Lora gateway wikiproiecte
...Adăugarea profilelor copiilor cu informații despre vârstă, servicii alese, și progres. Monitorizarea prezenței și generarea de rapoarte. Gestionarea serviciilor: Crearea de servicii extra (ex. mese, transport). Asocierea serviciilor cu copiii și integrarea acestora în facturi. Facturare și plăți online: Generarea facturilor automate pentru părinți, bazate pe serviciile selectate. Integrare cu gateway-uri de plată (Stripe, PayPal) pentru tranzacții directe pe eduindex.ro. Documente: Încărcarea documentelor importante (ex. contracte, autorizații). Opțiunea de semnare electronică a documentelor și stocarea lor în siguranță. 3. Funcționalități pentru părinți: Dashboard personalizat: Vizualizarea informațiilor copilului (grupă, servicii, prezență). Acces ...
Proiect: marcare cu tag-uri a fiecarui verb dintr-o baza de date cu aproximativ 5,000 de propozitii si separare pe categorii Faze: 1. marcare cu tag-uri pe baza unei liste de moduri si timpuri verbale in limba romana cf. 2. separare pe categorii in functie de moduri si timpuri verbale Cerinte: a. vorbitor de limba romana b. cunostinte avansate sau specializare in gramatica/ lingvistica (limba romana) c. experienta in Excel Atasati, va rog, un CV care sa demonstreze experienta ceruta. Perioada proiect: mijlocul lunii septembrie, 2021 (sau cat mai repede posibil)
Bună, Arpit A.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat. 1 50 5 days complete design of admin and agent panel 2 300 7 days admintagentlogin, product/supplier/employee add/edit/delete/stock/, agents will see prod PO, Chat, order form, order confirmation, sales process, sms gateway 4 100 5 days I nvoice, barcode generation,adding and remove the products by scanning barcodes, convert to Romania language 5 150 2 days Testing and live Total 600 28 days
Pornind de la o platforma open source - existenta, aceasta trebuie modificata/configurata/ adataptata, si anumite module integrate (gen payment gateway, si altele). Plaforma are modul de CMS, dar implica si modificari CSS/Python.
Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,
Buna ziua, Ma adresez doar vorbitorilor de limba romana. A. Scurta descriere a proiectului Scopul proiectului este acela de implementa o soluție de plăti recursive pentru Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions. Gateway-ul folosit va fi MobilPay (actualmente, MobilPay este instalat pe site pentru one time payment la checkout si este functional). B. Cerințe importante/Constrângeri Implementare prima plata standard cu salvarea token-ului. Plăti nereușite. Anulare plăti. C. Arhitectura sistemului Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions D. Tehnologii Tehnologiile folosite vor fi urmatoarele: 1) HTTP 2) PHP 3) MySQL 4) Javascript E. Controlul calității si testare Înainte de predarea proiectului vor fi efectuate următoarele: 1) Testare functionala...
Buna ziua, Ma adresez doar vorbitorilor de limba romana. A. Scurta descriere a proiectului Scopul proiectului este acela de implementa o soluție de plăti recursive pentru Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions. Gateway-ul folosit va fi MobilPay (actualmente, MobilPay este instalat pe site pentru one time payment la checkout) B. Cerințe importante/Constrângeri Implementare prima plata standard cu salvarea token-ului. Plăti nereușite. Anulare plăti. C. Arhitectura sistemului Wordpress // WooCommerce // Subscriptions D. Tehnologii Tehnologiile folosite vor fi urmatoarele: 1) HTTP 2) PHP 3) MySQL 4) Javascript E. Controlul calității si testare Înainte de predarea proiectului vor fi efectuate următoarele: 1) Testare functionala 2) Testare de perf...
Simulati jocul Connect4(4 in linie) intr-o aplicatie client/server folosind un protocol TCP/IP. Proiectul trebuie facut in C.
vreau sa am 1.5 sec viteza de incarcare site
implementare plata cu amazon , implementare plata cu cardul payment gateway, crestere viteza site.... crestere viteza de incarcare site marire scor in google developer de la 47 pt desktop la 77....... platforma este magento implementarea platilor trebuie facuta in 24 ore iar viteza 3 -4 zile.......doar freelanceri din Romania
Am nevoie de un plugin - gateway pentru MobilPay (se pune la dispozitie documentatie) pentru plati recurente, care sa functioneze sincronizat cu un magazin online instalat pe platforma Woocommerce si cu plugin-ul de membership Paid Memberships Pro . Link magazin online: . Doresc sa pot vinde produse/servicii cu plata lunara prin intermediul magazinului online, cat si abonamente de membership (atunci cand un client doreste sa achizitioneze un abonament, acesta sa fie redirectionat in magazinul online, in pagina produsului aferent abonamentului pe care l-a selectat).
Platforma care sa fie instalata si configurata pe un server, astfel incat sa avem control total asupra platformei de SMS. Singurele costruri care trebuiesc suportate, sa fie cele de telefonice. Platforma trebuie sa suporte transmiterea unui numar mare de sms-uri catre orice operator de telefonie mobila din Romania. Programul SMS Gateway trebuie sa fie optimizat atat din punct de vedere al marimii cat si al puterii de procesare. Ca si sistem de operare, serverul sa fie construit pe arhitectura Linux CentOS cu module de comunicare. Aplicatia propriu-zisa de trimitere a SMS-urilor sa poata fi accesata atat direct printr-o interfata web (un fel de site), cat si prin intermendiul unui API de la distanta (daca serverul este conectat la Internet sau o retea locala).
Avem deja designul, avem si o tema de wp care ofera deja mare parte (80%) din functionalitati, trebuie implmentat designul si creat o optiune de remove video (cu plata), si de implementat un payment gateway(), Va rugam sa ne contactati in cazul in care sunteti interesat, de asemenea cautam unu sau mai multi developeri pentru mai multe proiecte care la momentul de fata stau in asteptare Cu respect, Marius Tudor
Ce contine site-ul? -logare cu user si parola -gateway pentru plati Ce contine siteul care este asemanator unui joc? Elementele deosebite sunt niste cronometre ,in rest sunt statistici. de timp este setat de admin de ex ptr 2 sau porneste descrescand de la doua ore pana la are ore,min, secunde ,zecimi,sutimi,miimi de ajunge la zero reporneste automat de la doua ore in jos. crescator cu ore,min,sec,zecimi,sutimi cronometru se poate opri si porni de catre jucatori in decursul jocului prin apasarea unui buton . valoare chipsuri .Jucatorul seteaza valoarea unei apasari a cronometrului de apasa ii ia din contul virtual un numar de chipsuri egal cu setarea
Ce contine site-ul? -logare cu user si parola -gateway pentru plati Ce contine siteul care este asemanator unui joc? Elementele deosebite sunt niste cronometre ,in rest sunt statistici. de timp este setat de admin de ex ptr 2 sau porneste descrescand de la doua ore pana la are ore,min, secunde ,zecimi,sutimi,miimi de ajunge la zero reporneste automat de la doua ore in jos. crescator cu ore,min,sec,zecimi,sutimi cronometru se poate opri si porni de catre jucatori in decursul jocului prin apasarea unui buton . valoare chipsuri .Jucatorul seteaza valoarea unei apasari a cronometrului de apasa ii ia din contul virtual un numar de chipsuri egal cu setarea
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine...programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru min...in programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru min...in programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine...programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine...programare:) -Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde).Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal,skrill...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee, sau macar sa aiba preturi rezonabile). -Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Salut, m-ar interesa daca poti sa construiesti un site pentru mine, daca se poate spune asa. Va fi u...simplu de a modifica. Produsele pe care doresc sa le vand sunt din categoria(medicamente, porno..etc ceva de genu, adica nu sunt produse pe care le poti vinde oriunde.)Aici mai apare o problema, metoda de plata, deoarece produsele sunt din aceasta categorie, cei de genul paypal...etc nu vor dori sa conlucreze cu mine, ma poti ajuta si la acest capitol???adica sa gasesti payment gateway PROFITABILA(payment gateway care de dorit sa lucreze pe % nu pe monthly fee) Mai am nevoie ca pe site-ul asta clientii sa aiba posibilitatea de a lasa feedback. E posibil sa ma ajuti?? De cit timp ai nevoie, si cel mai important, SUMA pentru care esti gata sa te apuci de lucru. Astept ...
Doresc implementarea plății prin SMS cu API. Mai exact, un Gateway pentru Nexus în 3.4.6 Dețin documentația oferită de : Documentație: KEY: 9294b34bec6d15f1eb8dbbb4ed8993d2
...QUIFF ajuta coaforii sa se dezvolte si sa evolueze din punct de vedere profesional. Aceasta fiind partea de educatie profesionala. Pe scurt, QUIFF sunt cei care, prin produsele si serviciile oferite, ajuta Saloanele - Coaforii sa faca profit si sa se dezvolte din punct de vedere profesional. Aveti mai jos detalii suplimentare despre QUIFF: - ce inseamna QUIFF: - o selectie cu QUIFF-urile care mi-au placut si care sa va fie "muza" in realizarea partii grafice. Cele cu + in denumirea fisierului mi-au placut in mod deosebit Ne dorim ca logo-ul sa fie format din: grafica + text: - Text = QUIFF - Grafica = un QUIFF stilizat (schitat), desenat. Profilul unui QUIFF Acesta este felul cum il vad eu dar ... suntem deschisi oricarei sugestii,
...storytellers, the artists of the soul. They were the ones who shaped the city with their thoughts and emotions, their hopes and fears. Zara spent weeks exploring the City of Shifting Sands, charting its ever-changing streets, documenting its fantastical inhabitants, and trying to understand the logic that governed its existence. She learned that the city wasn't just a place, but a state of mind, a gateway to the infinite possibilities of the imagination. But the city was also a place of danger. Because just as dreams could be beautiful and inspiring, they could also be terrifying and destructive. The city's landscape could shift to reflect the darkest fears and deepest insecurities of its inhabitants. Nightmares could manifest as monstrous creatures, and forgotten ...
I'm looking for a proficient developer to create an e-commerce mobile app compatible with both iOS and Android, alongside a corresponding website. This project includes: - Setting up user accounts and profiles - Integrating a secure and reliable payment gateway - Implementing a system for product reviews and ratings The ideal candidate for this project should have substantial experience in e-commerce app development, proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development, and a solid understanding of secure payment integration. A portfolio showcasing similar past projects will be highly advantageous.
Quero um profissional pra montar um site , implantar gateway de pagamento montar o site com facilidade de cadastro de produtos.
...automated dashboards for business insights✅ Shopify & Automation: Sync Shopify data to Google Sheets using ✅ Demand Forecasting: Build SKU-specific demand forecasting models✅ Inventory & Supply Chain Tracking: Automate stock tracking for both raw materials & finished goods✅ Financial & Profitability Analysis: Track fixed/variable costs, discounts, shipping profitability, and payment gateway performance✅ Customer Insights & Demographics: Analyze order trends, geographic sales, and repeat customers✅ Error Handling & Troubleshooting: Identify and correct data discrepancies✅ Customer Service Data Integration: Assist in managing customer inquiries, tracking refunds, and organizing order follow-ups✅ Administrative & Operations Support: Help with managing da...
I'm seeking a talented web designer to create an E-commerce site for my business. The site needs to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and fully optimized for an online shopping experience. Key features: - The site must have seamless Payment Gateway integration, specifically with PayPal. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web design with a focus on E-commerce platforms. - Experience with PayPal integration. - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles. - Ability to create responsive designs that work on all devices. Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly any E-commerce sites you've designed, in your proposal.
I'm looking to develop an app that co...Features: - Users can post their requirements for materials like bricks, stone, sand, cement, etc. as well as labor and engineers. - Service providers can bid on these requests. - The customer pays a minimum amount to block the bid. - Upon confirmation, both parties' contact details and locations are shared. - Penalties for bid cancellations to ensure commitment. The app must have: - In-app payment gateway - Available on both iOS and Android - Three user roles: Customer, Service Provider, Admin - User authentication via Phone Number and OTP Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience with real-time bidding systems - In-app payment integration - Strong understanding of user authentication systems - Admin panel...
I need Flutter Expert who can connect Java library-based payment gateway with Android using Wrapper.
...System: A comprehensive user management system is crucial. This should include various roles such as Subadmin, Master, Agent, User, and Admin. - Referral & Commission System: A robust referral and commission system is needed. - Financial Management: This involves setting up deposit and withdrawal methods. The methods to be supported are Credit/Debit Card, Bank Transfer, E-wallet, Crypto, Payment Gateway, and UPI. - Game Integration: The project requires the integration of various casino games along with sports betting. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and its plugins. _security -seo management -smoothgaming experience - Proven track record in integrating sports betting and casino sites. - Strong skills in user management...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer who can create a robust e-commerce site for me on AWS cloud. Key Requirements: - Setting up a shopping cart - Integrating a secure payment gateway (the site is intended for selling digital products initially, with plans to expand into merchandise) - Future-proofing the site with a scalable product management system Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with e-commerce web development - Proficiency in AWS setup and management - Strong skills in integrating payment gateways and shopping carts Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Looking forward to your bids.
...sellers (e.g., students, sports teams, or non-profits) get their own personalized online store to sell products and raise funds. The system consists of two main parts: A standard webshop where anyone can buy directly with a payment gateway. A reseller system where sellers get personal webshops, but orders are only recorded and later exported to a group leader—no payment processing on reseller pages. Core Requirements 1. Standard Webshop () A fully functional e-commerce store displaying all products. Standard cart & checkout process. Payment gateway integration (Stripe, PayPal, Klarna, or similar). Orders placed here are processed and shipped normally. 2. Reseller Webshop System () Sellers register via a sign-up page. Each seller gets a unique webshop URL (websi...
...Google) for signup/sign in. - **Profile Management**: Basic info updates (Sign in with phone number, Google and Apple) and profile picture uploads. - **Event Management**: The ability for users to create and edit events, RSVP and attendance tracking, along with event reminders and notifications. - **Notifications**: Implementing a robust notification system throughout the app. - **Payment Gateway**: Integration with digital payment platforms like Apple Pay and Google Pay. - **Media Management**: Functions for uploading, managing and sharing photos/images. - **Chat Feature**: A simple, user-friendly chat system. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in Flutter development and experience with mobile app front-end design and integration with RES...
I'm looking for a developer to create a website for my company. This will be an educational platform focused on philosophical content aimed at providing inspiration. The platform will deliver content in text, audio, and video formats, all behind a subscription-based paywall. Key Features: - A secure login system - A seamless payment gateway - An intuitive user dashboard - Robust security features to protect our content and user data - A content management system for easy content updates and management. - A progress tracking system for users to see their learning journey. - Mobile optimization to ensure the platform is accessible on different devices. - A notification system to alert users of new content or updates. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and e-commerce...
...card details (name, title,email,phone...), which should then be placed onto a pre-existing PDF template. - Preview Functionality for customer: After entering details, customer should be able to preview the order and receive a PDF to review. - Submission to Print house: A button to submit the order to Print-House after review. Additionally, I need quote for additional future work: - A Payment Gateway: To process transactions for new calling card orders as part of selected/developed Payment. - Order Status Tracking: Enabling me to keep tabs on my orders. Skills required for this project include: - Proficiency in Wordpress development. - Experience with e-commerce and order tracking systems. - Familiarity with PDF generation and template systems. - Prior work with integrating paym...
I'm seeking a professional to automate and monitor payouts from my payment gateway. I can provide an API and a demo account for this task. Key Requirements: - Scheduled payouts: I need the system to handle regular, timed disbursements. - Real-time notifications: It's crucial for me to receive instant alerts for every transaction. - Detailed transaction reports: I want comprehensive summaries of all transactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient with API integrations. - Experience with or similar payment gateways. - Strong skills in automation and real-time monitoring systems. - Ability to generate detailed transaction reports.
I'm in need of a ready-made, fully functional tour and travel website that primarily serves as a booking system. This platform should facilitate bookings for: - Tours and activities - Accommodation - Transport Furthermore, the booking system must encompass additional features such as: - Integration with a secure, reliable payment gateway - A section for user reviews and ratings - A booking calendar Ideal candidates for this project should have proven experience in developing e-commerce platforms, preferably within the travel sector. They should also be proficient in integrating and customizing booking systems, payment gateways, and user interaction features. A portfolio showcasing similar projects would be highly advantageous.
...Implement Shaparak integration - Set up Shetab processing - Configure local bank transfers - Handle payment verification ## Main Tasks ### 1. Localization (High Priority) - Implement complete Persian (Farsi) translation - Add RTL layout support - Configure number/currency formatting - Implement date/time localization ### 2. Payment Integration (High Priority) - Complete Iranian payment gateway integration - Implement Stripe Connect for international payments - Add escrow system - Create payment verification flow Majority part of payment system has been done just maybe. There is some bugs or 20% less that need to be finalized to complete it. ### 3. Trading System (Medium Priority) - Enhance trade workflow - Add dispute resolution - Implement real-time notifications - ...
...of social media platforms. - Weekly report generation: The app should auto-generate weekly reports detailing content consumption across devices. Payment Gateway: - The app should integrate a single payment gateway, specifically UPI. Platforms: - The Master App needs to be compatible with iOS, Android, Windows and Mac, as well as Smart TVs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in app development across the specified platforms. - Prior experience in designing parental control software or similar applications. - Knowledge in implementing advanced AI for content filtering. - Capability to integrate a secure and reliable payment gateway. The project is slated to begin immediately. I look forward to working with a dedicated and capable team. Best Regards, Vijay M...
... - Set up email automation to nurture leads and keep cancer survivors engaged with regular updates. - Ensure the landing page and funnel are fully responsive and look great on all devices. - Ensure that video tutorials are hosted securely and load quickly without buffering. - Include social media sharing options to allow users to easily share content and spread the word. - Integrate a payment gateway to facilitate seamless transactions for any paid services or subscriptions. - Set up A/B testing to determine which versions of landing pages and funnels perform best. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Kajabi, a knack for colorful and vibrant designs, and a deep understanding of funnel creation for video content. The landing page should use...
I'm a new to Spring Boot microservices and need immediate assistance with my API Gateway on port 8085, which isn't working in POSTMAN. I have my Security Configurations with JWT Token and user-service ready, but I'm unsure how to properly utilize the API Gateway. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Spring Boot and microservices. - Experience with API Gateway tools such as Spring Cloud Gateway. - Understanding of JWT Token security configurations. - Proficiency in troubleshooting connection issues. Please note, I have a fixed price of 600 rupees for this task, and there is no room for negotiation.
I need a full-fledged, dynamic, and responsive web application built with the MERN stack. This will be an e-commerce website tailored for a software institute, designed as an educational platform. Key Responsibilities: - Construct a complete, interactive website with e-commerce capabilities - Implement features like product listings, shopping cart, and user reviews - Ensure the site is fully...functionality for tracking student progress and course completion. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in MongoDB, , React, and Node.js - Previous experience in building e-commerce and educational websites - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles for educational platforms - Ability to deliver high-quality, bug-free code within a set timeline. Integrate Stripe as the payment gateway.
...podcast as a mp4 video. 3. Technical Requirements: - Frontend: React.js or Vue.js for a dynamic UI. - Backend: Node.js with or Python with Django/Flask. - Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB. - File Storage: Undecided but may be my Virtual Private Server for now. - Semantic Search: Elasticsearch or Algolia with custom ranking. - Subscriptions: Undecided which payment gateway to use at this time. - Ads: Google Ad Manager and YouTube IFrame API. 4. Priorities: - Fast and efficient upload and data entry process for authors. - I currently have VPS for hosting. - Seamless integration of ads and YouTube videos. - User-friendly interface for both authors and end users. - Analytics must include total number of listening hours for each podcast I have th...
I'm seeking a professional to integrate an API Gateway for a REST API into my project. The primary function of this gateway will be to handle Security and Authentication processes. This is a critical task as we will be implementing JWT (JSON Web Token) as our chosen authentication method. Need to integrate with ALB. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in working with REST APIs - Extensive experience with API Gateway integration - Strong understanding of Security and Authentication processes - Expertise in implementing JWT (JSON Web Token) - Knowledge of best practices for API security
...project is to develop a user-friendly E-commerce platform that includes: - Shopping Cart and Checkout: The site must have a seamless shopping experience. The shopping cart should be easy to use and the checkout process should be quick and efficient, ensuring minimal cart abandonment. - Credit Card Integration: The site needs to be integrated with a secure and reliable Credit Card payment gateway. While the primary focus is on Credit Card payments, the design should allow for easy integration with other payment systems in the future. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive experience in E-commerce web design. - Proficiency in integrating secure payment gateways, particularly Credit Card systems. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces that ens...
...when they attempt to buy. Account Features: Registered users should be able to: View purchase history Save favorite photos Receive email notifications about new photos or updates Password Recovery: Provide a way for users to recover forgotten passwords or reset accounts. 2.4 E-commerce Functionality Shopping Cart: Users can add multiple photos to a shopping cart and checkout securely. Payment Gateway Integration: The platform must support secure payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe, or credit card payments for transactions. Order Confirmation: Once a purchase is made, users will receive a confirmation email with order details and download instructions (if applicable). Download Links: For digital purchases, provide a link to download the image(s) once payment is complete. Ensur...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a self-managed e-commerce WordPress site for me. The website should be designed for selling physical products and should incorporate essential e-commerce functionalities like a shopping cart, payment gateway integration, and inventory management. Some of my favorite websites are: Key Requirements: - The website should not incur any monthly fees like Shopify or similar platforms. - It should be built on WordPress, which I believe is the best option for my needs. - The design should allow for easy updates, enabling me to add, edit or remove content as needed. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress and e-commerce site development. - Proficiency in implementing
...transaction processing and organizational management. Design and refine RESTful API interactions for seamless backend communication. Collaborate with the backend team to optimize Node.js/Nest.js APIs effectively. Ensure high performance, security, and reliability in all aspects of development. Qualifications: Proficiency in Flutter & Dart programming. Experience in subscription-based models and payment gateway integrations. Strong understanding of AWS S3 storage and cold storage solutions. Hands-on experience with QuickBooks API integration. Expertise in Google Service Accounts for transaction management. Strong knowledge of RESTful APIs and backend communication. Experience working with Sup...
I have a WordPress website with WooCommerce, and I also have an approved QuickBooks account. However, I need help integrating QuickBooks Payments with my website using the appropriate QuickBooks plug-in for WooCommerce. I’m not sure how to set up the payment gateway.