Minutes transcription per hour dayproiecte
Bună ziua, Mă numesc Svetlana și sunt în căutarea unui designer grafic și animator talentat pentru a contribui la dezvoltarea unui cadou digital ce va fi utilizat într-o campanie de Valentine's Day. Cadoul digital va fi folosit ca simbol al iubirii și sprijinului. Am nevoie de un design grafic pentru o medalie digitală, care va fi folosită ca abțibild pe rețelele sociale (Instagram, Facebook, VK, TikTok, Odnoklassniki). De asemenea, avem nevoie de o animație scurtă (maxim 15 secunde) care să ilustreze mesajul campaniei. Animația trebuie să fie compatibilă cu toate platformele menționate mai sus. Vă rog să-mi spuneți dacă sunteți disponibili pentru acest proiect și să-mi oferiți un estimat al costurilor și termenului de livrare. Mai multe detalii vor fi furnizate d...
Dezvoltare 5 articole de minim 700 de cuvinte fiecare pentru link building pe urmatoarele grupe de expresii cheie: 1. trandafiri rosii, buchete de trandafiri 2. trandafiri de sapun, cutii cu flori 3. bonsai, plante 4. lalele, aranjamente florale 5. flori de primavara, aranjamente florale *** Tematica articolelor de mai sus va fi legata de Valentine's Day si 1/8 martie; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB - regulile se aplica pentru fiecare articol de mai sus; * KW1 sa fie folosit in al doilea sau al treilea paragraf al textului. ** KW2 sa fie prezent intr-unul din cele 3 paragrafe finale ale textului. - Titlul nu trebuie sa contina neaparat KWs, daca nu se preteaza. Titluri naturale. - KWs se vor fo...
Dezvoltare 5 articole de minim 700 de cuvinte fiecare pentru link building pe urmatoarele grupe de expresii cheie: 1. Trandafiri rosii (kw1), surprize la domiciliu (kw2) 2. Trandafir criogenat (kw1), trandafir (kw2) 3. Trandafiri de sapun (kw1), trandafiri in cutie (kw2) *** Tematica articolelor de mai sus va fi legata de Valentine's Day; 4. mutari locuinte (kw1), debarasare mobila (kw2) 5. masina de tocat carne (kw2), feliatoare mezeluri (kw1) **** articol adresat zonei de B2B; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB - regulile se aplica pentru fiecare articol de mai sus; * KW1 sa fie folosit in al doilea sau al treilea paragraf al textului. ** KW2 sa fie prezent intr-unul din cele 3 paragrafe finale...
Dezvoltare 6 articole de minim 700 de cuvinte fiecare pentru link building pe urmatoarele grupe de expresii cheie: 1. trandafiri in cutie (KW1) , aranjamente cu dulciuri (KW2) 2. buchete de trandafiri, aranjamente cu dulciuri 3. trandafiri de sapun, aranjamente florale 4. trandafiri in cutie, surprize la domiciliu 5. aranjamente florale, aranjamente cu dulciuri 6. trandafiri ...folosi cel putin o data in text, in forma data, si maximum de 2-3 ori, dupa caz. Se recomanda folosirea sinonimelor/variatiunilor pentru KWs, suplimentar. - Subiectul articolului poate face referire la alte subiecte in care sa se regaseasca cuvintele cheie; - Articolele trebuie scrise cu diacritice; - KWs se vor folosi in mod natural, in text; - TEMATICA ARTICOLELOR VA FI VALENTINE'S DAY...
Salut, Doresc ca la checkout clientul să poată selecta și varianta easybox cât și livrare clasică iar awb-ul după procesarea comenzii să poată fi făcut cu un click - două și să intre direct la same day.
Salut, doresc ca la check out clientul să poată selecta și varianta easybox cât și livrare clasică iar awb-ul după procesarea comenzii să poată fi făcut cu un click - două și să intre direct la same day. Multumesc
...punctuale legate de vanzari entry/mid level, research si conta entry level. Vreau sa dau proiectele aceleiasi persoane pentru ca sunt mai usor de gestionat pentru mine daca sunt alocate cuiva care e familiar cu ce facem noi. Estimez ca 80% dintre task-uri vor avea DL minim 24 h, dar sunt si task-uri care au DL same day. Vezi mai jos disponibilitatea de timp necesara. Tip de proiecte de care ai fi responsabil in ordinea importantei: 1. Transport – de trimis cererile de cotatii same day si follow-up whenever needed a.i in 24 h sa avem min o cotatie pe ruta ceruta, ideal 3 cotatii ( avem 30 transportatori in baza de date, cand nu avem cotatii la timp sa faci research pt transportatori noi). 2. Trimis disponibil de marfa la client - punctual ( preluare de la Maria ) ...
Am nevoie de un content writer/redactor nativ roman care sa imi scrie cateva sute de propozitii care nu au legatura intre ele si contin anumite cuvinte. Mai multe detalii in privat.
Creșterea vânzărilor unui magazin online prestashop cu profil vanzare mobilier. Cautam pe cineva cu experienta de minim 3 ani în promovare online și SEO . Oferim 10 euro/ora. Proiect cu derulare pe perioada îndelungată. Minim 10 ore pe săptămână. Increase sales of a prestashop online store with furniture sales profile. We are looking for ...online prestashop cu profil vanzare mobilier. Cautam pe cineva cu experienta de minim 3 ani în promovare online și SEO . Oferim 10 euro/ora. Proiect cu derulare pe perioada îndelungată. Minim 10 ore pe săptămână. Increase sales of a prestashop online store with furniture sales profile. We are looking for someone with at least 3 years of experience in online promotion and SEO. We offer 10 euros / hour....
Am nevoie de 10 articole de 500 cuvinte pe teme variate. Daca totul merge bine voi mai avea comenzi. PS: Job only for Romanians!!!
...without scoring a goal Method +0.5 goal HT: bet on a team after X matches in a row with 0-0 at half-time Method LAY THE DRAW: bet on a team after X draws in a row Method BTTS: bet on a team after X matches in a row where both teams did not score Method NON BTTS: bet on a team after X matches in a row where both teams scored Method Top Scorers: bet on a top player who didn't score since X minutes In afara de astfel de date, am nevoie de imbinarea datelor statistice preluate din API ale meciuri din istoricul fiecarei echipe (pre-game, h2h, pasr results) cu datele statistice ale meciurilor in desfasurare (suturi pe poarta, atacuri periculoase, posesie, etc). De ex: Daca cele doua echipe au in istoric mai mult de 75% din meciuri in care s-au marcat 3 goluri, iar in meciul...
Salut, Am nevoie de un hacker care sa ma ajute la un Hackathon. Ma poti ajuta? Te rog sa ma contactezi pe Facebook ( Bogdan Vergiliu). Se plateste mult mult mai bine decat cei $3 USD / hour mentionati aici. Multumesc!
It is a short and easy Read and Record task. Takes 20-30 minutes. I will provide further details.
Am nevoie de modificarea unui proiect web deja existent, perfex crm, la nivelul modulului de taskuri as dori sa adaugam un calendar cu ore pentru afisarea taskurile in functie de ore, apoi la calendar pentru ziua curenta sa apara doar intervalul orar 8:00 am si 17:00 pm, apoi cand se adauga un task sa nu trebuiasca ce...calendar pentru ziua curenta sa apara doar intervalul orar 8:00 am si 17:00 pm, apoi cand se adauga un task sa nu trebuiasca cel care il pune sa puna ora de incepere ci sa ii seteze ca durata aproximativa (ex 2 ore) iar primul task pus automat sa inceapa de la 8:00 si daca tine 3 ore urmatorul task adaugat sa apara la ora 11, avem deja si un calendar dar momentan apare pe el taskurile ca fiind all day ci nu pe ore, oe ore apar eventuri, pentru mai mutle detalii cont...
buna ziua , tocmai am deschis o comunitate de cs1.6. am nevoie de un videoclip gen o reclama a servarului / jocului . good day, we have just opened a community of cs1.6. I need a video like a server / game advertisement .
Execute logo to order within one month contact by email scrobutiosif@ and responsibility within maximum 1 hour ---------------AfrikaansAlbanezăAmharicăArabăArmeanăAzerăBascăBengalezăBielorusăBirmanăBosniacăBulgarăCatalanăCebuanăCehăChineză (Simplificată)Chineză (Tradițională)CoreeanăCorsicanăCroatăDanezăEbraicăEnglezăEsperantoEstonăFilipinezăFinlandezăFrancezăFrizonă occidentalăGaelică scoțianăGalezăGalicianăGeorgianăGermanăGreacăGujaratiHaitianăHausaHawaiianăHindiHmongIdișIgboIndonezianăIrlandezăIslandezăItalianăJaponezăJavanezăKannadaKazahăKârgâzăKhmerăKurdăLaoțianăLatinăLetonăLituanianăLuxemburghezăMacedoneanăMaghiarăMalaezăMalayalamMalgașăMaltezăMaoriMarathiMongolăNeerlandezăNepalezăNorvegianăNyanjaPaștunăPersanăPolonezăPortughezăPunjabiRomânăRusăSamoanăS&acir...
Bună ziua, Aș avea nevoie de cineva care să scrie/traducă articole de sănătate/medicină. Articolele trebuie să aibă minim 6000 de caractere și să urmeze un anumit format. Sursele de informare le voi oferi eu. Uneori, este nevoie doar de traducere din limba engleza si o usoara formatare. Pot plati intre 3-4 dolari pe articol. Multumesc
Bună ziua, Aș avea nevoie de cineva care să scrie/traducă articole de sănătate/medicină. Articolele trebuie să aibă minim 6000 de caractere și să urmeze un anumit format. Sursele de informare le voi oferi eu. Uneori, este nevoie doar de traducere din limba engleza si o usoara formatare. Pot plati intre 3-4 dolari pe articol. Multumesc
I wish I could add servers counter strike 1.6 site a small little program I to put an ip and add the program ip 27015 respectively starting port to port 2099 automatically in minutes and must not reoccur CAPTCHA code .
ENGLISH: (I need it by May 27th, end of day GMT) I would need a tablespace with 6-7 tables: - with some alternative and repetitive structures; - treating some exceptions (implicit and explicit); - 3-4 functions, 2-3 procedures and including them in packages - 2-3 triggers; - a small application in APEX with about 4 different pages. ROMANIAN: (Am nevoie de el pana cel tarziu Miercuri, 27 May) Criterii minime: A. Descrierea problemei şi prezentarea schemei conceptuale a tabelelor. B. Interacţiunea cu serverul Oracle prin intermediul comenzilor SQL (LDD şi LMD) C. Structuri alternative şi repetitive. D. Tratarea excepţiilor. (minim 2 implicite, 2 explicite) E. Gestionarea cursorilor: impliciţi şi expliciţi (cu şi fără parametri) F. Funcţii, proceduri, includerea aces...
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita raporturi cu sit...
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita raporturi cu sit...
I need your help with my helium scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a expert less than 30 minutes. THIS IS URGENT. No time wasters you waste my time you get bad feedback. Type I know helium in your proposal so I know you have read all this.
astea doua pana duminica: si acesta e al treilea...pana miercuri> Multumesc!
Salut. Ai mai avea timp de o transcriere? 1h19min. Multumesc!
...linkul acesta Deschizi la "cum functioneaza" si vezi prezentarea, apoi registration. Cu toata stima. Come in our team. Please look this. It is a system of mutual financial, exponentially each international financial assistance, works and is reliable. Safe and without risk. Donate and win. Is true and werry important. You can see presentation ( 6 minutes) here For registration GOLDLINE INTERNATIONAL (is partener of Interntional children caritable WHOLEWORLD ) is a system of mutual financial aid at the international level that relies on donations of its members (75 USD) once and that those who enroll and
review aplicatie existenta (e posibil sa fie nevoie de modificari) upload in app store, pe un cont existent nu stiu cat poate dura, sunt dispus sa platesc hour rate daca am posibilitatea sa controlez fluxul de review app. in caz contrar, estimare, apoi aprobare buget. ca "must" ,agreement de confidentialitate.
[Doar Pentru Romani ] - Am nevoie de cineva care sa-mi promoveze reteaua PPD proaspata deschisa. -Durata Proiectului: 30 de zile - Buget 250 $ - Platesc pe referral activ adus ( 25$/ref activ) - deci cand sunt adusi 10 referrali activi proiectul se incheie cu succes. - Se intelege prin Referral activ orice membru al retelei PPD care a cumulat minim 10 $ in 30 de zile (nu e greu deloc) - Membri adusi trebuie sa fie persoane reale (fara conturi multiple, conturi falese etc.) in caz contrar se intrerupe colaborarea [CERINTE] 1. Persoana interesata trebuie sa stie stie ce inseamna o retea PPD sau sa fi lucrat la un momentdat cu o astfel de retea (dreamcash, sharecash etc) interesata trebuie sa se descurce binisor sa scrie in engleza interesata trebuie sa imi trimita rapor...
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului...programatori care considera ca pot realiza acest proiect acum si ca pot in continuare sa il dezvolte. Doresc o colaborare pe termen lung si sunt dispus sa platesc si comisioane fixe lunar pentru intretinere si dezvoltare. Programatorul care va aplica trebuie sa fie vorbitor de limba romana dar si engleza. Doresc sa aiba un program flexibil, sa pot discuta cu el saptamanal despre acest proiect ( 1 hour conference ) - doresc sa fie sociabil si sa respecte etica de lucru pe care eu o voi impune. Pe cel pe care il voi considera potrivit pentru acest proiect, il voi suna in prealabil si vom discuta mai multe detalii atat despre pret, timp de lucru, s.a. Va ...
We need to translate CherryPlayer to more languages We will consider only offers $10 per language. You will be able to get good rating with good comments in your portfolio. Please give us to know at what languages you will be able to translate CherryPlayer. File that need to translate attached. Need to translate only right part at all sentences. Romana
I am looking for writers interested in writing or rewriting articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-S...articles on a regular basis (long time colaboration). At the moment i have Article-Set-Pack (3-5 Articles/pack) to offer but i will increase that size continuously. Every 1 or 2 day i will send you packs to write. One Article-Pack contains Main-Keywords-Articles, each of 300-500 words in length. INFO: I will provide you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases. The Keywords/Keyphrases will be in the same market/niche of each Article-Pack but Topics will change from article set to article set. All articles must be unique related to the Keyword. I pay $1.50 per 400 word articles and $0.75 pe...
This task takes less than 5 minutes of your time daily We are creating a website where people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk as we ar...
I need a Word press Responsive Html. Serious Designer Can bid.. Please download the attached PSD file.. Need within an hour. Must have previous experience with responsive Designs. Budget: ~ 500 INR
scriu articole de sport,mondene....pot colabora cu diferite ziare si jurnale...pot scrie articole sportive,si multe alte la cerere.(istorie,geografie si multe alte)
...the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, a...
I'm looking for an experienced video editor who can help me edit a promotional video. - The video is meant to be 1 to 3 minutes long. - I don't have specific brand guidelines, so you have the creative freedom to make it look visually appealing. - Ideal skills for the job include proficiency in video editing software, a good eye for visual storytelling, and creativity. Previous experience editing promotional videos is a plus.
I need a script that automates my Amazon account. I have around 500 Subscribe and Save items with different delivery dates. Every day at 1 pm, the delivery dates need to be changed to the next available deliveries from a dropdown menu. For example, if the closest delivery day is 21 February, these deliveries need to be replaced with 21 June using the dropdown menu for each item. Key Requirements: - Compatibility with Mac - Using browser automation to interact with Amazon - Automation using Microsoft Edge or Safari Ideal Skills: - Strong experience with Mac OS - Expertise in browser automation - Proficiency in using Microsoft Edge or Safari - Previous experience with Amazon automation preferred - Attention to detail to ensure all delivery dates are updated correctly.
...Specific Body Movements for each 8 Forms. Time of the complete of this long Form video would be app 30 to 45 minutes. Additionally, I see the production of each of the 8 Forms with hand positions and body movements done separately. Each individual Form could be recommend or perscribed by the trained Bau Gau teacher/ practitioner to the individual students/clients requiring strengthening, recovering and restoration of the Chi Energy in a particular imbalanced/diseased Element such as, the Bua Gua Form for the Lungs effecting breathing issues, respiratory problems and associated psychological imbalances. Time of the completion of these short forms would be 10 to 20 minutes each. In the future, advanced versions of both the long and the short forms could include associtaed ...
...and energetic Norwegian male voice-over artist to dub my entertainment videos. This could lead to a long-term collaboration, as I would require VO for 4-5 episodes per week. Each episode has a duration of approximately 20-30 minutes. Key Responsibilities: - Translate the provided English scripts. - Record the voice-over in an energetic style. - Sync the audio phrase-by-phrase accurately. Ideal Candidates: - Native or highly fluent Norwegian speaker. - Professional VO experience, particularly in the entertainment sector. - Ability to deliver high-quality audio recordings. - Timeliness in meeting the requirement of 4-5 episodes per week. - Prior experience with phrase-by-phrase syncing. Please reach out for further details. Looking forward to your proposals! Demo ...
I would like to create a program alarm (common fault) with a few associated values (bools) to be part of the alarm text when active. If you have extensive experience with program alarm then you can probably get it done in 5 minutes.
Max 1 hour job. My Google Play Console account is at risk of closure due to inactivity. I need to re-publish an update to an existing URL based Flutter App on Google Play to remedy this situation. As the project is time-sensitive, I am looking for an experienced developer with a proven track record in updating URL based Flutter apps on the Google Play Store. I can provide the source code or necessary files for the app update.
I need a modern, minimalistic, and unique theme design for Kuwait national day/ Ramadan themed photoshoots in the studio. I need backdrop designs or ideas of what props I may need to include or have made - with clear sizes/pdf files so that I could have things made locally.
Hello, I have a ready-made Python script that works exclusively on localhost and direcly to my public URL radio streaming server (which i dont like to tell or leave into config file because can be abuse as before). Considering the simplicity of Python, it requires only minor modifications—2 to 3 lines, taking approximately 10 minutes or less. As mentioned, the script already works on localhost using various proxy addresses, but it does not function with internet URLs, regardless of which URL is provided. The script currently operates by inputting the target domain into the code and fetching IP addresses through a proxy API URL. The proxy addresses that connect should remain active on the website for a minimum of 2/3 hours before disconnecting, into script is set 2hours a...
I am looking for a professional who can assist me with real-time optimization strategies in motor drives control. Specifically, I need help in MTPA Strategy using Model Predictive Control for optimizing the performance of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives using MATLAB Simulink. Key Requirements : 1)Results required Of three Phase currents with and without MTPA, With considering Iron Losses and Without considering Iron Losses. 2) Results Required of Electromagnetic Torque with and without MTPA, With considering Iron Losses MTPA and Without considering Iron Losses MTPA. 3) Motor Speed results perfectly tracking the Reference speed 4) D-Axis and Q-axis Results Required with and without MTPA, With considering Iron Losses MTPA and Without considering Iron Losses MTPA. NOTE: ...
...Deliverables: Data Integration and Preprocessing: Data Sources: Historical shipment data (2 years). Real-time shipment arrival data from OTM (arrival dates, shipment types, volumes). External factors (holidays, weather, geopolitical impacts). Tasks: Clean and preprocess the dataset: Handle missing values, normalize data, and perform feature engineering. Generate derived features such as: Day-of-week trends. Seasonality indicators (e.g., peak/off-peak periods). Shipment type classifications (high-volume vs. low-volume). Ensure all datasets are integrated into a unified format suitable for modeling. Forecasting Model Development: Build a Smart Forecasting Model with the following specifications: Utilize LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) for time series forecasting. Inco...
...understanding of production processes and quality assurance standards. • Fluent in Mandarin and proficient in English (both written and spoken). • Excellent communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills. • Ability to work independently and manage time effectively. ________________________________________ Working Conditions: • Working hours aligned with local manufacturing shifts (12-hour shifts possible). • Ability to provide updates to headquarters during 4–6 PM CST. • Travel: At least once weekly to secondary facilities, increasing during peak production. ________________________________________ Compensation: • Annual salary: 10,000 to 20,000 RMB/year (Negotiable based on experience and qualifications). • Additional trav...
Opportunity for experienced Laravel developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in quicker time, All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. Please send your answers for the below questions; 1. What type of Software you have done in Larav...years of Industry experience you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What is your lowest expected monthly salary in USD? 8. What is your No of working days per week? 9. What is your No of working hours per day? 10. Are you ready to work on the project wise (hourly rate based on th...