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2,000 logo design for travel agency proiecte găsite

We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta medie
18 oferte
scriitori articole
S-a încheiat left

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$869 Average bid
$869 Oferta medie
5 oferte

Am nevoie de o pagina de prezentare in wordpress pe tema de mai jos sau asemanator: Cerinte: - adaptarea temei la cerintele vizuale (modificare culori, logo, tipuri de font etc) - posibilitate de accesare a paginii in 3 limbi diferite - implementare - asistenta la incarcare continut - asistenta pentru updates si defectiuni - asistenta pentru adaptari ulterioare

$178 Average bid
$178 Oferta medie
22 oferte
Website escort!
S-a încheiat left

Nu ma intereseaza programatori din alta tara, doar Romania! Not interested developers in another country, only Romania! Doresc finalizarea unui site de escort/membri/agentii/site-uri de gen. Scriptul pe care se lucreaza este: Durata maxima realizare: 30 zile Pret fix: 250 ron! Contact la : office(arond) sau la tel: 0785.961.450

$199 Average bid
$199 Oferta medie
9 oferte
Website tip escort -- 2
S-a încheiat left

Nu ma intereseaza programatori din alta tara, doar Romania! Not interested developers in another country, only Romania! Doresc finalizarea unui site de escort/membri/agentii/site-uri de gen. Scriptul pe care se lucreaza este: Durata maxima realizare: 30 zile Pret fix: 250 ron! Contact la : office(arond) sau la tel: 0785.961.450

$242 Average bid
$242 Oferta medie
8 oferte

Doresc update de la versiunea 1.5.26 la 2.5 pentru un site de travel, cu mentinerea functionalitatii componentelor, detalii in privat.

$200 Average bid
$200 Oferta medie
14 oferte
scriitori articole
S-a încheiat left

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$943 Average bid
$943 Oferta medie
10 oferte
scriitori articole
S-a încheiat left

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$1224 Average bid
$1224 Oferta medie
1 oferte
scriitori articole
S-a încheiat left

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$981 Average bid
$981 Oferta medie
33 oferte
Construiește un Site Web
S-a încheiat left

I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - ...

$2135 Average bid
$2135 Oferta medie
17 oferte

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$86 Average bid
$86 Oferta medie
16 oferte
Optimizare SEO - repost
S-a încheiat left

...SEO site agentie de turism. Urmarim o colaborare pe teremen lung. Cerinte: - 200 Link-uri statice de tip href, one-way, 100 % tehnici White Hat, pe pagini PR4+ - cel putin 1 link trebuie să fie PR9 (poate fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 5 link-uri trebuie să fie PR8 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 15 de link-uri trebuie să fie PR7 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - maxim 10 link-uri pe forum-uri de travel - link-urile trebuie să fie permanente, do follow, pe pagini de travel in limba romana (cu exceptiile de mai sus), indexate de Google, neblocate de - link-urile sterse in termen de 12 luni vor fi inlocuite - maximum 1 link per domeniu, pe pagini cu maximum 40 de...

$161 Average bid
$161 Oferta medie
4 oferte

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$111 Average bid
$111 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un site dedicat femeilor. Nu se cere experienta, desi ar fi frumos sa aveti. Articolele vor fi redactate in limba romana pentru urmatoarele teme: -Moda -Relatii -frumusete -dieta -shopping -travel Se cere continut original (articolele ce urmeaza sa fie publicate vor fi verificate), minimum 3 articole pe saptamana.

$111 Average bid
$111 Oferta medie
1 oferte sugestiile dvs. si speram sa va incante acest proiect, avand in vedere potentialul turistic imens pe care il ofera tara noastra. PS: Scopul principal al acestui proiect este acela de promovare a imaginii Romaniei si de dezvoltare a comunitatilor romanesti din tara, prin oferirea unui management turistic profesionist. Cu stima, Mugurel Oprea General Manager Romania's Friends Travel Agency...

$27 Average bid
$27 Oferta medie
5 oferte

Salu Sam, Numele meu este Radu Matache, si iti scriu din partea New Tribe Agency Romania. Am rasfoit portofoliul tau si suntem interesati sa te cunoastem pentru o posibila colaborare. Cine suntem noi? Agentia New Tribe este o companie internationala de publicitate cu sedii in 7 tari. Branding, marketing, web-applications, on-line and off-line media - sunt doar unele din serviciile oferite de catre NewTribe clientilor sai. Poti vizita pentru mai multe detalii. New Tribe si-a deschis de curand un sediu in Romania, in Bucuresti. Cautam sa ne completam echipa cu oameni talentati pe partea de design grafic. Portofoliul tau pare interesant, si de aceea am dori sa-ti propunem o colaborare pe postul de graphic designer in cadrul companiei noastre. Posturile pe care dorim

$800 Average bid
$800 Oferta medie
1 oferte

I want to create the figma designs based on these functionality: Fengshui AI Agent – Functional Specification 1. Overview The Fengshui AI Agent is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide Fengshui consultations through WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. Users can interact with the bot like a Fengshui master for advice on property, dating, business, and daily decisions. The application will allow profile storage, floorplan analysis, name profiling, date selection, car plate selection, and more. Future enhancements include audio call support. 2. Features & Functionalities 2.1 User Profile Management • Users can register by providing: o Name o Birthdate and Time o Gender o Interests (Property, Business, Dating, Daily Fengshui) • Store and...

$532 Average bid
$532 Oferta medie
32 oferte

Fengshui AI Agent – Functional Specification 1. Overview The Fengshui AI Agent is an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide Fengshui consultations through WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. Users can interact with the bot like a Fengshui master for advice on property, dating, business, and daily decisions. The application will allow profile storage, floorplan analysis, name profiling, date selection, car plate selection, and more. Future enhancements include audio call support. 2. Features & Functionalities 2.1 User Profile Management • Users can register by providing: o Name o Birthdate and Time o Gender o Interests (Property, Business, Dating, Daily Fengshui) • Store and edit personal Fengshui details. 2.2 Chatbot Integration • AI...

$2257 Average bid
$2257 Oferta medie
34 oferte

As a start-up travel agency, I need a professional web developer to create an engaging and user-friendly website. The main aim of the site is to attract new customers. Key features to include: - Booking Management: The website should facilitate managing various bookings, including flight bookings, hotel reservations, and tour packages. - Customer Reviews: The website should have a section dedicated to customer reviews to build trust and credibility among potential customers. - Special Deals and Discounts: To attract more customers, the website should feature a section for special deals and discounts. The ideal freelancer for this project should have prior experience in e-commerce website development, preferably in the travel industry. Skills in UX/U...

$103 Average bid
$103 Oferta medie
23 oferte
Full-Time Software Developer Position
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for a dedicated Software Developer for a full-time role in the Information Technology sector. This is a fantastic opportunity for a qualified individual, whether you're from India or elsewhere. Key Responsibilities: - Develop, test, and implement software applications. - Collaborate with other IT professionals to enhance our software offerings. - Troubleshoot and resolve software issues in a timely manner. Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience as a Software Developer. - Proficient in various programming languages and software development tools. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Strong communication and teamwork abilities. Visa and travel requirements will be given , needed urgently,

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Oferta medie
63 oferte

I have a family video full of travel adventures that I need to enhance with music and sound effects. The ideal candidate for this project is a sound mixing professional with a keen sense for synchronizing music with visuals. Key Requirements: - Add movie score music to accompany the video - Synchronize music with specific moments in the video - Create a seamless blend of sounds to enhance the viewing experience Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video sound editing and sound mixing - Exceptional understanding of music and ability to match it with video content - Prior experience with family or travel videos preferred Please include examples of your previous work in your bid.

$285 Average bid
Acord de confidenţialitate
$285 Oferta medie
22 oferte interactive maps for luxury travel packages. These maps should be accessible through a website and feature customizable routes and interactive points of interest. Ideal candidates will have experience in creating detailed, user-friendly travel maps and a portfolio demonstrating their expertise in this area. Key Requirements: - Create interactive digital maps for luxury travel packages - Incorporate customizable routes and points of interest - Ensure accessibility through a dedicated website Preferred Skills: - Experience in interactive map creation - Expertise in web development - Understanding of luxury travel requirements Project Overview We are seeking a talented graphic designer to create 5 visually appealing, branded tour maps ...

$98 Average bid
$98 Oferta medie
38 oferte

I'm looking for a modern, bright and vibrant logo for my marketing agency. It should be in both Arabic and English,

$24 Average bid
$24 Oferta medie
52 oferte

Zoho Sign Setup & CRM Implementation for Marketing Agency Description: I am looking for an experienced Zoho expert to help set up Zoho Sign and assist in configuring a CRM system for my agency Scope of Work: Zoho Sign Setup: Configure Zoho Sign for seamless document signing and automation. Integrate it with our existing workflows. Provide guidance on best practices. CRM Implementation: Recommend and configure a suitable CRM within the Zoho ecosystem (or integrate with an alternative if necessary). Customize CRM to track leads, clients, and influencer/creator relationships. Automate processes such as onboarding, follow-ups, and reporting. Provide training or documentation for the team. Requirements: Proven experience with Zoho product...

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta medie
7 oferte

I am looking for a skilled lead generator and cold caller to help my web design agency increase sales leads. Key Responsibilities: - Generate leads primarily targeting small businesses on a national level. - Cold call potential leads and convert them into sales opportunities. - Maintain a positive, empathetic, and professional attitude towards customers at all times. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in lead generation and cold calling. - Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. - Ability to handle rejections and continue pursuing leads. - Familiarity with web design industry is a plus. - Proficiency in using CRM software and Microsoft Office Suite.

$20 Average bid
$20 Oferta medie
6 oferte
Travel Instagram Reels Content Creator
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm seeking a long-term partner to assist with content creation for my travel-focused Instagram reels. The aim is to enhance engagement and expand my follower base. Key Responsibilities: - Create authentic and engaging travel content - Employ humor/comedy elements within a travel context - Use voiceovers, text overlays, and unique sound effects Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of Instagram's content dynamics - Expertise in travel content creation - Experience with voiceovers and text overlays I'm looking for someone who can bring creativity, authenticity, and a unique angle to our content with the help of me. Your goal will be to help make our Instagram reels a go-to for travel enthusiasts.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Oferta medie
26 oferte
Trophy icon Naming New Co
2 zile left

To find a name for the new corporate and luxury event agency that includes the word "NEXT" and embodies a strong, modern, and recognizable identity. The name should convey innovation, growth, and a strong connection to the Saudi market, reflecting the agency’s focus on high-end and business-driven events. Naming Guidelines: International Appeal: The name should be easily understood globally, with no pronunciation difficulties or negative meanings in English or Arabic. Cultural & Regional Relevance: It may incorporate references to Saudi Arabia’s futuristic vision (Vision 2030), its rich history, the desert landscape, iconic cities like Riyadh or Neom, or concepts related to luxury, exclusivity, and premium corporate experiences. Modern & Intuit...

$41 Average bid
Recomandat Garantat

I'm looking for a photographer who can capture my daily life moments, travel experiences, and hobbies in a casual and candid style for my personal Instagram account. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in casual, candid photography - Ability to capture a variety of themes and topics - Experience with Instagram content creation - Understanding of personal, relatable content - Creativity in capturing everyday moments

$3 - $75 / hr
$3 - $75 / hr
0 oferte

we are looking for someone that is an expert in creating stunning designs for website projects. You have noteable experience in making mockups/designs. please show me your most impressive works and we can schedule a meeting. I don't have time to go through everyone's profile. the freelancers that are able to send me his best 5 works, will have a higher chance of being accepted for future projects

$464 Average bid
$464 Oferta medie
98 oferte

I'm looking for a unique travel itinerary gift that focuses on exploration in India. Will provide day by day lodging and destinations. Just want it to look great. Key aspects to include: - Food: Recommendations for local cuisine and eateries. - Lodging: Suggestions for accommodation, ranging from budget to luxury, depending on the location and experience. -Culutral activities Ideal skills for this project include: - Experience in creating detailed, thoughtful travel itineraries. - Experience in scrapbooking. Hoping it has a fun, non glossy feel.

$288 Average bid
$288 Oferta medie
68 oferte

I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a brochure for my agency. The primary purpose of the brochure is promotional, aimed at enticing potential clients. Key Requirements: - Your design must convey a professional tone, reflecting the agency's commitment to quality and excellence. - You should have a strong understanding of marketing design, to effectively engage our target audience. - Previous experience in creating promotional materials for agencies or similar businesses will be highly regarded.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Oferta medie
22 oferte

I'm seeking a cold calling expert to support my marketing agency. The primary role will involve reaching out to small businesses across the USA. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calling to small businesses with the aim of generating interest in our marketing services. - Effectively communicate our value proposition and handle any inquiries or objections. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cold calling, preferably targeting small businesses. - Excellent communication skills and a knack for sales. - Knowledge of the marketing industry would be an advantage.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Oferta medie
4 oferte

I'm seeking a creative professional to help develop a fun and playful kids' drink called Time Machine. This drink should appeal to child...children, capturing the essence of adventure and imagination. Key Responsibilities: - Conceptualize a drink that embodies the theme of time travel in a fun and engaging way. - Develop a minimalist yet playful packaging design that stands out and appeals to both kids and parents. - Create a range of fruity flavors for the drink, appealing to children's taste buds. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in beverage development, particularly for the kids' market. - Strong creative skills, with a portfolio showcasing fun, playful designs. - Understanding of minimalist design principles, with the ability to inc...

$10 Average bid

I'm seeking2 modern and sleek logos for my luxury travel company - Rentals In Paradise. The logo should incorporate the full company name. The 2nd logo should include the tag line - Your Ultimate Travel Concierge Key Requirements: - A design that is modern and sleek - Incorporation of the full company name into the logo Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for luxury brands - Strong understanding of modern and sleek design aesthetics - Excellent typographic skills to incorporate the full company name into the design in a visually appealing way.

$20 Average bid
607 intrări

Project Description: We are looking for an experienced SEO specialist or agency to improve the search engine ranking and online visibility of our IT solutions and services company. Requirements: ✅ Proven Experience in IT Industry SEO – You must have worked with IT companies before and provide case studies or evidence of past results. ✅ On-Page & Off-Page SEO Expertise – Must be able to optimize our website’s structure, content, and backlinks. ✅ Keyword Research & Strategy – Identify high-impact keywords related to IT services and solutions. ✅ Technical SEO – Ensure fast page speed, mobile optimization, and proper indexing. ✅ Content Optimization – Optimize existing content and suggest improvements for better ranking. ✅ Link-...

$85 Average bid
$85 Oferta medie
70 oferte

Superco: The Best Shopify Design Company for Ecommerce Growth 1) Why Superco Stands Out as a Shopify Agency • Superco is a globally recognized Shopify Plus agency. • Specializes in visually appealing, high-performing, and scalable Shopify stores. • Expertise in design, development, growth, and customer retention. 2) Superco’s Comprehensive Shopify Development & Optimization Services • Focuses on creating user-friendly and high-converting ecommerce websites. • Custom Shopify themes that align with brand identity. • Solutions include app development, ERP integrations, and subscription models. • Prioritizes seamless navigation, mobile responsiveness, and optimized checkout. • Data-driven strategies ...

$439 Average bid
$439 Oferta medie
38 oferte

I seek a growth hacker. My app 10 Kudos is made to share useful contacts among friends: I suggest my babysitter, you suggest your a growth hacker. My app 10 Kudos is made to share useful contacts among friends: I suggest my babysitter, you suggest your vet, and at the end we have a kind of community yellow pages, a list of the favorite providers of your friends. I think it can be useful, but now I have no idea how to spread it. I'm not seeking a marketing agency who will spend zillions on ads, I'm seeking a strategist who can teach me how to spread the app so that the people find it useful, and ideally have the users themselves bring their friends to the app.

$8221 Average bid
$8221 Oferta medie
14 oferte

I'm looking for a designer to help me create a visually compelling, bold and vibrant PDF work portfolio for my marketing agency. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in graphic design, specifically for creating professional portfolios. - Prior experience designing for marketing agencies would be a plus. - Strong understanding of modern design software and tools. - Ability to create a design that is not only visually appealing but also effectively communicates our brand and work. Sections to Include: - About Us: A brief introduction to our agency, our mission, vision, and values. - Work Portfolio: A showcase of our previous work, case studies, and success stories. The overall design should be bold and vibrant...

$70 Average bid
$70 Oferta medie
29 oferte

Upgrade the theme with the latest theme

$124 Average bid
$124 Oferta medie
1 oferte

...Customer dashboard with service history and upcoming appointments - Admin dashboard for business operations Mobile Applications (iOS & Android): - User-friendly customer interface for managing subscriptions - Push notifications and reminders for routine maintenance - In-app chat between customers and support - Image upload and real-time updates for service outcomes - Integration with Google Maps for technician tracking Tradesperson Management System: - Technician/trade signup and verification - Task assignment and scheduling - Invoicing and payment tracking Automation & AI Integration: - Automated service reminders and up-sell suggestions - AI-based task prioritization based on urgency 3. Functionality Requirements for Key User Journ...

$10953 Average bid
$10953 Oferta medie
81 oferte

I'm seeking a skilled videographer to film a travel vlog in Venice with a cinematic style. Key Responsibilities: - Filming various scenes across the city, predominantly from a boat and also filming my dance. - Capturing the essence of Venice in a visually stunning, cinematic way. Ideal Skills: - Professional videography experience, particularly with travel vlogs. - Ability to shoot in a variety of settings, especially on water. - Strong understanding of cinematic filming techniques. Let’s showcase the beauty of Venice together!

$31 - $259
$31 - $259
0 oferte

I'm seeking a professional to generate leads for my agency by scheduling meetings with small businesses via email. The primary aim of these meetings is to explore potential partnerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email communication - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with small business landscape - Understanding of partnership development Experience: - Proven track record in similar projects - Prior experience with small businesses - Background in sales or partnership development preferred.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
21 oferte

I'm seeking a professional to generate leads for my agency by scheduling meetings with small businesses via email. The primary aim of these meetings is to explore potential partnerships. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in email communication - Experience in lead generation - Familiarity with small business landscape - Understanding of partnership development Experience: - Proven track record in similar projects - Prior experience with small businesses - Background in sales or partnership development preferred.

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Oferta medie
25 oferte

I'm on the lookout for a proficient mobile and web developer, specifically focusing on Flutter, to help in the development of a flutter-based mobile application. The app is intended to serve as a comprehensive employee management system. Key Features of the App: - Attendance Tracking - Payroll Management - Performance Evaluation The ideal candidate or agency for this project must be based in Mumbai and should possess a robust and visually appealing portfolio. Please share the link to your portfolio along with your proposal.

$1265 Average bid
$1265 Oferta medie
48 oferte

I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create an engaging travel agency website focused on booking trips, specifically package tours. Key Features: - Users should be able to book various package tours directly through the site. - Implement a system for partially customizable package tours, allowing users to tailor their trips to some extent. - The site should be user-friendly, attractive, and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Experience in eCommerce site development, particularly in the travel industry. - Familiarity with creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. - Knowledge of SEO best practices to ensure the site is easily discoverable. ...

$3747 Average bid
$3747 Oferta medie
88 oferte

...articles will be to generate leads and sales for my services - namely, store creation and services optimization. Key Tasks: - Write engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly articles about Ecommerce and Shopify - Optimize and include relevant backlinks to enhance SEO performance Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Strong understanding of SEO principles - Experience in Ecommerce and Shopify - Proficient in backlinking strategies Your work will directly influence the visibility of my services online, so a results-oriented mindset is crucial. I’m looking for someone who can deliver compelling content that will not only boost my SEO but also convert readers into potential clients. To Win: 1. Create 1 (Choose one) SEO Article for these keywor...

$30 Average bid
Freelance Opportunity in Edu-Tech -- 2
5 zile left
Cont confirmat

We are seeking a Business Development Representative to establish and strengthen partnerships with language schools for our innovative study abroad platform. The ideal candidate will be responsible for reaching out to schools, engaging decision-makers, and securing collaborations. This role may require physical visits to institutions to represent our platform and establish trust with school administrators. Responsibilities: Identify and reach out to potential language school partners in the UK, Cape town, Spain, US and Canada through email, phone, and in-person meetings. Present our platform to schools, showcasing its benefits and unique features. Negotiate and secure partnerships with institutions, ensuring mutual value. Act as an official representative of us, maintai...

$697 Average bid
$697 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Consultor de Viajes y Transporte (Freelance - Remoto) Descripción del puesto Buscamos un Consultor de Viajes y Transporte con experiencia en agencias de viajes para gestionar y coordinar reservas de vuelos y transportes terrestres. La persona seleccionada será responsable de garantizar la eficiencia en la planificación de viajes, la gestión de incidencias y el control de costos, asegurando un servicio de alta calidad. Responsabilidades Reserva de billetes de avión a través de internet y el sistema Amadeus. Gestión de servicios especiales en vuelos según las necesidades de los pasajeros. Coordinación con proveedores de transporte terrestre para garantizar conexiones fluidas. Emisión de billetes y confirmación de i...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Oferta medie
6 oferte

I need a dependable professional who can efficiently extract applicant information from various State Workforce Agency websites and transfer it to a SharePoint site on a daily basis. Key Responsibilities: - Monitor and extract data from Pennsylvania and Indiana State Workforce Agency websites. - Collect specific data points including applicant names, contact information, and the date the application was submitted. - Report issues for logging into sites to project manager. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data extraction and web scraping. - Familiarity with State Workforce Agency websites. - Experience with SharePoint. - Strong attention to detail and ability to work consistently on a daily basis. This project requires a dedicated individual who ...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Oferta medie
44 oferte
Trophy icon Logo Design for Global RH
2 zile left

I'm seeking a modern logo for Global RH Solutions, a human resources consulting agency. The logo should reflect our core focus on people, progression and a global perspective. Key Design Elements: - An arrow indicating progression and evolution. - One or more silhouettes of people representing humanity and teamwork. - A blue color scheme, potentially incorporating various shades of blue. - A visual element signifying our global reach, such as a circle or dynamic curves around the logo elements. The logo should primarily emphasize our commitment to humanity and teamwork, while also subtly incorporating themes of progression and a global perspective. Final Deliverables: - The completed logo should be provided in both PNG and J...

$58 Average bid
657 intrări