Location based alarm appproiecte
Vreau sa dezvolt aplicatie mobila web based. Am Un site vreau doar pentru partea de login cu 4 sau taburi jos (home - redirect la /login, inca 2 sau 3 cu redirect la alte pagini si ultima notifications) daca utilizatorul se logheaza sa fie logat pe toate gen ai pe home si pe celelalte 2-3 taburi. Daca ma poti ajuta ma intereseaza si un pret estimativ. Nu ma intereseaza acum sa le pun pe playstore sau app store, doar pe site-ul meu sa le descarce de acolo.
...ASSIGN and 4 text boxes called as such, 1. City; 2. Telephone; 3. Price; 4. Location;. 7.2 To add an order to the list, only the master user can do this and proceed as follows, enter the name of the locality in the text box called Locality, (no value entered in this box, the order cannot be added) enter the phone number in the Phone box, the number phone number should be visible only to the master user, the other users should not see the phone number. Enter the price in the text box called Price, the application should automatically fill this box with the last price entered and the last order added, currently the price should be set to 3.5 lei, and in the last text box called Location, the master user can enter the location . 7.3 the master user, after completin...
...Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update process, ensuring it is available for download by a broader audience. This update is crucia...
Suntem o firma de import si export cu sediul in Cluj. Biroul nostru de vanzari este situat in Bucuresti. Cumpărăm o mulțime de produse de la licitațiile străine. Conduc o afacere în București care operează atât un magazin online, cât și fizic. Caut un specialist în marketing calificat care să mă ajute să măresc vânzările de produse. Specialistul selectat va fi compensat printr-un comision de 5% la toate vânzările pe care le generează. Responsabilitati cheie: - Dezvoltați și implementați o strategie de marketing cuprinzătoare pentru a stimula vânzările de produse. - Utilizați eficient atât canalele de vânzare online, cât și cele fizice. - Monitorizarea și analizarea eficienței diferitelor inițiative de marketing. Abilități și e...
vanzare si inchiriere proprietati care sa contina poze, video, descriere, plata serviciului prin card on-line, vizualizare locatie pe google maps etc . web site0ul sa contina panou de administrare ( obligatoriu) !!! exemplu: sale and rent of properties that contain pictures, video, description, payment of the service by online card, location visualization on google maps, etc. the website must contain an administration panel (mandatory)!!! example:
...having strategic AML/CFT deficiencies; and countries that are under international sanctions. Before opening an account with us, you should read the legal documents relating to the entity that you're registering with. Please note that our legal documents vary depending on which entity you hold your trading account with and the regulations that apply to you. The relevant entity is determined based on your location and is stated in the footer of the application you register in. Deposits and withdrawals Follow us:
Cine suntem? Suntem un studio de Animație și Vfx progresist, care creează spoturi publicitare și desene animate. La baza succesului nostru stă un portofoliu de peste 200 de proiecte implementate la nivel național și internațional, o echipa dinamică și multă creativitate. Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui b...
Aplicatie intranet formata din mai multe module scrise in diferite perioade de timp incepand cu 2004. Am nevoie sa obtin un redesign (migrare la boostrap 4) al aplicatiei pastrand functionalitatile existente. Unul din module as vrea sa fie redesenat astfel incat sa atat pentru mobil cat si pentru web, in momentul de fata existand doua aplicatii separate.
Scop principal: - Citirea / extragerea unor datelor specifice din fisiere PDF (fisierele PDF au aceasi structura -versiune PDF 1.4), afisarea datelor si oferirea posibilitatii de modificare a lor - Ecran (form) selectare optiuni (yes / No) - Tiparire raport bazat pe datele extrase Functionalitati aditionale: - Creare conturi / profil. - Planuri tarifare (bazat pe numar de documente procesate per / luna) - Per fiecare utilizator – stocare ultimul document procesat - Stocare la nivel de utilizator numar de documente procesate / nr de pagii / data - Emitere automata factura conform plan tarifar ales (conectare cu smart bill)
Salut, Am o aplicatie android scrisa in Java si de ceva timp (de acum 4-5 update-uri) nu mai functioneaza location services. Aplicatia are doua coordonate si ar trebui sa afiseze timpul si distanta dintre ele. Este totul integrat, doar ca in urma unui update acest feature nu mai functioneaza. De altfel, aplicatia are si niste call-uri API la un server, si as vrea implementata o functie noua, dar momentan vreau doar partea de location. Pentru un expert ar trebui sa fie o munca de maxim 30 minute. Doar persoane din Romania. Nu bidati daca nu sunteti vorbitor de limba romana.
...send them by email to the doctor - The possibility for the visitor to access a documentation section regarding certain diseases (section where presentation articles and of these diseases will be present) - The possibility for the patient to provide feedback after interaction (a simple but relevant questionnaire in which the patient can express his / her lived experience) - Patient to obtain location / orientation information - The possibility that the doctor can simply add articles and information to the site. - The site must be translated into English or it can be translated into several languages. We are open to any other futuristic proposal that will raise the standard from a qualitative point of view. We currently have a site but we think it can be significantly improv...
Cautam un developer care poate dezvolta un sistem web based de gestiune a clientilor. Functii esentiale: posibilitate de preluare date din Google Sheet; generare rapoarte si salvare in PDF si Excel generare contracte PDF dupa un model; gestiune clienti, documentele lor, situatie plati.
!!! ONLY ROMANIA !!!!! In mare Baza de date include ca functionalitati urmatoarele: Functie adaugare persoane in baza de date Campuri disponibile intre 60 si 100 in functie de necesitatile clientului ; Se customizeaza in functie de informatiile oferite ; Pot fi adaugate ulteriol si alte campuri in baza contractului de mentenanta ; Functie editare fisa persoana adaugata Permite orice modificare a informatiilor introduse anterior; Posibilitate de cautare in baza de date dupa oricare din campurile folosite Se poate cauta dupa unul sau mai multe campuri simultan ; Vizualizare fisa personala: Administrator – vizualizare date complete, acces functii complete (inclusiv contact) Editor – in functie de alegerea Administratorului Utilizator – vizualizare date partiale (ce alege ...
Este vorba de o aplicatie hybrid, dar cu o pagina nativa. Pagina nativa este startpage si de acolo se deschide un anumit continut in hybrid. Cateva exemple de optimizat: - sortare continut (nativ page) dupa geo location al telefonului - optimizare/adaugare anumite filtre de cautare (nativ page) - cateva conditii de afisare al continutului - ce se regasesc in PHP/SQL - respectare image aspect ratio pe iOS + mici ajustari la textul afisat - upload images PHP script sa functioneze pe Android in hybrid mode + alte maruntisuri. Pe langa asta ma intereseaza implementarea "Push notifications" pentru ambele platforme. Multumesc.
...informatiile exista in sistemul noastru) Infomatii necesare: 1. Data expirare ITP + alerta pentru programare cu 30 de zile, 15 zile, 10, 7, 5, 3 2. Revizie (data cand aut implineste anul sau km la care trebuie sa faca revizia) + alerta 3. Posibilitate de update la kilometri + alerta 4. Posibilitate de share location – daca se poate 5. Posibilitate chat – daca se poate 6. Insert location (pentru Campania schimb anvelope) – posibilitate de a anunta in aplicatie acesta nevoie + posibilitatea de a scoate un raport care sa contina – numar inmatriculare, locatie, client 7. Posibilitate de conectare la calendar pentru alerte programari service 8. Rating pentru intrarile in...
I need somebody to develop excel templates for business plans according to giudelines we are willing to provide. We need somebody close to our location - Bucharest, Romania. Avem nevoie de un expert in excel care sa creeze template-uri pentru planuri de afaceri pe baza unor guidelines pe care noi le vom furniza. Sunt necesare intalniri periodice la sediul nostru din Bucuresti, Romania.
Aplicatia este pentru a administra o retea de panouri publicitare, care sa fie impartita pe mai multe module de exemplu: - vanzari (ofertare, posibilitatea de a intocmi o oferta personalizata in functie de cerintele clientilor intr-un format excel, rezervare locatii in urma une cereri , costuri de vanzari, raportare sf de luna pentru facturare, istoric de vanzari pentru fiecare pozitie in parte..etc) - media(adaugare de panouri noi in aplicatie, modificarea lor si a datelor,contracte cu proprietarii unde sunt amplasate panourile, raport lunar cu ce plati sunt de facut catre proprietarii de locatii) - suport tehnic (gestionarea montarii reclamelor pe zile, trimiterea pozelor ca reclama s-a afisat catre clienti, raport periodic plata a muncitorului care monteaza reclama.. etc) Ap...
Caut Freelancer din Constanta pentru joburi Project-Based. Cerinte: - Limba engleza nivel avansat - Cunostinte HTML5/CSS3 - Cunostinte javascript/jQuery - Cunostinte PHP si CMS (Wordpress) - Cunostinte medii Photoshop Detinerea unui laptop bun este necesara, alte detalii pe privat. Jobul consta in realizare de siteuri PSD to Wordpress. Cunostinte de folosire ACF reprezinta un mare plus
Caut statistician pasionat, cu experienta, pentru finisarea unui proiect de cercetare, in perioada mai-iulie 2016.
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.
Buna, Am un proiect pentru un client o companie din Romania. Cautam programator cu PL/ SQL/ .NET/ Share Point/ - nivel avansat. Se doreste lucrul la sediul clientului in Bucuresti. Te rog contacteaza-ma daca esti interesat sau stii pe cineva care ar putea fi. Multumesc, Catalina
Buna, Am un proiect pentru un client o companie din Romania. Cautam programator cu PL/ SQL/ .NET/ Share Point/ - nivel avansat. Se doreste lucrul la sediul clientului in Bucuresti. Te rog contacteaza-ma daca esti interesat sau stii pe cineva care ar putea fi. Multumesc, Catalina
Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashi...oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel billing and reservations, with clients,bills,pri...
Aplicatia consta in gestionarea fluxului de comenzi si obtinerea de rapoarte privitoare la activitate. Preferam un partener din Galati pentru a usura documentarea si implementarea aplicatiei. De principiu am fi interesati de o persoana care sa dezvolte proiectul tinand cont de: - limbaje pentru implementarea aplicatiei, de ales dintre (in ordinea preferintei noastre, dar nu este o conditie): PHP, RUBY, PYTON, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA sau C++, C#, J#, Objective C, .NET - cunostinte SQL necesare pentru gestionarea/manipularea bazelor de date (se va utiliza ca preferinta MySQL), HTML si CSS. - ne-ar avantaja cunoasterea bibliotecilor javascript gen JQUERY, PROTOTYPE, etc. Precizam ca avem deja in functiune o aplicatie care functioneaza dar dorim un upgrade de substanta care presupune rescrierea...
...IRP_MJ_WRITE, obligatoriu pt. IRP_MJ_READ). Este nevoie de acest driver deoarece nu se stie ce protocol de comunicatie este folosit intre dispozitiv si aplicatia sa de monitorizare, prin urmare nu se poate emula aplicatia. Aplicatia permite selectarea portului COM. Este cunoscut faptul ca, pe langa char-uri fara semnificatie anume, se trimit si char-uri in format ASCII cu sens (cu sens, ex: ZONES IN ALARM etc.) – am folosit un analyzer RS232 pentru a capta mesajele. Deci, este nevoie de un driver care sa preia datele din kernel space si sa le transfere in user space. Pentru partea de user-space fie se va prezenta o documentatie cat se poate de detaliata legata de modul in care se pot accesa datele, fie se va realiza un stub code C/C++ in care se preiau informatiile intr-un ...
I'm seeking a dedicated customer service representative located in South Africa for my UK based business. We are seeking a rep based in South Africa due to the favourable time difference. Key Responsibilities: - Handling customer inquiries: You'll be the first point of contact for our customers, so a friendly demeanor and a problem-solving mindset are essential. - Processing orders: Accuracy and attention to detail are crucial when dealing with order processing. - Providing technical support: You'll need to assist customers with technical issues, so a good understanding of our products and some basic technical knowledge is necessary. - Answering the phone, responding to emails and live chat messages promptly. Requirements: - Proficient in handling phone suppo...
...scholarships that are region-specific, discipline-specific, or university-specific. Note any eligibility criteria and deadlines. Compile Information into Excel File Use the following columns/fields to structure the data: ID Number: Unique identifier for each program. Programme: Name of the PhD program. University: Institution offering the program. Duration: Length of the program (in months). Location: Country and city (if applicable). Tuition Fees Per Year: Total yearly cost (in USD). World Ranking: University’s global ranking. Entry Requirements: Admission criteria. Disciplines: Main areas of study offered. Flexibility/Mode of Study: Distance, hybrid, or fully online options. Priority: Your priority ranking (e.g., 1 for high-priority programs). Official Website: Link to t...
Store Promotional Template Brief Purpose Create a simple, dual-purpose template for store promotions that works both as a Mailchimp email and printable document. Key Features Basic Layout Store logo area at top Large product image section Clear price display Simple "Visit Store" button Store location and hours at bottom Easy-Edit Elements Drop-in image spaces Editable text boxes for prices Simple colour scheme that prints well Clear fonts that work in both email and print Adjustable store details section Store Customisation Store name Address Contact details Opening hours Special offer text Product images and prices Call-to-Actions "Visit Our Store" button "Shop Now" links Store directions Contact information Technical Needs Works in Mailchimp ...
I need an expert to come in person to set up a 24U rack-mounted server cabinet in my lab. The cabinet will primarily house servers. Location: Fountain Valley, California, USA Ideal Skills: - Experience with server cabinet installation - Knowledge of server setups - Understanding of lab safety and best practices Please ensure the setup is efficient and organized, as this will be a crucial part of our lab infrastructure.
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...inclusivity) Gender Seeking (Ideal for matching preferences, and to give clarity on who they’re looking for) Occupation (Helps to understand lifestyle and values, but could be made optional to maintain privacy) What you’re searching for (Relationship, friends, lovers—important for aligning user goals) Location & Security: Address (Can be sensitive—consider a general area or city instead, and keep the actual address private for safety reasons) IP Address & Current Location (Essential for security and geographical matching, but be transparent about how this data is used to build trust with users) All IP addresses used and geographic count (Could be useful for tracking unusual activity or fraud detection, but make sure...
I need a Python-based data scraper that can automatically scrape text data from vehicle dealership websites, such as: I would need the scraper to do multiple different URLs with the final of each CSV uploaded to my server. This scraper would need to run once a day. For example, the multiple URLs would need to be defined by the Porsche Centre search field which gives different IDs for each location, eg: I have a list of what data needs to get scraped and can help with the before/after code of where this information sites. I would also need to include some standard information to go in each CSV also. The project
...aesthetic. - The logo will be used for the brand's coffee packaging and location. Open to all ideas but looking for something clean and simple. Taking inspiration from brands like: - - - srsltid=AfmBOookWJpiM1yBuGkR7pgkeRnr2i6J3lk0gu_aiTuhtdi1LnmhqWmx - - - Could do a blue logo of a colored in pug. But open to other ideas. Ideal skills for this project include a strong background in graphic design, specifically logo and branding design, with a keen understanding of minimalist and emblem-based design. Experience with coffee brands or similar industries would be
We are looking for a skilled developer to create an innovative mobile application for both Apple and Google Play, focused on improving American pronunciation for non-native speakers. The app should utilize AI to provide real-time feedback on users' pronunciation, helping them improve their speaking skills effectively. Creative and user-friendly design is needed as well. If you have experience in mobile app development and AI integration, we want to hear from you!
I am an Afghan student aspiring to study in the USA for a bachelor’s degree. I am looking for someone who resides in the USA and can assist me with: - Finding and applying for scholarships or financial aid opportunities. - Identifying universities that accept international students. - Guiding me through the admission process, including document preparation (e.g., essays, applications, etc.). - Advising on visa application procedures and requirements. I need someone with expertise in higher education in the USA, scholarships, and experience working with international students. Key Responsibilities: - Research and share available scholarships or programs. - Assist with university applications and ensuring deadlines are met. - Provide guidance on visa application processes. - Offer s...
...introductory screen), and Exit should terminate/close the application. Task 4: Provide at least three types of interactions between the player and objects in the main scene, within a context you devise based on the previous assignments (if you have submitted them). Explain the context, purpose, and method of interaction. Task 5: Add two types of sound within the application based on previous assignments (if submitted). The first should be background sound that plays throughout the application/main scene. The second should trigger based on an event (e.g., interaction with objects, approaching a specific location, etc.). Include a method for scoring or time tracking so that the score (lives, strength, etc.) or time is always visible. Explanation of Requireme...
...introductory screen), and Exit should terminate/close the application. Task 4: Provide at least three types of interactions between the player and objects in the main scene, within a context you devise based on the previous assignments (if you have submitted them). Explain the context, purpose, and method of interaction. Task 5: Add two types of sound within the application based on previous assignments (if submitted). The first should be background sound that plays throughout the application/main scene. The second should trigger based on an event (e.g., interaction with objects, approaching a specific location, etc.). Include a method for scoring or time tracking so that the score (lives, strength, etc.) or time is always visible. Explanation of Requireme...
...example, the data on MySQL database & Tableau hasn't updated in months but the Report Export CSVs shows data from as recent as today, but our both MySQL and Tableau isn't showing this recent data. I believe this is due to the Python scripts not working right, even though everything had worked before. I tried to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL hoping it might help solve my issues, I used a migration app to convert the dump from MySQL to PostgreSQL and ChatGPT to edit the Python scripts. In the end I was only able to view the migrated data on PostgreSQL but still it's only the old data from the data dump, no recent data. *To clarify, you aren't starting from scratch, I just need slight modification to the existing setup* ---------------------------------...
Hi, i want to have someone who his an expert with Home Assistant () Is like to equip several stores with the right sensoring and other ways to measure and monitor data points, such as energy consumption, customer counter, security camera footage, etc For this to happen, I want a home assistant dashboard for each location and the right sensoring and other IoT measures in place to make this happen. Firstly. The plan is to equip one store as a test case. If this works well, we will expand to 50 stores and 2 offices. So, potentially a very big and lucrative project if you have the skills to create something cool from the ground up with us ?
I'm seeking a creative designer to craft a promotional flyer for an upcoming women's retreat. The concept of the retreat is 'Escaping the Noise… Embracing the Extraordinary'. Key Elements to Highlight: - Retreat Activities: The flyer should give a glimpse of the unique activities we have planned for the retreat. - Location and Dates: The precise location and dates of the retreat need to be prominently displayed. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: Proficiency in tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or similar. - Creative Thinking: Ability to conceptualize and visualize a design that resonates with the target audience. The purpose of this flyer is purely promotional, aimed at drawing in participants who are seeking a break from their routine and ...
I am encountering several issues with my augmented reality mobile app developed with the ARKit framework. The app features object tracking and plane detection, but has been experiencing some difficulties. The app allows for an image to be uploaded based on the user's latitude and longitude. There is then a map component that allows the user to navigate to the location and see the image in a frame based in realtime space. The app should be able to geolocate with precision up to 3 meters. I need an experienced iOS developer with a strong background in augmented reality and extensive experience working with ARKit. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of developing and debugging AR applications that geolocate using Google...
...constructed in a flood plain. The site plan needs to encompass a variety of important elements: - Utilities: The plan must include provisions for the following utilities: - Electrical service - Water supply - Gas line - Sewer - Storm Water - Sewer Plan: A comprehensive sewer plan is needed to ensure proper waste disposal and management. - Storm Water Plan: Given the building's location in a flood plain, a well-conceived storm water plan is paramount to mitigate potential flooding issues and to comply with local flood-specific regulations. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in site planning and a thorough understanding of flood-specific regulations. They should also have the ability to create plans that incorporate all specif...
...appropriate titles. Optional but Appreciated: * Enhancing transitions and on-screen animations to make the video more visually appealing. The tone of the video should be exciting and adventurous, matching the theme of travel and exploration. I would like the video to convey the message of the incredible opportunities available for Americans looking to purchase a home in this beautiful, vibrant location. Ideal skills include video editing, sound editing, and an understanding of how to create engaging YouTube content. Previous experience with travel or real estate videos would be a plus. Link to the full length video: This is a 20 second intro video that should be at the beginning of every video, including the
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a website akin to LuggageHero. The primary purpose of this site will be enabling users to book various services. Key Features: - Users should be able to search for services by their location. - The site needs to facilitate user account creation, so that users can track their bookings and manage their preferences. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating interactive, user-friendly interfaces. - Experience with location-based services and booking systems. - Strong understanding of secure, reliable user account functionalities.
...store creation processes. Product Management: A system for adding, editing, and managing products, inventory, and categories. Multiple Payment Gateways: Integration with various payment methods such as credit cards, cash on delivery, and popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, etc. Shipping Options: Integration of local and international shipping options with automated cost calculations based on location and product weight. SEO Optimization: Built-in SEO tools to improve store visibility on search engines. Customizable Designs: Pre-built, fully customizable templates for store design, similar to Shopify's, Zid's, and Salla's themes, so users can personalize their stores. Reports and Analytics: Reporting tools to track sales, customer activity, and stor...
...example, the data on MySQL database & Tableau hasn't updated in months but the Report Export CSVs shows data from as recent as today, but our both MySQL and Tableau isn't showing this recent data. I believe this is due to the Python scripts not working right, even though everything had worked before. I tried to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL hoping it might help solve my issues, I used a migration app to convert the dump from MySQL to PostgreSQL and ChatGPT to edit the Python scripts. In the end I was only able to view the migrated data on PostgreSQL but still it's only the old data from the data dump, no recent data. ------------------------------------------------- What I need help with: - Fixing the Python scripts to pull data & properly add it to...
It must fill state and city which needed to be block if no zip code. Something similar to an address autocomplete but only for zip code
...located in the USA, who can create an overlay app for my Android application. The main purpose of the overlay app is to enhance my existing application with additional interactive features and interfaces. Key Requirements: - The overlay app should incorporate interactive buttons, custom graphics, and information display. - While the overlay app will need to interact with the underlying application, this interaction will be minimal. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Android app development, specifically creating overlay applications. - Proficient in designing interactive buttons and custom graphics. - Capable of creating an information display within the overlay app. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. ...
I'm seeking a highly capable virtual or personal assistant to support me with various tasks in Southeast Asia. Key Responsib...capable virtual or personal assistant to support me with various tasks in Southeast Asia. Key Responsibilities: - Administrative Support: Handling routine paperwork and correspondence. - Scheduling and Calendar Management: Organising appointments, meetings, and events. - Travel Planning and Coordination: Arranging itineraries and ensuring smooth travel experiences. The ideal candidate should: - Be based in either Thailand or Singapore. - Be fluent in English and Thai; Mandarin is a plus. - Have a strong corporate background. - Possess considerable experience with expats. - Have personal assistant experience in Southeast Asia. - Be able to provide g...