat prin metoda cash-flow- ului folosind ca rată de actualizare costul mediu ponderat al capitalului determinat anterior. 9. Evidențiați varianta optimă de proiect de investiții prin prisma indicatorilor calculați. 9. Raspunde la IQ Test, la inceput cu 34 10. Puneți în evidență 4 riscuri la care se supune varianta de proiect identificată optimă. Dovediți printr-o prezentare de m...
I will need SEO optimization for a newly created accounting wordpress based website with the below keywords in focus. Please only whitehat SEO usage, describe full process, RESULTS BASED PAYMENT ONLY!!! contabil bucuresti contabila bucuresti contabilitate bucuresti contabil sector 6 contabila sector 6 contabilitate sector 6 tarif contabilitate bucuresti pret contabilitate bucuresti contabil bun bucuresti contabilitate primara bucuresti
...Creation/creating an online shop (electronic website) without using Cms(content management system) or already made e-commerce. The online shop should contain electronic orders for any product, for example portable PCs, PC components and systems,tvs, monitors, printers, cameras, software, gaming, electronics (3 products per category with photos, details and price) Clients should have a client account in which they can manage their history order The admin should be able to : Add/modify/delete photos Manage orders through changing the status order from "in process" to "delivered" Manage stocks Generate reports (aproximatively 20) Data base- at least 10-20 tables or how many are possible ...
...un start-up din Danemarca. Aplicatia este una de Process Management prin care se simplifica gestionarea si distributia documentelor in cadrul diverselor companii, aplicatie ce poate fi accesata oricand, oriunde, de pe orice device. Tin sa mentionez faptul ca, proiectul este implementat in Cloud cu Microsoft Azure Pe scurt, punctele forte pe care le cautam ar fi: experienta relevanta folosind JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 MVC JavaScript applications Frameworks precum Angular JS sau Knockout metodologia Agile Si cum pana aici, nimic nu pare nou pentru tine, ma intrebam daca ai fi interesat de o astfel de propunere? [The administrator removed this message for encouraging communication outside Freelancer.com, which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Comm...
...pentru un start-up danez. Indraznesc sa iti transmit cateva informatii despre proiectul pentru care avem deschisa aceasta oportunitate profesionala, iar mai apoi sa vedem daca suna interesant pentru tine. Cautam un colaborator Senior JavaScript developer care alaturi de echipa prezenta, sa fie implicat in dezvoltarea unui proiect inovativ pentru un start-up din Danemarca. Aplicatia este una de Process Management prin care se simplifica gestionarea si distributia documentelor in cadrul diverselor companii, aplicatie ce poate fi accesata oricand, oriunde, de pe orice device. Tin sa mentionez faptul ca, proiectul este implementat in Cloud cu Microsoft Azure Pe scurt, punctele forte pe care le cautam ar fi: experienta relevanta folosind JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 MVC JavaScript ap...
...-------------------------- A. Title: EVS e-Book B. Description of the project 1. Compatibility - The operating system iOS devices (iPhone and iPad); - For devices with Android operating system (smartphones and tablets); - For devices with Windows Mobile (smartphone and tablet). 2. The project includes: - Programming; - Graphics (maybe is even possible collaboration with our graphic); - The implementation by the normal operation phase. 3. Using the application, the user should be able to buy and read the book; 4. On completion of the project, the developer will provide the complete package beneficiary: the compiler, the source code and documentation. 5. The project application will not be used for any third party without the consent of th...
coca coca oil oil
Salutare, Sunt in cautare de un developer (sau mai multi) pentru o aplicatie iOS. Nu este ceva complex, structura este simpla si basic, iar o parte din flow se repeta. Tema aplicatie este money/finance management. Design-ul este deja facut. In cadrul aplicatiei totul se face manual, nu sunt comunicatii cu alte aplicatii third-party. Eventual o baza de date cloud, dar doar atat pentru inceput. Mai sunt niste detalii legate de partea de Settings, cateva mici stilizari a aplicatie pe care utilizatorul le poate face (gen simple-view si extended-view al listei de tranzactii, etc). Poate si un mic sistem de securitate, code sau swipe undeva dupa splashscreen. Inca o chestie de mentionat, vor fi doua variante a aplicatiei: una simpla, iar una premium/extended/vip whatever. Nu e foarte ...
...com/2012/10/ Lasa un bid de 30 USD daca esti motivat sa incepem. Am auzit deja de Google Translate, deci nu mai e nevoie sa ne pierdem timpul, in orice caz, am nevoie de traduceri naturale, cu "flow" liber si naturalete. Putem folosi iwriter(.)com sau plati directe paypal la cerere. Pe iWriter ne gasesti la: Translate an article in romanian Project type: New articles Category: Arts and Entertainment Date posted: 2012-10-22 Poti oricand incerca sa traduci acolo un articol, fiind un mijloc mai securizat pentru writers....
Salut! Ma numesc Dorian Balan, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. Avem un flow constant de proiecte de diverse dimensiuni la care am avea de nevoie de asistenta. M-ar interesa disponibilitatea voastra in lunile urmatoare pentru a lucra cu noi precum si detalii ca: posibilitatea de negociere a pretului in functie de proiect, o persoana de contact (e-mail, skype). Detaliile legate de cost/durata le putem discuta in functie complexitatea proiectelor. Datele noastre de contact sunt: office@ 14 Ghercu C-tin str., etajul 5, sector 6 060201 Bucharest +40 (0) 318 210 125 +40757090688 sau ID Skype: balandoriancristian. Mersi frumos, O zi buna!
...Russian, and 10) Turkish. They come from videos that are originally in English. You would be responsible for ensuring accuracy and quality. The transcripts are translated via an internal software, hence your work would help us improve their quality for better accuracy and readability. They are provided either in SRT format or an access is granted into our own system. We are seeking people who are available for consistent work, and are able to work under Short Deadlines (1 to 3 days in general). To start, we offer a trial project, and if the trial goes well, there will be opportunities for lots of work (max 20 minutes transcript for the trial). *** If Accepted: Our rate is 1 USD per minute of video (e.g., for a 20-minute transcript, the fee would be...
I'm in need of a professional who can help me come up with a compelling topic for a non-fiction book, with the ultimate goal of copyrighting the content for entertainment purposes. - Ideal Skills: Creative thinking, deep understanding of non-fiction genres, familiarity with copyright process, previous experience in book topic creation. - Experience: Proven track record in entertainment content creation and copyrighting highly desirable.
...Swiss graphic design elements, new UI UX, many dynamic elements. 1. Competitor Website Analysis Audit Content: Identify key topics and content sections. Note the tone, style, and voice used. List areas to improve or differentiate. Analyze Design: Review color schemes, layouts, and font choices. Note user experience (UX) features. Study Navigation: Understand menu structure and page hierarchy. Check for logical flow and ease of use. Evaluate Graphics: Identify image and graphic types (photos, illustrations, icons). Observe placement and usage trends. 2. Content Development Rewrite Content: Create unique, engaging, and SEO-optimized copy. Use a tone consistent with your brand. Avoid duplicating any wording from the competito...
...Custom Loan Management System (LMS) and Loan Origination Software (LOS) with SaaS Capabilities We are seeking a skilled development team to create two robust, scalable, and user-friendly SaaS platforms: 1) a Loan Management System (LMS) and 2) a Loan Origination System (LOS). Both platforms will be cloud-based, offering subscription models to end-users, with a focus on seamless functionality, intuitive design, and compliance with industry standards. The LMS will include features such as loan portfolio management, payment tracking, automated reminders for payments, delinquency monitoring, reporting and analytics dashboards, secure data storage, and role-based user access (Admin, Borrower, Lender/Investor). Integration with payment gateways, CRM...
I'm looking for a professional with expertise in AutoCAD to create an Erection Key Diagram for a 132kv substation. Key Requirements: - The diagram must be formatted in AutoCAD. - It should adhere to IEC Standards. - The diagram needs to incorporate specific components: Transformers, Circuit Breakers, and Busbars. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD. - Knowledge and experience with IEC Standards. - Prior experience in designing substation diagrams.
I am setting up a cloud-hosted Proxmox instance and require assistance with the following tasks: SDN (Software-Defined Networking) Setup: Properly configure SDN on Proxmox for efficient network management. Ensure seamless communication between VMs and optimize network performance. VPN Container Configuration: Set up a VPN container to enable L2TP/IPsec connections. Ensure secure and reliable remote access to the internal IPs of the VMs from external networks. Requirements: Proven experience with Proxmox networking and SDN configuration. Expertise in setting up L2TP/IPsec VPNs in a virtualized environment. Ability to troubleshoot and optimize network performance. Strong understanding of cloud-hosted infrastructure and virtual machine networking....
...establishments, and affiliates. Overview of transactions, earnings, and perks. Searchable Map: A map interface for customers to locate and filter participating local establishments. Businesses can manage their listings here. QR Code Generator and Scanner: Customers receive QR codes to redeem perks. Businesses scan QR codes to confirm transactions. Affiliates can generate and share QR codes to drive traffic. Transaction Management: A payment system to process transactions. Automated revenue distribution to businesses, affiliates, and the app. User Profiles: Customers: Track perks and transaction history. Businesses: View earnings a...
...We are seeking a passionate and skilled React Native Developer with knowledge of React.js to join our team. The ideal candidate should have expertise in developing mobile applications (Android & iOS) using React Native and a strong understanding of web technologies with React.js. Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain robust mobile applications for Android and iOS using React Native. Use React.js for integrating web-based features or creating admin dashboards when needed. Implement complex features like location tracking, maps, subscriptions, chatting, ads, payments, audio/video calls, and more. Write high-quality, optimized, and reusable code adhering to industry standards. Conduct thorough testing and implement test cases to e...
I'm looking for a cross-platform (iOS and Android) app that forecasts Forex indicators for FCPO (Crude Palm Oil). Key Features: - Real-time forex (FCPO) indicators - Historical data analysis - Custom alerts and notifications - Forecasting for the next hour A crucial part of the project is the display of forecasting results. The app should present these in: - Graphs and charts -forecasting graphs The ideal candidate for this project should have rich experience in: - Financial or forex related app development - Working with real-time data - Creating interactive graphs and charts - Integrated with real time AI data for price forecasting. Please note, the goal is to get accurate forecasts and deliver them in an easy-to-understand format. Your...
...to design and install a pergola at the front of my shop. This aluminum or timber or steel structure primarily serves to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the storefront. I have been looking at putting some shade and “softening “at the front of this shop Lot 6. It’s the area marked Pt 6 – 35m2 – its 6.09m wide x approx.. 5.7m I’m getting some planters made the same as the café ones to put along the other boundary and I was thinking something of a shade structure like the attached photos or similar as long as it doesn’t block the vistas. I don’t think I want any retractable/operable roofs as that will require drainage etc. Key Responsibilities: - Design a visually appealing pergola - Use durable aluminum for t...
...with Docker and HAProxy (Reads and Writes) Overview: Set up a highly available PostgreSQL system using Docker containers on two computers. The system should ensure: The Primary Node runs on Computer 1 (handles both read and write operations). The Secondary Node runs on Computer 2 (read-only replica). Reads and writes should always be directed to the currently active node—whether that is the original Primary Node or the newly promoted Primary Node after failover. If the Primary Node goes down, the Secondary Node should automatically promote itself to Primary. HAProxy should handle the traffic routing so that the application only needs to connect to one host and port for both reads and writes, with the proxy determining which node is curren...
Hi Antonina Q., I would like you to fix the hat on an image, and leave the textured oil painting look. details in our chat. I will need 3 additional sizes: 6000 x 4800, 4800 x 3600, and 3600 x 2700 all horizontal 300 dpi
...simulation in Gazebo that mirrors the dynamics and movement properties of the real-world JetRacer system. This includes sensor integration, vehicle dynamics modeling, and MATLAB-based controller implementation for testing and validation. Key Objectives: 1 Gazebo Simulation Setup: Configure a Gazebo simulation environment for autonomous vehicles using ROS2. Ensure the simulation accurately mimics the real-world dynamics and motion characteristics of the JetRacer platform. Integrate sensors, cameras, and other hardware components into the simulation, replicating the physical JetRacer setup. 2 JetRacer Integration: Enable seamless communication between the Gazebo simulation and the JetRacer ROS AI system. Ensure real-time data exchange for testi...
We need a coder who is experienced with Trading View. We use 3 indicators (CPR, VWAP and SVP). At the moment, depending on the current day CPR being tight (or not), we manually move forward to assess the VWAP and SVP). If we move forward, we draw a horizontal line at the top and bottom of yesterdays SVP (using the same colour as the Top and Bottom SVP lines). We then do another horizontal line on the POC inside the SVP for the previous 3 days (using the same colour for the POC). We then use a ruler to see the distance between the low (or high) 3 days ago to the high (or low) of today. We want to automate this process and at the end, it would provide a list of coins (we are dealing with Perpetual Contracts on ByBit). It would only provide a list fo...
...simulation in Gazebo that mirrors the dynamics and movement properties of the real-world JetRacer system. This includes sensor integration, vehicle dynamics modeling, and MATLAB-based controller implementation for testing and validation. Key Objectives: 1 Gazebo Simulation Setup: Configure a Gazebo simulation environment for autonomous vehicles using ROS2. Ensure the simulation accurately mimics the real-world dynamics and motion characteristics of the JetRacer platform. Integrate sensors, cameras, and other hardware components into the simulation, replicating the physical JetRacer setup. 2 JetRacer Integration: Enable seamless communication between the Gazebo simulation and the JetRacer ROS AI system. Ensure real-time data exchange for testi...
As part of this stage, I will process the first file and convert it into a MATLAB format. Additionally, I will apply some pre-processing to the data including filtering. The stage 2 will be to apply the same steps to all the available files and give you matlab files for each participant.
I'm seeking a seasoned developmental editor for my non-fiction, self-help and personal development manuscript. The ideal candidate will have significant experience in refining non-fiction narratives and enhancing reader engagement within the self-help genre. Key Responsibilities: - Provide comprehensive developmental editing to improve the structure, content and flow of the manuscript - Help shape the book's argument and ensure it resonates with the intended audience - Suggest enhancements for reader engagement and comprehension Essential Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developmental editing, particularly within the non-fiction and self-help genres - Excellent understanding of narrative construction and...
...already invested in SEMrush and Rank Math (both premium versions) to facilitate this process. The areas I particularly need assistance with include: - Site speed optimization: I want my website to load faster, improving user experience and potentially boosting my search engine ranking. - Crawlability and indexing: I need to ensure search engines can effectively crawl and index my site. I prefer using Google PageSpeed Insights for monitoring site speed. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience in technical SEO, with a proven track record of optimizing site speed and improving crawlability and indexing. Familiarity with SEMrush and Rank Math is a plus, but not a requirement. I am looking for someone who...
...editor with a rich background in both historical and fiction writing. My project is a partially completed manuscript that requires more than just basic editing; it needs critical and creative thinking to enhance its quality. Your tasks will include: - Editing existing content: Polishing the text to improve clarity, coherence, and overall flow. - Writing new chapters or sections: Contributing original content to further develop the narrative. - Rewriting and improving current content: Reworking sections to elevate the writing standard. Ideal candidates will have: - A strong portfolio of historical and fiction works. - Proven experience in book writing and editing. - Exceptional critical thinking skills. - Ability to work in a narrative ...
I'm seeking a skilled developer or team experienced in iOS, Android, and web-based application development for an forecasting cruel palm oil price. The app will focus on forecasting future price of this product in Ringgit Malaysia / Tons at least for 1 hour upfront. Key Features: - Supports iOS, Android, and Web platform - User-friendly interface. - Integration with all real time information using Ai to determine and forecasting current price, then translate to chart trading. -Integrated with real time FCPO chart. -Integrated with chart pattern trading forecasting. -Adjustables chart viewer time 1, 5, 15 ,30 minutes. 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month. Ideal Candidate Experience: - Proficient in development for all listed platforms - Previous experience in ...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help me edit a longform conversation video for YouTube. The video primarily involves sharing information, so I need an editor who can enhance the flow of the discussion, making it engaging and easy to follow. Key tasks include: - Editing the video to create a smooth, coherent conversation - Adding relevant visual elements to emphasize key points - Balancing audio levels to ensure clarity of speech Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in editing longform videos, particularly conversational content - A keen sense for pacing and narrative structure - Proficiency with video editing software Please provide samples of similar work you've done in the past. Thank you!