Load save avl tree fileproiecte
...Testing: Testing all features of the app to ensure they work as expected, including user interactions, data handling, and background processes. UI/UX Testing: Ensuring the app's user interface and user experience are consistent and optimized for Android 14's design standards. Performance Testing: Testing the app's performance on both high-end and low-end devices to ensure smooth operation, fast load times, and efficient battery usage. Security Testing: Verifying that the app complies with Android 14's security requirements, including data encryption, permission handling, and secure communication. Compatibility Testing: Testing the app across a variety of devices with different screen sizes, hardware configurations, and software customizations to ensure broad c...
Penny Hand Money Tree Indiferent de domeniul în care este aplicat, designul tinde să urmărească principii precum estetica plăcută, funcționalitatea, accesibilitatea, durabilitatea și inovația. De asemenea, el poate să reflecte identitatea și valorile brandului sau creatorului său.
...maintained such a stance for much longer than many of their counterparts around the world. In fact, Japanese interest rates have been steady at around 0% for 25 years now, even entering into negative territory in 2016. Indeed, the BoJ's base rate still sits at -0.1% at a time when most of the rest of the world is at around 5% or above, which means Japanese consumers actually lose money on any cash they save. Ironically, however, inflation in the Asian economy is far lower than in Europe. Even though the BoJ is upgrading its initial projection for the year up to March 2024 from 2.5% to 3%, this is still much closer to the 2% target than many EU countries, where annual rates of up to 10% are being observed. This naturally means that the Japanese central bank feels it has...
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
...cateva pagini. Una dintre pagini va fi cu acces restrictionat pentru cativa prieteni. In aceasta pagina doresc sa afisez continutul unui director sau al mai multor directoare de pe server, in format TREE. Aceste directoare ( Foldere ), vor contine fisiere de genul audio, video, text, poze, etc. Pentru o exemplificare mai exacta a ceea ce doresc sa realizez in aceasta pagina am pus un link mai jos. Am mai gasit o alta posibilitate care ar fi aproape perfecta, dar care nu include posibilitatea desfasurarii subdirectoarelor in format TREE. Practic este un script in PHP care trebuie modificat si inserat intr-o pagina din Wordpress, care ar trebui sa afiseze continutul directorului in vederea descarcarii fisierelor. Este vorba de raspunsul
Looking for a person who knows Three.js. The project is for school and it mainly has a few functionalities: - Load models from server - Add models to scene - Select models in order to animate/ move them - Remove models - Somehow copy the code in order to give it to another user who can paste it and see the same canvas with the exact models and their animation
-Se va emula o retea de tip SDN formata din comutatoare de retea (switch) cu ajutorul utilitarului Mininet -Se va implementa o aplicatie pentru controlerul SDN care va construi topologia retelei prin colectarea datelor de pe dispozitivele de retea. -Se va implementa a aplicatie care va emula functionarea protocolului STP pentru eliminarea buclelor din retea. Se va construi arborele de tip spanning tree, iar pe baza acestuia se vor configura starea porturilor comutatoarelor (blocat, root port, designated port). -Se vor construi scenarii pentru validarea functionalitatilor implementate(cu mesaje de tip ping intre switch-uri si sa vedem cum fara aplicatie se vor forma bucle in retea si cu aplicatia activa pe controller nu vor mai exista bucle si porturile se inchid corespuzator).
Salutare. Am vazut ca ai licitat pentru un proiect de magento 2 cu o eroare "cannot save shippment. Problema e ca imi apare aceasta eroare dar daca activeaza pe server nginx / varnish / php_fpm Ma poti ajuta cu o oferta? Numarul meu e 0721266713
Detin un magazin online PrestaShop versiune 1.6. Magazinul se misca foarte greu, nu au fost facute upgrade-uri. Produse noi se pot adauga DOAR dupa un numar mare de incercari. Modificarile se pot salva doar dupa "save" clickuri repetate. Doresc imbunatatirea magazinului. Multumesc
English: At the base is a website presentation of a medical clinique. In addition to this, the site must offer other opportunities for visitors such as: - The possibility for the visitor to interact with the doctor to obtain information. - The possibility for the visitor to up-load scanned documents or images and send them by email to the doctor - The possibility for the visitor to access a documentation section regarding certain diseases (section where presentation articles and of these diseases will be present) - The possibility for the patient to provide feedback after interaction (a simple but relevant questionnaire in which the patient can express his / her lived experience) - Patient to obtain location / orientation information - The possibility that the doctor can simp...
As dori mai multe articole (aproximativ 450-500 cuvinte fiecare) in limba engleza pe subiectul: ceasuri din lemn, corpuri de iluminat din lemn, lampi din lemn, ochelari de soare din lemn, sau tot ce tine de design interior din lemn. Acest articol este destinat optimizarii SEO a site-ului . Posibile titluri: Tipuri de lemn folosite in producerea ceasurilor din lemn/ Corkwood Tree / Cele mai valoroase ceasuri din lemn/ Modele de ochelari de soare din lemn produse de mari case de moda/ astept si alte propuneri de titluri.
As dori un articol (aproximativ 2000 caractere) in limba engleza pe subiectul: ceasuri din lemn sau ochelari de soare din lemn. Acest articol este destinat optimizarii SEO a site-ului . Posibile titluri: Tipuri de lemn folosite in producerea ceasurilor din lemn/ Corkwood Tree / Cele mai valoroase ceasuri din lemn/ Modele de ochelari de soare din lemn produse de mari case de moda/ astept si alte propuneri de titluri.
Specificatiile le-am discutat pe mess. - daca ai ipad, e mult mai usor de ordonat pentru ca ecranul e mai mare - ordonarea nu se pastreaza daca nu dai save, deci sa salvezi des! Mersi, Alex
Avem nevoie sa cauti si sa repari anumite probleme din site-ul nostru OpenCart. Cunostinte: PHP HTML VqMod Exemplu de eroare: Cand apasam save la un produs, nu se salveaza chiar daca apare mesajul de succes.
As avea nevoie de o traducere a fisierului alaturat din limba romana in limba maghiara. Toate tagurile HTML trebuie sa ramana asa cum sunt. Traducerea trebuie efectuata in fisierul original, fiecare coloana sa fie urmata de traducerea efectiva. Ca sa discut cu cineva legat de acest proiect, rog o traducere test a primelor 3 randuri.
Salut, Vreau sa refac CSS-ul site-ul E facut destul de rau si foloseste h tags. Este vorba de 3 pagini. Pagina trebuie sa aiba pentru galerie lazy load. Poti sa imi spui un pret aproximativ si cand am putea povestii mai multe detalii. Multumesc, Cristian
The website to be modified is The source code should be modified according to specifications, while the website aspect should remain (almost) identical. The project has two tasks: 1. Optimize the load time of the home page (slider, parallax effects), by modifying the source code and, if necessary, the required JavaScript libraries 2. Modify the source code of the HTML pages as follows: - every page should have only one H1 heading - every page should have between 0 and N H2 headings, where N is depending on the page - there should be no H3, H4 and H5 tags - all headings should be placed in the main area, not in the header or footer H1: FII EXTRA PREGĂTIT PENTRU EVALUAREA NAȚIONALĂ LA CLASA A VIII-A! H2: ACCES GRATUIT
...rirmata Muzica lenta Cclientul meu va accesa saitul meu, isi face un cont si intra in el. Clientul meu are 10magazine in care trebuie sa ruleze muzica de pe serverul central plus spoturi publicitare care trebuie sa ruleze la un animit interval orar. Deci el intra pe contul lui selecteaza MUZICA RITMATA si intervalul orar, dupa care selecteaza MUZICA LANTA si intervalul orar. Mai are un buton de load pentru a-si incarca spotul publicitar si din cite in cite minute sa cante si in ce interval orar. Dupa asta selecteaza magazinele in care sa cante aceasta muzica si spoturile publicitare, da finish si se intampla asta. La fiecare magazin exista un pc pe care noi instalam daca e cazul un program. Muzica care se afla pe serverul central se afla si local pe fiecare instalam...
Design si functionalitate il avem trebuie doar partea de programare php mysql: pe scurt se introduc date prin forms dupa o anumita logica dupa care se genereaza si se listeaza pe imprimanta pdfuri, se salveaza datele introduse in baza de date de unde pot fi incarcate din nou pe baza de cautare.
Implementare script sau modul pentru up load produse in platforma Prestashop si Opencart. In plus implementare API pentru furnizor de produse in vederea corelarii stocurilor intregii game de produse.
Proiectul consta in transformarea unei pagini de A4 de excel (vezi atasament) intr-un formular editabil legat la o baza de date. Fromularul sa fie editabil si dupa salvarea in baza de date. In baza de date sa se poata cauta dupa denumire/nume sau seria componentelor. In josul paginii sunt doua butoane PRINT si SAVE. Aceste doua butoane sa nu apara pe hartie cand printez. In spatiile marcate cu FUNDAL ROSU - se vor introduce date FIXE. In spatiile marcate cu FUNDAL GALBEN - se vor introduce date manual, aceste spatii va trebui sa fie editabile si dupa salvare In spatiile marcate cu FUNDAL ALBASTRU - se va reactualiza automat DATA si NUMARUL FISEI DE SERVICE Scrisul marcat cu ROSU va copia automat datele din casuta mentionata.
Realizare script notificari pe mail cand apar modificari in linia/produsul solicitat de utilizator, cu cronjob. Modul de cautare in baza de date (specificul este ca va trebui sa se realizeze cautare in 300 de tabele ale bazei de date, cu peste 4 mil de randuri). Esentiala este rapididatea returnarii rezultatelor, un load pe sercev mic. De preferat un programator CU EXPERIENTA din Bucuresti, pentru o discutie in prealabil.
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following info...com/Trendy-Chunky-Stretch-Slouchy-Beanie/dp/B00P12ALFG/ref=zg_bs_apparel_home_3?pf_rd_p=1286245182&pf_rd_s=center-6&pf_rd_t=2101&pf_rd_i=home&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0K3BA8JW8BKEYS8C673G I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you
Salut, Vreau sa deschid pana pe 1 decembrie un magazin online (la inceput maxim 500 produse) pe platforma opencart si am nevoie de cineva care sa configureze si sa optimizeze un server dedicat pentru magazin online. De asemenea ma intereseaza sa stiu (daca traficul va cere) sa imi spuneti daca poti face: – setarea mai multor CDN-uri pentru continutul static – round robin dns load balancing pentru baza de date si script *chiar daca va ma trebui inchiriat un server pt asta Ca si firma de hosting vreau sa inchiriez un server dedicat (am atasat o poza cu configuratia aleasa) de la intrucat lucrez cu ei de mai bine de 3 ani pe shared hosting si de fiecare data cand am avut o problema indiferent de ora primeam raspuns si rezolvare in maxim 15 min prin mail si au s...
Te salut Charlie, Ma numesc Cezar, si am nevoie sa-mi faci si mie un site ...l-am inceput si find extrem de ocupat nu pot sa stau si de el. Am nevoie sa aiba un impact extarodinar si sa fie super ok din punct de vedere seo. Ma voi ocupa eu de el pe parcurs. Deci am nevoie ca siteul sa fie accesibil, sa nu consume resurse f multe, sa se incarce repede, sa pot vinde on-line pe el. Plugins-urile sa nu fie foarte stufoase. Intr-un cuvant design futurist simplu, viteza de load, accesibilitate. In privinta design-ului vom discuta. Am nevoie de ceva care sa imbine chimia cu produsele verzi (naturale, vegetale, clare, non toxice) Poti sa-mi faci o estimare? Ai putea sa-mi faci ceva frumos cu un super impact vizual si public ? Multumesc mult de tot, astept un raspuns. Numai ganduri b...
Salut, Avem nevoie de un design 3D pentru amenajarea intr-un centru comercial a unei case in copac, gen basm cu flori, iarba si ciuperci, stup de albine, unele supradimensionate si restul normale, toate elemente de primavara, o zona plina de flori, o atmosfera feerica. Toata zona trebuie sa fie de 8* 8 m cu marginile neregulare imprejmuite de un gard. Casa trebuie sa aiba zone de urcat pe o scara, un tobogan, si alte elemente de joaca. Targhetul sunt copii intre 4-12 ani. Toate elementele trebuie sa se autosustina deoarece nu putem sa gaurim podeaua, trebuie sa fie sigure pentru copii, sa aibe rezistenta. As dori sa stiu un pret pentru aceasta ce include si materialele si cotele ce trebuiesc pentru productie. Putem vb pe mail: pascaru @ purple-bp . com sau tel: 0733 966 339 Cu stima, Li...
Salut, Avem nevoie de un design 3D pentru amenajarea intr-un centru comercial a unei case in copac, gen basm cu flori, iarba si ciuperci, stup de albine, unele supradimensionate si restul normale, toate elemente de primavara, o zona plina de flori, o atmosfera feerica. Toata zona trebuie sa fie de 8* 8 m cu marginile neregulare imprejmuite de un gard. Casa trebuie sa aiba zone de urcat pe o scara, un tobogan, si alte elemente de joaca. Targhetul sunt copii intre 4-12 ani. Toate elementele trebuie sa se autosustina deoarece nu putem sa gaurim podeaua, trebuie sa fie sigure pentru copii, sa aibe rezistenta. As dori sa stiu un pret pentru aceasta ce include si materialele si cotele ce trebuiesc pentru productie. Putem vb pe mail: pascaru @ purple-bp . com sau tel: 0733 966 339 Cu stima, Li...
Salut, Avem nevoie de un design 3D pentru amenajarea intr-un centru comercial a unei case in copac, gen basm cu flori, iarba si ciuperci, stup de albine, unele supradimensionate si restul normale, toate elemente de primavara, o zona plina de flori, o atmosfera feerica. Toata zona trebuie sa fie de 8* 8 m cu marginile neregulare imprejmuite de un gard. Casa trebuie sa aiba zone de urcat pe o scara, un tobogan, si alte elemente de joaca. Targhetul sunt copii intre 4-12 ani. Toate elementele trebuie sa se autosustina deoarece nu putem sa gaurim podeaua, trebuie sa fie sigure pentru copii, sa aibe rezistenta. As dori sa stiu un pret pentru aceasta ce include si materialele si cotele ce trebuiesc pentru productie. Putem vb pe mail: pascaru @ purple-bp . com sau tel: 0733 966 339 Cu stima, Li...
...Datele se preiau prin apelul CURL. Un exemplu: Se apeleaza de forma cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81"...
...bine, flori, flori, flori, cu link catre portofoliu =>familie si prieteni/nunta poza bebe Text Olla infloreste botezul bebelusului cu link catre portofoliu=> familie si prieteni/botez Bara de meniu: sterge proiecte speciale; muta shop inainte de blog, si redenumeste-l Floral Art of the Week Portofoliu: optiune share pe retele sociale dupa fiecare articol; la click dreapta sa nu aiba voie sa dea save picture as, text copyright Olla; muta butonul Comenzi sau Programări Pentru comenzi personalizate sau pentru a stabili o intalnire foloseste formularul de contact sub portofoliu Cand cineva vizualizeaza portofoliul, creau ca in dreapta sa apara proiecte din aceaasi categorie/Te mai poate interesa si....si aici sa punem si alte proiecte din alte categorii/Parteneri Prea mare sp...
Ar trebui ca fiecare persoana care doreste sa isi salveze informatiile din pc dupa formatarea acestuia sa le poata salva pe un website anume. Fiserele care pot fi urcate sa fie de genul urmator: Jocuri,Imagini,programe si multe altele. Dar pentru realizarea acestui proiect am nevoie de oameni cu cunostinte HTML ca sa poate creea site-ul.
Ar trebui ca fiecare persoana care doreste sa isi salveze informatiile din pc dupa formatarea acestuia sa le poata salva pe un website anume. Fiserele care pot fi urcate sa fie de genul urmator: Jocuri,Imagini,programe si multe altele. Dar pentru realizarea acestui proiect am nevoie de oameni cu cunostinte HTML ca sa poate creea site-ul.
Ar trebui ca fiecare persoana care doreste sa isi salveze informatiile din pc dupa formatarea acestuia sa le poata salva pe un website anume. Fiserele care pot fi urcate sa fie de genul urmator: Jocuri,Imagini,programe si multe altele. Dar pentru realizarea acestui proiect am nevoie de oameni cu cunostinte HTML ca sa poate creea site-ul.
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X...in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...
I'm looking for a professional to create a vector gradient file of my logo. - Final file format should be EPS. - I only have a PNG file, so we might need to recreate the "X" for smooth results. - Ideally, you should have experience with graphic design, particularly with creating vector files from raster images.
I'm looking to update my logo to a more modern and clean design, while retaining some key elements from the current version. The color scheme, font style, and the icon or symbol should remain unchanged, but reinterpreted in the new design style. Ideal skills and experience for...should remain unchanged, but reinterpreted in the new design style. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Strong graphic design background, particularly in logo design. - Experience with modern and clean design aesthetics. - Ability to work with existing design elements and reimagine them. - Proficient in design software like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or similar. I need the tree implemented into the design exactly how it it is drawn on the paper. The S logo is actually S and H...
complete project for Electrical panel schedule and load Analysis.
I'm in need of a detailed structural drawing for a load-bearing engineered rim board header. This is a fun project and not tied to a specific building type. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive and precise detailed drawings of the rim board header SPECIFCALLY two mutually-perpendicular sectional drawings of the detail (one vertical and one horizontal) - Understanding and application of load-bearing support principles (all openings either have a single or double sill as per opening width Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in structural design and drawing - Experience with engineered rim board headers
I'm seeking a Certified Business Accountant (CBA) with over 2 years of experience in providing tailored accounting services. - Primarily, I need ongoing bookkeeping services. - Additionally, assistance with business tax preparation is required. I would prefer a professional w...years of experience in providing tailored accounting services. - Primarily, I need ongoing bookkeeping services. - Additionally, assistance with business tax preparation is required. I would prefer a professional who is adept at simplifying complex financial matters, ensuring compliance with tax laws, and can provide reliable and cost-effective solutions. The ideal candidate should be able to save me time, reduce risks, and optimize my financial situation. Let's work together to enhance my f...
Hide JavaScript and Load from an External Domain Project Overview: I am looking for a skilled web developer to help me implement a mechanism that hides a JavaScript file's source code from the browser and loads it from an external domain. The goal is to prevent the exposure of sensitive JavaScript code and improve security by offloading it to a secure external server. Project Requirements: JavaScript Obfuscation: The JavaScript file should be obfuscated or minified to make it harder to reverse-engineer. Use appropriate tools such as UglifyJS, Terser, or other obfuscation techniques. Load JavaScript from an External Domain: The JavaScript file should be loaded dynamically from a different domain, not directly from the origin domain. Set up cross-origin re...
I need a freelancer to integrate GPay UPI for one-time payments on my PHP CodeIgniter website. The integration should not save any user payment information as I prefer to keep transactions strictly one-off. Key Requirements: - Integration of GPay UPI for one-time payments - No saving of user payment information - Implementation of email notifications for successful payments - On-screen confirmations for payment success Skills Needed: - PHP CodeIgniter - Payment Gateway Integration - Email Notification System Implementation - UI/UX for On-screen Confirmations Please note, I want a simple, clean and efficient integration that prioritizes user experience and seamless transaction process.
I need an application for Breast Cancer Patients In The Radiology Department, where they undergo eight different tests. I want the pateint information the has been inter be able to save then in excel The program should help schedule these tests based on the following basic information: • Patient name • Patient age • Patient file number • Referral date to mammogram • Treating doctor’s name • Patient’s phone number • Treating doctor’s email • A field from which I can send an email from my personal email The first procedure is the mammogram date. The mammogram should be scheduled within 48 hours from the referral date, taking into consideration that the appointment should fall between Sunday and Thursday. The result fi...
I need a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that allows users to click anywhere on a webpage, leave text-only comments tied to specific elements, and save them locally. The comments will be delivered as tasks for the webpage owners. Key Features: - Comment Feature: Users should only be able to leave text comments at a begining stage. On a later stagemaybe to introduce videos to do the feedbacks. - Comment Display: Comments should be displayed as tooltips when hovering over the relevant webpage elements. - On a later version would be great to connect this commets to Clickup or other platforms to track everything - Local Storage: All comments need to be saved using LocalStorage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. - Prior experience ...
I'm facing issues with my WordPress site. Error messages pop up when I'm trying to save pages, and my media library refuses to load. I've already attempted some troubleshooting steps by deactivating plugins, but the problems persist. I have back ups but am getting error messages when I try to load using UpDraft. The websites are static/CV style so I don't mind if they are stripped back to older versions. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in WordPress troubleshooting - Experience with error message diagnostics - Skills in optimizing media libraries - Familiarity with plugin configurations
I need a realistic flat drawing for a present. The drawing should depict an exterior view with an emphasis on color and texture. Ideal skills for this project would include a strong background in architectural illustration and a keen eye for detail in color and texture. There is a tree outside of the house which has blossom in Spring - please can you add the pink blossom to the tree.
...inner transformation, and empowerment. It should visually communicate the journey of overcoming challenges, finding inner peace, and achieving fulfilment. The design should feel uplifting, approachable, and professional, while staying aligned with the themes of psychology, holistic healing, and high performance. Symbolism: Incorporate elements that symbolise growth and transformation, such as: A tree or leaf motif representing personal growth, grounding, and renewal. A spiral or circular design to convey holistic healing and continuity. A blueprint-inspired element to signify structure and strategy. Typography: Use clean, elegant fonts with soft curves to balance professionalism with approachability. Colour Palette: My existing personal brand colours (#8d62e7, #3da7f3, #d61f...
Deliverables / Tasks - WordPress website c...Home, About Us, Services, blog, and Contact Us etc (pages same as in current website) - theme we've finalized is - - Logo design - Multilingual support in French and English - Infographics - Contact form (we will need odoo CRM access from you) - Responsive and user-friendly design for optimal viewing on various devices. - Basic/On-page SEO optimization - Fast page load times (depends on theme’ performance or will try to minimize as much as possible) So it covers website development, theme, logo design, and On page SEO only with the current budget. Any additional third-party services, such as SMS, email, or chatbot integrations, will be charged separately and with additional timeline based on the requirements.
I'm looking for an experienced iOS app developer to create a mobile car wash application. The app should have a user-friendly interface and incorporate essential features such as: - A comprehensive booking system that allows for recurring appointments. - Secure payment integration primarily focusing on Credit/Debit cards. - A system to save both customer and vehicle data, as well as their locations for convenience and efficiency. Ideal candidates for this project should have a solid portfolio of iOS applications, with experience in developing service-based apps being a significant advantage. Understanding of payment integration and data management systems is crucial. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Something like this
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