Hard disk data retention serversproiecte


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    2,000 hard disk data retention servers proiecte găsite
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    ANGAJEZ STAFF METIN2 PENTRU INTRETINEREA SERVERULUI (MESAJ) Salut tuturor, aş dori să găsesc un programator cu experiență foarte multă în Metin2. (Angajat cu contract pe 6-12 luni) Aş dori să deschid un server PVM Hard cum era la început când s-a lansat metin2RO, ei bine acesta să fie mult mult diferent față de cel clasic, noi iteme, noi misiuni, noi mape, un nou inceput, acest început costă 10.000 EURO

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    retrofit cnc 4 axe
    S-a încheiat left

    configurarea hard si programarea noului sistem de comanda a unui cnc biesse rover 322

    $3027 Average bid
    $3027 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Se cauta technician & developer pentru implementare si intretinere proiect Pvm-Hard Metin2 .

    $2110 Average bid
    $2110 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Salut caut scripter bun de fivem , cu o experienta mai mare de 2 ani , -min 16 ani si sa stii foarte bine scripting pentru intrebari adresativa Streq#7236 discord

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Landing page pentru promovare/vanzare Ebook si carte tiparita, e vorba de o trilogie hard scifi.

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    anulare serial software
    S-a încheiat left

    Detin un stand de frana care este conectat la un calculator, softul ruleaza sub win98, a fost achizitionat in 2001 cu factura, din pacate calculatorul vechi a murit, am mutat hard-ul in alt calculator, dar acum imi spune ca nu gaseste cheia. Din pacate cei de la Texa care sunt producatorii aparatului spun ca nu mai au in baza de date softuri sau documentatie mai veche de 10 ani. Caut pe cineva care sa il poate face sa ruleze pe noul calculator. se poate trimite imaginea dupa hard disk

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    AM ne voie de un soft de ofertare piese auto cu stocuri(locatie exacta piesa) si ca programul sa poata face echivalente intre coduri,chiar daca le introduc eu manual,ca in filmuletul atasat. Trebuie sa imi pastreze ofertele 15 zile,dupa care pot fi vreau sa ramana in memorie stocate pe hard. Poate fi cloud sau direct pe calculator. Nu vreau sa imi genereze facturi. Sa modifica stadiu comenzii:livrata,anulata,service

    $188 Average bid
    $188 Oferta medie
    18 oferte
    Scriere si testare VHDL
    S-a încheiat left

    Trebuie sa programez o placa Spartan-3 Board sa afiseze o imagine pe un LCD ( 2.4 LCD cu driverul de ILI9341) . Imaginea va fi primita pe seriala de RS-232 si transmisa pe LCD , dupa ce LCD-ul a fost initializat . Pana acum am implementat core...seriala de RS-232 si transmisa pe LCD , dupa ce LCD-ul a fost initializat . Pana acum am implementat core-ul de SPI ( protocolul prin care comunica placa cu LCD-ul ) , core-ul de seriala ( la care vine atasat un buffer pt a putea verifica aparitia datelor pe seriala si a prelua datele) si s-a creat un bloc de control ( in fapt este o masina de stari) care initializeaza LCD-ul (si am putut "desena"(hard-coded) un dreptunghi colorat pe LCD). Ceea ce am nevoie este ca imaginea trimisa pe seriala sa fie afisata pe LCD ( incercari esua...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I wish I could add servers counter strike 1.6 site a small little program I to put an ip and add the program ip 27015 respectively starting port to port 2099 automatically in minutes and must not reoccur CAPTCHA code .

    $8 - $29
    $8 - $29
    0 oferte

    salut, detin un website ce ruleaza scriptul (adultvideoscript) pe un server dedicat 4 x 1tb hard. problema e ca pe hardul unde e websiteul sa blocat pentru ca e full,si nu mai pot intra prin fillezilla sau ceva sa sterg cateva filme. ma poti ajuta?

    $45 / hr Average bid
    $45 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Script Adultvideoscript
    S-a încheiat left

    salut, detin un website ce ruleaza scriptul (adultvideoscript) pe un server dedicat 4 x 1tb hard. problema e ca pe hardul unde e websiteul sa blocat pentru ca e full,si nu mai pot intra prin fillezilla sau ceva sa sterg cateva filme. ma poti ajuta?

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    Detin un server dedicat. serverul dedicat e compus din 4 hard disk de cate 1 tb fiecare problema e ca hard disk 1 e full,si nu mai pot intra prin fillezila sa sterg ceva sa functioneze in continuare,si nici nu stiu cum sa fac sa le folosesc si pe celalalte 3 hard disk-uri goale as dori o persoana cu experienta. folosesc scriptul de la adultvideoscript e pentru filme x

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte

    Am nevoie de un player pentru live stream (audio-video) care sa lucreze in majoritatea devices, desktop, tablets, tv . Player-ul poate fi: mediaelementjs sau videojs Simplicitatea va asigura castigarea licitatiei, orice solutie software va trebui insotita de proba practica.

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am nevoie de un player pentru live stream (audio-video) care sa lucreze in majoritatea devices, desktop, tablets, tv . Player-ul poate fi: mediaelementjs sau videojs Simplicitatea va asigura castigarea licitatiei, orice solutie software va trebui insotita de proba practica.

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...de la mine, creaza un cont pe platforma care este indicata pentru postare, posteaza articolul, adauga o poza / un videoclip (de pe Youtube), adauga un link cu detalii specificate, apoi publica articolul si noteaza adresa paginii unde poate fi accesat. Volum de munca: aprox 30 de articole de postat saptamanal (~4 / zi) Candidatul ideal: -stie sa respecte un deadline -persoana serioasa, hard-working si deschisa la invatare -poate comunica prin Skype / messenger / email, etc zilnic sau la doua zile -preferabil o oarecare experienta in postare de articole / blogging Va rog sa puneti 2 biduri, unul pentru postarea a 100 de articole/ lunar, altul pentru 200 de articole lunar. Pretul maxim oferit este de $50 / 100 de articole, cine ofera un pret mai bun corelat cu o ca...

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Hello, i need an article translated from english to romanian..it's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me

    $62 Average bid
    $62 Oferta medie
    44 oferte

    Hello, i need an article translated from english to romanian..it's not so hard the translation is about management skills ,its a university project :) around 28 pages if you are interested contact me

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Oferta medie
    38 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    Un soft pentru gestionarea arhivei mp3 care sa contina bpm info, tag-uri de culoare personalizabile, posibilitatea de navigare cu usurinta in track, direct delete de pe hard, etc. Stiu exact ce vreau, nu am cu cine :)

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...program vechi (scris inainte de anul 2.000) de evidenta a unui mic hotel (facturare, reserve, clienti, blablabla cu baze de date .dbf ; executabil .exe) - firma software nu mai asigura nici un fel de suport, am depashit deja ca o limita de data (2.010 !!!) cu un nu stiu ce clipper care acum imi arata un blinker exceeded data (voi stiti mai bine, hahahaha....), plus sa pot sa-l rulez de pe un pendrive (il am pe un hard de cand s-a nascut Parisu' , in plus am si errori de clustere pe el, mi-e ca maine moare), momentan nu pot face nici o modificare de hard ca imi cere contactul cu furnizorul pentru generarea unui nou cod (ceva protectie hwid?). Cel putin e blocat pentru hardu' initial. Un coder sa stie sa-l decompileze si sa-mi scoata nenorocitele de...

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut, caut pe cineva care stie sa faca un program (script) sau orice ar fi el, de adaugat vizualizari pe youtube, daca sunt si High Retention (adica scriptul sa faca in asa fel incat cei ce vizualizeaza video-ul meu sa fie peste 80% e si mai bine). Precizez ca daca YouTube da updated si scriptul sau softul nu mai functioneaza, doresc sa fie refacut asa incat sa mearga din nou. Astept ofertele pe care le aveti si vom vorbi in functie de pret.

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    script pentru youtube
    S-a încheiat left

    sal man am nevoie de un script pentru youtube high retention views . contacteaza ma pe georgemarola - messenger yahoo

    $150 - $150
    $150 - $150
    0 oferte

    ...mempage etc., preferabil a doua varianta), pentru a putea continua dezvoltarea mai departe (din acest program datele vor fi trimise intr-o alta locatie). Aceasta este doar o sugestie de implementare (puteti prezenta o alta solutie si daca este viabila se poate proceda la implementare). Pretul este negociabil – se va discuta ulterior dupa stabilirea detaliilor de implementare, iar deadline-ul este hard insemnand ca dupa expirare aplicatia isi pierde orice utilitate (restrictia de timp este cea mai importanta). Pentru detalii suplimentare va stau la dispozitie 0x30373531333038323630....

    $245 - $734
    $245 - $734
    0 oferte

    Am nevoie de o solutie practica si cu finalitate functionala, privind realizarea unui stream audio-video pentru a putea distribui semnalul din studio (server) spre stb-uri, site, facebook, etc. (minim 100 utilizatori directi). Simplicitatea va asigura castigarea licitatiei, orice solutie software va trebui insotita de proba practica.

    $271 Average bid
    $271 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm in need of a graphic designer to give my current logo a modern twist while retaining the existing icon or graphic. The primary aim of this logo refresh is to boost brand recognition. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo design. - Experience with modern design aesthetics. - Ability to creatively incorporate existing design elements into a new style.

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Oferta medie
    122 oferte

    ...multi-turn conversations effectively. Technical Stack: Use Python as the primary programming language. Leverage AI/ML frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or OpenAI API for advanced conversational intelligence. Implement NLP techniques using libraries like NLTK, spaCy, or Hugging Face Transformers. Custom Features: Context retention to provide seamless and coherent interactions. Sentiment analysis to tailor responses based on user emotion. API integrations for pulling data from external sources (e.g., weather updates, stock prices). A modular design for future extensibility and feature upgrades. Platform Compatibility: Deploy the bot on multiple platforms, such as web applications, messaging apps (e.g., Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp), or standalone desktop application...

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta medie
    82 oferte

    ...mobile games. Our comprehensive platform combines user acquisition, retargeting, and monetization strategies, empowering brands to achieve their performance objectives. With a focus on creativity, transparency, and data-driven insights, we help apps and games thrive in the competitive mobile ecosystem. In just three years, we have served over 1,000 customers across more than 50 countries. Our proprietary programmatic DSP, partnerships with device manufacturers and telecom operators, and a niche Rewarded Playtime SDK are designed to empower brands with tools for user acquisition, retention, and monetization. Who You Are You have a keen interest in technology and the AdTech industry. You are enthusiastic about building a career in sales and demand generation. You have a...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    I'm in search of an expert who can create verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions specifically designed for kids aged 9-11 years, suitable for competitive exams. Key Expectations: - Focus on problem-solving type of reasoning questions. - Structure the difficulty level of the questions to progress from easy to hard. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating educational material, particularly for competitive exams. - Understanding of the cognitive abilities of kids in the specified age group. - Strong problem-solving skills. - Ability to create spatial reasoning questions which includes 3 D blocks, cubes and nets, hidden images, paper folding and fold and punch will be an added advantage. Your ability to create engaging and challenging questions will help prepare these kids f...

    $374 Average bid
    $374 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...Hands-on experience with automation software development tools and frameworks. - Proficiency in Python, JavaScript, or related programming languages. - Knowledge of proxy servers and managing IP rotation for automation. - Familiarity with cloud platforms and server-side scripting for scalable deployments. - Exceptional debugging and troubleshooting skills. --- Preferred Skills: - Familiarity with Tinder’s workflows or other similar app functionalities. - Knowledge of iOS app development frameworks. - Experience with security measures to prevent detection of automation workflows. - Background in data collection and analytics to track software efficiency. --- Benefits: - All expenses paid: Includes flights, accommodation, and daily allowances dur...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    I have a relatively simple, working 4.7 C# Windows Forms application called Delimod. The app is for creating and editing parameters of mode filters for acoustic modes correction. A mode filt...significantly smaller and clearer - e.g. separate out to a different file/class the code that handles sending UDP messages, e.g. method SendCorrector() should be rather a Korektor class method or DeliMsg class method (class reposnsible for actual sending UDP messages) than a method in FormGeneratorModow source file 3.2) Separate out to another file/class the functionality concerning importing filters from a disk file ("Import from file" button on the main menu), in particulat FromFile() method of Korektor class. It want also to create a longer-term cooperation to have a quick path...

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Oferta medie
    39 oferte

    ...Hands-on experience with automation software development tools and frameworks. - Proficiency in Python, JavaScript, or related programming languages. - Knowledge of proxy servers and managing IP rotation for automation. - Familiarity with cloud platforms and server-side scripting for scalable deployments. - Exceptional debugging and troubleshooting skills. --- Preferred Skills: - Familiarity with Tinder’s workflows or other similar app functionalities. - Knowledge of iOS app development frameworks. - Experience with security measures to prevent detection of automation workflows. - Background in data collection and analytics to track software efficiency. --- Benefits: - All expenses paid: Includes flights, accommodation, and daily allowances dur...

    $2386 Average bid
    $2386 Oferta medie
    60 oferte

    I'm in search of a seasoned UI/UX Developer specialized in mobile apps. The main objective for this project is to enhance user engagement through intuitive, interactive and modern design. Number of Screens: - App: 35-45 screens - Website: 4-5 Screens plus a landing page Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement features that promote user interaction and retention, such as social sharing and push notifications. - Create a user-friendly interface that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in UI/UX design specifically for mobile apps. - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies. - Experience in designing features for social sharing and push notifications.

    $650 Average bid
    $650 Oferta medie
    56 oferte

    I am looking for a Shopify expert to develop an online store for me. Please send your previous work sample links. We need a serious and hard-working person

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    85 oferte
    Proofreader for Romance Novel
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking an experienced proofreader for my romance novel. This project requires a keen eye for detail, particularly with regards to the consistency of the storyline. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional grammar and punctuation skills - Strong understanding of narrative structure - Previous experience ...eye for detail, particularly with regards to the consistency of the storyline. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional grammar and punctuation skills - Strong understanding of narrative structure - Previous experience with romance genre preferred - Excellent communication skills Please note, this project involves proofreading a screenplay converted into a novel. I have hired a writer already but she has a hard time keeping the store executed to a novel from my screenplay. she needs help wit...

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Oferta medie
    91 oferte

    ...experts but had no clue, I would prefer if you would describe which steps I need to take and which particular files I need to adjust - instead of giving away the login data and watching how the system is destroyed. (But if you are 100% SURE that you KNOW what you do and have the respective EXPERIENCE: I can surely hand out the login details). YOU WILL FIND THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS READILY INSTALLED ON THE SERVER: - Debian 12 (Apache) - Odoo 18 (Community/ On-Premise Version) - Let's Encrypt SSL Certifcate (default Apache installation) - Domain: all DNS files are already properly set on the server - The own email servers are set and work. The system is working, properly. I need you to apply changes WITHOUT TRIGGERING AN ODOO SUBSCRIPTION. Changes need to be app...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta medie
    57 oferte

    We are looking for a highly skilled freelancer to host and configure multiple websites on OVH servers. This project requires setting up separate server instances for various domains, ensuring secure and reliable developer access, and delivering thorough documentation for ongoing maintenance. ————— Scope of Work 1. Website Instances and Hosting Setup The project involves configuring the following websites. Each domain will have its own server instance, except one instance hosting two websites: • Instance 1: , (Maintenance page) • Instance 2: • Instance 3: • Instance 4: (currently hosted at ) • Instance 5: • Instance 6: • Instance 7: • Instance 8: galarace

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    I'm looking for an experienced freelancer to help clean up my Ubuntu server. The project involves optimizing disk space, so it's crucial to have a good understanding of Ubuntu system management. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu server management - Strong skills in identifying and removing unnecessary files - Ability to organize files and directories efficiently - Familiarity with disk management tools Please note, while I haven't specified crucial data or applications, some files and applications will need to be preserved during the cleanup. I have no automatic disk management tools currently in place.

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I'm looking for an expert in World of Warcraft server creation to set up a PvE server based on the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The server should closely mirror the original Blizzard experience, hence the term 'Blizzlike'. Key requirements: - Proficient in creating and managing WoW servers, especially PvE ones. - In-depth understanding and experience with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. - Ability to customize the server for a 'Blizzlike' experience without extensive modifications or custom content. - Knowledge of server maintenance and troubleshooting. The goal is to create a server that delivers the authentic WoW experience, appealing to players seeking a nostalgic journey through Azeroth. Please provide examples of similar projects you'v...

    $112 Average bid
    $112 Oferta medie
    105 oferte

    ...Apple Silicon and visible in the FileMaker Pro app. - If it is possible, it would be outstanding if you could create a Universal plug-in using existing Intel libraries, but this is not essential. - Update any relevant libraries (or, if needed, replace with new libraries) and fix source code as needed to enable existing functions of the plug-ins to work. - One plug-in may need an update for SFTP as servers nowadays are becoming more secure. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with Xcode, FileMaker plug-ins, and debugging. Knowledge of Apple Silicon architecture and familiarity with the latest FileMaker Pro app is advisable, but not essential. If you do not have FileMaker Pro , this can be provided if you need to check plug-ins are properly loade...

    $735 Average bid
    $735 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    I will choose the person that can complete this in the shortest amount of time I recently purchased a VPS and require an experienced System Admin to install Centos Web Panel on it using Centos 7. The primary purpose of this installation is to serve as the control panel for managing the VPS. It needs to be done as soon as possible which is why I am looking for some...control panel for managing the VPS. It needs to be done as soon as possible which is why I am looking for someone who is experienced. Key Responsibilities: - Install Centos Web Panel on VPS - Configure server settings for optimal performance Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Centos Web Panel - Strong knowledge of Centos 7 - Prior experience in setting up VPS for website hosting, email servers, and database ...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Oferta medie
    96 oferte
    Industrial Safety App 3D Avatar Design
    5 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...dressed as an Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) professional, including all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). Its primary function is to provide structured guidance to users, based on the app’s predefined functionalities and workflows. Key Points & Requirements: Avatar Role & Appearance The avatar will be presented as a Prevention/Safety Specialist wearing standard OHS gear (e.g., hard hat, safety vest, goggles, gloves, etc.). The design should be professional and visually aligned with our branding, focusing on trustworthiness and clarity. Functionality & Interaction Interaction with users will be structured and guided, rather than open-ended or conversational. The avatar will deliver step-by-step instructions related to the app’s saf...

    $379 Average bid
    $379 Oferta medie
    61 oferte

    ...as successful influencer-led campaigns like Hydro Flask’s #myhydro hashtag. 10. Potential Challenges or Constraints: Challenge: Overcoming the perception that eco-friendly products are expensive. Solution: Highlight the long-term value of reusable products and emphasize the promotion for first-time buyers. Legal Constraints: Ensure all product claims are backed by evidence (e.g., temperature retention for 24 hours)....

    $10 Average bid

    I need someone to help me increase a raid1 disk on a linux server, I would like to increase the storage space

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Oferta medie
    38 oferte

    ...issues. • Optimize the codebase for better performance and maintainability. • Add any small enhancements or features that could improve the overall experience. • Test the application thoroughly to ensure it works flawlessly on both the frontend and backend. Requirements: • Strong experience with React.js, Node.js, Express, , and MongoDB. • Familiarity with hosting on Ubuntu/Linux servers with Apache and SSL configurations. • Knowledge of best practices for CORS handling and secure API connections. • Ability to communicate clearly and provide updates on progress. Deliverables: • A fully functional and optimized chat application. • Documentation of the changes made and instructions for deploying updates. • Support for an...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Oferta medie
    61 oferte
    Write a book
    5 zile left

    I'm seeking a professional with a strong background in writing a book who can help me write a book while I tell the story I Ideal skills would include: - Excellent copywriting skills - Ability to analyze and understand customer behavior - Strong knowledge of writing books - Experience with customer retention strategies

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    73 oferte

    I'm in search of a seasoned freelance writer with a focus on technical writing. You must have a track record of creating high-quality, detailed, and precise technical documents. Key Requirements: - Extensive ex...of creating high-quality, detailed, and precise technical documents. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in technical writing - Proven ability to adhere to detailed guidelines - Excellent writing skills, with a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines - Strong attention to detail Please note: - If you're a newbie, honesty is essential. Hard work is valued over deceit. - Copy-pasting in proposals will not be tolerated. - Proposals should be professional yet personal, showcasing your enthusiasm and co...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    71 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional freelancer who can help me develop an engaging, interactive arcade-style slot site. The main purpose of this project is to create a unique online gaming experience that stands out within the crowded online casino market. Key Features: - The site should include bonus rounds to enhance player engagement and retention. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in online gaming development, particularly with slot sites. - Strong understanding of arcade-style game mechanics. - Ability to create engaging bonus rounds that are fair and enjoyable for players. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    66 oferte

    ...Companion: Application Features: • Symptom and overall health tracking with a visual evaluation (0-10). • Voice journal and medical journal. • Monitoring of physical and intellectual activities. • Downloadable PDF reports to share with healthcare professionals. • Access to validated information on Long COVID and care networks. Data Security: • Storage on secure servers. • Data anonymization to contribute to Long COVID research. ________________________________________ Additional Features to Consider 1. Event Calendar: A section to share association events, such as conferences or community activities. 2. Press Section: A dedicated space for press releases, testimonials, and media articles. 3. Optimized Homepage: A homepage featurin...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    218 oferte

    ...ready to work very hard and start immediately for 4-8 hours of work per day. The goal is to send 1000 cold messages per day for outbound lead generation for my fitness coaching offer (targeting men over 30 earning a higher income) Here's how this is broken down: 800 messages per day on Twitter (X) - 2 accounts, 400 messages per account 200 Instagram DMs (5 accounts 40 per day) These will be mostly copy and paste messages but be careful about flagging the accounts with repetitive behavior. You will need to use US based proxies when operating these accounts to prevent issues - this is non negotiable. I need someone who is ready to work hard and do a very good job to potentially open up a full time position for this, but you must have great communication, work very ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    I need a professional to refine and update my Discord bot that posts game scores from LittleBigSnake. The bot's current functionality includes posting game scores only. Key Tasks: - Debugging: There are functionality bugs that need to be addressed. - Refinement: The current functions of the bot need to be improved. The bot uses Python and incorporates frameworks and tools such as S...com/FallingObject/powder and let me know if there's a better approach. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python with experience in Discord bot development. - Familiar with game score tracking systems and LittleBigSnake. - Competent in debugging and refining existing code. - Knowledgeable in using tools like ChatGPT 4 for code enhancement. - Experienced in working with Linux and rack ...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    78 oferte

    I'm looking for a gaming streamer who can bring my brand new FiveM ESX server to life. The focus wil...on live role-playing sessions, delivering content that is not just entertaining, but also engaging and interactive. Ideally, you should have a strong presence on Twitch, as that is the platform we'll be utilizing. Key Requirements: - Experience with live role-playing gaming content - Proven track record on Twitch - Ability to create engaging, interactive streams - Familiarity with FiveM ESX servers is a plus but not mandatory - Excellent communication skills Your role would be to lead the stream, interact with viewers, and create a sense of community around our server. If you have a casual and humorous style that's also professional and informative when needed, we...

    $38 / hr Average bid
    $38 / hr Oferta medie
    14 oferte