Mdb sample fileproiecte
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts
Se cauta voce feminina pentru urmatorul text: "Purtați masca de protecție acoperind nasul si gura, pe tot parcursul vizitei, cu excepția perioadelor de antrenament intens. Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinf...Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinfectati echipamentele inainte si dupa utilizare și bucurati-va de un antrenament sigur. Evitati sa va atingeti fata in timpul antrenamentelor. Spalati-va frecvent pe maini sau folositi dezinfectantul pus la dispozitie. " Va rugam sa trimiteti un sample cu una dintre propozitiile de mai sus. Va...
Caut un colaborator pt inceput sa finalizeze cateva taskuri la un proiect care exista de mult timp ca si platforma de stocare informatii. Anumite functii trebuiesc usor modificate, adaugate informatii, corectate. Nu caut pe cineva fara experienta, caut pe cineva disponibil imediat pt 1-2 zile si apoi cateva ore pe zii. Atasez un sample de taskuri care sunt de efectuat pe acest proiect. Ma intereseaza intai sa vad ce experienta ai pana sa mergem mai departe. Am ales sa lucrez cu programator din Romania pt ca eu sunt in Las Vegas si am 10 ore diferenta, ceea ce inseamna ca ne putem completa usor. Ce am atasat ca si taskuri dureaza maxim o zi... astept sa discutam daca ai disponibila aceasta zi si cat costa ... apoi vedem cum mergem mai departe pe ora sau pe proiect. Bafta.
Doresc transformarea textelor in audio intr-o maniera profesionala. Va rog sa furnizati odata cu oferta si un scurt sample audio din textele atasate
As avea nevoie de o traducere a fisierului alaturat din limba romana in limba maghiara. Toate tagurile HTML trebuie sa ramana asa cum sunt. Traducerea trebuie efectuata in fisierul original, fiecare coloana sa fie urmata de traducerea efectiva. Ca sa discut cu cineva legat de acest proiect, rog o traducere test a primelor 3 randuri.
Dorim realizare a mai multor bannere, aproximativ 30 buc, in diverse dimensiuni. Bannerele vor fi folosite atat pe website-uri, advertoriale cat si pe Facebook in reclame sponsorizate. 851x315 (10buc) 600x460 (2 buc) 1080x1080 (10 buc) 1260x360 (3 buc) 1800x496 (3 buc) 640x220 (2 buc) Dupa ce primim cateva sample-uri, va dam tematica exacta. In atasament gasiti un exemplu de banner. DOAR freelanceri din Romania!
Salutare am nevoie de o traducere Germana - Romana 1. Sunt 20 de pagini bugetul meu e de 2 $ pe pagina 2. Am nevoie sa fie gata in 5 zile 3. Va voi cere un sample pentru a verifica calitatea design, daca ai viteza si claritate in exprimare - avem cum sa fim rabdatori sa ajungi la alt nivel, ne trebuie doar sa fii serios(serioasa) si sa iti vezi de treaba. Programul este flexibil si il stabilim de comun acord. Primul proiect implica un logo pt o pizzerie numita Brother's Pizza Astept : 1. portofoliu 2. intrebari clarificatoare (sa vad ca ai inteles proiectul totusi) 3. sample similare daca exista Nu ma astept sa vad copy&paste quote ... nu ma intereseaza agentii(echipe) si nu caut sa fiu stres pt tine pe seara. Vreau si ofer seriozitate si nu e nevoie sa ne pierdem timpul, evident nu ma plictisesc. Nu ma cauta daca nu esti din Romania, locuiesti in Romania si vorbesti fluent si corect Romana. Engleza este foarte importanta de asemenea pt ...
Proiectul este relativ simplu si distractiv. Avem nevoie de un freelancer care sa stie, in primul rand, sa scrie corect si, daca se poate, cu o tenta personala. Articolele sunt din domeniul adult, deci job-ul nu este recomandat celor care se inrosesc usor. Fiecare material va avea aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligat...aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligatoriu de imagini reprezentative. Proiectul se desfasoara timp de minim o luna sau mai mult, daca va fi o colaborare productiva. Avem nevoie de 20 de articole in fiecare saptamana si oferim 7 RON pe articol, ceea ce inseamna 560 RON pe luna, pentru un numar de 80 de materiale. Pretul nu este negociabil. Va rog sa atasati ofertei si doua sample-uri scrise de voi, din orice domeniu. Hap...
SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123
Acesta este unul dintre multele articole, scrise ce imi apartin in totalitate
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
Buna, Am prins un proiect pe termen nedeterminat de la un client roman. E vorba de scris articole foarte lungi. Sunt studenta, vine sesiunea si nu ma mai pot ocupa de articole, dar nu vreau nici sa pierd clientul. De aceea mi-ar placea sa te angajez pe tine. Deocamdata am doua intrebari: 1. Poti scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi? 2. Ai un sample, ceva, scris in ton serios, profesional? Asta ar fi tonul articolelor. Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns :)
Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you
Buna, ti-am facut un sample dar calitatea logo-ului e foarte scazuta. Daca doresti as putea sa il refac intr-o rezolutie mai mare si dupa aia sa il vectorizez! ramane la aprecierea ta!
...plata (validatoare de bancnote, acceptoare de monede, changer-e, hopper-e, etc.) cu protocoale MDB, Executive, Parallel, ccTalk, ccNet, ID003. Este necesara o buna cunoastere a limbajului de programare JAL sau o deschidere pentru asimilarea rapida a acestui limbaj, Punem la dispozitie know-how si documentatie pentru sistemele de plata mentionate. Consituie un avantaj cunostinte de baza de utilizare DesignSpark PCB. In mod direct, proiectul vizat presupune realizarea unei aplicatii software pentru un microcontroller din familia PIC 18F, utilizind JAL ca limbaj de programare, aplicatie ce va avea urmatoarele functiuni: - incasarea de numerar printr-un acceptor de monede si un validator de bancnote MDB sau ccTalk; - afisarea creditului si a produselor selectate pe un ...
Format .avi .mpeg .wmw Minimum Resolution 1080 Recommended Resolution 1998x1080 ; (1:1.85 Flat) Format 1:1.85 FPS 25 Bitrate 25.000 Audio Stereo Sample rate 48Hz Sample bit depth 16 bit Peak Level -9dbfs Or DCP usual Cinema content format
Detin designul ( fisiere .PSD ) la un site de anunturi gen mercador[punct]ro. Doresc sa gasesc un programator care sa implementeze designul pe care eu il am deja, si sa scrie scriptul bazat pe Symphony framework. Foarte important este ca toti cei interesati, sa pregatesca si un sample de cod. Doresc o calitate a codului superioara ( va fi verificata de un cunoscator ). Scriptul trebuie sa fie scalabil si optimizat foarte bine pentru a consuma cat mai putine resurse (CPU, RAM) indiferent de trafic. Scriptul trebuie sa respecte urmatoarele regului : - calitatea codului superioara (cod curat); - sa fie gandit modular, doresc pe parcurs sa pot din administrare sa instalez teme/templateuri, pluginuri - trebuie sa poata fi instalat foarte usor : se urca scriptul pe un server ce re...
Email parser maven project. Sample data: Salut Alex, Avem o problema la ZP-ROHRER 06 cu calculatia SAP nr 15794. Calculatia asta nu poate fi inchisa, presupun ca din cauza ca una dintre comenzi are deja status-ul “Inchisa”, spre deosebire de celelalte care au statusul “Acceptata” (vezi export detalii atasat) Poti sa ne ajuti sa putem inchide calculatia asta si implicit comenzile aferente? (noi nu putem schimba status-ul comenzii marcate cu galben, din “Inchisa” in “acceptatata”)? Cu stima, Kind regards, Silviu Mangeac E&P – MTN&LOG System & SAP OMV Petrom S.A. PETROM CITY Str. Coralilor,
We currently use MS Fabric to house Procore analytics; however, bidboard does not have analytics and we must download an excel file. I'd like to set up a Lakehouse to manually import these excel files and then give our data analyst access to query the information. As a bonus it would be nice to be able to set up this information to share with Salesforce. This would be our first bit of outside data that we would be able to collaborate with our Procore data so I'd like some help setting it up correctly the first time. I'd also like to set it up with the Powerbi model so that when we add a new excel file it removes duplicates and I am able to slice by month, quarter, year. and custom date range.
...artifacts 2. Deliverables: - High-quality audio file (WAV or MP3 320kbps) - Clean audio synced to video timing - Multiple variations if needed for best result We Will Provide: 1. Reference video showing desired style/emotion 2. Clean video for final audio integration 3. Exact script with emotional/timing notes 4. Preferred AI voice platform access if needed Required Skills: - Extensive experience with AI voice optimization - Understanding of natural speech patterns - Expert-level audio editing capabilities - Quick turnaround ability Your Proposal Must Include: 1. Word "LAUNDRY" at the start 2. Examples of your AI voice enhancement work 3. Your process for achieving natural sound 4. Confirmation of 24-hour delivery 5. AI voice sample if you have a ...
I'm looking for a colorful and playful label for my Mushroom Soup. The design should be modern, clean, yet infused with a playful twist, Mexican Style Im attaching the following: -Logo -Sample label (I need something more colorful, Im in Mexico) -Picture of the soup Key elements: - Prominently feature bright patterns or shapes. I want the design to be eye-catching and appealing. - Use warm tones (reds, oranges, yellows) to dominate the label. The color scheme should evoke warmth and comfort. -Texts should be the same Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, brand identity creation, and an ability to work within established color palettes. Experience in food packaging design would be a significant advantage. Please include your portfolio with similar work in your bid...
...artifacts 2. Deliverables: - High-quality audio file (WAV or MP3 320kbps) - Clean audio synced to video timing - Multiple variations if needed for best result We Will Provide: 1. Reference video showing desired style/emotion 2. Clean video for final audio integration 3. Exact script with emotional/timing notes 4. Preferred AI voice platform access if needed Required Skills: - Extensive experience with AI voice optimization - Understanding of natural speech patterns - Expert-level audio editing capabilities - Quick turnaround ability Your Proposal Must Include: 1. Word "LAUNDRY" at the start 2. Examples of your AI voice enhancement work 3. Your process for achieving natural sound 4. Confirmation of 24-hour delivery 5. AI voice sample if you have a ...
I'm looking for an expert in DHCP fingerprinting to help me identify various devices. The focus will be on: - Personal computers and laptops - Mobile devices - Internet of Things (IoT) devices I have a l...Managed Switch Huawei S5735S-L8P4S-QA2 Huawei S5735S-L8T4S-QA2 Huawei S5735S-S24P4X-A Huawei S5735S-S24T4S-A Huawei S5735S-S24T4X-XA Huawei S5735S-S48T4S-A Huawei S5735S-S48T4X-A Huawei S5736-S24S4XC Huawei S5736-S24UM4XC This is just a sample, I have a list of ~20,000 devices. After identification, I need these devices categorized by their device name. This project is crucial for enhancing my network management and security. Once the data set is provided I will verify the validity of it with Please provide the dhcp of the above mentioned sample...
Sono un Food e Beverage Manager e vorrei creare un ebook per piccole imprese della ristorazione (piccoli ristoranti, pasticcerie, panetterie,bar, macellerie) con delle linee che aiutino i piccoli imprenditori a poter migliorare le loro gestioni operative con cencetti base e molto intuitivi. Ad oggi le formazioni online e le consulenze messe a dispozione mirano a grandi operatori del settore, il mio intendo è creare qualcosa per il mercato che ad oggi non ha accesso o visione a questo modello gestionale. L' ebook è da creare tenendo conto dei seguenti capitoli: 1. INTRODUZIONE 2. L'IMPORTANZA DEI NUMERI NELLA RISTORAZIONE 3. IL BUDGET E LA PROGRAMMAZIONE A BREVE E MEDIO PERIODO 4. SELEZIONE E GESTIONE DEI FORNITORI 5. FOOD E BEVERAGE COST CONTROL 7. OTTIMIZZAZIONE ...
I'm seeking a professional designer to create a sleek, modern and minimalist 2-page restaurant menu. The menu should include: - Page 1: Appetizers and mains - Page 2: Drinks and desserts, Specials and promotions - one spot for remarks notes and or to say something - one spot for a picture if we want - sample of what we would like is provided along with our logo - we will need to be able to change the menu - items and rates etc... on our own in future - we require 3 draft / edits The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio of modern minimalist design and experience in creating restaurant menus. Please provide examples of similar work in your proposal.
- online exam software -user & admin not open -not opening in moblie
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can modify my STL file. The modifications involve adding and removing certain features. The purpose of these modifications is to prepare the file for 3D printing. Key Requirements: - Expertise in STL file modification - Ability to add and remove features as per requirements - Prior experience with preparing STL files for 3D printing Please note that the specific features to be added or removed will be communicated upon selection. It's crucial that the final STL file is optimized for 3D printing.
...revised document without introductory or concluding remarks. --- ## **Creating the Floating Trailer Explanatory Video: Integrated Guide** ### **Table of Contents** 1. **Workflow Overview** 2. **Chapter 1: Instructions for the Artist** 3. **Chapter 2: Midjourney Prompts and Use** 4. **Chapter 3: RunwayML Animation Instructions** 5. **Chapter 4: Post-Production Editing** 6. **Appendices** - A. Sample Prompts - B. Notes on Avoiding Confusion in Messaging - C. References and External Links --- ### **1. Workflow Overview** 1. Use **Midjourney** to generate high-quality static images of the FT and traditional trailer in various scenarios. 2. Animate the static images using **RunwayML** to create short, dynamic video clips. 3. Combine the animated clips into a cohesive vid...
I would like to use WYSIWYG Webbuilder to create/manage a website myself. For the start I need someone to make me 3 pages in a WBS file which I can then integrate. I have an exact example, inkl logo, images and colors how it should look like and how I want it, incl. the fonts. I want to transfer the website also in Shopify later.
I'm in need of a floor plan for a modern-style house. The design should be open and spacious, catering to a contemporary lifestyle. Max width = 58 feet and max depth = 75 feet First Floor: - A master bedroom located on the right side, with a separate master bath and closet. - A kitchen that includes a small dirty kitchen. - A breakfast area. - A Family TV a...includes a small dirty kitchen. - A breakfast area. - A Family TV area. - A guest bathroom. - A guest bedroom. - A laundry room with a window. - Stairs leading to the second floor. (The first floor should feature an open floor plan). Second Floor: - Two bedrooms, each with closets, sharing one bathroom. Exterior: - The design should incorporate large windows, a balcony, and an outdoor patio. see sample floor plan but ...
when the user exits the page and goes back I want to keep the state of the page when they existed using as a guide help integrate into my current blazor application. To be clear the candidate will help me implement these features. I'm a novice programmer and just require some consulting. done in Adobe Illustrator or photoshop and delivered in each fully layered file in return. NO OTHER software desired. Photo adjustments should be very easy for someone who is experienced in Adobe Illustrator or photoshop software. (Do not use other software) A - Change text to "Passion Water" with background being as if it is part of the container. B - Repair/adjust pot to make it correct size on each side C - Remove straws on the each side D - Erase one flower and steam and repair the background after E - Transparent background F - Complete the butterfly image at top H - Adjust entire photo to make it sharp and CMYK for printing for Amazon Merch and others t-shirts ect. I - Deliver image in layers for Adobe file. Note: I have the AI generated DALL-E WEBP for ... looking for a content creator that will generate 15 reels per month based on stock footage. More information on brief below. **TO QUALIFY: Share your portfolio ideally working within the travel industry. Provide best price and mention total price WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONS. Any additional pricing will disqualify you. Best price and design will win because the startup has limited funds. Sharing a sample for this brief is a great plus. Reel tones and style: Style: Vibrant and Eye-Catching: Use bold colors, dynamic transitions, and visually appealing layouts that resonate with travelers. Travel-Centric Imagery: Highlight stunning destination shots, cozy hotel interiors, and unique experiences to captivate the audience. Modern and Sleek: Maintain a clean and professional design wit...
...SDK, originally only intended for standard DS development. - Proof of Setup: As proof of a successful environment configuration, a sample program will be compiled and executed within the VM. This sample program will be written in C, the primary programming language for the SDK, and its sole focus will be on demonstrating a functional build-and-run process. - Documentation Format: The main deliverable for this project will be a professionally written PDF guide, maintaining consistency with the SDK's official documentation format. The guide will cover all necessary steps for setting up the VM, configuring tools, and testing the environment with the sample program. - Active Collaboration: While the archival files are publicly available, I will actively as...
Hi everyone, I am looking for a freelancer who is able to create a script for me to import product images (with a CSV file) in Magento 1. Based on the product SKU, it needs to import the product image. This image will be used as first priority for all image display options. Current products already got an image, but our imported image should be the first priority. It needs to be imported in the default store, as my other store views will use the default store image (settings). New product images are available in var/import location on the server. We will first work on my develop server. When the import works, we will apply it on the live server. Looking forward to hearing from you. My maximum budget for this task is €30.
...The Book" by Tristan St Reynolds. The cover needs to reflect the mysterious nature of the book and feature depictions of cryptids in a forest/nature or water in setting, as indicated in the provided sample image must have same sort of creature as samples. Things like Fairies, nymps, mermaids, wendigos and similair creatures or silhouettes of them. I like the creature in middle of my artwork and love the cover i did with fairy/nymph in centre Key Requirements: - Incorporate elements of cryptids and forests/nature on the cover - Convey a mysterious mood - Use the art style in the provided sample image Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and illustration - Prior experience in book cover design - Strong understanding of the 'mysterious'...
...length. - The other is 6ft in length and 5ft in width. - One signage should prominently feature my studio's services and specialties. - The color scheme can be elegant light pastel colors that look very luxury and chic - The design should incorporate photographs of the studio or my yoga pose picture. You will be provided with: - A few sample pictures for design inspiration. - My logo (created on Canva). - The information to be included (sourced from a sample I made). - The specific color schemes I'm considering. The design must be visually captivating, as the signages will be viewed by passersby in luxury neighborhoods, without stopping for a closer inspection. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio in high-end design, excellent understanding of col...
I'm looking for a professional who can help increase my YouTube watch hours and download German subtitles for Me - Download German subtitles for provide list of Movies and Series Show me sample below Two Season Family Guy=23 Season Der Bergdoktor (2008)=18 Season - Work on increasing the watch hours across all my content. What I need see the Attached file too for German Subtitle
I ne...The model should be saved to a file for future use. 2. **Program 2**: This program will analyze input data row by row, using the trained model from Program 1 to recognize similar patterns in an input data file representing out of sample data. Key project requirements: - Compatibility with Python version 3.12. - Able to run via JupyterLab in Anaconda, or directly from command line. - Programs should operate within a MS Windows environment. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Proficiency in Python. - Experience in working with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), particularly for pattern recognition tasks. - Familiarity with JupyterLab and Anaconda. - Ability to deliver robust, efficient, and well-documented code. Specification and sa...
...graphic designer to create a logo for our family-run artisanal workshop, “Cantoni,” which has been restoring antique furniture and precious objects for over 60 years. Founded by a passionate woodcraft master, our workshop combines tradition and attention to detail with a desire to rejuvenate our image and establish a strong online presence. {{ What We Need }} A new logo based on the attached sample (the client already likes this concept). The new design should be simple yet representative of a restoration workshop. The key element is a stylized wooden plane (pialla) with a handle in the shape of a “C” (initial of Cantoni). The word “Cantoni” should appear incised into the wood of the plane (or using the “C” as the handle and &ld...
Looking for a skilled AI Filmmaking and Visual Effects Specialist to collaborate on innovative projects combining traditional filmmaking with cutting-edge AI technology. The ideal candidate should have experience in visual effects, a solid understanding of AI tools for filmmaking, and a creative approach to problem-solving. What are we looking - sample video Responsibilities: Conceptualize and execute visual effects for various projects. Utilize AI tools to create and enhance visual elements, including virtual production, deepfakes, and generative art. Edit and composite high-quality visual effects that align with the project’s creative vision. Stay updated on the latest trends in AI and visual effects. Troubleshoot technical challenges related to visual
I have around 250 photos of motorcycles with white background. All of them need professional background removal. Requirements: - Open each image in photoshop - Make a copy of the image in a new layer an...white background. All of them need professional background removal. Requirements: - Open each image in photoshop - Make a copy of the image in a new layer and remove the white background - save each image like this with a 2 layer PSD file (original image with white background + one with background removed) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software, particularly Adobe Photoshop - Attention to detail to ensure no motorcycle parts are left with the background Please note, there are no additional edits required aside from the background removal. Some sample phot...
I have around 100 JPEG images that need a small date change on a balloon from "2024.01.04" to "2025.01.04". No other modifications are required. Attached sample of photo with balloon that needs editing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software eg photoshop - Attention to detail - Ability to work with JPEG images