How much does a freelance cameraman earn in singaporeproiecte
Ne marim echipa! Suntem in cautare de recruiteri freelance! Daca ai experienta in agency recruitment sau disponibilitate pentru a invata aceasta meserie, vrem sa te cunoastem! Cerinte: Studii - minim studii medii Disponibilitate mini 6 ore pe zi, de luni pana vineri (program flexibil) Laptop si conexiune buna la internet, telefon mobil pe cre il poti folosi in interes de serviciu Oferim: Castiguri pe baza de comision de succes Suport in invatare si dezvoltare Proces rapid si simplificat Necersar: Pentru a putea sustine aceasta activitate, va trebui sa te inregistrezi ca S.R.L. sau P.F.A, pentru a ne putea factura. Mentiuni: Aceasta activitate este flexibila, poate fi facuta ca activitate principala, sau in paralel cu jobul...
...USER Master pentru a introduce comenzile primite de la clienti. Basuc user Master, Stefan, Alin, Ionut, Petrica si Cristi astia o sa fie useri normali. 1. Aplicatia va rula pe un server vps virgin ce trebuie configurat. 2. seteaza direct useri si parolele dupa cum urmeaza Basuc 8C@aractere Stefan nastas@ Alin mog@ Ionut b@diu Petrica c1rnu Cristi com@n 2. Din aplicatie se vor suna clienti cu Twilio. ‼️ userii normali nu trebuie sa vada numerele de telefon ale clientilor 3. la pornirea aplicatiei sa avem doua casute de introducere text , una pentru introducere Nume si folosita pentru a intorduce username si a doua numita Parola pentru a introduce password . sub aceste 2 casute de text un buton numit START. casutele si butonul sa fie asejate...
...camming online și căutăm un Specialist IT pasionat și experimentat pentru a ne sprijini în gestionarea și optimizarea tehnică a activitatii noastre. Dacă ai cunoștințe avansate în domeniul IT și o reală preocupare pentru industria de streaming online și cunostinte despre functionarea platformelor de streaming online, vrem să te cunoaștem! Responsabilități: - Gestionarea și rezolvarea problemelor legate de software, proxy-uri și VPN-uri. - Optimizarea și monitorizarea traficului online pentru a asigura o performanță maximă. - Implementarea și gestionarea software-urilor de streaming. - Cercetarea și aplicarea trendurilor din industria de streaming online. - Administrarea și optimizarea rețelelor de internet pentru a asigura conectivitate sta...
Ceau Ionel, am o problema cu Upgrade la prestshop imi da Errors Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e). am am avut un proiect lehat se ssh care l ai rezolvat in trecut, astept un raspuns de la tine daca ma poti ajuta cu noua problema care o am. Multumesc
...10/20/2023 - 11:15 BACK Financial News Many people in Europe were shocked by the historic parity achieved between the US dollar and euro late last year. It was certainly a surprise but a relatively short-lived one, and prices soon rebalanced. Unfortunately, for the people of Japan, their currency woes only seem to go from bad to worse. To put things into perspective, the USD/EUR parity debacle only represented about a 15% depreciation for the European single currency, while the yen has lost well over 30% of its value against the greenback since 2020 and over half since 2012. At one time, the yen was seen as a safe haven comparable to the dollar, but those days are long gone. The factors for the Japanese currency's downfall are numerous: from...
Site ul a fost construit pe o platforma PrestaShop 1.6. In prezent nu functioneaza necesita o investigatie mai ampla si curatarea tuturor fisierelor care au astfel de bucati de cod hackuite Am impartit proiectul in 2 etape Etapa 1: Depanarea si punerea in functiune a siteului Etapa 2: Update ul siteului la o varianta mai actuala a siteului PrestaShop 1.7 The site was built on a PrestaShop 1.6 platform. It currently does not work, it requires a more extensive investigation and the cleaning of all files that have such hacked pieces of code I divided the project into 2 stages Stage 1: Debugging and commissioning of the site Stage 2: Update the site to a more current version of the PrestaShop 1.7 site
Buna ziua, am vazut profilul Dvs. Si ma gandesc ca poate am putea colabora, Am inceput sa lucrez la un proiect suficient de complex as putea spune,este la inceput de drum si am avea nevoie de un smart contract ca sa putem incepe ico sale,apoi ar fi platforma web3 rent to earn de construit,descentralizata, blockchain si multe altele. Majoritatea detaliilor le puteti vedea pe ,ulterior putem pentru timpul acordat!
Buna Dana, Ma bucur ca te-am gasit pe pagina de freelance. Am nevoie de ajutor in realizarea unei lucrari, in limba romana, de 15-18 pagini, tema Rezilienta informationala in Romania, pana sambata, 23 aprilie. Am deja structura lucrarii si bibliografia de baza. Daca esti disponibila astept raspunsul tau. Mulțumesc!
...produs in mod automat, prin modulul EMAG care este instalat pe site - direct in Emag. Dar cred ca undeva nu este conectat cum trebuie sau nu stiu. M-a ajutat cineva si a spus ca totul este configurat corect insa tot nu functioneaza. Nu se transfera produsele in e-mag, desi am configurat pe site cum este cerut. SI nici nu imi intra comenzile de pe e-mag pe site si nu se modifica automat stocul. Deci jumatate din treaba este deja facuta..Am nevoie de transferul produselor (sunt maxim 30 produse) si apoi schimbul in timp real a comenzilor si stocurilor de pe Emag direct in magazinul online, si invers. Multumesc frumos :) Hi! My online store is connected to EMAG. At one point I managed to transfer a product automatically, throu...
Hi, I created a website where people review adult websites and I would like to kickstart it by having some reviews. So I need someone to write reviews for adult websites. There are a few websites already doing this so there is content for you if you want to see already made reviews on adult websites or you can just do the review yourself. It might be just a job of putting together ideas from 2, 3 reviews. It needs of course funky dirty language - the reviews need to be like made by users.. hope it is not an issue. The reviews need to be SEO aware. So you need to use the website name where you can - dont over do it but use it at least in the title and at least once in the review. And of course the reviews need to be unique for google. I need for the b...
Salut. Sunt in cautare de un editor video/audio si cameraman, cu experienta, pentru un proiect pe termen lung. Este nevoie experienta in: Wirecast, Chroma Key, After Effects, Sony Vegas pro 16, masterizare vocala. Daca esti interesat si ai experienta in ceea ce am scris mai sus, lasa-mi te rog un mesaj. Multumesc.
English: At the base is a website presentation of a medical clinique. In addition to this, the site must offer other opportunities for visitors such as: - The possibility for the visitor to interact with the doctor to obtain information. - The possibility for the visitor to up-load scanned documents or images and send them by email to the doctor - The possibility for the visitor to access a documentation section regarding certain diseases (section where presentation articles and of these diseases will be present) - The possibility for the patient to provide feedback after interaction (a simple but relevant questionnaire in which the patient can express his / her lived experience) - Patient to obtain location / orientation information - The p...
La moment căutăm design-eri freelance pentru content creation: – Facebook Ads (imagini și gifu-uri) – Google Ads (imagini adapatate după mărimi, gif-uri, HMTL5 bannere) – Branding, logo Vă rugăm să ne lăsați oferta voastră, este posibil de lucrat dar pe o anumită nișă. Trimiteți vă rugăm și portofoliul.
Realizează modelare 3D Buna ziua. Caut designer freelance pentru elaborarea designului standurilor expozitionale.
Redactare 1-2 articole/pe saptamana scurte de impact pentru social media care sa fie distribuite masiv. Articolele trebuie sa fie pe domeniul online freelance pe piata din Romania.
-> Realizeaza audituri SEO tehnice si de continut pentru site-urilor -> Dezvolta strategii SEO in vederea cresterii vizibilitatii organice si cresterea traficului. -> Identifica noi oprtunitati de dezvoltare a site-urilor prin activitati de keyword research amanuntit. ->Acordarea de sprijin si recomandari SEO; ->Dezvoltarea campaniilor de link building; ->Optimizarea interna a arhitecturii de link-uri / cuvinte cheie – SEO on-page; ->Optimizarea permanenta a contentului pentru vizibilitate maxima in motoarele de cautare SEO off-page;
Dezvoltam evenimente tematice pentru copii de toate varstele. Proiectele noastre presupun in general un setup (incl. props), decoruri, activitati tematice pentru copii, costume. Cautam un freelance designer care sa ne ajute sa punem in plan ideile pentru aceste proiecte. Buget negociabil.
Sunt un freelance cu sediul în Italia. Am o mulțime de proiecte in momentul asta si nu reusesc sa fac față de unul singur, caut un dev să-mi dea o mână de ajutor cu câteva site-uri. Abilități necesare: HTML & CSS JavaScript / jQuery / ajax Să fie capabil de a crea o temă WordPress de la zero Abilități preferabile: git grunt Sass Caut un dezvoltator WordPress, care sa fie capabil de a dezvolta site-uri web pixel perfect. După cum poti vedea nu caut skills-uri dificile, dar mi-ar plăcea să faci o treabă bună respectand termenele. Primul proiect pentru care am nevoie de ajutorul tau este destul de simplu. Este un site de o pagină. Putem discuta detalii pe Skype.
Caut developer PHP / Magento atat pentru mentenanta proiectelor existente cat si pentru dezvoltarea proiectelor noi. Proiectele existente sunt sunt pe Magento 1.9 /2.0 Proiectele noi de obicei sunt pe 2.0. Nivelul de cunoestine: Project base / freelance -> Mediu spre avansat Full time -> incepator spre mediu In principiu proiectele au o complexitate medie, nu foarte complicat. 220.000 lei in anul 2015 in domeniul intermedierii vanzarilor de asigurari. Intentionez penetrarea pietei online care momentan este destul de scazuta in Romania comparativ cu tarile din vest ! Fiind un Start-up, dupa cum bine stiti, nu sunt bani de investit, insa impreuna, cu o mica echipa formata din cateva persoane cu diverse abilitati am putea avea succes ! Ce cred eu ca este de facut? Un site de vanzari RCA + blog . SEO on page/off page, landing page etc. O aplicatie pt mobil pt comenzi asig. Promovare adwords, facebook , youtube, google+ Creatie de content pt blog si pt retele social media. Administrare site, blog, fb, youtube,google+ Cateva postari video + text + foto constant in social media. inca alte lucruri pe care mi ...
Hello, I need a web page on my admin web application, that will be similar with the picture from attachment. ( my admin web page is build with Metronic Admin Template). This page should have 3 select (Site, Date and Employee), and a table with freeze panes like in excel. This table will help me to allot employees on job on properties in a specific Date. After the table is generated with data from database, If I select an employee and I click on a cell from table, I should be able to insert that employee in that cell. I will insert the selected employee on each cells that I click. Employee will be inserted first in database and if was inserted with success than will remain inserted in cell, otherwise an error message oc...
caut un freelance din Romania care are experienta in "Compare Hotels Prices". ca model puteti testa va rog sa ma contactati numai daca esti capabil la asa un proiectul. de asemenea propuneri pentru cooperare si parteneriat cu parteneri in domeniul wab si web design. multumesc
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Cautam un consultant SAP SD pentru un proiect local de ERP. Responsabilitati: -Configurare, -Testare, -Suport pentru echipa interna de consultanti, -Training pentru key-users. Cerințe job: -Aceasta pozitie necesita un consultant senior SAP SD cu experienta in implementarea acestui modul. Experinta in Retail este un bonus. Alte informații: Tip contract: Freelance, 6+ luni Salariul: In functie de experienta
Salutare, Cineva care sa ma poata ajuta cu un program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashit deja ca o limita de data (2.010 !!!) cu un nu stiu ce clipper care acum imi arata un blinker exceeded data (voi stiti mai bine, hahahaha....), plus sa pot sa-l rulez de pe un pendrive (il am pe un hard de cand s-a nascut Parisu' , in plus am si errori de clustere pe el, mi-e ca maine moare), momentan nu pot face nici o modificare de hard ca imi cere contactul cu furnizorul pentru generarea unui nou cod (ceva protectie hwid?). Cel putin e blocat pentru hardu' initial. Un coder sa stie sa-l decomp...
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Student la Facultatea de Comunicare si Relatii publice, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau text simpu in functie de nevoile si cerintele clientului Nota originala, cursivitate, rapiditate si corectitudine in exprimare Garantez siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie.
Avem nevoie de colaboratori freelance, fie ei individual sau echipe (mici companii), pentru proiecte Web based, atat in Web Development, cat si in programare pe platforme ASP.NET. Dorim sa cunoastem datele tale de contact, competentele si nivelul acestora, precum si niste tarife orare orientative.
As dori o oferta de pret pentru optimizare seo la un site pe care il detin. Momentan e pe a doua pagina in cautari. Cuvinte cheie sunt: cameraman nunta suceava filmare nunta suceava fotograf nunta suceava Astept o oferta de pret, dar si o prognoza in timp sa ajung printre primii in cautari.
Freelance writer convert from pdf to word
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru introducere date,rescriere articol,postare anunturi,procesare date,transcriere,asistenta telefonica,asistenta tehnica,am terminat Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti,detin o buna stapanire a instrumentelor Microsoft Office ( Word,Excel,Power Point).
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru scriere articole in lb romana si studenta in anul 3 la drept,am cunostiinte gramaticale bune si talent poezii si romane in timpul liber
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.
EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave
I'm in need of a skilled cartoonist who can create a realistic style drawing of a boy in a safari setting. Key Requirements: - Ability to create a detailed and lifelike cartoon drawing. The style should be realistic, not exaggerated or overly simplified. - Experience in character design and environmental illustration. - Capacity to interpret and recreate an example provided. Please note that the safari background does not need to include any specific elements such as animals or particular landscapes. The focus is primarily on the boy in the safari scenario. Ideal Skills: - Cartoon Drawing - Character Design - Environmental Illustration - Realistic Style Interpretation Please submit a proposal only if ...
I have a document related to photography that needs a complete creative rewrite. The document was initially generated by AI, so it does not flow naturally, nor does it have the depth of understanding and nuance that a human writer could provide. Key tasks include: - Enhancing the narrative and storytelling elements of the document - Improving the overall clarity and readability - Ensuring the writing is grammatically correct and free from spelling errors The ideal candidate will have: - A strong background in creative writing - A deep understanding and passion for photography - Excellent editing and proofreading skills I'm looking for someone who can transform this document into an engaging, well-written piece that truly captu...
Job Title Comic Book Illustrator Needed for 22-Page Comic/Graphic novel Job Description Overview We are seeking a talented and experienced Comic Book Illustrator to bring our 22-page digital comic to life. Please see attached for full details. Although it’s a 22-page project, only 16 pages are actual story panels. The additional 6 pages include: • Front Cover (main artwork supplied) • Inside Front Cover • 1 Full Splash Page (Main artwork supplied) • Movie Info Page • Inside Back Cover (movie stills provided) • Back Cover We have a detailed script and panel breakdown ready, which you can review in full before starting. Style This is an action comic/story, so we’re looking for a family friendly action comic style...
Call for Female Freelance Designers or Women-Led Agencies: Support Our Social Project We are looking for a talented freelance designer or an agency led by women, or even a single female designer, who is passionate about empowering and protecting women’s rights and lives. Our nonprofit organization is on a mission to create three impactful WordPress Multisite websites, each addressing critical issues women face: 1. Femicide and Domestic Violence 2. Sextortion in the Digital World 3. Injustice in Foster Care for Migrant Children in Germany Project Details: - Multisite WordPress Setup: All three websites will be part of a single WordPress multisite installation but must have unique designs, colors, and them...
I need help computing the realized covariance matrix based on daily returns of exchange rates following the same methodology as in a paper (Pricing currency risks, Journal of Finance). I already have a code which does the computation but somehow I don't get the same values (but I get the same shape) [see details in the attached .ipynb file]. I provide all the data needed. Just need someone to go over my code and try to get the correct Covariance Matrices. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in statistical analysis - Experienced with time series data - Familiar with finance and economics - Python
Hi there, hello. I'm looking for a Blender artist able to create a model of a character from Star Wars: Jecki Lon from Star Wars: The Acolyte. So, if you're a Star Wars fan, I would love to work with you! The character would be in the same animation style as the image below - meaning you don't have to spend all the time in the world on strands of hair. The character does not need to be rigged. Finer details of the project: - Full body mesh with details like breasts and nipples, navel, and genitalia - Head hair and pubic hair - Clothes that can fit over the body mesh rather than replacing it - Textures for the entire model My budget is roughly $100 USD or just over (I'm based in Canada, and 100 USD is...a...
I need an experienced Shopify developer to edit my cart. It appears that on different monitors the loading line is misaligned, being slightly under the subscription message on one, but appearing much lower on my Dell XPS 16" monitor. I also want to add some buttons to the cart, specifically 'Checkout' and 'Continue Shopping'. I have screenshots to illustrate the current issue and the desired outcome, which I can provide. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency with Shopify - Experience in UI/UX adjustments - Ability to work with provided visual aids Please bid only if you can work on this promptly. Thank you.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer who can create a cartoon-style "wedding cake" logo for me. I'm seeking a skilled freelance illustrator to design a fun and quirky cartoon-style illustration inspired by the concept of a wedding cake. The design should be playful, detailed, and suitable for use on merchandise, digital platforms, and packaging. Key Elements: Main Illustration: A slice of a wedding cake on a plate, featuring multiple layers with frosting and decorations. Include playful details like leaf-like accents or whimsical toppings to add uniqueness. A small, quirky touch like a rising smoke effect or other creative elements that grab attention. Typography: Include the text "...
**Freelance Medical Coder Job Posting** **Title:** Freelance Medical Coder for USA-based Projects **Description:** We are seeking a skilled and detail-oriented **Freelance Medical Coder** to support our medical documentation and coding projects for USA-based healthcare clients. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with medical coding standards and EHR systems, ensuring accurate and compliant coding practices. **Responsibilities:** - Review and analyze patient medical records to assign appropriate diagnostic (ICD-10-CM), procedural (CPT), and HCPCS codes. - Ensure compliance with legal regulations, HIPAA standards, and healthcare reimbursement guidelines. - Work collaboratively with healthcare providers and billing teams to resolve ...
...una base de datos de documentos con la capacidad de procesamiento de ChatGPT para proporcionar respuestas precisas y completas a partir de nuestras fuentes internas. Nuestro sistema se basa en Odoo, desde donde gestionamos los datos y la lógica necesaria para interactuar con la API de ChatGPT. La base de datos de documentos incluirá unos 10 archivos principalmente compuestos por textos legales que contienen tablas. El archivo más grande tiene unas 400 páginas, mientras que la mayoría están en torno a las 40 páginas. Nuestra parte del trabajo incluirá la extracción y preparación de los datos desde Odoo, así como la creación de prompts personalizados. El freelance se encargará...
...will submit soon` - Please do not post review my submission in the comments - If you have any questions, please post in the comments and not in your submission. - Do not submit AI generated designs, they will be rejected. If you submit multiple times this, you will be reported. - You are welcome to use AI-generated assets for hero images, but you need to do the text and buttons in figma. So it doesn't look terrible. Scope of work: - Only looking for a hero concept exploration framed as a dribbble shot - Something you would find on Design Brief: - Design is open-ended for what your ideal vision is for a shopify agency - Would like the color scheme to to be soft theme like - A good example is - Domain name?
...seeking an experienced freelance developer to create a custom bot that monitors specified profiles on X (formerly Twitter) for posts related to memecoin launches and delivers real-time alerts via Telegram. The bot must be fast, efficient, and built using free or open-source tools, avoiding paid APIs or developer tools. Responsibilities: • Profile Monitoring on X: • Track a predefined list of X accounts, including influencers, crypto enthusiasts, and meme-focused profiles. • Focus on posts mentioning memecoin launches, using hashtags like #memecoin and phrases such as “launch,” “new coin,” or other relevant crypto-related terms. • Real-Time Detection: • Implement functionality to scan posts in real-time to...
I'm looking for a seasoned JavaScript developer who can leverage open-source code to create classic games. This project doesn't require code from scratch but does require a keen sense for clean, efficient, and stable coding. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize GitHub and code libraries to source appropriate open-source game code. - Implement basic gameplay rules for each game. - Ensure all games are fully functional and stable before delivery. Game List: - Chess - Blackjack - PONG - Tic-tac-toe - Memory Matching Game - Snake Code Cleanliness: The most crucial aspect of this project is the cleanliness of the code. I value well-structured and efficient code above all else. Design: Basic, No Image Graphics needed Payment Terms: No payment will be released until...