Law enforcement jobs in nyproiecte
...Transport ,Jobs,imobiliare. La transport transportatorii sa aiba locatia activata in timp real sa-i vad unde sunt,sa-si poata seta plecare-sosire si raza de km pe care vrea sa vada cererile calatorilor in timp real . - Calatorii sa caute ce anume au de transportat,si locatiile de la-pana la,cod postal,adrese exacte din Maps,iar dupa comletare sa-i apara transportatorii care fac acee curse,sa ii contacteze pe transportatori. -Un chat in care calatorul sa poate scrie manual ce are nevoie iar transportatorii sa ii raspunda cu ofertele lor,apoi calatorul alege si contacteaza transportatorul cel mai convenabil. -Curse expres la urgenta -Sistem de plati garantie intre transportator si calator,prin intermediul platformei,iar care dintre cei doi nu-si indeplineste...
Pasionat de digital? Alătură-te echipei noastre din Iasi ca Social Media Manager! Dacă ești o persoană creativă, tehnologică și ai 2 ani experiență în gestionarea platformelor (FB, IG, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube), vrem să te cunoaștem. Mod de lucru hibrid, proiecte interesante. Hai să creăm împreună
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
Salutare! Detin un website de anunturi lansat in 2008, care este perfect functional (si chiar lider de piata pe segmentul lui) insa este invechit din toate punctele de vedere. In tot acest timp nu s-a intervenit prea mult asupra codului, functionalitatii, design-ului, etc. Prin urmare inca arata si functioneaza ca un site de acum 15 ani. Caut un programator istet si OBLIGATORIU experimentat, care sa-l refaca de la zero, nefolosind nimic din vechiul cod. Va fi asadar un site complet nou, care la finalul proiectului il va inlocui pe cel vechi. Toate functiile site-ului actual se vor pastra, la ele adaugandu-se altele noi. Baza de date actuala va fi evident pastrata (utilizatori, anunturi, imagini, etc). Cerinte: 1. Experienta in proiecte similare (website-uri de anun... clientii si procesarea comenzilor. Vei avea si taskuri de backend, de operare modificari produse, reguli de promotii, modificari preturi, adugare de produse, etc. Jobul este part time cu posibilitate de full time daca te descurci si ai timp. Despre tine Cautam o persoana cu bune abilitati de comunicare si care poate sa faca si vanzare, onesta, flexibila, cu o voce calda, cu deschidere in a explica clientilor despre produse si modalitatea de comanda si livrare, atitudine proactiva si care sa se adapteze diferitelor situatii gasind solutii care sa functioneze. Taskurile presupun si luare de decizii nu este totul standardizat. Ai o minima aplecare spre folosirea de tehnologii noi. Vorbesti corect dpdv gramatical limba romana. Esti familiarizata cu operarea pc,...
Buna Marilena, Suntem in cautare de un specialist pe platforma Magento 1.9 / 2.x cu care dorim sa avem o colaborare cat mai continua si cu plata per interventie. Daca sunteti interesata va rog sa ne trimiteti un email la jobs@ impreuna cu un nr de telefon unde va putem contacta pentru a discuta despre urmatorul task. Va multumesc
...Am nevoie de un script pentru a sorta constant (deci probabil cron job) toate tabele in functie de anumite configurari per tabela. Pentru config se poate face ori front-end ori back-end, nu ma intereseaza asta momentan. Ce vreau sa faca mai exact : - la fiecare rulare vreau sa stearga toate intrarile mai vechi de X zile - daca intrarea din orice tablea are valoarea [AAAA] (se ia din config) in coloana l_type: OK, daca nu, ignore - daca intrarea din orice tablea este mai veche de X timp (valoarea va fi luata din config): ignore - daca intrarea din tablea se afla in intervalu de timp stablit, si nr_hit1 sau nr_hit2 sau nr_hit3 se afla intr-un interval stabilit in config atunci vreau sa o trimit intr-un rss-feed + ...
This is a very small task, but it will get a successful freelancer a 5-star rating and an excellent review. In May 2015, we have summarized the gambling laws from 225 countries of the world into this table For each country, we found the law for land-based casinos, online casino law for operators, and online casino law for players. For Romania, we have noted that there is no penalty for ordinary players gambling online. In support of this claim we have found the following sources: Având în vedere "Scrisoare de punere în întârziere - încălcarea nr. 2013/4216" a Comisiei Europene, prin care "se atrage atenţia asupra anumitor dispoziţii din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 77/2009 privind or...
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
cv30 este un concept de orientare in cariera sub forma unei aplicatii online care ii ajuta pe tineri sa isi defineasca un orizont clar de asteptari sub forma unui cv scris ca si cand ar trai cariera de vis. Platforma completeaza cv-ul cu optiuni prin care ei pot sa ajunga la cariera visata. Bazat pe o baza de date compelxa interconectata cu majoritatea companiilor si institutiilor mari din domeniul educatiei si al carierei, ei pot sa vizualizeze intr-un mod foarte pragmatic si atractiv care este scopul lor in cariera, si ce optiuni au la dispozitie pentru a ajunge acolo (programe de licenta, master, doctorat; burse; cursuri online si offline; activitati extracurriculare; internships; jobs) Cautam un freelancer pe partea de PR (sau part timp employee) care sa intele...
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite f...
Doresc modifacarea facturii in cs-cart conform legislatiei romanesti! Doresc integrare Serie si numarul comenzii cum este in modelul atasat. Fata de modelul atasat fara colanele: pret unitar si valoare tva 4 si 6. I want change bill in cs-cart under Romanian law! I want integration serial number in order as attached model. Compared to the model attached without columns: unit price and the VAT amount in column 4 and 6
Caut pe cineva care sa imi promoveze site-ul cat mai bine in romania in special pentru fete interesate sa lucreze in strainatate Im looking someone to promote my website everywhere on the internet special in romania and england
I am looking for an AI specialist with experience in: Developing chatbots for legal assistance (e.g., integrating GPT or similar models), Automated analysis and research of case law and legal regulations, Predicting legal outcomes based on historical datasets, Ensuring GDPR compliance and safeguarding sensitive client data in website development. Please reach out if you have the required expertise or know someone suitable for this project.
I'm seeking assistance for the registration and renewal of my existing trademark. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient knowledge of trademark law - Experience with trademark registration - Familiarity with renewal processes - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills
I'm seeking a skilled developer who can enhance an existing coin-operated video game programmed in C. Your primary focus will be improving gameplay mechanics, as well as proposing and implementing new in-game features and potential upgrades to the audio/visual graphics. Your responsibilities will include: - Enhancing current game mechanics to improve gameplay and end-user experience - Proposing and implementing fresh in-game features added to the current design - Suggesting possible upgrades to the audio/visual graphics Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C programming is a must, as the game is programmed in C. - Previous work experience on similar projects is a definite advantage. - Creative thinking to propose new features and improvements. Please in...
I'm looking for a professional to draft a full-time employment contract for a position in the finance sector. The contract should be thorough and include the following essential clauses: - Non-compete Agreement: Protecting business interests post-employment - Confidentiality Clause: Ensuring sensitive financial information is kept secure - Termination Clause: Clearly outlining the conditions and procedures for termination Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in contract law, particularly within the finance industry. Experience with drafting employment contracts is a must. Please provide samples of relevant work, if available.
super chart bot (personal chatbot) chatbot can analysis my screen autonomous select the option on my screen take by given my prompts for exampule when i give the prompt to chart bot write a essay on trump then i want post in my social media post job of chart bot analysis the prompt and search the topic given given prompts then do the all jobs autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing ) exampule 2 in chart bot >>> i give this prompt build the website water management job chartbot can study the prompt then collect the data for build the website autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing )
Flat fee proposals ONLY. No hourly rates considered. and to fit the window better on both mobile and desktop 5. A section on the wordpress site needs to change to be a responsive text slider for at least 8 slides. This is indicated in the PDF. 6. Logo needs to be hidden on both desktop and mobile. This is indicated in the PDF. 7. Some of these images need to be updated with slightly newer ones 8. The button needs to be replaced with a slightly different one I will provide. 9. Text will change here 10. Information needs to NOT be visible to Google or search engines, and this needs to function like a splash page. If done correctly, I may have other jobs for you. If this is a bait and switch scheme where you quote low but expect a higher pa...
super chart bot (personal chatbot) chatbot can analysis my screen autonomous select the option on my screen take by given my prompts for exampule when i give the prompt to chart bot write a essay on trump then i want post in my social media post job of chart bot analysis the prompt and search the topic given given prompts then do the all jobs autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing ) exampule 2 in chart bot >>> i give this prompt build the website water management job chartbot can study the prompt then collect the data for build the website autonomously (showing in chartbot what its doing )
I need help with a motion for the distribution of assets in probate court, specifically regarding financial accounts. Your task would be to assist me in identifying these financial accounts. Ideal skills: - Knowledge of probate law - Experience with financial account identification - Legal research abilities - Excellent communication skills test version of Chrome using puppeteer. The primary functionality of the app will be to navigate to , where I will manually log in. Key Requirements: - Modify the request header to simulate an Android OS (i dont know if this is required for 1280x720 enforcement but i thinkxcloud only allows on android OS xhr request to do 720p) - Adjust the WebRTC profile to the 102 codec profile - Ensure the resolution visible on chrome://webrtc-internals/ is 1280x720 - Implement SDP bitrate modification This project will be deemed complete once all of the above modifications are successfully implemented. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in JavaScript and familiar with the Electron framework - Previous experience with WebRTC and modifying request headers - Under...
I am seeking a professional resume/CV writer to assist in crafting a compelling and attractive resume for an entry-level position in the technology sector. Key Requirements: - Expertise in resume/CV writing especially for entry-level positions. - In-depth understanding of the technology industry. - Ability to highlight relevant skills, education, and experiences effectively. - Proven track record of helping clients secure interviews in the tech field. Your Task: - Create a resume/CV that stands out to potential employers in the tech industry. - Provide a version tailored for specific types of tech jobs (e.g. software development, IT support, data analysis etc.). Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and editing skills. - Strong understandi...
...incomplete or flagged applications. Risk Assessment: Automated risk scoring based on customer details. Alerts for high-risk customers. Compliance Features: Integration with AML guidelines (e.g., audit trails, reporting tools). Exportable compliance reports for audits (Excel/PDF). Security: SSL encryption for all data transfers. Role-based access control for admin and user roles. GDPR/Privacy law compliance for data storage and handling. Additional Features: Real-time email/SMS notifications. Analytics for KYC trends and risk metrics. White-labeling options for businesses to use their branding. Technical Preferences Frontend: Responsive design (HTML/CSS/JavaScript or frameworks like React.js). Backend: Secure server (Node.js, Django, or Flask). Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or ...
...Time: 3 days per milestone. I will recreate separate jobs for each milestone. I will send you the link. You will apply for one milestone at a time, and I will award you the job. Before you apply, first try this out otherwise you will be wasting your and my time. 1) If you complete this smaller job according to the following requirement then I have an immediate larger job, for collecting millions of rows of data with a budget greater than $500.00 for you. 2) It is not possible to do this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) It is your job to think, be creative and figure out what website, sources of contact info you will use. Some sources are listed in the link below, but you need to f...
I'm in need of a skilled FiveM developer who can assist with server setup and custom script creation focused on economy and jobs. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up a stable and efficient FiveM server - Creating and integrating economy and job-related scripts - Enhancing gameplay with new missions or quests, vehicle modifications and weapon modifications Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in FiveM server setup - Proficiency in creating custom scripts for FiveM - Solid understanding and experience with economy and job scripts - Creative mindset for designing engaging missions and modifications - Strong technical skills for server and resource optimization I look forward to collaborating with a professional who can help me establish an exciting and immer...
...Time: 3 days per milestone. I will recreate separate jobs for each milestone. I will send you the link. You will apply for one milestone at a time, and I will award you the job. Before you apply, first try this out otherwise you will be wasting your and my time. 1) If you complete this smaller job according to the following requirement then I have an immediate larger job, for collecting millions of rows of data with a budget greater than $500.00 for you. 2) It is not possible to do this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) It is your job to think, be creative and figure out what website, sources of contact info you will use. Some sources are listed in the link below, but you need to f...
We need an experienced lawyer to help us properly structure our newly established C-corp in Delaware. Key Responsibilities: - Drafting and filing necessary legal documents - Setting up shareholder agreements - Reviewing our existing legal documents We have some legal documents that we would like you to review and incorporate as necessary. In addition to this, we require assistance with both federal and state compliance and regulatory requirements. We're looking for someone efficient, knowledgeable and able to guide us through this process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in corporate law - Familiarity with Delaware corporate laws - Expertise in drafting corporate legal documents - Experience with federal and state compliance - St...
I'm looking for someone to help with a work-from-home data entry project. This involves working with visual data, specifically videos. Key Responsibilities: - Tagging and categorizing video content based on provided guidelines. Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail: The role requires precise tagging and categorization. - Familiarity with data entry: Previous experience with data entry jobs is a plus. - Good communication skills: Ability to understand and follow instructions clearly. Please note: This is a remote position and you will need a reliable internet connection to watch and categorize the videos.
...proficient in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, who can enhance the performance of my and Node.js website. The goal is to achieve a Google Page Speed score of 90+. Key Areas for Optimization: - Load Time: Currently, the site has considerable lag. I need someone who can implement effective strategies to drastically reduce load time. - Responsive Design: The site needs to be fully optimized for all devices. Specific Elements to Prioritize: - JavaScript Files: While I have already undertaken minification, further optimization of these files is necessary. - CSS Styles: These also require thorough optimization. - Images and Media: All media elements need to be optimized for faster loading speeds. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, particular...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a job marketplace...for job seekers and employers. - Job Posting and Browsing: An essential feature of the site is allowing employers to post jobs and job seekers to browse these listings. - Data Display: I need the data to be displayed in a gallery format with pictures. This applies to showcasing job listings as well as any other relevant data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and e-commerce platforms. - Experience in creating job marketplace websites is a plus. - Strong understanding of user registration systems and job posting/browsing functionalities. - Ability to design attractive, easy-to-navigate gallery formats. Please provide examples of previous relevant projects in you...
I need a legal expert to vet a draft contract for an independent contractor in Malaysia. The review should cover: - Legal Compliance: Ensuring the contract adheres to Malaysian law. - Non-Compete Clauses: Evaluating the fairness and reasonableness of any non-compete provisions. - Payment Terms: Scrutinizing the payment schedule and method of payment for clarity and fairness. While general legal compliance is crucial, there are no specific industry standards or regulations that need to be considered. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in contract law, specifically in relation to independent contractors in Malaysia. - Strong understanding of non-compete clauses and payment terms. - Excellent attention to detail and ability to identify pot...
I need a comprehensive legal research on felony cases in Texas under the Texas Code 37.02 that have either been overturned or expunged. Please include: - Case summaries - Judges' opinions - Legal precedents I require access to: - Public records - Court transcripts - Expert legal analysis The research should encompass both overturned and expunged cases. Ideal candidates for this project would be legal professionals with experience in Texas law, adept at analyzing court documents and public records, and skilled in providing expert legal analysis.
I need help preparing specific tax documents to claim withholding tax as an Australian resident. The specific documents I need assistance with are: - Form W-8BEN - Form 1040NR Additionally, I require assistance understanding the 'Tax Treaty Benefits' section of these forms. Ideal skills for this project: - Expertise in US tax law - Experience with Form W-8BEN and Form 1040NR - Understanding of Australia-US tax treaty - Strong document preparation skills
Here’s the refined version in English: Title: Development of a Social Platform with React and Flexible Backend Project Description: I am looking for a skilled developer to build a modern social platform. The backend should be flexible and scalable, ready to support future iOS and Android apps. The developer can choose the backend technology (e.g., Node.js, FastAPI, Django, etc.) as long as it meets the project requirements. The frontend will be developed using React. Core Functional Requirements: 1. User Authentication and Registration: • User registration system. • Email validation for account activation. • Password recovery feature. • Enforcement of unique user accounts. 2. Bad Word Filtering: • Implementation of a profanity filter ...
I’ll start by integrating the SMS Activate API into your Laravel app, ensuring it communicates smoothly for purchasing... I’ll adjust the CSS to make the site look great and work seamlessly. I’ll set up a system to automatically debit user accounts when they make purchases and create a transaction history page so users can track their activities. On the admin side, I’ll build a dashboard where you can monitor all transactions, manage API providers, and adjust pricing easily. Since your database and cron jobs are already in place, I’ll make sure the new integration works perfectly with your existing setup. I’ll also implement logging for all transactions to help with any future troubleshooting. Finally, I’ll thoroughly test everythin...
...Illustrator and Photoshop. Ability to create Pinterest Pins, crop photos, etc. - Basic experience with WordPress - Excellent writing skills - Incredible research skills - Willing to learn new skills and adapt to the needs of the company - Ability to handle tasks on your own (after some training) - Heavy hitter – able to accomplish a lot of tasks daily. If you work slowly and can’t handle multiple tasks in a day, this job is not for you. - Ability to come to the table with new ideas, etc. Ideal candidate NICE TO HAVE - Video editing skills - Experience with affiliate programs - SEO Skills, with an emphasis on keyword research - Experience with , Trello, or other organizational online tools - Access to a VPN - Ability to take screenshots - Social Media Management ...
I'm seeking a freelancer to enhance my resume's content and relevance, specifically targeting entry-level carpentry positions. The ideal candidate would also have connections with various construction companies in Nova Scotia that could offer apprenticeships or jobs. Key responsibilities: - Optimize my resume for content and relevance. - Utilize industry contacts to help secure job opportunities. Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in resume writing and career coaching. - Established connections within the Nova Scotia construction industry. - Knowledge of entry-level carpentry job requirements.
I’m reaching out to inquire about commissioning three pencil sketches of my father-in-law for his upcoming 80th birthday. I would need them completed by January 2nd, and I’m happy to pay any applicable rush fees to ensure they are ready on time. Here are the specifics for each sketch: First Priority (Baseball Picture): The most important if you can only do one in time. I would love to have the entire baseball scene sketched in pencil, as shown in the attached photo. Second Picture: A sketch of the man on the left with the mustache. Please exclude any other people or background. Third Picture: A sketch of the man in the middle wearing glasses and a mustache. Again, please focus only on him (sketch the chair he sits on) and exclude the ...
I'm in the process of transitioning my career towards management and leadership roles, and I need a professional to help me rework my resume and LinkedIn profile accordingly. - Resume: The primary focus will be on making my resume suitable for a career transition towards management or leadership roles. This will involve highlighting my transferable skills, experiences, and potential for leadership. - LinkedIn: I need a comprehensive overhaul of my LinkedIn profile, with the goal of making it stand out to potential employers. This will include crafting a compelling headline and summary, enhancing my experience and skills sections, and boosting my recommendations and endorsements. Ideal skills for this project include expertise in career coaching, resume writing, and Li...
...Facebook, Threads, and LinkedIn. (That you prepare/create) Engaging with the audience through comments and messages. Scheduling posts using provided calendars and tools. This will include post AND videos Also be able to create videos from existing viral videos/sounds that relate to our niche Our Niche: Therapy needed in workplace with the goal of speaking gigs Rest for career focused women with the goal of women signing up for our classes Graphic Design Designing graphics in Canva based on detailed instructions. Ensuring the visuals align with the brand’s style, colors, and tone. Editing and creating images/videos as needed for social media or promotional campaigns. Sending follow-up emails to RSVPs and leads. Assisting with email campaign scheduling and up...
I need an engaging and informative blog post written for my WordPress site, which primarily features blog content. The post should be focused on pharmacy jobs and vacancies. You have to rewrite post title and content from existing website post . For Example Exiting post- You have to rewrite- For complete details please have a look (video)- Remuneration: 4 Rs/Post; Paid Weekly Average monthly Number of posts→ 150-250 (Depends upon on various recruitment notifications. You have to create new post daily basis. Since dept. Then the doctors of that dept are shown. Then patient selects one doctor and the doctor’s profile is then shown along with a ‘take appointment’ button. When the button is clicked, the free slots of that particular doctor are shown. Patient selects a free slot of his choice and then sends request for that free slot to the doctor. The doctor will then approve/reject it. g) Notifications – In this tab, a notification is shown whenever the doctor accepts/rejects the requested appointment. h) Feedback – After an appointment is completed, patient can give feedback about that appointment by rating it from 1 – 5 i) A patient can request for only one appointment at a time and will not be allowed to take more than one appointments until the ...
...section on the homepage for the latest job updates and highlighted posts A sidebar or sticky elements for quick navigation to categories (e.g., "Latest Jobs," "Upcoming Exams," "Sarkari Result," etc.) Sticky headers/menus for easy navigation to the most relevant job categories or posts 2. Pages: Home Page: A dynamic homepage showcasing the latest job notifications, exam dates, and top stories. A featured section for urgent notifications or important updates. Job Categories: Pages or sections dedicated to specific job categories, such as: State Government Jobs Central Government Jobs Sarkari Exam Notifications Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) Jobs Job Posts: Each job post should include details such as: Job title, department, and a...