Itsp solution based asteriskproiecte
...users who will be operating on this platform. As technology advances and users increasingly migrate to the latest Android version, maintaining app compatibility is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction, retaining market share, and expanding our user base. 2. Technical Requirements The PCISV app was initially developed using Ionic, a popular open-source mobile app development framework based on web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This framework enables developers to create cross-platform apps that function seamlessly on both Android and iOS. However, with the introduction of Android 14, several changes have been made to the Android system, including updated APIs, security features, and performance enhancements, which have rendered the app incompatible with...
Suntem o firma de import si export cu sediul in Cluj. Biroul nostru de vanzari este situat in Bucuresti. Cumpărăm o mulțime de produse de la licitațiile străine. Conduc o afacere în București care operează atât un magazin online, cât și fizic. Caut un specialist în marketing calificat care să mă ajute să măresc vânzările de produse. Specialistul selectat va fi compensat printr-un comision de 5% la toate vânzările pe care le generează. Responsabilitati cheie: - Dezvoltați și implementați o strategie de marketing cuprinzătoare pentru a stimula vânzările de produse. - Utilizați eficient atât canalele de vânzare online, cât și cele fizice. - Monitorizarea și analizarea eficienței diferitelor inițiative de marketing. Abilități și e...
Cine suntem? Suntem un studio de Animație și Vfx progresist, care creează spoturi publicitare și desene animate. La baza succesului nostru stă un portofoliu de peste 200 de proiecte implementate la nivel național și internațional, o echipa dinamică și multă creativitate. Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui b...
...accounts management : follow-up discutii cu clientii initiate de manager vanzari, acolo unde este nevoie. 7. Email management : Sa verifici zilnic mailuri care vin pt vanzari in marele meu Inbox si sa gasesti un sistem sa le pot adresa usor. 8. Primary accounting: Facturare linii noi de venit (nimeni nu se ocupa in prezent ) . Sunt f putine facturi de facut in prezent. Important sa fii / ai: - Solution finder : sa intelegi task-ul fara 3 tone de context, sa stii ce intrebari sa pui sa ai sufficient context pt indeplinirea cu succes si in termen a task-ului. - Disponibilitate de timp: 30 min zilnic in intervalul 09:30 – 17:00 si 1-4 h every other day. - RO / EN speaker - Sa poti emite factura pe firma - Mare plus sa cunosti deja MiniCRM sau sa inveti foarte rapid : in 1...
Aplicatie intranet formata din mai multe module scrise in diferite perioade de timp incepand cu 2004. Am nevoie sa obtin un redesign (migrare la boostrap 4) al aplicatiei pastrand functionalitatile existente. Unul din module as vrea sa fie redesenat astfel incat sa atat pentru mobil cat si pentru web, in momentul de fata existand doua aplicatii separate.
Scop principal: - Citirea / extragerea unor datelor specifice din fisiere PDF (fisierele PDF au aceasi structura -versiune PDF 1.4), afisarea datelor si oferirea posibilitatii de modificare a lor - Ecran (form) selectare optiuni (yes / No) - Tiparire raport bazat pe datele extrase Functionalitati aditionale: - Creare conturi / profil. - Planuri tarifare (bazat pe numar de documente procesate per / luna) - Per fiecare utilizator – stocare ultimul document procesat - Stocare la nivel de utilizator numar de documente procesate / nr de pagii / data - Emitere automata factura conform plan tarifar ales (conectare cu smart bill)
Cine este interesat sa instaleze, configureze si asigure mentenanta pentru o centrala voip Asterisk la care utilizarea o sa fie minima (1 sau, maxim, 3 trunk - uri + 2 - maxim 5 extensii), este invitat sa ne trimita o oferta. Pentru ca avem in vedere activarea callback, IVR, XMPP, etc. vom aprecia experienta dovedita pe astlel de proiecte. Multumim!
Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,
Caut o persoana care sa ajute la instalarea si configurarea unui server FreePBX Asterisk, un server VOIP. Avem deja un calculator blocat pentru acest lucru.
Am nevoie de cineva care sa ne ajute cu o solutie pentru a preveni atacurile prin SQL injection deoarece suntem atacati iar serverul nostru este down plus si celelalte solutii pentru prevenirea de atacuri DDoS, XSS and SSL attacks.
Cautam un developer care poate dezvolta un sistem web based de gestiune a clientilor. Functii esentiale: posibilitate de preluare date din Google Sheet; generare rapoarte si salvare in PDF si Excel generare contracte PDF dupa un model; gestiune clienti, documentele lor, situatie plati.
Doresc crearea unui logo pentru un brand care se numeste "Reporting Solution"
Salut, Detin un magazin de piese auto si doresc integrarea tecdoc in magento sau prestashop. Cat cost un proiect de acest tip, full solution (la cheie), hosting propriu. Multumesc.
!!! ONLY ROMANIA !!!!! In mare Baza de date include ca functionalitati urmatoarele: Functie adaugare persoane in baza de date Campuri disponibile intre 60 si 100 in functie de necesitatile clientului ; Se customizeaza in functie de informatiile oferite ; Pot fi adaugate ulteriol si alte campuri in baza contractului de mentenanta ; Functie editare fisa persoana adaugata Permite orice modificare a informatiilor introduse anterior; Posibilitate de cautare in baza de date dupa oricare din campurile folosite Se poate cauta dupa unul sau mai multe campuri simultan ; Vizualizare fisa personala: Administrator – vizualizare date complete, acces functii complete (inclusiv contact) Editor – in functie de alegerea Administratorului Utilizator – vizualizare date partiale (ce alege ...
Sunt Ionut, un pasionat de porumbei și de ceva vreme si de programare. Am ales python si django fiindcă am avut impresia ca le pot asimila mai ușor noțiunile. Planul meu este să dezvolt o aplicatie pentru pastrarea evidentei porumbeilor. Sunt deja solutii pe piata insa vreau ceva mai bun, mai amplu. Am inceput de unul singur sa implementez fiind ajutat de solutia gratuită de gazduire oferită de heroku. Acum, lucrurile s-au "complicat" si as avea nevoie de sustinere. Imi doresc un colaborator cu care sa pot vorbi deschis si împreună sa dezvoltăm aceasta aplicație. Dacă esti de acord si crezi ca putem face o echipă, aștept raspunsul tău aici sau pe email la [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Communication With ...
Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de 1000$.
Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de 1000$.
Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de maxim 1000$
Bună, BVM Solution. Ți-am remarcat profilul şi vreau să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Aplicatia este pentru a administra o retea de panouri publicitare, care sa fie impartita pe mai multe module de exemplu: - vanzari (ofertare, posibilitatea de a intocmi o oferta personalizata in functie de cerintele clientilor intr-un format excel, rezervare locatii in urma une cereri , costuri de vanzari, raportare sf de luna pentru facturare, istoric de vanzari pentru fiecare pozitie in parte..etc) - media(adaugare de panouri noi in aplicatie, modificarea lor si a datelor,contracte cu proprietarii unde sunt amplasate panourile, raport lunar cu ce plati sunt de facut catre proprietarii de locatii) - suport tehnic (gestionarea montarii reclamelor pe zile, trimiterea pozelor ca reclama s-a afisat catre clienti, raport periodic plata a muncitorului care monteaza reclama.. etc) Ap...
Caut Freelancer din Constanta pentru joburi Project-Based. Cerinte: - Limba engleza nivel avansat - Cunostinte HTML5/CSS3 - Cunostinte javascript/jQuery - Cunostinte PHP si CMS (Wordpress) - Cunostinte medii Photoshop Detinerea unui laptop bun este necesara, alte detalii pe privat. Jobul consta in realizare de siteuri PSD to Wordpress. Cunostinte de folosire ACF reprezinta un mare plus
Caut statistician pasionat, cu experienta, pentru finisarea unui proiect de cercetare, in perioada mai-iulie 2016.
Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk de la RDS
Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk la RDS
Configurare campanii, db, si securizare asterisk, goaudiodial, vtiger.
Proiectul este pentru o companie Belgiana care doreste o combinatie intre platforma de freelanceri si un site. Proiectul trebuie finalizat pana in martie 2015, iar in cadrul echipei vor fi 3 specialisti. Se ofera: > salariu atractiv; > posibilitatea de a lucra la de acasa; > se poate lucra cu contract PFA;
We are an Italian Web Agency interested in working with bucuresti programmers. We will be in Bucuresti from 07 OCtober to 10 October; we will meet programmers. Send us your portfolio and work experience. We will evaluate and contact for an appointment in Bucuresti. ************************************ Suntem o agentie web italian interesat de lucru cu bucuresti programatori. Vom fi in Bucuresti de la 07 octombrie până la 10 octombrie; ne vom întâlni programatori. Trimite-ne portofoliul și experiența de muncă. Vom evalua și contacta pentru o programare in Bucuresti.
Salut poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog. Am nevoie de ceva pentru asterisk................
Salut poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog. Am nevoie de ceva pentru asterisk................
Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashi...oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old win98 based application (small hotel billing and reservations, with clients,bills,pri...
Aplicatia consta in gestionarea fluxului de comenzi si obtinerea de rapoarte privitoare la activitate. Preferam un partener din Galati pentru a usura documentarea si implementarea aplicatiei. De principiu am fi interesati de o persoana care sa dezvolte proiectul tinand cont de: - limbaje pentru implementarea aplicatiei, de ales dintre (in ordinea preferintei noastre, dar nu este o conditie): PHP, RUBY, PYTON, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA sau C++, C#, J#, Objective C, .NET - cunostinte SQL necesare pentru gestionarea/manipularea bazelor de date (se va utiliza ca preferinta MySQL), HTML si CSS. - ne-ar avantaja cunoasterea bibliotecilor javascript gen JQUERY, PROTOTYPE, etc. Precizam ca avem deja in functiune o aplicatie care functioneaza dar dorim un upgrade de substanta care presupune rescrierea...
I'm in need of me create a cookbook focused on the 30-minute plant-based Mediterranean diet. This needs to be well-organized, casual yet friendly in tone, and filled with useful content. Key Features: - The cookbook should include recipes with accompanying photos, nutritional information, as well as cooking tips and tricks. - Recipes should be organized by meal type, covering breakfast, lunch, and dinner. - The tone of the writing should be casual and friendly, making it accessible and enjoyable for a wide range of readers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and recipe development skills. - Experience in creating cookbooks or food-related content. - Ability to convey information in a casual, friendly style. - Knowledge or interest in plant-based and Mediterr...
I need a proficient developer to create ...create a tailored WooCommerce import/export solution focused on product management. Key Features: - Bulk Product Upload: The solution should allow for the efficient uploading of large numbers of products at once, saving time and effort. File Format: - CSV: The import/export solution should exclusively support the CSV file format, ensuring compatibility with our data. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce. - Proficient in developing custom import/export solutions. - Excellent understanding of product management within eCommerce platforms. - Strong skills in handling and manipulating CSV files. This project is a great opportunity for freelancers with the above skills and experience. Please bid if you can del...
I'm looking for a freelancer to create a friendly and approachable e-brochure for my organic cleaning solution, which is made from beneficial microbes and can be used in homes and gardens. This e-brochure should effectively target both homeowners and gardeners. Key Components of the E-Brochure: - Product Benefits: Clearly outline the advantages of using this organic cleaning solution. - Usage Instructions: Provide simple and easy-to-follow instructions on how to use the product. - Customer Testimonials: Include positive feedback from customers to build trust and credibility. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: The e-brochure should be visually appealing and professionally designed. - Copywriting: The text should be engaging, friendly and easy to understand. ...
We are looking for an experienced Android developer to implement a solution for locally modifying SMS sender IDs. The solution should allow the interception of incoming SMS messages and modification of the sender ID before displaying them on the local device. The modification should only affect the local device's SMS display and should not alter the actual network transmission. Key Responsibilities: 1. SMS Interception: Develop a module to intercept incoming SMS using SmsManager and BroadcastReceiver. Modify the sender's ID (e.g., change it to a custom ID) locally for display purposes. 2. Inserting Modified SMS into System: After modifying the sender ID, insert the modified SMS into the system's SMS inbox (content://sms/inbox). 3. Permissions Managem...
I'm seeking AI professionals in the US, specifically in Machine Learning, to collaborate on grant proposals. The primary focus is on Research and Development. Key Responsibilities: - Model Development: Designing innovative machine learning models for various research projects. - Data Preprocessing: Handling and preparing data for model training and evaluation. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Machine Learning, particularly in model development and data preprocessing. - Strong understanding of the research and development process. - Excellent grant writing skills. An NDA will be required for details. Grant requirements apply so if you are not a US citizen located in the US, please do not apply as during the due diligence process you will be eliminated.
I'm looking for an experienced game developer to create a 2D, level-based runner, set in a captivating sci-fi universe. Key Features: - The game should incorporate thrilling boss battles that challenge players and enhance their gaming experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 2D game development, with a special focus on creating level-based runners. - Previous experience in designing engaging sci-fi themed games is a plus. - Strong skills in incorporating boss battles into games. - Ability to create high-quality, engaging, and interactive game content.
I'm looking for a developer who can create a web app for an educational card game based on horseracing. The game is literally called horse racing This game is primarily targeted towards adults, and its main purpose is to educate players while keeping them entertained. Key requirements and skills for this project include: - Expertise in web app development - Experience in designing card games - Understanding of creating educational games - Ability to create engaging content for adults
Develop a live tracking portal for individual customers, where each customer receives a unique URL to view their vehicles in real time. The solution will leverage Flespi as the central data hub for vehicle data and live telemetry. The portal should be built using tools and frameworks like TrackIt, MQTT Telemetry Dashboard, and flespi-io-js. Scope and Requirements 1. Integration with Flespi - Use Flespi as the data-sharing and storage platform for vehicle telemetry. - Ensure the solution can retrieve and display data in real time from Flespi. 2. Customer-specific Live Tracking Portal - Create a dynamic and customizable live tracking view for customers. - Generate a unique URL for each customer that links to their specific tracking portal. 3. Frameworks and Tools - TrackI...
...sustainable living by managing water. Key aspects to cover: -Show the challenge first - like: -Growing Global Crisis: Urban buildings contribute to water wastage (show graphs) -Inefficient Monitoring: Lack of real-time data for decision-making -Outdated Systems: Fail to engage users or provide actionable insights - Urgent Need: Modern, user-centric solution for sustainable practices -Introduce the app and its purpose - How the app works - Highlighting the app's unique features - Presenting the market potential for sustainability solutions - Possible companies that offer sensors and estimated cost - Outlining future development roadmap and plans Design Requirements: - Clean, modern, and captivating design - Incorporation o...
!!!! THIS IS A PRO-BONO JOB - ENHANCE FOR YOUR PORTFOLIO !!!! Company Description HypaMaps is a UK-based company, dedicated to revolutionising the mapping industry with innovative, interactive 3D technology. Our platform enables establishments to create photorealistic scale models of their premises within hours, offering a fully interactive, standalone 3D map experience. We emphasise innovation, adaptability, and customer-centricity in our approach, with a vision to modernise traditional mapping solutions and enhance user engagement. Role Description This is a temporary role for an aspiring, or recently graduated, Visual Effects Artist. This is the perfect project to enhance your portfolio and provide you with The Visual Effects Artist will be responsible for producing a short a...
...someone who can deliver a design solution with a strong focus on user experience (UX). Project Requirements: Scope: Design wireframes for an ERP portal. Page Types: Primarily list/detail pages and form pages. Focus: Create a solution that ensures ease of use and good UX. Output: High-quality wireframes in a tool like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD. Ideal Candidate: Proven experience in designing wireframes for complex portals or applications. Strong understanding of UX principles and best practices. Ability to collaborate and incorporate feedback to refine designs. Proficient in wireframing tools such as Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, or similar. Deliverables: Wireframes for all pages of the ERP portal. Suggestions for UX improvements to enhance usability. Iterations based...
I'm seeking a professional, based in UAE, to assist with my referral program. "Referral Offer: Earn AED 200 for Each Successful Referral!" Are you looking to earn extra cash? Here’s an exciting opportunity for you! If you refer a client who successfully avails a loan or credit card through me in the UAE, you’ll receive AED 200 as a reward for your referral. Terms and Conditions: 1. The referral reward will be given only for successful applications. 2. Payment will be processed after the loan or credit card is approved and disbursed/issued. 3. Ensure the client mentions your name during the referral process. For more details or to submit a referral, contact me at [your contact details]. This version is professional, enticing, and includes clear t... Investors exploring innovative business opportunities. Small business owners interested in expanding their services. Key Features to Highlight Cargo Container Transformation: Start with a standard cargo container to symbolize flexibility and innovation. Animate the container opening and expanding into distinct service sections, emphasizing its potential as a modular and scalable business solution. Car Spare Parts Shop: Showcase shelves stocked with a variety of car parts and tools, emphasizing organization and accessibility. Include a sign, “Spare Parts Hub,” to highlight the retail aspect. Tire Replacement Fitment: Transition to a professional tire replacement area with car lifts and mechanics working efficiently. Highlight ease of setup and the essenti...
...repeatability in dispensing 0.07gms of masala powder. The ideal candidate will need to perform both hardware and software adjustments to ensure seamless integration with the existing machine. Deliverables include: - A detailed technical method and design for the chosen solution. - A comprehensive implementation plan and timeline. - Testing and validation results demonstrating the achieved repeatability and accuracy. The solution should be delivered within 24 hours. The most critical factor for me, apart from accuracy, is having a solution that allows for accurate dispensing with 98% repeatability. Skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge in machine integration, both hardware and software. - Proven track record in enhancing machine precision and consistency....
I'm in need of a video creator based in Kolkata to develop a promotional video targeting local customers. The video will be shared primarily on social media platforms, so expertise in creating engaging, shareable content is crucial. Key Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video production, ideally with a focus on promotional content - Deep understanding of local culture and consumer behavior - Prior experience creating content for social media platforms - Strong editing skills and proficiency with video editing software - Ability to deliver high quality content on a tight timeline.
I'm seeking a skilled videographer and video editor based in Delhi for creating a technical and operational video for an industrial machine. This video is intended to educate our customers on how to use, maintain, and repair the machinery. Key Responsibilities: - Filming product demonstrations and operational procedures - Editing footage into a clear, concise, and engaging video - Integrating elements like diagrams, graphics, and 3D models Necessary Skills: - Proven experience in filming and editing technical videos - Proficiency with video editing software - Experience working with 3D graphics and animations The video will include: - Voice-over narration - On-screen text - 3D graphics and animations Ideal Candidate: - Strong portfolio of similar projects - Ability to under...
I'm looking for a Delhi-based videographer and video editor for a project involving the creation of a product technical and operational video. The primary aim of this video is to educate customers about how to use, maintain and repair the product. Key Responsibilities: - Filming product demonstrations and operational procedures - Editing footage to create a clear, concise, and engaging video with elements like diagrams, graphics and 3D models Necessary Skills: - Experience in filming and editing technical videos - Proficiency with video editing software The video will incorporate: - Voice-over narration - On-screen text - Graphics and animations The ideal candidate should have: - A strong portfolio of similar projects - Experience working with graphics and animations - A...