Logo design for company name pune indiaproiecte
Am o tema cumparata de pe , o tema de rezervari hoteliere Doresc sa implementez pe site-ul un xml care sa importe tarife de pe un server. In principal sunt aproximativ 1000 de tarife . In principiu la 2-3 zile isi face un update la 50-100 de tarife. Am documentatie pentru impl...tarife de pe un server. In principal sunt aproximativ 1000 de tarife . In principiu la 2-3 zile isi face un update la 50-100 de tarife. Am documentatie pentru implementarea xml-ului si suport din partea celui ce a creat xml-ul. Astept sa primesc 2 raspunsuri : 1 ) in cat timp putem realiza acest proiect si pretul acestui proiect. Pentru cei interesati imi puteti da o adresa de email si va pot pune la dispozitie documentatia de implementare, pentru a stabili un pret corect.
Salut, am si eu nevoie de autoposter pe . astept rapsuns Sau daca ai deja facute si pe alte siteuri unde se pot pune anunturi da-mi pe mail lista si pretul pe care il ceri. ms mult
Salut, am si eu nevoie de autoposter pe . astept rapsuns Sau daca ai deja facute si pe alte siteuri unde se pot pune anunturi da-mi pe mail lista si pretul pe care il ceri. ms mult
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Need logo for my company'
Salutare dupa cum sugereaza si titlul doresc sa formez o echipa de romani care sa lucreze in domeniile din descriere. Fac asta pentru o eficienta mai mare, proiecte mai multe, si sa spunem deplasarea la un nivel mai inalt pe piata. Doritorii sau chiar si alte echipe mai mici sunt invitatii mei sa isi faca cunoscuta prezenta. Scopul proiectului e a pune bazele unei echipe eficiente si maximizarea profitului in mediul online pentru moment, multumesc pentru timpul acordat!
Buna am un webiste cu anunturi diverse si vreau sa instelez scriptul plata prin sms si cu card de la MobilPay ,ca sa stie pune clientii mei anunturi promovate! daca pricepi la aste astept mesajul! Va multumesc
...tema avada, magazinul este in open cart, si a mai fost o varianta pentru care am template in presta shop. Itinial magazinul a fost conceput sa vanda un singur produs/saptamana (floral art of the week) , insa acum nu exclud ideea de a-l extinde, si de a pune mai multe creatii florale organizate pe categorii; Ce ar mai fi de modificat, dau copy paste din ultimul mail catre firma care a lucrat: Home redimensioneaza slide-ul, la mine pe laptop se vede doar slide-ul si numic din partea de jos, despre olla, cuvinte frumoase, olla in presa; Logo o idee mai mic; Slide- peste poza text finut cu alb si link catre portofoliu: poza lamai si hortensii text Saptamanal flori proaspete pentru receptia companiei tale cu link catre portofoliu=> corporate/receptie poza cu balonul text...
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
...dorim sa se trimita notificarea automata cand comanda se pune automat in confirmed (nu mai este in pending adica s-a aprobat plata). Notificarea este 2_confirmare_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este manuala de incepere a procesarii comenzii - acum ea este trimisa atunci cand manual trecem comanda in Processing. Aici am dori sa introduci un status nou Processing (in procesare) si notificarea sa se trimita atunci cand trecem comanda in acest status - 3update_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii jaonezi ea va fi de shipped se va trimite atunci cand comanda se pune manual in shipped. Notificarea este 4shipped_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este 4shipped_orderJP
NO bidders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. 25-50 link-uri de pe pagini de turism sau știri din turism minim PR3 (PR-ul paginii pe care e link-ul). Buget: $100 Termen: maxim 30 zile Cerințe: - link-uri ONE WAY, permanente, do-follow; link-urile șterse în termen de 12 luni vor fi înlocuite - link-uri de pe pagini PR3+, minim 10 link-uri PR4+, minim 1 link PR5+; - link-uri de pe domenii diferite și adrese IP diferite - link-uri de pe pagini cu maxim 50 de link-uri - link-uri de tip href, fără tehnici javascript - cuvintele cheie vor fi comunicate ulterior - nu se acceptă comentarii în bloguri, forumuri, social bookmarking - se vor folosi NUMAI tehnici white hat. Propunerea va include numărul de link-uri pe care le puteți oferi și exemple de link-ur...
Practic Practic se pune problema interceptarii comunicatiei intre o aplicatie de monitorizare proprietara al carei cod sursa nu este cunoscut si un dispozitiv printr-un port COM. Cum orice aplicatie care doreste sa comunice pe portul COM trebuie sa deschida fisierul cu exclusive_access, este necesara dezvoltarea unui driver ce va fi inserat in stiva de driver-e care getioneaza dispozitivul/clasa de dispozitive aferenta sis a intercepteze IRP-urile (in ambele directii preferabil – atat IRP_MJ_READ cat si IRP_MJ_WRITE, obligatoriu pt. IRP_MJ_READ). Este nevoie de acest driver deoarece nu se stie ce protocol de comunicatie este folosit intre dispozitiv si aplicatia sa de monitorizare, prin urmare nu se poate emula aplicatia. Aplicatia permite selectarea portului COM. Este cunosc...
cum incerc sa vb cu tine, te dai offline Profile picture am fost o naiva si am crezut ca esti de incredere dar tipic romanesc Profile picture romanul te pune sa faci treaba, sa mincesti, te streseaza cum sa faci , cum sa muncesti si apoi sfarsesti fara a mai lua vreun leu Profile picture stiu ca esti acolo, in tra si spunemi adevarul Profile picture chiar daca adevarul doare prefer sal stiu Profile picture si ziceai ca vii in tara de sarbatori? Profile picture mie mi-ar fi rusine stiind ca am pacalkit un roman deal meu sa munceasca si nu l-am mai platit Enter message...
...puterea noastra sa observam, sa evaluam, prin comportamente, intamplari, evenimente, ceea ce ne este oferit de material, daca e declarat sub o forma decenta, este de apreciat. Problema majora intervine cand cele doua interese se combina. Amalgamul lor deranjeaza si ne afecteaza profund. Pot spune ca are un efect nociv pe termen lung. Daca increderea ne-a fost erodata, in timp, ne pune in primejdie ulterioarele inter-relationari. De cata luciditate si obiectivitate trebuie sa dam dovada, in analizarea faptelor, ca sa nu fim deturnati de la o evaluare corecta? Un raspuns simplu ar fi .... de multa. Unul mai complex ... aici intervine capacitatea fiecaruia de a intelege, percepe si a trece totul prin filtrul propriului sistem de gandire si valori. Dar de ce are increderea un rol
...puterea noastra sa observam, sa evaluam, prin comportamente, intamplari, evenimente, ceea ce ne este oferit de material, daca e declarat sub o forma decenta, este de apreciat. Problema majora intervine cand cele doua interese se combina. Amalgamul lor deranjeaza si ne afecteaza profund. Pot spune ca are un efect nociv pe termen lung. Daca increderea ne-a fost erodata, in timp, ne pune in primejdie ulterioarele inter-relationari. De cata luciditate si obiectivitate trebuie sa dam dovada, in analizarea faptelor, ca sa nu fim deturnati de la o evaluare corecta? Un raspuns simplu ar fi .... de multa. Unul mai complex ... aici intervine capacitatea fiecaruia de a intelege, percepe si a trece totul prin filtrul propriului sistem de gandire si valori. Dar de ce are increderea un rol
Pentru prelucrarea tutunului a fabrica tigari de calitate si redistribuirea produselori.,si comercealiza in multe domeni.
Pot realiza diferite cablaje electronice , de la simple montaje pana la montaje mai complexe. Toate montajele se realizeeaza numai cu materia prima a clientului.
...Oprea si reprezint Agentia de turism Romania’s Friends. Va scriu in legatura cu posibilitatea de a dezvolta o colaborare intre agentia noastra de turism si dvs., cu scopul promovarii Romaniei ca destinatie turistica de exceptie. Propunerea noastra de parteneriat include un comision in valoare de 50 de euro pentru fiecare turist recomandat de catre dvs. In acest sens, agentia noastra de turism, pune la dispozitia dvs. materiale de promovare a pachetelor turistice precum: siteul agentiei, , blog, retelele de socializare: facebook, linkedin, pinterest, google + , precum si pliante in format material si electronic iar dvs. asigurati promovarea acestora, in zonele dvs. de comunicare ( prieteni din strainatate, prieteteni romani care locuiesc in strainatate, introducerea
Pentru prelucrarea tutunului a fabrica tigari de calitate si redistribuirea produselori.,si comercealiza in multe domeni.
Telemarketing / Telesales Scopul acestui proiect este de a identifica si a ne pune in contact de colaborare cu firme specializate in telemarketing/telesales etc.
imagini clare , apreciere in materie ,e un desen in forma de floare care sunt puse nasturi culori deferite
...text/poze inainte de trimitere. - Zona de administrare in care sa se poata vedea un minim de date segregate sub anumite forme si cu un set minim de optiuni. Nume prenume participant, confirmat/neconfirmat prezenta, buton trimitere invitatie, confirmare, data/ora pentru care s-a inscris. Avem nevoie de cineva care sa dezvolte logica si baza de date. Html-urile si design-ul vor fi puse la dispozitie. In prima faza se vor pune la dispozitie screen-uri pentru descrierea cu precizie a functionalitatilor si etapelor necesare....
I'm seeking a modern-style logo for my entertainment company. The logo should reflect a contemporary aesthetic, appealing to today's audience. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic design - Branding - Experience with creating modern style logos The company is called Second 2 None Entertainment No Music Or Film In the logo TRY THE LOGO IN A CIRCLE
I'm looking for a professional who can create compelling company profiles for us. Ideal skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Ability to distill complex information into accessible content
...am looking to hire a Hindu Pandit to perform a puja for the wedding ceremony. The Pandit must be fluent in both Tamil and english. Details of the Job: Event Date: May 28, 2025 Location: Bali, Indonesia Language Requirements: Tamil and english Accommodation & Travel: I will cover the Pandit's flights, accommodation, and food from India to Bali. What I Need: I am hiring a freelancer to help me find 10 potential candidates who meet the following criteria: Must be a Hindu Pandit with experience in conducting wedding pujas. Must be fluent in both Tamil and Hindi. Willingness to travel to Bali and perform the puja on the wedding day. Provide a full resume, including their skills, qualifications, and previous experience in performing pujas for weddings. Must pr...
My name is Jay Purohit, and I am the Business Development Manager at Elite Falcon Management Consultancy. We are a leading consultancy firm based in Dubai with 15 years of experience in the immigration and recruitment industry. Our expertise lies in assisting skilled professionals and blue-collar workers in securing work permits and employment opportunities across Europe. To date, we have successfully supported over 1,000 clients in transitioning to various European countries. Currently, we have a pool of 500 qualified blue-collar professionals with extensive work experience in the UAE. These professionals, both skilled and unskilled, are from third-country nations such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They are well-trained, highly motivated, and ready to move...
I'm seeking a creative professional to help me come up with a name and design a logo for my residential real estate business. Business name must start from word "N" .
My name is Jay Purohit, and I am the Business Development Manager at Elite Falcon Management Consultancy. We are a leading consultancy firm based in Dubai with 15 years of experience in the immigration and recruitment industry. Our expertise lies in assisting skilled professionals and blue-collar workers in securing work permits and employment opportunities across Europe. To date, we have successfully supported over 1,000 clients in transitioning to various European countries. Currently, we have a pool of 500 qualified blue-collar professionals with extensive work experience in the UAE. These professionals, both skilled and unskilled, are from third-country nations such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They are well-trained, highly motivated, and ready to ...
We need a logo for a sweets company that in the beginning will start with just cookies.
...who can help identify potential delegates for an upcoming national trade show. The primary focus will be on pinpointing individuals and organizations that would be beneficial to the exhibition. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Market research - Making a Database of potential delegates - Ability to search social media platforms, websites, online databases and online B2B marketplaces - Delegate sourcing to build up a database of potential delegates with contact details in excel as per approved fields - Fields required, First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Company Name, Fields related to addresses - All the data should be verified Payment shall be made on the basis of each verified data of each contact person Data has to be collected from In...
...need a modern and sleek website for my car rental company. The primary purpose of the site will be to provide company information. While we won't be focusing on online bookings for now, the ideal freelancer should be experienced in developing websites that can later be integrated with booking features such as a real-time availability checker, payment gateway and a booking management system, should the need arise. Key Responsibilities: - Design a modern and sleek website that reflects our brand and values. - Ensure the website is user friendly, informative and visually appealing. - Build the site with future scalability in mind, particularly for potential booking features. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web design and developm...
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We will look for a website that allows the selection of an actor / performer and then we will build a design for the bottle for that matches the performer More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Past work How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
...corporate styled website for my contracting company that specializes in metal scaffolding. I currently have a domain on Hostinger, but need a specialist who can build an impressive site that includes: - A Company Introduction: This should effectively communicate who we are and what we do. - A Projects Showcase: A dedicated section to display our previous projects in a compelling way. - Contact Information: This should include various methods through which potential clients can reach us. Additionally, I will need assistance in creating the content for the website. This includes writing, sourcing, or producing high-quality text, images, and videos that reflect our brand and capabilities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in corporate website ...
I'm seeking a modern, colorful logo for my island touring company, Explore 37. The logo should capture the spirit of island adventure and incorporate key elements such as palm trees, ocean waves, and mountains. A bright and vibrant color scheme is preferred. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Previous logo design experience - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to create visually appealing and colorful designs - Experience with nature-themed designs. Looking forward to seeing your creativity!
Please retain the same logo. maybe make logo silver and with gold lines A name card for a design and build contractor should reflect the qualities of professionalism, premium quality, and trust. Here’s how you can achieve that: ### **Design Elements** 1. **Clean and Minimalistic Layout:** - Use a minimal design with plenty of white space to convey sophistication. - Opt for a well-organized layout that makes contact information easy to read. 2. **High-Quality Materials:** - Use premium cardstock or materials like textured paper, matte finish, or soft-touch lamination. - Consider unique options like metal cards, wood veneer, or embossed details for a luxurious feel. 3. **Typography:** - Choose...
I need a Progressive Web App (PWA) that serves as an informational platform for my company. Specifics: - The PWA should provide comprehensive information about my company and the services we offer. - The app's primary purpose is to relay company information and services to our customers. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS - Experience in developing PWA - Good understanding of creating informational platforms - Previous experience with creating company service apps is a plus.
Contest Title: Logo Design Contest for "SchemeEasy" – Simplifying Government Benefits Project Description: We are launching a digital platform called SchemeEasy that aims to simplify access to government benefits and schemes in India. We are looking for a professional, modern, and innovative logo that captures the essence of our mission: making government services more accessible, transparent, and easy-to-use for millions of citizens. The logo should be trustworthy, approachable, and scalable for both digital and print formats. Logo Requirements: Name: SchemeEasy Tagline (optional): Simplifying Government Benefits The logo should convey ease, trust, and inclusivity. Prefer modern, clean, ...
...Us: Paradice Perfumes is a leading India-based perfume brand offering high-quality fragrances for everyday use. As we continue to expand our reach, we’re looking for an experienced and driven tele-calling executive to help promote and sell our products. ✨ Key Responsibilities: Extract and compile contact details of gift shops and cosmetic wholesalers from JustDial and other online platforms. Reach out to potential clients, introduce Paradice Perfumes, and promote our product range. Effectively communicate product benefits, features, and pricing to potential customers. Build and maintain strong relationships with clients to encourage repeat business. Record and track sales interactions and follow-ups accurately. ? Requirements: Female candidates only (In...
I'm s...seeking a classic style logo for my lawn care company. The logo should incorporate elements such as a lawn mower, the American flag, and grass. Key elements to include in your proposal: - A design that captures a timeless, classic aesthetic - Use of the specified color scheme: red, white, and blue - Creative and seamless integration of the specified design elements Ideal candidates will have: - A strong portfolio of classic style logos - Experience in designing for the lawn care industry - A deep understanding of and ability to creatively incorporate the specified elements into a cohesive design. I like these logos attached. The app I used to make them would not let me get the image with the words spelled right. I wou...
I’m looking for a unique design that only features the word “KARDOX” (preferably in white) on a black background. Important: I want some letters to be uniquely connected to each other. The logo should clearly represent “KARDOX” with a luxurious and sleek design. It needs to be stand out unique. • I prefer a compact and cleverly designed logo. • Make it symmetrical. • Standard or generic logos will be rejected !!
I'm in need of a skilled designer to create a modern style logo for my company. The logo should incorporate the company initials and some industry-related icons. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in modern design principles - Experience with logo design - Ability to incorporate specific elements into a cohesive design - Understanding of how to represent industry-related concepts visually Please include a portfolio of similar work in your proposal.
We are Georgia Closeout Deals, a liquidation company specializing in discounted home improvement and furniture items, offering 30–50% off retail prices. We need a professional, engaging, and visually appealing Facebook business page banner that reflects our brand and showcases our offerings. The banner should encourage potential customers to visit our warehouse and shop. Key Requirements: Content to Include: Business Name: Georgia Closeout Deals Payment Options: Cash & Card Icons.
Position Overview: We are seeking a motivated and results-driven Sales Representative to join our dynamic team at Kalaakaar Makerspace, a leading provider of CNC machining and laser cutting services. The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing new business opportunities, maintaining strong relationships with existing clients, and driving sales growth in the CNC and laser cutting industries. As a Sales Representative, you will be the face of our company, ensuring customers understand the benefits and capabilities of our services, and effectively closing sales while delivering outstanding customer service. This role requires strong communication skills, and the ability to manage multiple accounts and projects. Key Responsibilities: Business Development: Identify...
I'm looking for a professional who can create compelling company profiles for us. Key requirements: - Incorporate our company history, mission and vision, and key team members into the profiles. - Format the profiles as 'text with images', ensuring a balance of visual and textual content. - The profiles should be engaging and reflective of our brand ethos. Ideal skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Proficiency in graphic design - Ability to distill complex information into accessible content - Understanding of corporate branding and messaging. Experience in creating company profiles or similar content is highly desirable.
I'm in search of a professional graphic designer who can create a modern, minimalist, yet creative logo for my T-shirt company, MMBRS. Key Requirements: - Style: The logo should embody a modern, creative, and professional aesthetic. - Design: It should be a combination of an icon and the company text, cleverly intertwined. - Color Scheme: The logo must be monochrome, utilizing shades of black, white, and grey to convey sophistication and simplicity. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for the fashion and apparel industry. - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and minimalist designs. - Excellent understanding of monochrome color schemes. - Ability to create a unique and memo...
I need help with the verification and documentation process for setting up a Google Play Console company account. I've yet to set up a Google account for this purpose, but I can do that myself. I just need assistance with the official parts of the process.
...Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with extensive experience in Quickbooks management, bookkeeping, auditing, journal entry, US tax filing, and balancing the books, specifically within the realm of trucking company accounting. The ideal candidate for this role should possess the following skills: - Strong experience working with Quickbooks software - Thorough understanding of US tax laws - A background in trucking company accounting - Exceptional attention to detail - Demonstrated ability to deliver timely and accurate financial reports The project is extremely time-sensitive, so I'm looking for a professional who can start right away and work efficiently to get the job done. If you meet these criteria and are available to start immediately, please get ...
Aarambh Events Tagline - Moments Made Magical I need minimalist & modern brandable logo for Event Management company which is mainly in to wedding and organizing large events and parties. Logo should carry exact words of the brand, appropriate creative elements like images or abstract shapes. Expecting to give more prominence to Aarambh in logo. While designing logo one should keep in mind target audience and offerings. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Typography - Adobe Illustrator Experience: - Proven track record in creating modern, minimalist logos - Strong portfolio of Logo Making - Ability to work with specific color schemes - Excellent understanding of typography