Jenkins build pipeline vs delivery pipelineproiecte
Descrierea proiectului: Site (brand perso...Professional • Minimalist Servicile oferite de Freelancer (deliverables): • Webdesign - 400 EUR • Logo - 100 EUR • Livrare mai rapida (2 saptamani) - 100 EUR Dupa cerinta, servicile vor fi impartite in 2 transe/facturi in felul urmator: • Factura #1 (total 300 EUR): Webdesign (partial, prioritate pagina de inscriere) - 150 EUR Logo - 100 EUR Faster delivery - 50 EUR • Factura #2 (total 300 EUR): Webdesign (restul din site) - 250 EUR Faster delivery - 50 EUR Alte mentiuni: • Alte informatii, documente, video-uri si link-uri de Facebook au fost primite pe email. • Deadline: 2 saptamani pentru toate servicile. • Transa #1: deadline 28 Aprilie • Transa #2: deadline 7 Mai
Buna ziua, am cumparat de pe codecanyon o aplicatie de delivery karenderia. Doresc sa adaug o functie in aplicatie.
Buna ziua, am cumparat de pe codecanyon o aplicatie de delivery karenderia. Doresc sa adaug o functie in aplicatie.
Buna ziua, am cumparat de pe codecanyon o aplicatie de delivery karenderia. Doresc sa adaug o functie in aplicatie.
Am achizitionat de curand codurile sursa de la aplicatie de delivery scrisa in flutter. Sunt in cautare de un dezvoltator care sa o poata configura si tot ce este nevoie pt inceput, iar daca doreste si are timp intretinerea, modificarea etc... tot ce va fi nevoie pe viitor. [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]
we need a logo and a 1 page menu with maximum 20 items for an asian food delivery company
Numele meu este Simona Patru, reprezint un grup de firme care activeaza in principal in domeniul Horeca. Avem in-house un contabil care se ocupa de contabilitatea primara, insa ne dorim o persoana care sa ne ajute pe partea de verificare, raportare, depunere declaratii lunare, balante, bilanturi, cash flow, etc. Credeti ca ne-ati putea ajuta in regim de colaborare? ...Imbunatateste procesul de lucru din punct de vedere financiar-contabil; coordonarea operatiunilor contabile zilnice; • Elaborarea si depunerea raportarilor fiscale periodice; • Gestionarea eficienta a miscarilor de lichiditati; • Efectuarea calculatiilor si regularizarilor impozitelor, taxelor si intocmirea declaratiilor fiscale; • Urmarirea indeplinirii aspectelor financiar contabile din contracte (plati...
Altele sau nu sunt sigur Javascript Crearea unei aplicații de food delivery!
Am nevoie de un colaborator care sa faca demersuri pe teritoriul Moldovei si mai ales in Chisinau (dar si in Bulgaria/Romania) pentru dobandirea unor documente (pentru diversi clienti) in vederea solicitarii cetateniei romane.
Realizează un logo Numele logului este: Pizza Primavera. Vreau un logo cu acest nume care sa fie specific pentru delivery. Doresc sa contina numele cu o culoare mai accentuata pentru a iesi in evidenta.
Doresc sa folosesc un pic18f46, o plăcută de la mikroelekttonica mp3 click cu vs 1053 si un card reader tot de la mikroelekttonica, Partea aceasta din proiect trebuie sa permită înregistrarea in format mp3 pe sd si redarea datelor de pe sd. Proiectul as dori sa fie facut in mikroc pentru ca exista toate bibliotecile. Și mai am părți din proiect făcute tot in mikroc
Doresc un add-on pentru situl flightradar24 pentru a avea acces la unele instrumente suplimentare. 1. Calculeze diferența dintre ruta reala vs ruta cea mai scurta a aeronavelor precum si introducerea acestora într-o baza de date. 2. Posibilitatea creeri unui aeronave simulate cu abilitatea de a fii manevrata din soft (directie, viteza, altitudine). 3. Afișarea unor alerte de coliziune intre aeronava simulata si o aeronava reala/simulata precum si generarea unor soluții de deconflictare conform unor algoritmi.
Salut, Caut o persoana care sa vorbeasca limba romana si sa poata face o pagina prin care sa se interogheze contul de analytics iar de acolo sa extraga l... -numarul de vizitatori online -un grafic cu ultimele 7 zile (vizitatori) -un tabel cu ultimele 30 zile (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -un tabel cu ultimele 12 luni (vizitatori, vizite, afisari, durata) -bounce rate, average sesion duration, new session, pages/session -demografic: tara, oras / browser, sistem de operare / mobil vs desktop vs tablet -news visitator vs returning, referer, lista referer, top pagini accesate, top cuvinte cautate. Am sa pun la dispozitie o schita cu cele 2 pagini, am o tema pentru design pe care o putem folosi la design. Astept of...
...Timisoara, FULL TIME, pe partea de JAVA Web, pentru un proiect ce ar putea sa dureze intre 6 luni - 8 luni. Exista posibilitatea de angajare pe firma din Romania sau de colaborare prin PFA. Pachetul salarial este foarte atractiv. Interviul va fi prin skype cu cineva din Romania, apoi un interviu tehnic cu cei din US. Proiectul e format din 4 echipe, din care 2 pe Java, ambele avand acelasi Delivery Manager si Architect si apoi fiecare cate 1 Lead Developer, 1 Scrum Master, 3 Senior Java developers si 1 Java tester. Avem disponibile 3 poziti de Senior Java developeri si un tester pe fiecare echipa. Mai jos cerintele pentru aceste pozitii: • -AngularJS 1.5 or higher (no Beta) • -Jasmine • -Spring-Boot • -TestNg • -Maven • -Spri...
Despre proiect: este vorba despre o aplicatie de HR care stabileste compatibilitatea dintre profilul unui candidat si cerintele angajatorului.rnTehnologii folosite: Java 8, VERT.X, PostgreSQL, Jenkins.rnProgramul de lucru se desfasoara intre 10:00 si 18:00 la sediul partenerului nostrum care se afla in zona Victoriei.rnIntre 12:30 si 13:30 exista o pauza de masa (in cadrul acesteia se va servi pranzul la sediu, acesta fiind pregatit de un bucatar special angajat in acest sens). Intre orele 15:30 si 16:30 este pauza de relaxare (poti accesa piscina sediului ?).
...trebuie sa pastreze caracteristici generale din domeniul nostru (termeni tehnici, sfaturi utile, statistici) dar si sa scoata in evidenta avantajele companiei noastre (piese de calitate, seriozitate, expertiza tehnica, etc.) Subiectul principal al fiecarui articol va fi unul din cele de mai jos la libera alegere : - Intretinerea corespunzatoare a utilajelor de constructii; - Piese second hand vs piese noi ; avantaje si dezavantaje; - De ce pretul mic nu este intotdeauna cel mai bun? - Piese aftermarket de origine europeana versus piese Asia cu origine incerta; - Cat de mult conteaza suportul tehnic si experienta furnizorilor in identificarea corecta a pieselor ; Acceptam si alte teme propuse de dvs. atata timp cat se incadreaza in domeniul nostru. Stam la dispozitie cu ...
We want to build an ecommerce website, with following characteristics: Opencart platform Template is buyed What we wan from you: to install opencart + template to install epayment methods: paypal + mobilpay(netopia) to install google webmaster tools + google analytics to install FAN courier ecommerce delivery extension
Traduce din romana in spaniola 2-3 recenzii sportive pe zi in jur de 300 de cuvinte recenzia .In jur de 60 pe luna .Exemplu :
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pan...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Doresc modificarea site-ului www... dupa cum urmeaza: 1) cand intri pe site-ul meu, , si dai click pe orice buchet, se deschide o a doua pagina, cu Details. Aici vreau ca aceasta pagina ( a doua ) sa arate ca la site-ul : adica sa am Step1 - unde sa se arate poze cu teddy bears Step2- poze cu vase Step3- poze cu aer balloons Step4- poze cu hellium balloons Step5- Delivery date cu Calendar Identic... cum e la Pro 2) dupa ce sunt adaugate toate astea pe pagina a doua, se merge la ADD TO CARD, de unde se deschide pagina de CHECKOUT. Aici, pagina de checkout vreau sa fie IDENTICA ca la alt site, si anume . Cu cele 2 optiuni , Register account si Guest checkout si step-urile de dupa.
We need to increase facebooks likes of our Facebook page. We need likes with spe...likes with authentic profiles with more than 200 friends, also with several profile pictures, with more than 10 comments (at least) in this month +We look for a guarantee of permanence: at least 1 year OUR BUDGET IS 30 USD For being accepted you need to answer the next questions or give the next information: +Likes procedence (we are special atracted to America and the Euro zone) +Delivery time (to complete the project) +The amount of likes you are going to give us for the actual budget +How are you going to guarantee the permanence of this likes YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION TO PRESENT YOUR OFFER NOTE: IF YOU DONT ANSWER OR GIVE THAT INFORMATION WE ARE NOT GOING TO CONSIDER ...
site similar cu quicky dot ro toate persoanele care aplica trebuie sa imi prezinte un screenshot cu demo pentru designul site-ului.
Currently utilizing Sendly connected with Amazon SES for email marketing. However, due to high bounce rates, will be banned by Amazon SES. Looking for replacement of Amazon Ses. We need of an email delivery expert who can recommend a more reliable email delivery service and help me optimize my future email campaigns.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for selling text-based courses. The site needs to be user-friendly and efficient, providing a seamless experience for customers. Key Features: - The website sh...experience for customers. Key Features: - The website should be designed to deliver and sell text-based courses. - Integration of UPI as the primary payment gateway. The payment system should be secure and reliable. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in eCommerce website development. - Proficiency in integrating UPI payment gateway. - Strong understanding of designing for text-based course delivery. Please note, the User Authentication methods and other payment gateways have not been decided yet. Your expertise and suggestions in this area would be great...
...include a driver app, retailer app, and admin interface. Key Features: - Automated Delivery Assignment: or admin The app should automatically assign deliveries to drivers, helping them handle 1-3 deliveries on the same route. - Subscription-based Driver Earnings: The payment system should be similar to the NAMA taxi app and based on a subscription model for drivers. - Diverse Payment Methods for Retailers: The app should support both cash and card payments for retailers, payable once the delivery is picked up. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in app development, particularly for courier services - Familiarity with subscription-based payment systems - Experience with creating automated systems for delivery assignments - Knowledge of integrating diverse pa...
I need a talented virtual stager to create a classic elegant design for the living room of a rental unit. The VS photos should be modern high-end, using a palette of white and neutral colors to match the interior. The job has to be completed within 4 hours. 4 Photos: Living Room, Dining Room, Master Bedroom, and a Basement Living room (for rental) Key Requirements: - Design and stage a living room, dining room, bedroom, and basement living room. - Use of high-end, white & neutral color scheme for Main Living, Dining & Master Bedroom - Use of regular model style for Basement Living room. (please make it a dining + living, where closer is dining. because the photo is taken from the kitchen) - Inclusion of artwork in the living room design. Ideal Skills and Experience...
...keywords, and project descriptions. Identifies missing key skills relevant to SDET roles. 2.3 Experience & Project Evaluation AI Components: Semantic Analysis using NLP to assess the depth of technical descriptions. AI-based grading models to compare past projects with industry benchmarks. What It Does: Evaluates project descriptions for technical depth and relevance. Detects generic descriptions vs. detailed contributions. Scores the experience level based on role responsibilities and tools used. 2.4 AI-Generated CV Score AI Components: Weighted Scoring Algorithm based on predefined SDET criteria. Sentiment Analysis to evaluate how well the CV communicates expertise. What It Does: Assigns a score (e.g., 0-100) based on overall quality, clarity, and alignment with job rol...
...concerns do you have about AI adoption (cost, complexity, accuracy, security, etc.)? Industry-Specific Questions: (customised for each sector) For Coaches: Do you struggle with client management, content creation, or lead generation? For Small Businesses: How do you handle scheduling, quoting, and invoicing? What’s your biggest bottleneck? For Medical Field: How much time is spent on paperwork vs. patient care? For Public Sector: What processes are outdated and inefficient? AI Investment & Interest: If AI could save you 10 hours a week, how much would that be worth to you? What’s one AI-powered feature you wish existed? Would you be open to an AI consultation if solutions were easy to implement? Deliverables Summary Report (Concise & Actionable): ...
I have a nearly finished SketchUp 3D model of Super Center Storage, a storage facility currently under construction. I need a skilled 3D artist to refine the model, enhance the scene, and produce semi-photorealistic renders that I can use for marketing and promotional materials. Tasks Required: 1. Environment...reference images you need. • The scene should look realistic yet clean and professional, without unnecessary over-stylization. • If you have a portfolio with similar architectural or real estate renderings, please include samples. ________________________________________ Next Steps: • Once the refinements are done, I’ll review and request any final tweaks before receiving the final renders. • Final delivery preferred by Feb 4 or 5th latest to be read...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a comprehensive mobile application for my food business, compatible with both iOS and Android. Key Features: - The app should primaril...similar projects you've completed in your bid. Please include a customer loyalty program feature. The app should have a bright and colorful design. The app should store an order history for customers to view their past purchases. Include real-time delivery tracking for customers. Include notifications for order updates. Include scheduled push promotions for customers. Add social media integration for easy sharing and login options. The app will include ample text and images for user engagement. The app should use API integration for real-time delivery tracking. The app should use a custo...
Project Objectives: The primary goal of this project is to gain insights into customer movement and behavior within the store to measure conversion rates (leads vs. actual buyers) and better understand the target audience. Project Description: The system will integrate with the existing CCTV infrastructure (Hikvision DVR) to extract and analyze customer data, providing the following functionalities: 1. Customer Counting: o Count the number of customers entering the store, excluding employees. o Avoid duplicate counting of the same customer. o Generate reports filtering customer traffic by time of day, days of the week, etc. o Extend this functionality to outdoor cameras to compare passerby traffic with actual store visitors. 2. Demographic Identification: o Determine customers'...
I need someone to pick up some packages from West Hollywood Hotel and take them to USPS for shipping to Australia. The items are clothing and will need to purchase a box that fits both these packages at the USPS. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience that fits both these packages at the USPS. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with shipping and handling - Familiarity with USPS packaging and shipping process - Ability to handle clothing items with care - Good communication skills for updates and confirmations Instructions: - Purchase a box at USPS and pack both items securely - Use appropriate packing materials to ensure safe delivery - Keep me updated on the progress and any issues that may arise WHEN JOB IS ACCEPTED, I WILL PROVIDE A FULL SHEET OF CLEAR IB...
...Minimum 40 hours ✅ Video Length: Each lecture should be between 10-15 minutes ✅ Project-Based Learning: Must include 3 projects (Mini, Minor, and Major) ✅ Beginner to Advanced Levels: Cover fundamental to expert topics ✅ Practical Hands-on Coding: Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc. ✅ Industry-Relevant Topics: Cover NLP, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, MLOps Responsibilities ? Course Creation & Delivery Develop a structured AI/ML curriculum with beginner-to-advanced modules. Record engaging, high-quality video lectures in Hinglish. Ensure all explanations are simple, engaging, and practical. ? Project Development & Hands-on Learning Design 3 AI/ML projects (Mini, Minor, and Major) for students. Provide live coding sessions, practical exercises, and coding assignments. ? Stu...
...Minimum 40-50 hours ✅ Video Length: Each lecture should be between 10-15 minutes ✅ Project-Based Learning: Must include 3 projects (Mini, Minor, and Major) ✅ Beginner to Advanced Levels: Cover fundamental to expert topics ✅ Practical Hands-on Coding: Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc. ✅ Industry-Relevant Topics: Cover NLP, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, MLOps Responsibilities ? Course Creation & Delivery Develop a structured AI/ML curriculum with beginner-to-advanced modules. Record engaging, high-quality video lectures in Hinglish. Ensure all explanations are simple, engaging, and practical. ? Project Development & Hands-on Learning Design 3 AI/ML projects (Mini, Minor, and Major) for students. Provide live coding sessions, practical exercises, and coding assignments....
I need a proficient web scraper to extract detailed shipping data from AliExpress products. Key Information to be Scraped: - Shipping options - Shipping costs - Estimated delivery times - Shipping Country - option to add the countries i want to scrape Need to be able to scrape all shipping methods/options and cost. I should be able to add the link(s) of the products i want to scrape and output to be in file format for easy view. i should also have the option to choose the countries all or specific countries i want.
...(royalties) based on plant capacity (or annual sales of products) • Milestone payments for use of the proprietary process design package and specifications for engineering related to tangible progress on design, construction, commissioning and hand over of commercial plants • Payment for engineering and technical services provided during all phases of project execution, including commissioning • Delivery of proprietary catalyst for plant commissioning Quarterly and annual numbers – no need for monthly resolution. Basic Functionality is anticipated in 11 main tabs, with potential additional tabs or combine them as needed for structural integrity of the spreadsheet and data inputs. Expect a standard package of graphic/tables included for output, and sprea...
...Tournament Page List of upcoming and past tournaments with dates. Tournament rules and payout details clearly displayed. A picture of the map that was played or will be played. 6. Subscription System A Subscription Page with 4 tiers, listing features and benefits. Integrated with a payment processor (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). Dynamic profile updates based on subscription status. Automated in-game item delivery (mainly custom skins) upon purchase. 7. Steam Integration Login system using Steam profiles. Integration to automatically distribute purchased skins to players. 8. Skin Shop A fully functional in-game item store for players to purchase skins. Design & Inspiration The website should be clean, responsive, and professional while embodying Rust’s survival aesthetic. ...
I recently purchased a Food Delivery application and I need it setup on my existing GoDaddy shared hosting server. The app is built using PHP, and there are no requirements for customization or modifications, just a straightforward setup. Ideal Skills: - PHP expertise for app setup - Familiarity with GoDaddy shared hosting - Experience with food delivery apps is a plus For reference:
- Design of a covering for a G2 Master scooter. - Design based on Red Bull theme or in black and red with logos. - Delivery of the 3D rendering. ------------------------------------------- - Conception d'un covering pour une trottinette G2 Master. - Design basé sur le thème de Red Bull ou en noir et rouge avec des logos. - Livraison du rendu en 3D.
...Shipping Weight Selection & Dynamic Cost Update: 1KG → €12 2KG → €14 5KG → €16 10KG → €18 20KG → €20 Once a weight is selected, the shipping cost should update accordingly. Delivery Method Options: Deliver to the specified Recipient’s Address. Or let us automatically direct the shipment to the nearest UPS point. Pickup Date & Time Window: The customer should be able to select a pickup date for the package at their home. Time windows must be at least 3 hours long. Example: “Pickup between 9 AM – 12 PM” or “2 PM – 5 PM,” etc. Email & Backend Integration: All of these details (Sender’s info, Recipient’s info, Weight/Cost, Delivery Method, Pickup Date & T...