Income statement and balance sheet questions and answersproiecte
Caut o persoană cu studii juridice pentru a verifica corectitudinea juridică și gramaticală a unui set de întrebări de tip grilă. Întrebările sunt concepute pentru a testa cunoștințele aplicate din legislația practică și sunt deja formulate, având nevoie doar de o verificare atentă pentru a asigura acuratețea lor. Întrebările vin deja structurate pe legi, iar acestea vor fi furnizate. Număr de întrebări: 500-600 în total Durata proiectului: 10 zile Structura întrebărilor: Fiecare întrebare vine cu 3 variante de răspuns, din care una singură este corectă. Procedura: Inițial, persoana selectată va primi 100 de întrebări pentru verificare. Dacă acestea sunt verificate satisfăcător, se va proceda cu restul întrebărilor. Recompensa: 1...
...profesionalismul și fluiditatea muncii mele, am nevoie de un specialist bine versat în Foi de calcul Google. Sarcinile tale principale vor fi modificarea unui sheet deja functional, crearea de formule de înaltă funcționare și îmbunătățirea designului, respectând în același timp o estetică profesională și corporativă. Este imperios necesar ca datele sa fie protejate, se folosesc celule needitabile, se preiau date din sheet-uri diferite, se actualizeaza formule pe masura ce se introduc date Proiectul constă modificarea unui google sheet cu 4-5 sheet-uri dependente, astfel incat sa fie pregatit pentru un utilizator fara experienta in Google sheet. Responsabilitati cheie: - Reproiectarea foilor care reflectă un aspect profes...
...on dropping as worldwide interest rates rise Fri, 10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese curre...
Se da urmatorul scenariu: Incazari in data de x,y sau z la locatia x, y sau z cu un echipaj variabil de 1, 2, 3 sau mai multi. Am nevoie sa extrag(copiez) informatia si sa o pun la fiecare om din echipaj in sheet separat. am incercat cu filtre si macro dar imi copiaza doar informatia de la prima coloana de echipaj. se poate cu alta formula sau cu VBA (cod)
Avem nevoie de o conexiune API intre site facut pe o platforma Saas si Google Sheet. Site-ul pune la dispozitie toata documentatia pentru API si Webhook -uri de care ar fi nevoie pentru integrare. Am dori ca intermediar intre aceasta conexiune sa fie Zapier, dar nu este obligatoriu. Multumesc! mai sănătoasă prin susținerea agriculturii ecologice? Most players in organic are struggling with achieving the best: ☼ Farmers - best prices after a year of ensuring best quality for their crops; ☼ Processors - best quality for raw materials which gives them a top final product. We are brokers in organic and ensure the perfect match – we directly connect farmers with processors. Our partners are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income while lighting up their passion for organic. Cum poti contribui tu imediat ? Avem nevoie de ajutor in a formata niste numere de telefon in Excel astfel incat ele sa contina si prefixul de tara. Avem 2 fisiere Excel cu undeva la aproximativ 1000 numere de telefon romanesti si in...
Majoritatea fermierilor se luptă pentru obținerea prețurilor pe care le merită pentru culturile lor ecologice. Most organic processors really want to achieve food security and get the best organic quality. Suntem brokeri în agricultură ecologică și conectăm fermierii direct cu procesatori pentru a le obține fermierilor cele mai bune prețuri and ensure processors a sustainable safe source of organic raw-materials. Fermierii nostri sunt liberi să se bucure de pasiunea pentru pământ știind că la recoltă vor fi răsplătiți. Our processors are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income and light up their passion for organic. Eu sunt fondatorul companiei si ma gandesc de mult la un VA, dar nu stiu ce si cum a...
Dorim creerea unei ,,baze de date" de tip data entery form (google sheet). Urmatoru pas: pe baza informatiilor din aceasta baza de date, dorim sa generam si sa salvam sub forma pdf ordine de productie. Aceste ordine de productie v-or avea un layout predefinit, si tot o data trebuie sa contina coduri de bara.
Se dă un Google Sheet conținând 850 de site-uri. Fiecare site trebuie accesat, verificat că functioneaza si colectate 3-5 informatii punctuale din fiecare site, usor de accesat - care trebuie trecute inapoi in Google Sheet. Timp estimat: 3 min/site * 850 siteuri = ~ 42 ore
Cautam un developer care poate dezvolta un sistem web based de gestiune a clientilor. Functii esentiale: posibilitate de preluare date din Google Sheet; generare rapoarte si salvare in PDF si Excel generare contracte PDF dupa un model; gestiune clienti, documentele lor, situatie plati.
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza o modalitate/aplicatie care sa extrag datele de contact, filtrate, postate pe site-urile de anunturi ( vezi ….) si sa le prelucrez in Google Sheet. Merci, G
O Aplicatie care sa: * foloseasca camera telefonului plus permita setarea dimensiunii: 10%, 20%--100% din dimensiunea pozei * faca poza inainte * permita salvarea cu numele pozei in google sheet/excel sheet in cell specificata * faca poza dupa * salveze numele pozei in google sheet in cell specificata * introduca date in coloanele specificate pe acceasi linie cu numele pozei inainte si dupa Salveze documentul la inchiderea aplicatiei
Colaborare de lunga durata pe email marketing pentru domenii precum: vanzari, ecommerce (fashion dar si alte industrii), ONG (proiect de informare nationala), iar pe viitor tot mai multe. Activitatiile ar fi ca urmatoarele: - crearea autoresponderelor - creare continut pentru email-uri - creare concept - structura - plan de emailuri - putina gr...Activitatiile ar fi ca urmatoarele: - crearea autoresponderelor - creare continut pentru email-uri - creare concept - structura - plan de emailuri - putina grafica - stabilire strategie cu echipa + lucrul in echipa si colaborarea cu ceilalti Cunostinte si experienta: - experienta de redactare pe acest tip de proiect - photoshop & Illustrator (basic) - mailchimp & wordpress & - Google G Suite (doc, sheet, forms, hangouts) -...
...din brieful nostru de creatie, pentru stabilirea profilului afacerii si utilizatorilor sitului, 2. cercetat competitie, urmand procedura noastra, 3. pe baza briefului de creatie, interviului si cercetarii, de elaborat urmatoarele texte pentru strategia de brand: - Brand Elevator Speech - Brand Key Differentiators - Brand Messaging Strategy - Brand Mission - Brand Personality - Brand Positioning Statement - Brand Promise - Brand Slogan - Brand Value Proposition - Brand Values - Brand Vision - Brand Voice - Call To Action - Ideal Customer Profile - Unique Selling Proposition 4. elaborat arhitectura site-ului pentru planificarea continutului (stabilirea volumului, ierarhiei si pozitiei textelor in structura sitului si in pagini), 5. scris maxim 7500 caractere pentru site (prezentare...
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. Cele mai multe produse se repeta in anumite NIR-uri (sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii...
Avem trei useri care introduc datele in acelasi sheet Excel. Fiecare user introduce aproximativ 15-20 linii de informatie pentru fiecare proiect. Pentru fiecare proiect se face un fisier Excel separat. Se doreste dezvoltarea unei aplicatii care sa preia datele introduse de useri, si sa dezvolte grafice comparative. Bugetul este flexibil si poate fi crescut cu usurinta daca se observa rezultate multumitoare, avand in vedere ca se doreste obtinerea unei solutii customizate pentru societate.
I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as an example! indexare in google – inclusiv sa nu mai apara ca sublink-uri la pagina principala cand cineva cauta numele companiei 6. De activat heatmap si configurat – hotjar 7. De facut header din acest link (si toate paginile nou create prin crearea de postari) sa arate ca header din acest link ) 8. De facut ca aici sa nu mai ceara completarea campurilor de Categorie si Tag 9. Stilizarea listelor din articolele de la Noutati si publicatii (blog) si orice alte stilizari pentru a face articolele usor de citit si placute din punct de vedere vizual 10. De stilizat butoanele din acest link (cele cu
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. Cele mai multe produse se repeta in anumite NIR-uri (sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii...
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. Cele mai multe produse se repeta in anumite NIR-uri (sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii...
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. Cele mai multe produse se repeta in anumite NIR-uri (sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii...
Introducere si verificare transfer date dintr-o baza de date in mai multe sheet-uri dintr-un fisier xls. a.i sa nu apara greseli de calcule si toate campurile sa fie completate cu preturile unitare din baza. Totul se intampla in xls.
Accounts, cut & Pasting, sum, Sheet setting
Se da: Un fisier pe google drive - foaie de calcul - Am site-ul - cu pagina de produse - Se cere: Sincronizarea Sheet-urilor din google drive cu produsele de pe site Fiecare sheet din foaia de calcul contine cate un tabel pentru fiecare produs, shet-ul se va numi cu numele produsului respectiv Aceste tabele din foaia de calcul trebuie adaugate pe paginile de produse respective. Asa arata originalul - Acesta este site-ul care trebuie sincronizat - Aceasta este foaia de calcul -
Vreau un site de intrebari si raspunsuri gen yahoo answers dar intrebarile sa fie puse sub forma unui sondaj, cu maxim 5 variante, iar dedesubtul sondajului sa se poate face comentarii, eventual da raspunsuri la acel sondaj
detalii proiect sunt aici crezi ca poti ? am nevoie rapid? e vorba doar de o corectare a scriptului. dc merge ti-am bagat banii pe loc fara discutii
detalii proiect sunt aici crezi ca poti ? am nevoie rapid? e vorba doar de o corectare a scriptului. dc merge ti-am bagat banii pe loc fara discutii
We nee...likes. These are the requirements for the facebook likes: +Needed real likes with authentic profiles with more than 200 friends, also with several profile pictures, with more than 10 comments (at least) in this month +We look for a guarantee of permanence: at least 1 year OUR BUDGET IS 30 USD For being accepted you need to answer the next questions or give the next information: +Likes procedence (we are special atracted to America and the Euro zone) +Delivery time (to complete the project) +The amount of likes you are going to give us for the actual budget +How are you going to guarantee the permanence of this likes YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION TO PRESENT YOUR OFFER NOTE: IF YOU DONT ANSWER OR GIVE THAT INFORMATION WE ARE NOT GOING TO CO...
**Project Title:** Design a Fresh and Catchy Logo for "OranGo" Similar to the logo attached! **Project Description:** We are launching a new business, "OranGo," focused on vending machines that serve freshly squeezed orange juice. We need a logo that reflects freshness, health, and innovation while being modern and visually appealing. Here are the key details for the design: ### **Logo Concept:** - The logo should be **fresh, vibrant, and inviting**, appealing to health-conscious and on-the-go customers. - Incorporate **orange or citrus-related elements**, such as oranges, leaves, or juice splashes. - A clean, modern font with a playful yet professional feel. ### **Design Preferences:** - Use a color palette tha...
I'm seeking a freelancer to create a hand...seeking a freelancer to create a handwriting recognition module for grading handwritten test papers. The module should be able to: - Recognize both cursive and printed handwriting - Understand and interpret complex technical diagrams - Separate answers based on identifiers like answer numbers - Ignore crossed-out content -The engine should be self learning - the more handwritten notes are submitted, the more the accuracy increases. This is a high-stakes project requiring a high level of accuracy. Ideal candidates will have experience with machine learning, computer vision, and handwriting recognition systems. Familiarity with grading systems and educational assessment processes will be a plus. Please inclu...
...stunning and professional electronic press kit (EPK) for Jordan Babineaux, former NFL player, author of Pivot to Win, and sought-after speaker and coach. The EPK will be used to market Jordan's speaking and coaching services, highlight his achievements, and engage potential clients and partners. Scope of Work: 6–7 branded pages with imagery and copy (provided) Key Sections: - Cover Page: Eye-catching design with Jordan’s name, title, and image. - Bio/About: Engaging overview of Jordan’s career and personal brand. - Pivot to Win: Highlight the book, its themes, and key takeaways. - Speaker & Coaching Services: Detailed offerings and benefits. - On-air Talent: Career highlights as med...
...clients will answer questions, upload documents, and subsequently view these documents within their portal. Key Project Components: - Text Analysis: The AI software will need to interpret and analyze the text from client responses and uploaded documents. - Client Portal: This portal must be accessible on both web and mobile app platforms, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for all clients. - User Authentication: I prefer a straightforward email and password system for user authentication within the client portal. This is a long-term project and I would like to hire someone on a full or part-time basis with weekly pay. A prompt start is essential, with a goal to complete the initial phase quickly. If you have the necessary sk...
I have an Excel sheet locked with input data that needs adjustment for proper calculations. The sheet is primarily for data analysis. Key Tasks: - Unlock the sheet to facilitate modifications - Adjust specific numbers to correct data input errors - Modify calculation formulas to ensure accurate outcomes Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel, including unlocking sheets, modifying data, and adjusting formulas - Strong attention to detail to identify and correct data input errors - Experience in data analysis to understand the context and purpose of the adjustments
ChatGPT based web application with Web3 Integration and functionality. We have big plans for our blockchain solution and want to work with experienced developers for a long term. Our first MVP should have the following features MVP Initial Release Features List : 1. Core AI-Powered Chat Interface Basic Functionality: Answer blockchain-related questions (e.g., transaction details, token queries). Solscan website data. Supported APIs: OpenAI for AI-powered chat responses. Helius for wallet and transaction data. 2. Wallet Management Features: Connect Phantom Wallet connection and authentication via Privy. View wallet balance, token holdings, and recent transaction history. Option to add multiple wallets (if feasible). Supported APIs: Privy f...
I'm in need of an English-speaking French tax accountant located in 46700. The primary need is advice on tax obligations for a small income from a short term rental holiday home
...appealing, professional, and effectively communicate our brand message. What You Need to Use in the Banner ============================== Team Picture: Use any one of the attached team pictures that fits best with the design. CEO Picture (Akbar Ali): Remove the background and include only the subject. This should be highlighted subtly but prominently. Logo and Slogan: Blend the logo and slogan nicely so they match the overall look of the banner. About Us ========= We are a Digital Marketing Learning Agency offering training in digital marketing, website SEO, freelancing, and other related skills. The CEO of this agency is Akbar Ali (photo provided in the attachment). Design Requirements ================== 1. Team Picture Integration Use the team ima...
...creative and experienced Email Marketing Specialist to help grow my private lending business by creating and managing email campaigns using SendGrid. Your role will involve crafting engaging content, designing visually appealing emails, and ensuring campaigns are optimized for high deliverability and engagement. The goal is to generate leads, educate recipients on private lending and financing, and encourage potential clients to request term sheets, schedule consultations, or explore financing options. If you have experience with SendGrid and email marketing, and are familiar with the private lending or real estate industry, this is a perfect opportunity for you! Key Responsibilities: Content Creation: -Write professional, compe...
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I have a set of 69 KPIs in an Excel sheet, spanning across 10 projects. I need a performance formula that will automatically provide the KPIs/projects status based on specific thresholds. It's important to note that some of the KPIs are negative metrics. In addition, I require an interactive dashboard for these KPIs. The entire project is in Arabic. Key requirements: - Devise a performance formula that can assess the KPIs/projects status based on predetermined thresholds - Create an interactive dashboard in Microsoft Excel - Understand and cater for negative metrics within the KPIs - Project is in Arabic, hence understanding or capability to work in Arabic is a plus Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Excel - Experience in creating interactiv...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can enter data from an Excel sheet into my e-commerce website. This task involves working with electronics products and requires attention to detail and technical understanding. Key Responsibilities: - Enter product data from Excel(upto 5K data) into the website. - Include all necessary product descriptions, focusing on technical specifications and usage instructions. - Upload product images alongside the descriptions.
I am looking for a creative and experienced Email Marketing Specialist to help my private lending business grow through engaging and professional email campaigns. The ideal candidate will create visually appealing email content, including images, infographics, and compelling copy, and schedule campaigns on platforms like MailerLite, Mailchimp, or SendGrid. The goal is to generate leads, educate recipients on private lending and financing, and encourage potential clients to request term sheets, schedule consultations, or explore financing options. If you have experience with email marketing and are familiar with the private lending or real estate industry, this is a perfect opportunity for you! Key Responsibilities: Content Creation: - Wri...
Assistance in Five questions which were discussed in chat.
I'm in need of a talented 3D designe...designer who can create an abstract piece for resin printing. This isn't just any functional part or prototype, it's an artistic statement piece that needs to stand out. Key Requirements: - Deep experience in 3D design, specifically for creating pieces intended for resin printing. - A strong portfolio of abstract design work. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Familiarity with the specifications and limitations of resin printing. - Strong understanding of abstract art and design principles. - Excellent communication skills to discuss and refine design concepts. This project is perfect for a designer who loves creating unique art pieces and is skilled in 3D design. I'm lookin...
...this time, I’ve experienced both the pitfalls of scams and the benefits of working with genuine people who truly want to help others succeed. Now, five years later, I am a consistently profitable trader, and I’ve gained a deep understanding of how the markets move and how to profit from them. My portfolio generates an average annual return of around 500%, with a strong focus on risk management. My goal is to attract investors who are interested in copying my trades and linking their accounts to my trading portfolio. However, my main challenge lies in attracting and finding investors, as marketing is not my strong suit. So, my question is: Are you skilled in marketing and investor outreach? Would you like to earn a significant ...
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...bold, modern, and unconventional brand that aims to break free from the monotony of traditional fashion. The brand is not just about clothing but about making a statement – embracing individuality, clarity, and audacity. We need a compelling and cohesive brand image that reflects these values while resonating with our target audience. Positioning Statement Shades Off Grey is a fashion brand for individuals who refuse to settle for neutrality. Our garments are designed for those who dare to stand out, take clear positions, and reject the comfort of monotony. We celebrate boldness, authenticity, and self-expression through unique designs that reflect our philosophy: exit the grey, enter the bold. Philosophy Behind the Brand At its c...
... You need to be smart to be able to do this job and I don’t want to have to keep getting you to make changes otherwise I’ll stop the job mid way. Payment only at the end of job. I'm in need of a skilled landscape designer with architectural expertise. I have a landscape design that has been done for a 4 level apartment project. The floor plans and site coverage has slightly changed in the architectural drawings. I need the landscape plans modified to suit this new floor plan. You will need to change the planting schedules and any notations of the plans , RLs, elevations etc to suit the new architectural design. You cannot miss any details. Job needs to be delivered in PDF format I have attached CAD files for new architectural design and ...
I'm looking for a modern-style design...espresso coffee cart. This backdrop should reflect our brand, pillars and incorporate some vibrant colours alongside our company palette. Explain what we are. Critical Aspects of the Project: - The design should be predominantly modern/elegant in style. - A balance between our company colours and some eye-catching hues is crucial. - The backdrop must sign with our coffee cart and prominently display our company logo and vision Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design, specifically for large-format print. - A strong portfolio in modern design. - Experience working with brand elements in design. - Ability to create visually appealing designs that can stand out in a crowde...
...seeking a professional Wix developer to revamp my website. It already exists with the main features that I am asking, so part of the job and materials collected is already done. The new site should mirror the clean, modern aesthetic of , with the addition of a Media/Listen page akin to that features my Spotify recordings. Site Sections: - Biography - Concert Schedule - Media/Listen Page - Gallery - Editions - Contact Key Requirements: - Multilingual: English, Portuguese, Spanish - Clean, modern design - Integration of newsletter signup, event booking, and an online store for sheet music or recordings Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Wix - Web design experience with a modern, clean aesthetic - Multilingual