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2,000 moodle expert consulting proiecte găsite
Expert SEO obtinere trafic
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Cautam expert SEO care sa creasca traficul pentru un website care se ocupa cu redarea continutului video. Site-ul sta foarte prost cu indexarea in motoarele de cautare. Video-urille sunt preluate din alte siteuri prin embed code si redate. Plata pe proiect, stabilit de comun acord

$113 Average bid
$113 Oferta medie
23 oferte
Hire a SEO Expert
S-a încheiat left

Cautam expert SEO / freelancer roman cu experienta, care poate aduce proiectul nostru : in prima pagina google pe diferite cuvinte cheie si obtine trafic in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Colaborare pe perioada nelimitata si pe proiecte interne / externe, pentru clientii nostri.

$107 Average bid
$107 Oferta medie
35 oferte


$236 Average bid
$236 Oferta medie
23 oferte

Salut, Caut o persoana care sa cunoasca nisa de FITNESS care sa imi redacteze articole pentru blogul meu in limba romana. Articolele vreau sa aiba cel putin 1000 de cuvinte. Toate articolele trebuie sa fie originale si trebuie sa treaca testul copyscape. Am multe proiecte de acest gen, iar persoana aleasa va avea posibilitatea sa lucreze cu mine pe termen lung. Te rog sa imi arati cateva din articolele scrise de tine pana acum si cat dureaza sa redactezi un articol de 1000 de cuvinte (inclusiv research-ul). Multumesc si astept propunerile voastre.

$20 Average bid
$20 Oferta medie
5 oferte
Caut un EXPERT in Joomla
S-a încheiat left

Caut un EXPERT in Joomla pentru niste mici reparatii si posibil continuitate lunga, daca primele rezultate sunt satisfacatoare!

$235 Average bid
$235 Oferta medie
14 oferte
Css expert (roman)
S-a încheiat left

am nevoie de un expert css pentru a fixa o eroare intr-un meniu buget 10$ dureaza maxim 5 minute

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta medie
17 oferte
expert in wikipedia
S-a încheiat left

i need an expert in wikipedia as somebody is altering my profile with false informations

$357 Average bid
$357 Oferta medie
6 oferte
Oracle developer
S-a încheiat left se poate accede ulterior cu usurinta in zone initial inaccesibile • lucrul intr-o companie cu deschidere internationala si posibilitatea relocarii pe alte proiecte • asigurare medicala, tichete de masa • salariu competitiv Cei interesati pot transmite candidatura pe recruiting[at]brusch[dot]ro. Multumim pentru interes. Descrierea companiei We are an European software and IT consulting company. As a service provider for IT projects (nearshore) and personnel recruiting (IT sourcing), we support companies to find and establish flexible sourcing decisions, to overcome a temporary gap of personnel and to decrease costs. The efficiency of a company will be increased by making advantage of the international IT services of our company. Especially for well...

$1496 Average bid
$1496 Oferta medie
4 oferte
Javascript/jQuery Expert
S-a încheiat left

Hi Freelancers, Caut un expert pe Javascript/jQuery cu care sa colaborez pe termen lung. Pentru inceput am de facut un formular asemanator cu cel din Partea de HTML si CSS este deja creata si mai este doar partea de javascript. Eu lucrez cu o mica echipa de baieti din Romania la diferite proiecte pentru oameni din strainatate si pot oferi de lucru constant. Sunt interesat sa gasesc o persoana serioasa care sa fie motivata sa lucreze si pe care sa ma pot baza. Multumesc ca licitati, Ciprian

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Oferta medie
16 oferte
Jquery expert (romanian)
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Am nevoie de un expert in jquery, prefer sa lucrez cu romani, mai multe detalii in privat.

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Oferta medie
8 oferte

i nid prestashop expert asap i nid prestashop expert asap i nid prestashop expert asapi nid prestashop expert asap

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Oferta medie
3 oferte

Caut o persoana serioasa care sa ma ajute ori de cate ori am nevoie sa aduc modificari in site. (module, add-onuri, etc) Magazinul este creat pe platforma prestashop. Doresc o colaborare pe termen nelimitat cu persoana care va fi interesata sa lucreze cu mine. Ii rog pe cei interesati sa ma contacteze pe privat. Va multumesc.

$267 Average bid
$267 Oferta medie
5 oferte
expert illustrator
S-a încheiat left

modificare un file da psd a ai

$23 Average bid
$23 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Este vorba de un site compus din mai multe module (Moodle, Liferay, Alfresco, JasperReports, Magento, DotProject, phpBB, SmartJobBoard) pentru care se cere implementarea unui sistem Single Sign-On care sa permita ca un utilizator sa se conecteze o singura data, printr-o singura interfata, si sa obtina acces la oricare din aceste module (in functie de drepturile pe care le are), fara a fi nevoit sa se conecteze separat la fiecare dintre ele.

$928 Average bid
$928 Oferta medie
6 oferte

Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'AngularJS expert for abstracting my app'

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Oferta medie
1 oferte
Photoshop expert
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie sa decupez o stampila, semnatura si parafa de pe niste foi sa le puna pe foi similare. (contract de practica) . Ofer 50 RON

$21 Average bid
$21 Oferta medie
10 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Avaible only for ROMANIAN ! Buna ziua, Daca raspunzi DA la toate cerintele de mai jos, ai mari sanse sa ajungi in echipa noastra: - Ai experinta in proiecte de dezvoltare WEB si planificare strategica. - Cunosti Google Analytics si Adwords: creezi, implementezi si supraveghezi campaniile de Adwords. - Ai cunostinte in analiza si recomandari SEO pentru cuvinte cheie directionate. - Ai experienta in optimizarea, actualizarea, mentenanta si dezvoltarea site-urilor. - Esti responsabil de realizarea si urmarirea bugetului alocat segmentului tau de activitate. - Cunosti Marketingul Online: Social Media, Affiliate marketing, E-mail marketing, Facebook Ads, GDN, Google Search, Bloguri. • experienta in marketing minim 1 an in domeniul online inclusiv Facebook Ads, Google Adwords ...

$451 Average bid
$451 Oferta medie
8 oferte
Excel VBA expert
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de ajutorul tau pentru o eroare.

$20 Average bid
$20 Oferta medie
1 oferte

joomla expert sa lucreze pe site-ul meu nu mai freelancer din romania thx

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Oferta medie
4 oferte

Caut o persoana serioasa care sa ma ajute ori de cate ori am nevoie sa aduc modificari in site. (module, add-onuri, etc) Magazinul este creat pe platforma prestashop. Doresc o colaborare pe termen nelimitat cu persoana care va fi interesata sa lucreze cu mine. Ii rog pe cei interesati sa ma contacteze pe privat. Va multumesc.

$29 Average bid
$29 Oferta medie
3 oferte

afem mai multe projekte, fa intresiasa? are de aface cu XML PHP MYSQL afem mai multe projekte, fa intresiasa? are de aface cu XML PHP MYSQL

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Oferta medie
2 oferte

afem mai multe projekte, fa intresiasa? are de aface cu XML PHP MYSQL afem mai multe projekte, fa intresiasa? are de aface cu XML PHP MYSQL

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Oferta medie
1 oferte

Cand bag in casuta Search anumite produse, imi apare eroarea asta: Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. Apache/2.2.25 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.25 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_qos/10.10 mod_fcgid/2.3.6 Server at Port 80 Cand selectez o categorie si imi apar mai multe produse pe pagina, bifez cate produse sa imi apara, dau urmator si imi apare aceasta eroare(oricum ar fi, apare eroarea): ACEASTA PAGINA ESTE INDISPONIBILA Ne pare rau, dar adresa web pe care ati introdus-o nu mai este disponibila Pentru a gasi un produs, va rugam sa tastati denumirea in campul de mai jos Cauta in catalogul de produse:

$155 Average bid
$155 Oferta medie
2 oferte
Caut expert SEO&Marketer
S-a încheiat left

Avem nevoie de un expert SEO si/sau Internet Marketer pentru un magazin online . Va asteptam cu interes

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Oferta medie
2 oferte
Expert prestashop
S-a încheiat left

Detin un site online pe platforma prestashop si am mici intereseaza cineva care stie foarte bine prestashop.

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Salut, Doresc customizarea indicatorului Parabolic SAR din platforma de tranzactionare MT4. Deschidere pozitie: La inceputul celei de-a DOUA lumanari dupa ce semnalul de BUY/SELL a aparut (dupa ce punctul a sarit). Practic cand apare al doilea punct, echivalent cu deschiderea celei de-a doua lumanari. EA trebuie sa deschida o singura pozitie per semnal (adica dupa o deschidere de cumparare, el va astepta pana la o deschidere de vanzare si invers). Inchidere pozitie: Pozitia se va inchide numai cand pretul atinge TP sau SL. Take profit (TP): Campul de take profit trebuie sa fie editabil. Trebuie sa imi permita sa introduc un numar de pips pe care eu il consider adecvat pentru respectiva pereche de valute. Exemplu: 30 pips, 50 pips, etc. Stop loss (SL): Stop loss-ul este de 50 pi...

$555 Average bid
$555 Oferta medie
1 oferte

salut, am vazut aici ca ai si JS skill, caut niste developeri care sa site Angular si Bootstrap, ai fi interesat? mai jos ai ceva detalii, salariul e foarte atractiv si se lucreaza remotely si pozitiile sunt permanente angular or ember or bootstrap or or jquery - poate-mi mai recomanzi pe altcineva daca nu esti interesat. merci mult de tot andrei

$10 - $10
$10 - $10
0 oferte

salut, am vazut aici ca ai si JS skill, caut niste developeri care sa site Angular si Bootstrap, ai fi interesat? mai jos ai ceva detalii, salariul e foarte atractiv si se lucreaza remotely si pozitiile sunt permanente angular or ember or bootstrap or or jquery - poate-mi mai recomanzi pe altcineva daca nu esti interesat. merci mult de tot andrei

$10 - $10
$10 - $10
0 oferte

salut, am vazut aici ca ai si JS skill, caut niste developeri care sa site Angular si Bootstrap, ai fi interesat? mai jos ai ceva detalii, salariul e foarte atractiv si se lucreaza remotely si pozitiile sunt permanente angular or ember or bootstrap or or jquery - poate-mi mai recomanzi pe altcineva daca nu esti interesat. merci mult de tot andrei

$10 Average bid
$10 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Sunem o companie de Recuperare si colectare creante comerciale. Avem nevoie de firme care se confrunta cu facturi neincasate,cu creante nerecuperate de la clientii rau platnici! AS CREDIT RECOVER CONSULTING

$555 Average bid
$555 Oferta medie
3 oferte

I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my UAE based entity in DMCC for the year 2024. The auditor will primarily need to conduct a financial statement audit. Given the minimal transactions for the year (only one sale and purchase transaction and less than 10 bank transactions), this should be a straightforward task. Requireme...Requirements: - Must present a practice license and a reputable Firm profile. - Extensive knowledge and experience with both DMCC regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). - Previous experience in auditing companies with minimal transactions is a plus. Please note, the project scope does not currently include any additional services such as tax advisory or financial consulting. However, the ability to provide these services could...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
3 oferte

I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my UAE based entity in DMCC for the year 2024. The auditor will primarily need to conduct a financial statement audit. Given the minimal transactions for the year (only one sale and purchase transaction and less than 10 bank transactions), this should be a straightforward task. Requireme...Requirements: - Must present a practice license and a reputable Firm profile. - Extensive knowledge and experience with both DMCC regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). - Previous experience in auditing companies with minimal transactions is a plus. Please note, the project scope does not currently include any additional services such as tax advisory or financial consulting. However, the ability to provide these services could...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Oferta medie
1 oferte

We are seeking a highly experienced and self-driven individual to take charge of our online store and propel it to the next level. This role offers the opportunity to lead the growth and optimization of our online presence, with a strong focus on revenue generation, marketing, and profitability. About Us: We are a music and pop-culture store celebrating our 20th anniversary this year with a successful brick-and-mortar location. While our physical store has thrived, our online store has not yet been prioritized. We are now committed to changing that and need an experienced professional to help grow our online business. Our store is built on Shopify, so experience with this platform is crucial. Key Responsibilities: • Take full ownership of the online store, leading efforts to increa...

$14 / hr Average bid
Acord de confidenţialitate
$14 / hr Oferta medie
20 oferte

I am in the process of writing a children’s book and I need a publishing expert who can help me with the whole process. The book will be published on Amazon KDP and I want to ensure it’s a success. Key requirements: - Writing and editing: I need assistance in refining the manuscript to make it appealing for children and fit for publication. - Illustrations and design: The book will require cartoonish illustrations, so experience in children’s book design is a plus. - Marketing and distribution: I need a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote the book post-publication. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in children’s book publishing. - Strong editing and writing skills. - Experience in coordinating with illustrators and designers. - Expe...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Oferta medie
25 oferte

Job Opportunity: Part-Time Accountant (Remote – Malta Residents Only) Are you an experienced accountant looking for a flexible, long-term side job? We are a small consulting business seeking a part-time accountant to support us with essential financial tasks and ensure compliance. Your Responsibilities: - Handling accounting tasks for our business - Preparing and submitting VAT reports - Keeping financial records up to date and closing books quarterly - Ensuring compliance and assisting with recurring audits What We’re Looking For: - Residence in Malta (This is mandatory) - Proven experience in accounting and VAT submissions - Ability to work independently and manage financial records - Your own accounting software or willingness to use spreadsheets - A detail-oriente...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta medie
6 oferte

I'm seeking a seasoned freelancer for comprehensive YouTube automation. The role involves: - **Video Creation and Editing**: Crafting engaging vlogs with comedy skits. - **SEO and Keyword Optimization**: Ensuring maximum visibility and reach. - **Channel Management and Growth**: Driving channel growth through strategic management. Compensation will be based on your expertise and video performance. A commitment of at least five demo videos is required before any rewards are issued.

$342 Average bid
$342 Oferta medie
19 oferte

I am looking for a Shopify professional who can help in migrating both Google and Meta tracking pixels onto my Shopify store. It is crucial that this process maintains full PCI DSS compliance. Please detail your related experience while applying.

$95 Average bid
$95 Oferta medie
54 oferte

I'm looking for someone with deep expertise or extensive knowledge in Power BI to assist me with data analysis using an Excel spreadsheet. The primary focus will be on sales data, specifically visualizing revenue trends and product performance. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in Power BI - Experienced in data visualization - Strong understanding of sales metrics - Able to derive business insights from data I need someone who can turn complex data into easily understandable visuals and reports.

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta medie
22 oferte

I'm seeking a seasoned React Native Developer with robust JS Full-Stack skills to assist in publishing my app on iOS and Android. The code is mostly ready but requires final tweaks, primarily around user authentication. Key Tasks: - Final adjustments and testing of the app code - Creation of APK/IPA files - Uploading to our developer consoles - Ensuring successful publication This is an opportunity for a long-term collaboration as we have more projects lined up at Brilliancee Technologies. Budget: ₹200 - ₹2,000 for publishing on both platforms. Payment only after successful app launch. How to Apply: - Start with "Hi Brilliancee" to confirm you’ve read this. - Detail your experience with React Native, app publishing, and JS Full-Stack development.

$32 Average bid
$32 Oferta medie
6 oferte
Google Ads Expert for PMax Campaigns
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

Google Ads Manager Project Overview:Ambientco is seeking an experienced and passionate Google Ads Manager to oversee and optimise our Google Ads account. As a lighting & home deor retailer, our advertising is primarily focused on Shopping Ads using Performance Max (PMax) campaigns. Your main objective will be to maximise traffic and conversions while adhering to our allocated budget. We are open to discussing budget adjustments based on data-driven insights and performance analysis. Key Responsibilities: Manage and optimise Google Ads campaigns, focusing on PMax campaigns. Continuously improve ad performance to maximise return on ad spend (ROAS). Analyse data and provide actionable insights to enhance campaign effectiveness. Work within the allocated budget while proposing adjus...

$146 Average bid
$146 Oferta medie
34 oferte
Expert in Adobe Illustrator
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I am seeking an Adobe Illustrator professional to fix three labels for me. All that is required is to take an image behind a graphic on three labels and change the colour of the text on another. This is a quick easy job if you have the appropriate skills in Adobe Illustrator. Please quote the price the job will take to complete do not submit holder quotes or tell me down the line it was take five times as much as you have quoted. I do not want to waste your time or my time. Please add the word rabbit to your quote to let me know you have read the description fully and understood. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Graphic design experience - Strong understanding of visual communication and branding

$29 Average bid
$29 Oferta medie
57 oferte

As an experienced advocate specializing in criminal litigation, I offer comprehensive legal services including drafting, consultation, and content creation. I am currently focused on: - Legal Drafting: I can help yo...specializing in criminal litigation, I offer comprehensive legal services including drafting, consultation, and content creation. I am currently focused on: - Legal Drafting: I can help you with bail applications, legal notices, and agreements. - Legal Consultation: I provide expert advice on criminal matters. - Legal Content Writing: I create well-researched, high-quality legal articles and blogs. I am open to collaborations, drafting assignments, and legal consulting work. If you require high-quality legal content or expert drafting services, do no...

$251 Average bid
$251 Oferta medie
4 oferte

I'm looking for a freelancer to help me build a comprehensive marketing funnel for my company. The ideal candidate should be an expert in setting up Zoho CRM/Neodove/Salesforce and marketing workflows. Key Responsibilities: - Once a lead fills a form, they should automatically receive a message on their WhatsApp, Email and SMS. - Ensuring that the leads consistently see our ads on Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in Zoho CRM/Neodove CRM/Salesforce - Experience in setting up sales CRM and marketing workflows - Knowledge of digital marketing platforms - Ability to integrate various messaging platforms for automated responses Also I want that these leads should always see our AD on their gmail, facebook, instagram by retargeting.

$445 Average bid
$445 Oferta medie
10 oferte

I'm in need of a versatile professional who can help with various tasks, mainly focusing on copywriting and content creation specifically for Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting compelling copy across a variety of themes and topics - Creating engaging Instagram content that resonates with our audience - Assisting with other tasks as needed Ideal Skills: - Excellent copywriting skills - Deep understanding of Instagram and its content dynamics - Versatile in handling different types of tasks Please get in touch if you're ready to help with this multifaceted role.

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
15 oferte

I'm looking for an expert who can help me integrate Moneris payment system onto my custom-built PHP website. Key Requirements: - Experience with PHP and custom-built websites - Expertise in Moneris In-Store (Terminal) integration - Ability to deliver a seamless and secure payment interface Please share your past experience with similar projects when you bid.

$494 Average bid
$494 Oferta medie
93 oferte

I am in need of a skilled Python programmer with experience in spatial data analysis. The primary purpose of this project is to create detailed topographic maps from geospatial data. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze spatial data using Python - Identify and utilize relevant patterns and trends - Create high-quality topographic maps Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python and spatial data analysis - Experience creating geospatial products, particularly maps - Ability to identify patterns and trends in data - Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality

$51 Average bid
$51 Oferta medie
9 oferte

3. Large FLexBoard (8ft x 5ft) - Horizontal Objective: Provide detailed information with strong conversion intent. Content:? Bright Coaching Centre - Where Toppers are Made! Class 8 - 12 | CBSE | NEET | JEE Foundation Maths | Physics | Chemistry | Applied Maths | Join the Top 1% - Limited Seats! (Scarcity & FOMO) Call: 7042145442 | 304, Sector 22, Faridabad Design Elements: Faces of successful students (trust-building). Add Trophy holding by the student or in any other way that looks good Headline placed where student eyes look. Trust colors (blue, white) and urgency color (red/orange for CTA). Use color for printing

$5 Average bid

I am looking for a skilled image editor to enhance the quality of our various images. The primary purpose of this project is to improve the overall quality of our images. This involves: - Enhancing Image Quality: Utilizing your expertise to boost the visual appeal and quality of our images. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with image editing and a keen eye for detail. Proficiency in Photoshop and Illustrator is a must.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta medie
52 oferte

I need an experienced Urdu writer The goal is to ensure that the AI correctly pronounces the lyrics. I would appreciate it if you could rewrite the lyrics in better Roman Urdu or with the correct phonetic symbols (zair, zabar, paish, khari zabar). The primary audience for these lyrics is native Urdu speakers, so it is essential that the improved lyrics sound natural and authentic to a native speaker. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Urdu language and grammar - Experience in writing song lyrics - Familiarity with phonetic symbols and their correct usage - Ability to write in Roman Urdu - Understanding of the needs of native Urdu speakers Please note that while the primary focus is on improving pronunciations, a good command of grammar and rhyming will also be b...

$21 Average bid
$21 Oferta medie
7 oferte

I'm in need of a talented full stack developer who can help improve the back-end integration of my fintech web application. The project predominantly revolves around Node.js and SQL-based databases. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the back-end integration of the application - Optimize SQL-based database usage - Collaborate with the front-end team for seamless integration Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Node.js - Strong understanding of SQL-based databases - Experience with back-end integration in web applications If you have a proven track record in these areas and are passionate about fintech, I would love to hear from you.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta medie
43 oferte