Network topology packet tracerproiecte
...set of banners is free) B. Optimization of Google Ads campaigns, which includes: monitoring of Google Ads campaigns (with optimization interventions, bid strategy modification, improvements and adjustments to increase efficiency, etc.) technical support (phone/email) periodic reports v1. Standard campaigns in the search network (performance/branding) v2. Advanced/dynamic campaigns in the search network (DSA/Remarketing etc.) v3. Advanced campaigns in the search/display network (Display/Performance-Max): (set of banners) C. Cost per Click, for running campaigns: this cost varies from one niche to another and from one type of campaign to another this cost will be paid by me directly to google google recommends for increased efficiency, a minimum cost of 1 euro per d...
...of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performed by d...
Salut, Avem o aplicatie in php la care vrem sa ii adaugam un admin dashboard (2 tipuri de useri - detalii in privat) si sa o integram cu o platforma care va procesa platile (detalii in privat ). Aplicatia este php si js - cei interesati sa imi arate o aplicatie la care au mai lucrat si discutam restul detaliilor in privat. Mersi.
Creare un baner pentru o retea de socializare
...the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple regression).... define the brand personality in three words / phrases? Well-being/ passion for movement / competition 5. Reasons why the audience should gain confidence in the brand and consider it (competitive advantage): The project belongs to the brand, a pioneer on the market of memorable activities in Romania, with 10 years of experience in selling memorable B2C & B2B experiences, a network of over 100 partners tested over the years, experiences in all corners of the country , thousands of satisfied customers, constantly looking for development opportunities. ...
Salutare! Caut un developer cu cunostinte php si pentru implementarea API de la compania Network One Distribution(NOD) ce ar trebui sa aduca produsele aflate pe platforma intr-un magazin online in Woocommerce. Tipul de export care se efectueaza la final: json, csv, xml. As vrea categoriile sa poata fi alese (sunt unele categorii ce nu ma intereseaza sa le urcam in feed) si de asemeni sa putem modifica pretul (evident sa fie in lei).
sunt un marketer si vreau sa atrag clienti(prospecti) prin facebook. Firma cu care colaborez este o companie de network marketing in domeniul financiar si de marketing (eu aduc clienti magazinelor care sunt in colaborare cu noi sau aduc alte magazine pe platforma si primesc un comision , si am posibilitatea sa imi creez echipa aducand alti marketeri in echipa). Ce vreau eu sa faceti este o coperta de facebook cat mai profi prin care sa se vada ca vreau sa ajut lumea sa ajunga la independenta financiara, sa se dezvolte ca persoane, sa ii ajut sa isi inceapa propria lor afacere. Am incarcat o imagine cu un model cam cum mi-ar placea sa arate.
Doresc colaborare cu java developer cu experienta(ca mentor) pe java/spring/cloud/docker pentru realizarea unei aplicatii tip social network. Colaborarea ar putea fi de tipul sedinta online 2-6 ore pe sapt. cu plata pe ora sau suma integrala. Nu exista termen limita la aplicatie. Este in scop didactic.
Caut oameni tineri si angajati, sa construiesc un Business in Network. Modelul este comparabil cu systemul folosit de McDonald’s, functioneaza in 47 de tari. Venitul este rezultatul efortului depus. Este o posibilitate de a crea o sursa de venit passiva intre 300-600€. Daca exista interes va rog sa trimiteti un Mail adresat la @
Buna ziua, Dorim implementarea API de la comania Network One Distribution(NOD) care ar trebui sa aduca produsele aflate pe platforma in magazinul nostru online(in prezent WooCommerce) Pe scurt: Din acest api avem nevoie un script cu o pagina de config unde sa putem configura: Pasul 1 1. Ce fel de categorii se importa(cu produsele aferente) 2. Un configurator de marja de pret(pe 3 nivele ex: 0-499 valuta 20 *** , 500-999 valuta 10 *** , peste 1000 valuta 5 *** ) 3. posibilitatea importului in cele 3 valute usd, eur, lei, care le au ei pe platforma 4. preluarea automata a cursului bnr, cu posibilitatea de adaugare a unei marje la curs 1 *** , 2 *** etc 5. Posibilitatea de a schimba cheia api(datele de conectare la ) 6. Tipul de export care se efectueaza la final: json, csv,
Prefer sa ma ajute un roman, ca sa i pot explica amănunțit ceea ce îmi doresc.
Am nevoie de un nou site web Proiectează-l și construiește-l Site-ul unei mici afaceri Ma interesează un site in care sa integram Articolele Instante de la facebook, dar și reclamele de la Audience Network
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea firmei Network Systems. Firma noastra se ocupa de verificarea magazinelor online care folosesc baza de date tecdoc. Am aflat ca ati lansat un proiect pentru a implementa baza de date piese auto intr-un magazin online. As dori sa va atrag atentia, ca folosirea datelor Tecdoc este permis numai dupa achizitionarea licentei Tecdoc. Va rog sa ne comunicati, pentru care firma veti implementa baza de date, pentru a verifica valabilitatea licentei. Va informez, ca folosirea bazei de date tecdoc fara licenta poate atrage consecinte juridice. Pentru a achizitiona licenta tecdoc, va rog sa ne contactati. Va multumesc
Proiectul consta in creearea unui Ad Network. Ma intereseaza sa lucrez doar cu programatori romani.
retea software pe internet pentru vanzarea unor produse informationale
Ne ocupam de dezvoltarea unei retele de socializare aparte, bazata pe pasiuni si interese comune. Cautam un coleg super creativ, care isi doreste sa faca parte, dintr-un proiect ambitios.
Companie Americana cu sediul in Los Angeles, caut persona care stie sa lucreze in softwere, Wordpress si Joomla. Trebuie sa fie fluient in Limba romana si engleza si localizat in Romania. Websiteul basic va avea intre 12/15 pagini incluzand contact form, social network links si instalare client design. Alte cerinte incluzind google map, analytics and SEO Plugins Suntem interesti doar de persona independenta, (exclus companii) localizata in Romania. Respunde cu 2/3 exemplare links si o lista a tehnologiei folosite pentru proiectul respectiv.
Suntem in cautarea unui web site developer cu experienta capabil sa intreprinda desine de siteuri web cat si apps asemanatoare unui social network app
Social Network o retea de socializare unde va uni persoane din diferite domeniii
Sault tuturor. Am un program in c++ , care cumunica cu un server. Client ->Server Server->Client Acesta se foloseste de packete. Am probeleme cu packetele, sunt stricate. Uneori imi apar erori de genul: Unknow packet header: 200 Dar problema ese ca acel header nu exista in programul meu. Am atasat fisieru packet.h din client. Cel ce va accepta jobul trebuie sa depaneze packetele server client. Am si packet.h din server. Am atasat client doar ca sa vedeti despre ce este vorba.
Some expert ASP.NET WCF Restful Oracle 11g
Am nevoie de cineva care crede ca poate construii de la 0 o retea de tip Ad Network.
I want a site like this, with applications like this eg when entering a name in the form to give us an answer randomly and then we can distribute it on a social network
- Dintr-o lista de 10.000 de leaduri din Romania (obtinut prin internet marketing pe pagina noastra web) trebuie sunati si selectati pe cei care acum doresc parteneriat de afacere cu noi (in afacerea noastra de network marketing). Munca cu acesti noi parteneri o vom facem noi. Freelancerul care va aplica la acest proiect doar trebuie sa ii preselecteze prin telefon pe cei seriosi. Dupa fiecare nou partener serios obtinut prin preselectia TA iti platim pana la 130 de euro. Scopul este de a obtine un minim de 50 de noi parteneri (o medie de 1 nou partener din 200 leaduri) in urmatoarele 4-5 luni din aceasta lista. - Avantaj au persoanele care au experienta in vanzari sau telemarketing. Va oferim training si script pentru telefoane. Avantaj au doamnele dinamice dar este bine venit s...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
...2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, E...
Bannere de diferite dimensiuni pentru Google Display Network pentru un site de accesorii / pun la dispozitie poze profesionale, trebuie editate putin si pus un call to action sau un tagline sau o descriere generala. Astept raspunsul tau. Multumesc.
We're currently looking for a Freelance Business Development Representative / Closer, to join our team. The Role: • Developing commercial strategies • Setting sales targets (budget, forecasts) and monitoring their achievement • Developing a network of new customers and support the existing ones • Participating actively in commercial negotiations and in the company's commercial policies • Contributing to competitive and technological monitoring in the sector • Report all actions using our internal CRM Requirements: Italian language proficiency C1 + English language B1 • Able to work in the Central European Time Zone • 2+ years of professional experience in sales and business development • Proven track record of success • ...
...experience and optimizing ad revenue. Key Responsibilities: Cookie Consent Management: Integrate a cookie consent management tool to prompt users to accept or decline cookies. Ensure that cookies related to ad tracking are only set after user consent is given. Loading High CPC Ads: Develop a mechanism that prevents high CPC ads from loading until the user has accepted the cookie consent. Use an ad network like Google AdSense, or another high CPC provider, to ensure that ads are shown only to consenting users. Testing and Optimization: Test the implementation across multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) to ensure compatibility. Optimize the performance so that cookie consent and ad loading don’t affect the website's speed or user experience. Compliance: ...
I'm seeking a CISSP qualified professional who can review and endorse our Cybersecurity report, which focuses primarily on incident analysis. This report covers various aspects including network security and data protection, and it adheres to the ISO/IEC 27001 standards. Key Requirements: - CISSP certification is mandatory - Extensive experience in incident analysis is preferred - Deep understanding of network security and data protection - Proficient in ISO/IEC 27001 standards Your endorsement will be crucial in validating the report, enhancing its credibility and ensuring it meets the necessary compliance standards. Please get in touch if you meet these qualifications.
I'm a dedicated music producer focusing on the rock genre, primarily offering recording and mixing services. I'm on the lookout for potential clients within the music industry who are interested in collaborating. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in music production, specifically in recording and mixing rock music. - Strong network within the music industry. - Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
I am experiencing a frustrating issue is only accessible through a VPN. This has been the case for some time now, and I am seeking a professional who can help diagnose and resolve this connection issue. It seems my sister from Portugal can access the site without VPN. But from Indonesia it's not possible without VPN. Key requirements: - Expertise in WordPress and VPS hosting - Strong troubleshooting skills - Familiarity with network connectivity issues - Experience in server configuration Please note, there have been no recent changes to either the server or the website, which makes this issue even more perplexing. I appreciate your time and look forward to your assistance. It would be great if you can connect to my PC via anydesk if you need to use the server cons...
? Job Title: On-Site Network Assessment Engineer (Freelance) ? Location: Dehradun & Roorkee, Uttarakhand ? Duration: 2–3 Days (Flexible, with future opportunities) ? Job Type: Temporary/Freelance ? Job Description: We are seeking skilled and detail-oriented professionals for a short-term Network Assessment Project. The role involves on-site evaluation and documentation of network infrastructure, including switches, firewalls, and access points. This position offers flexibility with ongoing future assignments. ? Key Responsibilities: Conduct a comprehensive survey of network infrastructure. Inventory documentation of core, access, and WAN switches (IP address, configuration, model, firmware, warranty, etc.). Review and document firewall configurations...
I'm looking for entry-level Network Engineers to conduct field network assessments on a global scale. This freelance opportunity is perfect for those who appreciate flexible schedules and have a knack for evaluating and optimizing network infrastructure in real-world settings. Key Responsibilities: - Evaluate various types of network infrastructure including wired networks, wireless networks, and data centers. - Assess the network's performance, security measures, and hardware condition. - Propose and implement solutions to improve performance, enhance security, and upgrade hardware as necessary. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Basic knowledge of network engineering principles. - Familiarity with wired and wireless networks, as well as data cen...
...Responsibilities: *Provide first-line and second-line technical support for client systems and applications. *Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to Microsoft 365, Azure Active Directory, Intune, and other cloud-based services. *Configure and deploy devices using Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune. *Manage user accounts, permissions, and group policies. *Diagnose and resolve hardware, software, and network connectivity issues. *Respond to service tickets within SLA timeframes, ensuring high customer satisfaction. *Collaborate with team members and escalate complex issues when necessary. *Document solutions and contribute to the knowledge base for future reference. *Proactively monitor client systems to prevent potential issues. Our customer base is currently small. This is a ...
We're Compton Computers, a top-tier IT system integrator in India, in need of a talented freelancer to craft a high-converting, professional landing page for our services. This page should not only showcase our comprehensive IT solutions such as data center services, surveillance solutions, and network solutions, but also optimize for lead generation. Key Aspects: - Design: The landing page should embody a corporate and professional style, aligning with our brand image. - Content: It should effectively highlight our experience working with enterprise-level clients like Nestle, Panacea, and Bajaj. - Technical Proficiency: A strong command over WordPress, HTML, CSS, and similar tools is necessary. The page must be responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across devices. Ideal...
I'm experiencing slow read/write speeds and high latency with my Ceph storage on Proxmox. This issue occurs randomly throughout the day. I've already checked network connectivity and monitored system resources, but the problem persists. I need a skilled professional with experience in troubleshooting Ceph storage performance issues to help me resolve this as soon as possible.
I am looking for a developer who can develop portable USDT Flashing Software in Tron network. The requirements are mentioned below, 1) The software can perform flash of the usdt, as well as the flashed usdt should be transferable from/to unlimited wallets with blockchain confirmations is appreciated. Since it is flash btc it must be visible in BTC wallet address for at least 90 days. There will be no transaction fee while sending from "flash s/w" to "btc wallet" as it will be no confirmations. There will be no limitation for daily transfer for usdt It can’t be tracked as fake transaction. Should take normal time to send btc one wallet to another wallet in normal internet connection. 2) These usdt will disappear after 90 days. (Negotiable) Note:- There ...
...Responsibilities: *Provide first-line and second-line technical support for client systems and applications. *Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to Microsoft 365, Azure Active Directory, Intune, and other cloud-based services. *Configure and deploy devices using Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune. *Manage user accounts, permissions, and group policies. *Diagnose and resolve hardware, software, and network connectivity issues. *Respond to service tickets within SLA timeframes, ensuring high customer satisfaction. *Collaborate with team members and escalate complex issues when necessary. *Document solutions and contribute to the knowledge base for future reference. *Proactively monitor client systems to prevent potential issues. Our customer base is currently small. This is a ...
I'm looking for a freelancer or a team with strong expertise in network security, machine learning, and Splunk to develop a detection tool for DDoS and IP Spoofing, with a particular focus on DDoS. Key aspects of the project: - The tool should analyze both real-time and historical network traffic data. - It needs to primarily detect volumetric and protocol DDoS attacks. - The detection mechanism should be based on supervised learning methods using Splunk. - The tool should connect to our company's network via APIs. - Provides a full incident report. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in developing network security tools. - In-depth knowledge of DDoS and IP Spoofing attack patterns. - Proficiency in using Splunk for data analysis and ...
We are searching for an experienced freelancer to develop a social platform similar to TikTok, with an addit...HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+). - Back-End: Framework: Node.js, Django (Python), or Ruby on Rails. Languages: Python, JavaScript, Ruby. Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or MySQL. - Cloud and Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Microsoft Azure for scalability and reliability. - Integrations: Payment Systems: Integration with PayPal, Stripe, and seller-specific payment options. Content Delivery Network (CDN): For fast delivery of multimedia content (e.g., Cloudflare). - Security: SSL/TLS certification. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Spam filters and DDoS protection. - Timeline and Budget Timeline: Please provide a detailed estimate of the time required for complete de...
I'm seeking a Business Development Manager based in Scotland f...Strategy Development: Crafting and implementing strategies aimed at expanding our market presence within Scotland's salon and spa industry. - New Business: Identifying and securing new accounts. - Sell Out Events: Organizing and executing sales events with customers. - Visual Merchandising: Ensuring our brand is represented beautifully and consistently. The ideal candidate will have an extensive network within Scotland's beauty spa industry, with proven experience in business development, account management, and sales training. A background in visual merchandising and event organization will be an advantage. Your primary goal will be to increase our market reach and enhance client relationships, ultimat...