Freelancing for students in indiaproiecte


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    2,000 freelancing for students in india proiecte găsite

    Angajam automatist sau echipa d...echipa de 2-3 automatisti pentru proiecte de automatizare care controleaza sisteme de conveioare. SCHNEIDER in principal sau SIEMENS. Oferim intre 1000 Euro si 20000 Euro in functie de complexitatea si dimensiunea proiectului, precum si de tipurile de sarcini indeplinite: : PROIECTARE: solutie (layout electric), proiectare scheme monofilar, scheme electrice, tablouri electrice, EXECUTIE: tablouri, cablare pe solutia mecanica si legaturi in vederea testarii PROGRAMARE: software PLC, HMI, SCADA etc MANUALE DE OPERARE TESTARE de tip FAT: running and testing la fabrica producator COMMISSIONING si PIF la sediul clientului (Romania, Spania, Franta, Grecia, Anglia, tari din Middle East, Africa, India, America de Sud). Pentru mai multe...

    $9094 Average bid
    $9094 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Project for Mihaescu A.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, poti vorbi putin cu un neinitiat? as vrea si eu sa incep sa fac freelancing, am vazut multe clipuri dar as vrea sa vorbesc si cu un om care chiar face asta. Mersi!

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Baba R.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Gabriel, Sunt Ionut de la ClujHub si te abordez pentru că te numeri printre freelancerii recomandati din Cluj. Am pregatit o oferta speciala pentru spatiul de coworking, si incerc sa validez daca este relevanta pentru industrie, care sunt cele mai des intalnite nevoi sau beneficii de avut in vedere? Acesta este landing page-ul: M-ar ajuta mult feedback-ul tau, in lipsa unor articole sau studii despre piata si nevoile de freelancing din RO. Multumesc, Ionut.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Tiberiu B.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Tibo, am nevoie pentru design la un mini proiectel de al meu pentru facultate. Cred ca are maxim 7 pagini. Design-ul nu trebuie sa fie neaparat complex, e prima oara cand folosesc un site de freelancing. Astept mesaj pentru mai multe detalii.

    $10 - $10
    $10 - $10
    0 oferte
    Activare Domeniu
    S-a încheiat left

    Cu vreo 1 an și jumătate în urma am colaborat cu un freelencer din India sa ma ajute sa îmi deschid un site și sa îmi facă un domeniu, doar sa am siguranță că acel domeniu nu o sa îl ia cineva, si acum am plătit al doilea pentru web design și nu mai știu ce ,dar nu reușesc sa activez acel site. Deocamdată doar vreau sa îl activez.

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    Am nevoie de cineva care sa imi construiasca un website cu o platforma online activa pe ea. Pretul se negociaza dupa intelegerea proiectului. Prefer freelancing. (Removed by admin)

    $1250610 Average bid
    $1250610 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora sau full time, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Cerinte: - minim 6 luni de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj IMPORTANT: Va rog sa includeti tariful orar perceput(in USD) si/sau suma dorita pentru o colaborare full time. Multumesc

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Proiect software ERP
    S-a încheiat left

    ...din India. Contabilitatea este 100% realizata iar zona de creditare este partial dezvoltata. Se va continua si cu echipa din India dar se doreste marirea echipei si o comunicare mai eficienta. Software-ul este dezvoltat in Laravel. Este necesara prezenta constanta la intalnirile echipei. Sediul companiei este in Bucuresti. We want to continue the development of ERP software for an IFN institution. The software is partially developed by a team from India. The accounting is 100% realized and the credit area is partially developed. It will continue with the team from India but it is desired to increase the team and a more efficient communication. The software is developed in Laravel. Constant attendance at team...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    API Integrare B2B XML ASMX
    S-a încheiat left

    Detinem o platfirma de eCommerce (Prestashop 1.7.5) si dorim integrarea cu centrul de distributie local, din format ASMX cu export XML (produs, stoc, descriere, sku, ean) in timp real sau sub forma unui cron job. Manual implementare complet disponibil la cerere. Doar limba romana (just Romanian language) - India not accepted.

    $602 Average bid
    $602 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora sau full time, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Cerinte: - minim 6 luni de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj IMPORTANT: Va rog sa includeti tariful orar perceput(in USD) si/sau suma dorita pentru o colaborare full time. Multumesc

    $1114 Average bid
    $1114 Oferta medie
    54 oferte

    ...directa, cinstita care doreste sa faca bani muncind de acasa. Am in spate o echipa de development web, de design 2d si 3d si recunosc nu am timp sa folosesc conturile pe care le am pe diverse websiteuri pentru a face oferte. Sunt constient ca daca cineva ar avea rabdare si timp ar putea sa obtina cu portofoliul nostru foarte multe proiecte in fiecare saptamana. Avem capacitate de livrare dar nu am timp de ofertare. Proiectele pe care le livram deja sunt pe baza clientilor existenti. Mi-ar placea sa existe cineva cunoscator de engleza, bun vanzator, rabdator si atent care sa ma ajute in acest domeniu. Plata la proiect semnat/platit si bonus lunar. Va rog nu ma deranjati daca traduceti acest anunt si sunteti din India , Pakistan si alte tari exotice...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Caut un webdeveloper pentru a crea un online shop pentru piata romaneasca. Persoana selectata va folosi teme si plugin-uri existente (de ex. de pe Themeforest) pentru a crea un onlin...petfood. Shop-ul va fi integrat cu soft-ul de procesare plati al procesatorul nostru + cu platforma firmei de curierat. Datorita relatiei stranse pe care dorim s-o construim cu persoana care se va ocupa de acest proiect, luam in considerare doar furnizori vorbitori de lb. romana (cel mai probabil din Romania sau Moldova). Vom evalua o oferta comerciala doar din partea furnizorilor care se vor intalni cu noi personal (Bucuresti) sau prin Skype. Please, please, please DO NOT REPLY if you are from India, Bangladesh, China. I have no doubt that you can build sites, but in this case ...

    $484 Average bid
    $484 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora sau full time, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Cerinte: - minim 1 an de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony 2 si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj IMPORTANT: Va rog sa includeti tariful orar perceput(in USD) si/sau suma dorita pentru o colaborare full time. Si, ce tip de colaborare preferati(full time sau tarif orar). Mai multe detalii le putem discuta pe chat sau pe skype. Multumesc

    $1105 Average bid
    $1105 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    Doresc colaborare pe termen lung cu grafician experimentat si punctual din Bucuresti, in regim de freelancing, pentru realizare/finisare de layouturi de homepage in Photoshop, pe baza indicatiilor clientului. Pot furniza chiar si 15-20 de proiecte lunar. Graficianul trebuie sa aiba o buna cunostinta a ultimelor tendinte in webdesign pentru siturile de tip one-page si landing pages si sa fie dispus sa invete si sa aplice lucruri noi. Multumesc, atelieruldeweb (dot) ro

    $191 Average bid
    $191 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Project for StanleyV2
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc colaborare pe termen lung cu grafician experimentat si punctual din Bucuresti, in regim de freelancing, pentru realizare/finisare de layouturi de homepage in Photoshop, pe baza indicatiilor clientului. Pot furniza chiar si 15-20 de proiecte lunar. Graficianul trebuie sa aiba o buna cunostinta a ultimelor tendinte in webdesign pentru siturile de tip one-page si landing pages si sa fie dispus sa invete si sa aplice lucruri noi. Multumesc, atelieruldeweb (dot) ro

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Doresc colaborare pe termen lung cu grafician experimentat si punctual din Bucuresti, in regim de freelancing, pentru realizare/finisare de layouturi de homepage in Photoshop, pe baza indicatiilor clientului. Pot furniza chiar si 15-20 de proiecte lunar. Graficianul trebuie sa aiba o buna cunostinta a ultimelor tendinte in webdesign pentru siturile de tip one-page si landing pages si sa fie dispus sa invete si sa aplice lucruri noi. Multumesc, atelieruldeweb (dot) ro

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    PHP developer din Romania
    S-a încheiat left

    Cautam colaboratori in regim de freelancing cu plata la ora, pentru implementarea/continuarea mai multor proiecte. Preferam programatori din Iasi, Romania dar se pot face exceptii. Cerinte: - minim 1 an de experienta in domeniu; - cunostinte de PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, MySql; - cunoasterea unui framework(Symfony 2 si/sau CodeIgniter) reprezinta un avantaj Va rog sa includeti un link catre portofoliu dvs. Mai multe detalii le putem discuta pe chat sau pe skype. Multumesc.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Salut! **doar pentru freelancerin din Bucuresti Cautam un designer cu care sa colaboram. Suntem o echipa mica de programatori freelanceri si colegi de facultate din Bucuresti. Acum lasam freelancingul la o parte si ne apucam de teme de wordpress. Facem acest lucru intrucat piata e intr-o extindere continua si din punct de vedere creativ nu esti limitat (vis-a-vis de proiectele freelancing unde clientul controleaza arhitectura/designul siteului). Avem 2 posibilitati de colaborare pentru tine: - plata pe design - plata (mai mica) pe design + procent din vanzari Daca este careva interesat va rog sa lasati un reply sa putem vorbi :). Mersi, Razvan Pavelescu

    $466 Average bid
    $466 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Am nevoie de cineva fffff serios si priceput la SEO pt optimizarea la site-ul meu agentie care vreau sa fie gasita in google ro dar si in alte tari prin cuvinte romana si engleza.... mai am si un site care vreau sa fie gasit pe google in dubai : cu cuvintele escorts in dubai ,escorts in abu dhabi rog seriozitate fara scoruri mari pt c anu imi sa preciez ca de 2ani caut pe cineva pt bed46 am dat numa de tot felu de asa zizi experti pe internet...din india etc..

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Programator PHP
    S-a încheiat left

    dcs plus este in cautare de tineri entuziasti, pasionati de programare si dornici sa lucreze si sa se dezvolte intr-o companie dinamica, alaturi de o echipa de tineri profesionisti. *Ce ne dorim noi de la tine: • sa ai cunostinte de nivel mediu: PHP, MySQL, HTML, JS, Zend Framework • sa ai experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea unor aplicatii web (pot fi si proiecte personale – prezentarea unui portofoliu de lucrari constituie un avantaj); • sa cunosti conceptele OOP *Esti candidatul ideal daca: • esti student sau absolvent Automatica, Matematica-Informatica, Cibernetica; • esti sigur(a) pe tine si increzator(oare) in calitatea serviciilor livrate si a codului programat; • ai cunostinte legate de design-patterns; •...

    $1943 Average bid
    $1943 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    CANDIDATUL fi de 5 ore pe zi, 5 zile pe saptamana. Nu este VIDEOCHAT! Responsabilitatile principale ale job-ului vor fi trimitere email-uri, data-entry in Word, Excel, powerpoint presentation, update-uri la paginile media de socializare a firmelor ( facebook, linkedin, twitter etc). Dress code-ul se cere cat mai provocator in timpul orelor de lucru. Cum spuneam si mai sus, nu este videochat, dar cea mai importanta conditie a firmei este impunerea unui anumit stil de imbracaminte, cat mai provocator. De ce exista acest aspect vi se va explica la interviul pe care il veti sustine. Veti beneficia de un contract de munca prin intermediul site-ului de freelancing sau a putea fi sigure de metoda de plata. Plata se va face saptamanal si va fi de 750$/saptamana.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    CANDIDATUL fi de 5 ore pe zi, 5 zile pe saptamana. Nu este VIDEOCHAT! Responsabilitatile principale ale job-ului vor fi trimitere email-uri, data-entry in Word, Excel, powerpoint presentation, update-uri la paginile media de socializare a firmelor ( facebook, linkedin, twitter etc). Dress code-ul se cere cat mai provocator in timpul orelor de lucru. Cum spuneam si mai sus, nu este videochat, dar cea mai importanta conditie a firmei este impunerea unui anumit stil de imbracaminte, cat mai provocator. De ce exista acest aspect vi se va explica la interviul pe care il veti sustine. Veti beneficia de un contract de munca prin intermediul site-ului de freelancing sau a putea fi sigure de metoda de plata. Plata se va face saptamanal si va fi de 750$/saptamana.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    NO bidders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. 25-50 link-uri de pe pagini de turism sau știri din turism minim PR3 (PR-ul paginii pe care e link-ul). Buget: $100 Termen: maxim 30 zile Cerințe: - link-uri ONE WAY, permanente, do-follow; link-urile șterse în termen de 12 luni vor fi înlocuite - link-uri de pe pagini PR3+, minim 10 link-uri PR4+, minim 1 link PR5+; - link-uri de pe domenii diferite și adrese IP diferite - link-uri de pe pagini cu maxim 50 de link-uri - link-uri de tip href, fără tehnici javascript - cuvintele cheie vor fi comunicate ulterior - nu se acceptă comentarii în bloguri, forumuri, social bookmarking - se vor folosi NUMAI tehnici white hat. Propunerea va include numărul de link-uri pe care le puteți oferi și exemple de link-ur...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Nu am un proiect
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut ! Sunt nou si nu prea stiu nimic despre freelancing! As vrea sa invat despre asta. Multumesc!!!

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    tutun di india - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    Pentru prelucrarea tutunului a fabrica tigari de calitate si redistribuirea produselori.,si comercealiza in multe domeni.

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 oferte
    tutun di india
    S-a încheiat left

    Pentru prelucrarea tutunului a fabrica tigari de calitate si redistribuirea produselori.,si comercealiza in multe domeni.

    $555 Average bid
    $555 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...Development & Market Strategy About the Role We are looking for a Startup Consultant with expertise in market research, product strategy, and go-to-market execution. If you have a passion for building and launching successful startups, we want to hear from you! Key Responsibilities: Market Research & Competitive Analysis • Conduct thorough industry research to identify market size, trends, and pricing models, accompanied by relevant data sources. • Analyze competitor strategies to uncover product-market gaps and differentiation opportunities. Marketing & Audience Analysis • Evaluate customer demographics, industry dynamics, and digital traffic sources to shape marketing strategies. • Identify effective acquisition channels and defin...

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...Consulting – India/Dubai Location: Remote Salary: INR 12K per month + Annual Incentives (INR 30K – 100K) + Travel Perks Working Hours: Monday – Friday (9:30 AM – 7 PM), Saturday (Half-day) Joining: Immediate (within 5 days preferred) ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities • Screen candidates and assess their suitability for roles • Communicate effectively with candidates via calls and emails • Arrange and schedule interviews between candidates and hiring managers • Ensure compliance with the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and maintain records • Shortlist qualified candidates for final manager screening • Record Keeping in CRM • Support organizational strategy during non-peak ho...

    $236 Average bid
    $236 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    ...PM IST today. I’m looking for a talented UI/UX designer to create two sections for a lead-generation landing page for businesses. This is just the start — I am seeking a long-term design partner or agency, with many more design needs to come. If you also have coding skills, that’s a big plus! If you can code, you'll definitely get more work in the future. Requirements: India-based designers only (Preference given to freelancers based in Chandigarh Tri-City area) Available for calls and future availability aligned with USA time Skills Needed: Expert in UI/UX Design with a strong understanding of modern design trends Proficient in Figma Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, HubSpot, WordPress I...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    NOTE - *ONLY INDIAN FREELANCERS* Hi., I'm looking for Indian freelancers to click Images of 4-wheelers(either from front or back with visible number plates) from different cities/states. requirements- 1)minimum pixels 1920*1080. 2)No blur images. 3)Images to be clicked in Landscape mode. 4)visible number plate(either front or back- any side will work). 5)Need minimum of 500 images daily - if not then try at least uploading 250 images. 6)Multiple Hiring for this Project(I need more than 20,000 images from different states of INDIA). 7)Pay cut will be 1.75rs per qualified image; Deliverables- Kindly while uploading the images on "Files Tab" zip the folder and upload it.; as soon as your images are qualified I will give you the Drive link to revie...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I am looking for an experienced firmware developer who can work with the ESP32 platform. This project involves creating firmware for an IoT device. It is small project with mostly completed developments. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing sensor data reading and processing - Enabling wireless communication via BLE - Overseeing battery management and monitoring Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with ESP32 - Proficiency in ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) - Skilled in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication - Knowledgeable in Battery Management Systems (BMS) If you are a talented firmware developer with the necessary skills and experience, I would love to hear from you. please do not bid if you not from NCR or Delhi

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a dynamic and responsive e-commerce website on Shopify for my premium candle brand based in India. The site will feature: - A variety of candle products - Candle accessories - Gift sets The design should embody an elegant and luxurious style. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Shopify - A strong portfolio in designing elegant, luxury-themed e-commerce sites - Knowledge in creating user-friendly, responsive, and dynamic websites. I am looking for a freelancer who can understand and translate the aesthetic and quality of my brand into an exquisite online shopping experience.

    $353 Average bid
    $353 Oferta medie
    56 oferte

    I'm seeking knowledgeable and enthusiastic Automo...and enthusiastic Automobile Engineering Faculty members to teach theory-based classes in our government polytechnic colleges. The ideal candidate will have strong expertise in automobile engineering concepts and the ability to deliver engaging lectures that simplify complex topics for students. Key Responsibilities: - Teach first-year students intricate concepts of automobile engineering. - Use hands-on demonstrations as primary teaching method. Proficiency in the following areas is crucial: - Engine systems - Vehicle dynamics - Automotive electronics Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge of automobile engineering - Proven experience in teaching - Ability to simplify compl...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to develop a comprehensive tutorial on generating income through online business. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive knowledge and experience in online business - Excellent tutorial writing/creating skills - Ability to break down complex concepts for easy understanding - Good understanding of SEO principles for online business. - Experience in creating engaging and informative content. - Knowledge of social media marketing strategies and tools. Please note that the format of the tutorial (written guide, video tutorial, interactive course) and the target audience (beginners, intermediate, advanced) are yet to be decided. Therefore, your input on these aspects would be highly app...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    ...Title: Web App Development for SlidePedia – Digital Presentation Library ? Project Description: We are looking for an experienced web developer or development team to build SlidePedia, a digital presentation library where users (teachers, students, and parents) can browse, filter, and access educational presentation templates. The project will include: ✅ User-friendly UI/UX with a modern, engaging design ✅ Library system to categorize presentations by grade level, subject, and type ✅ Search & filtering for quick access to presentations ✅ Integration with Canva (users should be able to open templates directly in Canva) ✅ Download options (PDF/PPT) for users who prefer offline access ✅ User authentication (optional for saving fa...

    $442 Average bid
    $442 Oferta medie
    93 oferte

    ...completely new concept for a reusable notebook. This project is not just about designing the cover but about reimagining the notebook itself, including how it opens, functions, and looks. The goal is to create an eco-friendly, durable, and multi-functional notebook that enhances the user experience while being sustainable. Key Requirements: Innovative Reusability Concept: Beyond just erasable pages, explore other reusable features (e.g., modular pages, smart integrations, multi-surface writing). Consider new materials for longevity and sustainability. Possibility of adding a scanning function for digital conversion. Creative Opening & Binding Mechanism: Unique ways the notebook can be opened (e.g., foldable, expandable, detachable). Must be easy ...

    $12 Average bid

    We are seeking a talented graphic designer to join our team for various creative projects. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing innovative designs and a keen eye for detail. You will be responsible for creating v isually appealing graphics for print and digital media, collaborating with our marketing team, and delivering high-quality work within deadlines. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and a solid understanding of current design trends are essential. If you are passionate about design and ready to make an impact, we would love to hear from you!

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I'm seeking a creative content creator for an educational campaign targeting students, teachers. The project will entail developing engaging adverts in the form of images and videos, and potentially assisting with logo design. The visual content should be in a modern and trendy style, appealing to the target demographic. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating visual content for educational campaigns - Proficiency in developing images and videos - Ability to design in a modern and trendy style - Logo design skills would be an advantage

    $469 Average bid
    $469 Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    ...and will do back links to high profile media in the US and not a bunch of back links to UK and INDIA. We need professional level talent that will achieve high results. We are professionals that are the top of our industry and need to have recognition and ranking accordingly. Key Responsibilities: - Implement on-page SEO strategies to optimize our website content and structure. - Execute off-page SEO techniques to increase our site's authority and relevance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in improving search engine rankings for law firms or similar industries. - Expertise in both on-page and off-page SEO. - Familiarity with SEO tools and analytics. - Excellent understanding of all relevant search engines. The target timeline ...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Oferta medie
    56 oferte

    I'm s...freelancer to promote and sell our CRM in various cities across India, specifically targeting retail merchants such as supermarkets, salons, spas, bakeries, restaurants, boutiques, optical shops, laundries, and more. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct product demonstrations to potential clients - Close sales effectively Target Cities: - Mumbai - Delhi - Pune During product demonstrations, it's crucial to emphasize the following CRM features: - Customer management - Sales tracking - Marketing automation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven sales track record - Experience in selling software, particularly CRM systems - Excellent communication and presentation skills - Ability to target and engage with diverse retail sectors - Knowledge of the retail...

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    I'm seeking an experienced fashion designer to create a detailed tech pack for vintage inspired organic cotton nightgowns. The tech pack should primarily focus on measurement specifications. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in fashion design - Experienced in creating tech packs - Knowledgeable about dress design Please include in your bid examples of previous tech packs you've created, particularly for feminine dresses or vintage inspired cuts. Must have experience with embroidery and details. This could become an ongoing great gig for the right person. If you have connections with an ethical factory in India even better. I’m starting a company and I have photo inspiration that I need to send to a designer. I have a fac...

    $25 - $50 / hr
    Sigilat Acord de confidenţialitate
    $25 - $50 / hr
    15 oferte

    Position: AI & Organizational Growth Lead (India) Location: India-based (Hybrid/Remote possible) Type: Full-Time, Long-Term Who We Are We are a Netherlands-headquartered tech group with a lean development team in India. Our projects range from custom software solutions to AI-powered startups across multiple verticals. We operate with the belief that a small core team, powered by AI and strong leadership, can achieve big-company results. Why This Role Matters We need a partner who will orchestrate our India operations—ensuring clear tasks and deliverables, building management layers, and driving AI adoption to streamline day-to-day work. Your job is to bridge technical and business objectives, coordinate cross-functional teams, and scale new id...

    $2216 Average bid
    $2216 Oferta medie
    53 oferte

    I'm seeking a capable lawyer to file a petition on my behalf to the Bar Council of India. The case revolves around a breach of contract by another lawyer, alongside other serious allegations including tax avoidance and gross misconduct. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have considerable experience in legal advocacy and filing petitions to the Bar Council of India. - Be well-versed in handling cases involving alleged professional misconduct of lawyers. - Have a strong track record of pursuing cases to their highest possible level. - Be able to communicate effectively and keep me updated throughout the process. Evidence: I have substantial evidence to support the breach of contract claim, including text messages, voice recordings, and ...

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I need a professional website, along with a logo and letterhead. The website should have a contact form and a bio/about section. My company is into transformer Maintenace and repair services in india including complete lubricant management. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in web development, specifically creating portfolio or personal sites - Graphic design skills for creating a unique logo and letterhead - Knowledge of SEO best practices to enhance site visibility - Excellent communication skills for discussing design and functionality details

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Oferta medie
    49 oferte

    ? Seeking Elite UI/UX Designer for Premium Corporate Solutions Website We're an agency team seeking a visionary designer who can transform complex business solutions into an elegant, modern web experience. ? PROJECT SCOPE: Premium Corporate Solutions Website - Homepage + 4-6 Landing Pages - About Page - Contact Page ? WHAT MAKES THIS PROJECT UNIQUE: This isn't your typical corporate website. We're creating a digital presence for a 20-year-old tech solutions powerhouse that offers 46 distinct services across multiple industries. The challenge? Presenting complex B2B solutions in a clean, intuitive interface that speaks to both Fortune 500 executives and tech talent in India. ? REQUIRED DELIVERABLES: 1. Complete Figma designs for a...

    $478 Average bid
    $478 Oferta medie
    87 oferte
    Vistaprint-Style Website Development
    6 zile left
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    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website similar to Vistaprint India. The site should primarily feature a design templates library. Prior experience with such websites will be given priority in bid selection. Key Features: - A comprehensive design templates library - An online store with a secure payment gateway - A customization tool that allows users to personalize products Ideal Skills: - E-commerce website development - Experience with design template libraries - Proficiency in creating user-friendly customization tools I require the customization tool to support a variety of products, specifically, the website should cater to business card customization. Customization Options: - Text input - Color selection The perfect candidate...

    $364 Average bid
    $364 Oferta medie
    43 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented and reliable Flutter developer to help me customize the Queezy Quiz App Flutter Template (available on CodeCanyon: ) to create a professional and user-friendly medical MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) platform. Here's what I need: Template Customization: Thorough customization of the Queezy template to align with my specific brand and design requirements. This will include color schemes, fonts, branding elements, and UI modifications. MCQ Focused Functionality: Question Management: Implement a robust system for me (admin) to easily add, edit, and manage medical MCQ questions, including: Multiple choice answer options Correct answer designation Explanation/Rationale for the correct answer (optional)

    $428 Average bid
    $428 Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    I'm in need of an expert who can conduct a thorough market study on channel partner sales - lending with banks, covering various loan types including house loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, business loans, working capital, CC limits, and MSME and SME funding. The primary focus of the project will be on the Hyderabad market with potential expansion to other metro cities in India. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct a comprehensive market study focusing on market demand and the regulatory environment. - Create an engaging, high-quality PowerPoint investment pitch deck aimed at attracting seed funding. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional English literacy, both written and verbal. - Excellent PowerPoint presentation skills. - Proven track record in conducting extens...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Oferta medie
    20 oferte