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  • latvian translator needed
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2,000 latvian translator needed proiecte găsite

Am nevoie de un traducător care să realizeze traducererea titlurilor unor produse alimentare din romana in maghiara. Documentul contine aprox. 1000 cuvinte. Colaborare pe termen lung. Aplicați cu oferta voastră pentru 1000 cuvinte. Mulțumesc!

$32 Average bid
$32 Oferta medie
29 oferte

În primul rând, eu nu vorbesc limba română, așa că nu pot să vă contactez decât prin SMS. De asemenea, folosesc o funcție de traducere, așa că este posibil ca unele dintre texte să nu fie corecte. Vă rugăm să înțelegeți. Intenționez să creez un site în limba română, în special despre îngrijirea părului. Se preconizează că amploarea proiectului va fi de aproximativ 100 de articole. 1 articol: 20lei~40lei Vă vom plăti 1100lei~1900lei pe lună dacă sunteți dispus să gestionați întregul site și să faceți SEO. De asemenea, putem negocia un preț de 4000lei pentru crearea unui site web, managementul general, SEO și livrarea a 100 de articole. Prețul este negociabil, așa că vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați. Translated wit...

$975 Average bid
$975 Oferta medie
19 oferte

Având în vedere calitatea abisala a subtitrărilor de pe Netflix când vine vorba de limba română ( traduce din engleză), doresc să îmbunătățesc serviciile Netflix prin a oferi utilizatorilor români contextul corect de unde sa reiasă cu exactitate ce a vrut sa spună personajul sau personajele în fiecare scenă, ceea ce în prezent se întâmplă în proporție de 80-90% doar, având în vedere expresiile, frazele sau cuvintele folosite greșit deseori în prezent în subtitrările din engleză în limba română.

$377 Average bid
$377 Oferta medie
7 oferte

Am nevoie de un Graphic Designer care sa livreze constant si care sa lucreze cu noi pe perioada lunga de timp. La inceput vor fi platiti pe proiecte si in timp le vor fi oferite pozitii ful...din Marea Britanie si am nevoie de persoane cu potential si foarte creativi/creative. Pozitiile full-time vor fi platite pana la 4000-5000 de lei. Am nevoie de o persoana serioasa, ambitioasa si motivata sa se dezvolte si sa progreseze. Am nevoie de comunicare excelenta si cunostinte de limba engleza. Nu vor fi implicate sedinte sau meetinguri cu persoane englezesti, eu voi fi intermediator si translator in cazul in care va fi necesar. Pentru orice alte detalii, nu ezitati sa ma contactati. Sunt convins ca aveti nevoie de mult mai multe detalii, deci orican le putem discuta la telefon sau pri...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Oferta medie
21 oferte

Buna, avem nevoie de cineva pentru o implementare Stripe + VueJS, detalii in privat. ONLY FROM ROMANIA

$158 Average bid
$158 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Traduc orice text din italiana in romana si invers

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta medie
13 oferte
Project for Laura S.
S-a încheiat left

Buna! Am nevoie de un translator Ro-Eng si Eng-Ro, pentru un proiect pe termen lung. Plata se face lunar, iar pentru primele 3 luni, plata este de 200€/luna. Dupa perioada de 3 luni se poate marii plata. Daca esti interesata, lasa-mi un mesaj si iti voi trimite un mic test, pentru verificarea calitatii traducerii. O zii buna in continuare! Alin L.

$206 Average bid
$206 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Experienta PPC avansata Folosire tehnici de scriere evoluate - text anunt - targetare Analiza keywords si propuneri imbunatatire pe baza analizei Only Romanian language

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
6 oferte

Caut un freelancer nativ roman, dar sa știe engleza pentru o colaborare frumoasa Cerințe minime: Vârstă: 15-30 ani Sociabil, deschis la orice si activ Aștept oferte.

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta medie
31 oferte

Am nevoie de un translator bun, care se știe romana și engleza foarte bine. Îmi trebuie pentru niște articole.

$21 Average bid
$21 Oferta medie
14 oferte

Organizez un seminar de trei zile in Bucuresti in cadrul caruia este invitat un conferentiar rus. Caut un interpret din limba rusa in limba romana care sa poat sa faca traducere consecutiva pe parcursul celor trei zile de seminar!

$416 Average bid
$416 Oferta medie
4 oferte
Translator RO >> ENG -- 2
S-a încheiat left

Traducere articole din limba Romana in limba Engleza. 5 la numar.

$55 Average bid
$55 Oferta medie
16 oferte
Translator RO >> ENG
S-a încheiat left

Traducere articole din limba Romana in limba Engleza.

$12 Average bid
$12 Oferta medie
16 oferte
ROMANIAN translator
S-a încheiat left

Buna ziua! Am nevoie de traducerea unor liste cu produse (din imagine/link in romana), 4 liste a cate 1000 de cuvinte. Sunt deschisa sa platesc 200 Euro pentru cele 4 liste. multumesc!

$205 Average bid
$205 Oferta medie
48 oferte
Traducera site-ului
S-a încheiat left

pentru un proiect de aproximariv 1-2 luni. Volum mare de traducere insa traducerea se va efectua cu ajutorul Microsoft Translator. Preferam sa lucram direct cu traducatorul. Job externalizat. E necesar acces la internet cu o viteza buna. Disponibil iunie-iulie.

$421 Average bid
$421 Oferta medie
11 oferte
Transalator RO - EN
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de un translator RO -> EN pentru 2 zile.

$81 Average bid
$81 Oferta medie
18 oferte

Realizează o traducere Vreau sa lucrez ca translator

$292 Average bid
$292 Oferta medie
10 oferte
Hire an English Translator
S-a încheiat left

Buna ziua! Numele meu este Stefan Marian si sunt in cautarea unui profesionist care sa ma ajute cu urmatoarele servicii: in limba engleza a unor texte scrise in limba romana 2. Verificarea si corectarea gramaticala unor texte scrise in limba engleza 3. Editarea si imbunatatirea lizibilitatii unor texte in limba engleza Inainte de toate, as dori sa va ofer mai multe informatii in legatura cu ceea ce intentionez sa realizez si in ce domeniu am nevoie de serviciile dumneavoastra. In curand voi lansa pe Amazon USA un produs destinat copiilor si am nevoie de traducerea in limba engleza a unui thank you card si de traducerea mai multor texte care vor aparea pe site-ul oficial, pe platforma Amazon, pe pagina de facebook a brandului nostru de produse, precum si de verificarea si corec...

$71 Average bid
$71 Oferta medie
10 oferte

am nevoie de TEHNONERADACTARE fisele de protectia muncii SSM si SU in Corel draw

$77 Average bid
$77 Oferta medie
20 oferte
Mobile development
S-a încheiat left

Aplicație pentru Android Vreau să-l proiectezi și să-l construiești Translator rapid englez - roman

$160 Average bid
$160 Oferta medie
6 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Translator Engleza-Romana , Romana-Engleza

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
12 oferte
Landing page needed
S-a încheiat left

Am deja un landing page , dar este un pic cam simplu. Aș dori unul mai fain ca de ex: De asemenea analiza pieței și o structurare bună a contentului cu copyrighting ar fi o chestie bună.

$183 Average bid
$183 Oferta medie
12 oferte

Important!!! We need bids only from NATIVE Romanians. Thus, the project description will be in Romanian. ==================================================== Cautam traducator din Germana in Romana pentru traducerea unui site informational la tema Online Casino. Rugam sa aplice DOAR cei, pentru care Romana e limba materna. Pretul maxim: $7 per 1000 cuvinte. Avem nevoie de traducator cu EXPERIENTA. Doritorii de a participa la concurs sunt rugati sa solicite o proba de text in PM. Vor fi analizate candidaturile doar celor, ce vor traduce proba. Preferam parteneriate de lunga durata.

$98 Average bid
$98 Oferta medie
3 oferte

Important!!! We need bids only from NATIVE Romanians. Thus, the project description will be in Romanian. ==================================================== Cautam traducator din Germana in Romana pentru traducerea unui site informational la tema Online Casino. Rugam sa aplice DOAR cei, pentru care Romana e limba materna. Pretul maxim: $7 per 1000 cuvinte. Avem nevoie de traducator cu EXPERIENTA. Doritorii de a participa la concurs sunt rugati sa solicite o proba de text in PM. Vor fi analizate candidaturile doar celor, ce vor traduce proba. Preferam parteneriate de lunga durata.

$40 Average bid
$40 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Translate Something
S-a încheiat left

Caut translator de nationalitate romana sa-mi traduca diverse articole din romana in engleza. Eu voi da acele articole. Pret 3 lei/100 de cuvinte este pretul pe care il ofer. Articolele vor fi 100-300 cuvinte. NU ma deranjeaza sa foloseasca cat timp dupaia se face traducerea perfect, cu acorduri.

$84 Average bid
$84 Oferta medie
33 oferte

Hi there, I am looking for a professional freelancer to translate a presentation from English to Romanian. The right candidate must be a native translator with a minimum of 5 years experience in translations. Priority will be given to price and quality. Graham

$85 Average bid
$85 Oferta medie
6 oferte
.Net Developer needed
S-a încheiat left

Dezvoltare si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor a doua proiecte: 1. Solutie management contractori in constructii - ASP.NET - Dezvoltat ~2010 cu Infragistics - integrari cu sisteme de facturare Cerinte: - dezvoltari noi cf specificatii: mockups - migrare Infragistics la controale mai noi Telerik sau Devexpress 2. Purchasing - solutie centralizata workflow pt aprobari intr-o organizatie - ASP.NET, C# - integrare Active Directory - fluxuri custom de lucru Cerinte: - dezvoltari si mentenanta pe baza cerintelor

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
11 oferte

Salut Hunor, Sunt Ancuta Gligan, lucrez la Evozon Systems si iti scriu deoarece in momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symp...

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 oferte
Program videochat
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de un program sa ma pot loga pe mai multe site-uri in acelasi timp dar sa le pot vizualiza pe toate pe ecran ( aproximativ 10 ) . In momentul in care operatorul de la pc are treaba pe unul din ele celalalte sa se inchida sau sa intre in pauza. Al doilea lucru de care am nevoie : sa aiba translator englez - roman si roman - englez.

$1788 Average bid
$1788 Oferta medie
2 oferte
SEO service needed
S-a încheiat left

Hello, I am in need of a professional SEO service provider. I have had many bad experiences in the past with this type of work and will be very particular in my milestones and in the work and provider i choose. You must have a very extensive background in this type of work. IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 3 FEEDBACK DO NOT BID!!!!! The requirements will be as followed: Must reach TOP3 positions on 3 major search engines of my choice. In this case I need Google, Bing, Yahoo! I would prefer that the person i hire is based out of the United States. MUST MUST MUST be able to communicate with me over "FREELANCER.COM ONLY" (If you cannot, do not bid) Speed is a good, we are hoping to get this project completed in 3 months time. Included in your price i would like to have m...

$145 Average bid
$145 Oferta medie
12 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Realizez orice fel de traduceri din engleza in romana sau din romana in engleza sau din maghiara in romana .

$166 Average bid
$166 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Hello, I need translate from English to following Language English to German English to Chinese English to Japanese English to Korean English to Italian English to Turkish English to Hungarian English to Dutch Total Words: 2850 I NEED NATIVE WRITER .. LOOKING FOR HUMAN TRANSLATION AND NATIVE SPEAKER! NO GOOGLE TRANSLATOR.. Thanks :)

$131 Average bid
$131 Oferta medie
30 oferte

We’re looking for a Russian Language Content Expert to help us create and adapt high-quality health and wellness content for Russian-speaking audiences. Your role will involve translating, localizing, and writing articles, blogs, and educational materials that are accurate, culturally relevant, and engaging. You’ll ensure the content aligns with health guidelines, resonates with readers, and is optimized for search engines (SEO). The ideal candidate is fluent in Russian (native-level) and has advanced English skills, with experience in health, wellness, or medical content. Familiarity with CAT tools, SEO principles, and content management systems is a bonus. This is a remote, freelance position with flexible hours, perfect for someone passionate about health and skilled in maki...

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 oferte

New Junior level freelancer from Pakistan or india of laravel. I need at low budget. I am looking for a junior level Laravel developer to help me with a new project. The tasks will involve bug fixing and potentially database management. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of backend development and be able to work with existing code. Experience with web application and API development would be beneficial. Please note this is a junior level position, suitable for someone looking to gain more experience in Laravel development.

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Oferta medie
52 oferte
Bengali React Developer Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

Important note:Dont apply if you don’t know Bengali Language I am seeking an experienced Bengali React developer for a project. The ideal candidate should have strong skills in: - User authentication implementation - API integration The project will also require design assistance, as I do not have a complete design or wireframe ready. The current state of the backend API is partially developed, so the developer may need to coordinate with the backend team for necessary updates and modifications. Experience with user authentication systems and API integrations is crucial, as is a strong understanding of React. Familiarity with design principles and experience working in a collaborative team environment will also be beneficial, as we will need to work together to create a cohesiv...

$460 Average bid
$460 Oferta medie
44 oferte

We’re looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create an Audio Meme App that works seamlessly with popular messaging platforms.

$667 Average bid
$667 Oferta medie
38 oferte

I'm seeking an expert editor and proofreader for my graduate-level paper. Your role will be crucial in enhancing the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of the paper. Ideal qualifications: - Proven experience in editing and proofreading graduate-level academic papers. - Excellent command of the English language, with a keen eye for detail. - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines. Please note that the subject of the paper is not specified, so proficiency across various academic fields is a plus.

$32 / hr Average bid
$32 / hr Oferta medie
20 oferte

I'm in search of a direct supplier who can provide a substantial number of SMS verification numbers from the USA, UK, and India. The numbers need to be delivered in bulk and via an API endpoint or any other efficient method. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in providing SMS verification numbers - Familiarity with international number provisioning, particularly from the USA, UK, and India - Ability to deliver numbers in bulk - Proficiency in setting up or using an API for number delivery - Strong understanding of SMS verification use across different sectors

$274 Average bid
$274 Oferta medie
2 oferte

I'm looking for a professional translator to help me translate my marketing materials from English into Portuguese. The original content is in text files, so you'll need to be comfortable working with this format. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in translating marketing content - Native-level proficiency in Portuguese - Excellent command of English - Familiarity with translating text files Skills and Experience: - Previous work in marketing translation preferred - Strong understanding of marketing language and strategies - Ability to maintain the tone and intent of the original content - Attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Oferta medie
15 oferte

We are looking for a talented web developer to join our team for ongoing projects. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. You will work closely with our design team to implement user-friendly interfaces and ensure a seamless user experience. If you are passionate about web development and eager to contribute to innovative projects, we want to hear from you!

$587 Average bid
$587 Oferta medie
107 oferte
WordPress Functionality Fix Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

can not upload new media and products. Ongoing issue...

$118 Average bid
$118 Oferta medie
110 oferte
Link Builder Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm seeking a dedicated link builder to create backlinks for my site. All the links are on Google Sheets. Your role will be to work only on those and fill in the information on the sheet itself. Your primary focus will be on: - Directory submissions - Infographic submissions (I have a specific list of websites for this) - Article submissions and other categories You'll need to: - Add the data for infographic submissions to the Google Sheet - Stick to the provided list for infographic submissions - Prioritise directory submissions above all other categories - Add the correct info (logo, name, address, social media account links, website link etc). - need to make sure you add email details and passw as well if an account is created Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experien...

$75 Average bid
$75 Oferta medie
30 oferte
High-Converting Meta Ad Copy Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for a skilled copywriter who can craft compelling ad copy for my Meta (Facebook/Instagram) advertising campaign. The goal is to create high-converting copy that can drive sales while keeping ad spend low. Key Requirements: - Expertise in ad copywriting, particularly for social media platforms - Proven track record of crafting high-converting ad copy - Strong understanding of target audience identification - Excellent skills in creating persuasive and engaging content - Ability to deliver copy that aligns with brand voice and values Your ad copy should help me achieve good results from the campaign.

$12 Average bid
$12 Oferta medie
9 oferte

I'm seeking a seasoned full-stack developer or a reputable company to help bring my auction website vision to life. This platform will allow users to list items for auction and engage in bidding, with an option for fixed price sales. Key Project Details: - Conceptual design for the website's layout is available - Collaboration on design and features will be welcomed post initial agreement Technical Requirements: - Frontend: Vue.js - Backend: Node.js (Express) - Database: MySQL - Real-time Bidding System: WebSockets - UI/UX Design Tools: Figma, Adobe XD Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Vue.js for frontend development - Extensive experience with Node.js (Express) for backend development - Strong understanding of MySQL for database management - Pr...

$8471 Average bid
$8471 Oferta medie
68 oferte
SAP PP & MM Production Planner Needed
20 ore left
Cont confirmat

I'm seeking a mid-level experienced production planner with a strong proficiency in SAP PP (Production Planning) and SAP MM (Material Management) to support our manufacturing site in East Yorkshire. The contract is for approximately three months with an immediate start. Key Responsibilities: - Scheduling and planning production runs - Managing inventory levels - Improving production processes Ideal Skills: - Proficient in SAP PP and MM - Strong planning and scheduling skills - Inventory management expertise - Process improvement experience - Excellent problem-solving abilities

$34 / hr Average bid
Local Recomandat Urgent
$34 / hr Oferta medie
3 oferte
DWG File Modification Expert Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm in need of a proficient CAD/DWG specialist to modify my DWG file. Key Tasks: - Add new drawing components and dimensions to the file. - Remove specific existing elements, including annotations, dimensions, and certain drawing components. Ideal Candidates: - Extensive experience in modifying DWG files. - Proficient in CAD software. - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in both adding and deleting elements.

$61 Average bid
$61 Oferta medie
36 oferte

A teacher or professor with exceptional creative art and PowerPoint skills is needed to craft a slide pitch for a new educational program. The slide deck will be up to 30 slides, with an executive summary of about 10 slides. Use of artificial intelligence is OK and even encouraged to save costs and time. An NDA will need to be signed. Time is of the essence.

$125 Average bid
$125 Oferta medie
157 oferte

Urgent! UK based company seeking an experienced PLC programmer to help me with controlling machinery using a Siemens S7-200 system. Experience with PUTsGETs communication with different Siemens PLC such as S7-1500. Specific Requirements: - Fluent in both Chinese and English. This is because the user interface is in Chinese. - Proficient in programming Siemens S7-200 PLC systems - Previous experience in machinery control - Ability to provide efficient and reliable programming solutions - Excellent problem-solving skills - Strong understanding of PLC programming principles and practices If you have the necessary skills and experience, please get in touch.

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr Oferta medie
15 oferte

As a professional Arabic-English translator, I'm ready to assist you with your translation needs. I have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of both languages. I specialize in providing accurate, fluent, and culturally appropriate translations for various types of content, including documents, articles, websites, and more. My goal is to deliver high-quality work that maintains the original meaning while ensuring clarity and engagement. If you're looking for a reliable translator to bridge the language gap effectively, I’m here to help. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in Arabic-English translation - Understanding of cultural nuances - Ability to translate various content types - Strong attention to detail - Commi...

$408 Average bid
$408 Oferta medie
26 oferte
Marketing Funnel Expert Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for a freelancer to help me build a comprehensive marketing funnel for my company. The ideal candidate should be an expert in setting up Zoho CRM/Neodove/Salesforce and marketing workflows. Key Responsibilities: - Once a lead fills a form, they should automatically receive a message on their WhatsApp, Email and SMS. - Ensuring that the leads consistently see our ads on Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in Zoho CRM/Neodove CRM/Salesforce - Experience in setting up sales CRM and marketing workflows - Knowledge of digital marketing platforms - Ability to integrate various messaging platforms for automated responses Also I want that these leads should always see our AD on their gmail, facebook, instagram by retargeting.

$48 Average bid
$48 Oferta medie
2 oferte