Girl emergency kit for high schoolproiecte
Salut, Am un modul in nuxt3 facut cu nuxt-kit si am urmatoarea problema: - nu pot sa accesez o ruta de backend . Multumesc. Nota: Doar pentru romani
...-firme curatare aer conditionat -curatare aer conditionat de camera -solutie de curatat aer conditionat -curatare filtru aer conditionat -curatare unitate interioara aer conditionat -curatare unitate externa aer conditionat -igienizare aparat aer conditionat -husa curatare aer conditionat -curatare igienizare aer conditionat -curatare instalatie aer conditionat -igienizare aer conditionat acasa -kit igienizare aer conditionat -manopera curatare aer conditionat -curatare mucegai aer conditionat -curatare radiator aer conditionat -revizie si curatare aer conditionat -solutie curatare radiator aer conditionat -curatare turbina aer conditionat -curatare tavita aer conditionat Veti primi si 2 video ajutatoare. PS: Nu este nivel de dificultate mare, sunt oferite toate detaliile pentr...
Salut! Cautam o persoana/agentie care sa creeze clipuri de promovare pentru produsele noastre led. Pentru inceput, dorim sa promovam un kit banda led, am atasat 2 clipuri gasite pe internet, ca sa va faceti o idee la ce produs ne referim. Pentru persoana castigatoare, vom trimite si o mostra de produs. Multumesc
Looking for a person who knows Three.js. The project is for school and it mainly has a few functionalities: - Load models from server - Add models to scene - Select models in order to animate/ move them - Remove models - Somehow copy the code in order to give it to another user who can paste it and see the same canvas with the exact models and their animation
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts
C++,Visual Studio,opengl. More about it in private, i need shadows etc...
3, 4 layout-uri responsive html pentru un site web turism, executate după schița grafica (jpg sau photoshop) Home Pagina lista servicii/ Pagina content Pagina contact Layouturile trebuie realizate cu un framework CSS, preferabil unul cunoscut precum Bootstrap, Foundation, material design kit, etc. (se accepta și framework propriu dacă respecta cerințele baza) Schița atașată este doar pentru front un preview, nu este finala și conține doar pagina home.
Buna ziua, Proiectul reprezinta realizarea unei coperte de carte ratio 5/8 (5x8 inch). M-am orientat spre stilul clean cu o ilustratie centrala in stilul . Caracteristici generale: - personajul feminin isi vede de treburile ei intr-o lume suficient de senina cand, la un moment dat, simte suflarea raului din spate - colturile gurii nu sunt arcuite in zambet, ea simte un pericol in spate - genele nu sunt atat de mari si arcuite (dar suficient sa pastreze trasatura feminina) - fara chitara si note muzicale - pe mana dreapta poate sa pastreze ceva in genul din ilustratia model, un fel de bratara in spirala sau chiar si cu frunze daca da mai bine - obrazul vizibil trebuie sa fie cel drept (deci capul ei este usor rasucit indirectia
Dorim infintarea unui Centru social - medical si educational in Bucovat, Jud. Dolj, langa Craiova la cca. 5 km. Pentru realizarea acestui proiect am achizitionat un teren de cca. 8 Ha, am intocmit proiecte tehnice, am obtinut autorizatii si avize. Proiectul in sine are la baza ca fundament trei sectiuni: - social- After School pentru copiii - medical- centru de reabilitare cu prioritate copiii (fizio, kinetoterapie, etc.) - medical - Spital cu sectii medicale pentru toate categoriile de persoane
Salut. Am nevoie de un software care sa automatizeze alarma pentru pauze/ore la o scoala. Am gasit ceva deja, dar vreau sa fie in limba romana. Uite aici un exemplu Trebuie sa includa lucuri de baza ca: stabilirea unui program pt fiecare zi a saptamanii si posibilitatea de a adauga fisier audio in format mp3. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Cat ar costa?
Salut. Am nevoie de un software care sa automatizeze alarma pentru pauze/ore la o scoala. Am gasit ceva deja, dar vreau sa fie in limba romana. Uite aici un exemplu Trebuie sa includa lucuri de baza ca: stabilirea unui program pt fiecare zi a saptamanii si posibilitatea de a adauga fisier audio in format mp3. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Cat ar costa?
Salut. Am nevoie de un software care sa automatizeze alarma pentru pauze/ore la o scoala. Am gasit ceva deja, dar vreau sa fie in limba romana. Uite aici un exemplu Trebuie sa includa lucuri de baza ca: stabilirea unui program pt fiecare zi a saptamanii si posibilitatea de a adauga fisier audio in format mp3. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Cat ar costa?
...necesar să aveți JDK-ul de Java instalat, cel puțin versiunea 1.6. Aplicația va fi dezvoltată pentru versiunea 2.2 pentru a acoperi o plajă cât mai mare de telefoane. Ea va rula însă pe orice telefon care are versiunea mai nouă de 2.2, inclusiv 4.0 și tablete. Configurarea mediului de dezvoltare Primul pas pentru a putea începe este să ne pregătim mediul de dezvoltare. Software Development Kit-ul (SDK) Android este livrat sub forma unui utilitar prin intermediul căruia putem descărca versiunile necesare de API, precum și diverse add-on-uri. Acesta poate fi găsit pe site-ul oficial, aici. În continuare, dezarhivați arhiva într-un director ușor de accesat, de exemplu: ~/Development/SDK/Android. Executați apoi în terminal comanda andro...
Cerintele proiectului: • Toate produsele care apar ca “Disponibile” -> Sa fie “Stoc limitat” • De adaugat sigle pe prima pagina jos (Mobil Pay/Fan Curier etc) • De pus ancora. Back to school -> sa duca la categoria “Back to school” • Noutatile de pe blog sa aiba link catre produs-ul care este promovat ca nou • Acelasi lucru si in formatul de blog (care apare in josul paginii) • De schimbat textul “Lorem ipsum” de la Oferte • La butoanele rotunde de pe prima pagina sa se puna ancora de link • De schimbat in meniul de jos in loc de “Despre noi” -> sa fie “Povestea noastra” • De pus link facebook/twitter etc pe icoanele social media • Cos...
Buna ziua, Am de facut cateva modificari la un site ecommerce facut in Wordpress. Va descriu mai jos lucrurile pe care le doresc facute: • Toate produsele care apar ca “Disponibile” -> Sa fie “Stoc limitat” • De adaugat sigle pe prima pagina jos (Mobil Pay/Fan Curier etc) • De pus ancora. Back to school -> sa duca la categoria “Back to school” • Noutatile de pe blog sa aiba link catre produs-ul care este promovat ca nou • Acelasi lucru si in formatul de blog (care apare in josul paginii) • De schimbat textul “Lorem ipsum” de la Oferte • La butoanele rotunde de pe prima pagina sa se puna ancora de link • De schimbat in meniul de jos in loc de “Despre noi” ->...
...imagini” va fi dezvoltata pe sistemele iOS, Android, cat si Windows, atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza. Pentru denumirea / Numele aplicatiei – ne dorim sa primim o propunere creativa si de impact. Aplicatia va avea la baza un kit de materiale educationale pe care in prezent sunt aplicate in format fizic (1200 de imagini, structurate in 14 categorii, care exprima diverse actiuni sau stari emotionale ). Kit-ul a fost elaborat special ca suport in terapia copiilor cu Tulburari de Spectru Autist de catre psihologii din domeniu (). Acesta are elemente interactive atractive pentru copii si sunt structurate in programe si subprogram, facilitand procesul de predare - invatare din cadrul sedintelor de recuperare. Pe masura ce aplicatia va fi utilizat...
Escort Girls Haℛidwaℛ, escort services in Haℛidwaℛ, ^~^8510846110~^~ sexy escorts in Haℛidwaℛ, High pℛofile Models ℯSCORTs Girℒs iℕ Haℛidwaℛ
Am un script care atunci cand faci hover peste un element il face mai luminos / brightness increased si cand nu mai este hover / mouse out revine la culoarea initiala . Ca sa il fac mai smooth am adaugat web-kit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out, iar daca cursorul este miscat rapid peste elemente care sunt una langa alta acestea ajung sa se lumineze 100% fiind astfel "pierdute".
Programul trebuie sa opereze un drive head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i head cu piston pe 2 directii (X si Y) sa ia un token si sa il puna intr-un container cilindric + sa verifice cand cilindrul e plin. Am toata descrierea programului cu o lista de inputs,outputs&co care trebuie respectata, cu video-uri si pasi ce trebuie urmati. Am nevoie de cineva care stie sa foloseasca i Trilogi si poate sa urmeze instructiunile exact cum sunt trecute acolo. Pot sa ofer si kit-ul de instalare pentru i-Tr...
Aplicatia de care am nevoie este un Softphone si trebuie sa ruleze pe windows. Iata specificatiile, in mare: Sa fie protejat de parola, iar daca o sa fie instalabil si kit-ul sa fie de asemenea, protejat de parola. (Ideal e sa fie portabil, insa aici decizi tu in functie de cum iti este mai usor) Fereastra in care se introduce parola are, sub campul de text, buton OK si Cancel, ambele fara functii atribuite. Adevaratul OK va fi localizat, invizibil, altundeva. Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, le trec...
...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...
...Pintilie si sunt fondatorul conceptului si firmei 9PM-Running Coach. Mi-am deschis proaspat afacerea si am nevoie de vanzare pentru produsele si serviciile oferite. Ofer deci: produse deja construite - training online pe subiectele de Inteligenta Emotionala si Psihologie Cognitiva in Management Avantajele principale ale clientului sunt: - obtinerea increderii in fortele proprii - obtinerea unui KIT - pachet informational minim necesar pentru a-si schimba radical viata, in bine - exemple din viata reala si de business in care interactiunea cu stimulii, diverse decizii luate si interactiunea cu sine si cu alti oameni conduc la succesul actiunilor planificate - probleme punctuale rezolvabile: start-up-ul propriei afaceri, pierderea in greutate, castigarea unui job mai bun,...
...meu e Ovidiu Marginean si ma ocup de partea de marketing al unui cabinet de psihoterapie din Arad, de fapt de cabinetul sotiei pe care am reusit sa o conving ca un produs bun are nevoie si de o promovare buna. De doua zile am reusit sa termin partea de grafica a site-ului si as vrea ca impreuna cu tine sa finalizam si textul. Scoala Americana de psihoterapie, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, USA Metoda Nr.1 de Psihoterapie, în Statele Unite şi Canada Membru al American Psychological Asociation din Washington, DC, USA Aceaste patru elemente definesc ‘linia rosie’ de marketing care sa defineasca oferta unica de vanzare pe care o sa am rugamintea sa le ‘ condimentati’ cu cateva din cele 12 cuvinte cu „muşchi”
I am looking for a talented graphic designer to create a vibrant and engaging cartoonish logo for my business, Trendy Touch. The logo should depict a brown-skinned girl happily shopping online, with various items from dresses to gym clothes floating in 'seeing clouds'. A delivery van should be included in the design, symbolically carrying the items. The girl's phone screen should display the 'Trendy Touch' brand name, and there should be recognizable social media icons (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) integrated into the design. The overall color scheme should be bright and bold, reflecting the energy of our primarily female casual wear line.
I'm looking for someone to solve high school level calculus problems for me, specifically polynomial inequalities sign chart problems. Key Details: - Focus on polynomial inequalities sign charts in calculus - Only final answers needed, no need for detailed explanations or graphical representation. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in high school level calculus - Able to quickly and accurately solve polynomial inequalities sign chart problems - Can provide final answers in a clear and concise manner. operations, and improve overall user experience. **Project Scope:** 1. **AI Integration for EHR SaaS System:** - Develop AI-driven features such as predictive analytics, clinical decision support, natural language processing (NLP) for medical documentation, and automated data entry. - Implement AI algorithms for real-time disease tracking, patient risk assessment, and personalized treatment recommendations. - Enhance data security and compliance with HIPAA and GDPR regulations using AI-based anomaly detection and encryption techniques. - Integrate AI-powered chatbots for patient engagement and support. 2. **AI Integration for Mobile Applications:** - Develop AI functionalities for patient, doctor, nurse, and front de...
I need a freelancer to recreate my logo from a source file I have, ensuring it's high quality for print use. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design - Experience with logo recreation - Proficiency in print-standard design techniques - Attention to detail
More details: Create a high def version of our existing logo
I'm seeking a pre-employment vetting expert to verify a candidate's Bachelor's degree from local institutions in Japan. Ideal Skills: - In-depth knowledge of Japanese educational institutions - Previous experience in pre-employment vetting - High attention to detail - Excellent communication skills Please note, this task does not involve checks on high school diplomas, master's degrees, criminal background or employment history.
I am looking for an experienced tutor who can prepare teaching materials in French for a language school. Teaching materials to consist of slides for every lesson: 1. Levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 2. Teaching topics: a. vocabulary b. grammar c. life situations 3. Each topic: 12 lessons 4. Materials should be in the form of PPTX / PDF 5. Total number of lessons to be prepared: 4 levels x 12 lessons x 3 teaching topics = 144 lessons. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluent in French - Experience in teaching French to non-native speakers - Knowledgeable in grammar and vocabulary - Ability to create engaging reading and writing exercises Copyright transfer agreement required. Completion time: 7 March.
I need a professional photo editor to enhance my photo by transforming a person from sitting to standing. The photo ...transforming a person from sitting to standing. The photo should maintain a highly realistic appearance, so expertise in achieving a lifelike edit is crucial. Specific Requirements: - Change the person from sitting to standing while keeping the original background. The transition must be seamless and undetectable. - Center all individuals in the photo with a little space on both sides. - Modify the girl in pink's shirt so it appears to cover her belly. - Change the photo's orientation from landscape to portrait. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experience with realistic photo manipulation - Attention to detail - Ability to follow s...
I'm seeking expert advice to improve the sound quality within our school hall, primarily used for performances, including theatre productions and music concerts by primary school children. Key Areas of Focus: - Assessing the current state of sound quality within the hall. - Recommending effective sound-proofing strategies and materials. - Potentially advising on sound enhancement equipment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - A focus on giving quick, simple and low cost advice - Understanding of the sound requirements for children's performances.
...portal for managing event registrations and user profiles. The portal will cater to both admins and users, with specific considerations for adult and minor users. Key Requirements: - Both admin and user-specific permissions are needed, allowing for controlled access and functionalities. - Minors' profiles should encompass contact details, age and relationships, medical and emergency information, and other event-relevant data. - The user portal must facilitate simple event sign-ups, group registrations for adults and minors, and the option to edit or cancel registrations. The portal should enable seamless event creation for admins, easy form and signature collection, and secure payment processing for registration and ticket fees. Ad...
Skincare Video Ad Creator for French skincare Brand Description: We're seeking a talented video content creator specializing in the skincare industry to produce a captivating ad for Marguerite Skincare's duo kit. The ideal candidate will craft a video/reel suitable for Instagram and TikTok that aligns with our brand aesthetic and effectively showcases the science behind our products. Requirements: Proven experience in skincare industry content creation Proficiency in video editing and motion graphics Understanding of Instagram and TikTok video formats Ability to blend scientific information with visually appealing content Key Elements to Include: Visual Aesthetic: Clean, minimalist design Soft, natural color palette (blue and white) High-qua...
I'm looking for a professional animated explainer video for my B2B SaaS product targeting schools. The video should convey a professional tone and highlight the following key features and benefits: - Time-saving capabilities: Emphasize how the software can save valuable time for teachers and administrators. - Enhanced communication: Showcase the software's ability to improve communication between staff, students, and parents. - Privacy: Illustrate the software's commitment to student and school privacy. - Organic marketing: Highlight how the software can aid in organic marketing efforts. Ideal skills for this job include animation, scriptwriting, and an understanding of the education sector. Previous experience creating B2B SaaS explainer... to be classic in style. It should effectively support brand recognition, so it will be used primarily for that purpose. The logo will need to be a combination of text and a symbol or icon. I've pasted detailed explanations from Deep Seek AI below: Here’s a refined explanation of **Delta Emergency’s logo** incorporating the actual elements you’ve described (gold color, EMS Star of Life, lightning bolt, and heart). This breakdown will help the freelance designer grasp the depth and intentionality behind each component, tying them to your company’s mission and values: ### **1. Gold Color Palette** - **Symbolism**: - **Excellence & Reliability**: Gold represents high standards, trust, and enduring value, reflecting Delta E...
We want to create a few 20-30 second quick cut video adverts for social media promoting our motorcycle training school. We already have around 20-30 minutes of footage filmed with a drone and we just need small segments cut out and put together with some royalty free music. Ideally you will need to sort through the video we have shot and select small segments to add together, add a final screen with contact information and some cut screens with basic info of what we are offering. I need a professional video editor to create a 20-30 second live-action video advert for a physical product. The primary aim of this video is to promote the product. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro). - Experience in ...
I'm looking for an experienced Linux administrator who can build a web server for an IT school project. The ideal candidate should be able to handle: - Server Setup: Build a robust and efficient web server. - User Management: Set up necessary user accounts and permissions. - System Security: Ensure the server is secure and up-to-date. A key part of this project is to create detailed documentation throughout the server build process. This will help to facilitate understanding and learning for the IT school students. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive experience with Linux server administration - Proficiency in web server setup and configuration - Strong knowledge in system security - Excellent technical writing skills for documenta...
I'm looking for a developer to create a comprehensive School Management Software. The key functionality of the software should be a robust Student Information System. Key Features: - A highly efficient Student Information System, which is capable of managing all aspects of student data. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in software development, particularly in creating educational or school management software. - A strong understanding of a comprehensive Student Information System. - Excellent programming skills and attention to detail. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces.
I'm looking to add some subtle Valentine's Day effects to my video. The existing file is an MP4, and I would like to make it more engaging without going overboard. Key Tasks: - Add a "heart eyes" effect to the girl in the video when she stops and looks surprised. This should be done with animated hearts that are pulsing or beating to give a sense of excitement and love. - Include some animated hearts flying around the video but nothing too crazy. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone experienced with video editing and animation, particularly adding effects in a tasteful and engaging way. A good sense of timing and understanding of creating build-ups and climaxes in a video is important. I would appreciate a quick turnaround on this p...
I am looking for a seasoned professional with over 10 years of experience in the oil and gas sector in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Key Responsibilities: - Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment - Conducting internal safety audits and accident investigations - Preparation and analysis of Near-miss Incidents & accident investigation reports - Implementing Fire Fighting and Emergency Rescue plan - Conducting Emergency Mock drills - Induction training of client employees - Implementation, monitoring and control of Occupational Safety & Health policies The ideal candidate should have a strong background in safety audits and investigations, as well as training and development for employees. Experience in the oil and gas sector is crucial.
I'm seeking a dedicated phone sales rep to help secure sponsorships for schools. This role will primarily involve selling our sponsorship service to schools at no cost to them, with the ultimate aim of raising funds for various school needs. Ideal candidate should possess: - Excellent communication skills - Prior experience in sales, particularly in the sponsorship or education sector - Ability to work independently and meet targets - Passion for supporting schools and education Skills and experience that would be beneficial: - Background in technology, retail or healthcare industries - Experience in event, sports or content sponsorships - Understanding of the needs of schools and how to meet them through sponsorships.
...experienced professional to guide me through the process of applying for two legal school system applications - one in the UK and the other in New York. Your role will primarily consist of advising me on which applications to fill out, as well as assisting me in completing these applications. Key Responsibilities: - Understand the requirements of both applications and help me navigate through them. - Provide step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the applications. - Review and refine the completed applications to enhance their quality. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with legal school applications is a plus. - Excellent understanding of application processes in the UK and New York. - Strong communication skills for providing clear, ...
We're hosting a promotional tour for Disney's new film, Captain America, with star of the film Anthony Mackie. We'll be taking him to Atlanta, GA (2/6), New Orleans (2/8), and Washington, D.C. (2/12). Using Anthony's attached headshot, please create one main flyer that has all of the tour stop dates (EXAMPLE OF MAIN FLYER ATTACHED) - Please also include the CAPTAIN AMERICA title treatment attached - I would also like 3 standalone flyers for each tour stop with Anthony's headshot, the CAPTAIN AMERICA title treatment & the info. - I have also attached other graphic assets, feel free to use if you think that works! The flyers should be eye catching & easy to read the info! They should also be in the CAPTAIN AMERICA theme colors. Atlanta...
I'm seeking a Hungarian to Polish Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) interpreter for medical consultations. The interpreter's expertise should ideally cover general practice visits, specialist consultations, and emergency situations. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Hungarian and Polish - Previous experience with VRI - Medical interpretation experience, particularly in cardiology, pediatrics, and gynecology - Able to handle high-pressure situations, such as emergency consultations - Understanding of medical terminology in both languages The ideal candidate should be able to provide seamless interpretation during consultations, ensuring clear communication between the patient and medical professional. Their role is vital in facilitating understanding ...
...developer to create an engaging coding and game development course intended for children aged 8-10 years old. The course will be aimed at primary school children from various countries and should provide a solid foundation in basic coding concepts and game development skills. Key elements of the course: - Teach fundamental coding concepts like logic and sequencing, simple loops and conditionals, and an introduction to variables. - Include game development basics. - Focus on creating a variety of game types such as puzzle games, platformer games, and interactive story games. Ideal candidates for this project would be those with relevant experience in developing educational content, specifically in coding and game development for children. A portfolio showcas...
I'm looking for a professional to develop a methanol testing kit specifically designed for detecting methanol in alcoholic beverages for home use. The kit should utilize a color change detection method. Key Requirements: - The kit should be user-friendly, safe, and suitable for home use. - It should accurately detect methanol in alcoholic beverages. - The detection method should be color change based, providing an easy visual indication of the presence of methanol. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in product design and development. - Experience with consumer safety standards. - Background in chemistry or related field would be beneficial.
...targeting primary school students in the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Singapore, and we're in need of a lead generation expert. Your primary focus will be on generating B2C leads - specifically, parents or families interested in our offerings. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize social media platforms, particularly Facebook and Instagram, to generate leads. - Collect and provide comprehensive information on leads, including contact details (email, phone number), demographic information (age, location), and their interest in specific subjects or activities. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in lead generation, particularly within the ed-tech sector. - Proficiency in using social media for business purposes. - Ability to gather and analyze demographic data. - Excellent communi...
I need to build a simple demonstration of an application - do not need a full fleged app just for a simple demonstration at school using any free no code platform like uipath or glide " Construction material issuance & tracking application at construction sites - Step 1 : filling up of the project details 1. project name 2. users - project manager, site engineer, cost engineer, store manager 3. project specifications like number of buildings/flats, room details 4. micro level estimated quantities for each area (quantity of steel, cement, aggregate & sand) Step 2: Material request by engineer 1. engineer selects the material required (type & quantity) 2. engineer selects the area & contractor 3. sends the request step 3: Approval 1. request auto...