Jira add group to projectproiecte
...in Google Ads to help me boost sales of my physical products in Romania. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive Google Ads campaign targeting a specific demographic group. - Strategically promote my physical products to maximize reach and engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads campaigns, particularly for physical products. - Strong understanding of targeting specific demographic groups. - Exceptional analytical skills to assess campaign performance and make necessary adjustments. - Ability to create compelling ad content that drives sales. The budget for this campaign is between $1,000 and $5,000. The focus will be on creating engaging image/display ads. The primary obje...
Salut, Sunt in cautarea unei persoane ce sa se ocupe rapid de 2 probleme ale unui site PS Pb. 1: As dori ca informatia disponibila in acest moment pe pagina clientului (nr total de comenzi nevalidate ale clientului) sa apara si pe pagina oricarei comenzi a acestuia (in prezent apare doar nr comenzilor valide). Pb. 2: A aparut o eroare de cateva zile cu stocul, mai exact nu se numara corect produsele fara stoc ce au fost comandate. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Pretul il actualizam impreuna.
Cautam un copywriter pentru o afacere de ingrijire varstinici la domiciliu. Avem nevoie de text atractiv pentru materialele de marketing, si anume: website, web ads (Google/web banners), print ads (printed poster, banner), flyere (1-2 pagini), radio ads. Vom lucra ulterior cu un graphic designer ca sa puna in practica textul pus la dispozitie de copywriter. Target group: fie varstinicii fie familia varstinicilor, care isi doresc o ingrijire profesionala, curata, calitate buna, infirmiere fiabile, care vin la timp, respect, experienta, etc. Serviciile includ: igienă corporală, îmbrăcare şi dezbrăcare, igiena eliminărilor, hrănire şi hidratare, transfer şi mobilizare, Hidratarea corespunzatoare Activitati casnice deplasarea în interior Pregatirea Mancarii Serviciu d...
Salut , Suntem un Start-up din Bucuresti si dorim o aplicatie pentru Android si iOS prin care angajatii nostri pot compara diferite tarife si contracte pentru noii clienti. In acelasi timp, avem nevoie de posibilitatea, ca, contractele fie direct prin app facute si digital semnate. Pentru mai multe detalli, ne bucuram sa ne contactezi. Team IFM Group
Buna ziua. Pentru un site in uk as dori SEO. Astept sa ma contactati. Multumesc
...individually, at least 6 of Facilities: - use of lists and dictionaries, including the necessary method; - use of sets and tuples, including the method required; - defining and calling functions; - use of conditional structures; - use of repetitive structures; - import a csv or json file into the pandas package; - accessing by place and place; - modification of the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple reg...
Salut, Caut pe cineva cu experienta Google Ads in engleza care sa scrie un Ad Group pentru o aplicatie software de tip SaaS. Un ad group e format din 2 text ads si 1 responsive. Cele 2 text ads sa aiba 3 headline si 2 descriptions). Responsive adul sa aiba 15 headlines si 4 descriptions. Daca ai experienta cu google ads si ai citit cu atentie liciteaza 20 la acest proiect si vom discuta mai multe in privat inclusiv suma pe care o doresti pentru acest proiect. Multumesc
...tabele/indexi/type-uri Ce ar trebui sa faca: - Sa colaboreze cu analistul pentru intelegerea cerintei si realizarea dezvoltarilor necesare. - Sa realizeze scripturi pentru exporturi bulk - daca este cazul - Sa rezolve defectele ridicate de testare FAT/UAT. - Suport pentru creare contexte cerute de business - daca este cazul - Sa lucreze cu Jira/Confluence...
Bună, ma numesc Robert si ma ocup de site-ul biovita.ro. Ma intereseaza cum ne puteti ajuta pe parte de SEO (link building, optimizare, etc.). Avem o colaborare cu o firma specializata care se incheie la sfarsitul lunii si cautam pe cineva care sa se ocupe mai departe de SEO pentru site-ul nostru. Multumesc.
Caut “postaci” pe FB. Detin o pagina si un grup de FB pe care doresc sa le populez. Pentru pagina am nevoie de followeri si cateva like-uri pe zi, iar pentru grup am nevoie de membrii activi care sa comenteze si sa dea like la postarile zilnice 3-4/zi. Astept oferte. Momentan se cauta doar pentru varianta in romana deci si membrii ar trebui sa aiba nume romanesti. Astept oferte
Buna ziua, Instalati cumva si CDN ? Am un site si as vrea sa instalez Cloudflare pe el. Am vazut ca faceti si optimizari. M-ar interesa si o oferta pentru acest site. Mihai
1. diferentiez pozele de la cele doua locatii Bucuresti si Cluj 2. sa adaug poza unui instructor la Yoga 3. sa optimizez poza unui instructor de Pilates 4. cresc viteza site-ului
Salut, vreau sa vb cu tine despre seo
Bună, Calcius Tech Group. Ți-am remarcat profilul şi vreau să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Bună, Miracles Group. Ți-am remarcat profilul şi vreau să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Cautam un .net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in AWS, pentru proiectele pe care le dezvoltam in cadrul RIA Solutions Group, alaturi de clientii nostri din SUA. Se poate lucra remote, intrucat ne dorim in special sa lucram in regim de colaborare pe aceste proiecte. The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.
...Pricepere tehnică avansată, cunoștințe amănunțite în management, procese de producție și calități dobândite în diferite sectoare ale pieței sunt avantajele competitive ale grupului 123-translate UG. Vasta și completa gamă de produse demonstrează cum clienții se pot baza pe un singur partener capabil să satisfacă felurite cereri la costuri competitive. 123-translate UG face parte din 123-translate UG GROUP și oferă societăților soluții și servicii destinate acoperirii complete a necesităților din domeniul și să facă față diferitelor probleme de tip tehnologiilor informaționale, administrativ și contabil. 123-translate UG, prin intermediul celor patru sedii situate în Danemarca, Spania, Germania și Italia, este în măsură să ofere asistență tuturo...
...Pricepere tehnică avansată, cunoștințe amănunțite în management, procese de producție și calități dobândite în diferite sectoare ale pieței sunt avantajele competitive ale grupului PRO Translation. Vasta și completa gamă de produse demonstrează cum clienții se pot baza pe un singur partener capabil să satisfacă felurite cereri la costuri competitive. PRO Translation face parte din PRO Translation GROUP și oferă societăților soluții și servicii destinate acoperirii complete a necesităților din domeniul gestiunii personalului și să facă față diferitelor probleme de tip tehnologiilor informaționale, administrativ și contabil. PRO Translation, prin intermediul celor patru sedii situate în Polonia, Spania, Germania și Italia, este în măsură să ofere as...
Caut freelancer care sa fie disponibil imediat pentru unul sau mai multe proiecte WordPress bazate toate pe aceasi tema : BeTheme by Muffin Group Daca esti rapid, atent si mai ales daca esti liber de azi - cauta-ma!!! Va rog fara ASIA , fara firme , fara complicatii inutile. Am nevoie doar de 1 site de portofoliu bazat pe BeTheme si incepem discutia, altfel nu e nevoie sa va stresati. O zi buna & bafta
I wish I could add servers counter strike 1.6 site a small little program I to put an ip and add the program ip 27015 respectively starting port to port 2099 automatically in minutes and must not reoccur CAPTCHA code .
salut ma poti ajata sa adaug un filtru pt masini dupa marca model an etc? ma poti contacta pe facebook sau la 0745455563
...Made to Order, deci fara stoc. Clientul alege modelul,plateste apoi noi printam, taiem, coasem, expediem. Pe frontpage sa existe si optiunea de a isi personaliza clientul un produs de la zero din templaturile existente. Sau sa ia un produs din magazin ( practic un design, produs virtual) si sa il modifice dupa cum doreste –LazyClient) Personalizarea sa fie facuta cu ajutorul unui tool de design ( Product Designer) in HTML5 – ca sa functioneze si pe IOS. Acesta de obicei are functiile de genul Add Text, Import imagiem, clipart-uri, si diverse functionalitati de genul: Copy, paste, undo, group, aliniere, samd. Ce ma interseaza este sa se adauge niste functii de genul : creare stripe, pattern( designul repetitiv cel utilizat in industria textila) ...
As vrea sa fac un add-on pentru un site de cashback. De asemenea, schimbat design-ul la site si adaugare pop-up in site. Toti cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita ofertele. Multumesc!
Proiectul consta in creearea unui "Lobby Room" pentru o aplicatie Visual Basic 6. Este vorba despre o platforma online, un joc de carti de strategie, numit Duel Masters. Jocul a fost creat prin 2003-2004 de un canadian. Eu am primit codul sursa in luna martie anul acesta de la un contribuitor important al jocului. Platforma a avut multe erori pe care am reusit singur sa le fixez in cod, desi sunt inca incepator in programare si m-am apucat sa invat VB 6 doar pentru a lucra in acest cod sursa. Problema este ca modul de conectare intre cei 2 jucatori se realizeaza foarte greu prin ip. Un jucator da listen, si altul conect, dar trebuie sa fie o sincronizare buna pentru functionarea conexiunii. Si din pacate, daca ambii jucatori au IP dinamic, este nevoie de un program aditional, Ham...
PUNTO FUTURO GROUP, societate reprezentata in Romania si Italia prin filialele directe, a ajuns pe piata cu o noua si inovativa platforma Java , dedicata in exclusivitate sectorului bancar. De-a lungul timpului, numeroasele colaborari cu principalele grupuri ,printre care INTESA SANPAOLO, UNICREDIT si PIRAEUS BANKS, ne-au adus la masa liderilor in dezvoltarea sistemelor si aplicatiilor oferite bancilor. Cautam urgent un programator/oare pentru a se ocupa de dezvoltarea soft-ului deja existent(Cunostinte Java mediu-avansat) si care va oferi suport direct clientilor nostri existenti/utilizatorilor apartenenti sectorului financiar-bancar. Candidatii trebuie sa fie vorbitori de limba italiana (mediu-avansat) Sediu de munca: In primele 60-90 de zile, perio...
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-group">Paste: <textarea cols="50" rows="15" name="paste" class="form-control"></textarea></div> Hidden: <input type="checkbox" name="hidden" value="on" /><br/><br/...
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului parfumeriedelux.ro. Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl...
Salut! Imi cer scuze ca va contactez in acest fel, dar este singura posobilitate pe care o am. Nu vreau sa ma intind foarte mult cu vorbaria si o sa va spun care este problema mea, cat pot de sincer si deschis.... Am studiat profilul dvs si am observat ca aveti foarte multe proiecte in lucru, apoi am mai observat ca aveti user "calcius tech GROUP"...cel mai probabil firma sau un grup de useri specializati si SEO, internet marketing, construire link, etc... Vroiam sa va intreb daca aveti un loc in echipa dvs ptr inca o persoana, pentru mine.... Va spuneam ca vreau sa fiu cat se poate de sincer, astfel ca o sa va spun de la inceput ca nu sunt expert in SEO, link building,...Am studiat mult pe internet, mi-am optimizat singur 2 site-uri, am ajuns in top 10 google cu ambele...
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
...magazin on-line care sa aiba doua tipuri de utilizatori - arii B2C si B2B. "Aterizarea" se face in aria B2C care are propriile preturi, produse, categorii, discounturi, promotii. Pentru a avea acces la aria B2B, care are la randul ei propriile preturi, produse, categorii, discounturi, promotii, este nevoie in primul rand de inregistrare si apoi de aprobarea adminului pentru alaturarea la un anume group de utilizatori. Cele doua arii au in comun majoritatea categoriilor si produselor dar sunt complet diferite cand vine vorba de: preturi, promotii, discount-uri, afisarea pretului cu TVA sau nu in functie de arie, cateva produse, cateva categorii.rnrnMai jos am incercat sa sintetizez mare parte din nevoile noastre.rnrn1. Lucruri care depind user grup:rn- pretur...
...looking for a talented designer to create a visual stack offer image for a funnel page using 3D style infographics. The main purpose of these infographics is to highlight product features in a visually appealing and selling manner. Key elements to include: - Product images based on text description and best options for visual mock up - Icons or symbols - group stacking as well as individual mock ups per item for the funnel page to showcase each individual item. Will need one large stack, one smaller stack, and multiple individual mock ups. The desired style is realistic, not cartoonish or minimalistic. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in creating product infographics - A...
**Swift Traders: Your Path to Forex Mastery** Welcome to **Swift Traders**, the ultimate platform for mastering Forex trading. With accurate signals, personalized investment plans, expert training, and a vibrant trading community, we empower you to make informed financial decisions and grow your wealth. --- ### **Key Features** 1. **Forex Signals** - **Weekly Signals:** Stay updated with short-term trends. - **Monthly Signals:** Insights for medium-term trading. - **Quarterly Signals:** Comprehensive strategies for consistent growth. - **Annual Signals:** Long-term forecasts to plan your financial journey. 2. **Investment Plans** - **Bronze Plan:** Perfect for beginners. - **Silver Plan:** Suited for intermediate trader...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create a modern and sleek chat application. This app should run on both iOS and Android, and incorporate the following essential features: Core Features: - User Authentication: The app must have secure sign-in and sign-out functionality. - Random Chat: This feature connects users with random individuals for casual conversations. - 1-to-1 Chat: Enabling private messaging between two users. - Group Chat: Creating chat rooms or facilitating group discussions for multiple users. Additional Features: - Push Notifications: Alerts for new messages, chat requests, etc. - User Profiles: Personalized profiles for each user. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have a strong portfolio in mobile app deve...
I need a freelancer who can help me scrape users from specific public Telegram groups and add them to my Telegram group.
...represents the financial, product, and service flows across key stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. The elements in the flowchart diagram are: (1) Each entity is represented with an icon and label. (2) The exchanges of value between the entities are represented with directional arrows. (3) The arrows are color coded to represent value exchanges of: Financials, Product or Services; Medical Supplies. (4) Some, but not all of the arrows also have labels to specify exactly what type of "Financials, Products/Services, or Medical Supplies" flow between the entities. (5) The primary value exchange is represented by BOLDed arrows. (6) The Provider Entity is also deconstructed into the "child" elements (also known as, the sub-elements that make-u...
I am looking for a Hindi-speaking individual to visit our warehouse in Port Klang, Malaysia. The purpose of this visit is to teach a small group of our Indian staff (1-5 members) basic computer skills. Skills to be taught include: - Using a web browser - Using Google Sheets - Using Microsoft Excel The level of proficiency we aim for is basic. Your role will be crucial in helping our staff become more computer literate and improving their productivity. Ideal candidates will have: - Proficiency in Hindi and Malay - Strong knowledge of basic computer skills - Experience in teaching or training - Patience and good communication skills
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...overview of events. Features: Chronological listing of events. Filters to refine events by location, date, type, and target audience. Highlighted events using visual cues (e.g., colors or icons). Paginated list to manage large data sets efficiently. 2. Filtering and Search Objective: Allow users to quickly find relevant events. Features: Filter by location (national, regional, city-level). Filter by date range (e.g., this week, next month). Filter by event type (conference, workshop, training, etc.). Keyword-based search field. 3. Calendar View Objective: Provide time-based clarity for events. Features: Weekly, monthly, and daily views. Display events based on time intervals. Overlap handling: Visually separate or group events scheduled at the same time. Co...
I'm in need of a custom logo for a senior social meetup group. This logo will be used across a variety of platforms, including our website, print materials (like business cards and brochures), social media, as well as signs and vehicle wraps. Key Requirements: - The logo must be versatile and suitable for multiple uses. - It should be engaging and appealing to our target audience - seniors. - Understanding of design principles for visibility and clarity on vehicle wraps and signs is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design and logo creation experience. - Portfolio showcasing designs aimed at senior audiences or similar demographics. - Knowledge of modern design software and tools.
I'm in need of a custom logo for a senior social meetup group. This logo will be used across a variety of platforms, including our website, print materials (like business cards and brochures), social media, as well as signs and vehicle wraps. Key Requirements: - The logo must be versatile and suitable for multiple uses. - It should be engaging and appealing to our target audience - seniors. - Understanding of design principles for visibility and clarity on vehicle wraps and signs is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design and logo creation experience. - Portfolio showcasing designs aimed at senior audiences or similar demographics. - Knowledge of modern design software and tools.
Looking for a Graphic Designer to Create an Exclusive T-Shirt for Our Club! ?? Hi! I’m looking for a graphic designer with experience in t-shirt design to create a unique and powerful image for our Club 2 + 2. ? What is Club 2 + 2? It’s an exclusive group within our network marketing company, iEvolution, formed by individuals who have successfully enrolled 2 new members into their team and made 2 sales in their online store. We want this t-shirt to be a symbol of achievement and belonging, with its own identity while staying connected to the company. ? What we need: ✅ A modern and eye-catching t-shirt design. ✅ A concept that represents success, growth, and community. ✅ A design that inspires and motivates our members. ✅ Deliverables in edit...
I need assistance with my website's full-screen menu. Currently, the menu opens as expected and can be closed by clicking the "X" icon. However, I want users to be able to close the menu by clicking on the overlay background as well. The menu and overlay are already functioning, but the overlay click-to-close feature is missing. I'm looking for someone to implement this feature quickly and efficiently, ensuring no conflicts with existing site functionality or responsiveness.
...experienced animator to create a 30-second animated video featuring our characters, Louie Lambo (a green gecko) and his partner, a cool panda. This animated video is for a memecoin project, and it will be action-packed, humorous, and showcase the two characters effortlessly dispatching a group of animals representing other memecoins in the market. Key Details for the Animation: Length: 30 seconds Style: 2D animation (modern, fun, and lively) Characters: Louie Lambo: A confident green gecko wearing a sharp suit, sunglasses, and a glowing XRP championship belt. Panda: Louie’s cool, calm, and collected sidekick. Antagonists (other memecoins): A group of animals surrounding Louie and Panda, representing rival memecoins. Photos of these animals will be prov...
I'm looking for dedicated and enthusiastic raiders to help increase my follower count on Twitter, Telegram and Discord. Specific Tasks: - Share and retweet content - Boost presence in group discussions Your involvement can make a significant difference in enhancing my Twitter presence. The more you engage, the better the chances of a reward from the prize pool. Ideal Skills: - Active Twitter user with a good understanding of the platform - Team player, ideally part of a group - Enthusiastic about participating in discussions and sharing content
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me edit promotional shorts and reels for Instagram. Target Audience: - The content is aimed primarily at young adults (18-24), so it should be engaging, trendy, and relevant to this age group. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Understanding of Instagram's algorithm and trends. - Ability to create content that resonates with the target audience. - Experience with promotional content is a plus.
Poszukiwany React.js Front-end developer Projekt z branży edukacyjnej Technologie: - React.js - Tailwind - Chakra ui Metodologia: praca w oparciu o mockupy w FIGMA zadania w JIRA Rozliczenie: Stawka godzinowa Umowa o Dzieło lub Faktura Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o Przesłanie linku do profilu na LinkedIn lub CV Adresu kontaktowego email lub/i numeru telefonu
...myself, working for someone else, and I hire freelancers for my boss. I cannot risk my boss ending up with a broken website, nor can I afford to lose the work we’ve done. This is why I’m asking: **Please do not apply for this job if you don’t know how to handle Wix properly.** This is serious work, and I don’t want anyone wasting our time or jeopardizing our efforts. **Only contact me if you are 100% confident in your Wix skills.** Looking for Wix Freelancer - Urgent Job I’m looking for a freelancer available immediately to: Add variants to approximately 25 products. Link each variant with the corresponding photo (e.g., dress, kaftan, short tunic). Add options for neckline: V-neck or round neck. Please only ...
I'm in the process of establishing a team for my Business Support Services company and I need a skilled and dedicated group of professionals to help with this. Team Roles: - Administrative Assistant: This individual will be responsible for scheduling and calendar management, office supply management, and email correspondence. - Customer Support Specialist: I need someone who can handle customer inquiries, troubleshoot technical issues, and manage customer accounts. - Data Entry Clerk: This person's role will be critical in ensuring our data is accurately recorded and easily accessible. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in a business support services role is highly desirable. - Strong communication skills. - Proficiency in data entry. - Problem-so...
...experienced Flutter developer (minimum 5 years) to implement the following features: Lecture & Classes: Develop functionality for live classes and recorded class sales. Print Services: Build services for handling printing-related activities. Group Discussion: Create features to facilitate interactive group discussions. Project Details: Budget: ₹12,000 per activity (total ₹30,000 for all 3 activities). No advance payment, 80% at time of testing and balance after live Timeline: 10 days per activity. Work Type: Freelance (Remote). only for individual freelancer Tech Stack: Flutter with expertise in building scalable and efficient platforms. Requirements: Proven experience with Flutter (minimum 5 years). Strong portfolio showcasing relevant projects...
I'm starting a new real estate group and require a professional script for our introduction video on social media and for the website. We're not new to the real estate industry but we're new to sales. Key Elements: - The script should highlight our years of experience and unique skills or specialties. - It should convey our expertise in real estate as the primary message. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional scriptwriting with a professional tone. - Previous experience writing for real estate groups or similar fields. - Ability to translate complex real estate concepts into engaging content. Please note, I can provide more details about my background and my team upon request.