Freelance customer support jobsproiecte
caut un freelance din Romania care are experienta in "Compare Hotels Prices". ca model puteti testa va rog sa ma contactati numai daca esti capabil la asa un proiectul. de asemenea propuneri pentru cooperare si parteneriat cu parteneri in domeniul wab si web design. multumesc
Sunt interesat de un customer site de vanzari online mai complex si bine structurat, inclusiv cu live chat si multe alte optiuni ce nu se regasesc pe platformele bine cunoscute.
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD
O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this pro.../B00P12ALFG/ref=zg_bs_apparel_home_3?pf_rd_p=1286245182&pf_rd_s=center-6&pf_rd_t=2101&pf_rd_i=home&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0K3BA8JW8BKEYS8C673G I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you
Customer Support pentru mai multe companii multinationale. Proiecte in limba germana, cu program de lucru part time si full time. Salariu motivant.
Cautam un consultant SAP SD pentru un proiect local de ERP. Responsabilitati: -Configurare, -Testare, -Suport pentru echipa interna de consultanti, -Training pentru key-users. Cerințe job: -Aceasta pozitie necesita un consultant senior SAP SD cu experienta in implementarea acestui modul. Experinta in Retail este un bonus. Alte informații: Tip contract: Freelance, 6+ luni Salariul: In functie de experienta
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]
Caut programator PHP pentru dezvoltare s...serviciile/pachetele promovate pe site. 2. Dezvoltarea propriu-zisa a unui tool financiar (prin transpunerea unui excel preexistent care va fi furnizat programatorului) care in baza unor date introduse de clienti sa genereze anumite rapoarte financiare, grafice cu posibilitate de export in PDF, WORD, Excel sau Powerpoint. 3. Frontend (HTML/CSS + Responsive design). 4. Implementare social media si support online. 5. Implementarea continutului furnizat (texte, imagini, video). Cateva detalii despre job: • Termenul de realizare al proiectului: 30 de zile; Programul este flexibil si se poate lucra de acasa la orice ora; • 2-3 intalniri saptamanele pe Skype sunt necesare pentru a vede cum merge proiectul; • Plata s...
...actual HTML5 web cu panou administarare (CMS) cu urmatoarele cerinte in plus 1 HOME PAGE : PLUG IN UL ROTATIV SA SUPORTE inca 5-6 imagini (plug in ul rotativ sa nu fie flash ci javascript si css) : cel de mai jos mi se pare ca se poate personaliza mai mult -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU COPII - DANSATORI PROFESIONISTI - -DANSUL MIRILOR - -BALET -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU ADULTI -CURSURI DE STREET DANCE -Cursuri de dans popular 1,1 IMPLEMENTAREA IN BARA DE NAVIGARE: o vizibilitate
Descrierea proiectului Implementarea site ului actual in wordpress sau html web 2.0 cu panou administarare cu urmatoarele cerinte in plus 1 HOME PAGE : PLUG IN UL ROTATIV SA SUPORTE inca 5-6 imagini : cel de mai jos mi se pare ca se poate personaliza mai mult -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU COPII - DANSATORI PROFESIONISTI - -DANSUL MIRILOR - -BALET -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU ADULTI -CURSURI DE STREET DANCE -Cursuri de dans popular 1,1 IMPLEMENTAREA IN BARA DE NAVIGARE: o vizibilitate
...nici o modificare de hard ca imi cere contactul cu furnizorul pentru generarea unui nou cod (ceva protectie hwid?). Cel putin e blocat pentru hardu' initial. Un coder sa stie sa-l decompileze si sa-mi scoata nenorocitele de protectii ca sa mai pot lucra pe el pana trec la o versiune mai moderna. ***** Hello there, need small help with an veryyyy oooold application, the creator doesn't offer support anymore,written before year 2000, easy to modify for somebody who knows compiling things (I do not know, hahahaha...), need to eliminate shittie protection (allowed maximum data 2.010 !!! from some clipper who calls now a blinker exceeded data ??? - god knows what does it means) and remove also some hwid prot. (hdd based???, also other devices I guess). I repeat, an old ...
Descrierea proiectului Implementarea site ului actual in word press sau html web 2.0 cu panou administarare cu urmatoarele cerinte in plus 1 HOME PAGE : PLUG IN UL ROTATIV SA SUPORTE inca 3-6 imagini : cel de mai jos mi se pare ca se poate personaliza mai mult -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU COPII - DANSATORI PROFESIONISTI - -DANSUL MIRILOR - -BALET -CURSURI DE DANS PENTRU ADULTI -CURSURI DE STREET DANCE -Cursuri de dans popular 1,1 IMPLEMENTAREA IN BARA DE NAVIGARE: o vizibilitate
Dupa cum spune si titlul, am nevoie de un player custom YouTube care sa imi redea videoclipurile intr-un player audio . am gasit un exemplu ar fi aici dupa care va puteti ghida si puteti orienta: playerul trebuie sa functioneze pe toate browserele inclusiv telefoane mobile si tablete.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Student la Facultatea de Comunicare si Relatii publice, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau text simpu in functie de nevoile si cerintele clientului Nota originala, cursivitate, rapiditate si corectitudine in exprimare Garantez siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie.
Am cumparat o aplicatie radio si doresc sa adaug support pentru streamul m3u8. Aceasta ruleaza acest playlist doar pe android 4.4.
I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita o...
Avem nevoie de colaboratori freelance, fie ei individual sau echipe (mici companii), pentru proiecte Web based, atat in Web Development, cat si in programare pe platforme ASP.NET. Dorim sa cunoastem datele tale de contact, competentele si nivelul acestora, precum si niste tarife orare orientative. a selecta locatii de publicitate necesare. - Auto-administreze și să plătească pentru aceste anunțuri. - Încărcați și de a gestiona Cateva detalii suplimentare: 1. Free to register 2. Register user and provider 3. must be simple and friendly use 4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate their net earning after our fees (Please see Uship). * 15. Message s...
...Bazat pe o baza de date compelxa interconectata cu majoritatea companiilor si institutiilor mari din domeniul educatiei si al carierei, ei pot sa vizualizeze intr-un mod foarte pragmatic si atractiv care este scopul lor in cariera, si ce optiuni au la dispozitie pentru a ajunge acolo (programe de licenta, master, doctorat; burse; cursuri online si offline; activitati extracurriculare; internships; jobs) Cautam un freelancer pe partea de PR (sau part timp employee) care sa inteleaga conceptul si sa lucram impreuna project based la inceput in perioada Martie - Decembrie pentru a. generare de lead-uri pe site b. notoritatea in randul grupurilor tinta tineri parinti factori de decizie din mediul educational factori de decizie din companii pentru bugetele de advertis...
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite f...
Caut pe cineva care sa imi promoveze site-ul cat mai bine in romania in special pentru fete interesate sa lucreze in strainatate Im looking someone to promote my website everywhere on the internet special in romania and england
Freelance writer convert from pdf to word
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru introducere date,rescriere articol,postare anunturi,procesare date,transcriere,asistenta telefonica,asistenta tehnica,am terminat Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti,detin o buna stapanire a instrumentelor Microsoft Office ( Word,Excel,Power Point).
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru scriere articole in lb romana si studenta in anul 3 la drept,am cunostiinte gramaticale bune si talent poezii si romane in timpul liber
Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.
EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.
EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.
Salut, Am nevoie de traduceri din romana in franceza pentru site-uri personale care sunt in domeniul software de business. Subiecte abordate: - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - software de business - software de facturare - software de management al unei companii etc Am nevoie de un colaborator (aproape) permanent pe limba franceza care sa poata sa ma ajute constant pe partea aceasta. In aplicatie te rog sa incluzi pretul per pagina, disponibilitatea de lucru (ore/saptamana) si daca detii vreo certificare pe limba franceza. Astept cu interes propunerile voastre.
Salut, Am nevoie sa traduc mai multe site-uri din romana...recrutare Solutii pentru agentii de turism Solutii pentru specialisti in marketing Mai multe detalii o sa primiti pe mesaj privat. Aplicati doar daca sunteti vorbitori nativi de romana si intelegeti bine limba engleza. O certificare de limba engleza va fi necesara in cazul unei colaborari pe termen mai lung. Pentru a aplica va rog sa trimiteti 2 propozitii despre ce este acela un CRM (Customer Relationship Management) folosind propriile cuvinte in limba engleza. De asemenea va rog sa mentionati pretul per pagina de traducere pe care il acceptati. Un scurt interviu telefonic poate sa fie cerut pentru a clarifica pe termen lung o potentiala colaborare. Toata aplicatia in afara celor 2 fraze poate fi in lim...
...professional to create detailed blueprints for a home addition. The project involves designing an outdoor, water heater enclosure with storage capacity. Key Requirements: Framing; ● Metal stud framing, 16” o.c. anchored per code ● ⅝” plywood sheathing exterior ● Stucco finish exterior (painted to match existing) ● ⅝” Firecode sheetrock inside. Textured (orange peel) and painted Roofing; ● The support post shall be a 3” metal pipe suitable for situation ● Framing will be a 2”x8” metal purlin ledger, joists, and fascia ● Joists will be 16” o.c. ● Roofing will be 29 gauge Galvalume R-panel ● Soffit material will be a vented metal soffit ● A porchlight will be installed in the ceiling of the porch ● The roof will have a 16” overhang ●...
My WordPress site uses TranslatePress and the DeepL API for multilingual support, but I'm experiencing significant translation issues. Nearly all content, including text within pages, menu items, and widgets, is only partially translated. - Content Types: The issue affects both static and dynamically generated text. - Areas of Concern: Translation problems span across all areas of my site, from the homepage to blog posts and services pages. I'm seeking a WordPress expert with experience in troubleshooting TranslatePress and DeepL API issues to ensure my site is fully bilingual.
...Ink and Ninja Transfers, with some unique features of its own. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of the site is to sell products online. - The site will also need an integrated tool that allows customers to design their own T-shirts. This will need to be user-friendly, intuitive and engaging to keep customers coming back. - Payment method integration is also essential. The site should support Credit/Debit cards, PayPal and Bank transfers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in eCommerce website development. - Prior experience creating custom design tools for eCommerce sites will be highly beneficial. - Strong understanding of various payment gateways and secure integration practices. - Solid skills in UI/UX design to ensure the site is visually appealing and...
Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile.
Description: I am looking for a reliable and detail-oriented virtual job assistant to help me apply for data engineer jobs on various job portals. Responsibilities: Review and understand job descriptions to tailor applications. Use my resume and cover letter templates to apply for relevant jobs.
...Integrate the emoji library into the app, ensuring smooth browsing and selection. 5. Develop sharing functionality with popular messaging apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, and others. 6. Design an intuitive and visually engaging user interface (UI) with a smooth user experience (UX). 7. Optimize app performance, loading times, and compatibility with app store guidelines for both platforms. 8. Provide support for deployment to app stores and ensure compliance with payment system policies. 9. Document the app architecture and features for future updates. Required Skills: 1. Experience and expertise in mobile app development for iOS and Android (React Native, Flutter, or native development in Swift/Java/Kotlin). 2. Proven ability to implement freemium models and in-app purchase systems...
I need assistance integrating Google Translate into my Android and iPhone app. This feature should automatically detect and translate languages. Key requirements include: - Online-only translation: The app should not support offline translation. - Selective Translation: Only specific text fields and notifications/alerts should be translated. The entire app interface does not need to be translated. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience working with Google Translate API and mobile app development.
...improve customer experience for both B2B and B2C interactions. Key tasks include: - Integrating all relevant tags, lists, and actions. - Setting up a payment link. - Adding a pop up thank you page. - Configuring a trigger for a welcome email. - Resending until a form is completed. - Creating an appointment booking link. - Implementing email automation to send an email with the appointment link every three months. - Creating a form to accept or reject bookings. - Adding internal notifications. - Automatically adding appointments or rejected results to the CRM and Google list. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with the Go High Level platform. - Proficiency in email automation, specifically with high level. - Strong understanding of B2B and ...
Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile. and filters: A seamless product navigation experience is crucial. - Payment gateway integration: Secure and reliable payment options are a must. - Customer reviews and ratings: A section for customers to provide feedback and rate products. - Propositions from Customers: A feature allowing customers to suggest products or improvements. - Referral policy: Implementation of a system rewarding customers for referring others to the store. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WooCommerce and WordPress. - Strong understanding of E-commerce best practices. - Experience with secure payment gateway integration. - Skills in creating customer interaction features. - Ability to implement a referral policy system. Please include examples of your previous work in E-commerce s...
I'm seeking a talented designer to develop a compelling brand identity and logo for my new business, Olli Everyday. The brand is inspired by travel, beach, sun, and living life to its fullest. Key Elements: - The first product launch is aimed at a niche market of travel Mums, aged between 35-45 years old who live in Australia. We will also offer styles for kids. - Our typical customer appreciates a simple lifestyle but desires to remain stylish. - The main focus of our brand is beach life, with a natural tone palette. Design Considerations: - The designer will have the creative freedom to decide on a suitable design style, as the question regarding a specific style was skipped. However, a minimalist approach may be beneficial given our customer’s preference for simp...
...the 6 Steps to Time Management, which include prioritizing tasks and delegating effectively. Learn to say "no" to distractions and focus on high-priority, high-impact tasks. 3. The Importance of Training Regular training is the key to building a high-performing team. Repetition is crucial—train your team on core skills frequently. Emphasize continuous improvement in areas like sales techniques, customer service, and product knowledge. 4. The Dream 100 Strategy Identify your top 100 ideal clients and focus all your marketing and sales efforts on nurturing these relationships. Build a systematic outreach plan to convert these "dream" clients into long-term customers. 5. Market Data and Education-Based Marketing Use market data to position yourself as an ex...
...Trendyol Marketplace API. The module should support product listing, inventory management , message management and order synchronization. Key Features: - Product Listing: Seamless integration for listing products on Trendyol - Inventory Management: Real-time inventory syncing reflecting on the marketplace and prestashop - Order Synchronization: Automatically syncing orders from Trendyol to Prestashop Additionally, the module must support: - Multiple Languages: To cater to the diverse Trendyol customer base - Different Currencies: As Trendyol operates in various currency zones Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Prestashop module development - Experience with Trendyol Marketplace API - Knowledge in multi-language and currency support in ...
...dashboard to analyze key customer metrics, including average rate of return, churn rate, churn reasons, customer account age, customer distribution by ID and region, cancellation details, and data outliers. The dashboard should incorporate various data visualizations and allow users to filter insights dynamically. 2. Scope of Work 2.1 Data Integration & Processing Connect and integrate customer data from multiple sources (CRM, databases, CSV files, etc.). Ensure data accuracy, consistency, and completeness. Handle data transformation, cleaning, and aggregation as necessary. 2.2 Dashboard Requirements The Tableau dashboard must include the following key metrics and insights: Average Rate of Return: Calculate and visualize the return rate across differen...
...other staff in handling the task. The goal is to make the company run more smoothly by processing the emails without the help of the manager, or to take the email reply as far as the candidate can and then work on it with the staff through drafts and proofs. The main projects include - the hiring period/scheduling interviews, the festival application period, and the planning of the festival. Customer service email experience is a must, strong English language and communication skills, proofreading, and mastery of grammar are important, as well as a likable personality. While processing emails, candidate will need to work with the Calendly Program to add appointments or events, working with the Music Director or other Staff on the scheduling and following up on these appointmen...
I am in need of a versatile professional who can assist with managing email campaigns, providing administrative support, and handling data entry and organization tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Managing email campaigns: This includes creating, sending and tracking email campaigns, as well as managing the mailing list and ensuring compliance with email marketing best practices. - Administrative support: General virtual assistance tasks including scheduling, correspondence, and office management support. - Data entry and organization: Maintaining and organizing data across various platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in email marketing tools. - Strong organizational and administrative skills. - Excellent data entry skills with high attention to detail. - Ability to m...
I'm looking for a Python developer to create a Windows desktop audio application for me. This software will function as a radio, scheduling files and streams, and also recording them. Key Features: - Audio recording: The software should be capable of recording streams and files. - Input sources: The application should support recording from a Microphone and Line-in. - Audio playback: The software needs to play scheduled files and streams. - Output format: All recorded audio files should be saved in MP3 format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and Windows desktop application development. - Experience with audio software development. - Knowledge of audio recording and playback functionalities. - Understanding of scheduling systems for media. - Ability to implement MP3 enco...
I'm on the brink of starting a service-based, freelance-oriented business and I could really use some expert advice. My primary goal is to ensure that I navigate this venture successfully in my early years. Key Areas of Focus: - Business Strategy Development: I need help outlining a solid plan that includes market analysis, target demographic identification, and competitive analysis. - Service Offering Definition: I would appreciate assistance in identifying and refining the services that I should offer to stand out in the freelance industry. - Operational Guidance: Help with understanding the day-to-day operations of running a service-based business, including client acquisition, project management, and service delivery. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experien...