Free cron job sitesproiecte
Salut! Vad ca te ocupi cu jocuri in Unity. Avem nevoie urgent de un lead programmer cu multa experienta, din Bucuresti pentur un proiect. Daca esti liber si esti interesat, da-mi un tel la 0740348210. Merci, Dragos!
Salut! Vad ca te ocupi cu jocuri in Unity. Avem nevoie urgent de un lead programmer cu multa experienta, din Bucuresti pentur un proiect. Daca esti liber si esti interesat, da-mi un tel la 0740348210. Merci, Dragos!
Salut, Suntem o echipa de feelanceri din Bucuresti si cautam sa ne marim echipa. Suntem interesati de programatori php sau front end developeri. Cerinte Obligatorii Limba engleza ...PHP: Cunostinte avansate de PHP Cunostinte medii de Java Script, JQuery, AJAX Cunostinte de creare pluginuri si/sau teme de wordpress reprezinta un mare plus. Te rog nu aplica la acest proiect daca: Nu esti din Bucuresti Nu doresti sa lucrezi de la biroul nostru (zona Kaufland-Obor de luni pana vineri orele 10:00 - 18:00) Ai deja un job stabil Castigi deja peste 1000-1500 ron lunar cu ajutorul contului tau de freelancer Cu alte cuvinte acest job este pentru persoanele noi pe Freelancer, care au cunostintele necesare de a lucra dar nu primesc proiecte datorita lipsei de feedba...
Salut, Suntem o echipa de feelanceri din Bucuresti si cautam sa ne marim echipa. Suntem interesati de programatori php sau front end developeri. Cerinte Obligatorii Limba engleza ...PHP: Cunostinte avansate de PHP Cunostinte medii de Java Script, JQuery, AJAX Cunostinte de creare pluginuri si/sau teme de wordpress reprezinta un mare plus. Te rog nu aplica la acest proiect daca: Nu esti din Bucuresti Nu doresti sa lucrezi de la biroul nostru (zona Kaufland-Obor de luni pana vineri orele 10:00 - 18:00) Ai deja un job stabil Castigi deja peste 1000-1500 ron lunar cu ajutorul contului tau de freelancer Cu alte cuvinte acest job este pentru persoanele noi pe Freelancer, care au cunostintele necesare de a lucra dar nu primesc proiecte datorita lipsei de feedba...
Salul Alec, Pentru el am nevoie de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe sa se vada cam ce vreau sa obtin. Banner mare: 650x390 (6buc) Banner mic dreapta: 220x169 (4 buc) Baner mic jos: 200x154 (12 buc) Dimensiunile sunt in pixeli. Bannerele sa fie cu colturi rotunjite, imagini free, text care sa ii faca curiosi pe vizitatori... Proiectul include realizarea unor bannere asemanatoare si pentru un alt magazin online, si ulterior actualizarea lor la fiecare 3 luni Am nevoie de un banner demo.
Configurare tema wordpress(deja cumpata). Cron job pentru si pentru Configurare banere din catalogul de produse.
Configurare tema wordpress. Mutare produse din prestashop. Cron job pentru feed si pentru
Cautam programator pe termen lung pentru dezvoltarea unui magazin online pe template, Magento. Pentru inceput o sa lucram pe mini proiecte, construim treptat site-ul. In prima faza da-mi o cotatie de pret pentru mutarea site-ului pe un hosting nou.
hiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
hiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
Buna! Am un proiect video salvat in versiunea free a software-ului Movavi video editor. Proiectul e salvat, editat complet in movavi. Am nevoie sa fie salvat ca video, intr-un format cunoscut: avi, mpg, mp4 sau wmv. Ma poti ajuta?
Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite f...
...obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator sa il citeasca si sa ia legatura cu cel inscris pe site. 9. In momentul postarii unei lucrari si aprobarii acesteia de catre operator aceasta sa iba posibilitata de publicare pe conturile noastre de socializare(facebook, twitter si linkedin). 10. ...
Buna Stefan, As vrea sa discutam legat de o oferta de job. Mi-ai putea da un numar de telefon unde sa te pot contacta? Multumesc
Pentru clientul nostru, companie multinationala americana din jud. Maramures, cautam candidati avand: - Studii superioare in domeniul IT - Obligatoriu cunostinte de programare: Visual Basic, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Crystal Reports - Experienta in domeniul programarii in Visual Basic min. 1 an (specificati in CV programele realizate) - Responsabilitate, flexibilitate si deschidere la asimilare de informatii noi Care va raspunde de : - Intreţinerea/modificarea programelor existente in companie - Crearea de programe noi in limbajele amintite - Helpdesk şi documentare programe - Incadrarea in termen a proiectelor de dezvoltare Multumim!
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Invision power board job'
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...dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fost vicepreședinte al...
Caut colaborare... As dori sa colaborez cu firme de organizari evenimente, nunta, botez, alte tipuri de evenimente. Am experienta vasta si dispun de aparatura...
doresc un job part time, deorece deja muncesc , dar salariul este mic. vorbesc italiana si engleza fluent, am cunostinte f bune de calculator, iar in prezent lucrez la o companie de telecomunicatii italiana, departamentul servicii
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8p...
Va pun la dispozitie o serie de 5 proiecte part-time online,puteti lucra cand doriti dvs,de cate ori doriti programul vi-l faceti singuri..Nu este nevoie de CV si nu este necesar sa ai +18. Trebuie sa precizez ca nu o sa va rapeasca mult timp ( circa 20-30 min max/zi). Cei interesati contactati-ma la adresa : va stau la dispozitie.
We are looking for a professional Android developer to help publish 3 ready-made apps, built with Flutter, on the Google Play Store. Additionally, the developer will be responsible for maintaining and fixing any issues that may arise during testing and publishing. Responsibilities: - Publish the apps on the Google Play Store. - Ensure compatibility with all devices and required specifications. - Fix any bugs or issues that appear in the apps after publishing. - Optimize the overall performance of the apps, if necessary. Requirements: - Previous experience in developing and distributing Android apps on the Google Play Store using Flutter. - Ability to identify, analyze, and resolve technical issues. - Familiarity with the latest Android standards and updates. - Attention to detail...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a job portal using React and Next.js. This platform will primarily collect user profiles and resumes. Key Features: - User profiles: Users should be able to create and edit their profiles, as well as upload resumes. - Searchable profiles: Implement a system that allows vendors to filter and search through user profiles based on specific data. - User and Vendor Sign up: There should be a dedicated sign-up page for users and vendors. - Content sharing: Users should be able to publish content such as docs and videos, as well as view, like, and comment on others' content. - Payment Gateway: Integrate a payment gateway for subscription services for vendors. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React and - Experience in building inter...
+ Add Recaptcha to Reviews Form, both sites + Remove Recaptcha from Reviews, both sites + Add the option to delete multiple reviews in the admin panel + Products page: add text "Max zwei pro Benutzer" to free products depending on their quantity + Some HTTP redirection and maintenance tasks.
...desktop-responsive designs for the feed page. • A cohesive design that aligns with our platform’s branding and enhances user engagement. In order to see the live page of our current feed - you will need to sign up and login. Key notes: Minimal UI, feel like NFT marketplace, better way creating post, viewing posts, better interactions, comments and charts/graphs! Feel free to add your ideas! The winner will join us to help us create and redesign our pages and be our exclusive lead designer! We are excited to see your creativity and innovative ideas come to life! Let us know if you have any questions before starting. Good luck!...
I'm seeking a professional who can handle all aspects of job posting on LinkedIn and Indeed for high-level roles such as C-level, Director Level, SVP Level, Head Level, and Vice President Level. Key Responsibilities: - Create tailored job descriptions for each unique high-level role. - Post the jobs on LinkedIn and Indeed. - Gather and provide a report on applicants' names, emails, titles, and resumes. Ideal Skills: - Experience in high-level recruitment - Proficient in job posting on LinkedIn and Indeed - Excellent understanding of job description creation - Strong data collection and reporting skills.
...Frontend Admin Panel Expected Deliverables Defect-Free Code: Code delivery must meet a zero-defect standard following SonarCloud scans. SonarCloud Report: Provide a detailed SonarCloud defect report for each code submission, highlighting identified issues and their resolution status. Agile-Ready Code Updates: Ensure continuous delivery of updates aligned with Agile sprint planning. Documentation: Include deployment instructions, technology configurations, and an explanation of fixes applied. Acceptance Criteria Zero Defects: Code is free of critical and major defects as per SonarCloud standards. Functional Compliance: The delivered code must function seamlessly across the defined technology stack and tools. Timely Updates: Regular, defect-free updates are p...
I'm looking for a developer to fix my frontend and take a look at the backend. The backend is all completed but just to make sure its all good and bug free. The website will deal with money and crypto coming in and out. The crypto will be deposited and withdrawn through a 3rd party API we just connect it. Users will be able to deposit and withdraw, play house games, chat etc.
... • Relaxation (beaches, scenic views, relaxation spots) • Adventure (amusement parks, water activities, etc.) • Arts & History (historical sites, museums, etc.) 5. Budget: What is your budget for the trip? AI-Powered Trip Planning Based on the answers provided, the AI will generate a detailed trip itinerary. The itinerary will include the following: 1. Purpose-Specific Recommendations: • If the purpose is relaxation: Beaches, scenic views, and relaxation spots will be recommended. • If the purpose is adventure: Amusement parks, water activities, and similar attractions will be suggested. • If the purpose is arts and history: Historical sites, museums, and cultural landmarks will be included. 2. Daily Itinerary: • A breakdow...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to customize my job portal. The specific areas needing attention include the user interface, job submission process, and the search and filtering options. Key responsibilities: - User Interface: The design layout needs to be changed, the color scheme adjusted, and new sections or widgets added. - Job Submission Process: I want the form to be simplified, with more fields added and enhanced validation implemented. - More content areas - custom pages with locations - Adding Indian payment gateway or a UPI option Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in WordPress and its job portal plugins. - Strong UI/UX design background. - Experience in form design and validation processes.
...confirming appointments, automatically retrieve the payment link from the response or subsequent pages. Provide a reliable method (HTML/JSON parsing) to consistently extract the payment link. Telegram Notifications Integrate with Telegram Bot API. Once the payment link is obtained, immediately send it as a message to a specified Telegram chat or group. Scheduling/Automation Optionally implement a cron job (or similar) to run the reservation process periodically, checking for new available slots or cancellations. User-Friendly Web Interface The user should be able to log in to our custom web interface, store multiple passports, and trigger the booking process easily. Provide clear status messages (e.g., success, error, appointment confirmed, etc.). Preferred Tech Stack: ...
Job Title: Required Python/Django Developer to Implement Phase Two of E-Invoicing (ZATCA) Requirements and Integrate the System with External Services Introduction to Phase Two (Phase 2) at ZATCA The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia mandates the following for Phase Two of E-Invoicing: 1. Integration with ZATCA servers to send invoices electronically and verify them. 2. Advanced digital stamping (Cryptographic Stamp) on invoices. 3. More detailed technical specifications (XML/UBL structure, meeting Schematron rules, checking JSON APIs). 4. Processing Authority responses (approval, rejection, error codes) and storing/updating information. We currently have a system (Django/Python) that implements Phase One: generating simplified or standar...
I want to change the line at the bottom of the website that says the year, our name, and "All rights reserved". I will give you the new line and the login credentials. All what you need to do is to copy and paste it So, just to confirm: this is a line of text; NOT code I do not know the technology used to build the website, or the kind of CMS The budget is CAD$10, plus the $5 for this platform's fee I need asap; even now if possible
...looking for a web designer experienced in HubSpot to develop a new marketing website focused on a Product-Led Growth (PLG) approach. This project is a key part of our company's strategy, and we need a professional who can help us create an attractive, functional, and goal-aligned website. (Spain) Project Requirements: Homepage Design: Optimized for lead capture. Centered around a "Get Started for Free" (PLG) approach. Structure of Main Pages: Home. Solutions. Industries. Customer Success Stories. Blog. Knowledge Center/Academy. Pricing. Podcast. Required Experience: Proficiency in designing on HubSpot CMS. Previous experience working with SaaS companies or PLG projects. Familiarity with examples like Miro, Figma, Slack, Factorial, SesameHR, and others. Creativ...
I'm seeking a professional with networking skills and understanding of the technology sector to help me find candidates for part-time positions. The roles to be filled include Software Developers, Data Analysts, and IT Support Specialists. Ideal skills include: - Networking and sourcing - Understanding of the tech industry - Excellent communication skills Experience in recruiting for tech roles is highly desirable.
OpenCart Technical Tasks Checklist: 1. Cri...d) Review error logs and resolve issues e) Test all core functionalities 4. Product Display Features Install/Update product corner labels: sale, new, sale Configure filters for: Sale items, New arrivals, Discounted products Ensure proper display across devices 5. Google Shopping Integration (Google Shopping Module already installed) a) Update automated product feed updates b) Configure regular cron jobs for Google Merchant Center c) Monitor feed performance 6. Theme & Extension Audit a) Review all active extensions for compatibility b) Check theme functionality c) Test responsive design 7. Optimize loading speed a) Remove/update deprecated extensions b) Maintenance Protocol c) Implement regular error log monitoring Document all ...
Project Title: Full Stack Web Application Development with Node.js, Express, Angular 16, Payment Gateway Integration, and Single Login Page with Role-Based Access Project Description: I am looking for an experienced freelancer to help complete my web application project. The frontend of the project has already been developed using Angular 16, and I need a skilled developer to integrate the backend using Node.js and Express, along with integrating a payment gateway for processing transactions. Additionally, I need a single login page that assigns different roles (Super Admin, Manager, Employee, Student) after authentication, and redirects users to the appropriate dashboard based on their role. The key aspects of the project include: Frontend Details: The frontend is built with Angular 16... they can be used for offline study purposes. Scope of Work Website Access: The freelancer will access the specified website containing the questions. Any required login credentials or access permissions will be provided. Screenshot Requirements: Capture full, legible screenshots of the questions, including any related images, diagrams. Ensure that all screenshots are clear, well-cropped, and free of unnecessary browser elements (e.g., ads, browser tabs, etc.). Use a consistent resolution and format (preferably PNG or JPEG). Requirements Attention to detail to ensure no questions are missed or partially captured. Basic photo-editing skills to crop and adjust images if needed. Familiarity with navigating websites and capturing screenshots efficiently. Deliverables A folder ...
...who can build a tailored job portal for me with integrated AI capabilities. This platform is intended for recruiters/employers and should include the following features: - AI Functions: - Resume Scanning and Matching: The job portal should have sophisticated AI algorithms that can scan and match resumes to job postings. This will help streamline the recruitment process and ensure the right candidates are being considered for each role. - Predictive Analytics for Job Trends: This feature will provide insights on future job trends, helping recruiters stay ahead of the curve. - User Role: - The portal will primarily cater to recruiters/employers. - Recruiter/Employer Features: - Posting Job Listings: A simple and intuitive int...
New Free Book Store Page/HTML Updates
I'm looking for a talented social media marketer with extensive experience in organic promotion on Meta and LinkedIn. My company specialises in travel and insurance, and our primary goal is to engage and reach all types of travelers in Australia. Key Responsibilities: - Promote recent project launches and service-related posts to increase visibility and interest - Boost our reach and engagement on Meta and LinkedIn, with a particular emphasis on driving shares and achieving a viral reach - Foster an engaging online community through encouraging likes, comments, and shares Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in organic social media marketing, particularly on Meta - Experience in promoting content - Ability to create engaging, shareable content - Strong understanding of...
I'm in need of a talented Minecraft builder to design and construct a hub area for my server. This hub will consist of two unique fl...Island: This should be a wintery paradise complete with ice sculptures, snowy trees and frozen lakes - Hell Island: This is a fiery landscape filled with lava falls and soul sand valleys - Pathways: I prefer a natural, organic style for the pathways, winding through the islands - Portals: These should be conveniently placed and seamlessly integrated into the design - Additional Elements: Feel free to incorporate any other engaging features that would enhance the user experience This project is perfect for someone who loves Minecraft and has a knack for creative building. Your contribution will play a pivotal role in creating an exciting hub...
Estou à procura de vendedores motivados que queiram vender sites institucionais por uma comissão de 25% por site vendido. O pagamento é mensal, e o vendedor ganha 25% em todas as parcelas, acumulando porcentagem das novas vendas por fidelização. Target Audience: - O público-alvo para a venda dos sites são micro empresas e empreendedores de todos os nichos, portanto, é essencial ter uma rede de contatos extensa e uma boa capacidade de atingir e convencer este mercado. Product Details: - Os sites sendo vendidos são sites institucionais , com um foco em alta personalização. É fundamental que o vendedor consiga enfatizar este ponto para atrair compradores. Ideal Skills: - Experi&...
We are seeking an experienced digital marketing and SEO consultant to help elevate the online presence of a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in San Marcos, CA. The practice is 100% virtual, serving clients across California. Our goal is to optimize the website and advertising efforts to attract clients statewide while maintaining a strong local presence. Key Responsibilities 1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): ○ Conduct an SEO audit of the current WordPress website. ○ Optimize for statewide rankings, including searches like "therapist near me" and virtual therapy-related terms. ○ Identify and implement strategies to maintain high local rankings while expanding statewide visibility. 2. Google Business Profile Optimization: ○ Review and optimize the existing ...
We are in need of 2 logos, 1 large logo with more detail to go on the side of vehicles and signs and 1 smaller simpler logo to go on hats and clothing. Please submit both options separately We are a ranch that specializes in selling Speckle Park Cows, Apaloosa Horses, Bison, and Percheron Horses. Our name is Pierced Heart ...-Would like a heart either pierced by an arrow or something, maybe the heart has a cow and horse incorporated into it (speckle park, apaloosa, percheron) -Would also need our name Pierced Heart Livestock incorporated -Needs to be simple enough to be put on something as small as a hat We have attached some reference photos and a logo a friend made for us but we didn't really like it. Please feel free to try to come up with something different! These are ...
I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in funnel creation, particularly focused on sales conversion. Key aspects of the project include: - Designing a funnel for a free webinar as a lead magnet. - Optimizing the funnel for maximum sales conversion. The ideal candidate should have: - Previous experience with sales conversion funnels. - Skills in creating engaging and persuasive funnel content. - Ability to analyze and improve funnel performance. I'm open to exploring different tools or platforms for the funnel, though I haven't specifically chosen one. If you have a preferred platform you work with and believe it could suit this project, please share your insights.