How to make money on freelance com and how to joinproiecte
Caut cavaleri Jedi ai limbii române pentru o revistă online "dot com" care știu să se documenteze și să trateze cu umor subiecte tabu în societatea românescă. Articolele vor fi publicate inițial în românește pe site-ul revistei .ro, apoi traduse în engleză pentru site-ul internațional. Exemple de articole care vor fi postate: -Cum să te desparți de o minoră -De ce familia ta e de căcat -Cele mai bune site-uri de torrente -Cum s-a transformat câinele din lup în chihuahuah -Bitcoin-viitorul banilor? -Locuri unde să ascunzi droguri în casă -Cum să cumperi droguri de pe net și să nu fi prins-un ghid cu imagini -5 filme in care gagicile nu vin la gara Alte subiecte care pot fi atinse: Cool Science, Porn, Video...
Buna ziua detin un site de jocuri flash online jocurifrive com . As dori sa gasesc o persoana de preferat de nationalitate romana pentru a adauga joculete pe site. Siteul foloseste scriptul ARCADE TRADE SCRIPT si se pot adauga jocurile cu ADD GAME. Vreau ca jocurile adaugate sa fie cu descriere unica , sa tine cont de SEO (cuvinte cheie) pt categoria de jocuri in care este introdus. Descrierea va fi de minim 300 de cuvinte. Totodata va trebuie sa adaugati thumbnailuri poze pentru avea pe luna de adaugat minim 150-200 de jocuri aprox 5 jocuri pe zi. Pentru mai multe informatii contacti pe privat sau pe skype. Va multumesc! Astept oferte de la freelanceri ce stiu romana.
Colaborare de lunga durata pentru servicii seo pentru platformele noastre de comert electronic
Colaborare de lunga durata pentru servicii de SEO pentru platformele noastre de comert electronic.
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XM...
Colaborare de lunga durata pe mai multe proiecte web
Avem nevoie de colaboratori freelance, fie ei individual sau echipe (mici companii), pentru proiecte Web based, atat in Web Development, cat si in programare pe platforme ASP.NET. Dorim sa cunoastem datele tale de contact, competentele si nivelul acestora, precum si niste tarife orare orientative.
Cautam developer pentru o platforma ruby on rail pentru un client elvetian proiectul este de durata
Conectarea unei platforme Joomla (versiunea 2.5) la o aplicatie scrisa in php. Care sunt cerintele: 1. aplicatia are 5 module (fluxuri de date) diferite 2. in momentul in care se creaza un user in joomla - trebuie sa se creeze un user si in aplicatie 3. userul alege din pagina joomla un modul si il cumpara - se va folosi paypal (care permite si plata prin card) 4. joomla va afisa o pagina cu modulul / modulele cumparate 5. prin accesarea unui modul, userul va avea acces la o noua pagina de joomla care va permite accesul la aplicatie prin SSO intr-un iframe 6. modificare metoda de autentificare in aplicatia php sa permita mecanismul SSO
Caut programator care este capabil sa faca un modul de prestashop. Cunostintele necesare ar fi: php, mysql, smarty, API, putin ajax/jquery pentru formular). Un plus au persoanele care au mai lucrat cu prestashop si/sau au un portofoliu decent. Daca nu aveti experienta cu api va recomand sa nu ma contactati, va fi o pierdere de timp pentru amandoi. Mai multe informatii despre modul va pot da pe privat dupa ce imi trimiteti cateva exemple de scripturi facute de voi. Putem discuta si de o angajare imediata la biroul nostru din Bucuresti daca esti din zona!!!
Buna, Am nevoie de un report in Engleza de vreo 30 pag. pe un topic in nisa break-ups / relationships advice. Am un outline detaliat + surse de referinta sa iti fie munca mai usoara. Poti sa-mi dai te rog un pret si timp de livrare ? Nu trebuie formatat, doar raw text. Mersi, Costin
Doresc realizarea unui magazin on-line pe platforma Magento Community, magazin care sa aiba 2 Webstore-uri: unul B2C si unul B2B. B2C, cel pe care se si aterizeaza va fi pe domeniu iar B2B va fi pe un subdomeniu. Magazinul va vinde produse cosmetice. Va exista aceiasi baza de date cu produse dar, fiecare Webstore va avea preturile lui, promotiile lui, banner-ele lui. Vor exista categorii & produse comune celor doua Webstore-uri dar dar si unele care le vad doar utilizatorii B2B. Necesitati: 1. Instalare curata Magento cu 2 Webstore-uri (B2C-domeniu si B2B-sub-domeniu) pe tema ULTIMO () + Meniu flotant 2. Configurare: taxe, transport, interfata in limba Romana
... Lasa un bid de 30 USD daca esti motivat sa incepem. Am auzit deja de Google Translate, deci nu mai e nevoie sa ne pierdem timpul, in orice caz, am nevoie de traduceri naturale, cu "flow" liber si naturalete. Putem folosi iwriter(.)com sau plati directe paypal la cerere. Pe iWriter ne gasesti la: Translate an article in romanian Project type: New articles Category: Arts and Entertainment Date posted: 2012-10-22 Poti oricand incerca sa traduci acolo un articol, fiind un mijloc mai securizat pentru writers....
Freelance writer convert from pdf to word
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru introducere date,rescriere articol,postare anunturi,procesare date,transcriere,asistenta telefonica,asistenta tehnica,am terminat Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti,detin o buna stapanire a instrumentelor Microsoft Office ( Word,Excel,Power Point).
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru scriere articole in lb romana si studenta in anul 3 la drept,am cunostiinte gramaticale bune si talent poezii si romane in timpul liber
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
...aplicatie de monitorizare proprietara al carei cod sursa nu este cunoscut si un dispozitiv printr-un port COM. Cum orice aplicatie care doreste sa comunice pe portul COM trebuie sa deschida fisierul cu exclusive_access, este necesara dezvoltarea unui driver ce va fi inserat in stiva de driver-e care getioneaza dispozitivul/clasa de dispozitive aferenta sis a intercepteze IRP-urile (in ambele directii preferabil – atat IRP_MJ_READ cat si IRP_MJ_WRITE, obligatoriu pt. IRP_MJ_READ). Este nevoie de acest driver deoarece nu se stie ce protocol de comunicatie este folosit intre dispozitiv si aplicatia sa de monitorizare, prin urmare nu se poate emula aplicatia. Aplicatia permite selectarea portului COM. Este cunoscut faptul ca, pe langa char-uri fara semnificatie an...
EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.
EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.
Alatura-te la o afacere de viitor. Aceasta afacere presupune achizitionare si vanzare de certificate de carbon. Haide-ti sa facem o echipa si sa diminuam emisiile de carbon in stratul de ozon. - acesta este link-ul pe care poti sa il accesezi pentru a mi te alatura!
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave
...people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk as we are only loo...
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se co...
Proiectul "REABILITAREA ŞI MODERNIZAREA SISTEMELOR DE APĂ ŞI APĂ UZATĂ ÎN JUDEŢUL VRANCEA" a început în anul 2010 şi are o valoare de 441.765.258 RON. Lucrările se vor derula în şase aglomerări: Focşani: municip...APĂ UZATĂ ÎN JUDEŢUL VRANCEA" a început în anul 2010 şi are o valoare de 441.765.258 RON. Lucrările se vor derula în şase aglomerări: Focşani: municipiul Focşani şi cartier Mândreşti, sat Pietroasa şi Cîmpineanca, comuna Cîmpineanca şi sat Goleşti şi Ceardac com Goleşti Odobesti: oraş Odobeşti şi sat component Unirea Mărăşeşti: oraş Mărăşeşti Panciu: oraş Panciu şi sate componente Crucea de Jos, Crucea de Sus, Dumbrava, Satu Nou şi Neicu Adjud: municipiul Adjud şi sat component Adjud V...
cum sa faci bani pe internet o metoda foarte simpla cu noua industie freelancer vei face bani garantat
Buna ziua, am vazut review-urile despre dumneavoastra si ma intereseaza daca faceti si site integral de la 0. Va rog sa ma contactati daca va intereseaza sau daca stiti pe cineva interesat de un astfel de proiect. Ma intereseaza creearea site-ului, SEO, marketing online, administrare-depanare, rog sa ma contactati la adresa cristian punct onisor arond gmail punct com, sau la numarul de telefon zero sapte doi unu doi sase unu opt doi multumesc
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8pool (android /...
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs f...
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c: aceasta este adresa mea de email : softhard71 @ yahoo .com sau yahoo messenger id : softhard71
I'm seeking a proactive, persuasive, and passionate Bilingual Salesperson to join our team. Your primary focus will be selling physical products, engaging customers through both WhatsApp and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Responding to customer inquiries on WhatsApp and Instagram in a timely manner. - Resolving doubts and converting queries into successful sales. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Advanced command of both Spanish and English, oral and written. - Proven experience in customer service and sales. - A professional attitude and strong commitment as a freelancer. What We Offer: - 100% remote work with flexible hours. - Commission-based pay for sales made. Your proactive approach ...
I'm a passionate video editor look...looking for clients, particularly independent content creators, on freelancer websites. I'm eager to showcase my skills in visual effects, special effects, slow motion, animations, and more. - Personal project: This is a personal venture, not tied to an existing business or a new enterprise. - Pricing: I'm incredibly affordable, almost working for free, as my main goal is to put food on the table while doing what I love. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience in creating visual and special effects - Understanding and ability to work with slow motion and animations - Strong communication skills for client interaction ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to implement a series of minor adjustments and functional tweaks on my Laravel and Nuxt based website. I have all the source code files. Scope of Work: - Layout adjustments - Functionality tweaks - Styling changes - Implementing a user subscription system with three distinct levels Key Requirements: - Experience with Laravel and Nuxt - Prior work with subscription-based website features - Proficiency in making layout, functionality and styling changes - Ability to set up recurring payments within the subscription system The ideal candidate will help enhance the website's user experience through these customizations while implementing a robust and user-friendly subscription system.
I need a skilled designer to help me insert a logo onto the flag which will be on the building facade of the Petronas Twin Towers and a few other major Malaysian flag should look real and wave as well. I will provide examples to illustrate the desired outcome.
...designer with a passion for branding and marketing materials? We're looking for a Part-Time Graphic Designer to join our team! If you’re skilled in creating impactful designs and comfortable collaborating remotely, we want to hear from you. Requirements: Proven experience in graphic design, with a strong portfolio showcasing branding and marketing projects. Proficiency in design tools such as Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc.) and familiarity with AI-driven design tools. Reliable and self-motivated, with excellent time management skills to meet deadlines. Strong communication skills and comfort using video conferencing tools for collaboration. Bonus Skills: Photo editing expert...
...for a talented animator to create a short film focused on professional development for adults. This film will be used as an educational tool in the workplace, so it needs to be engaging, informative and appropriate for a corporate audience. Ideal Skills: - Animation: Proven experience in creating high-quality animated content - Understanding of Professional Development: Familiarity with corporate training concepts would be an advantage - Audience Engagement: Ability to create content that is appealing to adults - Creativity: Innovative ideas to deliver the content in a fun and engaging way The project requires a freelancer who can translate educational concepts into an entertaining animated film. The goal is to enhance wo...
I'm in need of a modern, business logo. The design should primarily utilize a lettermark (initials or letters) along with a symbol or icon. This is for a cybersecurity company. The company name is Cyberup24. Open to all general designs. Needs to look professional. May or may not need to incorpate the full company name. Should be tech/IT/cyber themed. Open to most all color schemes. Current site and logo are here:
Title: Expert Figma Designer Needed for SAAS Web Application Wireframe Project Job Desicription Web are on the lookout for an exceptionally talented Figma designer specialising in creating details & user-friendly wireframes for new SAAS web application. This project required a deep understanding of UI/UX principles to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience. Our focus is solely on developing a comprehensive wireframe that clearly outlines the structure & functionally of our upcoming web application. The new SAAS web application is in the trade journalling space including multiple asset classes but mainly focusing on Forex, Crypto & Commodities. Project Scope - Understand the core functionality & objectives of the new SAAS we...
...a highly skilled and dependable Virtual Administrative & Customer Support Specialist to join our team. This remote role is ideal for a professional who thrives in a fast-paced environment, can manage multiple priorities, and is passionate about delivering excellent customer service. Key Responsibilities: Customer Support: Handle the online chat feature on our website, manage inbound and outbound calls, and serve as the first point of contact for our customers. Social Media Management: Set up, manage, and maintain social media accounts, ensuring brand consistency and audience engagement. Design and Editing: Utilize Canva and other graphic design tools to create and edit visuals for marketing...
I require a skilled VPS administrator to install WordPress on my domain. My VPS is fully configured but I need assistance with the selection and setup of updating php on the vps and installing wordpress as the vps has 2 domains, when I install wordpress on one of the them the other one is corrupted. Key Requirements: - Knowledgeable in both Apache and Nginx - Proficient in WordPress installation and configuration - Experienced in VPS management - Good communication skills to understand and meet project requirements Please reach out if you are able to assist.
Buscamos una diseñadora gráfica freelance, preferentemente mujer y de habla hispana, con experiencia en diseño para el sector estético. Su objetivo será crear contenido visual atractivo y profesional para redes sociales y flyers, alineado con la identidad de nuestra clínica de medicina estética y Spa Requisitos: Experiencia en diseño gráfico, idealmente en el rubro estético, belleza o salud. Manejo avanzado de herramientas como Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator y Canva. Criterio estético sólido y capacidad para trabajar con paletas elegantes y minimalistas. Creatividad y proactividad para aportar ideas innovadoras. Excelente comunicación, atención a detalles y cumplimiento de plazos. Porta...
I'm experiencing issues with my Google Drive on my Mac. Specifically, files are not updating and I need immediate assistance. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in troubleshooting Google Drive issues. - Proficiency in MacOS. - Experience with Business and Personal Google Drive accounts. - Ability to communicate solutions clearly and effectively. Able to loginto my mac, supervised during USA daytimes
I'm looking for a talented 3D animator who can create 360 degrees animations and still images of product models. The animations should be engaging and suitable for showcasing the product's features and benefits. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D animation software - Experience with product visualization - Creative mindset for engaging animations - Attention to detail in realistic modeling Please see attachment for sample. Send sample first to show skill I have around 50 to do.
Je cherche un freelance pour gérer le service client de ma boutique en ligne. Votre mission principale sera d’assurer une expérience client fluide et professionnelle. Vous serez en charge de : • Répondre aux emails et messages clients : Gestion des questions, réclamations et demandes spécifiques. • Suivi des commandes : Assurer la bonne réception des produits par les clients et résoudre les éventuels problèmes (retours, échanges, etc.). • Gestion des litiges : Proposer des solutions adaptées pour fidéliser les clients tout en respectant les politiques de la boutique. • Optimisation des réponses : Création de réponses types pour les questions fr&eacut...
...talented designer to craft a logo for my website, AL3EYADA.COM. The ideal candidate should be able to create a unique, memorable, and professional logo that can help establish my brand's identity. We are seeking a talented logo designer to create a modern and professional logo for "". The design should reflect the brand's focus on healthcare services, innovation, and trust. The logo must prominently incorporate medical-related imagery, such as a stethoscope, and should include clean, bold typography that is easily recognizable. Key Elements: A stethoscope integrated creatively into the text to symbolize healthcare and professionalism. The "+" sign to reinforce the medical theme....
Freelance Sales Agent – Paper Products Specialist (Hotels, Hospitals, Factories, B2B) TOTH GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, a European company renowned for its quality and innovation, is expanding into the U.S. market. We specialize in high-quality paper products and are seeking an experienced Freelance Sales Agent to lead our efforts in establishing a strong presence in the United States. About the Role: We are looking for a driven and experienced sales professional with a focus on B2B paper products, targeting sectors such as hotels, hospitals, factories, and other large-scale businesses. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in sales, a strong network within the industry, and exceptional negotiation skills. Responsi...
...middle of the plate. The plate has a length (L) of 750 mm, a width (W) of 500 mm and thickness (t) of 2 mm, while the hole through the middle of the plate has a diameter (D) of 385 mm. A tensile load (F) of 20,000 N is applied at each end of the plate. The plate is made from a solution treated and aged nickel-based superalloy (Inconel 718). Its behaviour is elastic-plastic according to the data below. Figure 1: Plate with a central hole You can assume the following information: Yield strength = 1186 MPa UTS = 1400 MPa @ engineering strain of 15% Young’s modulus, E = 200 GPa Poisson’s ratio, υ = 0.3 I. Using a suitable FE software such as ABAQUS (or an alternative commercial package), perform a finite element analysis to determine the max...
...experiente em vendas para promover os serviços da nossa agência digital, especializada em criação e de sites profissionais. O objetivo principal será prospectar clientes e fechar contratos com pequenas e médias empresas em Portugal. Responsabilidades 1. Identificar potenciais clientes com sites desatualizados ou sem presença online. 2. Apresentar os nossos serviços de forma profissional e personalizada. 3. Negociar e fechar vendas de serviços de criação e redesign de sites. 4. Manter um acompanhamento básico com os clientes até a assinatura do contrato. Oferecemos 1. Remuneração por comissão atrativa, com pagamentos sobre cada contrato fechado. 2....