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...require refactoring to comply with new Android 14 requirements. This involves cleaning up legacy code, optimizing algorithms, and ensuring the app runs smoothly on the latest devices. Testing Across Multiple Devices: Android devices vary in terms of screen sizes, hardware configurations, and software customizations. Thorough testing will be required to ensure the app works seamlessly across a wide range of devices running Android 14. Handling Permissions and Privacy: Android 14 introduces stricter privacy controls, including changes to how apps handle permissions for accessing sensitive data. To comply with these new regulations, the app's permission management system will need to be updated, and appropriate user consent mechanisms will need to be implemented. Performance Tu...
...that it's working for them, given the state of price pressure around the globe. However, as yields on euro- and dollar-denominated assets increase, this will ultimately end up translating into higher yen prices. Oil, for instance, is going to become exponentially more expensive for Japanese businesses, and this is likely to have an eventual knock-on effect on inflation in the Asian nation. With this in mind, we would be wise to expect the BoJ to raise rates eventually in a bid to shore up USD/JPY or at least prevent further rises. Trade forex and more CFDs with Libertex As a CFD broker with decades of experience connecting ordinary traders and investors with the financial markets, Libertex gives the opportunity to trade CFDs on a wide range of covered asset classe...
I need a Romaninan speaker. Buna, Am nevoie de o aplicatie ( baza de date) in care sa incarc niste fisiere Excel si sa imi afiseze o lista de preturi. Merci,
Buna, Am nevoie de creearea unui tool de costuri care sa fie utilizat ca informare interna pentru a sti daca exista solutie intr-o anumita localitate. Doresc asa:ca atunci cand introduc in aplicatie nume judet, nume localitate si selectez un anumit serviciu sa se afiseze pretul (MRC si NRC ) Deasemeni doresc sa mi se afisese numele tuturor solutiilor care ar putea fi oferite in acea localitate Multumesc
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Caut pe cineva care sa lucreze cu noi la un mmorpg in unity si as vrea sa stiu daca esti interesat? Daca da, lasa-mi o metoda de contact sa discutam mai departe acest parteneriat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesata.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesata.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
Salut, Lucram la un joc 3D mmorpg, si avem nevoie de o persoana care sa ne creeze modele noi, sa faca re-design la modelele existe si eventual sa ne si creeze unele animatii. Ne-ar interesa un parteneriat pe termen lung. Astept sa aud daca esti interesat.
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Buna, Am nevoie de creearea unui tool care sa fie utulizat ca informare interna pentru a sti daca exista solutie intr-o anumita localitate. Doresc asa:ca atunci cand introduc inaplicatie nume judet, nume localitate si selectez un anumit serviciu sa se afiseze pretul (MRC si NRC ) Desemeni doresc sa mi se afizese numele tuturor solutiilor care ar putea fi oferite in acea localitate Mutumesc
1. Buton de vazut bookinguri pe bilet ( sa arate si numele ghidului ) 2. Afisare toate orele pe ecranu de live booking 3. Creem clasa nou de utilizatori numiti gh...Inlocuim Tour Guide cu utilizatorii veniti din clasa "ghid". 5. In orders sa apara numele ghidului care a fost atribuit biletului 6. In managament butonul de export listeaza pe aceasi pagina si facem inca unul de download sa poti salva exportul. 7. La person types adaugam pret de custom price 8. In pagina de export din management facem statistica cu pretul original al biletului. 9. In ecranul de orders filtru dupa agent 10. In ecranul de management scoatem filtrarea pe ora punem doar pe zi 11. Adaugam filtru de range pentru management 12. Mai adaugam un tip de pret care sa apara doar la case 13. Panou ...
A price comparison website, with a good script tailored to our specific needs.
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Am folosit un scraper pentru a importa produse de pe intr-un magazin facut pe platforma opencart. Am nevoie de cineva sa editeze produsele direct in baza de date, sa scoata anumite cuvinte din descriere.. (Exemplu de fraze ce trebuie scoase: For our full range of Mens Indoor Football Trainers visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Athletics visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Mens Shorts visit SportsDirect; For our full range of Mens Golf Tops visit SportsDirect) Product code: 263239
Am folosit un scraper pentru a importa produse intr-un magazin opencart. Caut pe cineva sa imi editeze baza de date sa imi scoata o anume fraza din descrierea produselor (ex: For our full range of Mens Plus Size Tops visit SportsDirect). Daca nu se poate face direct din baza de date accept si folosirea unor module care sa faca acest lucru, apoi traducerea produselor. Platesc!
Small Price Design angajam frontend/backend developer, mentenanta site-uri, creare site-uri, publicitate online. Avem nevoie de 3 oameni buni in ceea ce fac. Job la Biroul nostru ,numai candidatii care pot lucra in Bucuresti . Anuntul contine un mini-interviu necesar. Se accepta studenti disponibili full-time, suntem aproape de REGIE-Basarab . O oportunitate care nu trebuie ratata,renumeratie in functie de rezultate ,Comisioane +salariu fix . Ce trebuie sa stiti: - PHP nivel mediu; - Java nivel mediu; - Wordpress nivel avansat - plugin-uri necesare; - CSS3 nivel mediu - avansat; - HTML5 nivel mediu - avansat; - cPanel nivel mediu - avansat; - Google Adwords nivel incepator - mediu - constituie un avantaj. Programul de lucru este de 8 ore .
..."country_url":"turcia","destination_id":"173","destination_title":"Istanbul, Turcia","destination_url":"istanbul-turcia","destination_visible":"0","transport_id":"2","transport_name":"Avion","transport_url":"avion","image_src":"","image_alt":"Moscheea Albastra, Istanbul, Turcia","room_type":"Hotel 3* Turcia","meal_plan":"Mic dejun ","meal_plan_url":null,"discount_info":"","price":"450.00","discount":"0.00","hot_deal":"0","tax":"190.00",...
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Daca proiectul i... numberOfOpenSites() // does the system percolate? public boolean percolates() // test client (optional) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. By convention, the row and column indices are integers between 1 and n, where (1, 1) is the upper-left site: Throw an IllegalArgumentException if any argument to open(), isOpen(), or isFull() is outside its prescribed range. Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the constructor if n ≤ 0. Performance requirements. The constructor must take time proportional to n2; all instance methods must take constant time plus a constant number of calls to union() and find(). Monte Carlo simulation. To estimate the percolation threshold, consider the following computational experiment: Initialize all sites to ...
I'm in search of a dedicated marketing team specializing in promoting digital products on a commission basis. I will provide 30% of the commission for every successful transaction. Key Responsibilities: - Promote a range of digital products across various platforms - Strategize and implement effective marketing campaigns Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in digital product marketing - Proficiency in social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing - Ability to work on a commission basis and drive sales Please note, the specific digital products are yet to be finalized, but they will predominantly be software applications.
I'm looking for a tutor based in Istanbul who can assist me with Verbal reasoning, Numerical reasoning, and Biology. The ideal freelancer should be able to: - Help me understand and solve logic questions at an intermediate level. - Provide assistance with a range of numerical reasoning questions, including data interpretation, number series, and quantitative comparison. - Support me with my biology queries. The focus on numerical reasoning questions will depend on specific areas I need to work on. Skills and experience I am looking for: - Strong background in logic and biology, ideally with teaching experience. - Able to explain complex concepts in a simple, understandable way. - Flexible and able to adapt to my specific needs.
I'm looking for a Java expert who is proficient in using NetBeans. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Java programming - Extensive experience with NetBeans - Problem-solving skills for potential code issues - Excellent debugging skills - Good communication for understanding project requirements Please note that I have not specified the type of project, features, or exist...a Java expert who is proficient in using NetBeans. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Java programming - Extensive experience with NetBeans - Problem-solving skills for potential code issues - Excellent debugging skills - Good communication for understanding project requirements Please note that I have not specified the type of project, features, or existing code conditions, so flexibility and a broad range of skills will ...
...including raw materials (cattle), transportation, labor, and compliance costs. Cash Flow Analysis: Detailed cash flow statement including operating, investing, and financing activities. Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Planning: Assess required investments in facilities, equipment, and technology. Risk Analysis & Sensitivity Testing: Market Volatility: Factor in risks such as currency fluctuations, price changes, and market downturns. Regulatory Risks: Analyze the impact of changing trade regulations, tariffs, and compliance requirements. Scenario Analysis: Develop various "best-case," "worst-case," and "most-likely" financial scenarios. Model Structure & Usability: Modular Design: The model should allow easy updates, modifications, and scalabil...
I'm seeking a talented 3D animator to create engaging, educational content for YouTube Shorts. The animations will cover a broad range of topics including science, history, mathematics, and more, aiming to captivate both children and adults. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D animation, preferably with experience in creating content for YouTube. - Ability to simplify complex topics and present them in an entertaining way. - Understanding of how to make content suitable for both children and adults. - Creativity in covering a diverse range of subjects. - Experience with educational content is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.
I need complete project for STM32CubeIDE (with all nececery libraries etc.) for Bluepill with CANBus and OLED connected. Reading data from canbus 500 kbps from ID308, convert HEX->DEC (from 3rd byte) and display on LCD Reading analog input signal from pressure sensor and display value on LCD Please bid if my specify price range if OK. If you want more - please do not BID !!
I'm looking to create a cartoonish character designed for teens, that can express a wide range of emotions and actions in a fantasy environment. The character should be able to laugh, smile, show anger, sadness, surprise, and confusion. In addition, the character should have various action states like walking, running, jumping, flying, cheering, waving, pointing, sitting, and sleeping. The character will also need to be able to interact with a variety of accessories and outfits, including goggles, a hat or cap, a flag, a sword or cane, and a cape. Ideal skills for this project would include: - Character design with a cartoonish style - Ability to create dynamic and expressive character animations - Experience in designing for a teen audience - Fantasy-themed character and en...
I'm seeking a professional nutritionist or meal planner who can create a comprehensive meal plan tailored to my weight loss journey. Key Requirements: - The meal plan should incorporate a variety of cuisines, as I have no specific preferences and am open to everything. - There are no dietary restrictions or allergies to consider, which allows for a wide range of food options. - The plan should ideally be designed around 4 meals a day, though I am open to suggestions based on your expertise. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in meal planning, particularly for weight loss. - Knowledge of a variety of cuisines and dietary options. - Ability to create a balanced, nutritious meal plan that is also enjoyable and varied. - Strong understanding of nutritional requirements f...
GTA V RP with custom cars. just a server for 2-4 people without jobs only the gta v map Key Aspects of the Project: -Custom sound of cars - Custom Cars: The server will feature a variety of custom cars. This will not only include sports and classic cars, but also a range of utility vehicles. - Full Customization: The cars in this server will be completely customizable. This means players can tweak both the visual appearance and the performance of their vehicles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of GTA V and its modding community. - Experience in creating and managing GTA V RP servers. - Proficiency in vehicle customization within the game. - Understanding of balancing a server for fair play. - Ability to implement and troubleshoot mods for the server. Your bid s...