Global warming webtemplateproiecte
TMC România este o companie de outsourcing și consultanță tehnică, parte a unui grup internațional cu prezență în 16 țări și peste 2,800 de specialiști la nivel global. Oferim expertiză în diverse domenii tehnologice, inclusiv inginerie, IT, energie și proiectare, având un model de colaborare flexibil și adaptat nevoilor clienților noștri. În prezent, suntem în căutarea unui Inginer Proiectant de Joasă și Medie Tensiune pentru unul dintre clienții noștri (B2B), specializat în dezvoltarea parcurilor fotovoltaice. Această oportunitate oferă posibilitatea de a lucra într-un mediu profesional, cu proiecte de amploare și focus pe sustenabilitate.
Îmi poate găsi cineva un API cu plată? Pentru căutarea unei mașini după VIN și să îmi arate rezultatele cum accidente, km, API să fie Global sau pentru Europa și SUA.
Interfața grafică se proiectează la o rezoluție specifică afișării pe ecranul unui dispozitiv mobil. Interfata grafica inseamna design + prototip in Figma. Contine...obiectelor, de la caz la caz (treimi, grid, simetrii etc.). - Principii / reguli de compoziție - proximitate, aliniere/poziționare, repetiție, contrast, utilizare corectă spațiu liber, aplicare proprietăți obiecte (font, culori, imagini), perspective, dimensiuni, scalări etc. - Echilibru și unitate vizuală, ierarhie vizuală, și puncte de focalizare în design date de elementele de mai sus, dar și global. - Prezența elementelor esențiale pentru aplicatii mobile. - Proces UX / funcționalitate corectă - navigare, flux utilizator etc. - Prezența (micro)interacțiunilor. - Respectarea unor tendinte in design.
Realizați o analiză a stării actuale economice pentru România și un stat vecin României, având la bază o serie de indicatori macroeconomici. (max. 2pag.) Prezentați politicile anticiclice ce considerați că su...dintre cele prezentate anterior și identificați printr-o analiză mai detaliată în cadrul ei, câteva propuneri concrete pentru relansarea economiei românești (max. 2 pag) Prezentați o dimensiune de actualitate a dezvoltării durabile (sustenabilă, cu predilecție socio-economică) de la particular la general, pornind de la un exemplu concret din localitatea Brașov, surprinzând apoi nivelul național și global.(max. 1 pag.) Incarcarea lucrarii se va face în format word sau pdf. Lucrarea este necesar a nu fi copiata. Este necesar...
Doresc realizarea de backlinks (Postare) la articole pe site-uri/blog-uri cu DA mai mare de 40. *Only ROMANIAN Domains. I am NOT interested in global/other BL.
Bună, BRD11. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Armila este un startup focusat pe optimizarea proceselor si a strategiilor din firmele de productie. Proiectul principal este dezvoltarea unor algoritmi proactivi pentru baza de date a departamentului de Global After Sales al unui manufacturer international.
As dori ca sa traduc
Avem o aplicatie web SPA, front-end scris in AngularJS si back-end in C# (ASP.NET WEB API)...web-service-urile asiguratorilor pentru obtinerea cotatiilor de pret, emiterea si printarea politelor. Cautam developeri pentru implementarea de noi module de comunicare cu web-service-urile asiguratorilor, in scopul emiterii altor produse de asigurare. Implementarea fiecarui modul presupune cod AngularJS/Angular2 pe client si cod C# pe server, in webapi, plus integrarea produsului respectiv in modulul global de emitere (de exp: avem modulul de emitere polite locuinte, de unde se pot emite diverse produse: Generali PAD+Eurocasa, Euroins HA+PAD, etc, si mai trebuie sa implementam altele: Omniasig Garant Amplus, Asirom CaminulMeu, etc). Cautam developeri cu experienta AngularJS sau Angular2...
Eu scriu articole pe teme sociale, economice și politice la nivelul României, dar și la nivel global.
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. ...(sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii datelor se poate continua proiectul cu inca variatie in acelas...
Cautam un Java Developer pasionat, cu experienta in Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, CSS, Git, Maven, Angular, pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logistici...alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logisticii. Noul nostru coleg ne dorim sa fie deschis si catre atributii de coordonare a echipei, dar daca acest lucru nu face parte din planurile tale de cariera pentru moment, nu este un impediment pentru a continua discutiile. Proiectul este in dezvoltare de 12 ani, clientul opereaza la nivel global si acopera monitorizarea aspectelor ce tin de logistica in cadrul unei companii, de la bugetare, la planificare si pana la ...
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. ...(sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii datelor se poate continua proiectul cu inca variatie in acelas...
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. ...(sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii datelor se poate continua proiectul cu inca variatie in acelas...
In 12 fisiere lunare xls sunt sheeturi cu NIR-uri (in medie 30 sheet-ui a cate 6 produse) intrare produse comercializate. Fiecarui sheet ii corespunde un NIR cu produse de la un furnizor. ...(sheet-uri) functie de furnizor. Este necesara introducerea intr-un soft de contabilitate a produselor ce apar in NIR-uri. Cele mai multe produse se repeta, dar daca apare unul nou acesta se introduce in softul contabil. La introducerea datelor este importanta doar valoarea de gestiune (de vanzare), cantitatea. Ex: pentru furnizorul A care poate avea 10 Nir-uri in fisierul xls, se va crea doar un nir global pentru toate nirurile din luna respectiva, cu produse repetitive. Pentru rapiditate si mai ales corectitudinea introducerii datelor se poate continua proiectul cu inca variatie in acelas...
Traducere carte din RO in EN (142000 cuvinte). Candidatul ideal: - traducator limba engleza cu experiente literare - amator beletristica fantasy/reflectiva - rabdator, atent la detalii, traducere fluenta global (NU cuvant cu cuvant sau limitata la propozitie) Mostra urmatoare trebuie deja tradusa in aplicatie la acest proiect: "A ieşit de pe piatră, urcă acum colina mică pe care se află hanul abandonat, astăzi bun doar pentru lemne şi adăpostul animalelor surprinse de furtuni. Este drumul vechi, folosit pentru mers la păscut şi la fântâna fără jgheab de adăpat, întrucât râul se aşterne ascultător la numai o aruncătură de băţ."
Detalii despre proiect:Dupa cum stiti cel mai jucat joc in tara noastra o sa ramana Counter-Strike 1.6 poate in viitor o sa creeasca Counter-Strike Global Offensive dar pana atunci numarul 1 este CS.16 . Acum cativa anii cei de la PGL au creeat o platforma numita PLAYZEEK si un software VOIPLAY asemanator TEAMSPEAKULUI de acum cu care puteai sa discutii la microfon cu coechipierii tai . Site-ul PlayZeek era destul de comlex si legat totodata de o baza de date unica pe care serverele de CS.16 o actualiza dupa fiecare meci cu punctaje si reusitele jucatorilor (fraguri,bombe puse,lame,...etc.).Practic ce facea aceasta platforma web , iti faceai un cont , apoi te conectai pe un canal si asteptai pana va strangeati 10 jucatori pentru a incepe meciul,apoi leaderul pornea meciul si fiecare...
Am nevoie de web site destul de simplu, fara grafica, imagini si alte chestii complicate. Site-ul este pentru jocul Counter-Strike (1.6, global offensive, surce). Acest site, trebuie sa arate evidenta banurilor date de catre admin. Ca exemplu este site-ul AMXBANS, doar ca il doresc mult mai simplu. Atasez o imagine pentru structura site-ului.
Ma intereseaza si pe mine o platforma de gaming, unde cineva isi poate face o pagina de echipa, introduce niste detalii ale jucatorilor si joaca contra altor echipe pe servere furnizate de noi (de exemplu counter-strike global offensive de inceput). Ca exemplu se pot lua urmatoarele: / / Nu ma intereseaza ceva atat de complex. Ce ma intereseaza in mod special, este ca cel care a facut pagina de echipa, sa poata paria pe meciurile care le va juca contra altor echipe. Adica: Intru pe platforma, imi fac pagina de echipa unde imi introduc toate datele jucatorilor (i.e. nume jucatori, nick, csgo steamid, etc...). Apoi depun niste iteme de csgo pe site printr-un steam bot ( ex: creat cu node.js) si imi apare valoarea in puncte pe site (ex: 1$ = 1000 pct).
Vreau sa creez o platforma gen Facebook / MySpace / sa contina urmatoarele Pagina profil utilizator cu fotrogafie si bio + status pe platforma (nivel de experienta si medalii obtinute + timpul de cand este utilizator si cate eventuri a desfasurat) Un homepage tip "Facebook global timewall" care sa contina in top un event tip "challenge" saptamanal sau lunar. Cei care aplica si duc la indeplinirea lui sa fie recompensati cu nivele de experienta si medalie status in functie de dificultate! Ceilalti utilizatori pot creea eventuri tip challenge si sa oblige pe unul din prieteni sa le indeplineasca in timp limita, Daca eventul este indeplinit si aprobat de Moderator utilizatorul provocat castiga punctaj + moneda joc, cel care a provocat, pierde moneda jocului d...
Site-ul este destinat fanilor de fotbal american, momentan primeste foarte multe vizite din social si refferals dar foarte foarte putin din google, in Alexa sta destul de bine fiind locul 136k Global Rank si 12k in USA. Caut pe cineva care sa ma ajute sa indexez mai bine site-ul in google si sa cresc numarul de vizite primite de acolo.
Noi ne ocupam de constructii,reparatii si vinzari imobiliare. dorim un logo solid. variante copilaresti nu acceptam. astept propuneri. idei nu va dau o las asta in seama specialistilor.
Doresc un site global de anunturi cu continut in mai multe limbi, sa fie responsive dar si cu un panou de administrare complex care sa contina : -Crearea unui cont si gestionarea lui de catre client -Un editor de poze -Scalare atomata a fotografiilor -Un Plugin de chat unde utilizatorii sa comunice intre ei -Plata card -Program de facturare -Forum -Securitate sporita
Doresc un site global de anunturi cu continut in mai multe limbi, sa fie responsive dar si cu un panou de administrare complex care sa contina : -Crearea unui cont si gestionarea lui de catre client -Un editor de poze -Scalare atomata a fotografiilor -Un Plugin de chat unde utilizatorii sa comunice intre ei -Plata card -Program de facturare -Forum
Descrierea platformei: Platforma ajuta organizatorii de evenimente sa isi vanda si sa gestioneze biletele la evenimente business (conferinte) si culturale. Platforma faciliteaza si garanteaza accesul vizitatorilor la eveniment, acestia rezervand si platind biletul la conferinta prin intermediul platformei noastre,...vanzarilor biletelor in timp real si au garantia unui anumit numar de participanti la eveniment, deasemenea le este usurata gestiunea vanzarii biletelor si organizarii evenimentului. Detalii tehnice: Platforma se doreste a fi realizata in PHP & MySQL cu urmatoarea structura: 1) Site de prezentare; 2) Panou de administrare evenimente - organizator; 3) Cont client; 4) Panou de administrare global (backend); Pentru orice alte intrebari / nelamuriri va stau ...
===>> BUDGET $125 <<=== READ, READ, READ EACH WORD OF PROJECT DETAILS BEFORE YOU BID. If you state one fee, th...a theme issue, Porto developer cannot access HiStudy (subdomain) files. e. Stripe is installed in main but does not work in Subdomain. Fix issue. This project WILL NOT BE COMPLETE UNLESS ALL INSTALLED MULTI SITE PLUGINS WORK: 1. Currency Switcher - show all currencies on header on both sites 2. User Sync (Single Sign On for users) 3. GTranslate - show all languages on header on both sites 4. Global Cart work (One Cart Checkout for purchases on domain and subdomain) DON'T ASK ME TO RELEASE any part or all of the milestone if all multisite plugins are not working. If you cannot complete the project as stated above, you must release the milestone funds. ...
...(e.g., batch numbers for medicines). Multi-Branch Stock Reconciliation: Resolve discrepancies between branches. D. Multi-Branch Management Branch Roles: Admin (full access to all branches). Branch Manager (manage their branch only). Pharmacists/Staff (role-based access). Central Dashboard: View sales, inventory, and performance metrics across all branches. Compare branch-wise reports. Global Settings: Standardize pricing, discounts, and policies across branches. E. Patient Management Patient Profiles: Track purchase history across branches. F. Filtering Add filters to narrow down inventory results: By Component Type: Filter medicines with specific active ingredients. By Dosage Form: Tablets, syrups, injections. By Manufacturer: E.g., "Pfizer". By Expiry...
...limiting the number of requests to certain endpoints (e.g., login attempts). CAPTCHA: Protects against bot registrations and submissions. Data Encryption: Use encryption at rest and in transit for sensitive user data. f) APIs & Integrations Third-Party API Integrations: Visa Information: Integrating with external APIs (e.g., Timatic, IATA). Flight/Hotel Booking: Integration with travel services or Global Distribution Systems (GDS) like Amadeus, Sabre, or Travelport. Payment Gateways: Stripe, PayPal, or other regional payment processors. Analytics: Integration with Google Analytics or custom tracking tools. 3. Additional Considerations Scalability: As traffic grows, your infrastructure should be able to scale, potentially using microservices, containerization (Docker), and Ku...
Confirmis () is a Singapore-based business information provider specializing in connecting businesses with global capabilities; comprised of industry veterans, Confirmis business model is designed to overcome perennial lack of data (let alone quality data) to support effective decision-making, particularly in developing economies. PLEASE FIND THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS & REQUIREMENTS BELOW: - Conduct research the provided individual in all litigation sources in both native language and English. - Conduct research the provided individual in all bankruptcy and insolvency sources in both native language and English. - Conduct research the provided individual in all local and national news medias and social media in both native language and English. - Targeted party(s): 1 Company
...successful career. A freelance account is typically established on a platform that connects freelancers with people or companies in need of specific services. These platforms serve as intermediaries, making it easier for both freelancers and clients to find each other. Examples of such platforms include Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and others. By creating a profile on these sites, you gain access to a global marketplace where clients post job opportunities, and freelancers can bid on or apply for these projects. The first step in creating a successful freelance account is setting up a professional profile. This profile should reflect your skills, experiences, and expertise. Including a well-written bio is crucial because it gives potential clients a first impression of who you a...
I am in the process of developing a platform called Global Justice Fund, aimed at making justice more accessible to individuals and communities in need. Project Overview: Global Justice Fund will serve as a platform to connect individuals seeking legal assistance with lawyers who are willing to work on a pro bono or reduced-fee basis. The platform will also incorporate a crowdfunding feature to help users raise funds for their legal cases.
I'm seeking a seasoned PR professional with a rich background in the tech sector to help distribute my press release about my AI company being selected to join a global industry group. The primary aim is to secure write ups or interviews that can reach potential customers. Key Responsibilities: - Distributing the press release to top-tier news outlets such as Yahoo News, Benzinga, Fox 58, Google News, and APNews. - Maximizing the reach of the press release. - Generating interest and interviews. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in tech sector PR in UK and Australia where we operate. - Strong connections with top-tier news outlets. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills. - Drive to get results from PR
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer with a knack for minimalist style to create a striking logo for "qlicsi". The logo should encapsulate a modern, clean aesthetic that aligns with minimalist design principles. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of minimalist design work - Experience in logo creation - Ability to inco...designer with a knack for minimalist style to create a striking logo for "qlicsi". The logo should encapsulate a modern, clean aesthetic that aligns with minimalist design principles. Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of minimalist design work - Experience in logo creation - Ability to incorporate bright colors into a clean design Additional Notes: - qlicsi (name is written in lowercase) is a global training platform. - avoid all ... should be accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. - Live Betting: Users should be able to place bets on ongoing games in real-time. - Casino Games: A variety of engaging casino games must be integrated into the platform. - User Account Management: A robust system to handle user sign-ups, logins, profile management, and security. - Multi-language Support: The platform must cater to a global audience, hence support for multiple languages is essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in developing cross-platform betting and casino games apps. - Strong understanding of user account management systems. - Proven track record in implementing multi-language support in applications. - Familiarity with live betting software and casino game development. - Exc...
...Ability to simplify complex concepts for both technical and non-technical users. ✔ Familiarity with Markdown, Git repositories, and headless environments like Sanity, Mintlify, ... ✔ SEO and structured writing skills for user-friendly documentation. ? ChatGPT-generated content alone is not accepted. ? Reference examples: EDIS Documentation Work Remotely | Flexible Hours | or Join Our Growing Global Team! ?...
Remoteplugin is an allinone solution designed to replicate and enhance the functionalities of a freelancing marketplace like Upwork. The plugin offers an intuitive and scalable framework that allows businesses, developers, and entrepreneurs to launch their own professional freelancing SSL integration for encrypted communication. Data protection and compliance with GDPR/CCPA regulations. Potential Use Cases 1. IndustrySpecific Freelancing Platforms: Create niche marketplaces for industries like design, programming, writing, or consulting. 2. CompanySpecific Marketplaces: Build an internal platform for managing remote projects and contractors. 3. Global or Local Freelancing Communities: Launch a platform targeting freelancers in specific regions or i...
We are a global financial services and brokerage technology provider. We are a leading force in the fintech market that providing innovative technology and fully integrated financial solutions to our clients. We offer complete business coverage, vast experience, and dedicated support. We pride ourselves on taking client support to the next level, enabling our clients to remain competitive in the ever-changing financial services industry. Role Description This is a part-time Sales Manager role, with the ability to work remotely from home. The Sales Manager will be responsible for building and maintaining relationships with clients and partners, implementing sales strategies, and analyzing market trends to meet and exceed sales goals. The Sales Manager will also be responsible for co...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
...successful career. A freelance account is typically established on a platform that connects freelancers with people or companies in need of specific services. These platforms serve as intermediaries, making it easier for both freelancers and clients to find each other. Examples of such platforms include Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and others. By creating a profile on these sites, you gain access to a global marketplace where clients post job opportunities, and freelancers can bid on or apply for these projects. The first step in creating a successful freelance account is setting up a professional profile. This profile should reflect your skills, experiences, and expertise. Including a well-written bio is crucial because it gives potential clients a first impression of who you a...
Design a Modern and Memorable Logo for "qlicsi" Project Description: qlicsi is a cutting-edge training school that focuses on digital marketing, remote work, and professional growth. I need a unique and impactful logo that conveys themes of growth, learning, financial freedom, and global connectivity. The logo should be visually appealing, easily recognizable, and work well across different platforms. Logo Requirements 1. Style & Concept: - The design should be simple, memorable, and modern. - It should instantly communicate growth and remote work. - The logo should be a combination of text and an icon. - A freeform shape is preferred rather than a rigid geometric structure. - The design should be professional but not overly corporate—playful yet strong. 2- C...
I'm seeking a writer or a journalist with a strong background in political reporting and writing to create an updated newsletter covering the world's latest news on politics for a non profit group to inform the public. A draft document was created on the topic and requires updating and ensuring accuracy and current information covered. Key Requirements: - Focus o...latest news on politics for a non profit group to inform the public. A draft document was created on the topic and requires updating and ensuring accuracy and current information covered. Key Requirements: - Focus on specific countries - Informative tone aimed at educating the reader Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing skills with an ability to adopt an informative tone - Good understanding of global politics...
I am seeking a minimalist logo for my global entrepreneur network, 'The 1 Percent'. The design should convey high status, luxury, and exclusivity. Key Requirements: - A minimalist design approach - A focus on luxury aesthetics You can be creative with colours, but here are some suggested colour schemes: Dark green, brown, gold, red, black Black, gold, white Dark/Navy blue, silver/grey, white Please only use these variations: ‘The 1 Percent’ ‘The 1%’ ‘1%’ ‘1 Percent’
I'm seeking a skilled designer to create a logo that features my brand name in both Arabic and English. The design should be professional and appealing to a global audience. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in both Arabic and English typography - Experience in logo design - Ability to create a design that is visually balanced and appealing in both scripts - Understanding of cross-cultural design considerations Please provide samples of your previous work that show your ability to design bilingual logos.
I need a skilled Python developer who can scrape text data from a website for me. Key Requirements: - Experience in web scraping using Python - Familiarity with handling table...experience with similar projects, I look forward to receiving your bid. There are three websites which I needs this for: (1) all race results for all seasons (seasons can be changed in the top right hand corner) for all categories on this website - noting that all seasons are needed (and future seasons) (2) all results from this link: (3) another link that should return results similar to (1) but will be the method going forward so needs to be more continuous Again this should scrape all names from all tiers