Mt4 indicator distance price moving averageproiecte
RO/ENG Bună ziua tuturor, Lucrez la un start-up pentru a sprijini doua persoane care se ocupa de catering independenți si au nevoie de un site simplu și funcțional pentru a-și promova abilitățile culinare și a-și gestiona servic...and plan availability dates. • Customer Accounts: Login/registration to save favorites, manage bookings, and view orders. • Contact form: a way for customers to directly contact the caterers without customers logging in. • Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile users. • Admin Panel: A basic dashboard to oversee activity and manage users. We are aiming to complete the prototype in an average of two to three weeks but it is negotiable. If you’re interested, please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Looking fo...
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Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa ma ajute cu teste manuale si automate (scrise in PLAYWRIGHT) pentru un proiect web personal . Siteul acum cuprinde 7 pagini (3 de autentificare si 4 pagini ale proiectul...dau linkul de la proiectul meu. Dupa ce il vrei primii ma astept sa imi furnizezi un plan de testare in care sa imi scrii simplu ce testezi. Pe baza planului de testare o sa aleg persoana cu care lucrez si practic o sa reprezinte "contractul" nostru, adica ce furnizezi in schimbul sumei de bani. Daca ai citit cu atentie liciteaza 23 usd la proiect, pretul final nu este 23 usd si este doar un indicator ca ai citit cu atentie . Va multumesc. Dearece proiectul este in romana o sa colaborez doar cu in vorbitor de limba romana, ceilalti participanti vor fi de-a dreptul igno...
I need a Romaninan speaker. Buna, Am nevoie de o aplicatie ( baza de date) in care sa incarc niste fisiere Excel si sa imi afiseze o lista de preturi. Merci,
Buna, Am nevoie de creearea unui tool de costuri care sa fie utilizat ca informare interna pentru a sti daca exista solutie intr-o anumita localitate. Doresc asa:ca atunci cand introduc in aplicatie nume judet, nume localitate si selectez un anumit serviciu sa se afiseze pretul (MRC si NRC ) Deasemeni doresc sa mi se afisese numele tuturor solutiilor care ar putea fi oferite in acea localitate Multumesc
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Bună Remus, Ma poti ajuta cu optimizarea campaniilor de Google Ads? La campania Search scorurile de calitate sunt intre 3/10 si 7/10, iar landing page experience este Below Average. Campania Performance Max nu consuma bugetul zilnic, iar unele produse sunt afisate foarte des, in timp ce altele mai deloc. Site-ul este Astept un mesaj daca esti disponibil Multumesc!
Am nevoie de un Feed compatibil cu Compari, Shopmania, Price. Feedul trebuie sa ofere oportunitatea de a lista produsele in aceste platforme cat si sa poata adauga automat trackerele necesare (magazin de incredere) si siglele lor in subsolul siteului.
...comunicare, feedback, entropie, redundanță). (10) Utilizând concepte precum: mix-ul de marketing, politica de marketing, funcțiile distribuției, canale de distribuție, publicitate, vânzări, stabiliți ce ar trebui să realizeze departamentul de marketing, distribuție și vânzări într-o situație pe care o alegeți. (11) Prezentați pe scurt un sistem de evaluare al performanței și includeți minim un indicator cantitativ și unul calitativ. (12) Pentru că schimbarea este o constantă în dezvoltarea firmei prezentați o schimbare posibilă la nivelul organizației pe care o conduceți utilizând următorii termeni: rezistență la schimbare, diagrama câmpului de forțe (Lewin) și schimbarea în 3 etape (Nadler – Tushman). Concluzi...
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...virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract our attention through colors, elements used ________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Buna, Am nevoie de creearea unui tool care sa fie utulizat ca informare interna pentru a sti daca exista solutie intr-o anumita localitate. Doresc asa:ca atunci cand introduc inaplicatie nume judet, nume localitate si selectez un anumit serviciu sa se afiseze pretul (MRC si NRC ) Desemeni doresc sa mi se afizese numele tuturor solutiilor care ar putea fi oferite in acea localitate Mutumesc
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Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile. va face legatura cu baza de date din Sql, adica se va introduce baza de date in Visual Studio, aceasta va contine o forma windows, cu mai multe butoane, care prin apasarea acestora ne va arata ce a calculat fiecare indicator in cadrul bazei de date. Fiecare buton, dar bineinteles si forma Windows va avea un cod de program, acesta va voi arata eu ce am facut la ore cu profesorii, ca sa nu fie vreo mare diferenta intre codul studiat si cel realizat de dvs, sitot in Visual vor fi si grafice, referitoare la calculul indicatorilor, acestea vor arata despre fiecare indicator, cum s-a 'comportat'. Si nu in ultimul rand va mai fi un Excel care va calcula toti acesti indicatori, dar si altii aflati de dvs., si aici vor fi tabele cu calcule, si bineinteles cu formul...
Salut, Caut ...vizitatorii din ultimele 7 zile pentru fiecare site. 2. pagina de statistici site: -in momentul in care dam clik pe un site sa ne apara: -numarul de vizitatori online -un grafic cu ultimele 7 zile (vizitatori) -un tabel cu ultimele 30 zile (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -un tabel cu ultimele 12 luni (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -bounce rate, average sesion duration, new session, pages/session -demografic: tara, oras / browser, sistem de operare / mobil vs desktop vs tablet -news visitator vs returning, referer, lista referer, top pagini accesate, top cuvinte cautate. Am sa pun la dispozitie o schita cu cele 2 pagini, am o tema pentru design pe care o putem folosi la design. Astept oferta voastra. ...
Salut, matharpa, ţi-am remarcat profilul şi aş vrea să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată. EA for MT4 for matharpa
A price comparison website, with a good script tailored to our specific needs.
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: http://w...following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sampl...
Salutare! Doresc un indicator simplu pentru MetaTrader 4. Obisnuiesc sa fac scalping si e destul de dificil sa stau la calculator tot timpul, astfel ca m-ar interesa acest indicator care sa imi dea notificari pe platforma cu alerta sunet si / sau email, sa ma anunte de fiecare data cand apare pe chart un candlestick cu spike de minim 5 pip. Va multumesc!
Salut, Doresc customizarea indicatorului Parabolic SAR din platforma de tranzactionare MT4. Deschidere pozitie: La inceputul celei de-a DOUA lumanari dupa ce semnalul de BUY/SELL a aparut (dupa ce punctul a sarit). Practic cand apare al doilea punct, echivalent cu deschiderea celei de-a doua lumanari. EA trebuie sa deschida o singura pozitie per semnal (adica dupa o deschidere de cumparare, el va astepta pana la o deschidere de vanzare si invers). Inchidere pozitie: Pozitia se va inchide numai cand pretul atinge TP sau SL. Take profit (TP): Campul de take profit trebuie sa fie editabil. Trebuie sa imi permita sa introduc un numar de pips pe care eu il consider adecvat pentru respectiva pereche de valute. Exemplu: 30 pips, 50 pips, etc. Stop loss (SL): Stop loss-ul este d...
Un sport reprezintă o activitate de natură fizică și poate implica și compe...Sportul, prin însuși natura sa, încurajează diversitatea într-o lume culturală. Pe măsură ce țările și națiunile se apropie tot mai mult unele de altele, dar totuși își păstrează identitatea culturală, sportul este un domeniu în care se învață că diferențele culturale, nu numai că trebuie acceptate, dar reprezintă o bogăție ce trebuie cultivată și prețuită. Conceptul sportiv poate deveni un "indicator de schimbare" a societății globale, de anticipare, evoluții și schimbări prin deschiderea simbolică a relațiilor interstatale. Sportul devine și trebuie considerat, astfel, ca o oglindă a culturii și a societății, căci el reprezintă speranțele și perspectivele vii...
Need a fix to force RON currency for Romanian language, as the google crawl bot has an EU address and with geo-location EUR currency is selected (which generates a price mismatch, ex. 50 RON in feed, 10 EUR on crawl) Need this done as soon as possible
...Timeframes: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, 4 h, 1 day. • Confirmation: Breakouts/rebounds confirmed by 1candle • To be found in all assets of xtb france Trading Level Calculations • Stop-Loss: Place above first shoulder for head-and-shoulders or above the horizontal line from the triangle's angle. • Target: 5% less than the distance from the head to the neckline, projected from the breakout point. • Stop-Loss Adjustment: Move stop-loss slightly past entry point (5 %)when 25% of target distance is covered. • Pivot Points and Support/Resistance: Consider higher timeframe levels for stop loss if mney management respected • Fibonacci Retracements: Use to adjust targets and stops. • Ichimoku: Integrate support and resistance levels fro...
...efficiency across various ventures Act as a trusted advisor, supporting me in staying organized and aligned with my broader goals Ideal Candidate: Highly organized, calm under pressure, and able to keep multiple priorities moving smoothly Proactive, resourceful, and capable of anticipating needs and stepping in before being asked Able to communicate effectively, particularly in sensitive or high-stakes situations A person of integrity who can handle confidential information with discretion A creative problem-solver who remains solution-focused and adaptable in a fast-moving environment Interested in learning and contributing to the growth of a range of businesses, while maintaining a big-picture approach Eager to grow and evolve with me, contributing to a long-term collabo...
Project Title: Animated Fortune Teller Football Predictions for Social Media I am looking for an experienced animator or motion designer to create a visually engaging animation for my Instagram Reels and Stories. Concept: A fortune teller sits in front of a glowing football crystal ball, moving his hands mystically over it. After a few seconds, three floating bubbles emerge from the ball. Each bubble displays a football prediction, such as: Liverpool over 1.5 goals Paris over 2.5 goals Bayern Munich over 3.5 goals Both Teams to Score Over 0.5 First Half Goals ...etc. The bubbles float, slightly pulsate, and then fade back into the crystal ball. The fortune teller speaks in German, saying: "Willkommen zur heutigen Fußball-Prophezeiung!" He then says som... parts if it's for the better. Scope of work Hardware requirements: - Combine the following hardware modules: GPS with accuracy of 1cm, 3-axis gyroscope, LASER or LIDAR for accurate distance metering (30 meters min required), LASER pointer, HD camera, optional IR or thermal camera. Output preferably to USB-C. Minimal/compact size is a must. Links for module purchase can be provided/selected after discussion. Another option is to create a new PCB using the necessary parts. Software development: - Develop software for real-time data streaming that combines accurate GPS position, 3D gyro angles, distance to target, and video stream from the selected camera. - Implement necessary software to overlay the above video stream to an existing software’s 2D/...
looking for a designer who can design a price list in neon style, 1 page
I'm seeking a seasoned Odoo consultant to assist with the implementation and understanding of the Subscription module, an essential component of ou...Subscription module, an essential component of our Odoo system. Next to the project - helpdesk and website module. Key Requirements: - Expert guidance on using the Subscription management and Customer portal features of the module. - Regular distance sessions to help us acquire knowledge and fine-tune our processes. - Standard features utilization without the need for extensive customizations. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Odoo and the Subscription module. - Experience with the modules : projects-timesheets - Excellent communication skills for distance learning sessions. - Ability to help refine processes based ...
We are a secondary school based in the North London Barnet area, and we are moving into our new building in September 2025. As part of our marketing campaign, we will be visiting the site with students and teachers on March 17th, 2025, and May 5th, 2025. We are seeking a social media video creation expert to attend these events and produce 4 or 5 short 30-second clips for us to post online, updating parents about the event. The clips will be like youtube shorts or tiktok style edits. This person will be responsible for capturing video, editing it, and making changes based on feedback.
Aug 2024 - PresentAug 2024 - Present 1. Find customers who have never ordered 2. Average Price/dish 3. Find the top restaurant in terms of the number of orders for a given month 4. restaurants with monthly sales greater than x for 5. Show all orders with order details for a particular customer in a particular date range 6. Find restaurants with max repeated customers 7. Month over month revenue growth of swiggy 8. Customer - favorite food we get to know about CTE and use of join in various way to get our result
I'm in need of a savvy developer with a strong background in financial analysis, specifically within the Forex market, to create a custom technical indicator. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a unique technical indicator tailored for the Forex market. - Ensure the indicator is effective for in-depth financial analysis. Ideal Skills: - Comprehensive understanding of Forex market trends and behaviors. - Proven experience in developing custom financial indicators, particularly technical ones. - Strong skills in data analysis and financial forecasting. Please provide examples of previous indicators you have developed, specifically for the Forex market.
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I have access to a private tradingview indicator that I want to replicate and create my own indicator with.
I'm looking for a developer who can create an engaging webpage similar to The site should feature an animated map of India with a few key components: - Points highlighting the capital cities - Trucks moving from one state to another, dropping batteries at designated locations The trucks should move in a smooth, continuous manner along curved routes between states. Freelancers with the following skills and experience would be ideal for this project: - Web development with a strong focus on animations - Experience creating interactive maps - Understanding of curved path animations Please provide both minimum and maximum cost for this project. Bids without this information will be ignored.
I'm ...interactive, catering to dynamic content. This migration project will involve working with these dynamic components. - **Frameworks**: Familiarity with both React and Angular is crucial, as these are the frameworks currently in use. The ability to translate these into components will be key. - **Primary Goal**: The main purpose of this migration is to facilitate easier maintenance of the project moving forward. A deep understanding of 's maintenance advantages over the current setup will be beneficial. - dockerize and migrate to server Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive experience with - Proficiency in both React and Angular - Strong understanding of Node.js for backend migration - Proven track record in maintaining and refactoring complex codebases.
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We are looking for someone who will do the following. You will get an excelliste There you will find entries from 21435 rows Only columns A and B are relevant for you There you have to copy out the so-called HSN and TSN of the vehicle and enter them in a portal to identify the engine code of the vehicle. The engine c...second freelancer will check the integrity of the data. It must be 100% ensured that no errors are made. We will pay in milestones everytime 2000 entrys are provided and verified by a second freelancer validying the data which has been entered by you. So the offer you make will be divided by 11 (we´ll calculate from 22.000 entries) and everytime you deliver a bunch of 2.000 entries the agreed price divided by 2.000 will be paid until the porject has been fin...
Title: Looking for an Experienced React Developer for Mobile Application Development Description: We are looking for a skilled React developer with expertise in mobile application development to join our project. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with React Native and be proficient in building high-performance, ...Troubleshoot and optimize performance issues Ensure responsiveness and maintain smooth user experiences Collaborate with designers and backend developers to bring features to life How to Apply: If you are a talented React Native developer looking for an exciting opportunity, please submit your proposal with: Your portfolio or examples of past React Native projects Your hourly rate or fixed price expectations Your availability and estimated projec...
I'm a skilled professional to design a Power BI dashboard that analyzes various Human Resource trends. The dashboard will effectively track metrics such as attrition rate, average salary, and retention rate. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Power BI and Excel - Experience with HR analytics - Ability to visualize complex data and trends clearly The dashboard will utilize public datasets alongside our internal data to create a comprehensive view of our HR trends. The primary users of this dashboard will be our HR managers, so the design should cater to their specific needs and decision-making processes. The ultimate goal of this project is to empower our HR team to understand attrition trends and make informed decisions with 100% accuracy. A specific focus will be on how sa...
I'm looking for a developer who can create a price comparison website similar to an existing one, but with my branding. I need the same data coming from the other website onto my site. with the same results and filtering options. Key Features: - Product Search and Filtering: Users should be able to easily find and filter products based on their preferences. - Price Comparison Charts: This is a crucial component of the site, allowing users to visually compare prices across different retailers. The primary aim of the website is to provide unbiased price comparisons. Thus, a strong emphasis on impartiality and transparency in the site's design and functionality is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Proficiency in front-end and back-end...
I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to create an automated trading system for me. This software will apply my proprietary trading strategies and execute trades automatically through an Interactive Brokers account. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, with extensive experience in software development. - Deep understanding of algorithmic trading, including the implementation of Moving Average and RSI strategies. - Previous experience with Interactive Brokers API. Ideal Skills: - Algorithm Development - API Integration - Python Programming - Trading Strategy Implementation - Software Automation Please note, I have all necessary resources and materials ready for this project. Your role will primarily involve software development and strategy implementation.
...pivot. Increase to the maximum radius at the peak of the cam lobe. Smooth transitions between radii for consistent clamping force and reduced wear. Material Thickness: 5 mm. 4. Range of Motion Unlocked Position: Approximately 40° from vertical (5° less than perpendicular to the clamping post). Locked Position: Just shy of parallel to the clamping post (~70°). Travel Distance: The cam should generate 3-4 mm of clamping distance during this motion. Design MUST be done using Fusion 360 CAD software, and fully editable parametric design, so cam can be adjusted. Fusion 360 by AUTODESK is available for free. Please DO NOT accept this project if you are not capable of completing the task. You must have CAD experience, know what a CAM lever is, how they function, and ...
I am seeking a seasoned digital marketer with expertise in Google My Business (GMB) optimizations for a hospital. Our current status indicates an average rating with a blend of positive and negative reviews. The objective is to elevate our reviews and ratings while also enhancing our local search rankings. Key Requirements: - Strategically improve our GMB reviews and ratings. - Boost our visibility in local searches. - Increase our ranking in 'near me' searches. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in managing GMB for businesses, particularly in the healthcare sector. - Exceptional skills in reputation management. - Strong understanding of local SEO strategies. - Ability to devise a comprehensive action plan to achieve these objectives. With your expertise, we aim to t...