Funky cool artproiecte
Bună, ART LAND DESIGN. Ți-am remarcat profilul și vreau să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Suntem o agentie cool de ecommerce si cautam o persoana serioasa cu experienta in editarea de video pentru YouTube ads ?? Te rog aplica cu portofoliul tau si tarifele. Multumesc!
Bună, ART LAND DESIGN. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat.
Hi, I create...see already made reviews on adult websites or you can just do the review yourself. It might be just a job of putting together ideas from 2, 3 reviews. It needs of course funky dirty language - the reviews need to be like made by users.. hope it is not an issue. The reviews need to be SEO aware. So you need to use the website name where you can - dont over do it but use it at least in the title and at least once in the review. And of course the reviews need to be unique for google. I need for the beginning 100 reviews so please let me know how much will this cost me. Reviews need to be in English. Reviews should be funky, good English and capture the essential of the website. Reviews should not just be horny ramblings but should be informative to the website....
Buna Nandrei89, ma numesc Erica Beermann, sunt art directorul unei agentii de publicitate in Germania. Cautam pt. un proiect de webdesign (joomla) cu termen de finalizare la sfarsitul lunii ianuarie un freelancer cu experienta si disponibilitate. Am pregatit impreuna cu clientul, o organizatie importanta din orasul nostru, sitemapul, structura, elementele grafice si pozele. Daca va intereseaza acest proiect si doriti sa colaborati pe lunga durata cu o firma de marketing importanta in zona noastra, va rog sa ma contactati pe chat ca sa discutam detaliile. Va multumesc. O zi buna va doreste Erica
salut, vreau o aplicatie pe telefon prin care sa monitorizez cateva device-uri si locatia lor. ar fi cool sa fie pe o harta fixa la inceput si mai taziu pe google maps. caut un developer interesat de connected devices pe termen lung.
ATENTIE! POST DESCHIS DOAR PENTRU UN VORBITOR DE LIMBA ROMANA> Tara: ROMANIA sau MOLDOVA Suntem , magazin online dedicat cadourilor originale si gadgeturilor mega-cool. Suntem tineri, frumoși și iesiti din minti, facem lucrurile din pasiune și cu mult respect pentru cei care apelează la noi pentru a face un cadou memorabil. Misiunea noastra e limpede: sa oferim cele mai speciale, trasnite, dementiale, bizare, surprinzatoare, cele mai bune si nebune cadouri, capabile sa ofere un raspuns prompt acelui vesnic si stresant impas: "Trebuie-sa-iau-un-Cadou!" Ti-ar placea sa te alaturi acestei misiuni? Daca raspunsul tau este "Da", atunci te vrem in echipa noastra. Prima veste buna pentru tine: Postul este pe format remote, ceea ce inseamna ca nu te vom lega d...
E un proiect care se face pe diferite design-uri de interior și exterior
MTV-Art Photography este un proiect propriu ce se bazeaza pe participarea la diverse evenimente cu scopul de a face fotografii si filmari, dar si de editate foto/video.
...limba engleza; - poate livra min 2-3 articole pe zi (1000 - 1500 cuvinte) ; - are un minim de imaginatie si creativitate pentru a adapta articolul astfel incat sa sune bine in limba romana - nu ma intereseaza traduceri mot-a-mot care suna anormal in limba romana; - raspunde la mailuri in decurs de max 12-24 ore (ideal ar fi 2-3 ore); - respecta deadline-uri - experienta in postarea de art;icole pe platforma Wordpress este un avantaj, dar nu este obligatoriu (te rog mentioneaza daca este cazul); - experienta in optimizarea unui articol pt SEO repezinta de aseenea un avantaj, dar nu este obligatoriu (te rog mentioneaza daca este cazul); - este dispus/a la traducerea unui articol scurt (200 - 250 de cuv) pt a putea fi evaluat. Va rog sa faceti o oferta pentru 100 de...
Volume: 4447 words (32143 characters with spaces) Deadline: 16-11-22 13:00 (GMT+2) Example: Perioada de valabilitate a garantiei de participare este cel putin egala cu perioada de valabilitate a ofertei adica 90 de zile de la termenul limita de primire a ofertelor. Forma de constituire a garantiei de participare: garantia de participare va fi constituita în conformitate cu prevederile art. 36 alin. (1) din H.G. nr. 395/2016, prin virament bancar sau printr-un instrument de garantare emis în conditiile legii de o societate bancara sau de o societate de asigurari (Formularul 3), instrument care va fi depus la sediul autoritatii contractante în original, cel mai târziu la data si ora – limita de depunere a ofertelor. În cazul în care ofer...
...servicii. Daca nu consideri ca ai aceste calitati, te rog nu aplica la acest anunt, vom pierde amandoi timpul aiurea. Candidatul ideal: - vrea sa castige niste bani in plus - intelege engleza la nivel mediu-avansat si stapaneste perfect limba romana (punctuatie, gramatica, etc) - stie sa redacteze un articol pornind de la un model - poate livra min 5-6 articole pe saptamana (1000 - 1500 cuvinte/ art) - are imaginatie si creativitate pentru a adapta articolul astfel incat sa sune bine in limba romana - nu ma intereseaza traducere mot-a-mot fara sens. - raspunde la mailuri in decurs de max 12 ore - respecta deadline-uri Va rog sa faceti o oferta pentru 20-25 de articole de aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte (costuri si durata). Daca colaborarea decurge bine, se poate extinde. Cei ...
Project for Romanians! Am nevoie de un referat legat de dreptul penal. Din art 3 conventia cedo (tortura) trebuie redactate 5 pagini (sa nu fie mai putin de 5 in cap) in care sa fie prezentate 5 spete pro si contra (admise si respinse). Spetele se pot gasi pe Nu ma interseaza sa fie cine stie ce calitate, doar sa fie corect facut. Sunt dispus sa platesc 15 euro pe el !!!
Project for Romanians! Am nevoie de un referat legat de dreptul penal. Din art 3 conventia cedo (tortura) trebuie redactate 5 pagini (sa nu fie mai putin de 5 in cap) in care sa fie prezentate 5 spete pro si contra (admise si respinse) Spetele se pot gasi pe Ofer 10 euro!
...externa. As prefera sa lucrez cu cineva care stie romana si care sa vina in acest startup cu partea de integrare/realizare/mentenanta de site. Si sa aiba expertiza solida pe aceste chestii. Strict in regim de dezvoltare la startup. Daca vrei si un dolar iti zic de pe acum pass. Mai multe info le discut face-to-face dupa ce stabilim un prim contact in care sa imi arati: -doua siteuri state of the art facute de tine(voi) pe Magento -ca ai inteles bine partea cu startupul Am vazut ca ai raspuns la aceste doua chestiuni, trecem la mai multe detalii. Am investit suficient de mult (timp si bani) pe partea de dezvoltare pana acum. Am in lucru un editor (Tool) in HTML5 la un furnzor de pe UpWork. Sper sa iasa ceea ce imi doresc cu acest editor. Acest editor va trebui integrat in...
Pot face orice tip de Logo, sunt expert în Photoshop și sunt foarte creativ. De la un mic (.) pot ajunge la o creație extrem de cool.
Pot face orice tip de Logo, sunt expert în Photoshop și sunt foarte creativ. De la un mic (.) pot ajunge la o creație extrem de cool.
Vreau un site Web care va implementa un Art Marketplace: artistii expun opere de arta, cumparatorii rezerva lucrarile dorite folosind un cos de rezervare; ulterior, artistii si cumparatorii sunt pusi in legatura pentru a realiza efectiv tranzactia de vanzare-cumparare. Plata pachtelor achizitionate de artisti se va face prin card (MobilPay) si Paypal. Am atasat un fisier cu descrierea proiectului, dar acesta a fost imbunatatita ulterior (iti voi trimite descrierea actualizata) daca vei primi proiectul. Trebuie sa stii foarte bine: HTML5, CSS, AJAX, PHP, MySQL. Iata si un text lamuritor: "-------------------------- este un magazin virtual de artă care găzduieşte o selecţie importantă din operele unor artişti cunoscuţi din întreaga lume, reprezentând locul ...
art projectart projectart projectart projectart projectart projectart project
Doresc o aplicaţie Web care va expune în vederea vânzării opere de artă ale unor artişti de pe glob, având următoarele caracteristici: • operele de artă vor fi vândute de expozanţi prin intermediul magazinului, care va juca rol de marketplace; • două tipuri de conturi: expozant şi cumpărător; Mai multe în fişierul ataşat.
Psiholog clinician/psihoterapeut/art terapeut si trainer soft skills, imi ofer serviciile companiilor interesate. Ma pot implica in proiecte de recrutare, training, evaluare/dezvoltare/motivare a angajatilor, creare si dezvoltare programe de training & team building, fiind un colaborator orientat spre rezultate si serios. Pentru a oferi toate cele de mai sus, ma bazez pe expertiza mea in training si psihologie, pe capacitatea de a motiva si dezvolta oamenii si pe feedback-urile primate pana acum, din care am invatat si invat continuu. Imi doresc sa colaborez in proiecte de tip part time sau project based deoarece ma motiveaza o flexibilitate a programului. Pentru a cunoaste cat mai multe detalii despre mine, va invit sa studiati profilul meu de LinkedIn:
Caut cavaleri Jedi ai limbii române pentru o revistă online "dot com" care știu să se documenteze și să trateze cu umor subiecte tabu în societatea românescă. Articolele vor fi publicate inițial în românește pe site-ul revistei .ro, a...articole care vor fi postate: -Cum să te desparți de o minoră -De ce familia ta e de căcat -Cele mai bune site-uri de torrente -Cum s-a transformat câinele din lup în chihuahuah -Bitcoin-viitorul banilor? -Locuri unde să ascunzi droguri în casă -Cum să cumperi droguri de pe net și să nu fi prins-un ghid cu imagini -5 filme in care gagicile nu vin la gara Alte subiecte care pot fi atinse: Cool Science, Porn, Videogames. Va multumesc și aștept propunerile voastre de subiecte ca s...
...completarile ulterioare, prevederilor art. 140 din Regulamentu] CNVM nr. 1/2006 privind emitentii si operatiunile cu valori mobiliare si prevederilor art.18, alin. (1) din Regulamentul CNVM nr. 6/2009 privind exercitarea anumitor drepturi ale actionarilor în cadrul adunarilor generale ale societatilor comerciale, precum si a actului constitutiv al Societatii. Punctele 1, 2, 3, 4. 6 si 7 înscrise pe ordinea de zi a adunarii se voteaza in mod deschis, iar actionarii isi vor exprima optiunile prin folosirea buletinului de vot pus la dispozitie, la intrarea in sala de întrunire a adunarii, buletin de vot ce cuprinde punctele 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 si 7 înscrise pe ordinea de zi si optiunile „pentru", '' împotriva•· s...
...completarile ulterioare, prevederilor art. 140 din Regulamentu] CNVM nr. 1/2006 privind emitentii si operatiunile cu valori mobiliare si prevederilor art.18, alin. (1) din Regulamentul CNVM nr. 6/2009 privind exercitarea anumitor drepturi ale actionarilor în cadrul adunarilor generale ale societatilor comerciale, precum si a actului constitutiv al Societatii. Punctele 1, 2, 3, 4. 6 si 7 înscrise pe ordinea de zi a adunarii se voteaza in mod deschis, iar actionarii isi vor exprima optiunile prin folosirea buletinului de vot pus la dispozitie, la intrarea in sala de întrunire a adunarii, buletin de vot ce cuprinde punctele 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 si 7 înscrise pe ordinea de zi si optiunile „pentru", '' împotriva•· si "...
Buna ziua, Site-ul este , inceput de o firma "profesionista" si neterminat :( Este facut in wordpress, tema avada, magazinul este in open cart, si a mai fost o varianta pentru care am template in presta shop. Itinial magazinul a fost conceput sa vanda un singur produs/saptamana (floral art of the week) , insa acum nu exclud ideea de a-l extinde, si de a pune mai multe creatii florale organizate pe categorii; Ce ar mai fi de modificat, dau copy paste din ultimul mail catre firma care a lucrat: Home redimensioneaza slide-ul, la mine pe laptop se vede doar slide-ul si numic din partea de jos, despre olla, cuvinte frumoase, olla in presa; Logo o idee mai mic; Slide- peste poza text finut cu alb si link catre portofoliu: poza lamai si hortensii text Saptamanal flori proaspet...
Brevis Music Art este un centru de cursuri artistice pentru copii si adulti cu sediul in Bucuresti, sector 1. Mai multe detalii puteti afla pe
I'm in need of a graphic designer who can create an exceptional logo for my brand. The logo should be a fusion of minimalist and illustrative styles. It should be versatile enough for both online use and for products, like appare...exceptional logo for my brand. The logo should be a fusion of minimalist and illustrative styles. It should be versatile enough for both online use and for products, like apparel and merchandise. Key Requirements: - Proficient in minimalist and illustrative design - Understanding of typography-based elements is a plus - Experience in creating logos for both online and product use - Ability to work with cool and neutral color palettes Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Color Theory - Illustrator - Minimalist and Illu...
Hello! I’m looking for a skilled graphic designer to help me enhance the layout and overall presentation of an art dossier/catalog I am creating for my father’s art collection. The current dossier is between 140 and 180 pages, and while I’ve made significant progress using Canva, I would like to elevate the design to a more professional level. I need someone who can work with my existing content and structure to: • Refine text formatting, typography, and layout for better readability and consistency. • Optimize the presentation of technical details (captions, artwork specifications, and descriptions) for each piece of art. • Improve photo scaling, placement, and proportions to ensure the images are displayed clearly and with impact...
I need a skilled photo editor to enhance and edit 600 photos for me. Key tasks will include: - Removing backgrounds and replacing them with white ones - Enhancing the overall brightness and contrast of the images - Adjusting specific color tones, namely warm tones (reds, yellows) and cool tones (blues, greens) Your role may also require you to source better images from the internet. Therefore, a keen eye for quality and aesthetic is essential. Please ensure you're comfortable with these tasks before bidding. Add my account name in each photo
Place a bid for your PER month suggestive costs, not for entire contract. I'm searching for an experienced Web Graphic Designer who can both manage graphics for the social media and website. The ideal candidate will have a knack for creating engaging content the candidates to do their own drawings/graphic art work--DO NOT use stock images and driving traffic through. Company Overview: GigResource is a dynamic and innovative event planning platform designed to connect users with top-tier vendors for all types of events, including weddings, birthdays, graduations, and more. Our platform aims to provide a seamless and engaging experience, helping users find the perfect professionals to meet their party and event needs. With a user-friendly interface and a focus on personalized ...
...make our social media presence more professional. Unfortunately we don't have time for that. So we are looking for a designer who can set up our advertisements (preferably as short clips) and work with us on a long-term basis with a corporate design. Our business cards, voucher cards and website backgrounds all have the same design. This should also continue in Instagram and Facebook. It should be cool and appeal to as many people as possible. We would also like to use it to display meta-advertisements. For example, we currently need an advertisement for a promotion with soccer ball packages and for a discount promotion for soccer shoes. I've designed the ads and images myself so far, but I don't have the time to do it, so the accounts are poorly maintained and the...
I'm looking to commission a large, abstract, metal wall sculpture. The sculpture should be over 7 feet. Can be comprised of numerous pieces, colors, materials. I am just looking for something large and unique I can hang in one of my wall areas. Ideal Skills: - Metalworking - Sculpting - Abstract Art Experience: - Previous work with large metal pieces - Portfolio of abstract designs if people have experience and other works they've done, i am pretty open to any design or materials I would prefer someone near Pittsburgh area
The second project as discussed. it will be another modern digital collage wall art. The brief as follows: COLLAGE #2 BRIEF Digital Modern Collage using the following elements: - africa - peacock - black panther with peacock feather prints or cut play with the contours of the africa and the other elements. i also want to add the words "One Africa. One World. One Love" >> also to be part of the art. colors / style should follow similar to the COLLAGE #1....
...make our social media presence more professional. Unfortunately we don't have time for that. So we are looking for a designer who can set up our advertisements (preferably as short clips) and work with us on a long-term basis with a corporate design. Our business cards, voucher cards and website backgrounds all have the same design. This should also continue in Instagram and Facebook. It should be cool and appeal to as many people as possible. We would also like to use it to display meta-advertisements. For example, we currently need an advertisement for a promotion with soccer ball packages and for a discount promotion for soccer shoes. I've designed the ads and images myself so far, but I don't have the time to do it, so the accounts are poorly maintained and the...
I'm on the hunt for a passionate and innovative chef specializing in fusion cuisine to join our dynamic restaurant chai ho jay. Based in MP, India, if you are that would be great. we aim to redefine dining experiences by merging traditional Indian flavors with global tastes to create something truly unique. **Requirements:** - Specialty in fusion cuisine, kitchen environment, whether through internships, apprenticeships, or junior roles. - Familiarity with the latest culinary trends, particularly in fusion cuisine.- Ability to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays. This opportunity is perfect for entry-level chefs eager to make their mark in the culinary world by joining a restaurant that values innovation, creativity, and the art of fusion c...
Seeking a creative comic artist and storyteller for an innovative health food brand project. The ideal candidate will com...appealing content that maintains brand guidelines while effectively communicating health benefits. Experience with educational content and sequential art is essential. The project requires creating 2-3 short comics per week and one long-form chapter weekly, with an initial 3-month contract. Understanding of health/nutrition is a plus, but not required as scientific content will be provided. Must be able to deliver social media-ready files, web-optimized content, and source files while meeting consistent deadlines. Strong communication skills and the ability to adapt to feedback are essential. Please include a portfolio showcasing sequential art and chara...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor with a knack for creating engaging YouTube content. The project involves editing footage of me creating Pop Art pieces on canvas using acrylic paints. This is a trial project that involves editing one video that documents the painting of one portrait. If the result is good then there will be follow up work. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in video editing software (like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Previous experience editing art-related content is a plus - Strong understanding of pacing, music selection and visual effects - Ability to create engaging, shareable content - Familiarity with YouTube's content guidelines and SEO best practices
I'm looking for a classic-styled logo for my spice and herbal powder import and export company. This logo should be simple and logical, integrating our company name with some graphics or icons. The color scheme should be cool colors like blue, green, or purple. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo creation - Understanding of classic design elements - Experience with branding for import/export businesses - Ability to create a simple yet effective design - Strong use of color theory, particularly cool colors
I'm looking for a pr...that need to be created from scratch. The new images should embody a "Traditional Tribal" style, reflecting the aesthetics and elements of traditional tribal art. Key tasks: - Design and create a new main homepage image - Design and create 7 new category images - Design and create 2 new banners - Ensure all images align with a "Traditional Tribal" style - Incorporate elements representative of African, Native American, and Pacific Islander cultures Ideal candidates should have: - A strong portfolio of web graphic design - Experience with creating custom images - An understanding of and ability to replicate a "Traditional Tribal" art style - Familiarity with, and ability to represent elements of, African, Native Ameri...
This is for an audio recording in WAV format. I'm looking for a collection of 90 seconds worth of hype up phrases and tag lines for my DJ sets. These will be scratched and overlaid, so they need to be smooth and cool, in English, understandable and clear. Bezwun is my DJ name and its is pronounced BEZ - ONE. Example included Key Requirements: - Phrases should convey a 'party and smooth' theme, as they will be used to hype up the crowd. - A mix of male and female voice deliveries. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in audio production and DJing. - Creative writing skills, particularly in crafting engaging and upbeat party phrases. - Ability to deliver clear and understandable English.
I'm seeking a talented miniature painter to assist with a luxury jewelry project. This opportunity involves creating intricate, fine art pieces on metal that will ultimately serve as pendants. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in detailed painting, with a strong portfolio of miniature artwork. - Proven ability to interpret and depict complex themes, specifically mythology, historical scenes, and cultural motifs. - Exceptional attention to detail and a dedication to top-notch craftsmanship. - Experience working with metal as a painting surface. The artwork should be painted in an Impressionist style. If you're passionate about creating intricate, detailed artwork and have the skills and experience we're looking for, we'd love to see your bid.
I'm in need of a talented Bangladeshi Cartoonist, specifically skilled in creating digital art in a poking/funny/retaliation style. The cartoons will be targeting specific personalities or political parties. Your task will involve: - Developing original content based on a provided topic and target personality/political group - Creating funny memes or cartoons that will be shared on social media In exchange, I will provide $1 for each accepted meme or cartoon. Your creativity and understanding of humor will be key to this project.
I need a cartoonist to create an 800 px x 800 px panel dep...Matters University." The picture of Jonah Salk should enhance the message, and the classroom should be a supporting background but not overpower it. Key elements to include: - Jonas Salk - The polio vaccine - A classroom at Truth Matters University The art style should be cartoony, and the mood should be inspirational. After this initial panel, I am looking to hire the same artist for creating between 100 to 500 additional panels for the series. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Cartooning and illustration - Understanding of the 'cartoony' art style - Ability to convey an inspirational tone through artwork - Experience with educational content - Interest in global health and historical contributions ...
I'm seeking a designer who can create a realistic, artistic design for the backside of my bill. The design should not just be a simple logo or promotional content, but an intricate, well thought out piece of art. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in graphic design and art - Experience in creating realistic designs - Ability to interpret and execute complex design ideas Please note, the design should not be overly minimalist or abstract, but rather detailed and realistic. Your ability to create a captivating and aesthetically pleasing design will be key in this project.
Project Overview: I am looking for a talented and creative video editor to create short, engaging videos to promote my art on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and other social media platforms. The videos should reflect the unique style and vision of my artwork, capturing the attention of art enthusiasts and building my brand presence online. The Art web shop is: Scope of Work: Edit short-form videos (15–60 seconds) with a focus on TikTok and Reels. Add effects, transitions, captions, and music to make the content visually appealing. Incorporate artistic elements that complement my work (e.g., animations, hyper-realistic details, or close-up shots of the art). Collaborate with me to develop creative concepts for the videos. Deliverables: 10-15 videos per month ...
Logo Creation Overview: We are launching Premier NAD+, a state-of-the-art IV therapy clinic specializing in NAD+ IV treatments and other wellness-focused IV solutions. Our goal is to provide revitalization, energy, and wellness to our clients in a modern and professional environment. We are looking for a logo that embodies these values with a simple, clean, and sophisticated design. What We’re Looking For: Simplicity: The logo should be clean, professional, and easy to recognize. Wellness Focus: The design should evoke feelings of health, rejuvenation, and energy without relying on clichéd elements like a liquid drop. Modern Aesthetic: A sleek, contemporary style that appeals to a wellness-conscious audience. Typography: Consider modern and minimalist fonts, with an em...
...experienced designer to develop a range of high-end, unique furniture pieces. The furniture will be made from glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC), a heavy-duty, durable material, so designs must be able to accommodate and utilize its properties. Scope of work: - Initial task will be to design an outdoor dining table and chairs. - The aesthetic should be modern, unique and considered a 'piece of art' - Designs should be suitable for heavy-duty use, with a focus on longevity and durability. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in furniture design, architecture or interior design. - Ability to create detailed, high-quality 3D renders. - Familiarity with GFRC and its manufacturing processes. Delivery Type: - Digital file comprising of the 3D designs - Detailed manufa... need of a logo for my local sports team - a spikeball team named the "Seattle Rain". Key Requirements: - Design a modern, high-school-esque sports team logo. - The logo should primarily use blue, black and white colors. - Incorporate a spikeball (color is flexible, doesn’t have to be yellow). - Include the Space Needle. - Aim for a design that captures the essence of Seattle and also looks cool. The ideal logo should evoke an energetic and bold vibe. It should reflect team spirit by capturing the essence of Seattle in a stylish way. The design should be appealing and contemporary, in line with a modern style. Skills and Experience Ideal for This Job: - Strong graphic design skills. - Experience in sports logo design. - Ability to incorporate specific elem...
I'm in search of a talented line artist who can draw in a manhwa style and is capable of illustrating action-packed scenes in an urban fantasy setting. The primary focus will be on weapon-based combat using modern firearms. Key Requirements: - Proficient in manhwa-style line art - Experience with action-packed, urban fantasy scenes - Comfortable illustrating weapon-based combat, particularly with modern firearms - Ability to convey intensity and excitement in fight scenes Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of weaponry and combat dynamics - Excellent attention to detail - Creative, with the ability to contribute ideas - Able to meet deadlines consistently Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal, particularly any that demonstrates your ability to draw ...
I'm looking for a T-shirt designer who can create a striking design for both the front and back of a T-shirt. Your designs should be aimed at adults and should be bold and colorful, with a specific emphasis on abstract shapes. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - T-shirt Design - Familiarity with Abstract Art - Strong Understanding of Color Theory - Experience with Adult Fashion Please provide a portfolio of your previous T-shirt designs. On the back, In an arc a over the logo in bright purple and in cursive, Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler, then in Green above the Star in an arc, Star Ranch, then in Gold below the Star, in an arc, Mardi Gras ‘25. Id like the “Star” logo to be rustic, like it is. I’d like all of this back a nice size on the back of the Tshi...