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Căutăm Expert Tehnic pentru Dezvoltare Modul Scanare și Recunoaștere Plăci Electronice Descriere Proiect:...algoritmi de recunoaștere a formelor. Dezvoltare software (limbaje preferate: Python, C++, sau altele relevante pentru procesarea imaginilor). Lucrul cu baze de date (ex: SQL, NoSQL). Abilitatea de a propune și implementa o soluție tehnică COMPLETĂ: de la hardware (alegerea metodei de scanare) până la software (algoritmi de recunoaștere și integrare cu baza de date). Capacitatea de a lucra independent și de a livra rezultate într-un termen rezonabil. Documentatie tehnica completa (arhitectura sistemului, detalii de implementare, algoritmi utilizati). Cod sursă comentat și funcțional. Demonstrație a funcționalității modulului. Plan de testare si rezultatele testa...
..._______________________________________________ Hi all, I’m working on a startup to support two independent caterers who need a simple, functional website to promote their culinary skills and manage their services. We’re looking for a developer to build a prototype with the following features: • Profile Pages: Bios, contact info, image galleries, and customizable menus. • Interactive Calendar: Caterers can schedule their events and plan availability dates. • Customer Accounts: Login/registration to save favorites, manage bookings, and view orders. • Contact form: a way for customers to directly contact the caterers without customers logging in. • Mobile-Friendly Design: Optimized for mobile users. • Admin Pa...
...și optimizarea conținutului pentru SEO 6. Asistență în managementul proiectelor legate de conținut ## Cerințe: - Experiență dovedită în crearea de conținut medical/de sănătate - Fluență în limba română și engleză (nivel nativ sau aproape nativ) - Familiaritate cu platforme de social media și blogging - Abilități excelente de cercetare și sintetizare a informațiilor - Capacitatea de a lucra independent și de a respecta termenele limită - Experiență în utilizarea instrumentelor AI pentru îmbunătățirea eficienței (un plus) ## Mențiuni: - Se permite folosirea instrumentelor AI pentru eficientizarea muncii, dar conținutul de bază va proveni din sursele furnizate (cărți, articole). - Candidatul ideal va avea o înțelegere solidă a terminolog... pentru creșterea vânzărilor. Gestionarea promoțiilor și a ofertelor speciale. Cerințe: Experiență dovedită în gestionarea marketplace-urilor online, de preferință pe Cunoștințe despre piața românească și tendințele de consum. Competențe în marketing digital, SEO și optimizarea listărilor. Abilități excelente de comunicare și rezolvare a problemelor. Capacitatea de a lucra independent și de a gestiona eficient timpul. Cunoașterea limbilor română și italiană (preferabil). Oferim: Oportunitatea de a colabora cu o companie dinamică și în creștere. Compensație competitivă bazată pe experiență și performanțe. Posibilitatea de a lucra de la distanță cu program flexibil. Dacă ești interesat de această oportunitate și...
...și optimizare pentru dispozitive mobile. 6. Cunoștințe despre cele mai bune practici de optimizare pentru motoarele de căutare (SEO) și tehnici de optimizare a site-ului. 7. Abilitatea de a colabora eficient cu echipe interfuncționale și de a comunica concepte tehnice către persoane non-tehnice. 8. Abilități puternice de rezolvare a problemelor și atenție la detalii. 9. Abilitatea de a lucra independent și de a respecta termenele de proiect. 10. Cunoașterea sistemelor de control al versiunilor, cum ar fi Git, constituie un avantaj. Dacă ești un dezvoltator PrestaShop extrem de priceput, care se descurcă într-un mediu dinamic și este pasionat de crearea de site-uri de E-commerce excepționale, am fi încântați să auzim de la tine. Alătură-te echipei noastre și cont...
...Familie și educație. Responsabilitățile tale: Să stăpânești foarte bine limba română (forma scrisă), iar rusa sau engleza la nivel mediu (lectură); Să fii pasionat de scris, sa fii creativ și original atunci când vine vorba despre redactarea conținutului; Să ai capacitatea de a extrage și a așterne pe foaie, cele mai valoroase idei din conținutul unei cărți; Să ai abilitatea de a lucra în mod independent, cu instrucțiuni minime; Experiantă în domenile de Jurnalism, Literatură, Copywriting reprezintă un avantaj; Ce oferim la schimb: Program de lucru flexibil, part time; Costul unui book summary se discută individual, în funcție de experiență și talentul fiecărei persoane în parte; Te dezvolți personal si dobândești cunostințe di...
...Familie și educație. Responsabilitățile tale: Să stăpânești foarte bine limba română (forma scrisă), iar rusa sau engleza la nivel mediu (lectură); Să fii pasionat de scris, sa fii creativ și original atunci când vine vorba despre redactarea conținutului; Să ai capacitatea de a extrage și a așterne pe foaie, cele mai valoroase idei din conținutul unei cărți; Să ai abilitatea de a lucra în mod independent, cu instrucțiuni minime; Experiantă în domenile de Jurnalism, Literatură, Copywriting reprezintă un avantaj; Ce oferim la schimb: Program de lucru flexibil, part time; Costul unui book summary se discută individual, în funcție de experiență și talentul fiecărei persoane în parte; Te dezvolți personal si dobândești cunostințe di...
Caut un logo pentru un studio de film si foto independent cu echipa mica. Numele studioului este theLstudio si mi-as dori un logo discret, desenat in creion sau tus, ca o schita (sau sa para facut de mana). Logo-ul as vree sa reprezinte o diafragma de aparat foto deschisa partial (sau o bucata din ea cat sa intelegem ca este o diafragma), neagra, in care sa apara un L(cu fond califgrafic sau handmade) purple, visiniu, burgund. Iar dedesubt sa scrie studio.
Suntem un birou de avocatura si dorim setarea unui server vps in cloud pe care sa ducem o aplicatie in care sa se lucreze remote si independent de pe oricare dintre calculatoare. Multumim!
Designer matrițe pentru formarea la rece foi de metal industria de automobile. excelent lectură desen tehnic. înțelegere de bază a funcționării unei matrițe pentru foi de metal utilizat. cunoașterea unui sistem 3D CAD. birou cunoștințe de bază. timp de elasticitate. lucru foarte independent. pentru munca obiectiv.
Este vorba de constructia unui ansamblu imobiliar independent energetic. Terenul este proprietate particulara, 2,5ha, parcelat in 30 de parcele. Am nevoie de un business plan pentru finantare.
Cerere de finanțare în orice domeniu, preponderent eficientizarea energetică. Propuneri de pachete energetice care presupune acumularea energiei solare și devii independent din punct de vedere a energiei electrice. Cele mai bune baterii pe bază de litiu-ion cu termen de garanție de 10 ani!
Caut Front End Developer pentru ext...proiecte PSD->HTML Trebuie sa: * fii serios si sa livrezi la timp (!!!) * stii PhotoShop, HTML, CSS si Javascript * intelegi termenul "responsive" si sa poti adapta un design desktop pentru vizualizare pe telefon si tableta * sa poti decide cand / daca este necesar jQuery si sa folosesti vanilla Javascript cand nu. * sa citesti / vorbesti / scrii in limba engleza (!!!) * sa fii freelancer independent, nu agentie, nu firma, nu echipa Un MARE avantaj il reprezinta cunostintele si experienta in design desi nu este conditie eliminatorie. Fluxul este de aproximativ 3-4 proiecte / luna la o valoare medie de $200 - $250. Avand in vedere limba in care este postat proiectul, cred ca este clar ca prefer un freelancer din Rom...
...contractate. Noi ii vom oferi tot sprijinul de care va avea nevoie. Avantaje ale postului: - Ai posibilitatea de a lucra de acasa. - Jobul este bazat doar pe comision din vanzarile efectuate, vei primi 30% lunar din totalul incasarilor pentru proiectele aduse in agentie. Potential de castig - nelimitat. - Te rugam sa retii - va fi lucru independent si, prin urmare, vei fi responsabil de propriile declaratii fiscale. Pentru ca este un job independent si bazat pe comision, ne dorim sa fim siguri ca intelegi ceea ce presupune si ca te simti confortabil cu statutul de freelancer, asa ca te invitam sa ne raspunzi la urmatoare 5 intrebari: Interviu Online: 1. Esti bun la gestionarea propriul timp? 2. Care sunt planurile tale de viitor? 3. In prezent ai un port...
Presa Liberă este un proiect de jurnalism independent care-și propune să scoată la iveală prin anchete și reportaje problemele reale pe care le întâlnim în fiecare zi. Suntem o comunitate formată din voluntari din toată țara. Jurnalismul reprezintă mai mult un hobby pentru noi, nu vrem să câștigăm ceva de pe urma jurnalismului, ci doar să aducem în prim-plan subiectele evitate de presa vândută din România.
Am nevoie de un utilaj automat de taiere tuburi carton care sa functioneze independent de utilajul de fabricare tuburi carton . Acesta trebuie sa contina 2 discuri de taiere , fata / spate care sa taie in acelasi timp si in acelasi loc in timp ce tubul de carton iese din utilajul de fabricare tub. Acest tub are o miscare de rotatie circulara , maina de taiat trebuie sa se deplaseze in acelasi timp cu tubul de caron si sa-l taie.
Am nevoie de un programator care sa finalizeze anumite cerinte, sa rezolve unele proble...nevoie de un programator care sa finalizeze anumite cerinte, sa rezolve unele probleme care sunt pe site-ul swinger-romania. Printre acestea enumar: -integrare flash chat -verificare si eliminare buguri -actualizarea paginilor si a scripurilor existente -rezolvarea unor probleme care tin de creare conturilor pe disp mobile -integrare ,folosire google si facebook in interiorul site-ului independent de scripul site-ului -Actualizarea blogului si crearea unor legaturi externe -realizararea unor legaturi cu site-ul (afisare produse in functie de anumite elemente)! Administare website pe perioada contractului. Pot fi contactat la : office(arond) sau la tel: 0785.961.450
Responsabilitati - Propune strategii seo - Auditeaza siteul si identifica factorii blocanti - Realizeaza optimizari on-page - Testeaza implementarile facute de clienti - Comunica cu Client Service actiunile pe care trebuie sa le realizeze clientul - Propune remedieri pentru scaderea pozitiilor - SEO copywriting - Realizeaza documente si rapoarte pentru clienti - Poate gestiona in mod independent o campanie - Propune solutii de linkbuilding - Analizeaza traficul si conversiile site-ului si propune solutii de optimizare Cerinte Candidatul ideal are o experienta relevanta in dezvoltarea de strategii SEO pentru diferite tipuri de site-uri si este la curent cu cele mai recente schimbari de algoritm ale motoarelor de cautare. De asemeni, este o persoana analitica...
...intampla in aria B2B, bannere-le vor trebui asignate si afisate specific catre un anumit tip de user grup.rnrn2. Variante produse:rn- sunt 2 -3 produse care fiecare au in jur de 110 variante. E vorba de vopsea de par. Un singur tip de produs are in jur de 110 nuante. Cum vedeti prezentarea lor in catalog ?rn- sunt cateva produse care au 2 variante. Fiecare varianta are pretul sau specific, independent unul de celalalt. De exemplu: sampon pentru par vopsit 250ml = 20lei si sampon pentru par vopsit 1000ml = 53lei. Nu exista nici o legatura intre preturile acestor produse. Adica pretul samponului de 1000ml nu se obtine prin adaugarea a X procent sau valoare la pretul samponului de 250ml. Exista posibilitatea crearii a acestor tipuri de pret/varianata ?rn- legat de punctul ...
I'm involved in a property transaction where my company is taking out a bridging loan. As part of the process, I'm required to sign a deed of guarantee and indemnity, which creates personal liability. The lender has stipulated that l obtain independent legal advice before signing. Is this something you can help with? - I need a UK qualified solicitor to remotely consult with me on the legal obligations of signing this deed. - My primary concern is understanding the scope of my personal liability. - I would appreciate the solicitor's insight on the impact this may have on my financial standing and clarification on the terms and conditions of the deed. Your qualifications should ideally include extensive experience in property law and bridging loans, with a proven ...
I am looking for an experienced Full-Stack Developer to develop a fully independent social media platform with all standard features while integrating real-time AI-powered content moderation to prevent bullying and toxic interactions. The platform should include: ✔ Profiles & Registration (public/private, verification, user settings) ✔ Content Sharing (photos, videos, stories, livestreams, hashtags) ✔ User Interaction (likes, comments, direct messages, groups) ✔ Search & Trends (personalized feeds, trending hashtags) ✔ Real-Time AI Content Filtering (detects & blocks harmful messages/comments) ✔ Community Protection (toxic discussion warnings, anonymous reporting, "Safe Mode" for minors) ✔ Fake News Detection (AI-based fact-checking) ✔ Business &...
I'm looking for an independent programmer, not a company, to help fix bugs in my existing Python web application and a Flutter project as well as deploy them. This is a remote role. Your initial task will be to resolve issues with the projects and I will pay you on an hourly basis for this task. If you're able to do this, I will offer you a full-time role where you will continue working on enhancing these existing projects as well as working on new ones. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python and JavaScript - Experienced in fixing bugs in web applications - Skilled in deploying projects - Familiar with Django framework - Knowledgeable in Flutter - Able to work for 4 hours synchronously with me and a regular 40 hours a week schedule Please note t...'ll share your expertise by creating digital workflows for sectors like Healthcare & Life Sciences, BPO, Finance, and Insurance. By doing so on our easy-to-use platform, you are helping us shape the future of AI-powered process automation, which will ultimately augment human productivity by multiples. Open Positions: Workflow Automation Specialist/Expert from the below target market domains: Healthcare & Life Sciences Insurance Finance BPO Key Qualifications: Minimum 3 years of experience in workflow automation, RPA tools, or process optimization. Familiarity with tools such as UiPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, Microsoft Power Automate, Zapier, Appian, ServiceNow, Pegasystems, or Make. Experience in automating workflows for the target market domain...
...meaningful experiences? Do you have a talent for sales and love the freedom of working independently? Join The Opah, a fast-growing retreat company, and help people across Europe discover life-changing spiritual retreats. ? About the Role: We are looking for a freelance sales agent to promote and sell our exclusive 3-day retreats across Europe. Your mission is simple: generate leads, convert them into bookings, and earn commissions. ? 100% commission-based – the more you sell, the more you earn! ? Fully remote – work from anywhere, on your own schedule. ? Grow with us – be part of an inspiring journey and a rapidly expanding brand. ? What’s in It for You? ✅ Earn 20% commission per sale. ✅ Bonuses for high performance – up to 2... freight logistics platform that connects customers with logistics companies and independent truckers. Our goal is to simplify global trade with an easy-to-use, efficient, and cost-effective digital platform. We are looking for talented developers to join our remote tech team and help us build a scalable, high-performance web application. Project Scope: You will be working on: ✅ Frontend Development (React.js, , Tailwind CSS) ✅ Backend Development (Node.js, , MongoDB) ✅ API Integrations (Third-party logistics, payment gateways, and tracking) ✅ Cloud Deployment & Optimization (AWS, GCP, Docker) ✅ UI/UX Improvements (Ensuring a seamless user experience) What We’re Looking For: ✔️ Strong experience in React.js & Node.js ✔️ Experience with Mon...
Need a Full-Stack Developer for a One-Page Interactive Web Application Job Type: Freelance / Contract (Remote) Location: Philippines (Independent Freelancer Preferred) Compensation: Negotiable Project Duration: Short-term with potential for ongoing work ⸻ Job Description We are looking for an experienced Full-Stack Developer to build a highly interactive one-page web application that involves real-time animations, user interactions, and data handling. The ideal candidate should be proficient in both frontend and backend development, capable of building a fast, secure, and scalable application. ⸻ Technical Requirements Frontend (User Interface & Experience) • Strong knowledge of JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 • Experience with React.js or Vue....
I'm looking for a proficient ReactJS developer to create a photography website based on my provided designs and instructions. Key Features: - A dedicated photo gallery, designed in a blog style. - A separate, independent blog section. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with ReactJS, web design, and implementing photo galleries and blog sections. Strong communication skills and the ability to translate design specifications into a functional website are crucial.
A service based website that allows agricultural contractors to create there own profile and advertise their services at their own costs on the platform. Farms can then book on this website and compare local contractors. this will also contain payments online and an online calendar allowing for both to see what is booked at when.
I am seeking a seasoned advisor to assist in migrating my project-based construction business from QuickBooks Desktop Contractors edition to QuickBooks Online or a suitable competitor. Key Requirements: - Assess and recommend a suitable accounting software that enhances accessibility and meets our business needs. - Ensure the new system supports essential features including project tracking, invoicing and billing, and expense management. - Facilitate a seamless transition with minimal disruption to our operations. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with QuickBooks and other accounting software. - Strong understanding of project-based construction business financial needs. - Excellent project management and communication skills. perfect for someone who loves building strong relationships with clients while staying hands-on in video production. ROLE OVERVIEW: The ideal candidate will excel in: • Building and maintaining strong client relationships • Executing various aspects of video production (all skillsets welcome) REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum 5 years of experience in your video production skillset • Proficiency in Apple ecosystem and Adobe Creative Cloud • Knowledge of AI video tools with a passion for continuous learning • Impressive video portfolio showcasing your expertise • Adaptability to wear multiple hats (salesperson, creative director, production specialist) • Entrepreneurial spirit with a desire to grow with our company long term • Colo...
? Freelance Sales Agent – Surgical Instruments (Africa) ? We are looking for a Freelance Sales Agent to expand our reach in the African healthcare market. This role involves identifying potential buyers, building strong relationships, and driving sales of surgical instruments to hospitals, clinics, and distributors. ? Key Responsibilities: ✅ Identify and connect with potential clients in the healthcare sector. ✅ Present and promote surgical instruments to hospitals, clinics, and distributors. ✅ Build and maintain relationships with key decision-makers. ✅ Provide product information and support as needed. ✅ Keep track of market trends and customer needs. ? Requirements: ✔️ Sales experience in any industry (healthcare experience is a plus but not required). ✔️ Strong networki...
I'm in need of a music industry professional to help me launch an independent record label, already equipped with a company logo. The primary focus will be: - Setting up the label and kickstarting its operations. - Recruiting promising artists in the Rap/Trap genre. - Crafting and implementing a compelling marketing strategy aimed at the 15-25 age group. The ideal candidate should have significant experience in the music industry, particularly within the Rap/Trap sphere, and a proven track record of artist recruitment and successful marketing campaigns. Understanding of the 15-25 demographic's music preferences and consumption habits is crucial.
We are looking for a freelancer to create a textbook for students that covers the main sections of mathematics (algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis). The manual should contain a clear explanation of theorems, step-by-step examples, formulas and tasks for independent work. It is important that the material is accessible and understandable, with visualisation through diagrams, graphs and tables. Use Adobe InDesign or Canva for design. The language of the material should be academic, but simple for students. The manual should be ready to print and adaptable for the online course. The term of fulfilment is 4-6 weeks. The budget depends on the amount of work, approximately $500–$1000. Requirements: experience in creating educational ma...
I'm looking for a talented illustrator who can bring my educational story to life with engaging and vibrant cartoon-style illustrations. The target audience for this story is children, so the illustrations should be appealing and suitable for young readers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in children's book illustration - Strong portfolio of cartoon-style illustrations - Understanding of educational themes and how to visually represent them - Ability to create engaging and age-appropriate illustrations Finn and the Great Forest Adventure Once upon a time, in the same cozy forest where Finn the fox and his friends lived, a new adventure was about to begin. One bright morning, Finn and his best friend, Lily the Rabbit, were playing near ...
I'm looking for a professional who can design and develop a specialized website for payroll management. This site should be tailored to calculate salaries for contractors specifically. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive payroll functionalities, primarily focusing on employee salary calculation. - A keen understanding of contractor payment structures and salary calculations. - Prior experience in designing payroll systems or similar websites is highly preferred. Skills Needed: - Web development - Payroll management systems - Understanding of contractor salary structures - E-commerce website design experience
I'm seeking a skilled technical writer to cre...writer to create a comprehensive best practice guide for glasswool insulation installation, aimed specifically at professional contractors. Key Guide Components: - Preparation Steps: Detailed, step-by-step overview of the necessary pre-installation procedures. - Installation Process: Clear, concise instructions for the proper installation of glasswool insulation. - Maintenance Tips: Insightful advice on how to maintain the insulation post-installation. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in technical writing, particularly in the field of construction or insulation. - Excellent understanding of glasswool insulation and its installation process. - Ability to convey complex information in a clear, accessible manner ...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive installation manual for our metal roofing products, specifically our standing seam roofing. This manual will be aimed at professional contractors and will need to be delivered in a PDF format. The manual should include: - Tools and materials needed for the installation - Detailed, step-by-step installation instructions - Important safety precautions to be taken during the installation - Illustrations to accompany and clarify the text Ideal candidates for this project will have experience in creating technical manuals, particularly for roofing or similar construction materials. An understanding of the needs and knowledge level of professional contractors will be crucial, as will the ability to create clea...
I'm looking for a dynamic and engaging 30-60 seconds sponsors video for my podcast. The video will feature a realistic AI voiceover and will be scored with an upbeat/energetic music track. Content of the Voiceover: "This episode is sponsored by Spray Foam Genius Marketing.... Are you a Spray foam contractor looking for more leads and presence on Google? We got you! Spray Foam Genius Marketing helps spray foam business owners like YOU! to take your company to the next level with leads, webistes, SEO and Google my business. Call us to the (ill provide the number in the images) If you are from the U.S or to the (ill provide the contact phone in image) ) if you are in Canada or email us to the (ill provide email ) Visual Elements: - Throughout the video, ...
Write a generic data type for a deque and a randomized queue. The goal of this assignment is to implement elementary data structures using arrays and linked lists, and to introduce you to generics and iterators. Dequeue. A double-ended queue or deque (pronounced “deck”) is a generalization of a stack and a queue that supports adding and removing items from either the front or the back of the data structure. Create a generic data type Deque that implements the following API: public class Deque<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { // construct an empty deque public Deque() // is the deque empty? public boolean isEmpty() // return the number of items on the deque public int size() // add the item to the front public void addFirs...
Write a program to estimate the value of the percolation threshold via Monte Carlo simulation. Install our Java programming environment (optional). Install our custom IntelliJ programming environment by following these step-by-step instructions for your operating system [ Mac OS X · Windows · Linux ]. After following these instructions, the commands javac-algs4 and java-algs4 will classpath in , which contains Java classes for I/O and all of the algorithms in the textbook. To access a class in , you need an import statement, such as the ones below: import ; import ; import ; Note that your code must be in the default package; if you use a package statement, the autograder
I'm in need of a professional transcriptionist for both audio and video files. This is a year-long contract on an "as-needed" basis. This is for the NAVAIR (Naval Air Systems Command). The contractor, as an independent contractor and not as an agent of the United States Government, shall on the terms and conditions more particularly described herein, furnish the management and labore necessary for the performance of the work set forth below. NAVAIR is seeking a web-based transcription service on an "as-needed" basis. Provide services via a web-based approach to facilitate transcription requests, the transfer of recorded media and the return transfer of completed transcriptions. - Task: Transcribing both audio and video files with a ...
We are looking for a committed individual to join our team and provide comprehensive support in human resources and administrative functions. The perfect candidate will play a vital role in the recruitment process, facilitate smooth employee onboarding, manage records, and assist with everyday operational tasks. A keen eye for detail and exceptional organizational abilities are crucial for success in this role. If you are self-motivated and thrive in an independent work environment, we encourage you to apply!
I’m looking for a talented and creative costume designer to bring Miss Martian’s look to life for my Young Justice film. The design needs to be high-quality, dynamic, and visually striking while staying true to the essence of the character. The suit should have a professional, cinematic feel—something that looks great on camera with practical movement for action sequences. The ideal designer should have experience in superhero or sci-fi costumes, knowledge of durable and flexible materials, and the ability to create a suit that balances comic accuracy with a fresh, modern take. The costume should be functional, comfortable for the actor, and durable enough for filming. Since this is an independent production, I’m looking ...
We are looking for a freelancer to create a textbook for students that covers the main sections of mathematics (algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis). The manual should contain a clear explanation of theorems, step-by-step examples, formulas and tasks for independent work. It is important that the material is accessible and understandable, with visualisation through diagrams, graphs and tables. Use Adobe InDesign or Canva for design. The language of the material should be academic, but simple for students. The manual should be ready to print and adaptable for the online course. The term of fulfilment is 4-6 weeks. The budget depends on the amount of work, approximately $500–$1000. Requirements: experience in creating educational ma...
I'm looking for an independent, highly experienced .Net developer with Angular expertise for a Learning Management System (LMS) project. I will provide a Angular template and .Net developer have to work with my in-house Angular developer and will be responsible for creating all the require API's and database. Technical Requirements: .Net SQL server MySQL Angular API's creation & Integration. Ideal Skills: Previous work on LMS or similar educational platforms will be a significant advantage. Note - Timeline 60 Days and tight budget 50k INR non negotiable. If you bid more then decided budget, Please don not bid. Project will be discuss with winner.
Project Description We have a re...PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas Experience with Machine Learning / Deep Learning Ability to develop a control mechanism based purely on AI, independent of traditional PID-based control systems Scope of Work Design an AI-based control system that ensures the resistance heater reaches the desired temperature as quickly as possible Develop a model that can adapt to different types of resistance heating systems automatically Ensure the system dynamically responds to external disturbances (e.g., ambient temperature fluctuations) Train and optimize the model for real-world performance Test the developed model and analyze the results (Optional) Provide an API or a simple user interface for integration Dataset Availability All required datasets will b...
I'm looking for an experienced Shopify developer who can assist with modifying my order creation webhook. The primary focus is on changing the existing notifications. Key requirements: - Experience with Shopify webhooks - Ability to modify existing notifications as per specified changes - Proficiency in changing the 'where' clause and table in notifications Please provide your proposal if your skills and experience match the requirements. Thank you!
...President Zelensky expressing gratitude, overlaying captions, and distributing the final content across multiple social media platforms in various languages. Project Scope & Responsibilities: • YouTube Video Extraction & Editing: o Identify and extract relevant video clips from YouTube using yt-dlp. o Edit and optimize video content for YouTube Shorts, X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, FaceBook (Meta). o Ensure video clarity, smooth transitions, and appropriate aspect ratios for different platforms. o Ensure compliance with YouTube content policies to prevent takedowns. o Manage batch processing of videos to maintain a consistent posting schedule. • Montage Creation & Editing: o Develop a cohesive video montage by seamlessly stitching together clips of ...
Participe en medio ironman y me compartieron fotos y unos pocos videos, quiero un foto montaje, con una cancion que tengo y otro con alguna sugeria, o varias cancoens en el mismo video, que refliejen alguna emotividad del momento. Si es posible ademas un segundo short , simplemente acomodando las fotos al rito de alguna cancion, independiente del primero. I participa...independiente del primero. I participated in a Half Ironman, and I received some photos and a few videos. I want a photo montage with a song I have, and another version with a suggested song or multiple songs in the same video that reflect the emotions of the moment. Additionally, if possible, I’d like a second short video where the photos are simply arranged to match the rhythm of a song, independent of the ...
I'm an independent artist looking for a talented beatmaker to create a melancholic yet trap or R&B styled instrumental for my song. I am open to more beats for an album if necessary. As a beginner, I'm committed to supporting the community by offering work. - Job is entirely online. You'll send the beat to me via message. - I'm reliable and promise to pay the agreed amount through bank transfer. Payment will be in Mexican coin. - The beat should feature deep bass, melodic loops, and trap hi-hats. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in creating melancholic trap or R&B beats. - A portfolio showcasing deep bass, melodic loops, and trap hi-hats. - A creative mindset as I trust your artistic judgment.