Fun web design kidsproiecte
...rezerve locuri pentru copii sau să solicite mai multe informații. Exemple de formulare: „Rezervă acum o zi de distracție educativă pentru copiii din clasa ta!” sau „Contactează-ne pentru mai multe detalii despre activitățile din campusul Bravo Edutainment!” Elemente tehnice: Designerii trebuie să includă și un QR code care, atunci când este scanat, va reda imnul campusului. Se dorește un design modular, care poate fi ușor adaptat pentru alte broșuri viitoare. Se recomandă folosirea culorilor vibrante și a unui layout prietenos, dar organizat. Criterii de selecție a designerului: Se va organiza un concurs pentru alegerea designerului. Selecția va fi făcută în funcție de: 1. Prețul oferit 2. Calitatea designurilor din portofoliu ... și IT? Ce bine, și noi suntem la fel! Tocmai ce ne-am relansat site-ul pe VTex, o platformă inovativă de e-commerce, și ne dorim să o cunoaștem cât mai bine alături de colegi noi! Dacă atenția la detalii și răbdarea te caracterizează, vrem să ne bucurăm împreună când ne uităm zilnic la datele din Analytics! Ești interesat? Hai să ne cunoști, colegilor ne place să ne „mintă” și ne spun că e fun să lucrăm împreună! Rolul tău va fi unul foarte important: vei fi omul care va face lucrurile frumoase să se miște, iar utilizatorii să aibă acces în fiecare zi la cele mai noi produse și promoții pe care le creăm împreună. Consideră că vei fi un adevărat Stăpân al Inelelor din spatele ! Experiența pe o poziție similară e ...
Cautam un coleg nou in echipa cu cunostinte minime de Unity dar cu o pasiune mare pentru a creea si dezvolta jocuri de mobile. Preferam sa lucreze cu noi la birou, pentru a putea colabora mai usor. Jobul este in Cluj Napoca
Salutare am nevoie de un asistent virtual pentru a ma ajuta cu practica mea de coaching. In ce consta? 1. Este vorba de o convorbie online timp de o ora. 2. Vei face cunostinta cu ideea de coaching. Eu am nevoie sa experimentez diferite modele de coaching pentru a capata practica! 3. Nu exista un mod gresit sau corect de a face treaba, celor selectati le voi explica mai bine intregul proces. 4. As prefera studenti sau liceeni dar sunt deschis si pentru persoane mai in varsta.
Avem nevoie sa conturam o serie de videoclipuri pentru copii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 2 - 10 ani care vor fi executate dupa anumite scenarii. Exemple : copii imbracti in diferite haine de anumite culori, masini, natura etc. Mai multe detalii vor fi primite in urma unor evaluari din partea noastra.
As avea nevoie de un logo simplu care urmeaza a fi pus pe fotografiile mele (fotografie de eveniment atat color cat si alb negru) As dori in el sa fie numele Claudiu Negrea Photography si pe langa asta as mai adauga ca element o mustata de hipster. Vreau doar ca logo-ul sa iasa in evidenta pe fiecare poza. Have fun
Alfabetul in 3 limbi in + mic joc de validare a cunostintelor. Scena 360 obligatoriu. The alphabet in 2 languages(french and english) , little validation of the knowledges. scene 360.
Alfabetul in 3 limbi in Mic joc de validare a cunostintelor. Scena 360.
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnol...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelencer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de BestJobs ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii m...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelancer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnol...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelencer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de BestJobs ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii m...
...momentul de fata suntem intr-un proces de extindere a echipei noastre de Web Development. Mai specific, cautam un developer cu experienta in Magento pentru sediul nostru din Cluj-Napoca si ti-am remarcat profilul de Freelancer ca potrivindu-se cu pozitia pe care o avem acum deschisa. Cateva cuvinte despre noi: suntem pe piata de IT din 2005 si ca business suntem orientati pe servicii de software outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii...
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow. care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729 care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729 care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729 care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729 care functionam in Europa. Noi realizam evenimente si decoruri unice oferind solutii creative de marketing pentru cele mai mari centre comerciale si hoteluri din Romania și Turcia. Puteți afla mai multe despre noi vizitând sau pagina noastra de facebook. Dorim sa demaram o noua expozitie interactiva cu denumirea Kids at Pitstop pentru a putea fi expusa in diferite centre comerciale. Un workshop in care sa implicam copiii gen pit-stop, un loc in care se intreaca cu masinute teleghidate, un atelier de reparat masini, sa puna rotile si uleiul etc. Asteptam din partea dvs un raspuns privind colaborarea la acest proiect (vom avea nevoie de simulari 3D si idei creative). Va multumesc, Irina Petcu 0726 238 729
Salut, Daca esti in cautarea unui proiect foarte interesant, cu siguranta de portofoliu, care sa fie challenging si fun in acelasi timp, avem o propunere pentru tine. Este vorba despre programarea unei aplicatii pentru tableta Windows 8 pe care ar trebui sa o livram in urmatoarele 2 saptamani, cu tenta de Craciun, interactiva si fun pentru cei care o vor folosi. Aplicatia se va folosi in cadrul unei petreceri si va presupune si proiectarea in timp real prin video mapping pe un decor existent la locatie. Aplicatia nu are un grad de dificultate foarte ridicat dar experienta anterioara in programare jocuri si grafica ar fi excelenta! Da-ne un semn daca esti interesat, ne-ar placea sa ne auzim si sa discutam mai multe detalii :) Seara relaxanta, Andreea
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave
zapisvam si chas, tui ksto naposledyk si dosta zaet ;)
We are looking for a Figma specialist to reorganize and enhance the screens of our app. Currently, all functional screens are designed in Miro, but we also ha...involves transferring the screens from Miro to Figma, polishing them to achieve a professional and cohesive look, and fully leveraging the template and existing styles. It’s crucial that the screens are clear, user-friendly, and visually aligned with our initial design aesthetic. All designs must be compatible with Flutter since the project will be developed using that framework. Links to resources: Miro link: Figma file: (Final-Upload)-(Copy)?node-id=0-1&p=f&t=MGvQOFd7rLO7AAwX-0
Project Description: I'm the owner of @playvillagezurich looking for a creative video editor to help me edit a fun and engaging "Get Ready With Me" (GRWM) reel featuring me and my daughter. In this video, my daughter transforms into a princess, and I become a dinosaur. The goal is to capture the relaxing and aesthetic vibe of typical GRWM content while highlighting the playful roleplaying aspect between us. Key Requirements: 1. Storytelling & Creativity: Bring your own storytelling ideas to enhance the flow and engagement of the video. Identify and emphasize a clear hook from the footage to capture viewers' attention early. Ensure the final video has a smooth, engaging narrative that resonates with the GRWM style. 2. Editing Style: Maintain the soft,...
I'm seeking a skilled Flutter developer to create a cross-platform (iOS, Android, Web) chat and play application. The app will incorporate text and voice messaging, with a fun and interactive user interface. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Flutter, with a portfolio of cross-platform apps - Experience in developing chat functionalities - Knowledge of creating engaging, interactive user interfaces - Understanding of e-commerce and social networking app features - Ability to deliver on time and communicate effectively Please only apply if you have significant experience with Flutter and can demonstrate similar projects. Your creativity and technical skills will be vital in bringing this interactive chat and play app to life.
**Description**: We’re looking for a talented and experienced freelancer to help us **launch a meme coin** on the **Solana blockchain**. The ideal candidate should have experience with token creation, marketing, and graphic design. We're looking for someone who knows how to create a fun, engaging, and **profitable meme coin** that can go viral. **Key Responsibilities**: - **Token Creation**: Help us create and deploy a meme token on Solana. - **Marketing & Promotion**: Develop and execute a **marketing plan** to create buzz around the launch and grow a community. - **Graphics & Branding**: Design simple but **eye-catching branding** (logo, website, social media images) for the token. - **Community Building**: Help engage with our audience on socia...
I'm in need of a vibrant, fun and colorful advertising template designed specifically to attract new customers to my pizzeria and cafe. The template should be tailored for use primarily on social media platforms, making it essential that the design is eye-catching and engaging, suitable for the fast-paced, visually-driven nature of social media. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for social media. - A portfolio demonstrating fun and colorful designs. - Understanding of brand promotion and customer attraction strategies. Your task will be to create an adaptable template that I can use to promote a variety of content, all aimed at enticing new patrons to my restaurant.
We're looking for a talented and experienced 2D animator or team to bring fun, colorful animations to life! We do the graphics and sound, you do the idea, storyboard, and animation for our projects. Important! What we need: High-quality, smooth 2D animations. Similar to these: Please show: 3-4 best animations from your portfolio. Pricing for one minute of animation work. This is a long-term collaboration, so we're seeking someone who is passionate about creating engaging, vibrant animations for kids. If you're a creative storyteller with excellent 2D skills, we'd love to see your work! Let’s make something amazing
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I'm looking for a talented animator to create a 3D animated video aimed at children aged 3-5 years. The video should be designed to teach moral values and social skills in a realistic animation style. Key Requirements: - Animation should be realistic, not cartoonish or abstract. - Content must be suitable for 3-5 and 6-10 year olds, focusing on moral values and social skills. - Experience in creating educational content for children is a plus. Your creativity and expertise in animation will be crucial to making this project a success.
I'm looking for a freelancer who ca...of the coin and its potential value. - Roadmap: I want a clear, engaging depiction of the coin's future plans and milestones. - Buy Now: A prominent, easy-to-navigate section for potential buyers. - Social Links: Connect with our community! This section should link to our various social media platforms. The tone of the website needs to be 'playful and fun' to resonate with the essence of a meme coin. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web design and development, particularly for one-page sites. - Experience in creating playful and engaging websites. - Understanding of cryptocurrency and meme culture. - Ability to create clear and attractive visual presentations of information. Please provide examples of similar...
I'm looking for a designer to create a panini-like sticker basketball album aimed at young players aged 11-15 years. The design should be both the album and the stickers, all in a realistic style. Key components: - The stickers should feature team logos and player portraits. - The album should be designed for collecting these stickers. - The overall design should appeal to the target age group and be fun yet realistic. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in creating designs for children's products - Experience with sports-themed design - Understanding of the 11-15 year old aesthetic - Ability to create appealing, realistic designs
I'm looking for a logo designer who can create a playful and fun logo for my preschool. The logo needs to be bright and vibrant, capturing the essence of a lively and engaging learning environment. Key Requirements: - The logo must incorporate an apple with a wink, a symbol that encapsulates the playful spirit of the preschool. - The designer should have a strong understanding of color theory, particularly in using bright and vibrant colors effectively. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Prior experience in designing for children or educational institutions - Strong portfolio of playful and fun design - Excellent understanding of color theory - Creative and innovative mindset.
Admin Panel: Parent’s List with Details of subscription and devices,payment, active/inactive. Subscription package by device/month/year, Active/inactive. Parent Web Login. - same as app features Parents app: Signup/Login with OTP, Buy Subscription Paytm gateway, Add/delete device, Set screen time, app block, hear sound of mic, Check Location, camera viewer same as reference, screen mirror, view notifications & files. See subscription details, check kid phone permissions details. Kids: app will be hidden, unable to uninstall easily. On the parent app add device button it should guide the Parents to download the kid phone apk from the URL, and after installing the kid phone apk it will ask for all the permission that needs. For a more detailed process understan...
Admin Panel: Parent’s List with Details of subscription and devices,payment, active/inactive. Subscription package by device/month/year, Active/inactive. Parent Web Login. - same as app features Parents app: Signup/Login with OTP, Buy Subscription Paytm gateway, Add/delete device, Set screen time, app block, hear sound of mic, Check Location, camera viewer same as reference, screen mirror, view notifications & files. See subscription details, check kid phone permissions details. Kids: app will be hidden, unable to uninstall easily. On the parent app add device button it should guide the Parents to download the kid phone apk from the URL, and after installing the kid phone apk it will ask for all the permission that needs. For a more detailed process understan...
Please click document to see all project instructions! Thank Q! Have fun! -
I'm looking for a cartoon-style logo design of a character called "Blue Zushi". I'm seeking a creative freelance illustrator to design a fun, detailed, cartoon-style illustration featuring the theme "Blue Zushi." The design should include a playful representation of a cannabis bud as sushi, with expressive details that bring the character to life. This illustration will be used for branding, merchandise, and promotional materials. Key Elements: Main Illustration: Cannabis Bud as Sushi: A cannabis bud styled as sushi with nori details, paired with other sushi elements like salmon and maki rolls. Character Details: A headband with Japanese kanji or stylized text. An expressive face showing personality (e.g., relaxed, cheerful). Ac...
Admin Panel: Parent’s List with Details of subscription and devices,payment, active/inactive. Subscription package by device/month/year, Active/inactive. Parent Web Login. - same as app features Parents app: Signup/Login with OTP, Buy Subscription Paytm gateway, Add/delete device, Set screen time, app block, hear sound of mic, Check Location, camera viewer same as reference, screen mirror, view notifications & files. See subscription details, check kid phone permissions details. Kids: app will be hidden, unable to uninstall easily. On the parent app add device button it should guide the Parents to download the kid phone apk from the URL, and after installing the kid phone apk it will ask for all the permission that needs. For a more detailed process understan...
I am in...sustainability-focused EdTech mobile app and corresponding website. The app will empower kids to learn about sustainability through educational videos and quizzes and assessments. The website will showcase our product offerings to customers, featuring a product showcase, user testimonials, and a blog and resources section. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in UI/UX design, specifically with Figma - A portfolio demonstrating modern and sleek design aesthetics - Experience designing for educational or sustainability-focused projects is a plus - Excellent communication skills to understand and implement project requirements - Experience with creating interactive elements in design for apps Please provide your portfolio ...
I'm looking for a skilled model maker who can craft a detailed train station for my hobby. The station should be styled like those in the Thomas and Friends series, complete with a station bui... Key Requirements: - Crafting a model train station building in the Thomas and Friends style - Creating tracks and platforms that fit with the station building - Prior experience with model making, particularly train stations - Ability to understand and replicate the design of the Thomas and Friends series - Attention to detail and craftsmanship This project is perfect for someone who has experience in creating intricate model train stations and has a love for the Thomas and Friends series. The final product should be a fun and engaging model that captures the essence of the be...
I'm a new local online retail store specializing in kids' items, from toys to games, gifts, and gadgets. With 7 products ready to go and plans for expansion, I need a fully set up Facebook store to help kickstart my sales. Key Requirements: - Complete setup of a comprehensive business page on Facebook - Integration of a product catalog that showcases my current inventory, with room for future expansions - Strategic and appealing layout that includes all necessary areas Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in eCommerce setup, specifically on Facebook - Strong understanding of product catalog setup and online retail - Ability to create engaging and professional business pages - Knowledge of customer interaction and engagement strategies on social media platforms.
...material is crucial. - Incorporating Signage: The design should seamlessly integrate the store name signage. Creativity in this aspect will be highly appreciated. - Display Windows: Strategically designed display windows should be a part of the facade, enticing passersby to explore our offerings. - Lighting Fixtures: The facade should also accommodate stylish and functional lighting fixtures, enhancing the store's visibility and appeal. Dimensions : from the base to ceiling, 7 feet Width of the building - 36 feet Total height of the building - 3+50+3= 56 feet Glass showcase - 20 feet width and 8 feet height Minimum tv size required - 6*8 feet Store name - Bhai Bhai Fashion We are a premium clothing store selling multiple brands in men's, women's, kids and...
I'm looking for a versatile voice talent for an animation pilot. The story is a love story aimed at 6 to 11 year-olds, featuring a young girl and boy, along with a host of animals and parents. Key Requirements: - Distinct voices for 8 or more characters, including animals and parents - A funny, playful tone for animals - Normal, relatable voices for kids and parents Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in children's animation voice work - Ability to convey a range of emotions and tones - Creative and engaging voice delivery
I'm looking for a high-resolution .svg clip art that is suitable for printing on mugs or shirts. The design should resemble a graduation diploma with a playful twist. Key Requirements: - The text should read: "Graduate of YouTube University". - Accomplishments to include on the diploma: - Honorary student - Never missed a day - 1 million hours+ - A fun and playful design is essential. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Proficient in creating .svg files - Experience with playful and fun designs
I'm looking for someone who can help me get 500 'Haha' reactions on my Facebook posts to increase engagement. The goal is to make the posts more interactive and fun for viewers. Ideal Candidates Should: - Have experience in social media management or marketing - Be familiar with strategies to increase post visibility and engagement - Understand the dynamics of Facebook and its reaction system - Be able to deliver the reactions in a timely manner Please note, I am not looking for likes or other reactions, but specifically 'Haha' reactions. The ultimate aim is to make the posts more appealing and engaging.
I'm looking for a logo for my project, Scary-oke (or scaryoke, I'm not quite sure about the hyphen). It's a unique twist on SCARY Karaoke. The style of the logo should be dark and spooky, aligning with the theme of the project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Development - Illustrator / Photoshop - Experience in creating themed designs A strong portfolio showcasing similar styles will be highly considered. The ability to understand and translate this dark and spooky theme into a fun and engaging logo is crucial.
I need a logo for an upcoming Air Guitar Championship. The logo should convey a fun mood, appealing to the event's light-hearted and entertaining nature. Key Considerations: - The design should be able to connect with the concept of air guitar, so creativity in representing this concept visually will be crucial. - The logo should be versatile, working well on various media from merchandise to promotional materials. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Creativity and ability to conceptualize abstract ideas visually.