Hardware serial vbnetproiecte
Este pentru crearea unui serial de clipuri pentru agenția imobiliară doar pentru termen lung!
...ensuring the app runs smoothly on the latest devices. Testing Across Multiple Devices: Android devices vary in terms of screen sizes, hardware configurations, and software customizations. Thorough testing will be required to ensure the app works seamlessly across a wide range of devices running Android 14. Handling Permissions and Privacy: Android 14 introduces stricter privacy controls, including changes to how apps handle permissions for accessing sensitive data. To comply with these new regulations, the app's permission management system will need to be updated, and appropriate user consent mechanisms will need to be implemented. Performance Tuning for New Hardware: Android 14 will run on devices with varying performance capabilities, including newer models with ad...
Caut un scenarist român talentat pentru colaborarea la redactarea unor scenarii destinate unui serial de comedie pentru copii. Tema serialului se axează pe o echipă denumită Clubul Inventatorilor, care creează invenții amuzante pentru a salva lumea. Scenaristul selectat va fi responsabil pentru elaborarea și corectarea unor porțiuni din scenariile respective. Plata este 50 de euro, prin transfer bancar sau o altă metodă de plată selectată de scenarist. Munca va începe și va fi terminată în Aprilie/Mai.
Am nevoie de o persoană care vorbește limba română fluent să facă 14 scenarii. Va primii o scurtă descriere la fiecare episod și trebuie să predea 14 scenarii simple în maxim o lună. Scenariile nu sunt profesionale sau în format standard, doar trebuie să fie documente text (în orice format) care...trebuie să predea 14 scenarii simple în maxim o lună. Scenariile nu sunt profesionale sau în format standard, doar trebuie să fie documente text (în orice format) care explică fiecare acțiune și dialog în episod, ca și cum ar fi o poveste. Plata este între 25 și 50 de euro pe baza la cât de bine sunt făcute scenariile. Trebuie să conțină glume amuzante pentru copii. (vorbim de episoade pentru un serial despre copii, pentru copii...
Vis de iubire este un serial de televiziune turcesc care a fost difuzat la Star TV în perioada 26 iunie 2018 până în 6 august 2019 Serialul îi are în rolurile principale pe Demet Özdemir și Can Yaman .
Am nevoie de un sketch arduino pentru un ceas cu display fluorescent cu 16 digiti si 16 segmente. Hardware -driver display HV518 32 output serial to paralel converter -ds1307 rtc -dht22 senzor temperatura si umiditate -arduino uno PCB-ul cu displayul si driverul HV518 este gata.
Buna dimineata! ;) Sunt un incepator, si te-am gasit pe tine pe acest site interesant. Ma gandeam cumva daca ai proiecte si pe parte de hardware; plus alte ganduri pe care un incepator nu le pune din prima unui maestru :0
Avem nevoie de un inginer de teren care sa aiba experienta in hardware. Pentru acest request trebuie inlocuita o placa de baza ( motherboard ) pentru IBM System x3400 M3. Locatia este in Constanta.
Detin un stand de frana care este conectat la un calculator, softul ruleaza sub win98, a fost achizitionat in 2001 cu factura, din pacate calculatorul vechi a murit, am mutat hard-ul in alt calculator, dar acum imi spune ca nu gaseste cheia. Din pacate cei de la Texa care sunt producatorii aparatului spun ca nu mai au in baza de date softuri sau documentatie mai veche de 10 ani. Caut pe cineva care sa il poate face sa ruleze pe noul calculator. se poate trimite imaginea dupa hard disk
... (am inteles ca exista posibilitatea sa se rezolve automat si unele probleme ramase)] Detalii server: Denumire serviciu: Servere dedicate personalizate Configuratie: CPU: 1x Xeon E5420 4x 2.5 GHz Memorie RAM: 8GB Storage: RAID1: 2x 120 GB SSD Sistem operare: CentOS 6.x Control manager: Virtualmin Acces KVM over IP: La cerere cu programare - Gratuit 5 IP-uri Securitate: Firewall Hardware anti DoS/DDoS - Gratuit Acces internet national: 300 Mbps Acces internet minim garantat international: 50 Mbps Asteptam cu interes cotatiile de pret si timpul de finalizare....
... (am inteles ca exista posibilitatea sa se rezolve automat si unele probleme ramase)] Detalii server: Denumire serviciu: Servere dedicate personalizate Configuratie: CPU: 1x Xeon E5420 4x 2.5 GHz Memorie RAM: 8GB Storage: RAID1: 2x 120 GB SSD Sistem operare: CentOS 6.x Control manager: Virtualmin Acces KVM over IP: La cerere cu programare - Gratuit 5 IP-uri Securitate: Firewall Hardware anti DoS/DDoS - Gratuit Acces internet national: 300 Mbps Acces internet minim garantat international: 50 Mbps Asteptam cu interes cotatiile de pret si timpul de finalizare. ...
2-5 ani experienta in suport nivel 1 si 2 pentru sistemul de operare si aplicatiile Microsoft Cunostinte LAN, VPN, WLAN si Remote Connectivity, TCP/IP, la nivel de instalare si troubleshooting Cunostinte de diagnoza hardware si reparatii minore pentru laptop, desktop, imprimante, monitoare. proiectoare, solutii de videoconferitna, instrumente backup, alte periferice Cunostinte si experienta suport Telecom (PBX, RAS) Experienta in managementul stocurilor, inventar
In prezent sunt student la Academia fortelor navale in Constanta. Imi place sa ma documentez despre absolut orice lucru, am aptitudini lingvistice foarte bune, reusesc sa impresionez prin cunostintele in domeniul calculatorului, atat hardware cat si software. Cunosc foarte bine limba engleza fapt pentru care pot redacta nu numai in limba romana. Sunt o persoana studioasa si imi place sa aprofundez in orice domeniu ! Va multumesc!
Proiecte embedded - PIC Microchip, pentru industria de vending (automate de vinzare - cafea, snack, prepay, etc.) Dezvoltare de proiecte embedded cu microcontrollere din familia PIC 18F pentru industria de vending. Lucuru cu sisteme de plata (validatoare de bancnote, acc...de programare, aplicatie ce va avea urmatoarele functiuni: - incasarea de numerar printr-un acceptor de monede si un validator de bancnote MDB sau ccTalk; - afisarea creditului si a produselor selectate pe un display alfanumeric 2x16 caractere, paralel; - tiparirea unei chitante si aunui tichet; - returnarea de rest (monede) pentru tranzactie, acolo unde este cazul. Punem la dispozitie hardware-ul necesar si intreaga documentatie tehnica a acestuia, precum si informatii si biblioteci necesare dezvoltarii a...
Se utilizează sistemul de dezvoltare cu FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3 produs de firma Altium și mediul de programare Visual C++ 2010 (pentru aplicația pe PC). Se dor...(pentru aplicația pe PC). Se dorește implementarea unui sistem complet care realizează emularea unui calculator cu memorie CACHE prezentă (interfață între procesor și memoria principală). Analiza propusă se va face pentru memoria cache total asociativă (fully associative) atât la preluarea instrucțiunilor cât și a datelor. Emularea sistemului se va face hardware, pe placa cu FPGA iar preluarea rezultatelor se va face prin intermediul portului serial RS232 care comunică cu calculatorul. Pe calculator va rula o aplicație de asemenea proiectată care va prezenta rezultatele. Pretul si durata de realizare ...
Buna ziua vreau sa fiu angajat lucrez de multi ani programator, introducerea datelor, software, hardware , design web, Html ,PHp Proiectare. 3d, etc
Doresc modifacarea facturii in cs-cart conform legislatiei romanesti! Doresc integrare Serie si numarul comenzii cum este in modelul atasat. Fata de modelul atasat fara colanele: pret unitar si valoare tva 4 si 6. I want change bill in cs-cart under Romanian law! I want integration serial number in order as attached model. Compared to the model attached without columns: unit price and the VAT amount in column 4 and 6
...Java, controlând dispozitivul prin intermediul bibliotecilor Java dezvoltate de Google.[3] Aplicațiile scrise în C și în alte limbaje pot fi compilate în cod mașină ARM și executate, dar acest model de dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, Californi...
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c: aceasta este adresa mea de email : softhard71 @ yahoo .com sau yahoo messenger id : softhard71
Salut. Am nevoie de un "" care la un simplu dubluclik sa schimbe seria la partitia c: . Acest utilitar trebuie sa contina un fisier extern text de genul "" - in acest fisier trebuie sa fie scrisa seria care va fii schimbata la partitia c: . Utilitarul nu trebuie sa fie instalat doar dubluclik si sa schimbe seria; la un restart de sistem sa am noua serie. Foarte important este ca faptul ca acest utilitar trebuie sa ruleze pe cont limitat de windows deci nu trebuie sa fiu neeaparat administrator sa ruleze pot sa fiu si user limitat si acesta trebuie sa mearga. La executia acestui utilitar nu trebuie sa apara NOTIFICARE UAC . Multumesc.
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...integrated Point-of-Sale (POS) system for physical retail operations. Functionalities Include: Support for barcode scanners and receipt printers. Real-time inventory management synchronized with the central database. Integration with the existing payment system (e.g., multi-vendor PayPal) as well as connectivity with additional payment providers. An API interface for communication between POS hardware and the backend, ensuring real-time transaction capture and analysis. Integration into the existing role-based access control system, enabling store managers and other authorized personnel to manage and monitor POS-specific operations. 5. Technical Requirements Backend: Must be built using Vaadin with plain Java components and a modular design. Third-party frameworks like Spring Bo...
...environmental conditions, such as those encountered underwater or in marine environments. Simplicity of Design Signal analysis (e.g., time-of-flight calculations or signal filtering) is not required. The focus is on accurate data acquisition from the sensor, its conversion into digital format, and reliable transmission via the communication interface (RX/TX using FTDI). Hardware Requirements Microcontroller (e.g., STM32H) A preferred processor is the STM32H, which features an integrated ADC with appropriate resolution and communication interfaces. The microcontroller must be compatible with the piezoelectric sensor and capable of handling the data conversion process. Sensor The device will be equipped with a pie...
I'm experiencing connectivity problems with my Zycoo IP Audio solution. I need a technical support person who is skilled in troubleshooting and maintenance for this system. All hardware is currently ready, so the job will focus solely on resolving these connectivity issues. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with the Zycoo IP Audio solution - Strong troubleshooting skills - Ability to conduct system maintenance as necessary
...authentic Balatro experience on a new platform. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in game development, specifically with porting games to handheld consoles. Experience with the Nintendo 3DS and working with its specifications is highly desirable. Knowledge of Balatro will be a significant advantage. Graphics should be optimized to ensure compatibility and performance on the 3DS hardware. The project timeline is 3-6 months. Graphics should be optimized for the native 3DS resolution. The game will undergo thorough in-house testing during development. The game will only support English. The game should support local saves stored directly on the 3DS to ensure quick and easy access to game progress. The 3D effects will not be utilized, focusing solely on standard 2D ...
I need a skilled developer to modify an existing GitHub project related to an ESPHome device for Home Assistant. The primary task i...to change the connection method for an ESP32 from WiFi to Power over Ethernet (POE). The modifications should enable seamless integration with my specific POE module. The project will require: - Expertise in working with ESPHome and Home Assistant - Proficiency in modifying GitHub projects - Experience with POE connections and ESP32 devices - Ability to understand and adapt to specific hardware requirements The original project is located here: I am using the EST-POE-32 from here:
Create a program in Python V3 with serial port communication and CSV file read / write. Please read the PDF document in the attached zip file, before bidding. Thank you!
...ambitious project to build a fully automated AI-powered business. This role starts with assembling high-performance AI hardware, configuring advanced AI models, and launching profitable AI-driven services. ? This is NOT just a one-time setup job—I am looking for someone who will continue working on the system, optimizing and scaling it as we start earning. The more revenue the system generates, the more you will be rewarded handsomely with high bonuses and profit-sharing opportunities! If you’re passionate about AI, automation, and working on the next big thing, this is your chance to build something massive from the ground up! ? What You Will Do (Scope of Work) ✅ AI Hardware Setup & Optimization • Assemble a high-performance AI workstation/GPU fa...
I'm facing performance issues with my Arduino server-client application. It currently only processes and sends information to the phone once, instead of looping continuously. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in Arduin...WebSocket protocol for server-client communication. The main optimization goal is efficiently reloading new data and maintaining the connection. Please note that there are other constraints to consider: none. Please account for changes on the data within the looping process. The data being processed is data received from the product you manufacture. The processed data consists of serial data evaluated from my product. The serial data being processed is small in size and infrequent in arrival. The application is running on the Wifi Mo...
Description: We are looking for a skilled hardware developer to create a specialized hardware module featuring two cameras: one Infrared (IR) camera and one RGB camera. The primary goal of this module is to enable face recognition functionalities. Requirements: Develop a hardware module that supports USB connectivity for seamless integration with Android devices. The module must utilize Android's USB Video Class (UVC) to allow live streaming and camera feed from both IR and RGB cameras. Candidates may either reverse engineer a standard camera module or design a new module from scratch to meet the project specifications. Goal: The end objective is to effectively capture live streams from both the IR and RGB cameras for face recognition applications. If you hav...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a web-based quotation software for me. This software needs to have the ability to generate PDF quotes. Key Requirements: - Development of a web-based platform - Functionality to generate PDF quotes -Auto Suggestions for the Products from previous entries - Basic Functions such as % Discounts ,Tax , Remarks ,Currency to Word, Signature,Auto Serial No of quotations ,Customer Database ,Customer Database (Auto-fill Feature),Multi-Currency,Duplicate Quote Option,Export Quote Data to Excel,Creating multiple Parrent Companies,,Search & Filter Quotes,Customizable Quote Templates,Download & Print Options and Data Backup & Security Additionally, I have a specific design in mind for the PDF quotes, so the developer will need to...
I am looking for a professional with expertise in WiFi networking, hardware selection, and software development to help me build a system that will detect nearby WiFi clients (both associated and unassociated devices) and trigger an alarm when a new device is detected. Requirements: Hardware Selection: Identify a device (router, access point, or specialized hardware) that can scan for WiFi clients (associated and unassociated). The device should have a digital output (alarm out) or another method to trigger an external alarm. Preferably, the hardware should support monitor mode to detect probe requests. Software Development: Write a program that continuously scans for new WiFi clients (devices that appear in range). The software should log detected devices an...
...an experienced Level 2 IT Support Technician to join our team on an on-call/project basis. If you have a strong technical background and a passion for troubleshooting, we’d love to hear from you! Key Responsibilities: ✔️ Provide PC & Mac support, including troubleshooting, OS reinstallation, and resolving printing issues ✔️ Diagnose and resolve Office 365 and network-related issues ✔️ Perform hardware replacements and general IT maintenance ✔️ Work independently or collaboratively to resolve technical challenges efficiently Qualifications & Requirements: - 3-5 years of IT support experience - Expertise in Windows & Mac systems, networking, and servers - Strong problem-solving and time management skills - Fluency in English (both written and spoken) - Preferred...
Need an expert to fix this issue via "remote connection". I have a setup where my laptop is connected to an external monitor via DisplayPort. The laptop's power button is inconveniently located inside the lid, which necessitates opening it every time...inconveniently located inside the lid, which necessitates opening it every time I need to use it. I would like a solution that allows my bluetooth Logitech MX Keys Mini keyboard to wake the laptop from sleep without needing to open the lid. Please see the picture of my Laptop and Keyboard (attached) Ideal Skills: - Windows Operating System expertise - Bluetooth Device Configuration - Laptop Hardware Knowledge - External Monitor Setup Understanding Please note, my laptop is currently set to allow Bluetooth devices ...
...Discovery Kit To get the adc to work in time based mode(continuous sampling mode) When using oscilloscope function called time based is Sampling incoming analog signal in regular time interval. Get 1Mhz/sec Next how many samples in a frame to capture. Command adc to start sampling @ 1Mhz for how long which determines by how much memory the device has. Storing of Data using DMA, check the hardware board how much RAM it has. Next step, capture a frame of data which is located in the memory. To be able to display this data onto the LCD screen inbuilt on the microcontroller. (By taking the memory data to plot the display). If able to see waveform, next step is for the input analog signal can vary in voltage such as the Y-scale in oscilloscope. What I am limited by is my adc ...
I'm seeking a professional Japanese-English interpreter for an upcoming trade show in Las Vegas, specifically focused on residential ironmongery within the hardware industry. Key Responsibilities: - Provide high-quality interpretation services during the trade show - Facilitate communication between Japanese and English speaking participants Your expertise will help bridge communication barriers and ensure a successful trade show experience. The interpreter will be needed for a full day each day of the trade show. The interpreter will be required for 3 full days of the trade show. The interpreter does not need industry-specific knowledge.
I'm looking for a creative and practical design for a wall-mounted retail display that showcases our entire range of door hardware products. This includes door hinges, door bolts, pull handles, lever handles, customized hardware, and door accessories. The display will be installed in a retail store, and its primary purpose is to present our full product line. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in retail display design - Understanding of door hardware products - Experience with wall-mounted display design - Ability to create eye-catching, functional designs - Knowledge of retail industry standards Your design should not only be visually appealing, but also maximize space and accessibility for customers. If you have a portfolio of similar...
...following specifications: - Dimensions: 20m front, 40m deep, and 3m height. - Detailed displays: The design should include detailed shelves and products, not just basic shapes and colors. The shelves should be according to position and kind of food and beverage. - Sections: The supermarket should have a variety of sections, including packaged goods and beverages, frozen foods and bakery, dairy, hardware and household supplies, household cleaning, and personal care products. The software to be used for this project is SketchUp and other AI programes like canvas, 5d planner, etc. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience using SketchUp, a strong understanding of retail space design, and the ability to create detailed and accurate models. Please provi...
Read a data trace from the serial port and store it in a database
My computer is experiencing random crashes multiple times a day, necessitating a manual reboot each time. I have already taken several troubleshooting steps, including updating Windows, removing Bitlocker, updating the BIOS, and scanning for hardware issues, yet the problem persists. The computer crashes without any error messages or codes, making it difficult to pinpoint the issue. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expert in PC diagnostics and repair - Familiarity with Windows operating system - Experience with identifying hardware issues - Knowledgeable in checking and assessing PC component temperatures - Able to provide clear communication and updates throughout the process.
I need an IPTV professional to help me with my project. We're streaming Satellite TV over an IPTV network in a hotel setting. Key Tasks: - Recommend compatible encoder/decoder - Configure the encoder/decoder with our IPTV system - Ensure compatibility with our software: IPTV Manager on NGINX Web server, hosted on Ubuntu core Specifics: - The live TV streams ne...NGINX Web server, hosted on Ubuntu core Specifics: - The live TV streams need to be in MPEG-TS format - The streams will be delivered to Set-top boxes Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with IPTV systems - Proficiency in working with NGINX Web server and Ubuntu core - Prior experience with configuring encoder/decoder for IPTV - Knowledge of MPEG-TS format - Ability to recommend suitable hardware Looking forwar...
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Necesito un .apk para reproductores de vehiculos con sistema operativo android La funcionalidad sera poder localizar y rastrear la radio, enviar los datos a nuestra plataforma de rastreo, tendra un nro de identificador de no poder leer el imei o serial de la radio, la app tendra que estar oculta para que no se pueda modicar, solo al comienzo para ver los parametros que todo este correcto
I'm looking for a comprehen...profitability of their mining ventures based on current market conditions and hardware capabilities. Additional Website Features: - User account registration: A secure and seamless process for users to create their own accounts. - Mining hardware reviews: An unbiased, comprehensive review section for different mining hardware to guide users on their purchases. - Community forums: A space for users to connect, share experiences, ask questions, and support one another on their mining journeys. Ideal Skills: - Web development with a focus on user-friendly interfaces. - Understanding of Bitcoin mining and the cryptocurrency industry. - Experience in creating interactive tools and community forums. - Knowledge in e-commerce for hardwa...
I'm in need of a JDF Indigo expert for crucial setup and configuration tasks. The key areas of focus will be hardware installation and software configuration. Most importantly is someone who is well familiar with the JDF XML structure and how it integrates to print with the HP Indigo printer machine. Key Responsibilities: - Hardware Installation: Setting up all necessary components for the JDF Indigo system. - Software Configuration: Ensuring proper setup and alignment of various software platforms. Software Platforms: - RIP Software: Configuring the Raster Image Processor software for optimal performance. - Print Management Software: Setting up and configuring our print management tools. - Color Management Tools: Ensuring our color management software is correctly i...
I need an embedded device programmer to develop an edge device standalone hub for health/home automation. This will be an embedded device programmed to function as a central hub in a health/home automation system and multiple tasks will be required. Key Responsibilities: - Programme the device to operate on Debian Linux. - Ensure compatibility and functional...edge devices and Raspberry Pi. - Proficient in Debian Linux and can navigate complex programming tasks. - In-depth understanding of various communication and encryption protocols. - Proven experience with MQTT and other home automation-related communication protocols. - Familiarity with NFC, Bluetooth, and their application in home automation. - Web management - Familiarity with embedded hardware—Raspberry Pi ...
I...sales - A point card system for customer loyalty User roles are critical to the software's functionality. The software should have access levels for an Administrator, Cashier, and Manager. Additionally, the software should be integrated with external systems and hardware. This includes compatibility with Barcode scanners and Receipt printers. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with software development for retail or hypermarket management - Knowledge of integrating software with hardware - Understanding of developing user role access levels in software - Experience with Point of Sale (POS) system development Please note, while integration with Payment gateways is not required at this stage, it should be designed with futur...